The Big Picture: Fair Game


New member
Aug 27, 2010
it's lucky really you don't really encounter this sort of behaviour on the Escapist

that's right, i'm an escapist fanboy now


New member
Jun 1, 2010
In our culture we tend to think in binary pairing and this is a symptom of that.

That having been said, I think Mr. Bob missed the fact that "fanboy" is really an appeal to ridicule rather than an expression of some belief in the need for fairness. I mean, if we agree with a person then we are not going to call them out as a fanboy for being unfair.

No, the problem is not that we feel like we need equality. The problem is that people do not know how to argue a point beyond ad hominem attacks and other choice logical fallacies.


New member
Sep 12, 2010
WOPR said:
Okysho said:
Yeah, I saw legends and liked it... also spartan 1337 (I see what they did there) was hilarious

I also liked Red vs Blue (the original Blood Gulch Chronicles)

Still don't like the games though... mainly because the health regen bugs me

Douche-bag argument: "DUDE! IT'S NOT HEALTH, IT'S A HIGH TECH SHIELD!" it what determines how many more bullets you can take before you die?


THEN IT'S HEALTH! (or armor which also doesn't regenerate last I checked... imagine CS:S with regen armor O_O)

...but yeah; same situation

still don't like the games
liked the series' though

anyways I lost my train of thought...

I don't mind the shield system, specifically in the first one, because they used that in combination with a health system (if you lost your shield, there were still 5 blocks? of health you had to go through) which justified the super-totally-awesome-chocolate-coated-super-armour and worked well into the game mechanics and story.

Metroid Other M did something similar. If you run out of energy(0 energy) you don't fully die, you're in critical, and you have a chance to regenerate some health, by hiding and holding down... B? (I don't fully remember) which works into the story, because Samus has a FREAKING POWERSUIT, she's not insta-killed when her health runs out.

It's games like CoD and the new halo games that have pure regenerating health which bugs me... So much for combat evolved... This is a bit off topic though...

The console wars are so stupidly heated I find, as well as are the OS wars. (Mac vs PC) it's ridiculous how people are always prejudgmental of the other owners, expecting them to be "fanboys" (Bob's right, I'm starting to hate that term). Now if you're actually arguing with a fanboy (someone who calls the Xbox the Shitbox, or bashing the Wii for no real reason) get the fuck off your high horse, each console has it's flaws.

People who aren't though, it drives me crazy when I get called out for bringing up a problem that I have with my console, OS choice (I'm a mac user for the most part) and get called out for being a fanboy. What the bloody hell!! am I right?

Ian Lutz

New member
Jan 23, 2011
I think that people just need to judge ones opinion and see if they agree with it or not if they don't well than they don't have to listen to it and no one gets hurt.


New member
Jan 16, 2011
I remember i told this guy that street fighter was my favorite fighting game. He got so bent outta shape that i didn't like 3D, I NEVER SAID I DIDN'T LIKE 3D. i just stated that Street Fighter was my favorite, Soul Caliber is my second favorite, but by that time he was telling me 2D fighting games are retard and trying to piss me off so i ignored him.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Flying Dagger said:
We judge Gears of war by killzone because they are alternatives. You can't say "New Vegas has bugs, yet pong never glitched" without looking ridiculous, you compare to what you know.
I personally would have to disagree on that point. They're not exactly alternatives, as they're bound to different systems. For someone that doesn't have a Playstation, playing gears would cost far less than killzone, and vice versa. Additionally, if they already had both, they could very well buy both, disposable income permitting. They're no more alternatives than any other non-essential goods of similar price.

When giving an opinion on a game, it hardly seems fair to have to explain why someone should buy a matress, or an old mobile phone instead.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
oneshotfinchy said:
I only call fanboy when somebody says something is objectively wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, just because it stars their favourite character or franchise. That or criticise their opposition rather than their arguments. That or criticise something they have very limited experience in.

given that Bob's Anti Thinker is inherently satire, and goes against previously established personna it is kind of unfair to point to this as Bob being wrong. He was after all suppoused to be int hat case. as far as Metroid and "Worst Person" you seem to be missing the general point of this episode.

Bob un-apologetically holds an opinion that runs counter to the popular one, and states that the popular opinion does not hold sway. futher he backs his opinions with observations he makes on the subject matter at hand, thus presenting his reasoning for others to take or leave. If Anything people how blasted him on Heavens to Metroid, or Worst Person (and other associated Overthinker Projects) are the very Fan-boys that are being addressed here. and Bobs solution, give the fan boys a hi- five, especially the ones that disagree with him.

You should note that we rarely if ever have seen Bob react or verbally retaliate to people who bash him. the only times I can think of are when he released a short video to the screw attack audience politely asking for patience while his Anti-Thinker experiment panned out.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Fappy said:
I'm actually in a Mass Communications History class at the moment, so thanks for the little primer for whenever we start talking about the FCC.

Anyway I completely agree with your point and have always been perplexed by the "console war" more specifically.

Ashoten said:
Woot! Now I can say I love the Star Wars prequels without being told that the originals were better.
Hey I got a secret for you...
The originals were better!
and so my quest continues(Que Bruce Banner walking away music).


New member
Sep 15, 2010
MovieBob said:
Fair Game

This week, Bob weighs the pros and cons of playing fair.

Watch Video
Ah, so true. So true.

Then again, I was already a Movie Bob Fangirl.
And a Yahtzee fangirl.
And a fangirl of the Loading Ready Run/ENN crew.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
I'm not a big picture fanboy...I'm a big picture fangirl...

The whole internet quality control is crap its people who are fanboys themselves and cry foul if someones likes something they hate.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Well, that just added "fanboy" to the blacklist of things to say alongside "Cool Story Bro/a", "kid", and so forth.

Funny enough, the first couple of paragraphs from Extra Punctuation [] reflected on this obsession people have with "fairness".

While "fairness" is something we should strive for, having a thesis does not merit the negative backlash it often receives.

I laughed at the ending :D


New member
Nov 6, 2009
Can't say I'd noticed that at all.

What I have seen is that there will always be a person who will attack your opinions as they differ with their own and instead of constructing an argument will simple rely on yelling.
But that's not the same thing.

I actually support the idea that people should consider other sides of the matter prior to reaching a decision. I also support that this should only be self enforced and that it doesn't apply to everything.

If your just stating that you enjoy something you shouldn't need to justify it, that's an opinion.
But if your going to say that one thing is greater than another then you should justify it, as your not stating an opinion, your forming a review.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Delusibeta said:
Pugiron said:
This from someone that could not tolerate people liking the Expendables because that meant they were responsible for the failure of Scott Pilgrim.
To be fair, it's less The Expendables and more Universal executives deciding to pit Pilgrim, which would be a cult classic at the best of times (like pretty much everything else Wright has directed) against what was probably the most hyped movie of the year that caused Pilgrim's failure.

The small fact that The Expendables was distinctly meh [] compared to the better reception [] Pilgrim generated didn't help matters. Bob did have a point: the sheep factor was a large portion of the Expendables' success, regardless of the movie's quality (although the same argument could be applied to anything that is hugely hyped, e.g. Call of Duty, Duke Nukeum Forever, The King's Speech, whatever).
Uhh what "cult classic" even at the best of times wasn't a Box Office failure? I doubt Scott would have done much better if it was up against "The Last Exorcism". If you make a movie for a niche group you are going to attract that niche group (don't forget "nerds" are only the majority on the internet because they are the most vocal). Couple that with a polarizing star (lets face it either you love him or hate him) and you will be lucky to break even. If you make a movie with wider appeal you will attract a wider audience.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
I've been there many times. I have made it known in several locations that I think J-RPGs are better in every conceivable way than Western RPGs. A lot of people that like games like Fallout took offense to this and used the same old tired argument about how there is freedom in them, even though there's not, about about how you have control over your character, even though they are just manikins, and about how you have freedom over the plot progression, even though that same freedom exists in J-RPGs.

I am pretty sure some of them are going to find this thread and I get to hear these arguments again, including the one where they said that they played Final Fantasy VII, like that means anything to me or this argument.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
How dare you say there is only chocolate and vanilla, you are holding down strawberry (the superior flavor of icecream).


New member
Oct 1, 2008
How DARE Bob say, "I'm Bob"?! Friggin' fanboy of first names!

Doesn't he realize he has one, maybe two OTHER parts to his name that he didn't even bother to mention?! How completely unfair to those who introduce themselves by their last names or perhaps their whole names!

We need some sort of doctrine to combat this!


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
I don't know, I think you're taking it a little to far Bob. Just because I say, "I like Gears of War" doesn't mean that some ass hole is going to call me a fan boy.