So, cancel culture debate aside, here's where we're at with Iowa.
The IDP has awarded Buttigieg two pledged delegates over Sanders, despite that Sanders came out ahead in the popular vote and that Buttigieg's SDE lead is 0.1%. The Sanders campaign is, predictably, contesting the results.
The problem from here is the IDP is refusing to budge, claiming a legal argument that rejecting, overriding, or amending precinct results is electoral fraud, as caucus math worksheets are legal documents and to alter their results -- even to correct glaring mathematical and clerical errors -- is election fraud. Never mind that correcting errors in legal documentation is perfectly legal, so long as those errors are recorded and the act of correction is also recorded. And, the Democratic party's own legal argument four years ago in the Sanders lawsuit was, as a private corporation they're under no legal obligation to abide by caucus or primary results, making the entire point of whether legally correcting legal documents is tantamount to election fraud or not, completely moot.
Just, never mind these deep, systematic, and disturbingly common errors overwhelmingly favor one candidate (Buttigieg) and disfavor another (Sanders)...also never mind the Buttigieg campaign has been actively courting and donating to those involved in the Iowa Democratic party on the local and state level.
Saying the only way to avoid election fraud is to allow fraudulent results based on fraudulent paperwork to stand, to "protect the integrity of the process", is peak 2020. And according to the IDP, correcting mathematical errors is a matter of "personal opinion". Once again, Iowa Democrats out here doing God's work making Katherine Harris look like D.B. Cooper.
Still no word on the shittiest coin tosses in human history.
Thus, eyes turn towards Nevada...where the Democratic party's plan is to use a "tool" accessible on iPads owned, distributed, and administrated by the party, which will have early voting/caucusing results pre-tabulated and caucus administrators can use to calculate and upload caucus results in real time. But it's not an app. Nevada Democrats have not disclosed the name or mechanism of the tool, nor who created it, nor provided any real information on it or guarantee of its safety, security, or robustness.
But at least the Nevada Democratic party hired a new "Voter Protection Director"! ...who, coincidence of coincidences, happened to be a Buttigieg staffer.
Thought Iowa was a dumpster fire? Nevada to the rescue, backing up a truck full of tires and dirty diapers to throw in there.
The IDP has awarded Buttigieg two pledged delegates over Sanders, despite that Sanders came out ahead in the popular vote and that Buttigieg's SDE lead is 0.1%. The Sanders campaign is, predictably, contesting the results.
The problem from here is the IDP is refusing to budge, claiming a legal argument that rejecting, overriding, or amending precinct results is electoral fraud, as caucus math worksheets are legal documents and to alter their results -- even to correct glaring mathematical and clerical errors -- is election fraud. Never mind that correcting errors in legal documentation is perfectly legal, so long as those errors are recorded and the act of correction is also recorded. And, the Democratic party's own legal argument four years ago in the Sanders lawsuit was, as a private corporation they're under no legal obligation to abide by caucus or primary results, making the entire point of whether legally correcting legal documents is tantamount to election fraud or not, completely moot.
Just, never mind these deep, systematic, and disturbingly common errors overwhelmingly favor one candidate (Buttigieg) and disfavor another (Sanders)...also never mind the Buttigieg campaign has been actively courting and donating to those involved in the Iowa Democratic party on the local and state level.
Saying the only way to avoid election fraud is to allow fraudulent results based on fraudulent paperwork to stand, to "protect the integrity of the process", is peak 2020. And according to the IDP, correcting mathematical errors is a matter of "personal opinion". Once again, Iowa Democrats out here doing God's work making Katherine Harris look like D.B. Cooper.
Still no word on the shittiest coin tosses in human history.
Thus, eyes turn towards Nevada...where the Democratic party's plan is to use a "tool" accessible on iPads owned, distributed, and administrated by the party, which will have early voting/caucusing results pre-tabulated and caucus administrators can use to calculate and upload caucus results in real time. But it's not an app. Nevada Democrats have not disclosed the name or mechanism of the tool, nor who created it, nor provided any real information on it or guarantee of its safety, security, or robustness.
But at least the Nevada Democratic party hired a new "Voter Protection Director"! ...who, coincidence of coincidences, happened to be a Buttigieg staffer.
Thought Iowa was a dumpster fire? Nevada to the rescue, backing up a truck full of tires and dirty diapers to throw in there.