The Big Picture: Fair Game


New member
Dec 26, 2008
Another long post for the Bob fanboy in me.

Firstly, I agreed with some of that episode...does that make me a fanboy, or one of the twats who insists on moderation and moral relativism?

Secondly, ^. You have--yourself, Bob--externalized (externalized, not internalized) a supposition and accepted it as fact. You have supposed that there are two ends to every spectrum and that they must be in equal opposition, rather than have equal power. Not only have you fallen victim to argumentum verbosium, fallacy of misplaced concretion, and non sequitur, but you have done so in the exact format that you judge as being antiquated and useless.

The reality is, that sometimes things are equal, sometimes they are not. Sometimes they are equally opposed, sometimes they are not. Sometimes, they are inequitably opposed, and sometimes the peace of pastoral silence reigns. Sometimes, things have more than two points of view, or more than two final conclusions from whence to draw. You have painted a strange picture, and not one that lives up to reality.

I have never seen a troll or a troll feeder afraid to express any opinion...just look at your comments, and you can see the invalidity of stating that the vast majority of internet culture are hiding in a digital box, afraid to voice their own little views for fear of rejection by the masses they seemed to not care about several years ago; we're nerds in High School, but now that the internetz have provided us with anonymity, we suddenly care what jocks with half a brain cell think?

Most genuine fanboys take pride in their fanboyism; the purpose being, of course, to utterly castrate such ridiculous admonitions as imparting moral and intellectual values to a choice based on personal preference in virtual entertainment. Those who insist (and by insist I mean argue until Godwin's Law and Rule 34 have a baby) they are not fanboys are more likely than not trolls, whose opinions are more likely than not unfounded and uneducated...go look at internet forums---ANY OF THEM---and you will see this pattern.

You have again, Bob, forgone logic in your presentation. Logic dictates that there is the possibility of equality in every situation, and the possibility of equivocation in every situation. I personally take great pride in trying to see the other side's point; it only helps me disassemble the machinations of their grossly mislead imaginations more efficiently.

I'm not playing Devil's Advocate here, I really think you've been hitting way off the mark lately. You've railed against marriage, belief, the ability to have one's own opinion, the clothes that people wear...where is there safe harbor from your impotent wrath? I truly wish that you would read some of your comments, instead of post your vids and run as a poltroon would; you seem very much a Clyte these days. I would love to entertain an actual discussion with you, rather than simply post after your vitriole.

But then again, maybe you do read the comments. Maybe this vid is in response to all of the invectives you've received over these last weeks opposing your right to express yourself? It certainly would be a shame if such a tanglesome argument was supposed to be the foundation of your opinion...I could express an opinion daily that would suffer from fewer mundane errors in judgement, and I wouldn't even be getting paid!


New member
Jul 23, 2009
But it's so much easier to just call people Fan Boys. I'm too lazy to think up an argument. So, you must be a Fan Boy of yourself. Gotcha now!


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Well, I don't think it is as bad as Bob describes it, but yes, some people just love calling out other to be fanboys. Personally, I'm a fan of many things, but I always keep my mind open to new things, in case there is something better out there that I was unaware of previously.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
You sleazy fox, you!!

I'm A FANBOY! *cries out in despair*

Your best Big Picture video so far. A great subject, that is covered so close to the truth, that one must agree (to certain degree - we do not want anymore Big Picture fanboys, right?)

And the Nominee for Best Punchline on The Escapist is: The Big Picture: Fair Game.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
jamesbob006 said:
According to the internet...

I am a bias PS3 fanboy that hates the X-Box.
I am a bias Wii fanboy that hates the PS3.
I am a bias DS fanboy that hates the PSP.
According to the internet...

I am a bias PS3 fanboy that hates the Wii and Xbox
I am a bias Wii fanboy that hates the Xbox and PS3
I am a bias Xbox fanboy that hates the Wii and PS3
I am a bias DS fanboy that hates the PSP
I am a bias PSP fanboy that hates the DS
I love the 3DS and think the new PSP2 sucks
I love the new PSP2 and think the 3DS sucks
I hate God Of War
I am a huge God Of War fan
I love Japan stuff
I hate everything from Japan
I am a Console fanboy that hates PC gaming for no reason

What is actually true?
I hate all fanboys but some more than others. Countdown:

6. Microsoft Fanboys
5. Apple Fanboys
4. Sony Fanboys
3. Sega Fanboys
2. Nintendo Fanboys
1. PC Fanboys

I also have arguments on why I feel this way an just for the record: I don't own an Xbox or an Apple device, this has NOTHING to do with the systems themselves.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
Can't. agree. enough. You say something good about one thing, you are automatically observed as championing it to the point of fanboyism. And conversely, if you discuss your distaste for something you are attacked yet again. Ironically so, by the people that usually are the vabid fanboys of a property.

It's not stopped me from speaking up for what I like and dislike, but I could do without the 30 responses of basically "YOUR OPINION IS WRONG BECAUSE I SAY SO."


New member
Dec 5, 2010
I agree with the idea that being enjoying and/or preferring something automatically makes me a fanboy. Actually...I might be the opposite of a fanboy, if my rather ecclectic music collection is any indication. Especially considering the fact it includes two Kanye West CDs as well as both Dethklok albums.

I think what needs to be done here is that the idiots who think being a fan of something automatically makes them a fanboy/fangirl is wrong because technically...that is NOT what fanboy/fangirl is supposed to mean. Here are, what I believe, are the different tiers of fans:

TIER ONE: Here we have the "interested fan". This is a person who doesn't particularly like a series, but still checks up on it time to time if an interesting episode/issue comes up.

TIER TWO: Here we have the "casual fan". This type of person likes a series and will definitely try to see the next episode/issue if they get the chance. However, they won't be too upset if they miss it.

TIER THREE: Now we go into the realm of the "hardcore fan". The one that will not miss an episode/issue for whatever reason, and may even put off a dinner date with a friend to do so.

TIER FOUR: fanboy/fangirl territory. This person is very much into the series, maybe even has some merchandise related to the series, and could probably tell you some information about the characters or locations of that series that the average person doesn't know even if they've been folowing the series for a while.

TIER FIVE: Here's where it REALLY gets ugly folks, because now we've gone into the realm of what I call the "fanbrat". The fanbrat is, quite frankly, a fan that needs to disappear and SOON. Fanbrats are those that are not only obsessed with the series but are so smug about how much they know about the series that they usually think they know what is best for series canon. You probably met this type. They're the ones who claim that one AND ONLY ONE pairing will work for a specific character or get pissed whenever something happens in the series that they think makes absolutely no sense.

I actualy use the term fanbrat in regards to something I call "feeding the fanbrats", which refers to those instances where the creator of a series does something that the fanbrats wanted to have happen. One of the endings in Starfox Command, specifically the one where Fox and Krystal are married with kids, comes to mind. Of course the most infamous example is when J.K. Rowling announced that Dumbledore was in fact gay...thus confirming any and all fanfiction where that was the case. Of course, Rowling immediately said "Oh god...the FANFICTION", to which I and I'm sure many others thought "You should have thought of that BEFORE you said that, Rowling."

Anyways, Bob...I'm glad you made this video. You are absolutely right when you said this one thing:



New member
Apr 29, 2010
Multiplatform owners need to step, the many of them. D<

Who here has been called out for a fanboy due to the fact you said "Exclusives are a GOOD thing."? I know I have. =\

Good show, good show. I've been saying this forever!


New member
Mar 19, 2009
What I learned from this:
1. Bob must hang out in some pretty stupid places on the internet if his critique is valid. The claims seem way over exaggerated and certainly does not represent my experience (including this site).

2. The escapist should rename this series to the "The Insignificant View". There have been a couple episodes that have been interesting but too many have been focused on minutia of a subculture or simply been laughable in their content.

In other words, Sorry Bob, I like your At the Movies and Intermission pieces, but I won't waste my time on the "Big Picture" anymore.


New member
May 17, 2008
Moviebob hit the nail on the head with this one. This happened to me the time I said I wanted more RPGs in contemporary settings (or at least stop doing Tolkein over and over). This was somehow percieved as an attack on conventional RPGs, and next thing I know they're saying I want to ban all medieval RPGs forever. Black and White thinking- the basic form of mind control through thought conditioning. Hey Bob, how about you do an episode on that!


New member
Nov 8, 2009
I just have one comment I'd like to make that's probably been said already, but I don't feel like digging through the thread.

Bob has the whole "Fanboy" comment misinterpreted. It's not used as an insult so much as a strawman argument. It's not used as "You liked ? haha, you're a nintendo fanboy you fanboy!" So much as, "You liked ? Well, clearly you are a Nintendo fanboy and therefor your opinions on cannot be taken as valid."

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
upgray3dd said:
Did anyone notice how he had two pictures of Picard in the ending monologue, but none of Kirk? He is clearly a fanboy
did Kirk every face palm though?

but again, good ep :D
*wonders if there's a 'movie bob fanboy' badge, or something* >.> <.<


New member
May 24, 2010
Oh man, this is so goddamn true.

This is why I enjoy the Escapist forums so much. There's no trolling here, or at least there's 99% less trolling than in other sites. I've literally stopped posting on other sites because of the trolls, and around here, I am guaranteed a lot of educated, substantiated opinions on given subjects.

So around here, I can really say that I loved Killzone 2, will buy Killzone 3 on day 1, and at the same time say that I'd get a 360 just to play Gears of War or the first Mass Effect. Because guess what: THEY'RE BOTH GREAT FUCKING CONSOLES.

And don't even get me started on the asshole trolls that go "oh yeah lamezone 2 sukz lol halo ftw pwnd oh and i own both consoles so im not an xbot". Yes. Yes you are. Go murder yourself, or at least have the decency to acknowledge the trolling, you idiot.

So, say I enjoy The Big Picture and Escape to the Movies (DAMN FUCKING RIGHT I ENJOY THEM). Does it make me a MovieBob fanboy? Nope. Bob, you and I are one of a kind when it comes to movies. But the few Game Overthinkers I've watched, I disagree in many aspects. So wait a second... if I'm not a MovieBob fanboy... then WHAT AM I?!?!?!?! A viewer, you troll retards. An objective person. Something you're forgetting it even exists.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
I think this reaction against dualism has a lot to do with the perceived value of objectivity. We equate objectivity with scientific reasoning, logic, and cold hard facts. However, if we are seen to ignore the principles of objectivity in a debate, we are automatically labeled as biased. I do social science research for a living and disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, and history have an established set of methods that have been deemed objective. But those same methods have produced quite a bit of biased information over the decades.
What I guess this Big Picture episode made me wonder was is there a single, objective truth to everything? To give an example, is there something that could be considered "the true news" or is everything relative to the observer's point of view?

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
This video was right on point. I pretty much hate the whole fanboy aspect. I also hate the whole "if you like that then you must hate that"-thingy. Even though I have an Xbox, it doesn't mean that I hate PC, PS3 or Wii. Even though I am a Mass Effect fanboy I still don't hate older RPG's. Why does everything have to be so hard?


New member
Jun 28, 2004
He makes it sound like the internet masses are ruthlessly enforcing this unspoken fairness doctrine to expose the fanboys, when really those enforcers (in most cases) "are" the fanboys. They just can't stand letting a discussion of Halo (for instance)slink buy without pointing out the superiority of Killzone, or at the very, very least pointing out their preference.

I don't think people give the competitor a cookie to avoid being labeled a fanboy, they do it to keep the fanboys at bay. They say something nice about the Xbox when talking about the PS3 so that the thread doesn't devolve into the usual fanboy feud.

There *is* an absurd team vs. team mentality, that even reasonable people get caught up in. However, I think the reasonable types are rarely the ones shouting fanboy at anyone with an opinion. Those are most often the brand loyalists wanting to silence differing opinion.