The Big Picture: Maddening


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
Just move on, cause the more attention you give it, the bigger this gets, and the more it will sell, thus the more incentive for people to buy it.

Yes, I get this is Bob's opinion page, but Bob is often the one who says that protesting or making public opinions are not the way to go about things.

... Besides, you could argue that Vick is long overdo for a cover, with his works in the Falcons.
When did Bob say that?

On the first paragraph (in the quote anyway): I don't see your argument here. The more attention you give it, the more people will know, and hopefully the more people will care. Yes, it may potensially lead to EA selling more copies, but I don't see how that is a very bad thing - it isn't like the money goes to people who themselves torture animals (at least I hope not).


New member
Jul 3, 2009
I agree 100%. I am sick to hell of celebrities committing horrific crimes and getting a pass from their adoring public.

While we're on it, can we boycott the Hangover 2 for featuring a convicted rapist?


New member
May 15, 2008
0 = go vote

I agree with Bob. Vick is absolute scum and deserves to be forgotten about and never mentioned again rather than given another shred of publicity.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
ok bob now you lost a lot of sympathy points
because this rant puts you at least on the same low level as PETA concerning hypocrisy

there is absolutely no measure in what you say
i mean really?
just because you like dogs so much you are gonna put them over every other animal?
i really thought that you were joking when you said in the same rant that you're pro animal testing
either you are pro animal rights or against it... and no exception for the cuddliest animals
either you view animals as what they are(animals) or you grant all animals higher rights

my personal opinion
i'll come clean and say right away that i'm not a fan of dogs... hell they might even be my most hated animal right down there with mosquitoes and wasps
still animals are animals no matter how cuddly they are
basically they don't deserve any rights as they don't even are able to perceive the concept of "rights"
just because animals complain about something doesn't mean that they realize that they have been "wronged" because they don't
in the end they will either forget or except this as their life

i mean what else do animals other than being cute to deserve rights?
i'm not talking about useful animals here like cows and chicken because apparently bob thinks it's ok to torture them - which i find even more hypocritical since those animal at least theoretically deserve rights

last point
i'm a total cat lover
still i wouldn't mind eating them and i would especially not tell others how to treat their cats... because on a basic level they are just things that are being owned by people

edit: i'd also go into detail about how people see the justice system but that would just go too far


New member
May 19, 2009
Omg, someone might get offended because of him being on the cover, all take cover! - Ha? See what I did there...

Yeah, he shouldn't be on the cover, not because someone might get offended or similar reason. Because he doesn't deserve to be on the cover


Senior Member
May 17, 2009
I think a lot of you are overlooking something kind of important. While "human on human" violence is generally considered worse than what Vick did, torturing and killing small (relative term) animals is a part of the Macdonald triad, also known as the triad of sociopathy. This is a pretty reliable indicator of a pre-existing proneness towards homicidal behaviour. In other words, this guy's a serial killer waiting to happen. Don't believe me? Both Jeffrey Dalmer and Denis Raider (BTK) tortured and killed animals before moving on to humans.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
While I don't agree with everything Bob said, I think that Vick doesn't deserve the madden cover because a.) there were bigger stars this season, and b.) he already got the cover (see Madden 2004).

Don't think he's the scourge of the Earth, but he certainly doesn't deserve another Madden cover.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
First point: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Vicky boy's been on the cover of Madden once already when he was with Atlanta. And then promptly got cursed with an injury in the preseason and didn't play all year. Based purely on that, why should he get it again? (If we're going to allow repeats, then they might as well give it to Peyton Manning every year just like the NFL does with its MVP.)

Second point: I'll agree with what some others have said, namely that forgiving is not forgetting. I'm prepared to forgive His Idiocy because yes, he did his time and he seems to be genuinely sorry and is making steps to make up for it. I'm okay with him still playing in the league. But that said, I'm with you Bob. He shouldn't receive everything someone else would. He shouldn't get plaudits like being on the Madden cover (again). He should be doing things like penitently thanking the league for giving him another chance and donating ALL his salary to the Humane Society or similar. Seriously, he can afford it.

Third point: Honestly Bob, this is the NFL we're talking about. This is the least moral sports league in North America. They don't care about animal murder. Hell, [a href=""]human murder[/a] doesn't even bother them.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Oh I agree completely this this guy is a suck mother fucker and should never play in the NFL again.
When you think about it it is sending a horrible picture to the general public.
I also like the point you make how the NFL players can resemble a prison line up. If you are familiar with the Canadian Football league, on the off seasons, they are doing community service work and being teachers. now I am not saying that all the CFL players are goodie goods but maybe the NFL needs to start patrolling who they allow in.


Duel shield wielder
Jul 8, 2010
Yeah, why would you put that guy on the cover, how did it even get this far? I mean he?s done his time and is free to continue on with his career and stuff, sure, fair enough. I just don?t get why you would want him to represent the game, along with anyone else who?s participated in some rather dreadful crimes. I mean, even someone who had committed a more minor crime and not one of abuse, sure slap them on the cover, go wild.

I just think a company would want to keep a particular image and would not want to be associated with something like that.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I agree with you one hundred percent. Yeah Vick served his time, but that doesn't mean we should just forget what he did and honour him. He's a sick fuck who can throw a ball. Why does anyone continue to support him?

I admit to not being a sport fan, and I don't follow Vick so can anyone tell me if he's actually done anything to redeem himself outside of his punishment? I know he does community service, but that's part of his punishment. Has he actually actively tried to better himself? I'm just curious, because in my mind doing your punishment and then just continuing your life with your head down does not equal redemption, that comes from choosing to better yourself and make a change.

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
A lot of passion in this episode. This is why I respect Moviebob, because while I don't always agree, at least he doesn't half-ass his arguments or opinions.

DLC roster updates would KILL the Madden franchise. Every gamer knows it. And EA knows it too. And they can add new game modes as DLC as well, it's been done in other EA games. This is not a matter of "giving them the most up-to-date" version, or a matter of innovating the Football sim genre, it's a simple fact that a VERY large part of EA's annual business plan revolves around the Madden series, and other sports games to a lesser extent. If they did that, if they effectively killed the series, their bottom line would be hit HARD.

Do I condone it? No. It's exactly what he said it was: The biggest rip-off in the history of the gaming industry. But if I was in charge of EA, I'd at the very least make it a slow change.

I get that he wants to reform. I get that he wants to turn his life around. But FORGIVING is not the same as FORGETTING. I can forgive him for doing it. Does that mean I can think he deserves everything he got? Sure, he could have gotten out of jail. But to come right back to the NFL, be treated with the acclaim he has gotten, and now is being put on the cover of Madden? Just because you forgive him doesn't mean the things he did just magically go away. And that's the thing: Everyone is pretty much acting like NOTHING EVER HAPPENED.

Edit: Also, I was a little disappointed there wasn't at least ONE joke about the Madden Curse...


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Not sure Bob realises why he's in such a good position to get on the cover.
It's not because he has that many supporters (I'm sure he has many, but that's not it).

It's because it's an internet vote.
Pure and simple.
People love to "troll" and that's all this is.

Teh interwebs. Fin.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
I agree with Bob completely. 100%. If the law/society permitted, he'd be doing the same exact thing. He didn't learn diddily. That's just how humans operate. Jail rarely teaches you morality in a few years, let alone how long he's been in there.
boeingguy787 said:
Seriously, guys? NOBODY believes in second chances? I thought that the justice system was designed to rehabilitate people, and Vick seems to be rehabilitated (unlike countless others who have not changed their ways).


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I have to dissagree on some of the charactertraits that Bob is giving intuitive to this guy in this episode (the part where he puts in the "my opinion"-sign. But what I can say this: Someone who lets animals suffer for profit is ethicly bancrupt!


New member
Jul 17, 2010
WaderiAAA said:
emeraldrafael said:
Just move on, cause the more attention you give it, the bigger this gets, and the more it will sell, thus the more incentive for people to buy it.

Yes, I get this is Bob's opinion page, but Bob is often the one who says that protesting or making public opinions are not the way to go about things.

... Besides, you could argue that Vick is long overdo for a cover, with his works in the Falcons.
When did Bob say that?

On the first paragraph (in the quote anyway): I don't see your argument here. The more attention you give it, the more people will know, and hopefully the more people will care. Yes, it may potensially lead to EA selling more copies, but I don't see how that is a very bad thing - it isn't like the money goes to people who themselves torture animals (at least I hope not).
Somwhere. Not in this review, in something else, but I remember him saying it once. Or at least alluding to it. And no. Its like JB. The more you mention his name (even if its filled with hate and vile) you make it all the more popular. You make the person more popular by having their name mentioned, and the people that honestly care about who is one the cover are going to look at Stats, not personal life. now yeah, you'll get all the trolls who will vote and against Vick, as well as the people who think he didnt have a good enough season to warrant a cover shot.

As for selling, they should put Vick there. The people that hate vick for his animal charges either:

a) werent going to buy the game anyway
b) are still going to buy the game if they have an interest in football

Vick is the ultimate underdog (no pun intended) story of the season. He left, went to jail, came back, wanted to play the game, and even set up a charity fund. He had a great season, lead his team to heights that (arguably) you could say they wouldnt have reached. And that was all while he wasnt even supposed to be the number 1. Thats going to sell.

Actually, I'm looking at the voting now, and really besides Rodgers (who had an AMAZING season) theres no one else that really deserves that spot over Vick without some considerable debating. You could say Peterson shouldnt even be on the list after his little remarks. ANd I'm sure other players on that list have done some unsavory things.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
gellert1984 said:
I am deeply upset with you bob! As a Carnivore and plant-rights activist I...cant keep this up anymore.

Seriously I couldnt give a damn about pansy assed US rugby-with-pads, or any other sport, but this guy should'nt be touched by any association, it says alot about organistions like the NFL that they'd even let guys like this play for them.
As someone who has played both rugby and futbol americano, I can say with certainty that football is waaaaaaaaay rougher than rugby is. Rugby tackles are like, "grab your jersey and pull you down." Football tackles are "250-lb slab of muscle slamming into your spine at full speed."

Here's a tip: Football players wear those pads because they need them, and that makes the sport rougher.

The more you know! (Twinkle)

On topic: Vick is a scumbag and should never be given any honors ever.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
It's sad that a part of gang culture in America is really into this sort of animal fighting thing.

I bet all those people who support him do so because they are literally in his shoes and wish if they were caught they'd get the same much fail.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
While I can't say I agree with all your opinions a majority of the time, I cannot agree with you more on this issue. Michael Vick is, in my most humble personal opinion, one of the worst human beings in the country. He should be thanking his deity of choice every day that he is allowed to play in the NFL instead of rotting in a prison cell.

While I don't discount that he deserves the "Madden Curse", he does not deserve to be the cover boy of the NFL's official (read: monopoly) game. Based on the actions of EA's management, they seem so scummy (IMHO), you'd think they were hired by Al Davis.

Are there others in the NFL who deserve to rot in a prison cell? Yes. They're called the Oakland Raiders. (Just kidding!)