It's all in your heeeeeeaddd! Wuahahahahaha!!RavingPenguin said:Your avatar is really creeping me out. It is changing right? or am I just sleep deprived?
It's all in your heeeeeeaddd! Wuahahahahaha!!RavingPenguin said:Your avatar is really creeping me out. It is changing right? or am I just sleep deprived?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I dont wanna be crazy! Maybe if I go to bed it'll go away...Labyrinth said:It's all in your heeeeeeaddd! Wuahahahahaha!!RavingPenguin said:Your avatar is really creeping me out. It is changing right? or am I just sleep deprived?
That bike is pretty. Really pretty. Does it purr?Private Custard said:I went for a ride this evening and took along my camera. I maanaged to ride down the footpath, past the chickens, dog walkers and twitchers, until I found a perfect place for a self portrait!
This shot also involved whats known as 'strobing', the use of an external flash, off-camera.
I wouldn't say 'purr', it's more like Thor gargling firecrackers and rocks, it really is a beast! I can be heard for a couple of miles!Labyrinth said:That bike is pretty. Really pretty. Does it purr?Private Custard said:I went for a ride this evening and took along my camera. I maanaged to ride down the footpath, past the chickens, dog walkers and twitchers, until I found a perfect place for a self portrait!
This shot also involved whats known as 'strobing', the use of an external flash, off-camera.
And on the photograph, the bit of face that's visible through the visor seems a little out of whack with the rest of it. If you have photoshop or something similar it may be worth blacking that out to get the feel of the shot perfect.
I can play with it a bit in gimp if you'd like.Private Custard said:I wouldn't say 'purr', it's more like Thor gargling firecrackers and rocks, it really is a beast! I can be heard for a couple of miles!
The visor did bother me as I thought it was darker than that. I tried lowering the exposure on that part, but it didn't look right, too fake. The flies that are covering it are catching their own light from the flash, so to mess with each one when altering it would be painful. I decided to leave it as it's pretty faint.
Now if I were the Stig, I'd insist on fixing it!
That picture looks wonderfully professional! I agree with Labyrinth that it would look better with the visor darkened, more badass and all!Private Custard said:I went for a ride this evening and took along my camera. I maanaged to ride down the footpath, past the chickens, dog walkers and twitchers, until I found a perfect place for a self portrait!
This shot also involved whats known as 'strobing', the use of an external flash, off-camera.
That is an awesome shot, and a rather awesome bike too. Points to you sir, of an unknown quantity, redeemable against something possibly.Private Custard said:I went for a ride this evening and took along my camera. I managed to ride down the footpath, past the chickens, dog walkers and twitchers, until I found a perfect place for a self portrait!
This shot also involved whats known as 'strobing', the use of an external flash, off-camera.
Very nice. That was using Gimp you say?Labyrinth said:
1992 GSXR1100M, the last of the oil-cooled monsters. 150bhp, 186kg, Qtr mile in 10.2 and 170mph top end...........and it looks bitchin' after two years work in my bodyshopgalletea said:That is an awesome shot, and a rather awesome bike too. Points to you sir, of an unknown quantity, redeemable against something possibly.Private Custard said:I went for a ride this evening and took along my camera. I managed to ride down the footpath, past the chickens, dog walkers and twitchers, until I found a perfect place for a self portrait!
This shot also involved whats known as 'strobing', the use of an external flash, off-camera.