The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

Dillon looked around and failed to detect any souls in the area outside of his own and that of his friends.
Deadshot wasn't even here, but if he wasn't here, then how did he pin everyone down?
It was then that Dillon was able to spot just how he did it: A R.C. Sniper Rifle.
"DILLON! What do you see?...How come he stopped firing?!" David Shouted, wondering what the hell was going on.

Military Transport Vehicle: Deadshot

"HAHAAHHAHAHA! Oh, I'm getting a screenshot of the look on that guy's face..." a Army Uniform wearing Deadshot chuckled as he controlled his Rifle with his smartphone, using a Balaclava to cover his scarred face.
"Hey, Can I have a go?" Asked one of the other new recruits sitting beside him.
"NO!...I mean, No. Just...trying for 3 gold stars on this mission."
"Whoa...those are some pretty dope graphics for a Mobile Game...Almost looks real!"
"Yeah...They've, uhh...They've been getting better for the last while..." He lied as the transport drove into the army base, Feeling rather good about this plan.
After all, he was just waltzing into one of the most secure US Military bases in the world with nothing more then a Second Hand Army Uniform, a Balaclava and a iPhone.

What could possibly go wrong?...

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Maccer froze on the spot as Devon head a sword to him.
"Ahahahaah! 'EY! 'Ey! I didn't mean it! She's not my type, Too Skinny!" He stammered in a vain attempt to get the Bard to back down.
Taking some satisfaction in Maccer finally getting what was coming to him, Jenny giggled as she said "Why yes Ella, I would like a lift if you can spare it. Come on guys, lets get back to the others."
The Imps began to put all the dirt back after finding nothing aside from that Bus Pass belonging to one Kent Paul.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Energy Weapons FTW! Shawn
Location: Desert: Dump Site.
The Incoming Men in Black kept encircling the trapped trio, slowly switching out their Tactical Snipers for Futuristic looking Pistols.
"...FUCK IT! EVERYMAN FOR HIMSELF!" Shouted one of the Mafioso's as he made a break for it, only to get zapped with a blue energy bolt and to fall limp on the ground.
"FRANKIE!...THOSE BASTARDS!" Shouted Frankie's friend as he made a break in the other direction, with the same outcome.

Then Shawn had the nerve to "Surrender" while firing provokality into the air.
"COME AT ME. I AM HE-" He couldn't finish before they got the hint and Shawn got a Double Tap to the chest, The bolts instantly sapping all energy from his body before he passed out.
"Tsh...idiotic mammals...You'd think they'd learn by now. Take them to holding." One of the men said as they were taken away...
"*Sick Beatboxing*"
"...What have I told you about doing that?"
"Ease up man, It's our Tune."
"For the last freaking time, If we don't even exist How can we have a Tune!?"

"...Ey, Guv, you alright, son?...hey! Come on, you aren't that out of it, are ya?" asked a man with with a thick english accent as Shawn began to stir, now minus his armor, his belongings...everything basically, aside from his doctor outfit.
"Oi, Easy. Don't get up too fast are you'll be flat on your arse in a jiffy." Warned his Cellmate, Yep, Shawn was locked up behind bars in what seemed like some sort of prison wing like the one in the NRC Embassy.
"Got a Name, Buv?"


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Waking up to the light of a Prison Cell, Shawn cursed everything as he got up and heard the warning from his cockney or British cellmate. "Oh great." He said as he sat up but felt a missing weight from his arm. Looking quickly to his arm, he looked at the white patch of skin where his Pip-Boy used to be. "Shit, shit ... SHIT" He yelled to himself, he had carried he whole life in that device ever since he obtained it at the age of ten.

Grasping his head with both hands for a couple of second he finally looked up with a new goal in sight. "[sub][sub]They all die for this.[/sub][/sub]" Shawn's eyes spoke of death and other bad things, but looking towards the Cellmate he placed on his cocky smile. "In this world I don't have one, they call me the Lone Wanderer, call me Wanderer." Be spoke and started to examine his surroundings, it looked like a more luxurious version of the NCR Correctional Facility (NCRCF).

Shawn noted that it must be run by a strong or Government power, judging by the black suits they also seemed to be packed to the ass with firepower and cool suits. "First tell me your name, second tell me what is this place and third ... tell me who I have to kill to get out of here." Shawn said to his "mate" once more, except with a sneer.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Teri/Rugal, Slindis, Dillon
Dillon looked down
"You won't believe this but, that son of a ***** is using remote controlled guns"
He suspected that the others didn't believe him. I'm serious that bastard isn't here There's not a speck of life anywhere, so if anyone has some method of shorting out a large amount of electronics be my guest, meanwhile I'll be trying not to die."
He said as he began to ascend in a spiral fashion.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

Slindis shook her head. [color=c200]"I would, but I doubt they'd just let walk up and touch them."[/color] If she still had uses of her Solid Fog open, she would use that. Now, though? It wouldn't help a bit.

SHe knew he had to be hiding somewhere in the area, though. Where that spot was would be the problem...

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Devon lowered the blade. "SOrry I had to put it so bluntly, but it's rather frowned upon here in AMerica, after all. Let's get going to those men in the suits? The two little guys are a lot tougher than they look."

Ella easily picked the Gardevoir up, leading the way for the rest of the small grouping. "Seriously, I wonder why we're helping him..."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

The Cleric stumbled a little when Divine Power ran it's course, and had to cling to Garm to prevent from falling over. The Shadow in her mind was cheering from getting to feel the rush of the spell, but Teri had her mind more towards the pressing matter of her patients and the sniper. No, turrets, if what Dillion said was correct. With a heavy breath, the Cleric spoke up, [color=oe59e4]"Dad's right, if Dillion said that it's electric, then Angelus will be the best choice we have at the moment... We do have the rings, after all."[/color]

Time passed for a moment as the pact duo were contacted over the rings, and a prompt confirmation was given; the ETA being somewhere around 2-3 minutes, as the dragon flies. Following that, The Cleric took another breath to try to wear off some of the fatigue (possibly on account of keeping the Healing portion of her Aura full blast through the entirety of the operations, as well as the aforementioned ride down from her spell) and asked, [color=oe59e4]"Is anything else hurting? I might as well patch up anything else that ails you guys while we're bunkered down.
And I don"t know if I've mentioned it already, Sadei, but you're a godsend. Were it not for you helping out, I think I might have dropped already. That spell really takes a lot out of me, even if it calms down the annoying bugger in my head."[/color]

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Ton Ton gave a little wave of his Lantern and Knife, and Cadolbolg breathed a small jet of flame at Devon's exhortation of their abilities, and the Tonberry spoke, [color=15650d]"If what I remember a out such suited men in environs such as these, they're typically not good news. Let's tread carefully, Mr. Devon!"[/color]

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

David raised his arms, exasperated. [color=9BBED5]"Hey hey! I already said I wasn't mad, so no worries, [sub]thoughthethermiteisabsolutelyunrelatedtothetarget,[/sub]"[/color] The student said under his breath with a roll of his eyes, though he conceded that the explosive might be useful in catching him. He jerked a thumb back at the ghost town. [color=9BBED5]"Anyway, let's head out already. They're probably wondering where we are. That, and we really should get to catching this guy."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
"Ghost Town": David (West), Teri, Rugal, Slindis, Dillon, Angelus, Caim, Melethia, David (Ashford)
((Angelus used with permission))

Within a few minutes, Angelus swooped in overhead as Dillon kept drawing the fire of the guns away from the much larger Dragon
Feeling the annoying pricks of sniper rounds, Angelus began to let loose with the fireballs into the surrounding mesa's, frying any turret she found as her flames only could.
[HEADING=3]A quick helping of "Kill it with Fire" later and Deadshot's gun's fell silent.[/HEADING]

"WOOOOO! YEAH! THANK THE LORD FOR AIR SUPPORT!" David West gleefully shouted as the RC Snipers were burned to a crisp.
"Alright people, If he could set this up, then he must be at the Base by now! Let's Move out and NAIL this bastard!" He shouted with zest as he quickly got up, the Healing that Teri and Slindis did working wonders.
As he went to the truck they used to drive here, He ran into David Ashford and Melethia.
"AND WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!? DAMMIT MAN, GIVE ME SOME HEADS UP BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE OPERATION AREA! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!" He ranted at the student as he walked past him, the rage in his system will being vented as he did.

Rugal meanwhile was Ironically the more level headed one as he stood up from cover.
"Strange...There were no Remote Snipers in that shipment he stole...where did he get them?..." He mused, wondering if someone was supplying Deadshot.
Glancing up, he gave a Wave of Thanks to Angelus and Dillon, hoping to get out of publicly thanking his former enemy for basically saving his life.

Area 69: Deadshot

"Oh, come on! Where are my Guns at?!" Deadshot moaned as he attempted to access his turrets remotely and having no success, seeing how most of them were burning plastic at this point.
Shit, They'll be on their way here now...Alright, just keep your cover up and everything will be fine... He told himself as he resumed his patrol of the base as part of his disguise, just waiting for an opening to access the underground lab right underneath it.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Arco del Oeste: Jenny, Ella, Devon, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, MACCER!, ???

"America!? Oh, Wait until I tell my Ma about this!" Maccer stated, only now remembering that he was in fact IN America, a night of substance abuse that bad tends to mess with your memory.
"'Eh, give me a phone and I'll call for a cab. I think I have a gig later..." He asked, starting to bore of the current situation, seeing how Devon was keen to stop him from having any fun whatsoever.

Jenny meanwhile was a little startled when Ella scooped her up but quickly calmed.
"Whoa!...Alright, errr, fly low, just in case you lose your grip." She asked as the pair of them flew off, The pokemon worried about being dropped a few dozen feet onto the unforgiving ground.
"Well...At least he's okay, That'd be a load off the Truth's mind at the very least."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul
"...Bleeding Hell, why can't I get shacked up with someone normal?...Paul. Kent Paul." The Brit explained as he returned to his Bunk.
"This place is where they lock up people snooping about, so I'm told. I have no idea how I got here, I just..."Woke up" here with a Killer Hangover! As for killing, It's a Mug's Game, but I wouldn't know where to start." He explained, still wondering how the hell he ended up here in the first place.
Bet Maccer was involved...Fucking Northerner... He thought as Shawn noticed the Wise Guys were in the cell across from him.
"So Tell me, 'Guv. What'd you do to end up here?..." He asked, hoping his answer would help him better understand why he was stuck here too.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/David A.

Melethia bottled up the mixture and nodded in approval. "Yeah, ya do have a point. We've gotta get movin' if we wanna get him. Just try to relax a bit, will ya? We got out fine."

With that, she and David quickly made their way back to the rest of the group.

"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal/Slin/Angie/Caim/Mel/David (A.}/Teri

Slindis took one look at the guns before realizing she'd be hard pressed find out anything new with her knowledge. [color=c200]West might know more about these, though... I almost wish that we were dealing with something a bit more sane like the Emerald Claw.[/color] If it weren't for the specifics, she'd almost think she was back at home; a thought she quickly pushed out of her head as she went to thank Caim.

[color=c200]"THat was excellent timing on your part. Was there anything you found about this base as you were flying? I can understand if your search was fruitless, considering the area."[/color]

Seeing that David wasn't happy in any sense of the word, Melethia decidedd to butt in. "Well, he was comin' after me, an' we did find some pretty nasty stuff to use against people that try to fight us when we get in that base area. It's one of the strongest non-magic fires I've seen."

Sadei contacted back, definitely a bit more upbeat. "I know it takes a lot out of you, but I'm always happy to help out! It's better than being used by somme overzealous person that preaches on... That was the worst thing! It's like ramming into a brick wall repeatedly."

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

He thought about it for a bit then responded while helping dust Maccer off with a well-placed breeze. "Well, if it's like you say it is, then we should at least find that manager of yours. He'd probably want to keep a man of your skill around, so return the favor and he'll owe you big time.

Still, lay off Ella. I had to go through Hell and back to get her, and you wouldn't want somme othr bloke doing that to your gal."
He let the British musician think it was an exaggeration, but it was far from one.

Ella grinned. "So, you don't want me to do this?"She then proceeded to perform a small loop through the air for a small laugh and to make Jenny jump a bit, but she kept a firm grip throughout.

Giving Jenny a moment to finish venting and cursing Ella's name if she so wished, she tsked at Jenny's statement. "Yeah, he's okay, even if he is a bit skeezy. He could be worse, but that doesn't really make it any better."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
Sorry for the late post.
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul
"I was searching the desert for a target, when I saw a speck of light being reflected in the distance I thought it was him ... it wasn't, it was those "Men In Black"." Shawn said whilst reflecting upon his mistakes. "Honestly I probably could of killed them ... I just wasn't bothered." He shrugged as he shoulders lowered. "I just want my stuff back." Shawn sighed as he noticed the Wise Guys across from his cell.

"Although, I have no idea why I am actually here. Maybe I was too close to their base, meaning here, or they might of been attracted to my 'weird' armor." He smiled back at Kent and looked towards the Wise Guys again. "I thought you guys ran ... I mean I told you to." Shawn said to the opposite cell.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys
Kent was deeply worried by Shawn's story.
"Base?...In the Desert?...Oh FUCK ME! We're not there, are we?! God dammit Maccer..." He cursed, regretting so much as meeting that foul man.
"...Me and a band I manage were in the Desert, see. Some hippy uncle was our guide on a Peyote trip or some shit. I remember we made a camp, but nuthing after that. Bet Maccer put something in my drink...[sub]again[/sub]..." He explained, wondering what he did to get stuck in a Military Base.
"Here's hoping it was just some Ten-a-penny gig like pissing on the fence or something..." he hoped as Shawn began to talk to the men he was holding at gunpoint less than an hour earlier.

"Oh shut it! We're stuck here because of you! It was a simple job and we would have got it done if you didn't bring the fucking Suits!" the one known as Frankie only to be shushed by his more level headed friend.
"We did. Didn't matter in the end. Strange...Coulda killed us easily if they wanted to. Why didn't they?..." He sighed as he paced around his cell.
"...Well, Water under the bridge, or the Desert rather. So...Any ideas how to get out of here? They let us live, but I'd rather spring this joint before they change their minds..."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
"Ghost Town": David (W.)/Rugal/Slin/Angie/Caim/Mel/David (A.)/Teri

[HEADING=3]After they dealt with Deadshot's trap, the group made their way towards the Desert Base
Look, I'm tired, I've spent 4 hours on a bus and another 2 in a car today and I have writer's block, Okay!? >.<[/HEADING]

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

"Alright! Alright! Just gimme a damn mobile!" Maccer demanded after hearing Devon's warning.
The bard finally went to pull out his phone, only to find he had a text message labelled "We have a Mutual Problem...".
Strange, he didn't give his number to anyone.
Opening it up, he found it contained a picture of a man with a scarred face standing over the body of a dead soldier while taking his uniform along with the name of the attacker: Deadshot.
The body of the message said:

"Resourceful, ain't he? He's already in the base. Get a move on and Ditch the brit, don't have all damn day!"
"'Ey! What are you waiting for!? Gimme that!" Maccer protested as he took the phone and called for a cab to pick him up.
Once he was done, he said "Alright, if you see Pablo, tell him I'll be Fort Carson. See ya, jobbo." before he made his way to the roadside and waited to be picked up.
Unless Devon wanted an escort mission on top of everything else...

Jenny meanwhile let out a high pitched scream as Ella did her loop-de-loop in the air.
"PLEASE! DON'T! DO THAT!" She screamed as they met up with the others.

Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Once the group was back together, they looked out at their target.

"Right...Got some SAM Sites...What appear like Motion Detectors...Sentries, Snipers. Couple of Dozen armed guards and more under the surface...It seems only nigh impossible..." David West groaned as he scoped out the base with a scope he took off one of the turrets.
"Compared to what we usually go up against?" Rugal joked as he took a turn to look.
"This doesn't look like some normal base, they don't have this much security or stationed troops...So...Ideas?" He asked the group, wondering how they were going to pull this off.

-Just so we are all on the same page, the goal is to find a way into the Base and find Deadshot.

-You can sneak in or go in guns blazing or anywhere in between, it's all up to you how you go about it. Anything goes.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Devon was more than a bit disturbed at the message, but he did his best to bluff like he was okay as he waved Maccer off. "I'll make sure to do that, and maybe I'll be at your next gig. Take care, mate." For right now, he'd have to hide the thoughts on that message.

Ella finished by landing rather gently to try to soothe Jenny a bit. "Okay, okay. I just wanted to show you that at least I'm a good flyer...Sorry?" Seeing how they were the first ones there, it was a short wait for all the others.

Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Slindis thought it over. [color=c200]"Well, we can't just walk in there. We'll have too many people firing on us for that option."[/color] It would be a lot more helpful if she actually had a good longbow to use, but as she'd found out since her shift to unarmed fighting, she didn't have one any more.

Devon nodded in agreement. "When we get in, we could try what we did earlier. THe main problem with that would be getting there. Angie, your flying up might make a big target of yourself, and I don't want to even think about what would happen if Cadolbolg tried the same."

Melethia pulled out her bow as she eyed how far the shots would be. "Well, I might be able to hit a few, but that's a lot of range for me to cover..."

Ella finally stretched as she eyed the area. "Well, we need to get in there somehow, right? Pick a way and just go for it!" Apparently she hadn't heard about what'd happened in the ghost town...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Not so RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)

Hearing the Suits out, he looked back to Kent Paul. "That is only a speculation though, if we can get a view of the outside world we can confirm our position. Though getting a view of the outside is the hard part." Shawn said to him as he looked back across the cell to the two suits. "Also I heard of a guy called Tenpenny, he was an asshole ... but unfortunately I can't attend his funeral." He smirked as he responded to the Suits.

"You, I didn't bring the suits. They were probably overlooking you guys or all of us, in-case we got too close to their home. For getting out of here ... we have to make a riot, not any riot ... but a riot that can destroy this base. If I can reach my stuff and whatever they have, I'm sure we can get out of here." The Wanderer said, but could only think if his friends know he is here ... or his enemies.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"Since before the christmas party at aim or whatever it was called; she's been writing me." The witch said, taking another sip of her Tea. She thought long and hard about something for a few minutes before shaking it off her head. "And i'd trust that lab bio experiment more than anyone who works for money. she may not have the firsthand experience, but it's in her bones from what i saw of her when she walked out." she said to bison.

"oooooooh! This looks like fun!" sana said and picked up the mace. it reverted to a staff, but whatever technology/magic they used to create it, it reverted to an iron staff. "cool...." she said fascinated with it. Giving it a few spins, it felt natural in her hands.
"Okies. I'll head down and try to find that place, but things aren't looking up. the further i head down, the worse it's wrecked." she said to him, hopping in another shaft and continuing her descent.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

David coughed into his hand to get everyone's attention, but then he faltered when all of their eyes were staring right at him. [color=9BBED5]"U-uh... How about w-we try stealing some soldiers uniforms?"[/color] He suggested in a shaky voice while nervously wringing his hands. [color=9BBED5]"W-e could try... Er, luring, some of those guards that are patrolling the perimeter of the base away from the sniper's line of sight?"[/color]

David grit his teeth and stopped to compose himself. He took several deep breaths before he continued on. [color=9BBED5]"...Once that is done, we could knock them out, [sub]or kill them if you have to,[/sub] and take their uniforms. Of course, we'll have to be quick, otherwise they could alert everyone at the base of our presence with their radios. Some of us could disguise ourselves as guards, while others play the role of hostages. But for that to work, we need to keep the numbers small. If they see a mere few guards come back to headquarters with a group of competent fighters, that could easily dispatch swathes of them if they wanted to, all strung up, they may find that a tad bit suspicious.

"If the plan manages to get far enough so that some of us are inside, we could attempt to sabotage their security equipment from within so that the others can get inside with minimal fuss."[/color]

Once he finished going over his plan, he looked at the group expectantly. But after a few seconds, he began sweating profusely, his face becoming a tomato red, and shrinked into himself. [color=9BBED5]"A-also... I kinda got this plan from a book I read... s-so I'm not sure how much of this will actually be successful."[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Teri lite up at David (A.)'s idea, and threw in her two cents as well, [color=oe59e4]"I think that it's a great idea, Er.... Don't think I caught your name, so you're gonna be 'Sir' till I do. Anyways, I think there's one little problem, there's a lot of us, and probably not that many uniforms that could fit each and every one of us. So, if we do go with this plan, why not a good lot of us pretend to be prisoners? This place is like Roswell, that being a sketchy as hell base in the middle of desert, and a bunch of 'weirdoes' get dragged in... And let's face it, most people think we're kinda funny looking, and then we could pretend that said 'weirdoes' could be arrested on grounds of being suspicious. With the way you described the cops around here, Dad, that couldn't be completely off base, right?"[/color]

Caim shrugged, (having dismounted to join in on the discussion), and 'said',
[color=darkblue]"I don't see why we can't just charge in as usual? We're all together now, as opposed to that ship. I think our force could easily overturn theirs." [/color]
The dragon snorted, once for being called 'Angie', and the second at Caim's 'tactics', (Cadolbolg deflating visibly at that) "Not all of us are as hardy as you, Caim. But, I can suggest a happier medium, perhaps. Sneaking in certainly has merit. But, we can easily disorient our opponents by taking out their centers of command whilst inside. After that, we could do something large, flashy, attention grabbing. Draw them away from our destination in this base and throw them into Chaos. Something our smaller members could help in setting up...?."
The dragon indicated her large head down to the younger, and more stealth inclined members of their group.

Ton Ton thought hard for a moment and spoke up as well, [color=15650d]"If we were to get sneaking, me and Cadolbolg could easily pose as toys? I mean, I used to be a stuffed animal! I know how to stay still for a while!"[/color] The Tonberry gave a small giggle after that, reminded of happier times in the service of the Mistress.

As the members of the group began to debate their plan, the Cleric addressed the sentient staff, [color=oe59e4]"A zealot was your last wielder? That does sound like a pain. Did they not hear you, hence the brick wall metaphor?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Rugal was considering the Uniform idea as David Ashford and Teri pitched the idea.
"True...From what I've heard back in the day, the Army here takes anyone with a pulse, seeing how it's the "Least" dangerous job in the region." He said as he watched the patrols from afar with the broken scope.
"...Just where can we get them?..." He asked, wondering if he'd even be able to fit in one.
"...Dillon, what size chest are you? Could pass you off as a recruit."

David West meanwhile was a little amused by Ashford's idea.
"Heh...And just how did that book end? Good guys winning, right? Because I get pissed off at bad endings." He joked as Melethia expressed her doubts about being able to snipe them with her bow.
"I could make those shots, but M500's aren't known for being suppressible...Hang on..." He paused as he looked though the scope again.
"...Got a light scout unit heading north from the base, over to the old airstrip in a Jeep...
That was strangely well timed..." He said confused as their infiltration plan was handed to them on a platter.
Right as he said that, Devon got another Text:

[i]"Ask and ye shall receive."
Finally, Jenny was glad to be on solid ground again after her flight with Ella.
"Just...If it's ever the other way around, you'll know what I mean..." She said to Ella as the plan was being discussed.
"Guess I'll be one of the hostages then. I doubt I'd pass as a human..." She sighed as Ton Ton talked about sneaking in.
"...You know, if you took off the cloak and crawled, you could pass for a Lizard. Same with Cadolbolg if we dirty him up a little."