The Big Picture: Maddening


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I better ligten the mood.
Michael Vick was going to be on Oprah, but he had to cancel when he learned that Oprah's gift to the audience that day were going to be dogs that he had abused.
Now, here's what dogs wish they could do to Vick:


New member
Aug 19, 2010
I don't care for football or sports much at all, so I had no Idea a person like this was in their, he was a real life truly evil person, he may be good now, but I agree with you bob he really shouldn't be on the cover.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Bob you are right! Vick is a sorry Son of a ***** and that is an insult to sorry sons of bitches!! He is a scumbag pure and simple!


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Onyxious said:
I would hardly call a bird's nest not a building.

And the cat thing was kind of a joke, so on a serious note:
It's a circle of sticks.

And fair enough on the monkey. But I'll shake his hand in a few thousand years when it evolves enough to speak.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
As has already been pointed out, Vick had already graced the cover of Madden in '04. I think few enough people care about Madden, video games or who Michelle Vick is or what he did to give two shits.

The Naked Emperor

New member
Jan 5, 2011
What he did was despicable, yes, but it has nothing to do with the game of football. Refusing to honor his skill doesn't make sense because he is, in fact, very good at tossing a ball around. I don't see a reason to care about that.

The problem is that he's gotten off rather lightly for what he's done. If he doesn't get on Madden 12 it's barely a slap on the wrist. Jailtime is pretty meaningless and we're overcrowded as it is. What I'd really want to see is, as another poster suggested, a boycott of the NFL. That would hurt, that would get the message across.

To be frank, why should he give a damn as long as people still line his wallet with gold? Why should anyone? Sports is business and change happens at the bottom line.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
HeartAttackBob said:
Susan Arendt said:
He was a millionaire who got his jollies torturing and killing innocent animals. He can die in a damn fire.
roostuf said:
people who deliberately train and gain profit from the cruelty of less beings(animals) should shot.
While I agree that torturing and killing dogs for entertainment is repugnant and ethically wrong, I have to respectfully disagree with the condemnation of Vick.

Nature is far more creatively cruel than Michael Vick could ever hope to be. There are many examples, but the first that comes to mind are wasps that implant their parasitic larvae into living caterpillars:
I submit that even this incredible cruelty does not imply that we should condemn the wasps as monsters deserving death.

Declaring a person ethically bankrupt and distancing ourselves from that person is perfectly acceptable, but we must remember that some of our own behavior will inevitably be against the morals of Someone. Wearing a leather belt and eating a hamburger may be against the morals of a devout Hindu, does that give him justification to condemn me and MovieBob to death? Is the Westboro Baptist Church justified in their moral condemnations?

I unequivocally do not agree with Vick's choices regarding dog fighting. However, so long as he does not harm humans, I do not believe that we, or the government, have the right to prevent him from doing what he pleases on his own property with his legally owned animals.
a fine argument sir, very compelling and i respect the fact that this is in your own opinion, but as you said no one will agree on everything. and for your comment i must disagree, he earned a profit from the suffering of other living beings. i applaud your comment and it makes sense to me but i cant agree.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
As an Atlanta resident (For you internationals that is Atlanta, Georgia in the states, I.E ground zero for Mike Vick fans since he played here for his first 7-8 years and revived the franchise). I definitely have grown tired of pro Vick sycophants who seem to see no problem with what he has done. I also definitely think that it is a bad idea and completely irresponsible to put him on the cover of Madden. However, I don?t think it?s a bad idea because it would be rewarding a convicted dog killer, I think it is a bad idea because if there is one thing worse than a pro Vick sycophant, it is an anti Vick sycophant. And much like this particular case, putting him on the cover will just give Antivicks more reason to spout hysterically how the man can never be forgiven and should have been killed.

I know the torch will be hot for this comment, nevertheless? Im sorry, but THEY ARE JUST DOGS. Morally ambiguous dogs- sure. Dogs without the capacity for evil- yup. Innocent dogs by their very nature- definitely. Worthy of ruining a man and making him undeserving of any type of success, good fortune, and happiness for the rest of his life- No. Vick did not kill any humans, he did not rape or murder any little girls, he did not bilk taxpayers and elderly individuals out of their savings, he participated in a brutal, and barbaric southern past time that existed before his activities and will maintain its existence for the foreseeable future. I could never do what he did, I will never be a real fan again, but Im soooooo tired and really semi disgusted by the seemingly unending slew of people who seem to want nothing but pain and torment for this man for the rest of his life. And let?s be clear and not oversimplify the particulars of Vick?s crimes. He didn?t walk the streets of Atlanta to find wayward dogs to torture and kill for kicks, he ran an underground dog fighting organization. I shudder to think of the type of atmosphere and mind state that leads a person to think that it is ok to get into dogfighting, but I refuse to identify it with this ?psycho serial killer monster? lens that so many people seem hell bent on viewing him with. This ongoing campaign to destroy Vick, a man who lost 3-4 years of his career, 100 million dollars, and spent almost two years in jail, just seems gratuitous and much like that idiot on fox news who literally said ?Im a Christian, and I believe in forgiveness, but Micheal Vick killed dogs, and I think he should have been put to death,? this wreaks of haphazard trolling. I would be less bothered if you were a peta freak and didn?t eat meat or simply thought it was irresponsible and stupid on EAs part to do so,(and please someone explain to me how hunting is so far morally [not legally] from dog fighting) but being a seemingly sound minded analytical individual

Bob I respect your opinion, as well as the many other viewers who will flame me for this. But id have rather heard about how COMICS ARE WEIRD again, Id have rather heard you complain more about Madden (which I am a fan of but I do recognize that it is in many ways a rip off), id have even rather seen another Antithinker episode than hear yet another media figure rail against a convicted felon who has been desperately trying to please everyone and get his life together. EA shame on you for being so short sighted and irresponsible with your marketing? AGAIN! But other than that poor idea Mike Vick deserves the same second chance that many of us have had and will have and he deserves it without droves of people shouting loudly for his downfall from the sidelines.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Wait... I just picked this line up on a second viewing.

Bob: "We don't even know if there's going to be an NFL season in 2012..."

Why wouldn't there be? Bob, are you a believer in the 2012 apocalypse, or did something big go down in the NFL that I completely missed?


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
roostuf said:
HeartAttackBob said:
Susan Arendt said:
He was a millionaire who got his jollies torturing and killing innocent animals. He can die in a damn fire.
roostuf said:
people who deliberately train and gain profit from the cruelty of less beings(animals) should shot.
While I agree that torturing and killing dogs for entertainment is repugnant and ethically wrong, I have to respectfully disagree with the condemnation of Vick.

Nature is far more creatively cruel than Michael Vick could ever hope to be. There are many examples, but the first that comes to mind are wasps that implant their parasitic larvae into living caterpillars:
I submit that even this incredible cruelty does not imply that we should condemn the wasps as monsters deserving death.

Declaring a person ethically bankrupt and distancing ourselves from that person is perfectly acceptable, but we must remember that some of our own behavior will inevitably be against the morals of Someone. Wearing a leather belt and eating a hamburger may be against the morals of a devout Hindu, does that give him justification to condemn me and MovieBob to death? Is the Westboro Baptist Church justified in their moral condemnations?

I unequivocally do not agree with Vick's choices regarding dog fighting. However, so long as he does not harm humans, I do not believe that we, or the government, have the right to prevent him from doing what he pleases on his own property with his legally owned animals.
a fine argument sir, very compelling and i respect the fact that this is in your own opinion, but as you said no one will agree on everything. and for your comment i must disagree, he earned a profit from the suffering of other living beings. i applaud your comment and it makes sense to me but i cant agree.
Really? I don't think that was a very good argument at all. Nature is cruel out of necessity. Said wasps parasitize other creatures to reproduce. Michael Vick didn't have to kill dogs to ensure the next generation of his species. He didn't even have to do that to survive; he was already a Goddamn NFL star, one of the highest-paid men in the country.

There is a big difference between instinctively murdering another living creature in a nightmarish fashion to give your offspring a chance to survive, and what Michael Vick was doing, which was forcing animals to participate in an unnatural bloodsport for fun and profit (and mostly for fun, at that).


New member
Jun 19, 2009
OptimusPrime33 said:
On a scale of 1 - Hitler on the sick twisted scumbag list. Michael Vick is a Michael Vick.

Anyhow yeah, he shouldn't even be nominated for something like this, this is like playing the main character in a movie, only this is a picture on a videogame box butanyway, the best thing Vick EVER got from doing the things he did was getting back into the NFL. He should have been in jail for 15 years because of this, but as always, our justice system is completely fucked up.
Why... why should he get 15 years. I would really like a semi logical reason if anyone can possibly provide one. I wouldnt even mind an honest emotional response but someone explain why a human's life must be destroyed as an even exchange for an animals... a dog no less


New member
Jun 25, 2009
To E.A.
"Can you please be tasteful again to me?"
To Bob
"I whole heartingly respect your opinion."
To Everyone else
"It's just a man voicing his opinion, could you try and get over a guys opinion? We all have a lot of em. It just turns out this guy can post videos of his opinion."

But I do respect the few opinions against, we all have our sharp and dull points.
As for my opinion, Dogfighting is certainly wrong, but I do belive in the killing of animals for the survival of me.

For those opinions that are...there. Your here on the internet and your opinion has been placed.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Yes, animal cruelty is bad. I'm a vegan. But is it unforgiveable and inexcuseable? Is animal abuse actually the cardinal sin? It was called an "unspeakable act", for God's sake! Jesus Christ, Bob. How can you possibly justify killing and eating animals when just abusing them is bad? I'm a very quiet vegan. I've never tried to convert anyone. But this is absolute hypocrisy. Animals in a slaughterhouse are treated very, very badly, probably worse than most dogs in fighting rings. And yet someone who is actively trying to redeem himself, who has apologized for what he has done in what appears to be a sincere way, is totally beyond redemption.

This is some incrediable hypocrisy here, dude. Yes, what he did was wrong. Yes, he was a douchebag about it. But NO, IT IS NOT FUCKING UNFORGIVEABLE. HE'S NOT A RAPIST. HE'S NOT A SERIAL MURDERED. HE KILLED HELPLESS, INNOCENT ANIMALS. BUT THIS IS NOT THE WORST THING IN THE UNIVERSE. I'm legitimately angry at this video. When I'm more coherent, I'll probably type up a proper thing here and e-mail it to Bob.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Can I just say that I found this to be one of the best episodes of "The Big Picture" yet?

Bob, PLEASE do more on issues like this that you are passionate about! While I enjoy the "(insert media here) are weird" episodes, if this show is meant to be an avenue for your views on anything you feel like talking about this week, then go for gold!

Much respect for being open and honest about it while still keeping within valid and logical arguments! So few can be so passionate without resorting to rambling nonsense *cough*PETA*cough*

And for the record, not only do I feel he should be denied the Madden cover, this is the kind of thing people should be banned from the game FOR LIFE over. But alas, here in Australia, football players get away with this sort of thing as well. They are busted on drug charges or sexual assault charges, and all that happens is their club drops them and they sign a bigger and better deal with a new club.

The truth is "professional athletes" like this just piss me off. Soldiers should get paid what major sports athletes get, and major athletes should get minimum wage. They do it for the love of the game right? Shouldn't that be enough?


New member
Sep 19, 2008

that's the link.
Adrian Peterson!
If he doesn't win Aaron Rodgers is more likely to beat Vick.