The Big Picture: Conspiracy Weary


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Funny thing about conspiracy theories, they tend to be more believable the closer you are to living in a third world country, where your life is the plaything of people with more money.

I currently reside in same place where an experiment is being conducted as to how many austerity measures can be taken before the people brake and start an armed rebellion. That's so other countries, with more capital won't have to test these things on their own people.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Seriously, you missed one of the most Blatant Conspiracy Theories of the Modern century: That the American Government on Purposefully Caused 9/11! Why didn't you talk about that one? Do you think their might be some truth to that? I'm not saying "The U.S. Government Didn't Know", cause in all honesty, they probably did know but brush it off or didn't really care. I am saying "The U.S. Government did not rig up the World Trade Centers With Bombs!"

Also, it would have been nice if you touched the "Paul Is Dead" Conspiracy Theory, but I'll let you slide with that one.

OT: Agree'd and Agree'd: Conspiracy theories are ridiculous. I am not sure that it's just because people want to make more sense of the world (Cause the Explanations given to them make more sense). I think it's a combination of people falling for or misinterpreting information, trying to feel like they are smart or will change the world, and idiocy.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
My father is a conspiracy theorist, so this video is one I would love to take with a grain of salt, but I sadly, cannot. Although, he believes he has conspiracies for the conspiracies, so that he has the truth to the supposed "Truth".

But, he also watches Glenn Beck, which means he can only have truths to some truths, which means most things can't be true and the rantings of some loudmouth on the world's most powerful network has too....



The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
But Bob, if it's on the Simpsons it HAS to be real!

Good vid old chap!
Jun 7, 2010

Reptillazoid! could it be that i have discovered the identity of your holy vessel in which you have come to earth to witness its preparation for your glorious return?

waitaminute...oh...shit...ill give you an island in the carribien if you shut up about this whole thing.


Freelance Detective
Nov 8, 2009
Hey Bob. So I know we've had fun with accents before ( *Looks back at the Black Swan review* ) but whether intentionally or not, you actually made me think of Stewie from Family Guy with the reptile thing.

Yeah, that's just the image that came to mind. Go figure.

As always, thank you for being the voice of reason and dropping another bomb in the war against stupid.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
great episode (your stuff seems to wary from tolerable to absolubtely brilliant and this is one of the better moments)

the ending remindet me of a documentary i saw some years ago called "the great glopal warming swindle" and i recomend it to anyone who wants to know more about issues like glopal warming ("the inconvenient truth is a good counterpoint to that movie so i recomend watching them together(inconvenient truth first))but yea most (if not all) conspiracy theores are coplete bullshit

P.S sorry about spelling/gramatical errors English isn´t my first language and I´m too lazy to go over my post to fix any errors

Sargon of Akkad

New member
Jun 5, 2010
Am I the only person who thinks that Bush jr is clear evidence that there is a puppetmaster behind the throne? Or did he mastermind and execute his brilliant term of office all on his own?

And its amazing how far 'lone nuts' will go in a presidential system with a maximum term of 8 years. Its safer to be European royalty than an American politician, if you want to judge by number of assassinations. You guys must be hoarding all the 'lone nuts'.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Sounds like Jungian theories. People need to believe there's something much bigger than they are pulling strings to keep themselves psychologically stimulated (I hope that's appropriate phrasing, lack of sleep is making me second guess myself).

I guess conspiracy theories just sate that need for people that aren't finding it elsewhere.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
The idea of a random world that we need to explain via stories is well explored in the Dashiell Hammett novel, The Maltese Falcon. In the novel, Sam Spade is a man who lives in a world where "Girders fall on people" or in less cryptic terms, a world where people can die at any moment simply by blind luck. To try and function properly in such a chaotic universe, the characters all use stories. Stories to explain why they're here, to justify what they're doing and to convince others to do as they wish.

There are some very interesting parallels between the need to create stories to explain larger concepts such as the Universe, God, Governments and Wars - and the smaller stories we use on a daily basis to create our own identity.

What with some of the rather lack lustre recent episodes (at least in comparison with the excellent original Youtube series) I was starting to think that working on two videos and an article was too much to expect on a weekly basis from one person. I know I'd find it hard. But this was has proved me wrong, it was very interesting and raised a good point. In short. Go Bob!

Herr Wozzeck

New member
Oct 23, 2009
Yay, someone's willing to talk about conspiracy theories!

Seriously though, I really hate conspiracy theories, especially anything referring to the NWO. It's all stupid stuff, and I really, really don't like that there are people who actually buy into this. But... this video's given me something to think about with that.

Thanks, Bob! =D


New member
Jun 18, 2010
Great video. Where's that XKCD comic .... here it is:

I'd highly recommend anyone that even vaguely agrees with a conspiracy theory to do a modicum of research on it. The results are often not thrilling.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Cursed Frogurt said:
Global warming is real. Whether or not we are significantly affecting it is the debate.

Conspiracy theories are stupid. Personal agendas should always be considered.
really? Its pretty obvious. I think its 97% of scientists believe global warming is caused by humans, the other 3% are less educated and qualified then their brethren.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
unacomn said:
Funny thing about conspiracy theories, they tend to be more believable the closer you are to living in a third world country, where your life is the plaything of people with more money.

I currently reside in same place where an experiment is being conducted as to how many austerity measures can be taken before the people brake and start an armed rebellion. That's so other countries, with more capital won't have to test these things on their own people.
Also, studies have shown that those who feel the most powerless to change their lot in life are the most succeptible to forming conspiracy theories. As Bob stated early in the video, this kind of explains why early religions were formed when mankind lacked technology and was at the mercy of nature (assuming they weren't true. Don't want to start a flame war).


New member
Aug 23, 2010
I...was actually creeped out by Bob at the end. As for the whole religion = order thing, I think it just helps some people tolerate the fact that shit happens more than anything else.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
arbane said:
Yeesh. Where do you live?
Romania. They've started taxing witches, so at least we'll have spellcasters when the rebellion comes.
But seriously, we're about two years away from what's happening now in Tunisia.