The Big Picture: Maddening


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Spinwhiz said:
Di said:
Susan Arendt said:
boeingguy787 said:
Seriously, guys? NOBODY believes in second chances? I thought that the justice system was designed to rehabilitate people, and Vick seems to be rehabilitated (unlike countless others who have not changed their ways).
He got his second chance - he's still playing professional football and getting paid obscene amounts of money for it. He's been given the opportunity to make a living off his athletic prowess. Anything other than that? He was a millionaire who got his jollies torturing and killing innocent animals. He can die in a damn fire.
Saying he could "die in a damn fire" sounds like something we regular plebians could get put on probation/suspension for. Damn shame you guys can abuse the system any way you feel like it.
It's not against the rules. She is not flaming anyone on this site, a group of people or a content creator. This goes the same for the person who would like to "shoot him (Vick) in the head".
Sooo... I get put on probation for a Sodomy joke, still about one guy. But! People here, including your own people, write extremly hateful thing about Vick and that's okay?


BBQ Platypus

New member
Sep 23, 2008
I'm trying to give a shit. Really, I am. From a moral perspective, I know that I probably should. I'm a football fan. Hell, I've even looked at pictures of abused dogs (horrible, disgusting, and depressing stuff).

But try as I might, I just can't bring myself to give a month-old pile of rat shit about this non-story. It's the cover of an overrated game franchise. My indifference knows no limits.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
An excellent argument and one I agree with on every level. Vick has done his time, but he has lot of bad karma built up for his torturing and murder of dogs. Maybe he should no longer deserved to be universally despised, but he should also not be celebrated either.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
I couldnt agree with you more Bob.
It's just like Mike Tyson. He is a covicted rapist, and now stars in movies.
And the "singer" Chris Brown. He beat the crap out of his girlfriend Rhianna, and he's still performing his own headline concerts.

People need to remember what these scumbags did in the past or they will just set an example to others that this behavior is ok.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
You are all so very wrong, Vick Totally deserves to be on the cover!

Of course it should be a picture of him with a dog biting his crotch :)


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Good video as always Bob! Im personally from no where near america so i didnt really hear about this until now but yeah... WTF?! A guy who did that is still in NFL?


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Bullshit. It`s this people i hate the most, the ones who get all morally high when a dog/animal dies but can`t give a shit if a person dies or suffers at 10 meters from them. And yes, it`s just a dog.

p.s. i don`t watch or like NFL


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I uh, have no idea about Madden, but it's the same concerning FIFA. So yeah, I agree concerning sequels.

One thing I'm not entirely positive about is the argument that "Michael Vick the-guy-who-catches-a-ball" did something horrifying and should suffer until the end of his life for it, regardless of rehabilitation and so forth. Now, if it was "Michael Vick the soldier" or "Michael Vick the life-saving physicist", you suggest that this would be different -

- AFTER ARGUING FOR TWO MINUTES that you, in principle agree with reintegrating felons and that he "served his time" etc, but that this did not apply in this case because of the nature of the crime.

Now, I obviously never heard of the guy before, but this strikes me as somewhat hypocritical.

Edit: Also for animals not being capable of doing wrong: Animals may not do wrong on a moral basis, but morals ARE NOT A GOOD MEASURE FOR ANYTHING. I would shoot a bear attacking me. That bear would have done no wrong on a moral level - it would have tried to protects its territory, kids, whatever. Just the same as humans usually kill wild animals trespassing on their land. Just a heads up - there are situation where humans do kill other animals for reasons that have nothing to do with morals, including self-defense or simply sustenance. And it's perfectly acceptable. So yeah, morals aren't really an issue here.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Random Name 4 said:
You mad?

Seriously, I don't give a shit about animal rights or the NFL, but surely it is obvious that this is just trolling?

You are rising to the bait of some trolls, they have been successful

EA isn't some anonymous geek trying to have a laugh.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Hi! This is the Escapistmagazine's residential animal rights nut job and I liked your video! (P.S - I hate Peta too)

My god, fifteen pages already? Daaaaamn. You're a brave man, bob. A very brave man. To do a video that basically had Animal rights, EA, and foot ball you were walking in one massive shitstorm. Nice to see you managed to get out of that real safely.

I enjoyed this video and found it was done in good taste. I hate the 'they're just dogs' argument as well because it's filled with nothing hypocrisy. Basically almost everyone has a pet these days and I bet half of those twats that say 'it's just a dog' would be just a bit destroyed if they lost a pet of their own.

It's funny. If a single wolf kills one person that decides to take a walk in a dark woods at night we have to go on this big cull. But if this overpaid, overhyped athelete runs an illegal operation that makes a profit out of the pain, suffering, and deaths of many animals he's out of jail before you can say 'Come-the-Fuck-on-he-Just-Throws-a-Ball-Around-for-a-Living.' Somewhere out there in the same state I bet a women who killed her drunken, unemployed, and abusive husband is in jail for life. Sad, because justice is supposed to be blind and she isnt supposed to judge someone's crimes according to whether someone's rich or human. No, she's supposed to judge someone's crimes according to the horrible acts they commit and why. Not who they're done to.

He's rich so it's not like he needed the money anyway, so I fail to see how he's 'turning his life around.' Seems more to me like he's a sociopath who would probably be doing these things to other people if he could get a profit out of it.