Da Nang Ship: Snakehead
The Snakehead was clearly confused by Devon's assault, but the thing that really sealed his fate was when he let his focus leave the fight to watch...whatever it was that was coming from the sky.
"{....What th-}URK!" He said before a single swipe from Devon was enough to end him, Just because he could stand upright with a sword didn't mean he knew how to use it.
An awkward silence filled the air as the Da Nang members who were watching the fight...well...Former Da Nang members looked at each other and fled, some of them so desperate to get away they literally jumped off the boat and swam for the shoreline.
Every other gang member stayed, because they were dead.
[HEADING=2]After an extremely one sided battle, the Da Nang, their Advanced Weapons and the threat they posed were defeated.[/HEADING]
Da Nang Ship: Rugal
Rugal was in a good mood all things considered.
He was alive, the weapons that were stolen were all ruined by seawater and they just bust a major Human Trafficking Ring.
While he had more than a few bullets in his body that would need to be removed, The Former King of Fighters could mark this off a good da-
Then "He" landed.
Reeling from the shock of the boat being hit, He then instantly called the others over their communicator rings.
"Rugal to all parties, what the hell was that?!?" He asked, wondering if this was some kind of summon or something that one of the more magica-
He froze as every chance of this day ending well just flew out the window.
"...Oh...No..." He said as he realized his former nemesis was standing in the middle of the battletorn ship.
Dillon?....But.....I thought he was..... He thought to himself as he realized how bad things were going to get.
[color=0E59E4]"Daaaaaaad? We got a bit of a problem. How good was your last parting with Dillon?"[/color] Teri sent over the rings.
"...Last time we met...I burned a private Island of his to the ground...
stole half of his money...
and buried him along with his daughter...Make that buried alive, apparently...Just....Stay with your mother...." He sighed as he buried his face in his hands, the implications of this filtering in.
"...Oh well...Might as well say "Hi"..." He decided as he made his way to the Ground Zero of Dillon's return.
When he stepped out of the smoke and ruins before his former enemy, he was a far cry from the Rugal he met: sure, his Red Suit was there, covered in Blood and with dozens of bullet holes, but at the same time..."Different".
"...What exactly do you say to something like this?..." He asked a man whom he fought several times, the burning of the ship and the groans of the defeated gang doing little to break the ice.
"...Hello Dillon..."
Da Nang Ship: Jenny
Jenny was helping Melethia throw some bombs when the impact happened, giving the Gardevoir the fright of her life, mistaking Dillon's re-entry as a bomb she threw.
"OHMYARCEUSJESUSALLAHSHIT!" She swore as she threw herself on the ground, ducking and covering from the impact.
"....Melethia...please tell me before I throw a bomb that big." She asked the elf, completely unaware that it was Dillon's arrival that caused the blast, not her.
The Snakehead was clearly confused by Devon's assault, but the thing that really sealed his fate was when he let his focus leave the fight to watch...whatever it was that was coming from the sky.
"{....What th-}URK!" He said before a single swipe from Devon was enough to end him, Just because he could stand upright with a sword didn't mean he knew how to use it.
An awkward silence filled the air as the Da Nang members who were watching the fight...well...Former Da Nang members looked at each other and fled, some of them so desperate to get away they literally jumped off the boat and swam for the shoreline.
Every other gang member stayed, because they were dead.
[HEADING=2]After an extremely one sided battle, the Da Nang, their Advanced Weapons and the threat they posed were defeated.[/HEADING]
Da Nang Ship: Rugal
Rugal was in a good mood all things considered.
He was alive, the weapons that were stolen were all ruined by seawater and they just bust a major Human Trafficking Ring.
While he had more than a few bullets in his body that would need to be removed, The Former King of Fighters could mark this off a good da-
Then "He" landed.
Reeling from the shock of the boat being hit, He then instantly called the others over their communicator rings.
"Rugal to all parties, what the hell was that?!?" He asked, wondering if this was some kind of summon or something that one of the more magica-
He froze as every chance of this day ending well just flew out the window.
"...Oh...No..." He said as he realized his former nemesis was standing in the middle of the battletorn ship.
Dillon?....But.....I thought he was..... He thought to himself as he realized how bad things were going to get.
[color=0E59E4]"Daaaaaaad? We got a bit of a problem. How good was your last parting with Dillon?"[/color] Teri sent over the rings.
"...Last time we met...I burned a private Island of his to the ground...
stole half of his money...
and buried him along with his daughter...Make that buried alive, apparently...Just....Stay with your mother...." He sighed as he buried his face in his hands, the implications of this filtering in.
"...Oh well...Might as well say "Hi"..." He decided as he made his way to the Ground Zero of Dillon's return.
When he stepped out of the smoke and ruins before his former enemy, he was a far cry from the Rugal he met: sure, his Red Suit was there, covered in Blood and with dozens of bullet holes, but at the same time..."Different".
"...What exactly do you say to something like this?..." He asked a man whom he fought several times, the burning of the ship and the groans of the defeated gang doing little to break the ice.
"...Hello Dillon..."
Da Nang Ship: Jenny
Jenny was helping Melethia throw some bombs when the impact happened, giving the Gardevoir the fright of her life, mistaking Dillon's re-entry as a bomb she threw.
"OHMYARCEUSJESUSALLAHSHIT!" She swore as she threw herself on the ground, ducking and covering from the impact.
"....Melethia...please tell me before I throw a bomb that big." She asked the elf, completely unaware that it was Dillon's arrival that caused the blast, not her.