The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Leaving Da Nang Ship: Rugal

Once the crew was on the boat and leaving the ruined freightliner, Rugal sat there by the whell, Using those pliers to yank out the bullets in his tough flesh, as Dillon rubbed it in.
"...I get it, You were right...and... I was wrong...About...[sub]a lotofthings[/sub]..." He admitted, glancing at Slindis and giving the Drow a quick smile in between pulling out bullets.
"Just...Please don't brag about it for the rest of this mission..." He honestly pleaded, Hoping that his return wasn't going to be a lifetime's worth of "I told you so!"
"If you find anything, contact David West. If you don't have one of these Communication rings, He should have a Mobile Number you can call." He said as Dillon's search for the assassin came up fruitless.
Every mention of "Deadshot" just linked him over to the Villain from DC Comics, making any attempts to track him difficult.

Leaving Da Nang Ship: Jenny

Jenny made her way back onto the boat Rugal stole as part of their ruse.
"Oh, that's good to hear. How is Luna these days? I haven't seen her in ages!" The pokemon asked Dillon, remembering his adopted daughter.
When Teri had her PTSD episode, she quickly dashed over to help her.
"Okay, Breathe. Breathe. It's okay, you are among family here." She said, rubbing the Cleric's back as she did.
Once her fit was over, she returned to Dillon and explained "Sorry about that. Poor Teri, she's...Been through a lot, still flares up every now and again...
*Ahem* so yeah, How is your Family these days?"
She repeated to him.

Most Wanted with Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color].
Location: Downtown San Fierro.
"Know this place like the back of my hand? Dude, I just did a 5 minute Police training course in another city! I don't know shit!" David Joked to Ton Ton as he drove towards the hospital (Or at least where he thought it was).
"I'll check it out, but if I was him, I'd do my best to treat it myself rather than seek help, Seeing how we are looking for him." He said as he attempted to find any traces of blood that might have spilled from Deadshot's car.
"...Shawn, did you find anything on where he was heading next? Or some sort of clue as to his future plans?"

???: Deadshot

"[sub]-Owowowowowowwoowwwwwww[/sub]-OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!...ow..." Deadshot groaned as he cleaned up his damaged knee in the backseat of his stolen Taxi, rather surprised just how sharp Ton Ton's knife really was.
Okay...Recap...Operation "Give Everybody Guns!" was a failure, Tenpenny and that white guy are dead or going to be and I'm cleaning a stab wound with a $5 bottle of Vodka and a grease covered First Aid kit I found in the trunk...
Man, this job seemed like such a better idea a few hours ago...
He thought to himself as he applied the bandage to his wound, wincing as he did.
...."No-Fly Zone"...If Tenpenny was right about that Military base... He mused as he managed to stop the bleeding and climb back into the driver's seat.
"Then I've got my Big Guns to go to town on Las Venturas...." He chuckled to himself as he got back on the road, Heading for the desert, his boss wanted a horrible atrocity? He sure as shit was going to get one...


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Rising Dawn | Los Santos
Time: Whenever​
Lucieon | A.I. Vermillion Partition

Lucieon shook his head and looked for a 'face' to speak to. However when he couldn't find one, he resigned himself to speaking out to no one in particular, [color=dark gold]"I think I will sit out of this conflict. I have no doubt that I would not be useful in this state."[/color] He turned toward the door that led into the ship proper, [color=dark gold]"I have personal matters to look into."[/color]

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010

Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A/Caim

David's eys widened as Dillon's scan passed him. The sensation felt similar to his father's mind-reading exercises allowing him to detect it's presence, but at the same time, somehow different. It wasn't looking into his thoughts, but something that was more whole. When Dillon peered into the young Ashworth's soul, he could detect kindness buried beneath strong feelings of inferiority and a desire to prove himself and be accepted. As soon as the sensation left him, David shoved the lip of the skin into his mouth, and chugged down as much water as he could. In the end, left about a quarter of the waterskin full.

Slindis, having finished with Rugal's little bullet dilemma, something that disgusted David as well, but thankfully he was able to hold in his lunch, came up to the student. He handed the nearly empty skin to her, and bowed his head.

[color=9BBED5]"Thanks for that, Miss Slindis. It would seem that I am in an even greater debt to you."[/color] Feeling a little rejuvenated, David turned, leaning his back on the crate, before sliding into a sitting position. He looked up at Slindis, wearing a seemingly composed expression on his face. [color=9BBED5]"Now, if it's an appropriate time to ask, where in these series of alternate dimensions am I now?[/color]


New member
Jan 24, 2010
bluecrimson said:
Da Nang Ship: Ella/Devon
Dillon sighed,
"I'm not reading your thoughts I can just see your soul, It'd be me getting upset if someone noticed a detail about my eyes that isn't obvious at first. It's just a matter of observation.
I can see a person's soul because I fight with Excalibur, we resonate our souls together and I was once able to resonate with a few of my closest friends as well. Being so in-tuned to my own soul and it's condition is it really a surprise I can see others? the only reason most cannot see them is they don't know how to look.
It's not some manner of trickery or magic it's simple observation, noticing a detail that many believe is invisible because they themselves don't know how to see.
Also you seem to be confusing soul perception with mind reading, the two methods are completely different it's like saying being persuasive is basically like hypnosis, one is clearly more invasive than the other. Not only that but in terms of souls to know ones thoughts and feelings is only possible by resonance, which can't be done to an unwilling participant.
Have I made myself clear? I'm not sneaking into you minds and finding your secrets, I can see your soul as easily as you can see my eyes. I just know where to look."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
From your post (And the previous one), David kind of said Shawn's name. Don't worry, it's just a little screw up.
Going to fly in a "No fly-zone". Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color].
Location: Downtown San Fierro.
Remembering the raid, Shawn nodded. "Yup, before I raided the room I was overhearing them talking about a "No-Fly Zone". I have no idea what this is but ... hopefully you will." Shawn shrugged as the car took off. The Lone Wanderer was still glad that his identity was not known. If they did know they might know his connection to the Author Shaun and that he is forming his own group of his own characters. "(Everyone would be in danger if they knew about us and my special connection with the others.)" Shawn said before he suddenly closed his eyes, there was a meeting. To everyone else in the car it would only look like that Shawn was closing his eyes for a second.

The Storm group.
Location: Cerebral hub | Shaun's mind.
Time: No time.
The mind of a Author was big, not just any kind of big, but infinitely big.
In Shaun's mind it copied the Lightning Dimension that Tomoya created when he went crazy.
Everyone was standing, sitting or doing whatever until the time was right.

"Everyone here?"

"Status update from every would be nice. The Moon base is complete but ..."
"Badly made and empty?"
"Hey, I'm still learning this damn power. Can't expect me to be perfect!"
"It would be good if you could get a teacher."
"Ugh, could we get back on topic?"

"What he said. From my situation we are chasing a villain known as "Deadshot", he has done multiple dark activities. Mostly infecting one city and supplying future guns to another. I am determining if I should just kill him or give him to a respectable authorities."
"Giving him to the Angels would give him ... Hell to say."
"Just do what you feel like. The Angels are hard to get in contact with from our point."

"Well you know my status. I just helped Author with the base."
"Wait, we have call-signs!?"
"Yeah, Shaun is Author, I'm Wanderer, Shorn is Wizard and you are Storm."
"Close enough I guess ... wait. What is that?"

"That sub par holy-ish presence?"
"I'll investigate it once everyone boards the RD again since I'm on stand-by."
"Okay, everyone keep doing what you are doing. Keep sending messages and we will meet later."
"And remember to keep and eyes on those two problems."

The mind meld ended with everyone fading away and opening their eyes again.

Location: Rising Dawn Hanger | Sean/Tomoya's mini garage and workshop.
Sean the Spartan opened his eyes. The meeting was called as he was repairing his armor and polishing it. Keeping habit from the UNSC kept handy for the most part. Sean sighed as he worked faster, he wanted to go back to Miku as soon as possible. Though he does have to clean his weapons and fill up some of his ammo clips in-case anything happens.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Ella/Devon

After hearing the explanation, Devon gave a curt nod. "That makes it a lot more straightforward, although I'd appreciate not having that judgement in the first place. You can learn plenty just from working with us, so why not go with that? You seem to have a good amount of experience with the others here, so you know how it goes." At the very least, he was trying to seem more helpful even if Devon did wish that Dillon could see them as equals.

Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A/Caim

Slindis placed the skin back in her pouch and gave a warm smile. [color=c200]"Think nothing of the aid. I've had to help out quite a few people in my time, and there's no debt to be owed. We're currently in what I would consider the new home plane for me, although there's still a bit I need to learn about it."[/color]

She sat down next to the boy in a semi-meditative stance (Being a bit shorter than him now that he could do a comparison) and began to apologize. [color=c200]"I apologize about not telling you earlier, but we needed to focus on surviving first. I simply didn't have the time."[/color]


New member
Dec 8, 2009
San Francisco: Viscus

OCP Plaza: Fionn/Viscus

"Well, time to go to work." Fionn pulled out the Airsoft Pistol, began charging a spell in his left hand, and walked into the building. Spotting the cameras, he cast a small bolt of electricity at each, just enough to fry the cameras. He then darted over to a corner, waiting for a reaction from the guards to the supposed storm that just appeared on the ground floor. Right, no need to harm the guys just doing their jobs. He began to enchant the pistol, this time a grey aura appearing around the barrel.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Leaving Da Nang Ship: Rugal

With the last of the bullets extracted from his body, Rugal picked up the small pile of discharged bullets and threw them overboard, Slindis's healing quickly closing his wounds afterwards.
"Thank you Slindis." He said as he grabbed a towel and wiped the excess blood off his body, enjoying the sea breeze as he sailed back to the city.
"Mmmm...I wonder..." He mused before quickly ducking down into the Underside of the boat searching for something.
"[sub]......A-HA![/sub]" He exclaimed as he found one of his favourite things in the world.
"Henri Jayer Richebourg Grand Cru, Cote de Nuits, France...and glasses aplenty!" Rugal beamed as he poured himself a glass and took a deep sniff of the contents.
"....$15'000 a bottle...Worth every penny. Cheers." He said as he offered a drink to everyone on board (Minus Melethia of course)

Leaving Da Nang Ship: Jenny

Jenny wasn't a major social drinker, but Rugal made a compelling argument.
"...Well...This WAS supposed to be a holiday..." She decided as she picked up a glass and took a sip.
It wasn't Sake, but it was still rather nice.
"Mmmm...Not sure if I'd pay THAT much for a bottle...butttt..." She mused as they cruised across the bay.

"Shit! My Bad man!" X_X Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color].
Location: Downtown San Fierro.
"No Fly Zone?...Mmmm...Hold on..." David said as he flicked through the Car's Sat Nav, bringing up a map of the region.
"....Weird...Seems to be a part of the map is missing..." He said as he found a blind spot, deep in the desert of Bone County.
"...Think we might have something..." He mused as he contacted the others.
"West here, We think that got something, Deadshot might be heading into the Desert. Just look for the part of the map that's "Blacked out". We'll Meet you there, West out." He sent to the rest of the group.
"Hold on guys!" He warned as he put the pedal to the metal and raced off over the Gant Bridge.

Avatar Adventure
Location: Rising Dawn | Los Santos
Time: Whenever​
Lucieon | A.I. Vermillion Partition

"Very Well. I'll let you be on your way then. If you need anything, you know where to find me."
[/color] Vermillion nodded as Lucieon went about his business.

((If you want me to set something up for Lucion to do, just ask))
OCP Building: Fionn/Viscus

The Cameras were easy to fry, each one making a big enough racket to attract the guards, each one of them just a man in a guards Suit with a 9mm pistol.
2 of them checked out one of the busted cameras as Fionn enchanted his weapon.
"HQ, Please Respond."
"This is HQ."
"This is Patrol. We've got signs of an intruder, Commence Alert Formation."
"Acknowledged. Sending reinforcements, use extra Caution."

After that call was made, 3 extra guards showed up to help with the search.

For a company that focused on making consumer goods, their guards acted more like soldiers.
Poorly armed, Underpaid and under trained soldiers, but soldiers nonetheless.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Leaving Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A/Caim

Teri shook for a few moments after being comforted by Jenny, Melethia and Sadei; coughing up a bit more phlegm before finally calming down. Taking on of her water bottles, she rinsed her mouth out a few times to get the taste out before accepting the glass with relish, [color=0E59E4]"Bit of wine's not bad on an empty stomach, right?"[/color]

Sniffing, and then sipping the fine wine, the Cleric gave a small smile and looked to Melethia, telling a lie that had some grain of truth in it, [color=0E59E4]"I guess I just got seasick from all the rocking by the elementals. Must have kicked in once the action dropped and the adrenaline stopped rushing in my system; you know, a delayed reaction. I've never been on a boat like this before, so I suppose I just don't have my sealegs yet. Sorry for scaring you like that!"[/color]

While having the best of a brave face, she sent to Sadei, [color=0E59E4]"Thanks Sadei. Really... And, I know it's not right to lie to my sister, but I don't want her to worry about me. And she doesn't need to know about that anyways."[/color]

Caim, on the other hand, leaned against a wall as he enjoyed a sip of his drink and allowed himself to relax a little. With the knowledge that his children and apprentice in good condition and Angelus enjoying herself, he felt he earned the moment to breathe.

Leaving Da Nang Ship: Cadolbolg/Devon

Cadolbolg beamed at Devon's praise, his little tail wagging with joy and his chest puffed out in pride, "Thank you, Friend Devon! I need to practice my lightning breath some more too, so it's just as strong as my fires. However, I don't think Mother has much experience with lightning.... And as for Friend Ton Ton, I just heard from him and Mr. West that they're okay, and on that Deadshot's trail! Now, why would people have a No Fly Zone? That sounds like no fun..."

Leaving Da Nang Ship: Angelus/Ella

Angelus chuckled at Ella's observation, her mirth being a clear indication for an agreement, "I believe he was, once. However, that status has changed long ago. Getting involved in Angelic power and Ninjintsu practicing brides tends to do that. Now, I do hope he's done away with that pink ring... There was one time in which there were some irritating lasses clad in pink he associated with. They certainly didn't know the meaning of no. I had to sort a few things out for that to end quickly."

A hint of a growl edged at the end of that sentence, and... Possessiveness? Then again, with what Ella knew about Caim and Angelus' relationship, well... It was safe to say that the famed greed of a dragon did not end with gold.

"Shit! My Bad man!" X_X Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color].
Location: Downtown San Fierro.
Ton Ton shrugged when David said that he knew only a little about San Andreas, making the Tonberry wonder about what constituted as proper training for a cop. However, that flew out the window when David put the pedal to the metal, and the Tonberry began to cling to Shawn for dear life, burying his face in the Wanderer's chest so he didn't have to see the rushing landscape outside the car. The little Tonberry quivered on the spot, and was praying that it would be over soon.


Yup. The Tonberry didn't care for speeding cars anymore.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
OCP Building: Fionn/Viscus

Hmm, why do I get the sudden urge to paint bananas on my face and start taking them in choke-holds? Fionn shrugged and took aim at the farthest guard, no one could see him in their current formation. With the right order of shots he could drop them all with no-one seeing anything. Then again, he could screw the whole thing up and decide to destroy the building.

Alright then, Fionn began firing, each pellet enchanted by Sleep Shot to knock out each guard. He managed to act fast enough to hit each one with only the last seeing the others fall, eh, no one will believe him anyway. The guards knocked out, he walked over to the now asleep reinforcements, grabbed a keycard and ID, and moved towards the lift. He pushed a button to open the lift doors, flicking his wrist to fry another camera, pressed the button for Floor 60 and stood there.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
OCP Building: Fionn/Viscus

With all the guards down, Fionn was clear to take the lift up to the more "Private" levels of OCP.
The Glass lift allowed him a good view of the city as he ascended, as well as a glimpse of Viscus, still doing his best to draw as much attention as possible.
A beep from his PDA:
"The Device is located in the "Robotics Research Center" on that floor. Be careful, my efforts have drawn away most of the guards on that level but some still remain."
"What exactly did you do to draw them away?"
"The CEO's Daughter is one for Lewd Behaviour."
When the lift opened, Fionn was greeted by this:

It was large Bipedal Mech with enough firepower to turn any one who came out of that lift into a fine red mist...
Or at least it would if it wasn't a statue, a Plaque at the base of it dubbed it a Enforcement Droid Series 209, Decommissioned for quote "Various Reasons".
Still looked like it could made to function again though...

Apart from the statue was several sterile looking hallways leading deeper into the robotics labs and a Guard post that was being used by most of the Floor's guard as a screening room for the NSFW 3 hour compilation Viscus posted on the company site.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Leaving Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A/Caim

Her sister's statement drew a good bit of attention from Melethia. After all, she'd never heard of that, and she had a pretty strong feeling that Teri's affinity to Water would have stopped that altogether.It was lucky for Teri that Melethia heard about the no-entry zone. "No-fly zone? Back where I'm from, they call that a challenge. Ya know, I think I'll be takin' that challenge." She puled out one of her lockpicks and absentmindedly twirled it around her finger, already thinking about what kind of defenses this place might have.

Teri could feel a disappointed sigh from Sadei before she responded back. "I can't tell you what to say, but I would at least try to open up a bit. I mean, wasn't she there with you when you meat the crud out of that Machamp?"

Leaving Da Nang Ship: Cadolbolg/Devon/Jenny

Devon took a glass of Rugal's wine and had a small drink of it, still a bit confused why someone would pay fifteen thousand dollars for a bottle of any drink. "Well, some people don't want others getting into places. Like for example, back in my home area, there was a few bases that I'm sure are no-fly zones. One of them's really famous, despite the fact that nobody knows what goes on there. Odds are if we really went back there, we'd see a lot of it."

He decided to leave Ella to talk to Angelus as he went over to Jenny. "I know, right? If I'm going to be having a drink, I'd rather not feel like I'm lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills if you catch the drift.

Still, if this feels right, then I'd better keep an eye out for some Brits there. I don't know if I told you about them, but it seems like they got stranded out there after a bad drug trip."

Leaving Da Nang Ship: Angelus/Ella

Ella seemed a bit troubled at this news. "Wait. When you say Angelic powers, are we talking the full indoctrination thing? I really hope that's not the case... I'll agree wit you on those pink girls. Sounds way too much like mom's old friends, and if they try anything, They'll learn to back off real fast."

Hmm, looks like Ella's mistaken the girls clad in pink as succubi. Might not end too well if they show up around Devon in the future...


Slindis gently refused the wine and instead got some water from the same bar, leaving the glass there for Dillon. [color=c200]"I'm sorry, but me and wine aren't exactly allies. THe aid wasn't too much, though. Think nothing of it."[/color]

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Leaving Da Nang Ship: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A/Caim

David took the wine, giving it a cultured sniff. Seemingly impressed, David sipped at the wine... and the moment that Rugal wasn't looking, he promptly stuck his head over the water and spat it back out. He wiped at his lips and sat back down again with a shudder. Wine was never a favorite of his, and the same went for alcohol in general. Despite his upbringing, he'd much rather go for a can of soda, rather than a fancy glass of squished grapes. He turned to Slindis, responding to her apology.

[color=9BBED5]"You don't need to apologize. I believe I was the one at fault, anyway,"[/color] The young man crossed his arms with a sigh. [color=9BBED5]"It was quite obvious that I was in the middle of an incredibly dangerous situation. I was just being stupid at the time..."[/color] He paused. [color=9BBED5]"Well, either that, or I was still a bit dazed from tumbling out of another wormhole, all battered and bruised."[/color]

When he was left back in that Western dimension, David had a lot of trouble getting around, and as mentioned before by Melethia, Slindis, and Devon's words, he stuck out like a sore thumb. Because of that, he got lots of unwanted attention.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
San Fierro: Pier 69: Rugal

"Well Enough. I'm sorry, I can just rarely resist celebrating a victory..." Rugal conceded to Slindis as he took another slip from his own glass as he returned the boat to the Nearest Pier.
"Besides, knowing our luck, we won't get another quiet moment like this until the next attack..." He sighed as David Ashford spoke up.
He then eyed up David, wondering where he came from, least before he said "Wormhole."
"Wormhole?...You're from another Realm?" He asked rather casually, Hell, his entire family was from other realms at this point.
What David would realize that they met before, though Rugal was blinded at the time.

San Fierro: Pier 69: Jenny

Jenny let out a little laugh, a warning sign that the drink was going to her head.
"Ohhhh...The Rich do such silly things..." She giggled as she took more slips of her own drink.
"...Oh yeah...The..da-.....dur TRUTH! Yeah, didn't he want us to look for some people..." She began to slur, what was with her and Alcohol?!


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
San Fierro: Pier 69: Rugal

Slindis nodded at that quip. [color=c200]"We do have some more information this time, so we should get moving while we can still seize the chance. Resting on our laurels isn't the best idea considering that we still haven't stopped the main threat here."[/color] She felt it would certainly be nice to take a break, but time was a luxury she knew couldn't be taken here.

San Fierro: Pier 69: Jenny

Devon hid a small twinge of nostalgia as he shook his head. "Whoa, maybe yo should take it a bit slower with the drink? It'll still be here when we finish our next bit, you know. Well, that and I don't think we have a Designated Therapist on-hand to help relieve you of your duties."


New member
Jan 24, 2010
San Fierro: Pier 69: Rugal
Dillon was offered a wine glass but he shook his head
"Rugal I'm wielding a sentient British renaissance blade, one that gets upset if I put carrot in his makes do you think he'll keep quite if I dare touch a french wine?"
To his inconvenience, the sword transformed into its odd humanoid form
An interesting thing to note was Dillon's golden wings remained where they were.
the french are barbarians and they're wine is sour" he attempted to swat it away, his cane connected with the bottle and it actually went flying but Dillon caught it.
"Come on Cali, just let it go I'll get make you a nice early grey when we reach shore alright?"
Excalibur actually took a few moments then sat down in the boat right beside Slindis holding his can out in front of him.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Pedal to the metal 2: pedal harder.Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color].
Location: Downtown San Fierro.
As the car sped up, the environment around the car went by as if it was a missile, something that this Wanderer has seen a lot of. "Just get us there ... alive ... preferably." Shawn muttered as he looked outside to avoid gazing at anyone. His eyes were shot open, hoping that he would never sit inside something this fast again. Everyone has their fears and it seems speed has become Shawn's.

Shawn did not even notice that the TonTon was buried in his chest. The past Courier only thought of the things that make him comfortable, weapons.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
San Fierro: Pier 69: Rugal

Rugal nodded to Slindis's remark.
"I know, just wanted to make the most of the time we had outside of these "Adventures"..." He said as he moored up the boat, hoping that the Owner of it wouldn't mind them borrowing it, but at the same time not really caring.
It was at this moment that Excalibur made his appearance and nearly threw out the bottle of Wine.
While they fought many times over the years, This was the first time Rugal encountered Excalibur in his "Human" form.
"...Dillon...Why is your sword that..."Thing"?" He asked Dillon, only for Excalibur itself to to shout "FOOL! My story begins in-"
"And I already hate your very existence..." Rugal sighed as the "Famed Blade" went on about his life story for the upteenth time.

San Fierro: Pier 69: Jenny

Jenny gladly took the bottle from Dillon after he saved it from Excalibur's wrath.
"Relieve ME of my duties. Oh, relax you big pansy! I'm always able to lend an ear to ye woes!" She answered as she refilled her glass and took another large swig, the strong wine doing a right number on her 100 pound body.
"Now...AFTER THAT DEADSHOT!" She shouted with zest as she stepped off the boat-[HEADING=3]*SPLASH!*[/HEADING]...Literally...

"...I honestly thought she'd handle her liquor better..." Rugal sighed as the Pokemon began to pull herself out of the water.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
On the first part of the journey...Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color].
Location: El Quebrados.
Shawn and Ton Ton braved the horrors that was David West driving at nearly 100MPH on the freeway as they left the city behind them.
Their rollercoaster of a ride ended as David skidded the car to a halt outside a Small Town.
There they found a dumped taxi on the side of the road with blood on the paint job and the seats inside: This was the Taxi Deadshot stole alright.
"Alright...He must have ditched it to shake us off..." David concluded as he stepped out into the hot desert air, shielding his eyes from the sun, how was it that this region had such a difference in climate in the space of a few dozen miles?

"Guys, It's West again. Found the Vehicle that Deadshot used to get away, He was nowhere to be seen though. Re-group at....errr..."El Que-Bra-dos"...And we can get a proper search party up. West out." He sent over the rings back to his partners in San Fierro.
"Christ...I'm really hoping this fucker just burns alive or something..."

-Yet another Map of the Desert with Locations of the gang

Group 2 = David, Shawn, Ton Ton
Group 1 = Everyone not in Group 2

-The Goal this time is to find Deadshot somewhere in the desert as he tries to break into whatever is located in the Black Area of the map.

-There are also some lost travellers in the Desert that can be rescued, but they are a-ways off the beaten track.
But be warned, they are not alone out in the Desert...


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
San Fierro: Pier 69Location: El Quebrados.
Dillon saw a skateboard he noticed the city was a downhill slope he knew what he had to do, he grabbed the board
He cranked his iPod and played a song singling along.
Excalibur had returned into sword form, he ran to catch up, he became a sword and jumped into His scabbard.
skating downhill plus using some sort odf extra propulsion allowed him to reach a high speed he had enough quick perception and reflexes to avoid any hazards.