triple negativeFather Time said:"not saying those guys shouldn't be denied a madden cover either."
Gah. Too many double negatives.
haha, you're wrong. I rarely comment on his show and don't watch it a lot specifically because I usually disagree with him (this also addresses your comment about every video I watch giving him revenue).joebear15 said:.You have commented on all of his videos being a stick up ass hater(im betting). The great irony is every video you comment on and watch gives bob add revenue and allows him to continue making more shows so you can ***** more repeating the cycle, im and sorry you are not smart.Velocirapture07 said:Bob I almost always disagree with you, and this time is no difference. Vick fucked up and did some horrible shit. He served time in prison and did not kill human beings. Also, on the sliding scale of humanity, I'd rate a lot of athletes higher than you. You put together a bunch of random pictures and talk over them with your opinion.
Whoopdy fucking do.
I'm pretty sure there's been other ex-criminals on the front of madden games. They also probably committed crimes against human beings which will always be more damning than anything done to animals. I like animals, but in this case you're completely wrong. I truly feel like he's trying to come back from the mistakes he made. Hell, maybe that is impossible, but at least he's trying.
I'm sure you've never done anything wrong though Bob, nothing you've ever regretted. You're just another freaking mouth piece on the internet no different than any other except for the fact that you get paid to spout to other people your opinion on things. Why don't you pay attention to yourself and your own shortcomings instead of focusing on someone who made animals fight each other. I also like how no one gives a fuck if you have a snake fight or something like that, but when it's fluffy cute shit everyone flips. He wasn't stuffing poodles and lolcats into arenas and torturing them (these were dogs trained and conditioned to be violent ANIMALS)
All in all, you're dead wrong. Animals will never be on the same level as humans, no matter how cuddly wuddly they are (and believe me I do love animals-I own a cat). Vick didn't murder a human child, he didn't violently rape anyone, he didn't assualt a grandmother, he didn't slaughter babies, etc. Get your priorities straight. It's time to move the fuck on and get over it. This series pisses me off to no end as well. How the hell do you actually get paid to spew your opinion and spout it off like fact?!
ps your even lower then he is, you comment on internet video spewing hate at someone who will never read your messages.
I should have written "Bob, when I do watch your segments I almost always disagree with you" or "when I actually comment on, or get through one of your segments I almost always disagree." Trolling is a waste of time and is not what I'm doing.C_Topher said:Judging by your own admission that you usually watch Bob's segments, I can only guess this is meant to be seen as an obvious troll. Really, if you have so much hate for Bob, why watch him? Also, there are a lot of people that get paid to give their opinions; opinion columnist for most newspapers, critics of all kinds, and let's not forget the consultants (financial, business, expert witnesses...) and so on.Velocirapture07 said:Bob I almost always disagree with you, and this time is no difference. Vick fucked up and did some horrible shit. He served time in prison and did not kill human beings. Also, on the sliding scale of humanity, I'd rate a lot of athletes higher than you. You put together a bunch of random pictures and talk over them with your opinion.
Whoopdy fucking do.
I'm pretty sure there's been other ex-criminals on the front of madden games. They also probably committed crimes against human beings which will always be more damning than anything done to animals. I like animals, but in this case you're completely wrong. I truly feel like he's trying to come back from the mistakes he made. Hell, maybe that is impossible, but at least he's trying.
I'm sure you've never done anything wrong though Bob, nothing you've ever regretted. You're just another freaking mouth piece on the internet no different than any other except for the fact that you get paid to spout to other people your opinion on things. Why don't you pay attention to yourself and your own shortcomings instead of focusing on someone who made animals fight each other. I also like how no one gives a fuck if you have a snake fight or something like that, but when it's fluffy cute shit everyone flips. He wasn't stuffing poodles and lolcats into arenas and torturing them (these were dogs trained and conditioned to be violent ANIMALS)
All in all, you're dead wrong. Animals will never be on the same level as humans, no matter how cuddly wuddly they are (and believe me I do love animals-I own a cat). Vick didn't murder a human child, he didn't violently rape anyone, he didn't assualt a grandmother, he didn't slaughter babies, etc. Get your priorities straight. It's time to move the fuck on and get over it. This series pisses me off to no end as well. How the hell do you actually get paid to spew your opinion and spout it off like fact?!
Also, if think forcing animals to fight to the death for our amusement is ACCEPTABLE, then you, my good sir, are in need of professional psychiatric help. Do you have any idea how dogfighting works? The dogs are trained to kill by being beaten, starved, and given other animals to kill, usually stolen pets referred to as bait animals. So yes, Vick was "stuffing poodles and lolcats into arenas and torturing them". Are you saying it would be fine if someone took YOUR cat and tossed it between two starved and vicious dogs? I'll give you a hint: Say "no" and you're a hypocrite, say "yes" and you're as sick a fuck as Vick.
Another thing, as I mentioned in an earlier post, torturing and killing animals is a good predictor of violence against humans. It's usually a stepping stone for much worse, often carriers as serial killers (see Jeffrey Dalmer and Denis Raider [BTK]). It's not that it was "just animals", it's that it was a red flag for a psychopath.
And as for the shit about animals not being on the same level as humans, wasn't the same thing said about women, blacks, Jews, Native Americans, and various other groups throughout history? Newsflash, PEOPLE ARE ANIMALS TOO! We're not on a higher level than any other animals. Even if you chose to ignore that, Vick chose to commit horrendous acts upon something that was helpless and dependant on him for its survival, not unlike a human infant. He's a monster that was caught before he could do more damage, and you're just as bad for defending him.
So it was the fact that he's eligible to pose for the madden cover that made Bob call him scum, rather than his habits of dogfighting?MonkeyPunch said:Any of those involved in these cock-fights and snake-fights poised to be on the cover of Madden or any other publication setting them up as role models?Shirokurou said:Also, Bob I know of countries where literal cock-fights are legal, snake-fights are legal.. i guess all those people are OK, cause it's not puppies or we dealing with countries of lowest-grade scum?
Or maybe you didn't make it through all the way to 4:03 on the video before writing that comment?
Yes, and I don't mind being excluded for not liking something. But I do mind being excluded for living in a place where the subject simply doesn't exist. The Super Bowl has started airing here though, well after midnight though. And we don't have the same commercials, which is all I'd be interested in.RowdyRodimus said:And I've never watched a soccer game in my life, so we would be back at square one lolGeorgW said:The episode was nice and all, but as a non-american I was completely lost. Please don't do many episodes completely focused on a single country's culture. Not just the US, any one country. If you'd have done an episode about real football (soccer), which is more international, I would have liked it more, even though I've watched a grand total of 1 football (again, soccer) game. A quick summation doesn't help if you don't know the culture around it.
Susan Arendt said:He was a millionaire who got his jollies torturing and killing innocent animals. He can die in a damn fire.
While I agree that torturing and killing dogs for entertainment is repugnant and ethically wrong, I have to respectfully disagree with the condemnation of Vick.roostuf said:people who deliberately train and gain profit from the cruelty of less beings(animals) should shot.