The Big Picture: Conspiracy Weary


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I don't recall ever hearing that Obama was a terrorist. I only heard that he was born in a foreign country, therefore his presidency is invalid.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
MB202 said:


...Who's Alex Jones?

Makes a lot of movies about how the New World Order will destroy the Old World. Because he's been allowed to. By the New World Order. And not silenced in any way. Which they've already done to everyone else. And only HE can SEE the TRUTH.
well, everyone who's played Condemned 1-2 knows why the dead birds are falling :p
*subconscious ringing*


True Gamer
Apr 8, 2010
arbane said:
mrhateful said:
I would say that it is global warning thats the conspiracy,
would you rather believe that the human race has such a large impact on an entire planet that we can increase the temperatures by such a large amount, or that the temperatures just goes up and down during the natural course of the planets life.
You don't think humans can have a big impact on the planet?

Let's ask the passenger pigeons. Oh, WAIT.

Let's ask the European Lions. Oh, WAIT...

Let's ask the Lebanese cedar-cutters. Oh, WAIT...

We've only got one planet, it kind of behooves us not to treat it like we have a spare in the trunk.
Yes because animals are planets.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2009
I never was one to believe in conspiracies much but it's interesting to read them and wonder what if all the effort put into making these conspiracies seem plausible was actually put into trying to solve the real problem.

Also, title reminded me of this for some reason...

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Oh no! Its a Reptile! Truthism is real!

Yeah, that's an interesting point you made on conspircy theories. Never really thought about why people always believed in them, but them being on of those methods people deal with the universe seems pretty sound. I mean, I'm sure there are some secret societies that do have some influence on the world (not all of it and they aren't all powerful) or that some secret plans are constantly being carried out by different governments (that's just a part of global politics), but most of them are probably smart enough to keep bumbling idiots that come up with these conspiracy theories from finding out.

Anyway worrying about whether there's a secret society controlling all the world's governments and corperations isn't going to make life any better. I mean we don't even fully know if this reality is even true. But whatever, this is the world we live in, might as well work within it.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
mrhateful said:
arbane said:
mrhateful said:
I would say that it is global warning thats the conspiracy,
would you rather believe that the human race has such a large impact on an entire planet that we can increase the temperatures by such a large amount, or that the temperatures just goes up and down during the natural course of the planets life.
You don't think humans can have a big impact on the planet?

Let's ask the passenger pigeons. Oh, WAIT.

Let's ask the European Lions. Oh, WAIT...

Let's ask the Lebanese cedar-cutters. Oh, WAIT...

We've only got one planet, it kind of behooves us not to treat it like we have a spare in the trunk.
Yes because animals are planets.
Human beings have the ability to destroy themselves, or beings inferior to us, not the planet. We are making an impact on the climate, but we cannot yet grasp what that impact is or if it is damaging the climate too much.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Its not reptiles! Its the ZP imps! They're getting ready to take over the world! Why do you think they've been appearing at the end of all the Escapist videos?! You've got to believe me!!!

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
I don't really care whether or not global warming is real. After all, nothing we do now will make much of a change within our lifetimes so it doesn't really mater.

However, I would appreciate it if we stopped throwing shit all around us, be it gasses, energy or trash.

Hunde Des Krieg

New member
Sep 30, 2008
the whole reptilians here to steal our water doesn't make sense, for several reasons. One, our water is quite polluted, two, they could easily just mine frozen water off of any one of other planetary/celestial bodies, and finally, it's absurd.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I've never understood the Global Warming thing. I mean, it exists guys... that's science. Why do people not believe in it? It's not a belief... it's fucking SCIENCE.

I mean, yeah, a large part of it is because of human existence, but if you're not "believing" in it because you don't want to be responsible for something, chill out. One person alone didn't cause rising ocean levels. We all play a role, and pretending Global Warming isn't there WON'T help fix the problem. Is Global Warming and it's effects often hyperbolized? You better believe it. Is it something to ignore? Nope. It's still there, and if we don't do something about it soon, we're going to lose the most important thing on this planet: penguins.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Loonerinoes said:
There is a difference between a conspiracy theory, which has no concrete facts to back it up to begin with (such as say...that whole thing about aliens in the south pacific - yeah...not buying into that until a whole lot of seperate sources come forth with something moreso credible than just a few murky videos and unconfirmed reports) or other things like say...the fact that nations have in the past ALWAYS declared war primarily over resources and that it is hardly a stretch to consider America declaring such on Iraq for the oil.

With historians telling us what nations have warred over in the past, the pattern is alas very clear. And you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to see it - you just need to study historical facts properly.

Rome expanded because it needed more resources like grain (Egypt for example was one of its main breadbaskets that fed the whole Empire) to feed the masses of their cities.

Britain expanded because of the same damn reason - slaves to do the hard labor and with the Chinese war for example so as to fight for the right to sell them the newly created opium for massive profits.

And America is expanding right now because of the resource most needed today to make sure that its military keeps on truckin' around the world. Oil. China is, of course, after the same thing and it comes as no surprise that Venezuela, which directly opposes America, just so happens to be supplying China with its petroleum full fact style these days.

George Carlin probably put it best - it's hilarious that people call a conspiracy theory anything these days that goes against what you're being spoon-fed by other people, rather than doing your own work and investigating things for your own self. Also Bob is so wrong. I'd actually find it a whole lot less scary if people really were just dumb - that'd actually mean that we'd stand a good chance of turning it around eventually.

But it's not so much about that. It's about people, like MovieBob by the way, who think they're smarter than they actually are. Who can't help but get on the soapbox every damn time they get a chance rather than actually spend an extended amount of time looking at a problem from different directions and instead prefer to just slap labels left and right as based on their prejudices.

See...that's why I've by now decided that this so-called 'Big Picture' really isn't for me. Because the only thing that's 'big' about it really is the size of Bob's ego as he figures he has it all figured out. Instead he'd do better to just stick with reviewing movies since it's the one thing I give him credit for actually being good at. But I'm sure that won't least not for a long old while.

So enjoy this soapbox if you like. Me, I'd rather check these worldly issues for myself than listen to this again I think.
Firstly I would like to say that I believe you just made an extremely good, valid point, secondly may I just say that I completely agree with you,I have watched every episode of The Big Picture so far but I too don't think i'll be watching any more.