Faulgor was sitting in the rear cart as they rolled on, inspecting his weapons and armor, a habit he'd formed from years of experience. The last thing he needed, were he to be in a fight, was his armor to come loose or a blade to be caught in its sheathe. Once he was content with the results of the inspection, he removed one of the daggers and began twirling it expertly in his fingers with a flick of his wrist the knife seemed to float towards his right hand as it mimicked the movements of his left and, in turn, twirling the knife just as skillfully. Faulgor was never one to show off, he just loved watching the blade dance through his fingers and knowing he was the one orchestrating it. It also served the purposes of keeping him on edge, keeping his dexterity at its best, and ensuring he never keep bored for too long. Back and forth the blade went, moving deftly from one hand to the other until the carriage had slowed to a halt, as did Faulgor's blade. Evidently, he'd lost track of time and they'd already reached their destination - an encampment which had been through a 'heated' debate of sorts. The Orc disembarked the wagon and stretched before approaching one of the smouldering remainders of huts.
"Well, seems they've come across a minor problem..." he thought aloud. "Let's hope it's a problem that isn't too fond of recurring."
"Well, seems they've come across a minor problem..." he thought aloud. "Let's hope it's a problem that isn't too fond of recurring."