The Big Picture: Groan Saga


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Ugh, I dunno, I mean that was a pretty good comic-book discussion but that was never the point of The Big Picture, Bob, and you know it. You're supposed to be talking about the world at large, philosophy in general and things of that nature, not just geeking out on your spiderman knowledge. Look if you want to go to what makes you comfortable and just make this a show about comics at least retcon your series into something else.

Dok Zombie

New member
Apr 24, 2008
Dammit Bob, I know the Clone Saga was wacky and stupid, but these were the Spidey books I was reading as a kid, and I got nostalgic even as you were ripping on them. Plus Kane was awesome... He killed Dok Ock with his weird, burny-hand-face-melty power. Which now I think about it, was probably just another 90's publicity stunt.


Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Well, Bob, while I have to agree that this clone business seems completely absurd, I was shocked by your closing statement.

You don't miss the 90s?! Maybe I just have more nostalgic feelings for them since it was the decade of my early childhood, but I say that the 90s kicked ass in so many strange and wonderful ways. Original Pokemon, anyone?

And then, of course, there was this:

Such a weird show.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Could you do a show ripping on Rob Liefeld? Because I never get tired of people talking about how much he sucked and he was a big part of why the 90s sucked.


New member
Aug 23, 2010
It's a shame the comic book industry was doing so badly in the 90s, while Video games, anime, manga, and cartoons flourished. Oh well...God bless the 90s


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Same age and you hate the 90's?

C'mon man, the 90's was that bright spot between the cold war and the shit wars we're in now.

1990's > 1980's


New member
Nov 17, 2009

See number 1. for more information about the clone saga.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I am not a comic book person myself but I would like to try them out. However this continuity thing is just not for me (or any other sane person). Can't the just make parallel universes that have no connection what so ever between one another and it is 100% impossible to travel between them. That way they could just scrap an idea and go from where the last good idea left off ?


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
pheipl said:
I am not a comic book person myself but I would like to try them out. However this continuity thing is just not for me (or any other sane person). Can't the just make parallel universes that have no connection what so ever between one another and it is 100% impossible to travel between them. That way they could just scrap an idea and go from where the last good idea left off ?
Marvel tried that with the Ultimate comic series. It worked out for a little while.

daxterx2005 said:
great episode!
comics are Weird for the win!

Keep doing stuff like this, maybe tell people how wolverine started off as a hulk villain rather than a X-men!

Show the original core x-men group, how its nothing like todays is....
No Logan!
I look back at the original group, and there's only been one member who's relatively unchanged.

I did also enjoy the Spider-Girl series, at least what I've read of it so far. If I was going to suggest a series that isn't run anymore, I would probably go with The Runaways.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Holy shit that is some messed up plot lines. Why didn't marvel hire someone with a stick to go round and beat up the writers when they started thinking like this?

Oh yeah and bob. Spidercide. Get into that.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
And thats why i don't read comics, since i can't take that they doesn't have a real storyline


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Superhero comics need to fuck off forever.

Stories should be written with the characters in mind, and continuity with other comics with different writers just screws up the process.

Oh, I think a hero with a sleeveless hoodie could be cool if they didn't have powers, were dirt-ass broke, and the setting was an urban 1980's. Kinda like Batman, if he didn't have any money.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Wow Bob thanks!

I only know what little I do about the clone wars via a game I play called VS. and so I've always wondered about Ben Reily, Kane, and well just all of it.

As a bit of odd coincidence I just this weeked had a couple of really close games against my friends Clone Wars deck. Which yes, thanks to you, I will now be calling his "Groan Wars" deck. I mean seriously how does Spider Woman take down the Big Blue Boy Scout? An alternate universe is really the only explanation.... What you might find the most amusing part (and I have to give due respect for the move even though it was why I lost) was when he made my 6 Rogue almost completely impotent by nuetralizing her power with a Spider tracer.

As for in the future count me among those who want to see more of these! I love vs. and through it there are a lot of cards that make me curious but I can choose vs. OR comics. Thanks to you it's nice to know I can still at lest TRY to follow the stories that make up some of my favorite strategies.

Since I missed most of it (unless playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 counts) could you do one on the Civil War? Or if you know anything about it the Brightest Day/Darkest Night thing? Seriously I still need it explained to me how Willpower has suddenly become an emotion....

Again great bit and thanks for bringing me to the Escapist. I have to wade a bit but there really is some great stuff and folks here.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I guess I'm the big idiot here because I liked Ben better than Peter. Then again, that's where I started reading Spiderman comics the clone saga/Onslaught series.


New member
May 18, 2010
Comics that take story to this magnitude (Marvel, DC) fall in alongside Shounen Japanese Anime in my book -- drama for men.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
God dammit, why does my generation have to suck!? (I'm 22, and I grew up in the 90's)

Actually, my generation had Animaniacs, Batman: The Animated Series, and the Disney Renaissance, so there's that. Yeah, as a kid, cartoons were the only thing I really paid attention to.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Ah the 90's... the cartoons might have been awesome, but the comics sucked... At least from what I can tell, I got into comic books in the late 90's/early 2000's. The cartoons of that decade were (for the most part) WAY better, in my opinion.

This is an excellent example of a good idea being totally screwed over, making the story more and more insane until no one has any idea what's going on anymore.

If you want a more detailed look at the Clone Saga, either visit the "Life of Riley" webpage, or watch some of Linkara's videos, he has some interesting viewpoints and information about this event.

Apparently, at one point they thought of bringing Mephisto in to end it, but rejected the idea, as he wasn't part of the Spider-man continuity.

...Yeah, hindsight's a ***** ain't it?

I do want to read more Spider-Girl, though, but I'm not sure where to look. I was lucky enough to find a small collection book in a book store several years back, but haven't been able to find any others since...