The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

The Creature's eyes never left Rugal's, even with Jenny and Teri acting as mediators, the two of them looked ready to kill each other.
"...That male is your father?"
[color=0E59E4]"Yes, Yes he is."[/color]
"...I see...A lot of anger and fury in his eyes, yet tamed somehow...An interesting subject.
...He is aware that he is covered in blood?"

[color=0E59E4]"...Yeah, I, uh, I think he does."[/color] Teri stammered a little, hoping this wouldn't damage her case for humanity as a whole.
"Come on, The sooner we find this suit, the sooner we can get back on track." Rugal said as he walked off, leading the way into the lower levels.
"...I pity your mother." The Alien said as he soon followed, mimicking Rugal's stride as they went into the depths of the lab.

Jenny meanwhile let out a sigh at it all.
"...I wonder how many clinical psychologists can say they talked to an Alien?..." She asked rhetorically as she followed suit.
No Grenades indoors! Shawn, Rusty, Kent Paul & The Mafia.
Location: Area 69: MIB Sector: Prison Bay
While Mercy was tearing through the incoming attacks like a knife though butter, it was also starting to have a effect on the walls of the Prison.
They were underground, the exact distance was uncertain, but they were there, So the only thing stopping them from eating dirt was the walls that Shawn was pounding.
It came to a head when the roof over the bodies he just blew up flat out fell on top of them, giving them a crude burial under steel and dirt.
And the cracks were spreading over to where he was.
He would want to get out before he took a dirt nap...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Labs: Adel, Dani

Adel was motionless at first, merely blinking into the light a few times as he let the feeling return into his body.
He then sat up, finding himself in an Aperture Jumpsuit, before glancing around the room.
Dani saw that all emotion seemed to lacking in the man as he got up off the table, even when he looked at her, it more like looking thought her.
"...I don't know what you want, but it's in your best interest to let me leave willing rather than by force." He flatly said as he examined the room he was in.
...I. Hate. Labs.


[color=b4b4]"Heh, good thing you didn't say it was the blood of Allah, eh?"[/color] Cortex joked as he monitored Dani's flight from his Max's computer.
[color=b4b4]"Well...I've toyed around with that idea in the past, but I can't find a compound that would be stable enough to transform biological matter for extended periods. Sure, I could make a Serum for Shapeshifting, but it'd kill you within the hour."[/color] He explained as she flew in.
[color=b4b4]"While you were getting the flight booked, I did some digging on World Marshall. Massive Private Army, it's un-officially run by a Senator of the United States, Soldiers for Hire, Bison even went and got a consolation once."[/color]
"But why were they there, Dad?"
[color=b4b4]"My guess? The same reason we were: Data...and..."You-know-Who".[/color] He answered, hoping to avoid the Adel Question.
[color=b4b4]"So when will you be due in?"[/color]


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Grand Escape! Shawn, Rusty, Kent Paul & The Mafia.
Location: Area 69: MIB Sector: Prison Bay
As the walls start collapsing behind the group, Shawn un-equipped his giant gun and simply yelled ... "RUUUUUUN!". Everyone simply looked behind and immediately started running, even Rusty and Kent popped out of the cell to see what was going on and then started to run like the headless chickens they are. The walls and dirt was collapsing behind them but a few hundred meters, so the whole group had a long distance to run from it.

As he was running ahead of the group, Shawn came upon a clear door which could be only labelled as "Janitor's Closest". Even if it was a second, Shawn stopped and saw the amazement that was inside. To Shawn it looked like a backpack with the thrusters of a Vertibird on it. "Run on, get to the elevator up there and get out of here." Shawn said back to them. The group shrugged and ran for their lives, they knew that the Wanderer would live in any situation.

Entering the room, Shawn could hear the falling rubble approach. He grabbed the object, placed it on his back and ran out of the room, unfortunately the rubble was right behind the tired Courier. Not knowing how to control this new technology, Shawn was feeling all of his back and accidentally hit the "On" button. The thrusters extended and the jetpack was starting to burn fuel with a blue flame, taking note of the hot temperature behind him Shawn jumped and unexpectedly started to fly. "Oh my God, I can fl-AAAHHHHHHHH!" His cheer turned into a scream as he started to fly across the floor, his armor grinding and making sparks upon the ground.

Somehow making his leg kick off the ground, the Wanderer went upwards. Just before he could cheer, once again he was starting to grind upon the ceiling. Shawn was still thanking his God that he has a helmet on. A few seconds later he was at the elevator shaft which was empty due to the group taking the elevator up. Sighing, Shawn flew upwards but managed to turn off the jetpack just before he was about to hit the bottom of the elevator. Climbing out of the shaft ... the Wanderer could help but have a sigh of relief.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Aperture Labs: Adel, Dani

Adel was motionless at first, merely blinking into the light a few times as he let the feeling return into his body.
He then sat up, finding himself in an Aperture Jumpsuit, before glancing around the room.
Dani saw that all emotion seemed to lacking in the man as he got up off the table, even when he looked at her, it more like looking thought her.
"...I don't know what you want, but it's in your best interest to let me leave willing rather than by force." He flatly said as he examined the room he was in.
...I. Hate. Labs.


[color=b4b4]"Heh, good thing you didn't say it was the blood of Allah, eh?"[/color] Cortex joked as he monitored Dani's flight from his Max's computer.
[color=b4b4]"Well...I've toyed around with that idea in the past, but I can't find a compound that would be stable enough to transform biological matter for extended periods. Sure, I could make a Serum for Shapeshifting, but it'd kill you within the hour."[/color] He explained as she flew in.
[color=b4b4]"While you were getting the flight booked, I did some digging on World Marshall. Massive Private Army, it's un-officially run by a Senator of the United States, Soldiers for Hire, Bison even went and got a consolation once."[/color]
"But why were they there, Dad?"
[color=b4b4]"My guess? The same reason we were: Data...and..."You-know-Who".[/color] He answered, hoping to avoid the Adel Question.
[color=b4b4]"So when will you be due in?"[/color]
"Adel... Wait... I don't know if you remember me. It's dani. You saved me and were carrying me out of that blast before we were separated."she said, standing up to meet him. "If I had known you were locked in storage I would have thawed you out ages ago. I'm so sorry..." The woman said, her appearance matching the way it was when he last saw her, only a bit older. Her face was one of sorrow and regret.
"I'm sorry I don't know what transpired between the time we were separated and now, but you don't need to worry or even think about any threats coming from these labs. I control all of it, and if you want to leave, I will let you. But please don't, stick around a bit so we can talk..." She asked him pleadingly. Her face looking up at his was one of sincerity and concern.


"In about five minutes father." She thought to him as the plane began to descend. That's when her mind wend blank again. About twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door, standing out front was Sana in a nun outfit, parked on the street behind her was a ford gt. "I'm back father." She said, waiting to be let in.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluerocker said:
"I don't care what these hunter guys are. If he's one of them, they gotta be a bunch of jerks, like those Angel guys we dealt with. Why don't you stick around with us and the Rising Dawn? We're much nicer to people like you than people like him. If I remember correctly, we've had a couple vampires before...."
Standing atop the [DOMINATED!] Hunter, Constance briefly considered the offer that she had been presented, leave Som to his fate with the "scientists" that occupied this "Area 69" and join this Rising Dawn or stick with Som, put up with the mistreatment that the Cat-Eared Vampire had, up to this point, put up with and make their own way in the world. The miniature dragon's offer was tempting but a memory tugged at the back of her mind:

Middle World : Sorrowfeld Manor said:
The normally quiet and peaceful night air had been pierced by screams of the dying, the laughs of the murderous and the shouts of those still locked in battles that ultimately resulted in the death of one of the combatants and standing in the middle of the chaos was a creature so corrupt that it absorbed the light around it, a creature that walked from corpse to corpse and feasted, a creature known simply as Mal.

"Kill them all!" The creature commanded as it goaded its minions to kill all of the residents of Sorrowfeld Manor.

From the balcony built high above the manor's central courtyard, a pair of crimson eyes watched the destruction of her family's ancestral home, the disbelief of the night's bloodshed causing her to retreat into her room and hide herself from the awful sights. Constance Sorrowfeld, daughter of Maximilian and Harlow Sorrowfeld, Princess of the Sorrowfeld Clan, was afraid. She was afraid that her parents had been destroyed by this new faction, she was afraid that the rest of her family was going to be destroyed by the foul creature that feasted on their corpses and finally, she was afraid that she was next. The fear that afflicted her mind had affected her to such a degree that she could only think to hide under her bed whilst the sounds of intruders kicking in door after door resounded down the hallway.

Laying under her bed, she was even more quiet than a mouse, though that was still not quiet enough.


The door to her room was shattered by a kick that sent shards of wood clear across the room, allowing two of the intruders to enter the darkened bedroom. Even in the pitch dark, the hidden vampire could see each of the "men" in exquisite detail from the ebony fist that was emblazoned on the helmets that topped their heads, to the respirators each of the intruders wore that covered their facades, to the uniforms and weapons that both carried.

"Sorrowfeld's daughter should be here." Whispered a sibilant that appeared to seep from the full-faced respirator that lead creature wore.

"Room seems empty. Scanning." Whispered the other as a puff of gas erupted from a pressure release valve mounted on both sides of a breathing tube and was soon followed by a blue glow that was emitted from the creatures hands, a glow that also came from Constance's body!

"Fool. Just a Cat-Girl." The first stated, pointing at Constance.

"No. It's her." The second responded, its scan having directly sought the Daughter of Maximilian Sorrowfeld.

"Commencing purge." The lead said as, yet again, another blast of gas was released by the respirator, this time causing the intruder's hands to ignite into a gout of flame.

Constance, petrified by what appeared to be her eminent demise did not react at the sight of a silver spearhead erupting from the uniformed chest of the first intruder, the sound of escaping vapors coming from the punctured uniform. She did not react when the second of the intruders was decapitated by the very same weapon that now appeared to be a silver sword nor did she react when the corpses burst into a conflagration that consumed both bodies.

The only point in time when the cat-ear wearing Vampire did react was when Som grabbed her hand and stole her away from her family's former home.
Blinking the "dust" out of her eyes, Constance's mind returned to her, fleeing from re-tapped memories. Shaking her head, she peered over to the turtle-dragon hybrid that was perched on the human's shoulders.

"Thank you for the offer but I need to stay with Som. If I can convince him to tone his beliefs down, would it be alright if we traveled with you, at least until we've gotten far enough away from here?" Constance asked as she looked down at Som, her crimson eyes glowing as her mind reasserted itself over Som's

[DOMINATE!]"Som, I think you should apologize to these people. They only want to help." The Vampire commanded as she removed herself from the downed Hunter's back and allowed him to stand and brush the accumulated grime from the warehouse floor from his body.

"I apologize." The Hunter said simply after Constance released him from her hold.

"So, do you think we could travel with -"

Diablo1099 said:
"They know we have escaped from our cells." Som said as he unsheathed the long blade from his thigh, the weapon's blade extending as the knife metamorphosed into a saber.

[color=B87333]"What's all this bloody damn racket?"[/color] A third voice filled with annoyance asked as Teddy woke up from a nice nap.

"No time to explain, Teddy. We should get out of here." The Cat-Eared Vampire responded as she looked towards the others, her eyes pleading as her voice did the same. "Please, can we come with you?"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Blast Off To Titan said:
"Please, can we come with you?"

Diablo1099 said:

Devon nodded, glad that he could get some peace between the two for now even if it seemed a bit off for it to happen so suddenly. "Just keep the peace and you'll be fine. THis will sound crazy, but I need all of you to touch my mody somewhere. Cadolbolg, either you can climb in my bag or get in the side pack, although you might like the shirt more."

Cadolbolg seemed a bit confused at the request, but he obviously went for the approach that hept him closer to Devon by clinging onto his back in the shirt, causing a few rips in the shirt in the process. Ella was more than happy to oblige, and her approach of putting a hand on Devon's cheek was a rrather effective way of establishing that Devon and her were more than just a companion. It didn't take that long for the others to do so, and with that Devon strained to reach the magic - he attributed it to the amount of people, but the bulk of it was from Som's Necklace interfering.

Devon casts Dimension Door to get the group out of the holding area! Due to Som's Necklace, though, it will take a full 36 seconds for Devon to cast another level 4 spell.
"Hold tight, everyone. This is going to be a bumpy one!" THe strain continued to the actual spell, but they were able to teleport into the main hall area. Now that they were out of the frying pan, Devon made contact over the rings. "ANy leads on Deadshot?"

Area 69: MIB Sector: Weapons Research: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Deadshot

Melethia responded rather bluntly. "Of course. Go after the joints, aim to disrupt the servos, and of course use plenty of electricity and ice. Sonic works as well if you have it." She immediately replaced her weapons with a purple longsword cloked in a cool fog [] and a slightly shimmering light mace that let off a small sound [] then went in with a few attacks to test the machine's armoring.

It would be rather hard for her to find the kinks in the armor, but when she could, she would exploit them.

Slindis, on the other hand, heard the response from Devon and 'ringed' him back. [color=c200]"In the armory of tyhe base, slthough it's we;ll-defended. Deadshot should be somewhere around there, so search there!"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: MIB Sector: Weapons Research: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

While he was planning to do some badass speech about how he found this hulking machine, the eagerness of the group forced Deadshot to get inside before he was hit by something.
Thus, he quickly got inside the Cockpit of his shiny new Mecha, just as Devon and his new friends appeared.
[W-w-What!? EXCELSUS IS ONLINE?! WHO THE HELL IS PILOTING IT?! "LAUNCH IN PROGRESS"?! ATTENTION ALL BASE PERSONNEL, A ROUGE AGENT IS IN CONTROL OF THE EXCELSUS! REPEAT! EXCELSUS IS IN ENEMY CONTROL! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!] The Speaker on the PA Panicked, clearly the idea of someone other than a US Army Member controlling their mech was frightening him.
"Right...Where's the On Button...THERE WE GO!" The Assassin Mused as EXCELSUS roared to life, a feral roar marking it's activation.
"PREPARE FOR 10 BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF PURE PAIN!...Jesus Christ...THIS. IS. AWESOME!" He shouted though the Mechs intercom as a pair of huge red hot blades unfolded as the Bipedal Deathmobile began to march forward on it's spider-like legs.

As the mech advanced, the entire warehouse began to move, ascending as the Launch Platform for the weapon was brought up to the surface, The Ceiling opening up to reveal the Desert Sky above them as they climbed through the rioting base.

EXCELSUS: ONLINE Shawn, Rusty, Kent Paul & The Mafia.
Location: Area 69: Surface Elevator
[ATTENTION ALL BASE PERSONNEL, A ROUGE AGENT IS IN CONTROL OF THE EXCELSUS! REPEAT! EXCELSUS IS IN ENEMY CONTROL! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!] Shouted the Intercom, The sound of that message having instant effect among the remaining forces.
Aliens? No Problem.
Superheroes? Bring it on!
A Large Bipedal Tank with enough firepower to level an entire city? ...
Once word got out, the Base's guards and operatives dropped everything and focused on getting the hell out of there.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Labs: Adel, Dani

"...You are right: I don't remember you..." Adel said, ignoring everything else that Dani had said.
He had a dead look in his eyes, those of a corpse rather than a living being, Whatever had happened to him changed him.
"Now...This is the last time I'll say it..." He said as a dark red aura began to seep from his body.
"Let me leave. Or I will kill everything this...Lab..." He threatened, a somewhat Demonic undertone coming into effect when he said lab, showing his disdain for the word.


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

Bruiser was the one to answer the door, yawning as he did.
"*YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAWWWWNNNN*....Sorry, Sister. We're atheists." He said before closing the door in her face.
[color=b4b4]"[sub]SHE'S THAT WOMAN I GREW THIS MORNING! LET HER IN![/sub]"[/color] Cortex corrected him before he let Sana in.
The Doctor himself was watching that orb of hers with glee.
[color=b4b4]"MUAHAHAHAH! All the Data of Aperture Science, now in our grasp. Quick! To the Computer!"[/color] He commanded as he took it out of her hands and went to set it up on Max's Computer.
"Welcome Back Sana...And why are you dressed like a Nun?..." Wesker asked from the sofa as she walked in.
As he awaited for an answer he looked at this watch.
...I wonder if she's calmmed down yet?...


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: MIB Sector: Weapons Research: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

Devon recovered from the Teleport spell and took a good look, jumping back to get breathing room. "Okay, okay.... This isn't as bad as it looks... Just need to find out what I need to do here..." His eyes began to glow in a golden color as he focused intently on the machine, hoping he'd get an accurate reading from it.

Devon casts Know Vulnerabilities! [] It may be resisted, but if it connects, Devon will know all the weaknesses and resistances of the machine.

Level 2 spell Cooldown: 18 seconds
Level 4 spell Cooldown: 30 seconds
Upon seeing the machine, Ella let go of Devon and went up into the sky, pulling out the Kama from the Wheel and began firing some reddish energy blasts. THey were a decent strength, but they were more to test the armor of the machine. She didn't really expect any solid impacts from the first few attacks.

Melethia rolled under the blade, thanking her forethought in making sure her armor protected against heat based damage. With the size of those blades, though, she couldn't really afford to take any solid hits. The joints on this thing are well-made... I'll have to find a better way to hit this! She continued with a slice of her blade and a swing of her mace, trying to see how well she could do.

And finally, Slindis was a good bit more mobile here as she leaped over the slash and used the energy from the jump to try and slam one of the legs with a falling kick. [color=c200]"Rugal, tell me if you can see any good spots to hit here!"[/color]


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Aperture Labs: Adel, Dani

"...You are right: I don't remember you..." Adel said, ignoring everything else that Dani had said.
He had a dead look in his eyes, those of a corpse rather than a living being, Whatever had happened to him changed him.
"Now...This is the last time I'll say it..." He said as a dark red aura began to seep from his body.
"Let me leave. Or I will kill everything this...Lab..." He threatened, a somewhat Demonic undertone coming into effect when he said lab, showing his disdain for the word.


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

Bruiser was the one to answer the door, yawning as he did.
"*YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAWWWWNNNN*....Sorry, Sister. We're atheists." He said before closing the door in her face.
[color=b4b4]"[sub]SHE'S THAT WOMAN I GREW THIS MORNING! LET HER IN![/sub]"[/color] Cortex corrected him before he let Sana in.
The Doctor himself was watching that orb of hers with glee.
[color=b4b4]"MUAHAHAHAH! All the Data of Aperture Science, now in our grasp. Quick! To the Computer!"[/color] He commanded as he took it out of her hands and went to set it up on Max's Computer.
"Welcome Back Sana...And why are you dressed like a Nun?..." Wesker asked from the sofa as she walked in.
As he awaited for an answer he looked at this watch.
...I wonder if she's calmmed down yet?...
"Adel, I'm going to let you leave. But just wait a minute." Dani said to him as a giant projector screen lowered down behind her. The room darkened and a film began to play on the screen. I know this probably won't have much significance to you, but it means the world to me." She said.

On the screen, a cloudy sky began come to light. There were obvious footsteps on gravel as adel saw his own face. It was bruised and battered and he could tell that whoever he was carrying was in a great deal of pain. That's when the person spoke. It was the Same voice that was speaking to him just a minute prior. The conversation seemed well, but after a while of walking and talking, she abrubtly ended the video just as their attentions were jerked to something. (On my phone, no way in hell finding the actual posts to quote from)
"You saved me but something I don't want to remember happened. I'll let you go on the condition that you let me go with you, I don't care where or for what, but I want to make it up to you. I want a chance to jog your memory. That's all I ask, the. You're free to go and do as you please, with all the assets of aperture to back you up in however you please." She said, her face full of hope.
"Well Wesker, it's the easiest way to smuggle something like that." She replied to Wesker, but was drawn to cortex on the computer as he plugged in the sphere via a cord that came in the case. He began to explore all the files unrestricted. However, there was a series of files that he couldn't pin down, they kept moving around and evading attempts to access them.[/spoiler]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Labs: Adel, Dani

"Do us...Both a Favour....Shut up...I hate Shrinks..."

"...That was you, wasn't it?..." Adel asked, remembering that time outside Shanghai, right before it got wiped off the face of the earth.
It was right around the same time that "He" entered his life.
[color=006566]"-I can feel it, Coming in the air tonight-"[/color]
"[sub]-oh lord...[/sub]" He finished as he recalled that man, but nothing else after that, not even how he got into Aperture.
Once he was done with his flashback, He then began to walk towards where the door was, pausing just in front it.
"...Well? You coming? Or do you expect me to carry you again?" He said in a manner that seemed like a joke.
It even came with a smile.


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

"I don't know, Pregnant Woman would have worked just as well..." Wesker said as Cortex went through the files.
[color=b4b4]"Oh baby...We hit the JACKPOT! The Data in this Core could be our ticket to getting back on our feet!"[/color] He exclaimed as he copied the data to his Max's computer and tried to access the unreadable files.
[color=b4b4]"Ohhhh...Think you can hide from Dr. Neo Cortex?! I don't think so!"[/color] He said as he began to try and pin them down, getting totally engrossed in his work as he did.
He wasn't going to leave that computer until he owned ALL of the Data!

As Cortex went about this thing, Wesker seemed uncomfortable, the incident with Mizune still very much on his mind.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Aperture Labs: Adel, Dani

"Do us...Both a Favour....Shut up...I hate Shrinks..."

"...That was you, wasn't it?..." Adel asked, remembering that time outside Shanghai, right before it got wiped off the face of the earth.
It was right around the same time that "He" entered his life.
[color=006566]"-I can feel it, Coming in the air tonight-"[/color]
"[sub]-oh lord...[/sub]" He finished as he recalled that man, but nothing else after that, not even how he got into Aperture.
Once he was done with his flashback, He then began to walk towards where the door was, pausing just in front it.
"...Well? You coming? Or do you expect me to carry you again?" He said in a manner that seemed like a joke.
It even came with a smile.


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

"I don't know, Pregnant Woman would have worked just as well..." Wesker said as Cortex went through the files.
[color=b4b4]"Oh baby...We hit the JACKPOT! The Data in this Core could be our ticket to getting back on our feet!"[/color] He exclaimed as he copied the data to his Max's computer and tried to access the unreadable files.
[color=b4b4]"Ohhhh...Think you can hide from Dr. Neo Cortex?! I don't think so!"[/color] He said as he began to try and pin them down, getting totally engrossed in his work as he did.
He wasn't going to leave that computer until he owned ALL of the Data!

As Cortex went about this thing, Wesker seemed uncomfortable, the incident with Mizune still very much on his mind.
Dani smiled as she could tell he remembered her. Atleast in some manner. "Ofcourse in coming along!" She said happily and ran over to him. "Hang on a minute. I've been through a few changes since we last met." The woman commented to him, allowing the tip of one of her fingers to open and letting a small black snake like tip pop out and fall to the ground, slithering away into the labs.
"I left a fragment of my consciousness in there, allowin me to still control the labs no matter where we are." She said, heavily resisting the urge to go and take his arm, resting her head on it. Instead, dani happily walked along side him, towards an elevator up and out.
"Thank you... You cannot tell how happy I am."
"The Vatican keeps many more secrets than a pregnant woman does." Was all Sana said to Wesker. Looking at herself, she pulled out the rosary around her neck and studied it. "Know what? I kind of like this garb... Think of all the religious garbage I could split while killing?" She said rather happy with herself.
"And before you ask, the inflight movie was boondock saints."

As cortex continued to try and get the files, the computer went to a blue screen. Before he could even think about turning it off, a series of faces appeared on the screen, flashing by too quickly to make anything of it. It eventually slowed and stopped on one that seemed eerily familiar to them. It was Luna, but something about her colors was wrong. The lucario had a black and grey color pattern with glowing red eyes, ones that didn't feel of revenge or hatred towards them. Next to it popped up a xenomorph queen, the same red eyes, then dani, a few others that they wouldn't recognize appeared on the screen, staring intently at cortex.
"Dr. Neo Shortex, you're going to listen and listen well. I'm going to need some form of transportation, to go pick up that potatoe of an A.I." The voice commanded, it sounded rather evil and hate filled.
Yet, before the doctor could flip out over the short joke, he began. "If you so much as raise a hand at me or try to save any of the files, I'm going to dump my sphere, along with the computers hardrive." She said, as cortex watched the files and folders disappear off the computer's hardrive.
"And I mean everything.... Including..." The faces shuttered at this thought. "All of bruisers sick and twisted porn... All 3000 hours of it..." She finished the threat. "And I know you're planning something big, you wouldn't steal these files otherwise."

"I want in." Said the evil copy.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Labs: Adel, Dani

"You're right, I can't" Adel snarked, already wondering if he was going to regret this.
He needed to stay focused on his search and on his training, having Dani around constantly begging for his attention would be an unwelcome interference.
"Know this: My only concern in finding the man who made my life the hell that it was and returning the suffering he gave to me. Nothing more. I hope I'm clear on that." He said as the lift went up towards the smoking crater that was left from the explosion mere hours earlier.


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

[color=b4b4]"AHHHHHHHHHHH! IT'S HER!!"[/color] Cortex panicked as he fell back off his seat in shock at seeing the Lucario again.
With memories of that tragic beatdown back during the Raid on Dillon's Private Island, he began to try and unplug the core.
Fuck the Money and Porn! It wasn't worth going through that again, the last time they'd met, he ended up in the Medical Wing for nearly a whole year!
Doom was walking by as the Luna Copy brought up threat of getting rid of "Bruiser's" Porn.
[color=004d]"DOOM'S STASH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"[/color] The true owner of "Lativerain Scat Vol. 1-423" cried as he attempted to stop Cortex from shutting down the core.
[color=b4b4]"OH FOR THE LOVE OF- DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS!?!?"[/color] He shouted as he pointed to the Monitor.
[color=004d]"....Didn't Doom put you in a Human Blender?..."[/color] He calmly asked, standing totally unfazed.
Then again, that could just be a lack of understanding the situation.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The beginning of a man-made Gehenna (Apocalypse). Shawn, Rusty, Kent Paul & The Mafia.
Location: Area 69: Surface.
Once getting foot upon the surface's sandy ground, Shawn and CO heard the broadcast. Then a nearby hatch opened, which the group checked due to curiosity, since it could scare the pants off everyone in the base. Looking down in the lifted shaft, they could see something un-describable but it was almost too dark to see it. Luckily the Wanderer's helmet saw exactly what it was, plus it was playing some kind of loud music. "Once more ... it would be better if you guys left." Shawn said as he turned back to the rising machine.

"GO!" He yelled back to them, insisting they would leave or something really bad would happen. The Suits once more knew what to do as they spotted a number of unmanned tanks, cars, APCs and other military vehicles. Kent and Rusty were scared out of their minds but they felt reluctant to leave their savior ... but ultimately left as they saw his piercing gaze. Sighing, Shawn tapped the "On" button for his Jetpack, leaped back and pulled out his Shishkebab called Soul.

"Today you might live up to your full name." He chucked as the dust danced around him.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Diablo1099 said:
The instantaneous and sudden transportation of the group to the exterior of the facility was more than a little unnerving to both the Vampire and the Hunter as they viewed the world outside the Prison Level for the first time. It was not the massive bipedal machine that caused the reluctant partners to pale, it was the fact that the blue heavens above the field of battle were clear. There was no sign of Overworld, a massive ring of rocky satellites that surrounded Middleworld and Underworld, nor was there sign of the crystalline spires that had been built upon the constellation of islands. Instead there a single solitary sun that shined through a few lazy clouds that floated aimlessly through the azure horizon.

bluecrimson said:
"Okay, okay.... This isn't as bad as it looks... Just need to find out what I need to do here..."
It was Devon's voice that broke Constance and Som from their stupor and brought the two back to the reality of the giant mechanical monstrocity that stood before them.

"Not a friend?" Som questioned the remainder of the group as he simultaneously drew Aureus from its holster. He was quite aware that his small arms fire would do little to the machine's armor except draw its attention, which was the principal intent of his actions.

"Doubt it!" The Cat-Eared Vampire responded in kind, her Shotgun already in her hands as she reached back to Teddy in order to retrieve a bundle of 12 gauge pulse ammunition.

[BLOOD MAGIC - Celerity] The Sorrowfeld Princess felt her hunger build as the blood in her veins left her body as she cast the spell that enhanced the quickness of her actions. Pumping the fore-end of her weapon, Constance ensured that it was empty before she swiftly loaded seven Pulse shells into the 12 Gauge.

As large as the metal beast before her was, Constance was sure that her attacks would do little in the way of permanent damage but her attacks should, theoretically, cause the Massive Nightmare to some problems as its systems recovered from her planned assault.


Constance's first attack against the beast cause a purple hued electrical discharge as the round found its mark.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Area 69: MIB Sector: Weapons Research: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

The young Ashford stared at the towering mecha, or rather the Metal Gear, as it swiped it's giant bladed "arms" at the group and blasted it's "theme song" out of it's built-in speakers. David recognized very well where it was from, but he felt that it was... wrong for it to be here. Being in the world of Grand Theft Auto, specifically San Andreas? Sure, he could deal with it. A group of characters from different "fictitious" universes? Okay, not so bad. But a comic book villain riding a Metal Gear? That caused the Ashworth to snap, for some reason or another, despite this situation being somewhat similar to the others.

[color=9BBED5]"Are you serious?"[/color] David said in a quiet, monotone voice. His eyes twitched, as did his hand, which was reaching for his pistol, forgetting that Ton Ton was on his shoulder, and disregarding the new faces in the group. [color=9BBED5]"Are you serious?"[/color] He repeated once more, before pulling out his pistol, and fired at Excelsus's cockpit with a rage-filled cry of [color=9BBED5]"NO!"[/color] every time he pulled the trigger, despite it doing practically nothing but bouncing off it's extremely durable exterior.

Once the cylinder was empty, he tossed the gun to the side, and drew his hunting knife, pointing it menacingly at the titanic automaton. [color=9BBED5]"YOU SON OF A *****! WHAT DO YOU FUCKING THINK YOU'RE DOING?! HUH?! WHERE DO YOU GET THE GALL?!"[/color] David shouted in absolute fury. [color=9BBED5]"I'M GONNA KILL YOU! I'M GOING TO RIP OPEN THAT FUCKING OVERSIZED TIN-CAN, AND I'LL STAB SO MANY KNIVES INTO YOU, THAT YOU'LL LOOK LIKE A FUCKING CENOBITE REJECT!"[/color]

Hadrian certainly heard the young man's ranting, but he was too busy trying to find a way to damage the thing. He leapt up and gripped onto an oncoming leg, trying to climb onto it's main body. His teeth rattled when it came down, nearly bucking him off. [color=BF750B]"Oho! You're a tough one, whatever you are! But I've dealt with worse than you!"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: MIB Sector: Weapons Research: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

Devon responded back to Som in a rather blunt tone. "Not at all. It may seem a bit terse, but more important things were important, like the massive list of weaknesses.

Weaknesses like sushi bars, long walks on ocean beaches, baby birds crying for food, All of the known digits of the letter pi... In short, most of the weaknesses he was seeing were utterly useless. "The fuck is shillelagh oil supposed to be?!" He continued the search with added vigor so he could get something usable to pass to the rest of the group.

Ella did her part by blasting the areas that Constance was targeting to help chip away at the armoring. After all, there was no way she wanted to get anywhere near the legs of that machine, and she would have a lot more mobility in the air. Plus, the ground combat was already rather crowded.

Melethia rolled back and handed David the throwing knife she had lent him earlier again. "It's well-made, but I'll tell you if I can find the ***** in its armor. Could someone stop with the sound, though?" Apparently she hadn't heard much of speakers...

Finally, Slindis continued chipping away at the leg that was nearest, keeping the knowledge that it could easily step on her in her head the whole time. Since she was farthest from Hadrian, it would help split the focus.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Aperture Labs: Adel, Dani

"You're right, I can't" Adel snarked, already wondering if he was going to regret this.
He needed to stay focused on his search and on his training, having Dani around constantly begging for his attention would be an unwelcome interference.
"Know this: My only concern in finding the man who made my life the hell that it was and returning the suffering he gave to me. Nothing more. I hope I'm clear on that." He said as the lift went up towards the smoking crater that was left from the explosion mere hours earlier.


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

[color=b4b4]"AHHHHHHHHHHH! IT'S HER!!"[/color] Cortex panicked as he fell back off his seat in shock at seeing the Lucario again.
With memories of that tragic beatdown back during the Raid on Dillon's Private Island, he began to try and unplug the core.
Fuck the Money and Porn! It wasn't worth going through that again, the last time they'd met, he ended up in the Medical Wing for nearly a whole year!
Doom was walking by as the Luna Copy brought up threat of getting rid of "Bruiser's" Porn.
[color=004d]"DOOM'S STASH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"[/color] The true owner of "Lativerain Scat Vol. 1-423" cried as he attempted to stop Cortex from shutting down the core.
[color=b4b4]"OH FOR THE LOVE OF- DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS!?!?"[/color] He shouted as he pointed to the Monitor.
[color=004d]"....Didn't Doom put you in a Human Blender?..."[/color] He calmly asked, standing totally unfazed.
Then again, that could just be a lack of understanding the situation.
"Sure, I'll help you achieve your goal by any means possible." Dani said, standing in the elevator with him, her tone shifting to a more serious one. "I've already called up a shuttle from aperture's hangar. It'll take us wherever you want to go." She said as the elevator arrived up at the top floor, receiving center which was busted open. A corner of the room was wide open to the crater and already had a few corpses littering the ground. In corners of the room, not seen until it was too later, were three turrets. Walking past one, dani patted the robotic servant on the head. "Good boy." It let out a cheerful little tone As they left out and up into the crater.

Looking up, they heard a roar as the Kodiak drop shuttle came around and hovered a foot off the ground, waiting for them. The side of it opened and dani hopper in and gestured for adel to do the same.
"Seems I miscalculated my appearance." Said the faces as they were removed down to a girl who appeared to be maybe 18 with dark red hair and the red eyes still staring at them.
"This better I take it?" She asked.
Cortex nodded slowly, but doom was left even more confused.
"You copied the original data sphere. It held all the data in the labs, as well as me. Smooth going." She said, looking at Sana. Anyways, I can tell yore probably plotting something big and I want in on it. But as to why you saw faces, I'm made up of many you once may have known in order to form a greater whole. You may know this from your little pit project cortex. But as to my idealology compared to my original, I'm more yin to a small portion of yang. My original is more yang than yin." She explained to them.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Area 69: MIB Sector: Weapons Research: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg


As David A. began his ranting against the Metal Gear, Ton Ton found himself a bit unbalanced on the young Ashford's shoulder, almost looking to fall over.

Cadolbolg climbed out of Devon's shirt and took to the air as the bard began searching the mech for weaknesses, and sensed his pact partner's panic on David's shoulder. Looking around, he saw the Tonberry, and swooped in, finally catching Ton Ton as the fell from David (who was still very distracted by Melethia and the mech).

[color=15650D]"Nice catch! But what are you doing here? Weren't you with Devon? And who are some of these people?"[/color]
"It's a long story. I'll catch you up with them when it's all over, okay?"
[color=15650D]"Very well. Now lets try to take out those speakers, everyone says it's driving them crazy."[/color]

With a small nod, the reunited Cutie Bruisers began whirling around the mech, the turtle dragon baby shooting fire and lightning at it's body while they looked for the speakers.

Angelus, on the other hand, noticed very quickly that they were now in open air, and ran to her pact partner 'sending', "Caim, my mask!"
"Dragon, I am in the middle of trying to get this damn thing to charge it's magic, I'm a little busy right now!"

Indeed, Caim was chopping away at one of the mech's legs, trying to build a charge in Slaughterism [] (and try to follow Constance's lead in shooting some lightning magic of his own) when the dragon-turned-human had arrived; and looked particularly irritated that the blade was not having as much of an effect as he would have liked. The Dragon rolled her eyes and said, "Just give me the damn mask, and I'll get you up top it?"

Caim paused for a moment at the thought, before being yanked out the way by Angelus, as the mech moved to try and crush him and the warrior gave a nod, reaching into the Armory and procuring what the dragon wanted, "Make it quick."

The next thing anyone could see, a brilliant red dragon with a mortal rider appeared, and the fully restored Angelus let out a great roar before shouting, "I believe a rematch between the two of us is due!"

Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

Teri gave Jenny a small nod and whispered in a mildly jovial, [color=0E59E4]"Very true. What bugs me though is that no matter what cool thing or place we get into, it tries to kill us! It'd be nice if we could go somewhere and not cause, or be part of, a disaster, you know?"[/color]

The Cleric's mild bit of meta humor was cut short when Dimitri took over the Intercom again and shouted, [color=3897E0]
"Ah, I found the room you are questing for, Madam! When you come to another intersection, turn right! The pathway will lead you to a holding area! And make haste! Something called the METAL GEAR: EXCELUS has launched! The troops have made motion to take care of it, but in their panicked state, you may very well get caught in the crossfire!"

Were the Cleric not holding onto a running direwolf, she would have stopped in her tracks do the sheer weight of that statement. Her mouth hung slack for a moment before shouting, [color=0E59E4]"You gotta be kidding me. THEY HAVE A FUCKING METAL GEAR?!"[/color]
"Language, Madam, your father is right over there-"
[color=0E59E4]"I don't think he cares right now!"[/color]
"Regardless, you should let your 'Alien' friend know, right..?'"

Taking a face to a palm, Teri gave a nod, and shouted, [color=0E59E4]"Take the next right! Your ship is there!"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

Known Vulnerabilities for [color=red][b]MG EXCELSUS[/b][/color]: Weak against Ninjas, Weak against EMP, Armor around joints can be broken to reveal weak spots in the armor, Removing the legs will hinder movement, It's a Giant Enemy Crab, Attack it's Weak Point for Massive Damage
The Pulse rounds from Constance caused the OS inside the Mech to flicker slightly, much to Deadshot's annoyance.
"OI! CUT THAT SHIT OUT! THIS IS A RENTAL!" He shouted at the Vampire before attempted to swipe her with the large blades, the Catgirl's speed making it more than a challenge.
"STAND STILL AND LET ME KILL YOU! Come on! I'm in a good mood right now, don't ruin it!" He shouted as Melethia and Slindis attacked the legs of the Mech, not really having much effect.
It was then that they noticed the protective armor near the joints where the leg connected to the body and how fragile the metal behind it was.
It would take some climbing, but if they could break one of those armor plates...

It was then that Shawn made his appearance, using his stolen jetpack to fly around in the air with Ella.
"Well, Well, Well. Didn't get the hint back in San Fierro, did ya? Hahahah! Going to need a LOT more than a Lawn Mower Blade to get through this badboy!" He taunted the Wanderer as Ella's Projectiles barely made a dent in the armor around the cockpit.
He kept up his laughter until Angelus came into View, the Dragon from the Train Station that came within inches of killing him.
"...Oh...Thought I took care of you. Ah Well, It's doesn't matter. 2 Words: Plasma. Cannon. Mother. FUCKER!" He stated as he resumed his laughter while 2 large cannons unfolded above the Cockpit and started to Charge for a big attack next turn.

"MUAHAHAHAH-...Eh? HEY, GET OFF MY MECH, FURBALL!" They then heard as one of the front legs began to rise and fall, smashing into the ground in an attempt to shake Hadrian off like a flea in the wolf's fur.
Hearing the ranting from David Ashford, he retorted "Oh look, A cockroach. Better Smush it!" before trying to bring down the leg Hadrian was on right down on top of the student!

Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

Rugal paused dead in his tracks when he heard Metal Gear.
"Metal Gear!?....Those unbelievable fucking Hypocrites! And after pushing so hard to outlaw them internationally, they keep making their own!? "Ohhh, We can't allow Nuclear Platforms to be constructed. It's not moral, But it's okay when we do it!" Tch! Goddamn Politicians..." He shouted, recalling how hard selling those things was back during his Arms Dealing days, thanks to US Efforts.
"Rugal! Nevermind that! If that madman has...Whatever that thing is, that can't be good." Jenny said, drilling the gravity of the situation into him.
"You're right. Dimitri, Path to the nearest Surface Elevator, ASAP!" He ordered as the Alien seemed confused by what was going on.
"I owe you a great deal. If we meet again, I will greatly repay you for your kindness." He said to the Cleric before running off as they made their way back topside.