The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys, ???
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)
"A Riot? Yeah right. Listen Bozo, This is the US Army we are on about. Shoot first, ask Questions later!" Frankie interrupted Shawn as Kent grew more and more worried.
"Oh 'rrific...Death by firing squad...Well, Least I don't have to clean up Man-Seed anymore..." He sighed, one of the perks of being as far away from Maccer as humanly possible.
Then an Alarm sounded as a trio of M4 wielding soldiers walked in front of Shawn's Cell.
"Prisoner 101, You have been called for Interviewing. So much as Blink out of line and we'll pump enough lead in you, they'll be wiping you off the walls for weeks." The CO ordered, this starting to look like that time in Goodsprings.

In the corner of his eye, Shawn could barely make out a man in a suit, though a different one to the Men in Black.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

"...That long, huh?..." Wesker cringed, starting to feel that he was lucky to be alive.
"...Guess that explains a lot though..." He mused, as the guilt began to set in slightly.
"Man...There has got a be a better way at hiding out then this..."
[color=6c1504]"Believe me, when my campaign gets off the ground, we'll be set for life! Which is all the more reason I'd rather trust a highly trained assassin rather than one of Cortex's creations!"[/color] Bison interrupted while answering the final Mizune sister.
[color=6c1504]"Now then, unless there is anything else, I have a meeting with the local commerce board, going to convince them that giving their life savings to my election effort will make things better for everyone."[/color] He grinned evilly as his eyes glowed purple with Psycho Power.
[color=6c1504]"MAX! I'M GOING INTO TOWN, YOU WANT ANYTHING!?"[/color]
"JUST MY CAR BACK INTACT!" The Landlord shouted from the other end of the house.
[color=6c1504]"I'LL SEE WHAT I CAN DO!"[/color] The up and coming Republican said as he made his way out.

"...You'll...You'll calm her down, right?" Wesker then asked, concerned if he just made any future gigs involving him and Mizune extremely dangerous.


Aperture Ruins: Sana

[color=b4b4]"Good, Get to the mainframe and get me my Data!"[/color] Cortex commanded, enjoying bossing people around rather then the other way around.
A few dozen floors later, Sana found the Backup Server Room where all AI and Research Data was backed up in case of an massive underground explosion.

Aperture always thinks ahead, huh?
This area was nearly perfectly intact, if anyone survived the blast, they would most likely be down here.
[color=b4b4]"Okay, most of these servers have a Master Computer. Find it and see if you can't get it to make a copy of the Data."[/color]


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)
Dillon shook his head
"I got another idea," he looked around he considered which one would fit he smiled as he formed a plan.
"Hey Teri, You put on a uniform and put handcuffs on me then take my swords," he suspected he'd need an explanation.
"I'm not army material, my hair is long and messy I have poor posture I'm a smart-ass, and lastly I fight with swords.
But if they think I'm a prisoner then It's plausible. This also gives us more of a surprise element, Slindis you could do the same," He realized he was on his own train of thought.
"It's a human army if a Dark elf happened to be around as a recruit they'd remember that, I Melethia would have to do the same, and if we do have to fight Teri can just use My Xiphos (If curious He pronounced it: Zif-foe-ss) Which will easily cut through the cuffs."
He hoped the others would see his plan was an improvement not to mention it required less uniforms.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Slindis shook her head at the implication of her being a prisoner for this task. [color=c200]"Your plan assumes that they have to see me, though. Who says they will? It will be a stretch, but if I follow you, it should work out well. I can't be handcuffed for this, though."[/color] She focused a bit, feeling the potential energy waiting for her. Worst came to worst, she could take a decent number of attacks before needing aid.

Melethia seemed a lot more nonchalant about it. "Go ahead and try, but I won't be needing any blade to get rid of those sad excuses for restraints. You think I really needed that?" She was certainly ready, even if it wasn't that pleasant to her.

Devon led Ella over to the area with the patrol and quickly got the guiards knocked out. Ella drove back haphazardly, but Devon's attention was drawn to the next message. Who the hell is that M.T. person? If it's one of Ageha's people, this could be a trap...

As she waited for the response from the others, SLindis turned to Melethia. [color=c200]"I'll need to borrow your bow here, and a decent stack of arrows would be great as well."[/color] recognizing that her mom was going to stir up some problems for the defenders there, she gladly handed the items over.

Finaly, Sadei responded to Teri. Yeah, he was the worst... That's what I heard, and it felt like it too.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Teri blinked at the notion of holding a blade larger than a scalpel, and pointed at the (former) Prince of Caerleon, [color=0E59E4]"You crazy? I'll cut everyone's fingers off if I use a sword. Why not have Caim handle the blades? It is HIS profession sort of thing, right Caim? Besides, I bet he could pull off a more imposing look than I ever could. On top of that, we need to get the uniforms first before we start up this disguise busine-"[/color]

And that was right around the time Devon and Ella rolled up in the car, and Caim cut in, taking Red Fear in Teri's place,
"Speak of the Devil... How many did you bag there, Devon?"
Teri kept her mouth very firmly closed as Caim walked by, and focused on her staff some more, [color=0E59E4]"Ah, sorry to hear that, buddy. Seriously, if I get that bullheaded, I give you permission to whack me upside the head.... If Mom's training doesn't do that first."[/color]

Dimitri piped up from the Tablet to break the silence the Cleric had taken for the moment, [color=3897E0]
"Well, Madam, at the very least, the moment you get me close enough to their electrical systems, I can start opening doors that we may need. That is some form of contribution to this plan, yes?"

Teri only gave a light nod at that and muttered, [color=0E59E4]"It is..."[/color]

((I think this would be Dillon's first encounter with Dimitri at this point....))

At Jenny's notion, Ton Ton gave a little nod and after his tools disappeared in a puff of black smoke, he very delicately took off his robe, and folded it before presenting it. On top of the little pile was a necklace with a familiar yellow feather, and the Tonberry said, [color=15650D]"I'll trust you to take very good care of these while I am incognito. At least, could you try to, please?"[/color]
For a constantly staring, beady eyed little critter, the Tonberry could at least manage to be polite while naked as the day he was sewn into creation.

Cadolbolg, on the other hand, heard the phrase "dirty himself up" and immediately took to the dirt on the ground, rolling around and giggling like some reptilian mixture of a dog and a small child. Angelus could only shake her head, knowing full well that her son was not raised in the same sort of prideful environment as the dragons of her realm. That and, as much as she hated to admit it, it was kinda cute to watch. As everyone prepared themselves, the dragon gave one last inhale of hot desert air, and then wandered to Caim's side to prepare her transformation to her human form once again. At the very least, she was able to get a good workout for the time she stuck to her true form.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys, ???
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)

Sighing to himself as the guards came, he said a few last words. "Well think of something before I come back." The Wanderer said as the door opened and as he passed the CO he had to say something according to his attitude. "You know what, that would be probably the biggest dick move you could do ... not only to me, but to the fuckin' poor cleaners that mop this place. You would put them on un-paid overtime and make THEM clean up YOUR mess." Shawn decided to continue his rant at the CO.

"You would keep them from their family because you just had to shoot my blood everywhere, well I hope you would feel proud of yourself Chief because every time you look into that poor janitor's eyes you will see his crying children." Shawn wasn't done yet but he was being dragged away by the soldiers surrounding him. "I don't need you to take me away from this asswipe, I'll walk away. PATHETIC!" Shawn finally spat out before turning around to walk with the soldiers.

Yet he had a smirk on his face. "(I wonder what he is thinking now, hopefully he will have respect for the cleaners now.)" He chuckled, not at the speech but at his number. 101, where it all started.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Rugal thought about Dillon's plan for a moment before adding "I guess having a Former Arms Baron would sweeten the deal..." as Devon and Ella returned with the Jeep and Uniforms of several soldiers.
"Right...I'll be one of the Prisoners then. Just wait a moment while I..."Get into Character"..." He cryptically said before behind the now parked Jeep out of view.
Some tearing and dust kicking later, Rugal looked like he was stuck out in the desert for weeks, his hair was messed up, his face was now covered in dust and his suit was torn to ribbons.
To finish the disguise, he used his slashing aura to cut himself on his face and body, at this point, he looked like a tourist that got lost in a 3rd world country rather than the Respectable man he used to be.
"I'm going to ask everyone to refrain from taking pictures. Don't even try it, I'll know." He warned, keen on protecting his image, as he waited for the others to get into their disguises.

David West quickly hopped on one of the knocked out Soldiers and began to strip him of his uniform, just like Deadshot did hours before.
"Just a heads up to anyone cosplaying as a Prisoner, I *MIGHT* need to treat you like crap until we get inside. I'm not certain how US Soldiers treat detainees or whatever you guys would be. Nothing" He explained, hoping he wouldn't go mad with power and start pistol whipping everyone.
Then again, it might be nice to get one over on his teammates, be the dominate one for once, maybe smack them around a bit.
...What the fuck is wrong with me?!... He thought to himself, worried it had already gone to his head.
A few minutes of pulling and tugging later, he managed to squeeze into his disguise, throwing on a pair of shades he found in the chest pocket.
"Alright...Be honest now. How do I look?" He asked the others.

Jenny meanwhile was happy to take Ton Ton's belongings.
"Don't worry, They'll be safe with me." She reassured the Tonberry as he and his partner began to make their way towards the base.
It was then she realized her mistake: "...Now where am I going to keep these?..." She wondered out loud as she looked for a safe place to at least store them.
"Yo, J! I can hold onto those if you want." David West offered as he held out a duffle bag.
"Why Thank You, David!"
"Hey, need to confiscate all Alien Belongings."
"You heard me, ET."
The Pokemon was not amused by this, even if she did volunteer to be a so called "Alien".
"Oh Har Dee Har Har. Just don't blow our cover alright? Or else I'll have to probe you!" She teased as her handcuffs were put on.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Screw you if you read this when posting! TT^TT
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys, M.T.
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)
The man seemed extremely entertained by Shawn's outburst as he was led into a dank interrogation room.
"-"you will see his crying children". Oh that's rich." He chuckled as the soldiers left Shawn alone with the stranger.
"So, How are you enjoying our neck of the woods? Been busy I see..." He mused as he picked up a file and began reading it.
"Ran Big Poppa out Los Santos, killed a woman with a troubled childhood out the woods, blew up a ship in San Fierro and now caught trespassing onto Government property...Most people just head to the Slots and call it a vacation." He listened as he threw pictures of Shawn doing each one of these deeds.

"Now, we only got 20 minutes before their real commander shows up So I'll cut the bullshit. I need you to do something for me..."

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

David (A.) just shrugged as he was stripping down one of the soldiers. [color=9BBED5]"It looks alright, I guess."[/color] He simply said, before putting on his disguise. After a few minutes of struggling with the boots, he finally placed the patrol cap on top of his head to complete the ensemble. He managed to keep his knives hidden under the clothes, but chose to have his pistol out, placing the holster on his uniform and slipping it in.

He lifted up his bag and held it up. [color=9BBED5]"...I don't suppose any of you could take care of this? I doubt I'd be able to get it inside without having it confiscated."[/color] David didn't just want to leave it out in the desert either, hidden or otherwise. He didn't want to take any chances.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys, M.T.
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)
As the fake Commander stated what Shawn has done, the Wanderer was trying to interrupt him but resulting in failure.
Coming back to the job proposal, Shawn placed his fingers on his chin. "Just so you know, back there ... talking is my paint and people are the canvas now before we get down to that job of your let me just say ..." Shawn said as he took in a large gasp of air before ...

"One, that was for the better for everyone.
Two, she was a crazy ***** and I mean CRAZY. To me, the only cure for crazy is deaht.
Three, that wasn't me ... I'll get to that in a while, long story.
Four ... I did not know that was government land. I was travelling the road and saw those two gangsters back there burying a body, so I decided to teach them a lesson ... and now here I am.

Talking about his adventure and journal, Shawn wanted to know something. "Say, you know a person called Deadshot and maybe a group after him? I'll tell you my story about the boat." Shawn said as he told his boat story quickly. " ... and after all of that, he did not even pay me for those two contracts. So I'll listen to this "Job" of yours and if I accept, I want my payment upfront with my equipment." he said and crossed his arms.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Melethia put herself in the (poorly made, in her eyes) handcuffs and pulled David down so she could whisper to him. [small]"I'll play along for now, but if any of these morons touch my pouches, they'l have as many hands as they do heads."[/small] After that statement she went into the formation, feeling a few of her lockpicks at the ready.

Meanwhile, Devon guided Ella into a small illusion to make her look like a recruit for the base as he went over to David. "Let me handle the talking, and I'll get your bag in with you. After all, you're one of the patrolmen." Seeing that Ella's illusion was barely passable, he gave her and David a tumbs-up.

Finally, Slindis Faded out of view and talked to the group through the rings. [color=c200]"Give me some small openings and I'll make sure that they're taken taken care of for the most part when we're ready to leave."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)
The Agent seemed amused by Shawn's attempts to explain himself.
"Listen, I don't judge. I once got a street hoodlum to break into a Aircraft carrier. Until you end up being pushed onto my desk, I don't care." He put it bluntly as he pulled out another file from a Briefcase with a set of Handcuffs on it. (And some blood...)
"Yes, I know about Deadshot. I know his name, his address, his paymasters, everything. I also know that he is in this very base about to unleash hell on a massive urban area for the interests of his employers." He explained as he flicked through a file with "EXCELSUS" written on it in huge red letters.
"...Oh wow...Someone's stole from the cookie jar when they made this towering monstrosity...So anyway, I've made a few calls and your "Friends" are making their way here as we speak." He said as he read through the thick booklet.

"I swear, we get more of those Anime people in R&D every year...So, What I want you to do is to break out, make some noise, show these people that you can't just blow Billions on some Doomsday Weapon and expect to get off the hook."

"Any Questions?"


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

After much rolling, Cadolbolg finally emerged from the dust and smiled at the group, "I look normal now, right?"

Being covered in dust, Cadolbolg may have been able to masquerade as a rare breed of desert tortoise, but those dratted wings certainly gave things away. Ton Ton, who was practicing his disguise as a lizard, looked up and said, [color=15650D]"Until we break in, you do know you won't be allowed to fly around, right? Try to hide your wings. Generally, that's not considered normal by people outside of our group."[/color]

Cadolbolg noticeably drooped at the news, but tried to tuck in his wings to hide them and wandered over to David, smiling in his innocent manner as usual and said, "You look funny!"

Caim and Angelus, on the other hand, managed to fit themselves into their own uniforms, Caim picking one several sizes larger than himself so he wouldn't have to take off his armor. This lead to the normally lean looking warrior look much bulkier than usual (but not quite to the extremes of the likes of Rugal or Bruiser). Depending upon who you asked, this could either have a very intimidating or very silly look. Angelus took her opinion in the later camp, as she was trying her best not to snicker.

As for Teri and Garm, the Cleric looked down at her large wolf and patted him on the head before instructing Sadei to change to her smaller form and stuck the staff (now in pen form) in her pocket, then took off her satchel and Dimitri's apparatus with a sigh before handing both to David, [color=0E59E4]"Please take good care of him, Mr. West. Dimtiri's all I got left of my old world. That and, you know, him being sentient matters."[/color]

"I appreciate the sentiment, Madam. I shall reduce power usage to the best of my abilities till we enter this base."

After doing that, she waited for her own pair of shackles and explained to her wolf, even if he wasn't able to properly able to understand human speech (or did he?); [color=0E59E4]"Getting out of this robe would do me more harm than good, buddy. Too many enchantments placed on it, you know. Taking it off would be like removing a suit of armor from a knight. Besides, if anyone asks, I'm a lost LARPer and a DnD fanatic; both of which are true-ish, to a minute degree."[/color]
The Cleric snickered at her joke for a moment before wandering over to David A and playfully jibbing, [color=0E59E4]"You won't be too hard on this lost LARPer, will ya?"[/color]

However, that playful attitude faded as soon as the handcuffs found there way onto the Cleric's wrists and she was loaded in the jeep with the rest of the "guards" and "prisoners", almost smelling the cold mold of a wayward basement as she sat in her seat. The clinking of chains echoed in her mind, alongside a dark laughter and the sensation of a bitter cold seeping into pallid, snow touched, skin. Teri began to involuntarily shake as she tried to return her breathing to a normal level (as Jenny and Sadei had instructed earlier on the ship after the episode with the pliers), [color=0E59E4][small]"I'm not there anymore. I'm with friends and family. It's gonna be okay. Breathe. Breaaatthee...."[/small][/color]


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)
"So you are hiring me to destroy Deadshot and his "Master's" plans. Hmmm" Once more Shawn was intrigued in this offer. "My only question are, how am I getting paid and am I obtaining anything for this mission. That Information sounds important to this mission and most importantly, my equipment is stored somewhere. Maybe a master key or bobby pin is needed to get out of here and towards my weapons." He said to him.

Shawn needed both the information and equipment to complete his mission. His equipment was actually his life. Though earning some money on the side isn't bad either.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

David laughed at the girl nervously, getting a little red in the face. [color=9BBED5]"Heh heh... Uh, I-I'll do my best, miss."[/color] He said, as he slapped the cuffs on her wrists. The moment the cuffs locked onto her hands, he felt the girl let out a shudder. Looking up, he noticed that the girl's complexion got a lot more pale, which unsettled the student quite a bit. He was about to ask what was wrong, but decided to bite his tongue and just lead her to the jeep.

Once she got into her seat, he sat to her left and pulled out his pistol. He can't very well be unarmed when "escorting" some "trespassers" back to home base. Looking to his left, the girl was shaking uncontrollably, and muttering to herself. He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. [color=9BBED5]"Hey. Uh... Hang in there, miss. It's alright,"[/color] David assumed that she was scared out of her wits about actually pulling off the plan, much like he was, and tried offering some encouraging words to calm her down. [color=9BBED5]"From what I've seen from you guys before, we should all be able to get out of this situation just fine... Er, minus a few minor injuries."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Rugal watched as the other prisoners were soon locked up and put in the back of the jeep with him.
"Anyone so much as touches you, They'll neither have a hand or a head." He added to the Elf's comment as the Jeep began to move.
It was then that Teri began to slightly panic, no doubt this experience was bringing back bad memories.
"Hey, it's okay. We're here." He said comfortingly as he held her hand though the handcuffs, albite awkwardly due to his own bindings.
"Everything will be alright, I promise."

David West meanwhile was driving the Jeep for his "Commanding Officer" Devon.
"Alright, just keep in mind that in any other situation, I'd be bossing you around." He reminded the bard just before Slindis requested an opening.
"West here, gimme a sec and I'll hook you up." He said over the rings before saying to his passengers "Just hang tight everyone, I know what I'm doing."
He then turned the key in the ignition despite the jeep already being on, causing a horrible screeching noise to come from the vehicle before switching it off, giving the impression that the jeep broke down.
The noise was enough to draw attention from everyone nearby, the Snipers most importantly, giving Slindis her opening, though Ton Ton and Cadolbolg could use it to close some distance too.
"Give them hell." He finally said before spending a few minutes pretending to fish out a rock or something out the underside of the jeep before getting back to driving.

Jenny was busy tending to Jenny's psyche when David West did his Ruse.
"DAVID! What did you do that for?!" She shouted, worried about what affect it'd have on Teri.
"Slindis needed an opening, I gave her one." He answered as they pulled up by the gates and waited to be let in.
Shaking her head as Ashford tried to comfort her, Jenny added "He's right, you know that we always look after our own, you know that."


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"No." The mizune sister said giving him an odd look. "I'm a lawyer, not a miracle worker." the witch calmly said to wesker. "she cares about you, so that toss she did to you was probably the worst you can expect out of it." the sister said.

Sana wandered through the room, server after server of info and databanks going past her. she eventually came to the center of the room. "I think i've found it." Sana replied.

Sitting atop a number of Data banks, was an

"Here we go." she said, navigating the screens on a panel next to it. She could have sworn that the she saw something in the sphere move as she did. Shrugging it off, the eventually got it to make a copy of it.

The sphere was raised up, almost a sense of panic coming from the inanimate object. There was a quick scanning and the sphere was set back down. A few minutes later, a tube appeared and a new sphere was delivered in a small glass case. The spheres were exact copies of eachother, each about four centimeters in diameter. They were exact copies in all but color. This one was a bit different. []

"Ok, i got it." Sana replied, turning away from the panel. as she did however, the original sphere was lifted off it's platform by a mechanical arm. "Dad..." she said turning around. "Somethings happening... i think it woke up..." she said, beginning to panic. She turned and began to run.

Sana got her staff out and began to make her way to the elevator shaft. She jumped across and used the staff to stop her from plummeting. Realizing the idea wasn't too good of one, she kicked off the wall and jumped up to the other side, finding herself holding a pick instead of the staff. "Huh? Not gunna question it..." she said and began to kick jump up the walls, anchoring herself with the pick. "I'm trying to get back up the shaft." she said to cortex.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Melethia tested the sad excuse for cuffs and shrugs. "Look, we'll be fine. Anythin' goes bad, we have support. When we get in, they'll be surprised..." Once it started, all it would take is a second to break free from the cuffs and get a thermite grenade thrown.

[color=c200]"I'll go for the furthest ones first."[/color] WHile the attention was drawn, SLindis drew a few arrows from Melethia's bow and shot them in the necks with pinpoint accuracy. The chaos she'd draw over there would make it easier for the main group to get in, and she Faded back out to feel her reserves get a bit more tapped. She'd have to move fast to clear out enough to make ANgie's job safer, and there eas only so long it would work.

WHen they got to the gates, Devon turned to the guard. "Command sent us heere with some new acquisitions. If you hold us up here, you will be court-martialed and make Bradley Manning's sentence look like a slap on the wrist. HUA, soldier?" The pair hoped that SLin's job would keep the forces split for long enough to get this done properly.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys, M.T.
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)
"...Well how the hell am I supposed to know! I don't work here!" The Agent stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Still, here, might as well throw you a bone. You do this, you'll be rewarded" He said as he gave Shawn a Bobby Pin from his pocket.
"Anyway, I gotta go, I'm too hip for this place. GUARDS! YOU CAN PUT HIM BACK NOW!" The Agent ordered before the soldiers returned and dragged him back to his cell as Kent Paul and the Wise Guys watched.
"Oh, Back so soon?" Frankie snarked, still unhappy with his current situation.