Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)
While the standard operating procedure required a full search of all the prisoners, Teri saw the one examining her constantly glancing away, keeping an eye out for Ashford.
See, While Ashford was in no way a Army man, most of these guys were sent here only for sheer numbers rather than actual experience, hence how a Superior could frighten them so and how Deadshot and even themselves could slip in so easily.
[color=9BBED5]"Oh DAMN IT! What now?!"[/color]
"NOTHING!....Ummm...She's clear to go, It was just...just a fly...Move Along" he mumbled to Ashford and the cleric before giving everyone the same half assed search, ignoring every possible beep on the scanner, scared of actually doing his job properly.
Soon, the Prisoners (Sans Jenny the "Alien") were waved ahead to be taken down to the lower levels.
Rugal was quickly smacked into place after his attempted Strangling of one of the guards in order to get the aggro off Melethia, a few stun rod blows to the back putting him in his place.
If he wanted to, he could just kill them all, but that would make getting inside difficult.
Instead, he let himself be pushed back into formation as they were led towards some thick red blast doors that were slowly being opened.
David West meanwhile was just thankful to whatever gods there were the Ashford managed to get them out of that situation.
"Now don't go telling me you learned that from a book!" He joked to the Student, surprised how well he was fitting in around here.
I wonder how long it'll be before he's kicking my ass? He thought, seeing how many "Super-Heroes" he hung out with.
That line of thought was interrupted by Ton Ton's call.
"Towards the Centre of the base, we're being led down a ramp into the lower levels. Get a move on, don't know how long they will be open. Same to you, Slindis. If you need a entry point, Ton Ton cut a hole in the fence. West, Out." He said to both the Tonberry and the Drow before getting back to his job as Prisoner Escort.
"Come on people, I don't have all day! I actually have a life!"
Jenny meanwhile didn't get out of her search by the Scientist's, seeing how she was an "Alien".
She was nervous as she stared wide eyed at a pair of equally nervous men in huge Hazmat suits, thick enough to block her Telepathic skills.
"..............So what ar-"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" One of them shouted before jumping though the screen divider, arms flailing as he did.
"Sorry, we don't usually have Aliens Talk...or actually get live Aliens..." The other confessed as he waved a scanner over the Gardevoir.
"...Is that good?"
"Indeed. Man, those M.I.B. freaks will have a field day over this."
"...That's a Good thing, right?..."
"Depends. Could just examine ya, could lay you out on a table to slice you up. I just wave the Scanner Doohickey and spray the gas."
"Gas?!" She managed to get out before the Scientist sprayed some kind of sleeping gas in her face, knocking her out until a more secure containment unit arrived.
Location: RETRACTED (MIB Sector)
While the holding cells Shawn were just in were relics of the Cold War, less than a few dozen feet away, he began to enter a newer part of the base, looking like something the Enclave would have.
A few signs later, the Wanderer found what appeared to be a
Research Centre, full of dozens of doctors in Area 69 Lab Coats and more of those Men in Black standing guard with those strange Energy Weapons.
In this lab, there were 2 subjects: A large black alien creature stuck in some sort of Water Tank with a red "K/I"[footnote]Killed/Incapacitated[/footnote] Symbol on it and a large Decontamination Chamber with an operating table in it.
This was important as there was a man in a Radiation Suit going through Shawn's Stuff!
The room was guarded and there was little room for the base's personnel to move around, let alone for him to sneak around.
He could try to fight, he could try to come back to this room later when he had a gun, either way, this wasn't going to be easy.