Leaving Da Nang Ship: Rugal
Once the crew was on the boat and leaving the ruined freightliner, Rugal sat there by the whell, Using those pliers to yank out the bullets in his tough flesh, as Dillon rubbed it in.
"...I get it, You were right...and... I was wrong...About...[sub]a lotofthings[/sub]..." He admitted, glancing at Slindis and giving the Drow a quick smile in between pulling out bullets.
"Just...Please don't brag about it for the rest of this mission..." He honestly pleaded, Hoping that his return wasn't going to be a lifetime's worth of "I told you so!"
"If you find anything, contact David West. If you don't have one of these Communication rings, He should have a Mobile Number you can call." He said as Dillon's search for the assassin came up fruitless.
Every mention of "Deadshot" just linked him over to the Villain from DC Comics, making any attempts to track him difficult.
Leaving Da Nang Ship: Jenny
Jenny made her way back onto the boat Rugal stole as part of their ruse.
"Oh, that's good to hear. How is Luna these days? I haven't seen her in ages!" The pokemon asked Dillon, remembering his adopted daughter.
When Teri had her PTSD episode, she quickly dashed over to help her.
"Okay, Breathe. Breathe. It's okay, you are among family here." She said, rubbing the Cleric's back as she did.
Once her fit was over, she returned to Dillon and explained "Sorry about that. Poor Teri, she's...Been through a lot, still flares up every now and again...
*Ahem* so yeah, How is your Family these days?" She repeated to him.
"I'll check it out, but if I was him, I'd do my best to treat it myself rather than seek help, Seeing how we are looking for him." He said as he attempted to find any traces of blood that might have spilled from Deadshot's car.
"...Shawn, did you find anything on where he was heading next? Or some sort of clue as to his future plans?"
???: Deadshot
"[sub]-Owowowowowowwoowwwwwww[/sub]-OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!...ow..." Deadshot groaned as he cleaned up his damaged knee in the backseat of his stolen Taxi, rather surprised just how sharp Ton Ton's knife really was.
Okay...Recap...Operation "Give Everybody Guns!" was a failure, Tenpenny and that white guy are dead or going to be and I'm cleaning a stab wound with a $5 bottle of Vodka and a grease covered First Aid kit I found in the trunk...
Man, this job seemed like such a better idea a few hours ago... He thought to himself as he applied the bandage to his wound, wincing as he did.
...."No-Fly Zone"...If Tenpenny was right about that Military base... He mused as he managed to stop the bleeding and climb back into the driver's seat.
"Then I've got my Big Guns to go to town on Las Venturas...." He chuckled to himself as he got back on the road, Heading for the desert, his boss wanted a horrible atrocity? He sure as shit was going to get one...
Once the crew was on the boat and leaving the ruined freightliner, Rugal sat there by the whell, Using those pliers to yank out the bullets in his tough flesh, as Dillon rubbed it in.
"...I get it, You were right...and... I was wrong...About...[sub]a lotofthings[/sub]..." He admitted, glancing at Slindis and giving the Drow a quick smile in between pulling out bullets.
"Just...Please don't brag about it for the rest of this mission..." He honestly pleaded, Hoping that his return wasn't going to be a lifetime's worth of "I told you so!"
"If you find anything, contact David West. If you don't have one of these Communication rings, He should have a Mobile Number you can call." He said as Dillon's search for the assassin came up fruitless.
Every mention of "Deadshot" just linked him over to the Villain from DC Comics, making any attempts to track him difficult.
Leaving Da Nang Ship: Jenny
Jenny made her way back onto the boat Rugal stole as part of their ruse.
"Oh, that's good to hear. How is Luna these days? I haven't seen her in ages!" The pokemon asked Dillon, remembering his adopted daughter.
When Teri had her PTSD episode, she quickly dashed over to help her.
"Okay, Breathe. Breathe. It's okay, you are among family here." She said, rubbing the Cleric's back as she did.
Once her fit was over, she returned to Dillon and explained "Sorry about that. Poor Teri, she's...Been through a lot, still flares up every now and again...
*Ahem* so yeah, How is your Family these days?" She repeated to him.
"Know this place like the back of my hand? Dude, I just did a 5 minute Police training course in another city! I don't know shit!" David Joked to Ton Ton as he drove towards the hospital (Or at least where he thought it was).Most Wanted with Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color].
Location: Downtown San Fierro.
"I'll check it out, but if I was him, I'd do my best to treat it myself rather than seek help, Seeing how we are looking for him." He said as he attempted to find any traces of blood that might have spilled from Deadshot's car.
"...Shawn, did you find anything on where he was heading next? Or some sort of clue as to his future plans?"
???: Deadshot
"[sub]-Owowowowowowwoowwwwwww[/sub]-OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!...ow..." Deadshot groaned as he cleaned up his damaged knee in the backseat of his stolen Taxi, rather surprised just how sharp Ton Ton's knife really was.
Okay...Recap...Operation "Give Everybody Guns!" was a failure, Tenpenny and that white guy are dead or going to be and I'm cleaning a stab wound with a $5 bottle of Vodka and a grease covered First Aid kit I found in the trunk...
Man, this job seemed like such a better idea a few hours ago... He thought to himself as he applied the bandage to his wound, wincing as he did.
...."No-Fly Zone"...If Tenpenny was right about that Military base... He mused as he managed to stop the bleeding and climb back into the driver's seat.
"Then I've got my Big Guns to go to town on Las Venturas...." He chuckled to himself as he got back on the road, Heading for the desert, his boss wanted a horrible atrocity? He sure as shit was going to get one...