The Big Picture: Fair Game

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
I like Killzone 2. I also like Gears of War. I also like Halo. I like Half Life. I like Metroid Prime.

I LIKE SHOOTERS. I like some more than others, but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate them any less.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I never picked up on this concept until you pointed it out; very interesting observation. I see what you mean. Maybe this is what happens when nerds become extremist nerds.


New member
May 7, 2008
Society stamps down on exceptional actions and traits. For all our awards and such, the beginning stages of Heroics and Genius are shot at in the cradle.
It was only a while before that translated to the Internet.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
saintchristopher said:
I've always been bothered by the apparent state of affairs among internet discussions, insofar that any statement such as "I only own a Playstation 3" somehow is mass-translated into "FUCK THE XBOX AND ALL WHO OWN THEM!"

Guys, we're better than that.

having said that,


Come, let us all embrace our hatred of the things we hate! Damn the reprisals!
I agree with you. I saw an opposite opinion on some game trailer, where a guy was sad his 360 had stopped working. Then some other guy replied about how he shouldn't have gotten the "Shitbox" and instead should get a PS3 while he still can. And then he has a list of problems wrong with the 360. This, however, was more of an example of an actual fanboy.

OT: Sorry for double post.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Okysho said:
Yeah, I saw legends and liked it... also spartan 1337 (I see what they did there) was hilarious

I also liked Red vs Blue (the original Blood Gulch Chronicles)

Still don't like the games though... mainly because the health regen bugs me

Douche-bag argument: "DUDE! IT'S NOT HEALTH, IT'S A HIGH TECH SHIELD!" it what determines how many more bullets you can take before you die?


THEN IT'S HEALTH! (or armor which also doesn't regenerate last I checked... imagine CS:S with regen armor O_O)

...but yeah; same situation

still don't like the games
liked the series' though

anyways I lost my train of thought...



Terrible Person
Oct 18, 2010
That is a pretty good point. I like to put my focus mostly on the marketing of consoles, because for the last few generations it has been quite obvious where most people were going to throw their money. Sony's pricepoint was too high for me, and my Wii has just been sitting there for lack of solid software support, so the 360 has been my gaming machine right next to my PC. Try mentioning that anywhere though, and I get freaking crucified by PS3 owners. That is unless of course that I mention that the PS2 was an unstoppable force last generation and completely owned the entire market. But why does that have to be said in order to make such a casual observation? It is indeed a problem Bob.

Though I would call that the counterpoint to that is just as bad. Another legion of internet users have formed that believe that stating an opinion is an ironclad shield that prevents them from engaging in any sort of discussion. Typically they do this by making statements like, "Uh, it's my OPINION, and my OPINION can't be wrong." despite the fact that such a wild lack of objectivity can make them absolutely wrong. They both suck miserably.

I will also say that I disagree with your assessment that the fairness doctrine needs another look. A lot of the time, independent media are the only guys who break stories before they hit it big. Alex Jones is sometimes impossible to listen to, but he laid out the crash and the recession, the runs on the commodities markets, and the brief US-Russian oil trade war in 2007 all before they actually went down. Of course that's because he has ties to many other great independent media correspondents, but despite lacking his conspiracy heavy attitude, they all tend to have a distinct bias of their own. I probably shouldn't have said that out loud though, because it makes me a fanboy?


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Stephanos132 said:
CatmanStu said:
What is an objective opinion?
What that guy said.

Also, I'm presuming Bob has been on this website enough to know that the fanboyist 'counterarguements' are by no means universal. If it's 4chan he's thinking of, then he should know better than to go there seeking a reasoned debate. In either case, I've not seen many examples of all this above the usual level of ignorance that would berate your life choices anyway.

But, then again, this won't be the first time I've thought Bob pulled something out of his arse.
An objective opinion is something the true fanboys (the hipster comformists douches) came up with to explain how their opinions are right and yours are wrong (also backed by some trolls)

in other words

objective opinions are about as real as Reaganomics works
Feb 13, 2008
There's also fan-boy by proxy, summed up in the line
Haters gonna Hate.
Roughly translated to "Things that are popular are hated because they are popular so you are only hating it to be 'edgy'"

No matter what empirical evidence you may have "Haters gonna Hate" marks your opinion as worthless because something is popular.

This may also be followed up with

Well I like it - which renders your evidence as worthless.

And if all else fails? U Mad Son?

Ad Hominem by proxy, if you will. You are wrong because ...well, I don't have any reason, but you must be wrong because I don't like you. Or I just want to say you're wrong.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
A while ago I admitted to myself that I actually was a fanboy, but I always thought it hard to put my finger on what that meant. I am overwhelmingly positive about most videogames and that gets me called a fanboy a lot. If I can play a game, 9 times out of 10 I will view it as a net positive experience, whether it be Final Fantasy XIII, Halo 2, Metroid: Other M, Metal Gear Sold 4, and probably most other games you hate. Is that really what fanboy means though?

I think what fanboy actually means has more to do with those properties that people are just inexorably linked to because they represent some important event or change in their life. Moviebob even talked about it in an early Game Overthinker episode with Nintendo fanboys (episode 7).

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wish fanboy would be recognized as not meaning liking a product a lot, but liking a product for some reason having more to do with personal affection than its actual quality. I don't think people see fanboy as having this meaning, because if they did, then you wouldn't see people trying to dissuade "fanboys" of their opinions so often, because they'd realize there is no point. It's about the persons history and not the product.

I don't think I conveyed that very well...


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I'm actually in a Mass Communications History class at the moment, so thanks for the little primer for whenever we start talking about the FCC.

Anyway I completely agree with your point and have always been perplexed by the "console war" more specifically.

Ashoten said:
Woot! Now I can say I love the Star Wars prequels without being told that the originals were better.
Hey I got a secret for you...
The originals were better!


New member
Dec 3, 2008
I was looking forward to the green lantern film until I saw the trailer. I mean I still see it but I don;t think I'm going to like it.

Also who the fuck doesn't like Vanilla Ice?


New member
Sep 7, 2009
WOPR said:
Stephanos132 said:
CatmanStu said:
What is an objective opinion?
What that guy said.

Also, I'm presuming Bob has been on this website enough to know that the fanboyist 'counterarguements' are by no means universal. If it's 4chan he's thinking of, then he should know better than to go there seeking a reasoned debate. In either case, I've not seen many examples of all this above the usual level of ignorance that would berate your life choices anyway.

But, then again, this won't be the first time I've thought Bob pulled something out of his arse.
An objective opinion is something the true fanboys (the hipster comformists douches) came up with to explain how their opinions are right and yours are wrong (also backed by some trolls)

in other words

objective opinions are about as real as Reaganomics works
So it is bullshit? Oh good, I was getting worried there.

Furrama said:
Wait, I just read the guy above me, (and some others). Are you guys serious? That's some of the dumbest crud I've ever read in light of the subject. You yourselves are providing the fodder for his thesis and you can't even recognize it.
Really? How?


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Pugiron said:
This from someone that could not tolerate people liking the Expendables because that meant they were responsible for the failure of Scott Pilgrim.
but thats not a black vs white sort of thing. his problem with that is that a crappy movie prevented a good movie from getting recognition


New member
May 10, 2009
I only call fanboy when somebody says something is objectively wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. That or criticise their opposition rather than their arguments. That or criticise something they have very limited experience in.


Valdez Leel

New member
Dec 26, 2009
I always thought that the term "Fanboy" wasn't so much a criticism of the fact the person, "Has an opinion," so much as, "Has an opinion that comes from a purely emotional, irrational place and therefore cannot be in engaged with for the purposes of reasoned discourse."

For example: I have a dear friend who's a big Tim Burton nut. He grew up on Tim Burton films and all you have to do is play him a melody from a Danny Elfman score or flash some Burtonesque visuals and his eyes glaze over with nostalgia and his ability to critically evaluate a film dribbles out of his ears like sour milk. He thinks Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland was the best thing ever. Don't disagree with him. Don't attempt to calmly discuss the films flaws in an even handed fashion. He will bite your head off.

I think the term 'fanboy' is totally appropriate.

Now granted - there's an element of emotion to every opinion. And that's good. That adds spice. That adds passion. But when that passion reaches hysterical, feverish levels, then it's no longer fun for the person on the other side of the debate. Because it's tedious and frustrating articulating a complex, nuanced argument only to have the other half of the discussion refuse to acknowledge any of the points you've made - and worse still - regurgitate the same tired overemotional nonsense they've been hurling at you for the past thirty minutes, AGAIN.

Now sure, as with all terms that enter the conciousness of pop-culture, "Fanboy" is bound to be misapplied a billion times. But I still think it has a useful function. If someone wades into a debate, say on the importance or unimportance of the Nintendo Wii, and has a strong emotional attachment to the Nintendo brand, then the other people participating in that discussion have a right to expect that person to check their pre-existing baggage at the door - or at least qualify and explain it. If they don't - then that person shouldn't be surprised to see the fanboy card being played liberally and repeatedly.

Having an opinion is fine, but if that opinion has nothing resembling reason or logic behind it then it is useless to all but the person who vigorously asserts it.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Even worse than being called a fanboy? Being called a fanGIRL. Whether applied to men or women, the term evokes a squealing preteen Twihard-like catgirl (a la Something Positive) in addition to the fanboyness described by Bob.