Silvanus said:
Pseudonym said:
Honestly this is what keeps baffling me too. A lot of the dems seem incapable of telling their own story about why you should vote for them. Any framing that gives too much prominence to your opponents is losing framing.
That's the conventional wisdom, but Trump's (successful) campaign was built on near-endless insults and accusations aimed at his opponents. Far more than usual (and often without a grain of truth in it).
It shows a complete lack of respectability, sure, but sheer negative campaigning has won several major victories recently.
Yeah, but at least then make it properly negative. Calling Warren Pocahontas or Jeb low energy might draw some attention to Warren or Jeb but not attention that they'd want. Presenting Trump as a terrible and nearly insurmountable opponent for the Dems draws attention to Trump that he wouldn't mind at all whilst making the dems seem frightened and weak. Bickering over 'electability' is also a lot of energy spent on a discussion that will be completely moot during the general. When Trump insults people the story is either 'did Warren lie about her ancestry' or 'Trump is so disrespectful omg'. That either weakens his opponent or draws attention to him on something that revolts some people but draws others to him, as long as he picks the right targets. If the dems attack Trump, it's usually either on his demeanor, which his supporters like or can forgive, or his xenophobia, which his supporters like or can forgive. I'd argue that you should attack his xenophobia, but mostly to oppose and marginalize xenophobia, not to harm him. If you want to harm him, do what Bernie did to Biden and hit him right on social security or something like that. Something on which he has said contradictory things, which does not feed into any particular narrative which he can use, and which is properly hated, not just hated by dems.
Also, Trump definitely has some policies associated with his name such as a Muslim ban and a wall. He takes a stand on immigration. One that draws attention and is easy to remember. Not a stand I like (very xenophobic and the resulting policies are cruel) but still. Those people who want less immigration will be happy. What stance has Buttigieg, Klobuchar or Warren taken that a) you can remember off the top of your head and b) other candidates don't do better?
Also also, some of the ways to reinforce Trumps framing and issues aren't even attempts to hurt him. I've heard Bernie, Klobuchar and Yang all present variants on MAGA (make america kind again, make america think harder, etc). Why would you do that? I know it sounds like a good zinger, but it also reinforces MAGA as a cultural staple and is also an implicit admission that some aspects of Trump should be imitated.
shinyelf said:
Because mostly everyone who is not a republican, and possibly some who are, can see the need to remove Trump from office as soon as possible? That is why electability becomes a concern. From the outset I would have said that most of the primary candidates had the chance to become the nominee, but not all off them had the chance to beat Trump.
If that were true of 'mostly everyone who is not a republican', you wouldn't have to worry about electability. You worry about electability precisely because a significant portion of the electorate won't vote for just anyone who isn't Trump. If Trump were as hated as you say, you could campaign on 'Trump bad' regardless of who the nominee is. More importantly, just because you want to beat Trump doesn't mean that should be your campaign pitch.
edit: I've used the word 'also' some fifty times in this post. Sorry if it's a bit of a stapled together list of points.