With the exception of "Explode" I think you posted those images before. As for artist's block, there isn't anything you can do about that other than looking at things. Be that art, nature, people or even reading books. As for going about solving it in the more immediate future, try looking at a wider variety of concepts. You have down blood, shadow and madness sorts of concepts but there is no reason for you not to explore other applications of your art.Emilie Diabolica said:Snip
Hey, some of that stuff is very good. Your figure drawing needs work though. Especially in the proportion department. You're own drawings have a lot of feeling and dynamics, but the figure drawings are static and have no weight to them. From what I can tell by the line work, it could be easily solved just by loosening up, you're too tight.tsatoma said:Snip
oopsFightgarr said:With the exception of "Explode" I think you posted those images before. As for artist's block, there isn't anything you can do about that other than looking at things. Be that art, nature, people or even reading books. As for going about solving it in the more immediate future, try looking at a wider variety of concepts. You have down blood, shadow and madness sorts of concepts but there is no reason for you not to explore other applications of your art.Emilie Diabolica said:Snip
Ahh, yes thank you very much.Hey, some of that stuff is very good. Your figure drawing needs work though. Especially in the proportion department. You're own drawings have a lot of feeling and dynamics, but the figure drawings are static and have no weight to them. From what I can tell by the line work, it could be easily solved just by loosening up, you're too tight.
Those are pretty neat. I must say, even though spiders give me all kinds of both the heebies and the jeebies, their webs are rather pretty.3.141592654 said:I love foggy mornings.
Don't worry about it. Seriously, they're good drawings.Emilie Diabolica said:oops
i really do have a bad memory..
The rigidity of the from-imagination drawings can work for you well when it comes to solid line drawings, but figure drawing its a must to have that kind of flow. Its something I have to teach almost everyone I know who starts figure drawing that first, important lesson. If you want some tips on how to loosen up I believe I left an overly extensive post to Labyrinth a few pages back. If you don't feel like looking it up but are interested anyway just PM me and I can throw a few tips out there.tsatoma said:Ahh, yes thank you very much.![]()
Those figure drawings were done in my figure drawing class (go figure....damn puns), and well...let's just say my teacher liked rigid things with little expression (which is why I never went back to his class). I do think I need to make things more loose and fluid, it seems to be something that plagues a bit of my work.
The more you post about this character the more I love the entire concept. I can't wait to see what you end up with after you develop her even more.Archemetis said:I'm really enjoying this character, although all I've got of her so far is a concept, nothing solid as of yet.
thank you, I feel like an really take this character far, it's just I've invested so much in my previous works that I feel if I do that then I'll be letting old fans down.Vanguard1219 said:The more you post about this character the more I love the entire concept. I can't wait to see what you end up with after you develop her even more.Archemetis said:I'm really enjoying this character, although all I've got of her so far is a concept, nothing solid as of yet.
In that same vein don't worry about her just being a concept. Get the basic premise of the character down and everything else just falls into place from there. Hell, one of the more deep and complex characters I have ever come up with started out only as a rough pencil sketch of the design in my avatar, and so far you have a hell of a lot more than that to work with.
To pervert the famous line from Field of Dreams: "if you draw it, the ideas will come".
Drunk (supposedly) or not I get what you mean. If you get lucky you'll actually find that all of your old ideas that you want to risk putting on the sidelines for Lady Cadaver can be integrated into the current concept pretty damn easily, almost as if they belonged all along.Archemetis said:thank you, I feel like an really take this character far, it's just I've invested so much in my previous works that I feel if I do that then I'll be letting old fans down.
I dunno I mean I guess I'd feel a bit disapoitned in myself if i just abandoned my old stuff for this character, but so far she feels much more interesting than anything i've created so far.
if you get me? (if you don't then don't worry about it i'm fucking drunk as it is typing this, it's only through will power alone i'm keeping errors to a minimum. xD
I feel useless trying to critique your work. You've got your shit down. Every time I try and think of something to suggest and I'm straining. So, I guess I'll just say I still think your stuff is really cool and you continue to baffle me with your quality of line. I would like to see some of your non-people stuff though, if you have it. I've seen what you can do with characters but I'd love to see some other subjects covered (environments or what-have-you).Archemetis said:Snip
I really like the change of style. Though slight, its more aggressive. This is also a better rendering of the human face than usual for you. There's a lot of feeling to the expression and its accented by the jagged lines and flow of the piece. Keep it up.SharPhoe said:Snip