Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)
Rugal thought about Dillon's plan for a moment before adding "I guess having a Former Arms Baron would sweeten the deal..." as Devon and Ella returned with the Jeep and Uniforms of several soldiers.
"Right...I'll be one of the Prisoners then. Just wait a moment while I..."Get into Character"..." He cryptically said before behind the now parked Jeep out of view.
Some tearing and dust kicking later, Rugal looked like he was stuck out in the desert for weeks, his hair was messed up, his face was now covered in dust and his suit was torn to ribbons.
To finish the disguise, he used his slashing aura to cut himself on his face and body, at this point, he looked like a tourist that got lost in a 3rd world country rather than the Respectable man he used to be.
"I'm going to ask everyone to refrain from taking pictures. Don't even try it, I'll know." He warned, keen on protecting his image, as he waited for the others to get into their disguises.
David West quickly hopped on one of the knocked out Soldiers and began to strip him of his uniform, just like Deadshot did hours before.
"Just a heads up to anyone cosplaying as a Prisoner, I *MIGHT* need to treat you like crap until we get inside. I'm not certain how US Soldiers treat detainees or whatever you guys would be. Nothing" He explained, hoping he wouldn't go mad with power and start pistol whipping everyone.
Then again, it might be nice to get one over on his teammates, be the dominate one for once, maybe smack them around a bit.
...What the fuck is wrong with me?!... He thought to himself, worried it had already gone to his head.
A few minutes of pulling and tugging later, he managed to squeeze into his disguise, throwing on a pair of shades he found in the chest pocket.
"Alright...Be honest now.
How do I look?" He asked the others.
Jenny meanwhile was happy to take Ton Ton's belongings.
"Don't worry, They'll be safe with me." She reassured the Tonberry as he and his partner began to make their way towards the base.
It was then she realized her mistake:
"...Now where am I going to keep these?..." She wondered out loud as she looked for a safe place to at least store them.
"Yo, J! I can hold onto those if you want." David West offered as he held out a duffle bag.
"Why Thank You, David!"
"Hey, need to confiscate all Alien Belongings."
"You heard me, ET."
The Pokemon was not amused by this, even if she did volunteer to be a so called "Alien".
"Oh Har Dee Har Har. Just don't blow our cover alright? Or else I'll have to probe you!" She teased as her handcuffs were put on.