The artist in thee


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
WanderFreak said:
Unless that's what you used for your other one, in which case disregard my ramblings.
I did indeed use CS4 for both avatars before this one, but thanks for the thought anyway. The main reasons I tried this on in Flash were:
1.) for practice, and
2.) I wanted a generally "smoother" type of movement for this one, similar to how the sunflowers bounce back and forth in Plants Vs Zombies. I still wound up doing it frame-by-frame, unfortunately (75 frames, since I couldn't figure out how symbols work).


New member
Mar 11, 2009
egh heres yet another.....

So I've been running an old WEG d6 Star wars RP campaign over MSN ( which actually has been easier than I thought)

and as I tend to do, I end up sketching out the characters the players are using, and so here we have Rakne Avo, the groups smuggler, and markswoman.


New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Midnight Storm (Ode to Eric Draven)

Can feel the hairs
on my arms,
on my legs,
on my neck
start to rise.

A moment of fears,
of thought,
of emotion,
of reason,
and of lies.

A flash of light,
everything gone.

Dead of night,
Death has won.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
From the Medical Log of Professor Pain, T:

I have decided to make this log to indicate the effects of the W virus. No-one is quite sure how the virus spreads, but it seems to attack those in the patient's former line of work. Is it possible that the virus is passed through water?

It doesn't matter for this subject. He has already been infected: his brother seems to have passed it to him somehow. Subject seems cheerful: we have not told him what he has, only that he needs to stay in isolation for the moment. He thinks that he has a rare strain of bacon flu.

The bacon flu?!? HA! This is ten times worse. Hopefully the subject does not realize what has happened to him... he could easily overpower the orderlies if he became hostile. Despite his portliness, the subject has immense physical abilities, after all.

We got lucky with this one, we caught him early. Now we'll finally be able to see the progress of the disease.

I can only hope that the subject yeilds enough information to provide a cure.

Today is the second day since the subject was admitted to the facility. The M on the subject's head has fallen off and become discolored, and the buttons on the subject's overalls have assumed an unhealthy purple hue.

Subject was worried, but seems to have be placated by repeated assurances that these are perfectly normal side effects of his medication. Little does he know that said medication is nothing more than sugar. He has since assumed normal behavior, though he seems a bit bored.

I do not feel bad having lied to the subject to keep him docile: I recently watched a video where the subject was able to TOSS A DRAGON with little effort.

Whatever keeps him peaceful is a good thing.

Day Three: I came into the lab today to find that the signature yellow discoloration characteristic of the W virus had broken out on the subject's head. It is suprising that this happened so fast: I suppose that this subject must be severely weak to the virus.

The subject has begun to sleep less, and is becoming mildly suspicious of us. He still seems to accept the "side effect" excuse, but is looking rather down, probably due to his confinement in the quarantine area.

Day Four of the subject's incarceration. Yellow discoloration has spread significantly: I believe that my suspicions about this subject's vulnerability to this disease was correct.

Subject finally realized that he definitely does not have the bacon flu. He kept asking us what was wrong, what was really going on. We finally told him that he has a rare disease, and that it's extrememly contagious. We didn't tell him that there wasn't a cure though: we claimed that the medication we were giving him had a 50-50 chance of working, and that until we were sure it was he would have to stay here.

He bought that, hook line and sinker. He's very sullen now. I don't blame him: after all, he thinks that his life is on the line.

Little does he know that he's a dead man regardless. Almost makes me feel sympathy for the guy... but then I remember that we're lying to him for a reason.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
its amazing, i virtually stop drawing when i went to art school. thats twisted, but i have mostly photoshop and illustrator work recently, I'll have to post some stuff when i can access it all.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Matronadena said:
Well done. I like the comic-ish style of it. A few questions/comments:
The gun looks a little bit off. All I can really say is it should be a tiny bit cleaner than it is right now. Second off I wanted to know if the tattoos and the background are your own drawings/digital paintings or if they are photoshopped in from another source. The last thing is that some of the shading looks very... scanned marker. You may want to think about cleaning that up.

I won't delve further than that, but its a very well executed drawing and I hope to see more from you.
scotth266 said:
From the Medical Log of Professor Pain, T
This is very funny and all, but is this the place?
I don't want to get into a debate on whether or not its are or not because I don't think it isn't. I'm not one to stop someone from doing something that makes them happy, but could you please, instead of posting each update in a separate post, edit them into your pre-existing posts? It would be much appreciated and it would flow better as a series.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Well, I wish I saw this thread sooner, 28 pages is a lot and I'm going to miss a bunch by not looking through them all...sometime I'll do it.

On topic:
(This has stuff from my Freshman year of college and my senior year in high school. Not to mention some other scribbles and sketches.)
(This is the first webcomic I did with a buddy of mine. I've since stopped to start a new one solely done by me. Still, it's my pencils and writing.
(This is my new webcomic [Only 1 in so far, but have a nice schedule planned]. But I'm enjoying the freedom and doing the inking and coloring myself.)

Let me know what you think. I'm always up for feedback and criticism...or at least the positive kind.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Fightgarr said:
scotth266 said:
From the Medical Log of Professor Pain, T
This is very funny and all, but is this the place?
I don't want to get into a debate on whether or not its are or not because I don't think it isn't. I'm not one to stop someone from doing something that makes them happy, but could you please, instead of posting each update in a separate post, edit them into your pre-existing posts? It would be much appreciated and it would flow better as a series.
Well, I was just going to post the pictures in order of modification (like I did with the Scarecrow-inspired one) but I figured that was boring, and that nobody really gave a crap about the process. So I made a little story to go along with it.

As far as the multiple postings go, I had figured that it was going to take me a while to do them. I was wrong: I've actually already finished the job. I also thought that the thread could use a bit of bumpery. Sue me: this is one of my favorite threads here :D


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
scotth266 said:
Well, I was just going to post the pictures in order of modification (like I did with the Scarecrow-inspired one) but I figured that was boring, and that nobody really gave a crap about the process. So I made a little story to go along with it.

As far as the multiple postings go, I had figured that it was going to take me a while to do them. I was wrong: I've actually already finished the job. I also thought that the thread could use a bit of bumpery. Sue me: this is one of my favorite threads here :D
It is easily my favorite thread here. In fact its probably one of the reasons why I'm still here. I like that you wanted to bump the thread, I just didn't want a spam of double posts. So sue me.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I'm working on stencils I don't know if society can call it art. Not doing because wanting to be like Banksy but I find this thing very interesting.

Yes ti is Transformer and it might seem very nothing but I am proud of it.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Fightgarr said:
It is easily my favorite thread here. In fact its probably one of the reasons why I'm still here. I like that you wanted to bump the thread, I just didn't want a spam of double posts. So sue me.
That's why I waited after that to release the third portion :D

But I suppose we can sue each other, for the same exact amount of money.

Anyway, I put part four into the post.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Clirck said:
I'm working on stencils I don't know if society can call it art. Not doing because wanting to be like Banksy but I find this thing very interesting.

Yes ti is Transformer and it might seem very nothing but I am proud of it.
You know, there are a lot of people who want to be like Banksy. You can't mention graffiti as an art form without hearing a bunch of people parroting "do you know about Banksy?"

Now I'm not saying this isn't good. That's a fucking impressive stencil. It must have taken a long ass time. What I am saying is that Banksy is great, but he has about a zillion imitators all over the world. Explore the stencil as a medium for sure, its a great way to get art out there, but just be aware that there are a lot more people doing interesting things with stencils than just Banksy.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Jobz said:
Alright...I guess I'll post a few of what I think is my best work here:

Its insanity
It makes sane people do crazy things
Its power
It lets you do things you never thought possible
Its life
It can save you from the edge of death
Its destruction
You would throw away everything for it
A powerful, destructive and insane force
Isn't it beautiful?
This really reminds me of one of my favourite poems of all time, written by the Roman poet Catullus:

Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.

Translation: I hate and I love. Why do I do it, perchance you might ask?
I don't know, but I feel it happening to me and I am burning inside.


New member
Sep 17, 2007
This is a SNAZY thread. :)

I'm cooking up a comic book series, and I had a project in my Human Figure Drawing (irony you will see soon) to submit something (unrelated to human figure drawing) to the school gallery. I had been drawing my brains out with the realistic works, and wanted to do something fun. So I did a conceptual comic book cover. It's getting old now, but people seem to really like it, so it makes me happy. :)