As an Atlanta resident (For you internationals that is Atlanta, Georgia in the states, I.E ground zero for Mike Vick fans since he played here for his first 7-8 years and revived the franchise). I definitely have grown tired of pro Vick sycophants who seem to see no problem with what he has done. I also definitely think that it is a bad idea and completely irresponsible to put him on the cover of Madden. However, I don?t think it?s a bad idea because it would be rewarding a convicted dog killer, I think it is a bad idea because if there is one thing worse than a pro Vick sycophant, it is an anti Vick sycophant. And much like this particular case, putting him on the cover will just give Antivicks more reason to spout hysterically how the man can never be forgiven and should have been killed.
I know the torch will be hot for this comment, nevertheless? Im sorry, but THEY ARE JUST DOGS. Morally ambiguous dogs- sure. Dogs without the capacity for evil- yup. Innocent dogs by their very nature- definitely. Worthy of ruining a man and making him undeserving of any type of success, good fortune, and happiness for the rest of his life- No. Vick did not kill any humans, he did not rape or murder any little girls, he did not bilk taxpayers and elderly individuals out of their savings, he participated in a brutal, and barbaric southern past time that existed before his activities and will maintain its existence for the foreseeable future. I could never do what he did, I will never be a real fan again, but Im soooooo tired and really semi disgusted by the seemingly unending slew of people who seem to want nothing but pain and torment for this man for the rest of his life. And let?s be clear and not oversimplify the particulars of Vick?s crimes. He didn?t walk the streets of Atlanta to find wayward dogs to torture and kill for kicks, he ran an underground dog fighting organization. I shudder to think of the type of atmosphere and mind state that leads a person to think that it is ok to get into dogfighting, but I refuse to identify it with this ?psycho serial killer monster? lens that so many people seem hell bent on viewing him with. This ongoing campaign to destroy Vick, a man who lost 3-4 years of his career, 100 million dollars, and spent almost two years in jail, just seems gratuitous and much like that idiot on fox news who literally said ?Im a Christian, and I believe in forgiveness, but Micheal Vick killed dogs, and I think he should have been put to death,? this wreaks of haphazard trolling. I would be less bothered if you were a peta freak and didn?t eat meat or simply thought it was irresponsible and stupid on EAs part to do so,(and please someone explain to me how hunting is so far morally [not legally] from dog fighting) but being a seemingly sound minded analytical individual
Bob I respect your opinion, as well as the many other viewers who will flame me for this. But id have rather heard about how COMICS ARE WEIRD again, Id have rather heard you complain more about Madden (which I am a fan of but I do recognize that it is in many ways a rip off), id have even rather seen another Antithinker episode than hear yet another media figure rail against a convicted felon who has been desperately trying to please everyone and get his life together. EA shame on you for being so short sighted and irresponsible with your marketing? AGAIN! But other than that poor idea Mike Vick deserves the same second chance that many of us have had and will have and he deserves it without droves of people shouting loudly for his downfall from the sidelines.