The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Ruins: Sana
[color=b4b4]"Wake up? That was just after a minor thermonuclear explosion! There can't be something there. Well...Did you at least get the data?"[/color] Cortex asked as Sana escaped up the shaft.
A loud metal groan could he heard from above as Sana looked up to see a mountain of jagged metal falling from the floors above her!
She barely managed to stamper into the nearest set of elevator doors before it crashed into the ground under her.
[sub]"What the hell was that?!?"
"Nothing...Just a bug that needed some smushing. Come on. Get gotta find the the target."[/sub]
Voices? on the floors above her? There was someone else down here?


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Teri squeezed Rugal's hand after it was offered, and felt the warmth of the support of her comrades in the jeep; which in turn reduced her shaking, if only a little. She did her best to give an appreciative smile (which may or may not have been diminished in light of the shakes still being there) and said in a small voice, [color=0E59E4][small]"T-t-thank you. Ad-d-dmittedly, I did i-inflict this on myself, i-if only accidentally. I-I-I'll be okay."[/small][/color]
Garm, on the other hand, quite literally, had taken to licking in an attempt to follow the example of the others on the jeep, even if he wasn't entirely sure what was going on.

With silence falling as they reached their destination, Caim and Angelus found themselves keeping darker countenances. Caim desperately wanted to feel his familial sword by his side (as it was now hiding out in the Wheel), and almost felt naked without it being in his hands. Angelus, on the other hand, pantomimed lighting and extinguishing a lighter (which in actuality was her fire magic) in her human form. In one part, it was to imitate an action she had seen humans do in passerby, and thus add to her disguise. In the other, it was a way to ease off discomfort of being packed in a jeep and being forced to wear an uncomfortable human disguise.

As for Ton Ton and Cadolbolg, the duo did their best to shimmy in the sands after their friends; Ton Ton having the most trouble, considering he was the bipedal one of the duo. For Cadolbolg, it was easy, but somewhat slow. He would prefer a flight any day instead of walking sooooooo sloooooowwwww. Funny, considering what the (former)construct used to be.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

The guardsman nodded as he waved the Jeep in following Lieutenant Devon's orders.
"[sub]Nice touch with the Manning Case.[/sub]" David West Whispered as he slowly drove into the base, doing his best not to scout out the soldiers, or at least not look like he was scouting out the soldiers.
"Right, time to get them offloaded." He then said as he got out of the Jeep, glancing at the Snipers above, Cringing as Slindis fired arrows though his necks unseen.
A quick look at the Fence and he saw Ton Ton and Cadolbolg finally reaching the perimeter fence.
"Keep frosty people. Second we get to the lower levels, it's party time. Prisoners, sorry in advance for being a dick." He said into his ring as he scratched his cheek.

Rugal gave her a warm smile, a contrast to his "Refugee" look.
Then the "Troops" began to pull them out of the back before bringing them inside one of the Warehouses for processing, mostly just checking for weapons or belongings.

Rugal went first, the soldier checking finding nothing but lint in his pockets, followed by Jenny who was referred over to a screened off section, seeing how she was an "Alien", causing her to instantly regret her decision to be a prisoner.
Soon came the turn of the other prisoners...

((The Soldier will check for weapons and other items, Resist, Don't Resist, up to you))

The disguised troops meanwhile were given free reign over the entire base.
Taking advantage of this, David West leaned over to David Ashford and asked "So far so good, Eh? So how did that book where you got this idea end, Anyway?"


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys, M.T.
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)
"(A lead would of been nice.)" He sighed in his mind as he walked the long corridor back to his cell. Passing the CO once more, he gave me a scary evil smile before walking by. Getting back to his cell he heard one of the Gangsters talk to him. "You don't sound pleased that I'm back." Shawn had a cocky smile on his face as he looked at everyone, he stuck his tongue out and pulled out the paperclip.

A few minutes later when the guards were not near the cells, Shawn got up from his bed. "Now it's time." He stated as walked over to his door and tried to pick it.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

The next person on the search was Melethia, and she'd already managed to pick the lock of the handcuffs when one of the soldiers grabbed for one of her pouches. Within the next second, she quickly grabbed her kukri [] and severed the offending man's hand as if it were a sausage. For a moment, there was a bit of silence among the group - out of all the people that were expected to cause problems, the little girl wasn't on that list!

Devon had been sticking farther back from the others with Ella when he saw the attack. Oh fuck, this could have gone a lot better... Still, how was I going to get her to hand me the bags for now? His next spells were going to have to be well-picked unless he wanted this to get worse.


On the outside, SLindis finished picking off the last sniper that she could see on the outside. [color=c200]It's almost a bit disturbing how well this has come back to me...[/color]

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Inside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

[color=9BBED5]"Uh... Well, they were found out as they got deeper into the base, and most of the group was either gunned down on the spot, or was captured, tortured for information, and then killed,"[/color] The student summarized the fictional group's horrible demise. [color=9BBED5]"While the rest barely escaped with their lives... But don't worry! I'm sure that we'll fare better than th-"[/color]

A man's agonized shout came from behind him, interrupting the young Ashworth. The two Davids spun on their heel, to see one of the gate guards shrieking in pain and rolling on the ground, clutching at a gushing, bloody stump where his hand used to be. Melethia stood above him, brandishing a large blade, while the other guards stared dumbly at their dying companion, unsure of what just happened.

David, and with the elegance and grace befitting of an Ashworth, voiced his opinion of Melethia's actions. [color=9BBED5]"...HOLY SHIT!"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

"...Why didn't you tell me this sooner? That's Critical Fucking Intel, Man!" David asked Ashford right as Melethia attacked that Guard.
"...Oh fuck me..." He squealed, both in and out of Character as he tried to think.
"...Prisoner Resisting! Get Her!" He shouted in a delayed reaction before instantly regretting his choice of words, Cringing about knowing how pissed off her parents would be for him siccing a bunch of armed men on her.
Guess I'm dead either way... He sighed to himself as a bunch of men with Stun Rods flanked her.
Hopefully, this wouldn't break out into a base wide attack...

Rugal meanwhile was determined to protect his daughter, but didn't want to blow their cover just yet, they haven't gotten to access the lower levels yet!
So he did the incharacter thing and held back, using his handcuffs as a garrote on one of the stun rod soldiers rather than just flat out annihilating him.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)
The lock was an [Easy] one so it didn't take much effort to pick.
"...Stone me bloody crows..." Kent Paul said as Shawn was able to unlock the door when the guard was checking another part of the prison bay.
"How the-...Could you always do that?" Frankie asked, suddenly regretting being such an ass earlier.
Now that he was out, Shawn could free the other men, but there was a chance that the guard on patrol could come back early.

He could either free his "Friends" or find his gear first.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Melethia was slightly jolted by the stun rods, but it didn't stop her from continuing to fight back like a rabid wolf with slashes and punches towards any of the soldiers. Whatever came, she was not going to allow any of these soldiers to take her pouches unless it was from her cold, dead hands.

Devon raised his voice above the fighting. "What are you, fools? Even if she does have a blade, it won't do her a damn bit of good out here. Provoking heris only going to end with more lost body parts." Ella went near the vicious girl and tried to get in close enough to whisper, even if it wasn't really that successful.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

David watched the mayhem that was ensuing with wide-eyes and mouth agape. His mind raced as he tried thinking about a way to diffuse the situation, befire it got any worse.

As Melethia was about to bring down her kukri on another soldiers arm, the student pointed his pistol skyward and pulled the trigger. The resounding bang put the fighting to a halt and all their attention on him. The student's face wore a hard expression, and the brim of the cap covered his eyes in shadow. [color=9BBED5]"ALRIGHT YOU SORRY SONS-OF-BITCHES, THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT!"[/color] The Ashworth shouted furiously, and in a tone that demanded obedience. He holstered his pistol and pointed at the men surrounding Melethia. [color=9BBED5]"The lot of you. Step back from the girl, and bring that pathetic sack to the infirmary before he bleeds out."[/color] The men were hesitant at first, but at the sound of their dying comrade, they relented and took him into the base to be treated for his loss of a limb. David Ashworth stood at his full height, glaring menacingly at the remaining soldiers. He took notice of one particularly skinny private and marched up to him, staring right into his eyes. [color=9BBED5]"Now, mind explaining what that was, soldier?"[/color]
"I don't need to answer to no-" The soldier was about to say, and David promptly rammed his fist into his stomach, causing him to double over.
[color=9BBED5]"I am a first-lieutenant, private."[/color] The student grabbed the man by the collar and pulled him to eye level. [color=9BBED5]"And if I remember correctly, that means I am several ranks above you. AND THAT MEANS THAT WHEN I GIVE THE WORD, ANY LOWER-THAN-DIRT PRIVATES THAT DECIDE TO MOUTH OFF THEIR SUPERIOR OFFICERS WILL GET STRUNG UP, AND DRAGGED ACROSS THE DESERT, UNTIL THEIR SKULLS ARE GROUNDED INTO POWDER!"[/color]

"W-we were just searching them, sir! That's all!" One of the other soldiers piped up in defense of his fellow soldier. David promptly let the soldier in his hands go and turned to face the other, looking expectant. "Then that girl just came out with a sword an-"
[color=9BBED5]"FIRSTLY,"[/color] David interrupted the soldier mid-explanation, putting up a finger to shush him. [color=9BBED5]"That is a knife. A kukri to be specific. And second, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SEARCHING CIVILIANS? DID THE SUN BURN UP ALL THE BRAIN CELLS YOU HAD LEFT IN THAT TINY HEAD OF YOURS? WHAT'S SOMEONE LIKE YOU DOING IN THE GODDAMN MILITARY?"[/color]
"B-but she-"
[color=9BBED5]"LOOK AT THEM,"[/color] David piped up again, leaving the soldier no chance to give a proper retort. He pointed at the "prisoners'" extremely disheveled appearance. [color=9BBED5]"It's obvious that they've been through hell. I'd be panicking too if I was stranded out in that desert, and then taken to some military compound in the ass-end of nowhere."[/color]
"W-well yeah, but she ha-"
[color=9BBED5]"BUT WHAT? SHE HAD A KNIFE? IF I WAS GOING OUT TO THE WILDERNESS, I'D TAKE A WEAPON WITH ME. NOT ONLY THAT, BUT YOU IDIOTS REACHED OUT TO GRAB A PANICKED GIRL, HOLDING A KNIFE. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT TO HAPPEN?"[/color] The soldier just looked confounded, and babbled incoherently as he tried to formulate a response.

At the mention of their commanding officer, all of the soldiers began hustling back into position, and let Melethia pass into the base, untouched. The moment that they all looked away, David deflated, looking very exhausted. He nearly tripped on himself as he went to lean against a wall. He let out a hoarse series of coughs from all the shouting he did. [color=9BBED5]'...Oh god... I can't believe that actually worked.'[/color] That was the first time he went and emulated a book persona in public before, and with how he felt at the moment, he didn't feel like doing it again anytime soon... Or ever again for that matter.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
RETRACTED Shawn, Kent Paul, Wise Guys
Location: RETRACTED (Area 69?)
"Only with a bobby pin." Shawn smirked in a cocky way before he closed the door behind him. "I'm going to get my stuff and cause some Hell. Don't worry I'll come back for you all ... it's apart of the plan. If the guard comes, can you cover up for me? Oh, and Kent can you make it look like I'm in my bed. " Shawn said to both cells as he started to sneak away to look for the evidence locker.

If the system was right, when he retrieves his Pip-Boy he will gain everything of his back. Though he wondered how they removed it, but he was more worried about the stuff within it, hopefully no one had tried to wear it.
"Should of put a password on it." He sighed before he went to the opposite direction of the guard, carefully marking his steps so he would not upset the silent air.

The Wanderer could only rely on his soon to be bloodied fists because when he punches, he punches hard.
Though the mutated man could only hope that he will not have to do that and punch someone's head off.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Caim and Angelus did their parts by escorting the rest of the 'prisoners' along for processing. As Caim led Dillon along, (as well as giving a small nod of approval to David A) Angelus joined along with Ella to try to calm Melethia down; very faintly whispering in the elf's ear as they went along, [small]"Calm yourself. Ashford has already paved our way in here quietly, so keep it low key till we get in."[/small]

As for Teri, it was her turn for processing. Being led up to the various checks and searches, the guards found.... well, they found quite a few strange things on the gal. The first being a silver looking gemstone [], alongside a Silver Flame holy symbol [] Slindis gave to the Cleric when Teri started her training (even if the Cleric didn't care to use it) and a... Pen?(Sadei) That was just what was in her pockets. The guards continued to search and found the young Cleric hiding several items of armor (bracers, gloves, etc) under her voluminous robes, to which the young girl sputtered (seeing as no one likes a search, especially after being patted down and going through a mild mental breakdown on the way to said search),

[color=0E59E4]"I-i-i'm just a LARPer. Li-i-i-ve action roleplay. It's al-l-l-l just a costume...."[/color]

Now, this would have been a feasible excuse... Were it not for the fact that one of the guards got a bit too close to the amulet Teri had around her neck. Grasping the amulet for a moment, the guard only had a brief glimpse before his hand felt like it was on fire. Letting it go with a pained cry, the Cleric was put through a magic detector and lite up like a Christmas tree on the display. Garm would have bitten a number of the guards by that point, but a careful restraint (more of respect than strength itself) by David was the only thing keeping the wolf from going to town.

Meanwhile, Ton Ton and Cadolbolg had made their wait to the perimeter fence. The Tonberry summoned his equipment to his side again, before beginning to cut the iron of the fence; and Cadolbolg supplemented the effort by gnawing on the fence. In no time, (and quick disappiration of the Knife), and the two "animals" were inside the base's outer perimeter.
Ton Ton tapped his ring and called to David, [color=15650D]"We're in! Now, where's the next place we gotta go to?"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

Melethia calmed down a bit as she whispered back to ANgie and Ella. [small]"I had to establish that right fast. Next person to try that funny little trick will lose something even more vital - there are some things I won't ever give to any of these slobs."[/small] She kept the kukri on her, making sure to check it for any damage.

Ella was certainly a bit more concerned, but her attention was drawn to Teri going through the Magic sensor. "Oh boy. Here's hoping this goes well..." She'd go herself, but she wasn't about to head through the sensor and tip it off.

Finally, Devon congratulated David Ashworth. "I know it started off bad, but that was a pretty good amount of discipline you showed there." Meanwhile, he looked around so he could see if there was a map for the area...

ANd outside, Cadolbolg saw a body drop from a nearby watchtower with an arrow in their throat, indicating that SLindis was still out and about clearing out the people up top.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Outside of Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

David coughed a couple more times before standing up again to talk to Devon, albeit slouching a little. [color=9BBED5]"I wouldn't say I was being disciplined there,"[/color] He paused to wipe the spittle that formed around his mouth. [color=9BBED5]"I just winged the whole thing. I was certain that I was gonna get the butt of a rifle in my face."[/color]

The student sighed and put his hands in his pockets. [color=9BBED5]"So. What are we going to do n-"[/color] His query was interrupted by a blaring alarm that nearly caused him to bite his tongue in half. Looking to the source of the ringing and near-blinding lights, and saw that the girl, Teri, was currently panicking after being brought through a detector of some sort. [color=9BBED5]"Oh DAMN IT! What now?!"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: Everyone! (Yes, you too!)

While the standard operating procedure required a full search of all the prisoners, Teri saw the one examining her constantly glancing away, keeping an eye out for Ashford.
See, While Ashford was in no way a Army man, most of these guys were sent here only for sheer numbers rather than actual experience, hence how a Superior could frighten them so and how Deadshot and even themselves could slip in so easily.
[color=9BBED5]"Oh DAMN IT! What now?!"[/color]
"NOTHING!....Ummm...She's clear to go, It was just...just a fly...Move Along" he mumbled to Ashford and the cleric before giving everyone the same half assed search, ignoring every possible beep on the scanner, scared of actually doing his job properly.
Soon, the Prisoners (Sans Jenny the "Alien") were waved ahead to be taken down to the lower levels.

Rugal was quickly smacked into place after his attempted Strangling of one of the guards in order to get the aggro off Melethia, a few stun rod blows to the back putting him in his place.
If he wanted to, he could just kill them all, but that would make getting inside difficult.
Instead, he let himself be pushed back into formation as they were led towards some thick red blast doors that were slowly being opened.

David West meanwhile was just thankful to whatever gods there were the Ashford managed to get them out of that situation.
"Now don't go telling me you learned that from a book!" He joked to the Student, surprised how well he was fitting in around here.
I wonder how long it'll be before he's kicking my ass? He thought, seeing how many "Super-Heroes" he hung out with.
That line of thought was interrupted by Ton Ton's call.
"Towards the Centre of the base, we're being led down a ramp into the lower levels. Get a move on, don't know how long they will be open. Same to you, Slindis. If you need a entry point, Ton Ton cut a hole in the fence. West, Out." He said to both the Tonberry and the Drow before getting back to his job as Prisoner Escort.
"Come on people, I don't have all day! I actually have a life!"

Jenny meanwhile didn't get out of her search by the Scientist's, seeing how she was an "Alien".
She was nervous as she stared wide eyed at a pair of equally nervous men in huge Hazmat suits, thick enough to block her Telepathic skills.
"..............So what ar-"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" One of them shouted before jumping though the screen divider, arms flailing as he did.
"Sorry, we don't usually have Aliens Talk...or actually get live Aliens..." The other confessed as he waved a scanner over the Gardevoir.
"...Is that good?"
"Indeed. Man, those M.I.B. freaks will have a field day over this."
"...That's a Good thing, right?..."
"Depends. Could just examine ya, could lay you out on a table to slice you up. I just wave the Scanner Doohickey and spray the gas."
"Gas?!" She managed to get out before the Scientist sprayed some kind of sleeping gas in her face, knocking her out until a more secure containment unit arrived.

Location: RETRACTED (MIB Sector)
While the holding cells Shawn were just in were relics of the Cold War, less than a few dozen feet away, he began to enter a newer part of the base, looking like something the Enclave would have.
A few signs later, the Wanderer found what appeared to be a Research Centre, full of dozens of doctors in Area 69 Lab Coats and more of those Men in Black standing guard with those strange Energy Weapons.
In this lab, there were 2 subjects: A large black alien creature stuck in some sort of Water Tank with a red "K/I"[footnote]Killed/Incapacitated[/footnote] Symbol on it and a large Decontamination Chamber with an operating table in it.
This was important as there was a man in a Radiation Suit going through Shawn's Stuff!

The room was guarded and there was little room for the base's personnel to move around, let alone for him to sneak around.
He could try to fight, he could try to come back to this room later when he had a gun, either way, this wasn't going to be easy.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Location: RETRACTED (MIB Sector)
Hiding in the shadows of a T-Junction corridor, Shawn turned his head as witness the splendor or horror of the facility. Checking the other way he made sure no guards were coming before looking. Bracing the cold wall which was very Enclave like, Shawn spotted many Doctors, guards but more importantly, the asshole that was going through his stuff. "(That ************!)" The Wanderer said mentally as he was about to go around his protection but ...

"Hmmm ... god damn it Jenkins." Somebody was saying as he approached said T-Junction from the long hallway. It was a Doctor from the lab holding a clipboard and muttering some very mean things. Thinking about his options, Shawn wanted his stuff desperately but did not want to fight. So he did the thing that combined the two perfectly. As the Doctor turned the corner, he ran head first into a roundhouse kick by Shawn.

Knocking the poor guy out, Shawn clenched his first, hungry for more. A few seconds later and Shawn had pulled off the Doctor's outfit, stuck him in a dark corner and started to walk towards the open facility. Coming to an opening, he began to go a long way towards the Decontamination room so that no one would talk to him or see the badge on the coat. If everything went bad, he would take a Doctor hostage and go into the radioactive room for his stuff. If everything went smoothly, he could get passed everyone and try to talk that asshole to allow him into the radioactive room.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location: RETRACTED (MIB Sector)
While his disguise was able to get him past the people working in the lab, there was another issue once he reached the actual Decontamination room: It was soundproofed and there was no way he was getting in without a suit.
As if insult to injury, the man inside was examining one of his Nuka Quantums! He even opened it and poured the contents into a glass, eyeing it up and wondering if it was safe to look at, nevermind drink.
Then he saw something next to the hatch for the Chamber: Purge Chamber.
It was a series of buttons for nearly every kind of situation, Flames for Virus, Water for Fire, Venting out all the oxygen for a Gas threat.

With the push of a button, he could suffocate that man and in the chaos that would ensure, grab his stuff (Or at least his weapons).
Are you a bad enough wanderer to take a life?


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
Sleep. Z_Z
Location: RETRACTED (MIB Sector)
Looking directly into the room of radiation, Shawn's stare was piercing the glass itself and into the person examining his stuff, unfortunately said asshole could no see or feel his stare upon him. Looking at the console he saw the fire, water and vent oxygen button. The Wanderer sighed as he did not want to kill the guy but ... "Water?[/color}" Shawn said as he looked upon the water button which was meant to put out fires.

"Well ... I think the water in this world is non-radioactive. Least its better then the fire or vent button." He muttered to himself as he switched his half insane stare for a very professional Doctor's look. The disguised Doctor (Who could be a REAL Doctor) started by knocking on the glass multiple times, of course this had no effect. Then he looked around for a speaker button. This was so he could fool the people around him.

Seeing the water button, Shawn pressed it not once but multiple times. In the chamber itself, the man could see short bursts of water coming from the ceiling. This was obviously coming from the console. The impatient Wanderer waited for the man to come out so he may get in there himself and grab his stuff.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location: RETRACTED (MIB Sector)
The Man in the Chamber wasn't happy when Shawn sicced the sprinkler systems on him, getting soaked as he was trying to examine the Wanderer's Shishkebab.
He made an obscene gesture towards Shawn as he started to make his way out of the room, slipping thanks to the water that was pouring down on him.
Finally making it out of the Chamber, he took off his huge heavy helmet, revealing a late 40s scientist underneath.
"What the hell?! Why'd you do that for? You could have damaged the samples!" He shouted at the wanderer as he shook off the moisture off his suit.

At this point, most of the lab were at least glancing, though the MIB were watching closely, ready to step in if a fight broke out.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Location: RETRACTED (MIB Sector)
Breathing mentally, he was going through his plan, he could feel everyone's eyes on him. Suddenly the "intruder" Shawn saluted the man in the radioactive suit. "Sir sorry for the interruption of your investigation, but the interrogation team have just finished questioning Prisoner 101 and I have new information about this evidence" Shawn continued to say in a very professional and Doctor like manor.

"I would like to do a quick examination of the items to confirm the results of the questioning. One item in particular the subject spoke about really intrigued me, and I would forever be in your debt if you allowed me to examine said object ..." Shawn allowed to pause and saw the man not moving an inch.

"Also I would buy you lunch directly afterwards."