Daft Sikes said:
[color=BF750B]"So, where are we now, exactly, and why did you keep us in those cages? "[/color]
Diablo1099 said:
bluerocker said:
bluecrimson said:
"Well, they're not going out of their way to hurt us, so I'd like to hope they'll be friends. Hadrian's certainly a friend, for starters."
The previously empty warehouse was now a hub of activity between fighting, forced interrogations and new individuals entering the dilapidated building. Save for the gathering group of humans and non-humans, the three cages (two of which were damaged beyond immediate use), the cages' control panel, the table that had once held the equipment and weapons belonging to Constance, Hadrian and Som, and the corpses of two of the guards, the remainder of the warehouse was empty.
Constance held the guard in her gaze, sensing that he was struggling against her will and attempting to bring his weapon to bear. Even after answering Hadrian's question, the Cat-Eared Vampire was still left with more questions than answers, especially in light of a facility whose existence was dependent on the capture of Aliens and Unknowns.
"Aliens?! As in little green men?! You've got to be kidding me! Everyone knows there's no such thing as aliens!" The Vampirette responded with a disbelief in the answer being as real as her fangs.
Noting that the guard was mentally escaping his "companions" control, Som removed his pistol, Aureus, from its holster and pointed the weapon's barrel at the trapped guard.
"Som! No! Wait! Constance cried out loudly, her high pitched voice bouncing off each of the structure's walls, making her quite difficult to ignore.
"What?" The Hunter questioned in response, his firearm still pointed at the hapless guard.
"There's already been enough killing today." The girl said, this time in a softer voice that reflected a recent personal loss or tragedy.
Despite his better judgement, he allowed the monster to do with what she would with the guard. He might have to travel with her for quite some time and he thought it best to ensure that the two were not so hostile towards each other that he would have had to end her existence. Lowering Aureus, the Hunter nodded towards his prey turned captive.
[DOMINATE!]"Get in the cage and forget that we were ever here. You can return to yourself once we leave this building. If anyone asks, you accidentally locked yourself in the cell." The Bloodsucker commanded, causing the guard's eyes to fog over as she reasserted her will over him and got in the containment vessels.
Seeing that the immediate problem of the remaining guard had been resolved, Constance turned to look at the others that were gathered.
From the scent of him, there was a human who stood next to a woman that had the fragrance of both the Underworld and the Overworld on her. Perched on the human's shoulder was just about the cutest winged creature that the Vampire turned Feline had ever seen.
The two, Constance and Som, stood slightly apart from the rest of the group, not knowing who they were or what their motives for being there were. In Som's mind, the group could have been part of the reason that the Hunter and his prey had been trapped in the cages in the first place. Trust was not something that the Jacketed Human gave instantly, a habit that had kept him alive.
"No, we're not." The red-stubble faced Hunter said in response to the miniature dragon's question.
"We just met Hadrian but I owe him one for knocking me out of the way of that guard's attack." Constance said as she adjusted her ears, looking at the Turtle-Dragon hybrid with a set of googly eyes.
"Quiet." Som snapped, his ire was still present at the creature giving away their position to the guards during his initial attack, an action that had almost cost him dearly. There was nothing that he would have enjoyed more than beating some sense into the little monster, but given the company and what little he knew of them, his primary concern was ensuring that they were not a threat.
"I'm Constance Sorrowfeld and this is Som. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." The raven haired girl greeted, her etiquette classes kicking in as she went into her family lineage and her position within the Sorrowfeld family.
"I'm guessing you all know each other, but how?"