He should be sued for defamation and made to apologize. This has already happened a bunch of times with Jones years before he was canceled in particular, a specific case involving the maker of a brand of turkish yogurt I enjoy (chobani, means shepherd haha), so the system is already working. No need for mobs to be involved.trunkage said:That's greatDreiko said:Never heard of a crackdown or canceling either of these things, honestly it sounds surprising this is something to ask because criminal behavior can't be promoted on sites like youtube or the site would be liable so it's just enforcing the law and not "cancelling" something.trunkage said:Hey Dreiko
What's your thoughts on when YouTube cancelled groups like Al Qaeda beheading people? I'm assuming you think this is bad on Youtube's part as well because you're so against cancelling. What about the current crackdown on Pedophiles?
This is something that the law decides, not unelected uneducated unidentified internet denizens, which is what makes it ok. Cancelling is what happens when a mob feels like the law failed or is ill-equipped to bring justice so they have to take it into their own hands. Situations like with creeps or terrorists are already being dealt with by the law so there's no need for them to be canceled.
Hey Dreiko. What do you think of a guy that fabricates evidence and lies about certain individuals and tells his peeps to take them out via social media?
Seanchaidh said:Donald Trump and Mike Bloomberg think very much alike about things like Stop and Frisk, spying on Muslims, tax policy, and so on. Mike Bloomberg is the professional, orderly fascist to Donald Trump's clown fascist.Dreiko said:I don't see Bloomberg as being a populist, he's an oligarch so pretty much the exact opposite and he had a past as a mayor so he doesn't have the outsider thing going for him either. He's more like Romney, both in character and in policy. Also, he's an actual billionaire who spends his own money and is actually spending his own money for publicity while Trump just had to game the media into providing him billions worth of publicity for free. That won't play well for the same audience that liked Trump.Seanchaidh said:Honestly, Bloomberg is more in the Donald Trump lane than he is in the Biden lane, though I suppose those lanes are close enough together to be more or less the same in terms of the Democratic primary.Agema said:Biden's campaign is doing poorly for sure, but these are states where he was already reckoned to be weak, and he's still well in contention in national polls. If he can hold it together and perform in some favourable ones, it might steady the ship.Dreiko said:Biden getting 5th and leaving the state before it was even over and only talking to his followers and people who worked on his campaign all this time on a video service for 5 minutes is embarrassing. Everyone who was claiming he was more electable than Bernie on tv should be fired and replaced by dogs who decide on candidates by popping balloons with their names inside of them. Would be at least just as accurate.
That said, his responses to Iowa and NH results make him seem very fragile and I won't be sorry to see him go if he melts away. I suspect Bloomberg's imminent arrival - a major candidate occupying the same ground - will break his campaign.
I don't think Trump cares either way, he's just playing to his audience and his audience is the one that thinks like that so he projects that image. He was also talking about universal healthcare back in 2016 too.
Bloomberg actually probably does believe them, you have audio of him telling people they could xerox a profile of criminals as being black young kids and men and pass it off to every cop lol.
Trump is basically the uninterested noble who is too busy enjoying himself to have empathy while Bloomberg is more of a true believer.