The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: MIB Sector: Main Room: David, Rugal, Slin, Ton-Ton

She smirked as she responded to David. "Well, the guys that came after me got off a lot worse than I did. If they'd gone further, more of 'em would have lost hands or worse. I just won't have them takin' these away, same reason you won't let anyoneone have your knives." Her eyes looked over the room in a patient manner, although the grip on her handaxe was still firm. It was a far cry from the white-knuckled grip she'd had on the kukri earlier.

Area 69: MIB Sector: Containment: Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian

Devon continued the introductions with a small wave of a hello to Constance. "We met in a pretty crazy fight, although Ella here was busy with some stuff of her own. It's her business, and it's stuff I'll let her keep to herself." He was ready to keep the talks going, but Som's rough treatment of Constance brought up a protest from Ella.

"You want to start treating her like some kinda slave? When she helped you with those agents that would be more than willing to keep you locked in here? You don't have to like us or even pretend to tolerate us, but you will treat her like more a person than a disobedient puppy!" The half-succubus gave Som a rather pointed glare, the condescending attitude of the angels she had the misfortune of running into fresh in her head. Was Devon the sole exception in males treating women as property?

Trying to head off a fight between the two, Devon went in with a rather blatant topic change. "So, do you two need any protection? Despite what you saw earlier, I have other talents than that bit with the blade. Just let me know what it is, will you?"

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
"So, do you two need any protection? Despite what you saw earlier, I have other talents than that bit with the blade. Just let me know what it is, will you?"
The Cat-Eared clad vampire would have responded if not for the stern glare that her captor gave her, a glare that spoke of more discomfort if she did not heed his orders. Clamping her mouth closed, Constance kept her eyes firmly planted towards towards the ground.

"To address your 'companion's' statement, the creature that I travel with is only tolerated due to the information that she has contained, she is, to put it simply, my prisoner until I can transport her back to Sanctum." The Hunter stated with a voice filled with disdain. The disdain was not just for the vampire that he was forced to travel with but for the werewolf, the she-demon, the miniature dragon and their human collaborator.

"Even if our goals overlap at the moment, do not think that I will hesitate to report you to the Hunter's Authority once we have left this 'Area 69.'" Som warned, assured that his status as a Hunter would cow these creatures.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Blast Off To Titan said:
"Even if our goals overlap at the moment, do not think that I will hesitate to report you to the Hunter's Authority once we have left this 'Area 69.'"

The statement brought a pause from the man before a thoroughly even-toned response filled with restraint. "You threaten us, show some organization's authority even though you may not know if it even exists, treat us with general disdain, and you act as if we should respect your position. And for that, I have only one question.

Why? Why should we aid you? Why do we even want to help an arrogant man like yourself? Why don't I just get Constance and just leave here with Hadrian and Ella, leaving you to linger here until the scientists tire of you? I honestly don't have time for your self-important spiel, so it's in your best interests to produce convincing answers and fast."
By the end, the bard placed a hand on the pommel of his shortsword to punctuate the point rather quickly.

Ella gave Constance a symphathetic look, showing that she was more than ready to help the vampiress. After all, being shackled to such an ass oof a man seemed horrible in itself.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
" it's in your best interests to produce convincing answers and fast."
The Hunter was not one to back down from a fight nor was he one to take threats upon his life lightly, especially from someone who kept the company of filth. The Hunter's hand slid to his side to brush away his jacket, revealing the long silver blade that he kept strapped to his side, his finger unsnapping the strap that kept the blade in its sheath.

"I do not answer to the likes of -" Som started to say before he was interrupted by the sensation of what felt like a punch to his back. Falling to the ground, he realized that he had been so focus upon the human collaborator that he never noticed Constance drawing out her own weapon and pulling the trigger while that weapon was aimed at him.

Dropping to the floor face first, Som attempted to pick himself up off of the floor but felt One Hundred at Ten pounds of Vampire land on his back.

"Oh no you don't!" Constance said as the weight of her body kept her captor pinned as she pulled ripped the necklace off of the man's neck.

[DOMINATE!]"Calm down, Som." The raven haired vampire said softly, her voice causing the Hunter's body to go slack for a moment as he ceased his resistance against her.

"I'm sorry." She apologized to Devon and Ella. "He saved my life and he and the Hunter's Authority are the only ones that might be able to help me, even if it means that I die in the process."

"But you've never heard of them have you, the Hunter's Authority?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: MIB Sector: Weapons Research: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Deadshot

David nodded as he led his group towards the Weapons Research Lab.
"Thanks. Means alot. Really app-...The hell is that?.." He trailed off as he heard what sounded like swearing coming from one of Slindis's pouches.
"...If that is what I it is...Ah, who am I kidding? Par for the course at this point..." He sighed, the image of Slindis shoving a bunch of guards into her Bag of Holding starting to take root in his mind as he-
[SECURITY ALERT! SECURITY ALERT! PRISON BAY COMPROMISED! BASE DEFCON RAISED TO 5!] Shouted a distressed sounding PA as the base began to get into a panic, Men in Black and Soldiers with Riot Gear sprinting to the scene of the disturbance.
"...Fuck it, Why not?" He mused as he took the chance to slip past.

Once they were in that sector, things quickly took a turn for the worse: at least 2 dozen bodies, all with pinpoint bullet wounds to the head, littered the hallway as it lead into a lightless warehouse.
"...Oh shit..." He said as the Intercom for that sector came on:

"-Gah! Which one of this fucking-...Wait, This thing on?....Oh Shi-*Ahem* would Mr. West please report to the Weapons Hanger. Mr. West to the Weapons Hanger...Now, don't let that discourage you if you aren't Mr. West, It's not like I'm going to blow your head off or anything....
[sub]Oh god, that sounded a lot better in my head[/sub] Look, just get over here, okay!?"
It said as it invited them into the Lightless Hanger.
Once they were inside, it spoke again:
"Alright, Cool. Hang on let me just get the lights. God, this is going to be freaking AWESOME!" Deadshot[footnote]Visual Reminder[/footnote] giggled like a child as he turned on all the lights in the area on, blinding the group as he revealed himself, Standing atop one of Area 69's Black Projects.


Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri

[SECURITY ALERT! SECURITY ALERT! PRISON BAY COMPROMISED! BASE DEFCON RAISED TO 5!] Blared the Alarm as Rugal and Teri reached the Research Lab, the heightened alert spooking the scientists who were already jumpy thanks to that standoff with Shawn mere minutes before.
"Thanks, Just stay here. This might get..."Unpleasant" to watch." He warned the cleric as he casually walked in.
"Hey! You're not supposed to be here! Security!" One shouted as the remaining guards in the room surrounded him and pointed their weapons at him.
"....Hm." He smirked as he brought up his slashing aura as Teri brought in a Fog Cloud to blind them.
The end result was everyone in the room getting the censored version of what Rugal could do to a man with his bare hands.

Once the last body had hit the ground, the King of Fighters left the smokescreen, now covered in blood, much to the horror of the staff still there.
"....Boo." He said sarcastically, that mere word being the straw the broke the camels back and resulting in everyone still in room to run out of it screaming.
Sighing contently, he then went into the Chamber that Shawn was in earlier, now holding Jenny and that Strange Black Creature in the Water Tank with K/I written on it.

Area 69: MIB Sector: Containment: Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian

That alarm made the soldier cringe, he just knew he was going to be blamed for all this.
"Wahahahaha! My Car! My Pension! MY PONY COLLECTION!" He sobbed sadly as he locked himself up as panic began to spread across the base.
As tensions between the lot of them began to grow, the stomping of guards running past the room they were in began to sound deafening.

LETS START A RIOT! Shawn, Rusty, Kent Paul & The Mafia.
Location: Area 69: MIB Sector: Prison Bay
The two Mobsters were keen to get to tearing shit up as the first group of Riot Guards began to come in.
They were wearing armor a good deal thicker then their counterparts as well as having the trademark Riot Shield.
When they began to storm the place, Kent Paul took cover in one of the cells, shutting the door behind in as a safety measure.
"Fucking 'Ell! I Swear, this is the last time I EVER go anywhere with Maccer!" He shouted as he heard sobbing coming from behind him.
A quick glance showed Rusty curled up in a ball under the bed-bunk, crying at the latest mad adventure he had gotten himself into.
No one knew this, but Dr. Venture came here to get away from all the crazy shit in his life.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Aperture Ruins: Sana
[color=b4b4]"Wake up? That was just after a minor thermonuclear explosion! There can't be something there. Well...Did you at least get the data?"[/color] Cortex asked as Sana escaped up the shaft.
A loud metal groan could he heard from above as Sana looked up to see a mountain of jagged metal falling from the floors above her!
She barely managed to stamper into the nearest set of elevator doors before it crashed into the ground under her.
[sub]"What the hell was that?!?"
"Nothing...Just a bug that needed some smushing. Come on. Get gotta find the the target."[/sub]
Voices? on the floors above her? There was someone else down here?
Sana was quiet. She crept forward slowly and prayed her father could hear her thoughts. "Dad... there are others here. atleast two male voices. I have the orb, i'm going to leave before i ccan be hurt or discovered. Though, they mentioned something about a target." she thought to cortex, moving silently towards a hallway that would hopefully get her away from those above her.
Deep below in the labs, with the sphere
The sphere was lifted up, being held aloft by a mechanical grabber arm. Meanwhile, the floor fell away from underneath it. Rising up was what appeared to be a snakes nest of writhing mechanical tubes. A series of pale, porcelain looking plates could be seen inside of it. The mechanical arm was slowly reaching downwards, carefully lowering the sphere towards the mass. some of the tubes recognized the something was approaching it and began to snap upwards, attempting to grab the thing, but everything seemed to miss it for some reason as it continued the descent.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Ruins: Sana, Mooks, Senator ???

[color=b4b4]"Wait, what!? Other Mercs? Oh boy...Well, do what you think is best, I'm not exactly in a good position to make an informed decision. Just if they see you, make sure they don't live. I have a feeling that if world gets out, some people mightn't be to happy with us..."[/color] Cortex answered as Sana made her way down the hallway.
[sub]"We are making good progress though the ruins. Our Virus made a mess, but it was more than able to kill everything in our way. We are still looking for the Subject, We are certain that his container was able to able to withstand the blast."
"Good...I've always wanted to meet the Son of Bernstein...You have your orders. Get to work, I'm not paying you for nothing!"
"Yes Senator. I'll radio back when we find him."[/sub]
Sana heard this as she snuck along, finding herself nearby a sort of encampment by these mercs, all of whom had a brand called "World Marshall Inc." on their armor and equipment.
She could either sneak past or engage them.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"So far i've heard the names senator and son of bernstein tossed around. Plus their armor says
'World Marshal Inc.' on them. I'm going to continue to sneak past..."
she said to him, back tracking a bit and finding an airvent. Making quick work of removing it, she climbed inside and pulled the cover back on. Making her way stealthily through it, she began to try to listen for any more voices as well as her father's instructions.

The ball was placed into the series of tubed gently and five of them immediately latched onto it. They drew the sphere deeper into the mess and eventually it stopped moving. Slowly, the mass rose up from the floor, drawing itself upwards and was letting the plates begin to form rough shapes. Slowly, the mass began to take a more humanoid shape.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Area 69: MIB Sector: Weapons Research: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Deadshot

"So much for looking for Deadshot..."
Seeing that a big ass mechanical thingy was on its way to stomp the hell out of the lot of our party, Caim opted to swap weapons to something a bit more inclined [] to destroying machinery, and charged on in, getting ready for a leap on a leg when the moment was ready.

Angelus was the first to get the news from Caim's mind, (Ton Ton being second) and her head shot in the direction of the LOUD AS FUCK EXPLOSION courtesy of Deadshot and made a sour face, "Well, he wasn't for a moment, young Ashford, but that is inclined to change in a moment's notice. Deadshot's been found. Let's move."

Hands that were once bare began to burn brightly with flame, and the dragon-turned human made her way down to where Deadshot and his new toy lay.

Ton Ton, on the other hand, shook his Lantern again and said, [color=15650D]"There's no need to worry. We'll keep you safe, David! Promise! Now... I heard from Mr. Caim's mind that we're dealing with a machine of some kind.... Miss Melethia? You should know all about that, right?"[/color]

Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri

Teri grimaced at the various squelching noises made by Rugal's miniature rampage before approaching, silently glad that she followed Rugal's advice. After giving a small prayer for the freshly deceased, the Cleric and her mount quickly dodged out of the way of the ensuing stampede and took a look at the tank containing Jenny and.... A black thingy of some kind. Teri would have called it an ice elemental, were it not so black and organic looking. With furrowed eyebrows, the Cleric shot a question to Rugal as she examined the tank,
[color=0E59E4]"What on earth were the scientists doing here? Why stick them in this tank?"[/color]

Looking around, Teri held up her Tablet to a panel and called to her AI, [color=0e59e4]"Dimitri, I need you to hack this system and get Jenny and that black thing out of there.... Hmn, I wonder if it can hear us?"[/color]

"It's worth a shot, Madam. Now, if you'll excuse me...."

As the AI and his entorouge of digital allies and equipment disappeared into the lab's technology, Teri looked up at the Pokemon and the black creature and called out in Aquan (the language of water-based creatures and water elementals), [color=0E59E4]"Hey, you! Black creature? Can you understand the words coming out of my mouth? I'm just trying to let you know now that we don't intend to hurt you! We're gonna get you and our friend there out in a few minutes, so just chill out, okay?"[/color]

Area 69: MIB Sector: Containment: Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg

Cadolbolg's tail began to sway slowly, a small growl in his throat as he listened to Som's spiel about the Hunters, as well as his general disrespect for Devon, somebody the tiny turtle dragon baby held a great deal of respect for (no doubt on part of Caim's approval and Devon's actions as a whole). However, with the vampire girl knocking him out, Cadolbolg too relaxed, if only a little, and said,

"I don't care what these hunter guys are. If he's one of them, they gotta be a bunch of jerks, like those Angel guys we dealt with. Why don't you stick around with us and the Rising Dawn? We're much nicer to people like you than people like him. If I remember correctly, we've had a couple vampires before...."

With the sudden alarm sounding and the sound of pounding boots, the turtle-dragon added to Devon, "Father found our query... That and I don't like all these noises."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Ruins: Sana, Mooks

[color=b4b4]"S-s-son of Bernstein?...."[/color] Cortex stammered as heard those words, remembering the stories he heard from his fellow criminals.
[color=b4b4]"...Okay...Just start making your way out, I don't care if they see you, just get out of there and back to Santa Monica before they find Adel. If he finds out where we live, we're dead. Extremely dead."[/color] He ordered with a sense of urgency, clearly frightened by this development.

As she kept sneaking out, the men from World Marshall made their way down to the Test Subject Storage level, going straight for the section labelled "A".
"Gentlemen...We can't afford to make any mistakes. By the book, if the subject so much as scratched, we lose the contract." The CO ordered his men as they got to work on retrieving Adel.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

"...Was that English?..." Rugal asked in a puzzled tone, still yet to fully understand the whole Aquan thing.
It was then that Dimitri was able to open both Tanks, releasing both Jenny and the strange creature as a flood of water (Or some special fluid that had a similar function) poured down into the chamber, both parties quickly reanimating as a result.
Jenny awoke with a gasp as her lungs began to work again.
"*COUGH COUGH COUGH* Gah....ohhhh...Please don't tell me that they treat all aliens this way..." She groaned, regretting having posed at one in the first place.

Meanwhile, the other Alien was...Less than pleased to be meeting the earth's atmosphere.
He took a moment to breath and that's when he realized he was out of his element.
"ACK-AGGGGGGGG-my-HACK-cryo-UCK!-suit......Wheeze..." he cried out as he choked like a fish out of water, his flesh and bone already drying up and cracking from the heat.
He was clearly not suited to this planet.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

Teri waved her hands in panic as she began casting two of her spells to save this creature from certain doom. The first being Create Water, which dropped 16 galleons of water on the "Alien" and then Control Water, bringing the water into a piller for the Alien to rest in while she answered Rugal's query (after breathing a sigh of relief), [color=0E59e4]"Aquan. It's the language of water creatures, like my elementals, and our friend here. He said his Cryosuit is missing, and from the look of his skin, he really needs it. My spell won't last forever, even if the duration at this time would be a bit over an hour... Dimitri, if you can, can you find the location of this suit?"[/color]

Teri casts Create Water and Control Water, causing 16 galleons of water (2 galleons/Cleric level, of which Teri is 8) to land on the new Alien friend and causing it to raise in a pillar that can accommodate the creature's size. This pillar will last for 80 minutes or till Teri dismisses the spell.

18 seconds till the next 0 level spell.
42 seconds till the next 4th level spell.
There was a ping over the PA for a moment, and Dimitri's voice shot out, [color=3987E0]
"I'll see what I can do. Try to keep our new friend calm."

With a nod, Teri got off of Garm and the wolf wandered to Jenny, giving the Gardevoir a lick on the face in concern while Teri continued talking to the Alien, [color=0E59E4]"This measure is temporary, but at least you can breath while we find your suit. Do you have any idea where it was taken? It could help my friend over the PA find it...
Also, my name is Teri, 8th Level Cleric of the Christian God. The man in red is my dad, Rugal, the girl here Jenny, the wolf Garm and the disembodied voice is Dimitri. Could you tell me a bit about how you got here, as well as the aforementioned suit, if possible?"


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"Ok Dad, i'll leave." was all sana sent to him before going thought dark. Cortext couldn't hear going anything through her mind. Meanwhile, the wall behind a sentry burst open as an iron rod protruded from his chest. The other end of the rod was gripe by sana, who pulled it out of him and before his mate could even raise his gun, the had of a massive mallet, five feet wide in diameter slammed into him, crushing his entire upper body upon the impact.

Now breaking out into a full run, her skills and instincts took over her mind. She raced through the hallways, mallet held in her right hand. Any sentries she came across didn't know what hit them because their last vision was usually full of the giant head of the mallet. To say she was tearing a hole out of there was an understatement. Along the way, she picked up a cloth tarp draped over something and threw it on as a cloak.

she burst up and out of the lowest entrance to the crater, giant mallet on hand. If cortex was watching the news, he would have seen her, the cloaked figure mid air, flying up towards the news teams. Her mallet came down and crushed a reporter and the camera was dropped as screaming commenced. Through it, he would have hear a series of cracks as she repeatedly brought the mallet down an left no one alive. Then the news feed cut out.
The mass of tubes pulled itself and the plates it held into the form of a female. She opened her eyes and took her first breath of life as long black hair grew out of her skull and flowed down until it hung just past her shoulders. the plates glowed red and they became essentially living skin, cooling down to a pale form. A mechanical arm held out a white tank top, black shorts and a lab coat to the figure. She slipped them on while her vision was filled with camera feeds.

she watched the recordings of the previous hour, from those cameras that survived the blast. she saw those men enter the labs, but unfortunately couldn't get any audio. She also saw the strange girl mucking about with the orb that was the central databank and her home. When she saw the red one, she cursed in the empty data room.
"FUCK! This is not good...." she said and bit her lip, trying to figure out what she could do about it. By this point the girl was gone and had left a serious mess in the hallways.

However, what drew her eye was the camera showing them trying to get a subject pod out that wasn't listed in her databanks. quietly, she brought the main reactor back online, deciding to make light of the subject and see what these men were after. She moved about the delivery system for neural toxin and turrets into place outside the room. She knew the cry systems of the place well and know that the ice the subjects were in would protect whoever was in the pod from said toxins.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

Rugal was a little startled by the Alien, he just thought that was a really mangled body.
"...I...See...But I don't know if we have time for that. Judging by that alarm, this place is going to turn into a warzone at any minute..." He said, wary of this creature in front of them.
The Alien gratefully entered the pillar and sighed deeply as he let the cold water soak in, standing upright at least 6'3 feet tall.
"...Those Humans...Took my vessel after I crashed...Regulates Body Temperature...This planet is too warm..." He coldly (PUN!) explained as he looked at the Cleric, glowing green eyes glaring at her.
"I crashed...They stuck...I lost. When I find my suit, I will bring them the same pain they brought me..."
He added as he "Drank" all the water Teri had made, his skin becoming transparent as a result.
The Alien then "Melted" into a puddle, body and all for a moment before quickly re-assembling himself again.
"...Still not cold enough...." He said as he glared at the others.
"...Do they understand what I am saying?...".
"...What-....are you?..." Jenny rather rudely asked.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

Teri gave a slow shake of her head, [color=0E59E4]"No, I'm the only one who knows this language. As for your plan....."[/color]
She took a shaky breath and asked, [color=0E59E4]"You don't intend on killing everyone on this planet, do you?! Look, I know what they did to you was wrong, and I can't say sorry enough for my race, but I'm trying to help, okay? People get scared when they encounter what they don't know or understand. It's not right, by any means, but two wrongs don't make a right either. Just gimme a sec, and we'll try to find your suit and get you back home after we get out of this place. I know some magic, and we have a quite a few tech heads on hand. Just... Please?"[/color]

The Cleric shook her head at Rugal and Jenny's assessments, [color=0E59E4]"He needs his suit to live, because the planet's too hot. It'd be like leaving us without skin... As for your question, Jenny, I really don't know. I'm guessing he's an alien or something. But, if we can get him his suit, he might help us out. And... He's scared, and very angry. I can't just leave this creature to die a painful death, especially after being tortured by those scientists.... Aside from all that, are you feeling okay, Jenny? You can ride on Garm if you feel weak from that tank."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
World Marshall Inc. HQ, Denver, Colorado: Senator

"-MAYDAY! MAYDAY! *Cough* The Lab Vent are *Gasp* filling with some kind [sub]of neuro-*cough cough[sub]cough urrrkkkkk...[/sub][/sub]"

"...Well....That was...Disappointing..." Sighed a man in a business suit as he watched the communications link as his team was all killed off by the Labs famous Neurotoxin Gas, the camera falling down as someone knocked into it.
"...Mmmm...Mental note: Gas Masks..." He calmly said, forgetting that his men were killed right before him.
After all, if they were so easily killed, then that meant whoever was running the lab was strong and he couldn't let someone else be stronger then him.
"Ah well...Least I don't have to cash their checks." He chuckled as he sat down to read the newspaper, such was the life of the CEO of one of the largest Private Military Companies on the planet.


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

Cortex was indeed watching the news as Sana effortlessly leapt out of the ruins and attacked the camera crew.
He felt strange as a tear ran down his cheek.
[color=b4b4]"...*Sniff* They grow up so fast..."[/color] He said, a sense of pride filling him for the first time in a very long career of Scenicitic Failure.


Aperture Ruins: Adel

All the while, Adel slept on, though the explosion, the raid, the gas and the dying pleas of the World Marshall Soldiers.
The Son of Bernstein wasn't freed just yet...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

"...Why does every planet's population keep asking that?..." The Alien said as he walked around, testing how solid his new form was.
"No. I am not going to decimate your planet. The surface is too hot, The Oxygen here tastes of Burnt Carbon and the Ice Caps are tiny, it is of no value to me. Hence why I want my ship and suit, in order to leave this cesspit of a planet!" He explained in an annoyed tone.
Rugal meanwhile still wasn't convinced.
"...Tell him to watch his tone. We aren't afraid of it's kind." He said as he walked over to the being, the pair of them engaging in a tense stare off as a result.
"I'm fine, just break it up you two!" Jenny said as she stepped in-between them and motioned for Rugal to back off.
"His only crime is being the wrong place at the wrong time! Now, where would they be keeping his ship?"


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Dani made her way down to the storage area and had found the camera was on the floor and still rolling. She picked it up and looked directly at the lens. "I don't know who you are and i don't care. But you will stay out of my Labs. And stay away from my chryo storage, lest i make a new crater on this rock of a planet." she said into the lens before crushing the camera. All the while, the lab was beginning to be put back together by her.

Walking over the the tube that was left out of her index, she inserted a series of commands to the pod and it slid back to reveal the icy figure in it. She gasped and immediately placed a hand on the tube, overwhelmed with emotion. Inside was someone who was cruelly ripped away from her. Adel Bernstein.
A number of hours later.
Adel's first vision would be of the ceiling, and the lights on it. He was laying on a table, in a box like room, with no visible door or entry ways. sitting next to the table in a chair was Dani, in her lab coat and was sitting with a smile on her face. She hoped he'd be glad to see her, but had no recollection of what happened with him since they were separated while he was carrying her in the wake of the massive explosion.

However... the room was the strongest containment room she had as well. The panels that made up the room were locked together and were made out of pure adamntium. Yeah, the same stuff wolverine uses to slice anything that happens to be in his way during a monday is keeping the two of them in the room. Dani can remove it, once she determines his state for herself.
Around the same time as above
a nun was patiently waiting on a plane, mid flight back to california. She had in her hands a red sphere, an orb of translucent scarlet.She couldn't help but wonder how all that information had fit inside of there, but it didn't bother her too much. She had accomplished her mission and nobody knew the wiser.

"Pardon me... ummm.... miss.... uhh....." A stewartess asked her.

"Sisters Magdolin." replied Sana with a smile.

"Yes.... ummmm.... Sister Magdolin... i don't know what you have in your hands, but i would prefer it if you put it away, some of the other passengers are becoming squirmish about it.
"Oh, worry not my dear child. It is a holy relic of the utmost importance." she said, slipping the sphere back into it's case and holding it up for her to see, a release of air as the glass case was vacuum sealed. "It is a sacred orb, having been said to contain a single drop of our Lord and Savior's blood. I am but its guardian in transition to it's new home in saint Mary Margret's near Sandiego." she explained.

A few sighs of releif were heard around the plane and some people began to pray in her description's presence. "Oh.. i'm sorry to have bothered you sister Magdolin. is there anything i could get for you?"

"Some water would be appreciated my child. Lord be with you." she said and the stewardess walked away.

"Not bad, right dad? she asked him. "First i leave all of the news team in shambles, then i board a plane as a nun and get people to bow to me. The only thing i'd like more is a shape changing ability. yeah.... that'd be cool... she thought to him as if she was a young kid, reading a comic for the first time and wishing they had the super powers.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

"His only crime is being the wrong place at the wrong time! Now, where would they be keeping his ship?"

Teri nodded and added, [color=0E59E4]"Jenny's right. Like I said, Dad, he just wants to go home. Now, if Dimitri finds something-"[/color]

And on cue, the butler pinged in, [color=3987E0]
"Madam! I bring news! In the lower levels of this sector, reports have come in with a suit as how you described; as being 'made of ice' or something along those lines, as well as an unidentified aircraft. You'd better hurry, the security is getting nastier as we speak. I'll try to divert attention away from your party by messing with the security, but I cannot guarantee anything. I'll also keep you informed of any updates I can get. Godspeed."

The Cleric gave a sigh of relief to that and addressed the Water-Alien, [color=0E59E4]"Okay, so one of my friends reported in. We need to get to the lower levels of the base so we can get your suit and your ship. Just try to get along with everyone, remember, they don't know you what you're saying; and we'll you outta here, okay?"[/color]


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Unknowingly wants the jetpack. Shawn, Rusty, Kent Paul & The Mafia.
Location: Area 69: MIB Sector: Prison Bay
As the weapon in Shawn's hands were firing up, the Wanderer decided to access the radio system both in his Pip-Boy and the Prison, soon enough the whole facility speakers were rocking a loud tune which many people could probably recognize. Shawn shrugged hearing this world's music, but he liked it's attitude. "Unfortunately this broadcast is interrupted by a nice dose of death." Shawn spoke and smiled sadistically as he decided to fire. There was a big reason why the weapon he is holding is called a "Grenade machinegun" unfortunately the Riot Squad which just came in is going to find out.

The fire rounds were fired and easily landed in the middle of the squad. The force easily blew them away to death or unconsciousness, deciding that it isn't enough Shawn began walk forward in a fast pace. The weapon was still firing and was creating Hell in the passages ahead of the group. "We move forward!" Shawn ordered once more as he moved into the next room, explosions heard in every direction.