The Big Picture: Fair Game


New member
Jun 4, 2010
ProzacMan said:
ReiverCorrupter said:
If someone says they like Killzone and someone trolls them for liking killzone, then the person need only tell the troll that they are a moron and that person can like or dislike whatever they want.
Bob's point is he shouldn't have to. Unfortunately some times you can't just ignore the trolls either. The right ones or enough of them go unchallenged they can do some damage. But part of the problem is that it's not just trolls any more. The "If you like A then you must not like B" presupposition is becoming a pervasive unquestioned mind set of our society.
Well... Society IS getting progressively dumber. What can I say? Frankly I have nothing but disdain for most people. Their constant fallacious reasoning doesn't help matters.

Dangerious P. Cats

New member
Dec 21, 2008
As much as it is obvious that Bob's own romantic biases to various nerd things I think he tends to be right, although I suspect that the notion of everything having a dimametric opposite has more to do with traditional Western ideas of duality and dicotomy than FCC policy.

Elf Defiler Korgan

New member
Apr 15, 2009
I am a biased big-picture fan-boy to be sure.

It applies wider than forums, in universities actual debate is shied away from and discouraged by administrative figures and highly placed lecuturers and professors. Have an opinion on a contested topic, please avoid from expressing your opinion citizen. That is not what this place is about, we are merely a qualification supply-shop.

The great figures of the renaissance would be ashamed.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
how dare you like chocolate ice cream!
I also love the assumption of everyone that the other person disagreeing is male.
I enjoy being a big picture fangirl!


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Well it's all a bunch of assumption.
and when you assume you look like a F*#%!ing Moron.
but really that is the source of these trolls,they get all offensive if the things they like are criticize, or not praised. Me i don't like Pop music I like classic Rock, Heck me and my friend both found and pointed out a fact about pop music. when My friend pointed it out everyone suddenly got all offensive toward him


New member
Jan 31, 2009
While I agree with Bob that the presumption of "You like Halo" = "You hate the PS" is silly at best I think he is misunderstanding what fanboy means. Fanboys are associated with people who blindly defend their product of choice, in other words, they don't debate.

Also, moviebob has:

-Made a video in which he bashes Nintendo's competitor, Sony. ("The king has no cloths")
-Used derogatory terms and simulated behavior to depict people enjoying games he doesn't.
-Made a video in which he bashes FPS fans on a personal level. ("Worst kind of person")
-Made a video in which he calls one of the major FPS developers fascists. ("Combat Evolved?")

Bob has his bias as well, I think he just dislikes when people call him out on it (which, considering he lashes out at companies which compete against Nintendo and genre's Nintendo isn't good at, or trying at all, put's him on the Nintendo side of the field.)


New member
May 16, 2010
Should the natural rival of "The Big Picture" be "Escape to the Movies"? I think it would be fitting if we claim anyone stating an opinion of being a fan boy of one of those two shows, because how on Earth could any individual agree with the stuff said on both of those show!


New member
Apr 6, 2010
SilverUchiha said:
What if I happen to agree with this video, but I find many of your other videos as something I can't agree with (not all, just a good number of them). Does that make me a fanboy? Because I'm not sure how your logic applies to this situation.
It wouldn't apply to that situation. It seems like your attempting to stretch his assertions over an entirely different context in order to get some kind of 'gotcha'. If you don't agree with his other videos, then that's the reality of opinion. I also don't agree with many things that this guy says, but I also agree with him here. I guess, you can't agree with somebody 100% of the time.

What he's talking about in this video is the murkiness of stating opinion online because of a need to be 'fair', even when the topic or context is so narrow that fairness shouldn't be an issue! Mostly it's all in the name of ego-massage. For example, in a thread about a specific problem, on a forum for a specific context, it is common place to see people rage against a lack of 'fairness' to some party not at all within the context of the discussion. Sombody wants to complain about disc read errors on their Ps3, and within a few posts that person is being lectured for not mentioning the Xbox 360's propensity for hardware malfunction.

So, no, I don't think that his logic applies to the situation you raised. In that case, you just don't agree most of the time, yet today, you do.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Trolls troll for fairness? Im pretty sure they troll because they are a fan boy of their side sir. They troll you because your not them. PS: I disagree with your opinions on the real world stick to comic based episodes.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Huh... maybe I'm just hanging out in the wrong places on the internet (or the right ones) but I don't think I've ever noticed that...


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Interesting all your videos always make me think but anyway I know in my heart that Sonic games have gone down the hill while mario games are on top and you know what I still my Sega Genesis just for sonic 1 and 2.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
Objective opinion. I'd like to see the qualification for that.

Speaking of qualifying, I've noticed a lot of people being proclamations of opinion with "IMO" or "I feel/think...." This is wrong. I understand the desire to appear humble and aware of your own subjectivity, but it isn't a help to communication when you spell out what ought to be obvious to anyone who's not a douchecopter.

And THIS IS JUST MY OPINION GUYS SO PLEASE DON'T HURT ME, but discussion should be driven by purpose. You can hop into a random forum, poop out a blurb about something you don't like, and think that's the end of that. That is when the term "fanboy" applies. Unless it's someone asking you what you want for Christmas, generally you should try and support whatever it is you don't like with reasons why. Failure to substantiate your opinion, subjective though it may be, is equal to adding "so there" to whatever precious sentiment you have.

So yeah, if someone popped in to a topic and said "All JRPGS are better than Westerns" and little else, the unholy label of "fanboy" would be pretty deserved.


New member
May 22, 2009
Now in terms of my opinions,fanboy is someone who is on the "too far" part of things, for example, giving critisism of one and only one thing then saying the things it's opposite did right is not a fanboy because of valid points, however there are also those people who, no matter everything that is wrong with it, consider it to be the best thing ever, thus bashing everything else to "prove" their "points" and feel special, these are the ones that are fanboys in the negative way of putting it. Saying something is better than the other is exclusive opinion unless points are made, then they are more intelligent than a gravy boat


New member
Dec 19, 2009
I love to breath air. I hope that doesn't make me an Oxygen fanboy.

Seriously though,
Anti-Intellectual Clusterf$#%. I love it.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
I like so many things, "rivals" or not.

It's funny, I don't think I've ever encountered someone that was this radical about acknowledging both sides of something. Maybe on discussions about politics, but then it was just pointed out to me that I wasn't considering the other side of the matter of discussion. Or maybe I did and considered it a joke and ignored the guy so hard that I forgot I've ever had a discussion like this.
Anyway, I'm glad I've never met someone like this. Sounds so stupid...