The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia

"Still, it won't help any if ya just get knocked out. How will ya protect yourself?"
David stared at the elf for a couple of seconds, before rummaging into his bag. Eventually, he pulled out a large, dusty tome. Opening it, he revealed a hollowed inside, containing a leather belt of throwing knives, and a hunting knife with an ivory handle, tucked away in a black leather sheathe. As Melethia moved closer to examine it, he shut it and replaced it in his bag.
Rummaging around some more, he pulled out an unloaded .38 snub-nosed pistol, and a small box containing 18 bullets.
[color=9BBED5]"And I also know some boxing!"[/color] He said as he returned all of his weapons. [color=9BBED5]"As you can see, I am far from defenseless. I am sure that during our first meeting, that I looked like nothing but an ignorant, snooty, rich, know-it-all who couldn't even handle himself in a fight. But that's far from the truth."[/color]
David leaned against the rock, rubbing his shoulder, until Melethia's purple dagger caught his attention. He looked like a prospector who just uncovered an extremely large gold vein. [color=9BBED5]"Oh~ well, well, well! What have we here?[/color] He moved to take a closer look at the weapon, a hand on his chin and a strange glint in his eye. [color=9BBED5]" That's certainly an impressive-looking dagger that you got with you, Melethia."[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Melethia looked over David's equipment and nodded. Certainly not up to her (incredibly high) standards, but it would certainly keep someone safe. "You're talking more like you needed to tell yourself that, but okay. Your stuff's certainly flashy, although I don't know why you need multiple throwing knives. After all, if your family has money, couldn't they pay for someone to make the knives return to you?"

She casually tossed her own knife a good distance away, but it returned back to her hand shortly after hitting a lizard's tail. "I mean, it's not that hard to get it done. The tricky bit is finding the right metal for it, and byeshk's certainly done right by me." Byeshk? It was hard to remember if David had seen that word in one of his books, but he'd rarely seen a blade that naturally had a purple hue.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

"You're talking more like you needed to tell yourself that, but okay. Your stuff's certainly flashy, although I don't know why you need multiple throwing knives. After all, if your family has money, couldn't they pay for someone to make the knives return to you?"

David was snapped out of his reverie, and looked to the side nervously, toying with his amulet. [color=9BBED5]"Those knives have been with us for many generations and... Well... I have my own reasons for keeping them."[/color]
Back in his home dimension, psychics aren't exactly the most loved people. They are very rare, but most of those that are around believe themselves to be above human, or were at the very least, incredibly vain. The stigma grew even further due to a particular incident with one particularly powerful psychic. Said psychic had gone on a killing spree. By the time he was put down, half a town was decimated, along with it's people. David's parents pretended that the incident never happened and had continued to push him, trying to get his powers to surface.

Those knives, gifts from his father, were made out of a special metal, one that was attuned with those with mental powers. They would vibrate at an extremely high speed, increasing their cutting ability. Coupled with the ability to manipulate them with their mind, they are that much more potent. But in David's hands as he is now, they are nothing but plain throwing knives.

She casually tossed her own knife a good distance away, but it returned back to her hand shortly after hitting a lizard's tail. "I mean, it's not that hard to get it done. The tricky bit is finding the right metal for it, and byeshk's certainly done right by me."

David stared at her, eerily silent. [color=9BBED5]"You... You're a psychic?"[/color] He eventually spoke, in a near-whisper.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Meletia nodded in understanding. "Family heirlooms? Good enough reason to keep 'em, an' I guess they've got some stuff on 'em I've not seen, and I'd love to touch 'em up if ya think they need it. Not really sure what a psychic is, though. I never gave this blade to anyone else, but if ya wanna try it out an' give it a toss, go ahead. Ya won't mess up the blade, I promise." Surprisinglt enough, she didn't seem too worried about David's reaction. Perhaps it was because she didn't care about the implications, ot maybe she didn't know?

She handed over the blade handle-first to David so he could give it a toss. It fit pretty well in David's hand, although it was probably due to Melethia making the handle a bit longer like she did with all of her blades. Still, it didn't take David too long to find out that this wasn't made specifically for psychics.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

David felt a surge of relief, both from Mel's dismissal of being a psychic, and when he examined the blade. There was indeed no sign of it being made from that special metal. Well, it was made out of some unique material, just not the one he was thinking of.
He flipped the knife around. He weighed it, and noted that it was lighter than what he was used to. He carefully poked the tip of the knife through his fingertip, producing a small droplet of blood. He nodded approvingly, and settled the blade of the knife into his fingers.

He looked around for a suitable target, and spotted a bark scorpion crawling about in the distance. With a flick of the arm and wrist, the knife cut through the air, and cleanly sliced the scorpion's stinger off. Within seconds, the knife came back into his hand, handle-first. He cleaned off the bit of scorpion venom and blood from the blade, wearing a small smile on his face, before returning the blade to Melethia.

[color=9BBED5]"That is quite a blade! It is a bit light for me, so I had had to put more force into my throw, but the craftsmanship is immaculate! What's even more amazing is it being able to return it's the thrower,"[/color] David was practically gushing praise. [color=9BBED5]"You said you'd like to touch up my knives? I just might take you up on your offer. I'm quite interested to see what you'd do with them."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

"1. It's Deadshot. Deathstroke mostly works for Corporations. 2. Slindis made my point for me. I'd rather just stop the man rather then deal with the hassle of holding onto him." Rugal explained to Dillon as he checked out the Ghost Town, recalling all the "Business" he used to do here, no one ever thinks to look around here.
I REALLY hope no one dug up the graves here... He thought as he checked out the old Sheriff's office.

"On top of that, I've know the guy, You don't want to give him the opening man. Find him, Take him down. No more Risks. We lose him here, we mightn't find him again. So don't hold back." David West warned as he checked the old town hall.
"...Guys...Think I found something..." He said as he found some old bloody bandages in the building.
"He's Close! Stay Alert!" He warned as he picked him up, they were dirty from the ground, but the blood on them was still fresh.

In the Desert, You can Remember you name... Shawn
Location: Desert: Dump Site.
Shawn managed to Sneak over to the grave diggers until he was just about able to hear them.
"Hey, how's your woman?"
"She's a ball buster. Ever since we moved to Venturas, all she wants to do... Spend, spend, spend. For Christ sakes, I got better luck on the tables."
"Yeah, I hear you. Hey, give me a hand with this guy, will you?"
"Yeah. Sure." The bantered as the Wander watched them finish their smoking break and resumed their work: Throwing a Body Bag into a hole they made.

"I mean, why'd we whack Mickey anyhow? He was a standup guy."
"I dunno, something about money."
"Oh man. What, he was on the take?"
""Nah, he was kosher. A little too kosher. That's why he had to go. he was declaring too much money, so we gotta get a new guy in. You know, I hear the Leones are lending the bosses some money."
"The Leones?! Get the fuck outta here. We hate the Leones."
"I know. That's what I said to Johnny, but he said they needed the money. So, Mickey gets capped, so we get a new guy in, who everybody bullies. Then, when he misbehaves..."
"We dig another hole." They joked as they casually lobbed the body into the grave site.

As they went on, they sounded like members of the local mob, a fact sounding accent to the both of them, not unlike the Chairmen of the Tops, but they didn't seem to have a connection to Deadshot.
Then again, they weren't exactly "Upstanding Citizens", they were dumping a body for Chrissakes!


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

While David gave his warning, SLindis stuck close to Teri to see if she could notice anything else out of place for this kind of area, namely any unusual glints or movements that weren't from any wind in the area. In addition, she subtly told Teri to get ready to cast Entropic Shield in case anything went wrong. [color=c200]If he's anything like a bow user, he wants either the area with the best line of sight or where he's not as likely to be noticed.[/color]

Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Melethia nodded. "I'll do that for ya the next chance I get, and maybe I could just start with a better balanced blade. It's the most important thing I did with that one, and ya musta noticed. After all, that blade's heavier than one that'd be made of steel."

As she talked, she was noticing some more movement from the two men. Maybe she could find out about that formula?


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

As Melethia and David played with knives, their presence was finally noted by the lowlifes that set off the Thermite, just after their vision returned to them after watching the blast without eye protection.
"Golly Ya'll! That was one hellva-...Hey! Who is That?!" A far caricature of a man shouted at the pair, drawing the attention of his friends.
The "Leader" of the group shouted "Oi! This here is private property!" (No it wasn't).
This was followed by another stating "Yeh, Ya'll Trespassing!" (No they weren't).
Whatever Melethia and David Ashford did or didn't do, the 5 Backyard Demomen began to make their way over to them, more then willing to show them some Bone County Hospitality. (Despite not actually being in that part of the state...)

Outside of El Quebrados: Jenny/Ella/Devon

Jenny punched Ella in the arm for that comment as they walked along.
"Okay...Moral of the story: I need to stay away from Booze..." She sighed as they climbed up the Mesa, reaching the Top of it with little fuss.
At the top of it, they found that for a desert area, it was rather...Clean, if that makes any sense.
It was as if someone dug up the sand that was there and replaced it...Why? Who Knows?

Then, Signs of life could be heard.
[sub]"zzzzzz...ohhhh Magggiie...yor the best..."[/sub] groaned someone with a fairly thick Manchester Accent, it sounded like it was coming from that old "Coop" nearby...


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Melethia looked to David then whispered to him. "Aim for the limbs. I've got a backup, so ya can go ahead an' use my throwin' knife." Since there would be a good amount of diatance, she went for her Bow in the bag and readied a few arrows, ready to aim at the feet to keep them alive if in a whole lot of pain.

Private property, huh? Well, I just wanted to see that stuff, but I won't let this Bookworm get taken out.

Outside of El Quebrados: Jenny/Ella/Devon

Ella laughed lightly. "Well, I'll try to keep you away from it even if it won't help all that much..." Still, she was trying to help the Gardevoir, even though it was a bit rude. The discussion about Ella's lack of manners would have to wait, though. After all, they'd reached the top of the Mesa.

Devon was the first one to call out. "Mates, Truth said a few friends of his needed a pickup. Are you all ready to go?" He hoped that the other members of this group were at least coherent...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

The Voice groaned as Devon called out to it.
"...Eh FUCK OFF! I'm in the middle of something...." He sleepy shouted at them, not wanting to leave his dream before he "Finished up".
"Sir?...We are friends of "The Truth". He sent us here." Jenny asked as she neared the coop an-
"I SAID FUCK OFF!" Shouted the voice as Jenny got a face full of sand thrown in her face.
"'kin 'ell. I'm fucking hanging..." Sighed a Confused looking man as he picked himself up from the sand, his clothes matted with sand and things I can't meation on this forum.
"...So who the fuck are yo-..." He started until his eye's met Ella.
Or rather 2 parts of her.
The man seemed lost the world until he said "...Anyone got a Rag?..."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Ella held back a laugh as she shook her head. "What, you can tell when someone's already with a musician? Really though, get the rest of them so you won't go off and die or get trapped in a burlesque or something." Besides that rather dismissive remark, she did her best to not reward the man for his leering.

Devon grimaced at the appearance of the man and gave a lot of thought about where he should touch the Brit. After all, the clothing had a lot of spots he'd rather not touch, but the only thing that would clean him up was that spell. "Also, tell me if you see any cars in the area. I'd rather not walk all the way back with all of you in tow."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

"....Eh?....What?..." Maccer asked, seeming lost and unaware of the situation, just like anyone off a massive binge would be like.
Jenny at this moment was finished spitting out Sand and still had a lot of it in her face and hair.
"The band! Don't you remember? You were out with them and a elderly man called the Truth?" She asked, Doing her best not to sound cross despite it all.
"I dunno mate...I don't recognize this part of Manchester...Are we in Chorlton?..." He answered as he looked around and scratched his head.
"...'ey! Where is Pablo?!...Our P!..." He then started saying, searching the top of the mesa for this "Pablo".
"...I don't git it. He should be 'Ere..." He puzzled as he walked over where the sand was cleaner. Something happened here, if he only knew what...

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

David gave her a quick nod, taking the knife. He faced the advancing Demomen and called out to them, while readying himself for a throw. [color=9BBED5]"Now now, we're all decent people here, there's no need fo-," [/color]

"SHUT YER MOUTH, BOY!" Their leader shouted at the duo. "We don't take kindly ta runts like you who poke dere noses where dey don't belong!"

"Betcha that they're one of dem spies for the liberals, Cletus," One of the the now-named Cletus's said, cracking his knuckles.

"Now dat you mentioned it Billy, yer right. Look at dere fancy clothes they're wearin'!" Cletus cackled, wearing a sadistic grin, revealing terribly discolored and mishappen teeth. "Oh, I'm goin' ta have fun wit you two."

David stared at them, utterly dumbfounded that there were people this paranoid and stupid. The fact that he was sharing the air with them almost made him nauseous. Normally, David wouldn't do what he was about to do, but with what happened to him back at Gunsmoke, and these "prime specimens" of humanity threatening to beat them into a coma (or worse), well...

[color=9BBED5]"AHA HA HA HA! OKAY-no."[/color] The knife left David's hand, and stabbed into his leg, causing Cletus to topple backwards, clutching at his wound and howling in pain. The blade dislodged himself from the leg, and returned to David. The act momentarily stunned the redneck, until he quickly rationalized what the boy just did. [color=9BBED5]"Now, I suggest that you and your lot crawl back out of whatever swamp you crawled out of, before you really get hurt."[/color]

Cletus pushed himself back up, limping slightly, and looking incredibly pissed off. "YOU LITTLE LIBTARD BASTARD! YA THINK YOU CAN SCARE US WITH A 'LIL KNIFE ON A STRING?! GET 'EM BOYS!" He sicced the rest of his trailertrash group on the student and the elf, intending to tear them limb from limb.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Melethia turned to David for a second and apologized. "I didn't mean to make it this much of a mess, but if it's us or them, I know which group I'd rather want to walk away from this. David, do your best to make sure at least one lives." After that apology, her eyes seemed to lose their light as she smoothly pulled out a stack of forty arrows. From there, she placed three arrows in her right hand and fired them at Cletus' left foot. Another second, another three arrows, another three at his right foot.

Her next target suffered from the same targeting, getting three arrows fired at each foot while he charged. It was a lot like watching someone hunt moose, if the moose were instead somewhat drunk men.

Melethia's activated Manyshot []. Having already used 6 seconds of it to attack the leader and the closest redneck, she has 14 seconds left to fire the rest of of her 28 arrows.
"Get the flankers and stop them before they have a chance. Hands will disarm them, groin will cause massive hemmoraging and demoralizing, knees will cripple. Other areas are absolutely lethal or not worth your time." Her tome was almost robotic as she got ready to target the next two men.

Outside of El Quebrados: Jenny/Ella/Devon

Devon gave a sharp whistle in the air, and he was answered by a rather trim imp. "Flagrun, that misplaced sand looks suspicious. Get twenty-five of your finest to dig the area up, but don't be afraid to call in more if you have to. Have the rest fan out and search the area." The imp gurtly nodded and arrived in with the called-for numbers and all began digging up the area with comical toy shovels at a rapid pace. The other large group complied and worked in teams to scour the area for the people.

Ella went over to Jenny's side as the imps worked and nodded in approval. "Ah, imps. They're so small, but so, so useful. Too bad their cooking's not that spicy." Of course, the latter part of the statement did invoke some images of the poffins from earlier.

"Look, man. If you can give them just a second, I'm sure they'll be found a-okay. Just... find a way to wash off, will you?" Oddly, the warping in of the imps had brought the light fragrance of perfume with it...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Needless to say, Cletus and his friend let out hollowing cries of pain as Melethia nailed their feet to the ground.
The sight of this, this prompted the remaining 3 men to get the hell out of dodge or at least get to cover before the Elf got them too.
The sheer amount of arrows raining from the sky resulted in one of the fleeing men becoming a pincushion as he was peppered from head to toe with arrows.
One of the slimmer members of their little gang was able to get back to the "Bunker" they made and used it to wait out the storm of arrows while his friend ran towards town, only to be stuck down himself.

"GADDAUM! That little Injun Socialist Bastard! Here is a present from Uncle Sam you still shit!" He shouted with a frightened rage as he fell back on his constitutional right to bare arms, Pulling out a small 9mm and returning fire from his cover, aiming for the Elf's chest.

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Maccer was understandably mindfucked by the Imps showing up.
"...wot...the....fuckin' 'ell?..." He mused as his eye twitched while the Imps dug up the hole.
A few minutes later, they finished digging up the dirt, only to find nothing but the London Bus Pass of a man called Kent Paul.
It seemed like whomever dug up the sand here was keen on removing all trace of anything that happened here, Hell, from the smell of it, The Sand was...Bleached?!.

Maccer seemed a little distraught at the sight of his friend's Bus Pass.
"Our P!....Jayus....Gone....Oh 'Eck....God, Come back Pablo...I didn't...Oh Shithouse!" He said, almost to the point of sobbing, prompting Jenny to (Reluctantly) hold him as he cried.
"What happened here?..." He pondered as she looked at the pit that was now made.
"THEY TOOK HIM!...THEY TOOK PABLO THE BASTARDS!....GIVE HIM BACK!...[sub]God, Pablo...[/sub]" He shouted to the sky, cursing someone.
Or something...

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

David found her change quite jarring, but quickly shook his head and got to work. [color=9BBED5]"...Right."[/color]

He caught sight of two of the men attempting to come in from their right, and quickly flicked the knife in their direction, catching the armed goon in the groin as Melethia advised. This had the immediate reaction of him crumpling to the ground screaming in agony, while making his friend enraged.

"YOU BASTARD!" His friend came barreling towards the student, arms wide and rearing to grab him. This of course left him very open to attack. "I'LL RIP OFF YOUR GODDAMN HEAD, YOU LITTLE LI-"

The moment the knife returned to him, David got down low and stabbed the man in the knee, causing him to stumble over David and fall on his face. The man pushed himself up, trying to regain his senses, before David came up be and delivered a vicious right hook to the side of his head, knocking him out cold.

Before David could do anything else, a pair of hands wrapped around his neck from behind him and squeezed, lifting him up off the ground and strangling him.

"Hoo hoo hoo! I gotcha now, you 'lil socialist pig! Now squeal for me, boy!" A hoarse, drunken voice hooted from behind him, while tightening his grip. David's eyes were wide as he tried to wrench free, but was slowly getting weaker and weaker.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Melethia grit her teeth as the bullet hit her breastplate she had on underneath her tunic. If it hadn't been there, she might have been in a lot worse shape. However, that one shot gave Melethia enough time to riddle the man's arm with six arros, and one thing he noticed was that these arrows hurt about as much as that one time he'd crashed that 4 wheeler with his uncle and got stuck in the hospital for a few months.

It was also around that time that Mel's attention was drawn to the last flanker that was now choking Bookworm. Sparing no time, she grabbed the last six arrows and rolled to the side to get her positioning right. Once satisfied with where she was (After all, the man was solely focusing on one person) She fired all the arrows onto the man's back, with some slipping in between the ribs and others embeddong themselves firmly into the kidneys. Needless to say, the distinct difference in the aiming that time was enough to ensure that the man dropped to the ground.

"David, don't you die on me!" WIth the small break there, Melethia snatched the dagger off the ground ans went to sever the muscles to loosen the dead man's grip.

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

The imps continued to scour the area for some more clues or anything that could be of use as Devon talked in a calm voice. "Here, let me clean you up. Now, can you tell me what happened last night? I know you were high as a kite, but we're here to help you out." As he touched a moist spot on the man's arm )that he hoped was wet from sweat), the man was cleaned up rather fast. It didn't help any tearing in the clothing, but being cleaned up should help the man's mood a little bit.

Devon casted Prestidigation to clean Maccer off. It'll be 18 seconds until the next level 0 spell.
Ella did her part and flew up in the air to see if there was possibly any vehicles that they could use for travel.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The forgotten are remembered by the legend ... Shawn
Location: Desert: Dump Site.

Frowning at the chatter and topic, Shawn pulled out his second pistol and aimed at the two. Originally he obtained one pistol from the NCR as a reward, but during the final battle of Hoover Dam, he had picked this weapon from a body of a fallen comrade who was slain by the Legate of the Legion army who died shortly after due to Shawn. As known, Shawn is the one who remembers these fallen humans, both if they are on his side, or not.

"Hello lovebirds, turn around and your dead, attempt to get a weapon you will die, just listen to me and stop talking ... oh and keep digging." Shawn threatened the two in front of him, hoping they will not do anything to make him shoot them. "Also ... do anything suspicious and you will loose a leg, both of you." He threatened once more. The two could heard a cock of two triggers behind them.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

When Melethia finally released him from the dead man's grip, David sat up, coughing and rubbing his throat. He turned his head, glaring balefully at the corpse of the man who nearly killed him. He stood up on his feet, gritting his teeth and stomped on the man's corpse.

[color=9BBED5]"YOU SON OF A *****! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! WHO DO YOU FUCKING THINK YOU ARE, STRANGLING ME LIKE THAT, HUH? HUH?!"[/color] David stomped harder on the dead man's head, with every word. [color=9BBED5]"YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD IS WHAT YOU ARE! DEAD! DEAD! DEEEAAAAAAD![/color]

He pulled back his foot and delivered a kick into it's face. And with that, he stopped with his pointless assault on the man's corpse, breathing heavily, his hands balled into fists and shaking uncontrollably.

[color=9BBED5]"...Is that all of them, Melethia?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Maccer was a little surprised that he was clean again, I mean, he was wearing those pants for months.
As he thought about Devon's question, Jenny sat him down on the ground and said "It's okay, Mister?..."
"Maccer. Lead Singer of The Gurning Chimps and creator of "EXTREMELY BAGGY" Music!" The Band Leader boasted, only just remembering who he was just there.
"Okay Maccer. We'll find your friends, but we'll need your help to do that. Can you remember anything from when you last saw them?...
...Please take your hand away from my chest..."

"If yer a bird, how come you don't have any Tits?"
"FOCUS GODDAMMIT!" The Pokemon shouted, She worked as a therapist, sure, but she wasn't going to sit and take that.
"Oh Charming...Alright....ummm....errrr.....uhhhhh...." The British Pop Icon said as he tried his best to remember last night.
"...I remember...Me and the band was the Thames in the winter....Then some Men in Black with guns showed up....And the last thing I remember was wanking on some Margaret Thatcher's tits when this twat showed up!" He said, pointing to Jenny as a vein in her forehead looked ready to burst.
"...Thank you for that, Maccer..." She grit though her teeth as-
"I swear, you put your hand there again, I'm melting your fucking brain!"
"It's just for Comfort. This is a Stressful situation man!"
"...[sub]You're telling me it is[/sub]..."