The Big Picture: Conspiracy Weary


New member
Sep 8, 2010
The world is s#!t? Hey Bob, here's a recommendation: grab a backpack and hit the road. Yes, there's a lot of disparity in the world, but it's really not that bad a place if you make the effort to absorb it first hand through the people and their cultures, rather than second hand through our media.

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
MovieBob, I will admit that the things you've said have irritated me in the past. You are a bit of a bleeding-heart liberal, and I'm... not.

But this... this proves that despite all the little things, I agree with you where it counts. Namely, people all suck, and conspiracy theories are bullsh*t.

I like to watch this little gem every time I tink about conspiracy theorists.

It warms my psychotic little heart to imagine Buzz Aldrin punching out every conspiracy theorist. Just going down a row of jackasses, clocking them in the jaw one by one 'til judgement day.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Pfff... I continue to doubt and question everything. GJ willingly pushing forward NWO agendas Bob.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I don't think Cheney is part of any hooded cabal or anything but he sure does have a lot of coporate contacts that made a lot of money off the Iraqi adventure. You'd have to have a pretty good argument to convince me that him and the old boys club weren't pulling the strings in that administration.


True Gamer
Apr 8, 2010
Im a huge libertarian and i sometimes have problems watching these liberal internet shows like
Extra credit, current, thatguywiththeglasses, etc and even this show.

Now normally i shrug it off but sometimes they are just too smug about it, thinking their the most intelligent and caring people on the planet.

Example: There were an extra credits recently where he talked about how great he was since he went to an auction that gave the money to charity.

Now Movie bob's claim that man made global warning is not a conspiracy, really annoys me because its such a smug statement, thinking that he knows better then everyone else.

To me alot(not all) of the GW talk sounds more like a religion to me than science, kinda like the new intelligent design.
Here is a couple of examples to show what i mean.
GW is about the sinful nature of human, and how to better your existance by living a purer simple life. Restraint is the keyword <-> Only have sex to produce offstring never for pleasure, restrain is the keyword
GW is about a coming doomsday. <-> Bad people go to hell.
GW is caused purely by humen. <-> Relion raises humanity above animals.
Gw gets people rallied behind a common cause <-> Religion rallys people behind one belief.
GW cant be unproven therefor it is true <-> Religion cant be unproven therefor it is.

Theres probably more but i just cant think of any.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Oh damn, I giggled like a secret-whisperingd 6-year-old girl at the end of this video.

Lizard Bob is now officially my hero.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
wasalp said:
Cursed Frogurt said:
Global warming is real. Whether or not we are significantly affecting it is the debate.

Conspiracy theories are stupid. Personal agendas should always be considered.
really? Its pretty obvious. I think its 97% of scientists believe global warming is caused by humans, the other 3% are less educated and qualified then their brethren.
sry but you are dead wrong. IPCC are hacks and their reports have incomplete data, wrong data, falsified data, make hastily conclusions on vague assumptions and whenever someone speaks against them, they have "classified data" that back them up.
Besides IPCC get their support from a lot governments and known spokepersons and a lot of media attention. So everything they say is iniatally blown up, without any evidentbased science backing them up.

if you think 97% of all scientists believe global warming is induced by us people, then you are obviously under the influence of the brainwashing of the IPCC and blabbering incoherently along with the mass. Get your facts straight and contribute in the debate

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
Nothing is random , a roll of the die isn't random, it's physics in action.
But then end result is the same so moot point. As your "opinions" label implies you are aware.

Anyway I liked this, but I think there's a little more to it than the fact it's comforting to think that 9/11 only occurred because it was allowed. People look for pattens, it's what we do, gamers should know this better than most. So when we have events where the cause is simple and stand-alone even if we accept that our brains will try to find any pattens in it, creating them if we don't accept the absence.
The hunter who attributes a strange sound to a predator lives longer than the fellow who dismisses it as the wind, rational or no.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
You only halfway touched it, it's not that they want to escape from reality it's that they want to feel enlightened, or at least to them it makes alot of sense. It does of course still evade logic but then they pad it down with "cover up!" "lies!". Personally I think we only invaded Iraq just to get rid of Saddam, it was the perfect time to strike and we took it, if it was for WMD's we would've left after we found out there wasn't but instead we stayed to stabilize a new government which likes us.

Jatal Khyron

New member
Jun 22, 2010

OK, admittedly I'm new to the threads here, and I enjoy watching these MovieBob vids, but as a conservative I feel like the lone voice of dissent against a thousand strong chorus. Look, I get that Bob's politics lean so far to the left he tips over. It's his soapbox, he's free to say what he wishes. BUT, don't you think that now more than ever we should at least TRY to listen to opposing points of view?

Whenever I hear people call Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck idiots, blowhards, etc., my first question is 'Do you listen/watch their shows?" and 99 times out of 100 I hear "Hell, no! He's an idiot!" I know not every last thing they say is perfect nor gospel, but much of what they say makes sense, if you are only willing to put aside your own prejudices for a little while.

I'm not a Kool-Aid drinker. I believe in pro-choice abortion. I believe in same-sex marriages. I have an ingrained disdain for religions of all stripes as nothing more than ancient superstitions. However, I listen to Rush, watch Fox News, and get really ticked off when I see the shots that certain pundits and so called 'smart people in the room' take at my beliefs. It seems like the only people in this country that are still OK to denigrate and insult in this hyper-sensitive ultra P.C. era are conservatives. Blacks? Well, that's OK if it's Michael Steele. Barack Obama? No way, then you're a racist. Sarah Palin? That's fine. Hillary Clinton? Now that kind of rhetoric is just not right!

I guess I just wanted to get this off my chest. As I said, I enjoy watching these vids. I am open to new ideas and thoughts from those who may think differently from me. However, when I see the obvious bias against what I believe in casually thrown in my face, I immediately get turned off what I'm watching, and stop listening.

Maybe if you want to bring people together, you should stop telling half of us we're always wrong.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
Napoleon once said,
"Never assume conspiracy over incompetency".
basically, it is always far more likely that people are that stupid than it is that they are that sneaky


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Mr.Mattress said:
Seriously, you missed one of the most Blatant Conspiracy Theories of the Modern century: That the American Government on Purposefully Caused 9/11! Why didn't you talk about that one? Do you think their might be some truth to that? I'm not saying "The U.S. Government Didn't Know", cause in all honesty, they probably did know but brush it off or didn't really care. I am saying "The U.S. Government did not rig up the World Trade Centers With Bombs!"

Also, it would have been nice if you touched the "Paul Is Dead" Conspiracy Theory, but I'll let you slide with that one.

OT: Agree'd and Agree'd: Conspiracy theories are ridiculous. I am not sure that it's just because people want to make more sense of the world (Cause the Explanations given to them make more sense). I think it's a combination of people falling for or misinterpreting information, trying to feel like they are smart or will change the world, and idiocy.
I always find it facepalm-worthy when people say the WTC was destroyed by controlled demolition.

There's an article that I can't find which pretty much proves that it would have been impossible to do without anyone noticing. I can't find it at the moment, but it has a lot of evidence.

For example, controlled demolition explosives take weeks or months to set up (that's only for an average building) so some people would have had to sneak in at night (after all, they don't wanna get caught) and plant explosives in the WTC for months on end (if that was the case, why did nobody notice explosives lying around). And even if they found a team large enough to somehow do it in one night, why has no-one come forward to say something? Even just one person in the hysteria of the moment? It makes no sense. Not even one person who might have noticed a huge-ass building crew going into the towers one night.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
The JFK Conspiracy theory is the only one that I still haven't figured out yet. In high school, we had an entire day devoted to this theory. Some of the info made me question a little bit on the assassination only being Lee Oswald's doing. The amount of time to reload, aim, and fire the rifle would have taken a lot longer then what was shown on video (video had the sounds of the gun shot). Lee bought the gun for cheap, only 20$ which was still considered cheap back then for a rifle.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Bob is dead wrong, again.
Nothing is random. Nothing. A dice is controlled by the throw; not a percentage selection.
You don't need "super computers" to calculate percentages to proclaim things non-random. All things are reactions to other events. As Bob put it, shit happens, and these "crazy" conspiracy people cannot accept this. In actuality, the opposite is the truth, namely everything does happen for a reason but one cannot always have the perception to notice the correlation.

The green movement is a fraud. Isn't it funny how most, if not all, such movements are opposed to nuclear energy (you know, the most effective and least environmentally disruptive energy plant?) and how they are pro animal rights. The thing is that environmentalists and anti-nuclear, as well as pro animal rights activists all greatly overlap with each other; they'd cripple themselves if they were honest to their principle of protecting the environment as their electors are greedy and shortsighted just as the rest of us, liberal or no. A more effective way to slow global warming would be to kill all unnecessary animals. A normal domesticated dog is worse than a normal faring SUV. You don't see environmentalists agitate against animal owners and shelters, do you?

Global warming is hardly something negative we humans are creating, worsening, or destroying.
Basically, the green political movement is a fraud.
In a twist of irony, using resources efficiently is more important than emissions and many of these resources are today used to build useless things by order of the green, such as wind turbines (strange how wind turbines can be considered modern when they have been used for a thousand years in agriculture, but whatever, the propaganda posters are good craftsmanship). Effectively the green movement is worse for the environment than a industrialist party. Oh snap.

And Bob, stop being so goddamn smug. :)


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Some conspiracies are true. I mean historically there were conspirators right who conspired against something.

But mass-media "conspiracy theories"... yeah...


New member
Aug 29, 2010
How dare Bob make a video that has a point and one I can agree on. How can I reconcile my undying hatred for everything else he has done when he is right about this one thing? Is it possible that we could share the views on some things and not on others? Impossible! Damn you Bob, damn you....


New member
Mar 31, 2010
But alas, it was McCain all along being the sleeper agent from Panama! They will finally take their revenge on us for that unholy canal!
Also, I believe that corporations are so far up the ass of the US government that there is no reason to say the gov't was retarded in invading Iraq. The people who put them there (twice) might have been, but I have a wacky theory for you:
During the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq was supported by the US because the US disliked Iran since the Islamic Revolution. A deal was struck, where the US would provide arms and training to the Iraqi Armed Forces, and in return, gain special exclusive access to their oil fields. Things were going smoothly until the late 80s, when Saddam Hussein looked at how much his country had been changed. The old Muslim culture was dissipating, and a neo-colonialist superpower was constantly asking for more oil from them. Finally in 1991 Hussein snapped, had enough, and told his people to go to war with Kuwait, another country who was US "supported." To control their oil "partners," the US and several of their allies defended Kuwait and Saudi Arabia because of how much oil they were buying legitimately from. When Iraq knew they had no chance (Hussein underestimated the coalition's numbers), they made a full retreat, but destroyed the one thing the US wanted: a lot of oil. Ten years of cold bitterness passed, when the US government needed another oil fix, so they used the already-begun War in Afghanistan as a way of convincing the American citizens (who were already full of nationalistic fervor) to eliminate the man who cut them off. Even though the Iraqi dictatorship was eliminated with the help of allies and PMCs, the Iraqi people, who hated the US deeply for destroying their country, took to arms in the same way every revolution since 1776 had: with guerilla warfare. Unfortunately, war had changed and American air support decimated the Iraqis. The Iraqi insurgents still try and sabotage any Western oil business they can find, so the troops still have to be there in case of another massive oil well destruction spree.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
The sad thing is that there are genuinely smart people that believe in these theories. That worries me somewhat. For example, there was this guy that was a Valedictorian believes that the moon landing was faked (after being pulled into it by a special on TV, then doing some googling of his own).