Well, I watch the no-holds barred cage match that was the Democratic debate tonight, and the thread comes to life.
Specter Von Baren said:
Freaking hell dude, this was way funnier than it should have been, you made my coworkers look at me funny when I laughed at this.
Thanks, glad someone appreciated the "what I didn't realize at the time were early stages of feverish ramblings, at Mountain Fuck that awaited me for the next twenty-four hours". Now that I am once again in control of my mental faculties and bodily functions...
The bad news was, no one cut the shit and threw a folding chair on the stage. Instead, spoiler alert...
I haven't seen an ass get destroyed like that since my kink.com subscription ran out. Seriously, it was brutal, it was like the debate version of the nature documentary where the chimpanzees from one family group isolate a member of a rival family group, beat it, drag it half to death, beat it some more, rip its limbs off and cannibalize the corpse.
There are few times in politics when a candidate or elected official says something so profoundly stupid that, all one can do is be stricken speechless, wondering to themselves, "why...
the fuck...would anyone say that?". Trump being the lone exception, as it is understood he has no filter and that anything he say can and will be either profoundly stupid, or profoundly trollish, but more likely both. No, I'm talking Todd Akin or Richard Mourdock territory.
Thus it was this evening, when challenged about releasing the dozens of women who have accused him of sexual misconduct from their NDA's, Michael Bloomberg said he would not, because "the NDA's are consensual". Unlike the acts which got him accused of sexual misconduct in the first place, one would assume.
At some point Pete, Amy, and the Telemundo host who wasn't on camera remotely enough for my taste got in a three-way slap fight over Klobuchar's inability to name Andres Obrador. I really can't say shit, not only did I not know who the Mexican President was, but for some reason I still thought PRI was in control. But I'm not running for President, either.
There was also a slapfight between Amy and Pete, wherein once again Pete tried to mansplain (I hate myself for using the term, but if the shoe fits...) Klobuchar's own Congressional record to her. Needless to say, I think Pete came out looking worse in that exchange, basically blowing his entire load to knock down a candidate no one was taking seriously in the first place.
Well, except for whomever birthed this unholy abomination into the world. Which is an actual thing someone actually made, and it is proof we all died in 2016 and now exist in Hell.
In retrospect, if I were Amy or Pete, I'd have stuck to sniping at the other too and stayed far,
far away from the Warren-Sanders-Biden feeding frenzy. Pete took a shot or two at Bernie in the middle of it on Bernie's health and M4A, and it for a moment it looked like Bernie might have Hulked out, picked up his podium, and hurled it at Buttigieg for daring to be a speed bump on his way to Bloomberg.
Biden also said some stuff but didn't really stand out enough to slow down his campaign's free fall. Sanders didn't deliver a blowout performance, but on the other hand he brought the fire against Pete and did his part boring out Bloomberg's ass. Mostly, Sanders held his ground and delivered a solid performance, which was all he needed.
The real treat of the night was when Chuck Todd put the question to the candidates, should whomever wins the plurality of pledged delegates be the winner if the convention is contested, or should the convention be brokered? Naturally, every candidate but Bernie said the convention should be brokered. Extra funny, is this comes with the tacit admission none of them except Bernie seems to believe they'll come out of the primary race with a plurality of delegates. So we can put a pin in the "will the DNC be ratfucking?" question for now.
The biggest takeaway of the debate is the candidates all seemed to remember at the end of this, one of them -- or hell at this point, Hillary Clinton in a mecha suit, fuck it why not -- will be facing a racist, sexist Republican billionaire in the general election. All it took for them to realize this, was facing a racist, sexist Republican billionaire on the Democratic debate stage.