At 49.8% of Nevada reporting, OP has been updated to reflect the current CCD percentages. I'll update later once the reporting puts it at or near 100% later this week.
In more than a few cases, he formally announced after the filing deadlines, so he wasn't eligable to run in the first place.tstorm823 said:It's not quite like that. Bloomberg announced his candidacy so late, the other candidates had spent the better part of a year in the first 4 states to vote ahead of him, so he conceded them as a lost cause. It wasn't "your votes don't matter", it was "there's not enough time for me to campaign here."tf2godz said:Wow, that is quite an asshole move, especially from a politician. "You see I don't care your vote doesn't matter." That is basically what he's saying by skipping Nevada.