The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Da Nang Ship: Snakehead

The Snakehead was clearly confused by Devon's assault, but the thing that really sealed his fate was when he let his focus leave the fight to watch...whatever it was that was coming from the sky.
"{....What th-}URK!" He said before a single swipe from Devon was enough to end him, Just because he could stand upright with a sword didn't mean he knew how to use it.
An awkward silence filled the air as the Da Nang members who were watching the fight...well...Former Da Nang members looked at each other and fled, some of them so desperate to get away they literally jumped off the boat and swam for the shoreline.
Every other gang member stayed, because they were dead.

[HEADING=2]After an extremely one sided battle, the Da Nang, their Advanced Weapons and the threat they posed were defeated.[/HEADING]

Da Nang Ship: Rugal

Rugal was in a good mood all things considered.
He was alive, the weapons that were stolen were all ruined by seawater and they just bust a major Human Trafficking Ring.
While he had more than a few bullets in his body that would need to be removed, The Former King of Fighters could mark this off a good da-

Then "He" landed.
Reeling from the shock of the boat being hit, He then instantly called the others over their communicator rings.
"Rugal to all parties, what the hell was that?!?" He asked, wondering if this was some kind of summon or something that one of the more magica-
He froze as every chance of this day ending well just flew out the window.
"...Oh...No..." He said as he realized his former nemesis was standing in the middle of the battletorn ship.
Dillon?....But.....I thought he was..... He thought to himself as he realized how bad things were going to get.
[color=0E59E4]"Daaaaaaad? We got a bit of a problem. How good was your last parting with Dillon?"[/color] Teri sent over the rings.
"...Last time we met...I burned a private Island of his to the ground...
stole half of his money...
and buried him along with his daughter...Make that buried alive, apparently...Just....Stay with your mother...."
He sighed as he buried his face in his hands, the implications of this filtering in.

"...Oh well...Might as well say "Hi"..." He decided as he made his way to the Ground Zero of Dillon's return.
When he stepped out of the smoke and ruins before his former enemy, he was a far cry from the Rugal he met: sure, his Red Suit was there, covered in Blood and with dozens of bullet holes, but at the same time..."Different".
"...What exactly do you say to something like this?..." He asked a man whom he fought several times, the burning of the ship and the groans of the defeated gang doing little to break the ice.
"...Hello Dillon..."

Da Nang Ship: Jenny

Jenny was helping Melethia throw some bombs when the impact happened, giving the Gardevoir the fright of her life, mistaking Dillon's re-entry as a bomb she threw.
"OHMYARCEUSJESUSALLAHSHIT!" She swore as she threw herself on the ground, ducking and covering from the impact.
"....Melethia...please tell me before I throw a bomb that big." She asked the elf, completely unaware that it was Dillon's arrival that caused the blast, not her.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Ella/Devon

As she saw Devon, Ella nodded to angie's remark. "I'll be back with you in a second. I'll just get Devon and then we'll get to whatever shenanigans we were going to try."

Now that he had a moment to give to the rather big explosion, Devon went to the rings to contact the others, catching a breath as he did so. Pardon my french, but the hell was that? Ella swooped down and tsked at the damaged outfit, and she laughed at the Bard's having to cool down. "Wow, never knew you had such a hard time defending yourself against an old man." However, she had a playful grin on that showed it was nothing more than a joke.

It was a little bit more before he finally caught his breath, but when he was done Ella put an arm around him. "Dev, let's see who was the smart one to crash down here... I hope it's not ome of those angels. They're so dogmatic it's not even funny, and I honestly don't want to hear it." With that, the two slowly made their way over to the crash site.

Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A/Caim

The staff known as Sadei gave a small 'nod' to Teri's statement. I'm fine, but that crash was something odd... What was that? Of course, it did its best to support Teri physically and mentally to the extent that she could.

SLindis, however, was showing a healthy amount of caution. [color=c200]"Teri, do you know that man? I'm not too sure what to make of him myself, but it would be nice to know if we're opening a can of troubles here."[/color]

Da Nang Ship: Jenny

Melethia shook her head. "I never handed ya ordinance like that... Looks like some kind of human, although I doubt it. To be safe, though, I'm gonna keep a few arrows at the ready." After all, whoever that guy was, he wasn't someone to joke around with.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
bluecrimson said:
Da Nang Ship: Ella/Devon
Dillon looked around, he found his senses were much higher than he had anticipated, he suddenly heard something like a bow being drawn and he had the feeling he was being watched. he relaxed and golden wings of light appeared on his back he began to ascend. he was emitting a strong aura, nothing threatening or even intimidating just potent.
"Who's there? I'd appreciate you to come out where I can see you." he announced quite clearly his eyes were searching he focused and used his ability of soul perception, the technique of hiding ones soul was known by few.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Orinon said:
The hyperlinks is for the look of their outfits, and Ella's also has her general appearance.
Da Nang Ship: Ella/Devon

Devon [] approached with Ella [] holding her companion up. Devon clearly looked a bit worse for wear, having been grazed by a few shots, and Orinon could see the faint black glint of a well-made chainmail shirt underneath.

"Before we start getting inquisitive here, There's a question I think we all want to know the answer to. So, would you mind me asking who you are and what brought you here?" The human holding one of Caim's blades seemed to have a good deal of conviction, and the soul perception revealed a rather genuine man that was more concerned with doing the right thing, and one that felt that words were a great ally in themselves. The woman alongside him seemed a bit more mischievous, although he hardly needed the perception to see that the two were rather close.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color].
Location: Garica Streets.
After hearing the story and getting in the car, Shawn just nodded along with David.
"Thought it was something like that. The thing is that we all have to remember that shot happens to all of us, good, bad ... these kind of events happens to us. I already labelled it as one of life's unknown rule." Shawn said and there was a pause that could only be described as "depressing".

"With that said, it wasn't anything bad that happened to me. I became a radioactive human to save DC and got shot in the head as I was a Courier ... and I cannot forget about ... killing all those people." Shawn grasped his head and saw many, many bodies in his imagination. He has killing many people, monsters and worse. From other races, factions and reasons.

"Instead of me dusting up my own scars, point is ... you have to fight so these events do not happen, that is one of the reasons why I am here." The Wanderer said, hoping to cheer the cop up.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
bluecrimson said:
Da Nang Ship:
Dillon looked at the couple.
"Hmm that's an interesting sword you have, I know the owner of that blade I know you also couldn't have stolen it. Now then as for Who I am, I was called Dillon I am a legendary Hero, Pure of Heart who was displayed among the stars. hy am I here? perhaps the world needs my help again." he shrugged and descended down to ground level, he had a sort of energy to him being close you felt a warmth, and You'd swear he was glowing.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010

Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A/Caim

[color=9BBED5]'Hmm...'[/color] David hummed internally.

After getting over his momentary scare from Caim and the sudden appearance of the newcomer, the boy listened to the ongoing conversations and tried to make sense of this whole mess. However, his efforts were fruitless, as they were before.

The young Ashworth felt drained. Not from the act of rationalizing the current situation, but rather, he felt physically drained. While his outer wounds were mostly healed from Teri's aura, internally, there was still much pain. He felt his bones ache, and his head pound with greater intensity. The inside of his mouth tasted like copper, and he could barely stand on his two feet. With a grunt, he fell against the side of a crate, leaning to prevent himself from collapsing onto the ground.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
San Francisco: Viscus, Fionn

"I would go myself, but the building as countermeasures to both my Hacking and Infiltration skills. The second I enter the building, EMPs will deploy. As a Biological Being, you have no such issue."
Providing he's telling the truth, he has a point about the EMPs. Not to mention having to only deal with one of him in the future would be better than dozens. This had better be worth it. "Give me the location, I'll go right now. I doubt they'll be expecting many magic users." He was aware the arcane tended to stick to The Rising Dawn like an electric flytrap. With that, he started walking in the direction of the shopping district, "Oh, one more thing." He turned back, "if this is a setup, I'll put you AND Rugal in a body bag and send you off to the authorities. Not that there would be much left to identify you. My work can be, messy, sometimes." His warning given, he walked off to prepare.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Da Nang Ship: Rugal

Rugal rolled his eyes at his former enemy's "Heroism" speech, it reminded him of Tomoya, though he felt the Former Arch Angel did it better.
"[sub]Oh Spare Me...[/sub]" He murmured under his breath as the Soul Perception waved over him.
Dillon would find that his soul was a FAR cry from his former self: Gone was the bloodsoaked Rugal and in was a....well...Slightly-Less bloodsoaked Rugal.
He would also find more references to Slindis, Melethia and Teri and no trace of his urges for world domination.
...Why couldn't you just stay dead?... He thought as went to leave the Teenager, not really wanting another fight.

Da Nang Ship: Jenny

Jenny led Melethia towards where Dillon was, instantly recognizing the Former Rising Dawn Captain.
"Dillon! How are you? God, it's been so long! How have you've been!?" She asked, motioning for Melethia to lower her bow, feeling no threat from him.

Leaving San Fierro: David

"Yeah, yeah...I know the pep talks..." David said as he commandeered the civilian car.
"...Hey man...This is a nice car. I'll try to get it back to you." He said to the guy he took the car off before they set off.
"Only thing is now, Where the hell would he go now?..." He asked as he fiddled with the Sat-Nav.
Once he was done with this, he sent over the Rings "Yo, this is West. Me Shawn and Ton Ton lost Deadshot, we're going to see if we can't pick up the trail again. We'll keep in touch, West out."
San Francisco: Viscus

"if this is a setup, I'll put you AND Rugal in a body bag and send you off to the authorities. Not that there would be much left to identify you. My work can be, messy, sometimes."

"Believe me Mage, if I had any desire to kill you, I would just fulfil it here and be done with it."
Viscus warned as opened up one of his compartments and handed Fionn a old AIM-Brand PDA.
"OCP Plaza, by the waterfront. Directions are on that PDA as well as a means to contact me."
he explained as the GPS came on.
"In order to divert attention, I will running Data Raids on one of OCP's Server Banks. To combat my efforts, they will re-route their automated security systems, creating holes in their defense. Now move."
He said as he flew off, towards the San Francisco branch of OCP.
He also left Fionn behind to get there himself.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
San Francisco: Viscus

As the android flew towards the OCP San Francisco building, a bolt of crimson lightning struck exactly half a meter away from him. Viscus's sensors would have been overloaded at that range, though given his displays of power, he probably saw it coming. A few seconds later, a message came in.

It appears we can both kill each other in one shot, despite your advanced weaponry. I'm aware of the limits of my capabilities, perhaps you should remind yourself of yours.
A San Francisco toy shop: Fionn?

The Mage Knight laughed to himself as he put away the PDA, turning to a shop assistant. "Hello, I'm looking for one of those toy guns that shoot the fake bullets." A plan had sprung in his head for getting in without killing any guards.

"Uhh......" The assistant was, unnerved at the man's appearance. to say the least. First the chaos in Los Santos, now this madman shows up in the shop. The occasional spark around the his left hand didn't help the mage's image. "Airsoft guns are in the sports shop, across the street." The mage just walked off towards the sports shop, and after five minutes and a few fleeing customers, he walked out with a Airsoft pistol with a silencer attached.

He then set off for the OCP building, taking a casual stroll, there was no need to rush. The city was used to weirdness at this point, especially given the chaos in San Andreas. One guy dressed like a Mage having lost The Alamo? Compared to the other goings on, he was invisible.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
San Francisco: Viscus

Fionn watched as Viscus was nearly stuck down by his lighting as he kept flying towards the target.
A Message came in on his PDA:
[i]...Point Taken.[/i]
OCP Plaza: Fionn/Viscus

Fionn soon arrived outside the building, his PDA leading him to the front door before another message came up.
[i]Look up and West[/i]
Following the instructions, he saw Viscus standing ontop of one of the other buildings near OCP.
[i]I'm starting my Cyber Attack, Head to 60th Floor. Begin mission now[/i]
Viscus then sent before he began his end of the mission, starting a massive DDOS attack on the Company's website and all accounts related to it.
He couldn't hack the building, but he could hack everywhere else.
The Lobby was rather plain and lifeless, barring the odd camera and guard.
It was up to Fionn how he would get up there.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Da Nang Ship: Rugal Jenny
Dillon smiled at seeing jenny. His wings dissipated
"Well after my home was destroyed well I Kind of disappeared then I became one with the stars and as we can see the result has given me a new body." he slowly flexed his arms feeling the energy he had inside of him.
He then looked around.
Hey umm odd question do you guys know someone who looks a lot like a cartel lord called Rugal? I'm sensing something close to his energy, but I'm not sensing his soul, or at least it doesn't seem like it." he said quite confused.
"hey are you just messing us up?" he asked the golden sword strapped to his back
"Oh boy here we go again." he sighed


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Ella/Devon

Devon mentally held his tongue at the objections to the man's speech (And there were a few, most of them having to do with the hubris he felt was inherent in it) and introduced himself. "Name's Devon. If you know the man that usually has the blade, I can just keep it short and sweet and say I'm on the same ship. I'm the resident illusionist, and well-met. Just keep a cool head, and youy'll be fine my me."

He paused for a moment after Dillon drought up the sensing souls bit and responded with a bit of apprehension. "Mind explaining what you mean by that? Pardon me for seemong wary, but last I checked, souls were supposed to be private places." He sheathed the blade loaned by Caim and went to hes messenger bag, pulling out a smallblade [] of his own that was pretty clearly imbued with a holy aura.

Ella seemed a lot more cautious, still remembering all the troubles she'd gone through due to people on the outer planes. ALthough she didn't admit it outright, she was glad to be out of all of those politics if only for a time. Just because someone was aligned as good would automatically mean they'd overlook her heritage. Daddy, why'd you have to get me caught up in all of this again? Ugh...

Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A/Caim

Slindis noticed the dazed man and knelt down, withdrawing a amall skin of warer from a pouch just about the same size. [color=c200]"Here, drink up. You need some liquid in you. We'll work on getting you more blood when we can, but some water should help."[/color] David would find that there would be a good amount of water in the sack, about a Gatorade bottle's worth. Slin vaguely felt the scan brush over her, with Dillon clearly getting the feeling of someone that greatly cared about the well-being of all humans. It did feel a bit alien to him, though, and there had been a bit of resistance before it had let him through. Finally, there was extremely close bonds to Rugal, Teri, and Melethia present as well.

As the scan washed over, Dilon additionally felt a rather young-feeling soul in the area, although it had the clear indicators that it was a soul attached to a weapon. Hey, back off buddy! I've already got my hands full as-is! A young girl had become a weapon's soul?

Da Nang Ship: Jenny, Melethia

Melethia relented and lowered her bow, instead keeping an eye out for any wiseguys trying anything funny to those on the ship. "I'm gonna make sure nobody gets cute, Jenny." Dillon's soul perception found a child that was intensely loyal, although to what it was hard to tell. There was also a bit of a cutthroat streak as well remiscent of Caim, although the girl seemed to be one of the same ones close to Rugal and Slindis' souls.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Da Nang Ship: Jenny

Jenny seemed to get a little nervous at Dillon's question.
"...Ummm..Well...You see...Rugal is....kinda a member of the Rising Dawn now..." She said, clearly worried about he would react.
"Okay, I know how this sounds, but he's really reformed and making amends. I'm certain, I've been there and he's helped me a lot back when Tomoya-...Oh...Right, you weren't around for that...Ummm..." she stammered as the Scan showed she was still the same Jenny as ever.
"Anyway...Maybe we could get back to the mainland?...Just to let Wu Zi Mu know how things went." The pokemon suggested to the others.

Da Nang Ship: Rugal

Meanwhile, Rugal was avoiding Dillon's return and instead opted to instead look over the bay while the others met him.
"Uhhhh...Deadshot is still out there, Dillon's back....How can this get any worse?..." He asked himself, clearly worried about how this would change their attempts to track down the assassin.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Da Nang Ship: Jenny
Dillon raised an Eyebrow at Jenny's explanation, he didn't say a word, he was just listening.
"I suspect a lot has changed, well then I guess I'm not fit to serve as a captain then, The Dawn hasn't been destroyed has it? I could swear My patron gave that thing Plot Armour."

He looked around he didn't find hostility, which was encouraging.
"Speaking of the Dawn, do we have a next location? hope I didn't scorch anything important when you've been an abstract entity fine control isn't something you have at the start."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Da Nang Ship: Jenny

"No! No! Nothing like that. Just...Umm...We've been busy." Jenny sighed, figuring that she would need to bring Dillon up to speed.
"So, We were picking up some parts for the Dawn, but something came up. This Terrorist, goes by the Name of Deadshot, showed up and he's been raising hell around here. We just stopped one of his plans, but the trail's gone cold..." She explained as Rugal re-entered the picture.

Da Nang Ship: Rugal

"Alright everyone, The Da Nang are finished here now. Wu Zi Mu held his end of bargain, San Fierro is now clear of these weapons. However...We have no idea where Deadshot is gone. I've been talking to David West, him and few others are following a lead but aside from that, we're back at square one." Rugal explained as he stepped over a few of the bodies left on the ship.

"Dillon...All I'm going to say is, what happened between us? It can wait. I'm NOT letting his bastard get away from me again!
Everyone back to the boat, No point staying here any longer..." He then ordered the rest of the group as he walked through the ruins.

"As Jenny has told you, things have changed, I've changed. If you don't believe me, stick around and you'll find out. But whatever you do, Please leave all the fighting until later-*Wince*...Or at least give me 20 minutes." He explained to his mortal enemy as he mingled with the rest of the crew.

"Devon, great work on the Snakehead, both before and after the deal. I never saw a man pull that much shit out of his ass before in all my life. And that's saying something."
A tinge of pain though reminded him of something, actually around 43 things.
"Melethia, First, great work on the Rudder, but I need another favor. Can I borrow a set of pliers? Clean ones? Got hit a few more times than I'm willing to admit." He asked the elf as they made their way to the boat they "Borrowed" for this raid.
On the way over, he then asked Slindis and Teri "Ahhh, There you are. How did the rescue operation go?" as he began taking off his top, showing several dozen bullets lodged in his upper body, focused around the chest and gut.
"...It looks worse then it really is." he explained as he awaited those pliers.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Dillon, not wanting to take up unnecessary space on the boat was flying a few feet overhead, he was using his golden iPod, searching around with what clues he had for tips or leads.
"So this deadshot guy, have we seen his face or any other clues hang on could he be... nope that's Deathstroke, nix that idea." he browsed through things hoping for contact.
"and as for a truce... I'll accept. My family is fine by the way in case you wondered. Oh and you may recall my wife Amaya wasn't in the fray, that's because she was in a special vault, see she was pregnant, with our children."
Dillon was a bit closer to Rugal when he informed him of those last tidbits, thinking of how long ago Rugal had implied Dillon 'wasn't man enough' to have his own kids. Dillon wouldn't say it aloud but he had a picture of them all together, him, his wife and his twin children.
His Golden iPod was unlike any other device highly advanced with any luck he'd get a lead.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Da Nang Ship: Caim/Cadolbolg/Angelus

Caim put his blade back into the sheath, his expression softening when recognition filled him. From Dillon's scan, it could be said that indeed, Caim was as inclined for violence as usual, but it did not dominate him as it did before. Images of Cadolbolg, who was now of flesh and blood, a small green lizard like creature, the man who identified as Devon, a young girl with brown hair (Caim's sister) and finally, Angelus filled his mind; the connections between them filling his soul with something more than his want for revenge against a derelict empire. With a small nod to what Jenny had to say, he added,
"Essentially, nothing new has changed, as far as our lives go. However, it would be nice if a shopping trip could go without causing a zombie outbreak and destroying a ship...[sub][sub]Even if that last part WAS fun.[/sub][/sub]"
Following that, Dillon hit Cadolbolg with the scan, who was pretty much as he usually was, light and carefree; if very naive. Reason being, Cadolbolg had landed happily on Devon's shoulder and rubbed his little head against the bard's cheek, "Friend Devon! I'm getting better at my lightning breath! I even helped Captain Rugal keep Da Nang forces away! However, the Captain was a bit injured... But that's why we have medics, right?"
The turtle-dragon baby wagged his sharp tail eagerly, obvious awaiting Devon's approval.

As for Angelus, the red dragon flew overhead, keeping an eye on the proceedings. Dillon's ability let him know that the dragon, although maintaining her usual proud nature, had her ideas towards humanity skewed a little in their favor. A little being the key words here.

Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A

Teri shivered when she felt the scan hit, her sentiments laying very much along the lines of her staff. Dillon could see an enduring soul, weathered many times by persisting troubles, but not to the point of quiting. There was a black goldfish [] that seemed to glare back at Dillon before disappearing in a swath of calming light, filled with the persons and creatures closest to the Cleric. In that light lay Slindis, Rugal, Melethia, and a wolf with black fur (obviously the one standing next to the girl).

Blinking after that unwilling view into her soul, Teri turned her attention to Rugal's wounds, and froze in horror upon seeing the pliers that were being offered for her or Slindis to use in removing the bullets in his chest.

"Fingers or toes, Ms. Gravel?"

Taking a shaky step back, and then another, Teri felt a wave of nausea hit before turning and running to the edge of the boat, bending over as what few contents of her stomach were expelled overboard. Garm wandered over to his Pup as Teri began coughing up whatever else would escape her digestive tract, a small whine escaping his throat as he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color].
Location: Garica Streets.
Ton Ton thought quietly as David gave his apologies to the civilian and spoke up after they piled into the car, [color=15650D]"He was bleeding really badly when we woke up. We all saw that blood trail. Mr. West, would there be any less than scrupulous medical practices in the area? You know this town like the back of your hand, after all.

Or, if not that, he might try to pass himself off at a hospital? With wounds like that, and no supernatural or machine based additives to his healing favor, or at least I'm guessing he doesn't, he'd need to recover before doing something else crazy, right?"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Ella/Devon

Devon nodded to Rugal's statement as Cadolbolg nuzzled up to him, Rugal having finished pulling out the bullets from the now faded away buff. "It was a lot harder than it looked pulling that off, but that went way better than I thought it would... Still, I learned so much from that. Really, thanks for putting your trust in me. You didn't have to."

After that, he looked over to Cadolbolg. "You did real good, Cadolbolg. I know it was tough for you with the events happening to Ton-Ton, andI'm proud of you for trusting him." Devon scritched Cadolbolg in the underside of his chin, and he really felt that he'd learned a lot more that day. Still, he wondered if he'd get an answer for Dillon's justification or explanation to that soul sensing he'd mentioned earier...

"Mind explaining what you mean by that? Pardon me for seeming wary, but last I checked, souls were supposed to be private places." In the end, that lingered in his thoughts.

Devon has hit Level 12 in Bard! His bardic Songs won't replenish until the next time he rests, but he has learned three new songs in the process. In addition, his good treatment of his imps has caused more to flock to his side.
Since it was clear that Dillon wasn't too concerned with her, Ella let go of Devon and glided up to Angie. "Hey, that new guy a human? He certainly acts like one, looks like." It was certainly a relief to be able to talk with someone she could symphathize with more.

Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A/Caim

Seeing that her sister wasn't doing that well, Melethia put her bow in her bag then jumped across the top of the containers over to where Teri was. "Sis, what's wrong?" She rubbed Teri's back while Slindis went to work casting a Cure Moderate Wounds on Rugal before checking up on David again.

Having a more intimate knowledge of what was going through Teri's mind, Sadei went to comfort Teri. Teri, remember that no matter what, I'll be here to back you up. That won't ever happen again, okay?