The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Leaving Aperture Site: Adel, Dani

"....Alright...I think I know just where to go..." Adel said as he joined Dani in her hovercraft.
"Set the course for Berlin, Germany. I'm going to meet my father...."

*Shakes Magic 8 Ball of Writers Block*


Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

[color=b4b4]"...What plan? All I was going to do was sell the Data so we could move out of there and get an actual Evil Scheme going. And Hell, I only stole this Data so I could try and set up the death of this Woman back when she called me short."[/color] Cortex said truthfully, confessing to trying to kill Sana.
[color=004d]"Wait...Wasn't Bison running for Prime Minister?"[/color]
[color=b4b4]"...Okay, how the hell did you get "Bison running for Prime Minister" from "Bison wanting to run for President of the United States?"[/color]
[color=004d]"WE'RE IN AMERICA!? Fuck, Doom thought we went to Australia!"[/color]
[color=b4b4]"...Can you guys Lobotomize him or something? Because...Christ..."[/color] Cortex sighed.
[color=b4b4]"Look, Bison does have some sort of scheme going, but the rest of us are just trying to get by until that starts paying off."[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

"That's four words!"

With a growl, Angelus' jaws began to fill with flame as she aimed a heavy fireball for one of the cannons. In the meantime, Caim lept from the Dragon's back, and swapped out Hymir's Finger on the mech, a resounding Clang filling the air as the heavy hunk of iron hit the mech.

Ton Ton and Cadolbolg, on the other hand, finally managed to find the speakers, and in a flurry of well placed KNIFEing and fireballs, managed to get the loud music out of the party members' heads, most likely boosting morale for all!

Area 69: MIB Sector: Research Lab: Rugal, Jenny, Teri, "Alien"

"Get out of this hallway and go straight, then you'll find your elevator! Hurry! D:"

Teri gave a nod to the Alien, and with her Direwolf in tow, shouted back, [color=0E59E4]"Best of luck on your journey!"[/color], before running off with Jenny and Rugal to the surface


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

"Finally, something relevant! Everyone, use EMPs if you have them, and attack the joints if you can't to expose the armor. Also, if any of you took a level in Ninja, that might be able to help. Ella, Ashworth, Som, Constance, Hadrian, follow up with the others." After shouting that out, he tried calling to his best imps in the hopes that they would come soon, but there wasn't all that much of a hope of them getting there in time.

Ella grinned on seeing the cannon and started launching some blasts around the barrel area in the hopes that she could get something there, although it was a slim chance of succeeding. "Of COURSE they invest everything they have in their weapons. Forget the schools and infrastructure."

Melethia grinned on seeing the armor around the joints-it was too well made. whoever designed this didn't want anything getting past it. This naturally meant that this was exactly where she wanted to focus, and she jumped on the leg to chop at the metal with her handaxe. Although the armor was well-made, the handaxe was able to slowly but surely able to make a gash that grew into a hole...

Slindis, on the other hand, jumped up on another leg and began punching through the metal near one of the joints. ALone, she wouldn't have been able to have much of an effect. The handwraps she had on, though, were able to enhance her blows enough to make short work of her set-out goal. [color=c200]"And the Flame said investigating the Saltire District was a fruitless task."[/color] For a moment, her thoughts drifted to the mysterious disappearances in that middle class district which had altogether too many acid-breathing hounds and aberrations of nature there before looking at where she could focus next.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
I did not receive a quote.
The Wanderer temporary loses his "Lone". Shawn & everyone else Vs.
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS
Location: Area 69: Surface.
Looking at his former pray turned hunter, Shawn looked at the machine from the air, not eager to get into combat at all ... yet. Seeing the giant group below him, Shawn seems to be glad to have this new flying contraption that he will examine later. Pausing his flight for now he flew back down to the main group and turned his pack off with one flick. "Need to find David." Shawn muttered as he made his way through the group and found the cop.

"Give me a sit-rep and quick ... possible weaknesses too." Shawn's voice was calm but very demanding. "It looks like he is going to get the finale he wants." Shawn also said in a soft voice, but pulled out the Tesla-Beaton prototype in his inventory, but also hot keyed the Fat-Man called "Esther" to the number one slot.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

Time seemed to slow for David, as EXCELSUS's gigantic leg came down upon him. It's looming shadow enveloped the young Ashworth, seeming to freeze him in place. Any irrational anger that he had left was replaced with awe as he stood there, staring.

[color=9BBED5]'Is... this it?'[/color] The young Ashworth lifted his hand, reaching out to touch the approaching metallic appendage. [color=9BBED5]'Am I... going to die?'[/color] The moment he touched it, time sped back up, and within seconds, the Ashworth was crushed, a sickening squelch and a splash of blood punctuating his demise.

His parents never found out where their only child disappeared off to, and some of the members of the Rising Dawn offered short prayers to his passing, while others simply didn't care much, and moved on there never-ending journey.
And so ends the life of David Scryer Ashworth, forgotten in both his homeworld, and by the people he met...



David's breathing was becoming more haggard, and his eyes had become increasingly dilated as these thoughts raced through his head. However, unbeknownst to him, the leg had come to a halt, the tip of it a scant few inches from his comparatively tiny noggin.

[color=9BBED5][sub]"But I can't die... Not now..."[/sub][/color] He said quietly. His head felt like something was trying to get out, gnawing at his brain, and clawing at it. He fell on one knee, grasping at his head in agony. [color=9BBED5]"I REFUSE TO DIE LIKE THIS!"[/color]

As he cried out, the pain vanished, and the amulet's shuddering stopped abruptly. EXCELSUS' leg, having been frozen in the air, creaked as it's intended trajectory was altered unwillingly, and resumed it's movement, splitting the ground, as opposed to the student.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Non-EXCELSUS Post! Shawn & everyone else Vs.
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS
Location: Area 69: Surface.
"I think the situation speaks for itself!" David West shouted from his cover over the battle as Shawn asked for what was going on.
"Devon says it's weak to EMP and that the Joints are it's weak spot, but we ain't getting a crack at them with those Armor Plates in the way!" He explained as he opened fire on the Cockpit with just as much effect as he thought it would: Nothing.
"Dammit! I can't do shit against this thing!" He shouted in anger, not liking the fact that once again he would be sitting on the sidelines for this fight.

Sighing defeated, he then glanced out over the desert and remembered something.
"...The SAM Sites...Wanderer, I have a REALLY bad idea...Follow me!" He said as he sprinted towards one of the bases 4 Surface to Air Missile Batteries.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Bad idea commence. Shawn & everyone else Vs.
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS
Location: Area 69: Surface.
Noting the weaknesses, Shawn thought about using his Pulse Grenades to slow it down whilst destroying or at least trying to destroy the legs. "I have my own attack plan, but usually bad plans tend to end well in my world." Shawn commented as he sprinted alongside with David. The Wanderer did not like leaving the group behind, but at least they will be a good distraction whilst they try to do something that will affect the bloody robot.

"But man that thing is big ... and I thought Liberty Prime was big." Shawn spoke as he still ran, not gaining a sweat or losing any stamina. "I wonder if I can attach some things to these things." Shawn said as the two approached the SAM sites. Unfortunately Shawn did not know anything about modern military devices.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

"!!! WHAT THE PISS?! HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" Deadshot shouted at David Ashford after he somehow managed to stop his stomp attack dead in it's tracks.
"God, Why does everything I try to kill pull some shit out of their ass like that?!" He cursed as the flashing alerts finally reached him.
A quick flick through the OS showed that Caim, Melethia, Slindis and Hadrian were trying to expose the Joints that the Armor Plates were hiding.
"Oh No you don't. Launching Kidnappers!" He said as he did just that, several hatches opening up and firing Metal Disks into the air around the mech.
The Kidnappers then Hovered around, pestering their efforts with small arms fire and by firing a claw at them, trying to latch onto them and pull them off the surface of the machine.

[color=red][i]"-The fires will burn in their defeat!
The human heart is obsolete!
Breaking down the fabric of society!
Collective Consciousness controls what you wil[/i]-BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT![/color]
Cadolbolg and Ton Ton's efforts were able to smash the speakers shut down the blaring music that filled the battleground, enraging the Assassin to no end.
"OH WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?! Could have gone for the Cannons, the Blades, the Legs even, but Noooooooooooo. Just had to be a Buzzkill and hit the speakers. Pricks!" He shouted as he took a few swings at them with the Huge Blades, trying to swat them like flies.

Speaking of the Cannons, While Ella and Angelus was able to take one offline for the moment, the other one was able to able to charge.
"Alright! I've always wanted to do this-*ahem* IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR! BLARRGGGGGGGG!" The pilot played along as a extremely powerful orange beam of Super Heated Plasma, on par with Famed Dragon Fire began to sweep through the skies in attempt to hit any of the airborne attackers.
For a moment there, it was about to score a direct hit on the Dragon, least before it seemed to hit a invisible wall in front of her.
"Eh!?...OH COME ON! THAT WAS A DIRECT HIT! YOU SHOULD BE ASH RIGHT NOW!" The assassin complained as Jenny smugly kept a Reflect Barrier around the Dragon to cover her blindsides as she flew around, seeing how she was a much larger target then Ella.

As this was going on, Rugal was already quickly making up for lost time by climbing up one of the Legs, attracting the attention of the kidnappers in the process.
Despite being peppered with small arms fire and having more then a few claws digging into his flesh, He was able to sever the wires quickly and remained on it, Hammering down on the armor as hard as he could, already seeing cracks emerge,

SAM Sites Shawn & David West
Location: Area 69: Surface.
Once he reached the Battery, David West started to go to work, using his gun to blow holes in the battery around key structural areas.
"Right, This is the dumbest thing I've ever came up with, but I think that if I can take apart this SAM Launcher, I *MIGHT* be able to fire a missile." He explained as he went about trying to take down the metal.
"Oooooooooooookay...Get me some explosives, C4, Dynamite, RPG Missiles, whatever you got , Some Duct Tape...And something to drink if you can spare it." He ordered the Wanderer, clearly this was going to be moronically stupid...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Choices. Shawn & David West
Location: Area 69: Surface.
Listening to David carefully, Shawn looked around in his Pip-Boy. "Ugh, I'll give you ... some C4 ..." Shawn said as a pile of 15 bulks of C4 landed in front of David. "Some dynamite ..." The Wanderer said once more and another pile appeared but was around 20 sticks of Dynamite. "I would like to keep my other ammo so here is all I can spare." Shawn muttered as a pile full of 15 to 20 missiles and a pile of 10 mini-nukes, different types.

Sighing, Shawn also pulled out some tape and quickly gave it to David. "Let me just get working on that drink." He rubbed his helmet and turned around. David from his perceptive could see raising steam, small explosions and the smell of a fruity cocktail in the air. "Here, my homemade Atomic Cocktail!" Shawn announced as he returned with a rocket shaped drink.

"It will give you resistance to energy, fire and a bit of radiation. Like ten teeny tiny particles." Shawn said as he made a 1cm distance between his fingers representing the small amount of radiation he is talking about. Giving the weird bottle of green liquid to David, he could also see the signature of the Wanderer below the drink name "Shawn Pitt".

"Don't worry, it tastes like wasteland fruit."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Missiles and Booze Shawn & David West
Location: Area 69: Surface.
Once Shawn presented the drink, David instantly knocked it back, clearly need the liquid courage for what he was planning to do.
"Ahhhh...Tastes like...Flat Cola..." He remarked as he counted the amount of explosives that Shawn seemed to pull out of his ass.
"Right...These will do. Okay, You can go on ahead. I've got this here." He said as he blasted the SAM Site with his M500 again, dislodging one of the Missile Tubes with the Firing Trigger still in it.
"...What...Exactly are you doing?"
"What I'm hoping to do is to take the Missile in this tube, duct tape those bombs to it, load it up and fire it. With some luck, I might even survive. Now go!" David explained as he kept mumbling how fucking retarded this idea was.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
"It's pronounced EMP, not E.M.P" Shawn & David West
Location: Area 69: Surface.
Shrugging about how this will work, Shawn decided to place his faith in the vengeful Cop. Activating his Jetpack, Shawn remembered something and quickly turned around. "Oh and here, it might do something good." Shawn said as he chucked a Pulse Grenade towards David and then kicking up the dust as he launched off the ground. Getting out to his Tesla Cannon once more, The Wanderer is going to join the fight.

A couple of seconds later in the middle of the fight, Shawn came out of thin air and decided to attack one of the legs nobody was on. A giant laser made out of white lightning hit the extra leg and Shawn flew by with his giant Tesla Cannon, giving the cockpit of the Metal Gear a middle finger.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluerocker said:
"I believe a rematch between the two of us is due!"
The sight of the Red Dragon diving through the skies caused Som Waterford to display a sense of emotion for the first time since his and Constance's arrival on this plane, where ever it was. Since its inception, the Hunter's Authority had hunted many of Middleworld's dragons to the point that they had either become endangered or extinct. Seeing a Dragon flying before his eyes further reinforced that they were no longer where he and Constance should have been. If this was the case then his task would end in ruination and Middleworld would -

Daft Sikes said:
[color=9BBED5]"I refuse to DIE LIKE THIS![/color]
The yell of defiance drew Som's attention away from the airborne crimson reptile as he witnessed the metal monstrosity's leg being deflected to the side by a mere human boy and landing not too far from where Som's location.

StormShaun said:
Give me a sit-rep and quick ... possible weaknesses too."
bluecrimson said:
"Everyone, use EMPs if you have them, and attack the joints if you can't to expose the armor."
[AGRO-BATICS] Breaking into a long strided run, the Hunter started moving like a fast moving current of water as he opted to roll over a mangled four wheeled metal vehicle rather than run around it. Before the machine had a chance to lift its leg back into the air, the Hunter was upon it, grabbing a piston and transferring his forward momentum upwards as he began his assent towards the creature's knee joint.

Once he was at the desired location, he took the remainder of the explosive putty that he had mixed while caged within the cell and began wedging it within the moving gears, allowing it to be spread about fast than if he had done it by hand.

[ALCHEMY] While the putty could have exploded on its own, a blast of blazing white phosphorous would have caused an even larger reaction.

"CONSTANCE! DRAGON'S BREATH HERE!" The Hunter barked as he began his descent back to the ground, his desire to be around the knee joint when the Vampire shot the leg near nil.

Diablo1099 said:
For her part, the Cat Eared Vampire known as Constance Sorrowfeld found herself fighting not only the monstrous crablike machine, but fighting off fear's embrace as she moved around the field of battle, her motions a blur as she maintained her [CELERITY] spell. She had never really been in any fights growing up and it was not until recently that she had found herself up to the tips of her ears in battle. With tears caused by the gut wrenching fear that tore at her gut, Constance tried to concentrate on avoiding the machine's crushing feet as she maintained her fire upon the machine, her rounds appearing to do more and more damage with each shot.

"(Don't die today. Don't die today. Don't die today.)" She told herself over and over as she reloaded her weapon whilst on the run, dropping more than a few of the Pulse Shells from her trembling fingers.


Another of the Excelsus' large blades came crashing down in front of the Vampire, who was too engrossed in reloading her weapon that she ran straight into the flat of the blade, the impact sending her to the ground. The world wavered for an eternity as the blade was hauled back into the air to begin its crashing decent through Constance's body.


The blade slammed into the ground, missing the young raven haired Vampire completely as its aim was ruined by the deflected leg caused by a young human boy, much to the relief of Constance. Picking herself off the ground and renewing her [CELERITY], the young girl saw her unlikely traveling companion wedging something into the metal mountain's knee joint before turning to her.


Nodding, Constance pumped the Shotgun's fore-end to eject the Pulse Cartridges she had already loaded before reaching back to Teddy, who had the Dragon's Breath shells ready to load. Running at her top speed, the girl loaded her weapon, this time with a sense of purpose as her fingers did not drop any of the shells that they jammed into the fire arm's receiver.

[AMATEUR SHOTGUN SURGEON]"HEY! I HOPE YOU GOT INSURANCE ON THAT THING!" Constance called out, hoping that the vehicle's driver would be able hear her as she aimed at the Excelsus' knee joint and pulled the shotgun's trigger.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashford), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

The grappling attacks seemed to be rather successful on Melethia, with enough of them grabbing her and knocking her to the ground with a rather painful THUD. Still, no longtime journeymen had given up at the first failure, and Melethia wasn't about to give in just yet. Seeing that they were about to try to drag her into the reach of one the trampling feet, she did her best to replace her longsword for her kukri - an effort hindered by the machines doing their best to limit her mobility. "This is a fun bit of luck!"

The explosions certainly didn't help her struggle, and the more she fought, the more feral she seemed to become.


Devon cursed the slowness of his magical recovery as he quickly thought of spells to use. Shout would have been a nice one to use, but he was still straining to regain his energy. Glitterdust would have been another nice one, but again he was too drained to use that. Grease? No, it would mainly interfere with the rest of the group. Blink? Possible, but that was more defensive during a time when an extra offensive push might turn the tide.

And he knew exactly what that offensive push would be. "Come on, everyone. These are times where champions are forged, so show this bastard our grit!" It may have been a short speech, but it was enough to drive the others there further.

Devon Inspired Courage in the group! All of the allies in the immediate area can now hit easier and with more power, and they are all braver.

Bard Songs left: 9
After that statement, he ran over to David Ashworth's side as he prepared to make some major holes in the machine with his shortsword.


Slindis was able to avoid most of the grappling hooks even though she was clinging onto the leg of the machine, and more punishing blows were delivered to the armor casing. In addition, the bullets, although they certainly hurt, weren't enough to break her concentration as she continued to work at opening a hole. [color=c200]"Watch those explosives, rookies! I've got this leg!"[/color] Her barked out orders were clearly directed at Constance and Som, and the added benefits of the song were enough to push her efforts to the point of severely cracking, charring, and pitting the armoring.


Finally, Ella glared as the blast got within inches of blasting her with only Jenny's Reflect barrier saving her. "That's it, I'm coming for the other one!" With that, she dive bombed down to the second barrel and hacked at the wires leading to the barrel with her kama in an attempt to sever them.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashworth), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

Hadrian growled in irritation, as one of the drones launched grappling hooks, which grabbed onto his suit jacket. When it tried yanking him off, all it did was make a large tear in his suit, and revealing the armor he wore beneath. It tried once more, joined with another drone, launching their hooks. Hadrian leaned to the side, evading the first hook and grabbing onto it's metal cord. With a yank, the drone flew through the air towards him, and with it's momentum, began spinning it over it his head. The second drone fired it's grappling hook, only to be intercepted by the first, which Hadrian threw.

The impact lead to the drone exploding, raining down bits of shrapnel below, and obscuring the remaining one's vision. Through the cloud of smoke, came a wave of ice magic. The Kidnapper was frozen solid, and fell to the ground below, shattering into many pieces. [color=BF750B]"THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS UP MY SUIT, YOU FLYING METAL RATS!"[/color]

With Devon's little speech, Hadrian continued his assault with increased fervor, dodging more hooks and bullets, and cutting at the armor in a wild frenzy.


Down on ground level, David Ashworth was sitting flat on his ass, staring at the crater where the leg smashed down, wondering what the hell he just did. Devon came up beside the Ashworth scion, his weapon ready. He looked at the Bard, looking positively stupefied.

[color=9BBED5]"...I don't suppose you could tell me what happened just now?"[/color]

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
[color=c200]"Watch those explosives, rookies!"[/color]
Peering towards the source of the insult, Som saw that the individual who had shot the comment towards Constance and himself was a Drow. Biting his tongue, the Hunter made no comment nor did he attempt to defend himself against a lesser creature. As he continued the flow in and out of the area with his running and tumbling, he made a mental note of the individuals that fought the machine. A Dragon, Two Elves, A Succubus, A Werewolf, A Miniature Dragon and a Lizard Thing armed with a knife. If the Hunter's Authority knew of the existence of such a group back in their realm, there would have been a Hunt called on this group for the existence of such a team would not be tolerated.

They were not, however, in Som and Constance's realm and the Hunter's Authority did not exist here. Sanctum did not exist here. What did exist here was a team of humans and non-humans that fought against a machine that appeared to be more advanced than any that Som had seen on Middleworld.

As he approached another of the crablike machination's legs, the Hunter found himself being diverted by a fallen object that shattered into icy shards upon impact. Looking upwards, he saw the Werewolf furiously cutting at the machine's knee joint.

"(Sanctum would have my head if they saw what I am about to do.)" Som thought to himself as he started another ascent up the leg, this time using a line that had become tangled around the leg to swing up to where the armor clad lupine was attacking.

Drawing his blade, the Hunter's weapon morphed into a spear that was plunged into a ***** within the machine's armor that the Werewolf had created. Pushing upwards, the Hunter pried a section of the armored plate off of the knee and exposed a portion of the mechanics underneath.

Below the two, Constance continued to weave her way around the machine's attacks, the hunger inside of her increasing as she continued the battle.

[color=B87333]"How about an aperitif, Miss Sorrowfeld?"[/color] Teddy suggested from behind Constance as he sensed her growing hunger combined with the knowledge that the group that the his owner was fighting in conjunction with would find the act of his vampiric owner feeding upon one of their number quite displeasing.

"Oh-Okay." Constance panted as she came to a skidding stop that caused a fair amount of dust to be kicked up onto Devon and David's clothing, a juice box filled with body temperature blood in her hand. She would have apologized to the two humans that she had kicked dust upon but it would have been rude considering the fact that her mouth was full.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Area 69: Surface Base: David (West), Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Melethia, Slindis, David (Ashworth), Devon, Ella, Constance, Som, Hadrian, Cadolbolg
Deadshot /W. MG EXCELSUS

Devon shook his head as he stabbed at one of the limbs of the machine. "Afraid I can't, but I'll take it." He would have said more, but the dust kicked up caused him to cough a bit to get the grit out of his mouth. Gah, focus! You need to make sure that thing can't hit the others, others like... Oh shit. With the dust fading, he could see a thrashing Melethia slowly being dragged by what seemed to be 7 Kidnappers towards one of the stomping areas.

"Talk later. Other things now!" Losing all sense of manners by nearly knocking down the vampire, he sprinted to the area where Melethia was being dragged in an attempt to stop the girl from being killed.

Slindis just tried to search for the needed parts to take down, having finally broken through the plating. That is, while she still worked at dodging the grappling hooks while clinging to the leg, which meant all of her focus had to be on this.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
"Talk later. Other things now!"
Continuing to drink from the Blood Box that Teddy had given her, Constance Sorrowfeld watched in amazement as she witnessed something that she had never witnessed previously, a human lending assistance to a non-human. The little experience she had with humans had been stained with looks of disgust and mistreatment and attempts on her life. It was because of this that Maximilian and Harlow Sorrowfeld thought it a necessity to locate the best instructors that could teach their daughter how to defend herself against human aggression.

The sight of the bard assisting the sea green haired elf made Constance want to help them in any way that she could as she handed the now empty blood container to Teddy, who consumed it for reuse later.

[BLOOD MAGIC - CELERITY] Drawing on the new blood that coursed its way through her veins, the Sorrowfeld Clan Princess started running, pumping the fore-end of her shotgun a number of times until she was sure the weapon was empty.

"Teddy, could I have some Pulse Rounds please." Constance asked her backpack as she reached back and was handed the requested ammunition. Quickly, the girl reloaded the firearm while on the run, passing the bard as she did.

"Grab the elf, I'll take care of those 'Capture Machines.'" The Vampire girl said before she increased the speed at which she ran and took aim at the first of the Kidnappers.

[AMATEUR SHOTGUN SURGEON] *BOOM!* Constance's weapon spoke as she pulled its trigger and sent a Pulse round at its intended target. As the Pulse Round struck the small machine, the projectile's true payload discharged and emitted a purple colored pulse of energy that shorted out the machine's fragile components and caused it to fall to the Earth.

Closing in on the group and their captive, Constance pulled the trigger 6 more times, pumping the Shotgun between each pull of the trigger in quick succession, so quick that the report of the weapon and the sound of the weapon being pumped blended into one sound.


Around the green-haired elf, the machines fell from the sky almost in unison as each one was struck by Constance's onslaught. By the time Constance had run past the cluster of robots, Melethia found herself in free fall.

"GRAB HER!" The Vampire called out towards the Bard, the speed at which she was traveling making it near impossible to turn around and get back to the elf in time.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Blast Off To Titan said:
Devon didn't need to be told twice as he got underneath the young elf, almost slipping himself as he caught her. "Sorry about that, Mel... Are you okay?" He was clearly showing a good bit of concern for her as he brushed her off. This attention was clearly something that he felt a bit awkward in doing, although he really did mean the best by it.

"I'm better than that fool in the machine will be in a few moments, but thanks. I'll try to be quick, but it's better if I take out that leg I was working on in the start." She darted around the stomping legs and shots being delivered by Som as she made her way to the leg she'd targeted. Once up there, she used her now drawn kukri and handaxe to good effect as she chopped away at the area near the casing some more. That'll be the weakest spot thanks to the stress of the mrtal being punched through there. Let's see how weak, though...

Finally, Devon called out to the raven-haired girl still speeding around. "Thank you so much for helping me help her, Constance. It means a good bit to me, and I'll try to repay the favor." Of course, he didn't know she was a vampire, and thus what that might mean.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
"Thank you so much for helping me help her, Constance. It means a good bit to me, and I'll try to repay the favor."
Constance gave a slight nod in the Bard's general direction as she watched the Hunter assist Hadrian in their attempt to disable the giant Excelsus. This was the very person that had not only kept her alive after the attack on her family's ancestral home but had made her regret not staying in the home during the attack by making her life a nightmare with his the constancy of his attitude towards her and non-humans like her and he was perched atop one of the knee joints wedging open an armor panel so that the Werewolf could continue his rapid fire assault on the more fragile components.

"(Perhaps there's some hope for him.)" The Cat-Eared Vampire thought before turning her full attention to Devon.

"Right. We should keep it up instead of patting each other on the back, huh?" She said, her lips curving slightly upwards into the smallest of smiles before she started looking for ways that she could assist the group of strangers.

Seeing the Winged Succubus in the air, the young Vampirette waved her arms in an attempt to vie for her attention. She needed to get closer to where the more important components were located, higher up near where the machine's controller would be.

"HEY! CAN YOU GIVE ME A LIFT UP THERE?" Constance called out and pointed towards the top of the monstrocity. Knowing that she would also need a way to penetrate the armor she also motioned to Som.


Already busy with a task of his own, Som grunted in response and tossed the remainder of his premixed suppy of the explosive to his unwilling travel companion.

"THANKS!" She responded as she caught the ball of putty.

Waiting for her ride to the top of Excelsus, she went over the plan in her mind. She would throw the putty onto one of the armor panels on top of the machine and use it in conjunction with one of her White Phosphorus Rounds to cause a massive explosion that would hopefully rend a large enough hole in the armor for her to fire one of her pulse rounds deep into the beast's belly.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Pain is gain. Shawn.
Location: Area 69: Surface.
Flying above the Metal Gear, The Wanderer was examining the battle. The shot fired from his Tesla Cannon was non-effective, well at least from this side of the field. "What the hell can take this thing down?" Shawn started to think fast, causing a heavy load to fall onto his mind. A stressed mind was something that led this survivor to pain or worse. The blade of Shawn's could not do anything to the machine either, even if it was coated in flames, now the Wanderer wished he had his 'brothers' with him right now.

Especially Storm who specialized in machines, but mostly blades and has huge futuristic armor with it. "Guns do nothing, damn it!" Shawn cured his whole inventory and he would mind call the others but he wants to prove that he can help the group by himself. Replacing his giant cannon with something lighter, he ended up empty handed, being demoralized in the process.

Thinking up of a stupid idea, Shawn pulled out a pulse grenade then decided to land onto the machine and plant it inside for a nice surprise. The worst of the news had not been delivered yet, but a nice explosive missile was locked onto Shawn thanks to the postage stamp of Deadshot. Right before pulling the grenade pin, the missile explodes right now to the Wanderer in true movie fashion.

The Courier now turned rag-doll was flying across the field, and slammed right into a building behind Constance and CO.
Was them metallic sound heard behind them. Shawn had hit a metal railing and fell head first into the ground, breaking one of his arms in the process. Luckily enough Shawn's helmet save him from head damage but ...

Elite Riot Helmet Broke.
Was the message displayed on Shawn's iris HUD. Taking the helmet off, the wrecked piece of metal helmet disappeared into thin air, waiting for repair later. A dark blonde-ish hair person emerged with blood trickling down his eyes, his left arm bending in a weird direction. Pulling it back into place, the Wanderer did not scream at the pain of a broken arm. Surveying the scene he saw a human and a weird human wearing a cat tail and ears.


Was the light voice he heard. Staggering towards the two, the Wanderer's blood vision wasn't disturbing his mission.
"I CAN ... help ... with that." The now red-headed Wanderer said to Constance with a devilish smirk, wanting for someone to at least the objective he wanted to complete.

I might be asleep when you read this, so do what you want with Shawn, he can follow her or just drop her off. If your not sure ask Diablo. :p