Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"
The Creature's eyes never left Rugal's, even with Jenny and Teri acting as mediators, the two of them looked ready to kill each other.
"...That male is your father?"
[color=0E59E4]"Yes, Yes he is."[/color]
"...I see...A lot of anger and fury in his eyes, yet tamed somehow...An interesting subject.
...He is aware that he is covered in blood?"
[color=0E59E4]"...Yeah, I, uh, I think he does."[/color] Teri stammered a little, hoping this wouldn't damage her case for humanity as a whole.
"Come on, The sooner we find this suit, the sooner we can get back on track." Rugal said as he walked off, leading the way into the lower levels.
"...I pity your mother." The Alien said as he soon followed, mimicking Rugal's stride as they went into the depths of the lab.
Jenny meanwhile let out a sigh at it all.
"...I wonder how many clinical psychologists can say they talked to an Alien?..." She asked rhetorically as she followed suit.
They were underground, the exact distance was uncertain, but they were there, So the only thing stopping them from eating dirt was the walls that Shawn was pounding.
It came to a head when the roof over the bodies he just blew up flat out fell on top of them, giving them a crude burial under steel and dirt.
And the cracks were spreading over to where he was.
He would want to get out before he took a dirt nap...
The Creature's eyes never left Rugal's, even with Jenny and Teri acting as mediators, the two of them looked ready to kill each other.
"...That male is your father?"
[color=0E59E4]"Yes, Yes he is."[/color]
"...I see...A lot of anger and fury in his eyes, yet tamed somehow...An interesting subject.
...He is aware that he is covered in blood?"
[color=0E59E4]"...Yeah, I, uh, I think he does."[/color] Teri stammered a little, hoping this wouldn't damage her case for humanity as a whole.
"Come on, The sooner we find this suit, the sooner we can get back on track." Rugal said as he walked off, leading the way into the lower levels.
"...I pity your mother." The Alien said as he soon followed, mimicking Rugal's stride as they went into the depths of the lab.
Jenny meanwhile let out a sigh at it all.
"...I wonder how many clinical psychologists can say they talked to an Alien?..." She asked rhetorically as she followed suit.
While Mercy was tearing through the incoming attacks like a knife though butter, it was also starting to have a effect on the walls of the Prison.No Grenades indoors! Shawn, Rusty, Kent Paul & The Mafia.
Location: Area 69: MIB Sector: Prison Bay
They were underground, the exact distance was uncertain, but they were there, So the only thing stopping them from eating dirt was the walls that Shawn was pounding.
It came to a head when the roof over the bodies he just blew up flat out fell on top of them, giving them a crude burial under steel and dirt.
And the cracks were spreading over to where he was.
He would want to get out before he took a dirt nap...