The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain... Shawn
Location: Desert: Dump Site.
The pair of Wise Guys froze as Shawn pulled his guns on them, the both of them instantly understanding what this meant.
They quietly picked up their shovels and started to dig, one of them sobbing as he did.
"*Sniff* Come on man...I-i-i love my wife man, I wasn't even suops-eh-eh-WAH-AH-AH!" He broke down and started to cry, he didn't want to die like this!
"Alright, come on man. We can talk about this. I work in one of the Casinos. You and me, we could make a killing...umm...Let me rephrase that..."

As the Wise Guys went on about all the reasons Shawn should let them live, he finally found some trace of his target: There was a Glint from a Sniper Scope out in the flats, 2 Scope Glints in fact!
And there was a pair of Laser Sights on his chest...


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

She finished gathering up the last of her unused arrows and put them back in the bag and put a hand on David's arm. "THat should be the last of them, David. Now calm down, it's a waste of time to kick a dead dog. For an fresh man, you did well. It's a shame that we can't get that compound, though, It woulda been a nice little thing to work with." She quickly took off part of her tunic to check on the damaged part of her breastplate, but the bullet hadn't done all that much to it besides a small indent.

"Hmm, I'll have to pound that out later. Good think they don't know about weapons that actually pack a punch." She pulled up her tunic again to cover up then checked on David.

"Ya gonna hold up well?"

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Our bard put a bit more edge in his voice as he continued with the questioning. "Maccer, if you want to help us make sure your mates live, you have to focus! Look, do you remember any details on the locations? We can't do much if you keep trying to polish your knob, got it?" He was getting more than a bit annoyed with man he had to try to get important info from.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

David seemed to hesitate for a moment, before nodding his head slowly. [color=9BBED5]"Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine. Just, kinda blew up a little there,"[/color] He gave one last look at the dead man, and sighed, rubbing his sore neck.

He removed his bag and placed it on the ground, rummaging through it, eventually pulling out the tome. He removed it's contents, and began arming himself. He placed the bandolier across his chest, and wrapped the belt around his waist. He pulled out the large hunting knife and pistol, attaching the knife to the right side of his belt, and the pistol to his left, after loading it up. Once he was finished with the preparations, he spoke again. [color=9BBED5]"So... Where to now then? Are we going to join the others in town?"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Melethia shook her head. "These guys made some good compound, and I want to know how it's made. After all, if we're going to be going into a place we shouldn't be, I want to make sure we're ready for it. Ta did well enough, although ya still have a long way to go Bookworm." As she closed on the initial site, she found the powder again which had a strong resemblance to Thermite.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
There are WAY too many people who want to hurt him ... Shawn
Location: Desert: Dump Site.
Seeing the glint, he smiled inside his helmet. "Don't worry, you did your job ... but you may want to duck down." He spoke as he noticed the two glints and the two red dots on his chest dancing happily in hopes for blood. "Shit ..." Shawn said as he quickly slid on the ledge he was on and got on the ground. The ledge he was on was at a hill like angle, so it protected him quite nicely.

Pulling out his Anti-Material rifle, he did not know how to get a shot without them spotting him ... and possibly shooting him. A sharp pain went through the Wanderer like a lightning bolt, a bullet pierced his left arm and left a nice hole. "Damn it!" He yelled and injected himself with a Stimpak, which made him only wonder how many he had left.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

David looked over Melethia's shoulder and at the powder, raising a brow, seeming to recognize the substance. [color=9BBED5]"Isn't that thermite?"[/color] He wafted the smell over, before nodding his head. [color=9BBED5]"Yep. That's thermite alright. It's actually pretty easy to make, if I remember correctly."[/color]

David reached into his bag and pulled out a chemistry textbook, looking for a particular page. He stopped a finger, pointing at a page outlining an experiment regarding the use of thermite. [color=9BBED5]"Right, here it is: "8 grams aluminum powder, 3 grams of iron oxide," or rust, if you prefer. "Thermite requires intense heat to ignite, so a magnesium ribbon or alternatively, a sparkler containing magnesium will be provided. Once the teacher ignites the thermite, be sure to look away, as the intense light produced by the reaction can permanently damage your eyesight."[/color]

David closed the book and returned it to his bag seemingly nonchalant, before completely freezing in place. He turned his head to look at Melethia, wearing a strange smile on his face. [color=9BBED5]"So let me get this straight, we just horribly injured and killed some rednecks over thermite? Thermite?"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Melethia huffed, trying to bluff about the weakness of the attack. "Hey, are ya forgettin' that they went an' attacked us in the first place? They were the ones that came chargin' at us, they were the ones that shot at us, they were the ones that choked ya! Back where I come from, that's called covering ya arse!"

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

[color=9BBED5]"You and I both know that you were completely capable of ending their lives or at least temporarily incapacitating them in no time flat. I saw what you did with your arrows. That, and they were kinda right when they said that we were spies, and we are strangely dressed,"[/color] He gestured to their clothes. Somewhat ironic, because he was called out for his appearance in Gunsmoke and that he would attract unwanted attention. And as it turned out, it did and got him chased and beaten into a pulp. [color=9BBED5]"They were just minding their own business, granted said business was fairly stupid, but they had no reason to trust two strange-looking people who were watching them from behind a rock. And I seem to recall that we were looking for a very dangerous person, but you ran off from the group instead to check out some yokels fooling around with some easy-to-produce, home-made explosives. I only came over because I thought it had something to do with the man we were hunting. This little foray was a pointless waste of time!"[/color]

David shook his head with a sigh, putting his hands in his pockets. [color=9BBED5]"But... oddly enough, I'm not mad. Not even slightly agitated. I'd even go as far to say that this experience turned out to be rather exhilarating!"[/color] David said with a grin, before looking to the side and scratching his cheek sheepily. [color=9BBED5]"...Well, minus the parts where I damaged a man's genitalia beyond any hope of repair, and nearly getting choked to death, aaaand stomping on a man's arrow-riddled corpse." [/color]


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"New mercenary? you do realize the short funny man just grew a person in a bathtub from what i clipped of their conversation. why not her?" The Mizune sister said. That's when wesker came down. Miazune gave him a quick look over before taking a sip of her Tea. "I approve of you." she said, setting down the cup.

"Regardless of weather or not you choose to, i approve of any sort of relationship, friend, companion, whatever. You had the balls to go and confront her about it directly." the witch said to Wesker. "She'll recover soon enough. but for now, give her breathing room."
"Whelp, fun time it is." Sana exclaimed and ran over to the elevator shaft. She lept at the opposite wall and began to slide down it. Every few meters or so, she leaped from wall to wall, to keep her speed slow. working her way down the shaft, she could feel the radiation from whatever that thing that did this to the labs was, soaking into her. Looking around she spotted a directory on the wall. "How convenient. Dad, should i go get a weapon of some sort? i have no clue what might be down there." she said to cortex.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

As the gang fanned out around the Ghost Town, David West realized that Ashford was gone.
"...David?...David Ashford?...Hey!....Dammit, oh christ..." He sighed as he began to worry about the student.
"Hey, Anyone see the Student? Anyone?..."
"Nope. Sorry." cooed a familiar voice before a loud BANG! filled the air, followed by a spurt of blood from David West's leg as a Sniper Round tore through it.
"Lady and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Killbox, Starring yours truly!" Boasted the Sniper from what seemed like a loudspeaker as lead came flying from the mesa's above, seemingly from all directions.
"Ahhhh...GET TO COVER!" David warned as he laid there bleeding, knowing that Deadshot was using him as bait.

Rugal didn't need to be told twice as he ducked within the old barn, leaning out from his hiding spot in a bid to get his location.
"Dammit! This guy is good. Second I get my hands on him. Dillon, Slindis, stay out of the open!" He warned as bullets
flew around the buildings, It was like a one man wild west shootout.

Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

As Melethia and David Ashford walked and talked about their sudden attack, distant gunshots could be heard coming from the Ghost Town...

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

"I'm Sorry, Alright! I don't know any more than that!" Maccer protested as Jenny moved away from the sleazy rockstar.
"All I've got in me head is music and...and...Stone me bloody crows, that Bird is a bird!" He exclaimed as Ella flew overhead, unable to find a car that didn't freak out and turn around at the sight of the a flying demon.
"....'EY!...I Remembered something!....uhhhh...Before Pablo was taken....I saw....a Blue!...Light. It was bright. And cold...Like a Flashlight in a Ice Cube!" He said as he walked around the dig site.
"...Yeah....There was Ice! Lots and Lots of Ice!...Like a living Ice Sculpture!"

Ice?...In the Desert?...
"But...Unless it was a Ice-Type...That's impossible..." Jenny said as Maccer watched Ella fly about in the air.

Here come in the Men in Black Shawn
Location: Desert: Dump Site.
As Shawn injected himself, he managed to get a look at the people shooting at him.
The were Men in Black, The pair of them each wearing a identical black suit and pitch black sunglasses along with a tactical sniper rifle.
The pair of them took turns to advance, working as a team to take down the "Witnesses".
Things only got worse as Shawn saw a Black Helicopter take off from the nearby base before flying towards them.

"Oh God. I thought you said that they weren't going to change shifts for another hour!" one of the Wise Guys said, clearly worried with this development.
"Aw Shit! Shit, Shit SHIT! "...We're Dead...We are SO DEAD! Oh fuck me...We're not going to get out of here!" the other sobbed as the pair of them hid behind the truck for cover.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

[color=6c1504]"Listen, this operation will detect whether or not I'll be able to run for President. I'm not trusting some Lab Experiment that was born less then an hour ago with this. I need the experience of a carrer Soldier of Fortune."[/color] Bison explained to the sister as he began to check his contacts.
[color=6c1504]"...Anyone got the number of that Deathstroke Guy?"[/color] He asked as Wesker sighed.
"I just hope she isn't going to hold this against me for the rest of time. And that she doesn't destroy the top floor in a tantrum..." He said as he took a deep sip of his soda.
"...Just...How long has this been going on for?"
[color=6c1504]"Mother of God, you are dense! She's been at it since we moved here! Maybe even longer."[/color] Bison interrupted before resuming his search for a new assassin, unaware that Deadshot was still alive.


Aperture Ruins: Sana

[color=b4b4]"The Blast should have wiped out everything living, but I guess it wouldn't hurt. Just be careful, nearly all of Aperture's Tech are products designed for something else entirely. Example: they invented portable Napalm while working on a self heating massage lotion."[/color] Cortex warned as Sana entered a burnt looking lab that seemed like it was used for developing...something.

She then tripped over something, a Strange Metal Polearm covered USB slots and other jacks for speakers, monitors and headphones.
When she did, it seemed to react to her touch and changed form into a spiked mace.

((There's your Staff! :D ))


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

Although the message wasn't directed at Teri, she knew well enough to conjure up some protections with this sniper barrage the moment she could. After all, it wouldn't do any good to heve her fall so easily. It helped her resolve a bit that Sadei was backing her up, although all the shots coming from different angles at once could be a bit overwhelming.

Teri casts Entropic Shield [] to protect herself from the shots! For the next 8 minutes, all bullets directed at Teri will have a 20% chance of missing her.

24 seconds until her next level one spell
Slindis stuck to her Water Stance and decided to flow with the attacks, slipping through a good number of them and ensuring those few that did hit were grazes. [color=c200]"I don't really have to say what's going on here, do I?"[/color] SHe did her best to try and move over to David's area to carry him out of there and get him some cover. It did leave her open to taking more than a few shots, though...

Outside of El Quebrados: Melethia/BookwormDavid A.

Melethia grinned. "With that amount of gunfire over there, that has to be the men. Now, let's mix up those portions real quick and get the fuse ready..." It didn't take long to get that ix ready, although she added a bit more gunpowder into the mix.

"Ya know, sometimes to catch your target, ya have to loosen the net a little... See what we've found? We basically tripped on it, an' ya wanna keep gettin' on me about a group that opened the hostilities in a dangerous way." She rather firmly tried to tell Ashrowrh about the situation, although, for a second she thought she heard a nagging thought of guilt. Luckily, that was rather quickly quashed.

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Devon placed a hand on Maccer's shoulder to try and boost Maccer's morale.. "We'll find him, but one favor. Maybe you could give Ella a bit of space to do her work." He tried to think out the freezer Maccer was talking about, but at least one of the band mrmbers was still standing.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

"Dammit...DON'T GO OUT INTO THE OPEN, YOU STUPID *****!" David West swore at the top of his lungs as Slindis attempted to drag him out of Deadshot's line of sight, giving the attacker exactly what he wanted: Another target. (After all, it'd be what he'd do!)
While Water Stance was able to allow Slindis to avoid most of the shots, Deadshot was one the best snipers there was and was able to score a handful of hits despite this.
"Shoulda listened to him..." Deadshot's voice boomed from the loudspeaker as he opened fire.
While picking David up, The drow took hits to her right elbow, a graze on her left shoulder and lost part of her right ear from a failed headshot.

Needless to say, this got Rugal all fired up.
"Son of a-Dark Barrier! OVER HERE! HEY! TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT!" He shouted as he brought up his shield and taunted the sniper to draw his fire.
"...Okay!" *BANG!* *BANG!* "...How was that?" Mocked the Assassin as he quickly kneecapped the King of Fighters, though his distraction bought more than enough time for Slindis to drag David back into cover.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal, Slindis, Dillon
As Rugal fell Dead-shot took aim for his head the shot resonated loudly Rugal tensed expecting death, instead he felt an oddly warm pleasant feeling like the sun had come out on a beautiful day.
he looked up and saw Dillon was standing in between him and Dead-shot's line of fire, his wings folded in front of him.
"Hello my name's Dillon BET YOU CAN'T HIT ME!"
he shouted and took flight the others could feel some sort of energy being given off as his wings became bright, the light was intense what they didn't know was to Dead-shot this light was blinding to look at. He glared at deadshot
"Hit me with your best shot" he said his wings ready they were very solid able to deflect most projectiles not to mention the blinding light and his speed.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

Teri looked around the snipe zone in desperation, having no idea where Deadshot's shots were even coming from. Still, with her healing aura on for those in the safe zone, and Rugal being blocked from view by Dillon, the Cleric brought her oversized wolf over to Rugal's side and linked one of the man's arms around Garm (Teri grabbing the other) and began slowly pulling Rugal away, obviously much heavier than what the wolf was used to moving around. Teri clenched her teeth at the progress and clung to the cross necklace around her wrist,

[color=oe59e4]"We don't have time for this! Lord, grant me your strengh!"[/color]

Teri casts Divine Power, granting her a strength of 16, instead of her usual 10, 8 temporary hit points, and the combat prowess of a warrior of her level. This effect lasts 8 rounds, or 48 seconds. 30 seconds till the next 4th level spell can be cast.
Feeling a surge of power surge through herself, Teri found herself able to lift Rugal much more comfortably with her wolf friend and progress to the safe area became much easier, The Cleric easing down the King of Fighters with a lot less effort than would be assumed of a girl her age. Following after that, she busied herself in beginning to doctor up David, Slindis, and Rugal, her Aura flaring bright with Positive Energy; which greatly helped in easing off the minor cuts and pains...

Outside of El Quebrados:Caim/Angelus

Keeping a quiet profile in the air, a Red Dragon and her mute rider searched the ground below; acting as scouts and possible aerial support to those who required/requested it.
(Shakes magic 8 ball)

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Ton Ton, who was sitting on Devon's shoulders with Cadolbolg, wondered aloud, [color=15650d]"A giant of ice...? Kinda reminds me of that iron giant we fought in that Western universe... I don't know if that would apply though. I've never seen a Frost Giant."[/color]

The turtle dragon wagged his tail in curiosity and said, "Mother mentioned giants in her stories once, but I don't think they were frosty either. Sorry, I have no idea what that is. Friend Devon, do you know anything about frost giants? Me and Friend Ton Ton are stumped."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal

Slindis immediately began checking up on David and Rugal, tending to their wounds with Teri's aid. After all, until they could pin down where Deadshot was making the shots from, she couldn't make the mistake of giving away her position. for another assault. But how was the man foring from multiple angles at once?

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Devon shrugged. "I remember a few, but they were all from ages ago. To be honest, it's rather vague. Still, I don't think he can really remember more. Jenny, want to come along to hunt this bandmate down? WHo knows, we might trip upon where we're looking for."

Seeing nothing useful, Ella glided down. "We ready to go or what?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal/Deadshot

"Slindis...1. You are a fucking moron! Never, NEVER! Charge into a Sniper's line of sight like that.
2...Thanks for Saving my ass." David said, grateful that she was able to get them both out of the line of fire, but also upset she risked her head in the process.
"Did anyone get a fix on him?..." He then asked, not getting an answer as his bullet wound was tended to.
"...Shit. Well, we're safe for now..." He mused as Dillon drew both his attention and fire.
"...Wasn't that guy dead or something?..." The Sniper asked as the Owner of the Rising Dawn Airship flew about overhead.

"Tsh, I wish..." Rugal groaned, hiding his praise of Dillon saving his ass like that as Teri tended to the wounds on his legs.
"Thank You. I'm sorry, I just had to draw away fire from Slindis before he got a good effect on one of his shots. Are you alright?" he apologized as he looked over to Slindis, a few flesh wounds but nothing a bit of healing couldn't fix.
"Okay...Get Angelus here, do a few fly-bys. She might be able to spot him on top one of the Mesa's." He ordered as his legs were healed up quickly by both the Cleric and the Drow.

Deadshot meanwhile was no amused by Dillon's antics.
"Dammit! The Rave Party Tactic!, God I hate that one!" He cursed over the loudspeaker as he attempted to line up a shot with the intense light in his FOV.
"Alright, if that's how you want to play. Motion Sensors on!" The killer laughed as he changed the control from Manual to Automatic, His Rifle picking up and following Dillon's movements, unhindered from the flashing lights.
Pretty soon, it had a read on him and began to open fire, hitting their marks and testing Dillon's ability to deflect rather than his ability to dodge.
This would have the side effect of preventing him from switching between targets, but it was worth it to get rid of this annoyance.

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

"...Is that a talking fuckin' Lizard!?" Maccer shouted as Ton Ton made his presence known to the whacked out singer.
"Might as well, this man here hasn't been of much help..." Jenny sighed as she tried to lead Maccer away, but then Ella landed.
Entranced by the Succubus's appearance and "Assets", He shouted "Holy Aston! Are those real?" before reaching out and grabbing Ella's Chest, fondling them in his hands.
"BOUNCY, WOBBLING, MASSIVE, GREAT TITS!" He giggled like a Mad-Child, leaving everyone to wonder how the hell he made it this far in life.

For those of you who think this is bad, Play GTA: San Andreas, I'm giving you the clean version! O[sub]o[/sub]O


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Rugal/Deadshot

Slindis nodded. [color=c200]"I've taken worse risks, and you're still alive. Hmm... David, what would be your worst fear in a sniping position?"[/color]

Arco del Oeste: Jenny/Ella/Devon/MACCER!

Maccer quickly found a blade pointed at his throat by Devon. "Didn't you hear before? She's already with someone, namely me, the one helping you out.. Keep grabbing on her and you'll only be having one head if you catch my drift, mate."

After that, Ella made it a point to fly up out of reach of the brit, although she was just barely out of reach for him. "Jenny, need a flight?"


New member
Jan 24, 2010
bluecrimson said:
"Ghost Town": David (West)/Slindis/Teri/Dillon/Deadshot
Dillon soon found that somehow his light wasn't affecting and he was being forced to deflect more bullets then dodge them. he would have to look for a soul somewhere. he closed his eyes and re=opened them muting out the ones on the ground As He and Excalibur resonated as one, he could feel their power becoming in sync, for better results he tuned out the souls of his allies below him.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
Good cartoon is good
Lost purpose. Shawn
Location: Desert: Dump Site.
Sighing in his mind due to his dead like arm, Shawn could not shoot, nor he could run.
He lost all of his reason to fight as he knew that there were more then one person tracking him.
The worst part is that it wasn't his target either. "Fine" Shawn said as he raised his rifle and pressed it again his shoulder pointing upwards.

Getting up from the sandy hill, Shawn looked down from his point and looked at his previous captives.
"You two served your purpose, get away quickly, I'm going to get captured anyway. So ... I'll draw them away from here, you run ... just remember that you were lucky that I did not kill you. Get a better life, get out of the game you are in before you play against me again." Said the rough voice of a somewhat insane human mutant.

Jumping down from the hill, Shawn ran towards a open area away from the body dump, with his rifle in the air. Shooting it multiple times with normal rounds, the upwards air was pierced as Shawn got into the middle of a open area. Unequipped his rifle and helmet, then he awaited his captors to come. "COME AT ME. I AM HERE!"