The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Diablo1099 said:
"Well, don't you worry. You came to our aid back against that machine without so much as asking what we were even doing! Don't worry, we are very welcoming to any and all."
There was a long and drawn out sigh that came from the vicinity of the tall Hunter that had accompanied the Cat-Ear wearing Vampire, one that signified Som's annoyance at the situation and the fact that Constance had even bothered revealing any of her personal details or that she had expanded upon her past.

"Too melodramatic." The red stubble haired human muttered as he pulled the hip flask from his belt and unscrewed the top before pouring the container's cinnamon and clove scented contents down his throat. It made sense that the group would be accepting of one such as Constance as the majority of the Rising Dawn's crew appeared to consist of freaks such as her. The last thing that Som wanted was for the girl to create any ties to this world, ties that would make her extradition back to Sanctum more complicated.

"If you 'people' are done with making yourselves feel better. I would very much like an explanation as to why we are here." The Hunter requested in a tone made it appear that it was not much of a request at all.

To her credit, Constance was aghast at how her "travelling companion" was treating those who were so welcoming. The only problem was the fact that she had no idea who to even deal with Som. Instead, she opted to ignore him and instead turned towards the little one called Cz.

"He was drinking too much and it made him sick, just like it'll make Som sick." The Vampirette said with a frown.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

This ain't New Vegas! Shawn and Kent Paul.
Location: Outside Caligula's Palace, The Strip
Time: No.
Due to the poor perception of the Wanderer, he looked in the direction of where the voice came from. It was a crowd following into the casino, shrugging the Wanderer thought he heard someone familiar. "Was it that Kent Paul guy?" He tried to remember the voice but ultimately went into the nearest casino which was called "Caligula's Palace". Entering, the Lone Courier could just feel that this place was under mob rule, mobsters and all.

"Yup, this is the place." He said to himself as he started to walk further inside. Thinking of his plan it would go like this. Gamble on Blackjack for a long while, gain many chips, gain free room, use room and bank heist HQ. Then he would ultimately steal the money from this place. First thing is first he needs some chips and maybe some more information that this place is actually run by criminals.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
The Strip: Las Venturas: Caim, Ella, Hadrian, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny

"...Well....umm...Just going out on the town for a good time! Right everyone?" Jenny said, hoping Som wasn't looking for some detailed mission briefing that she didn't have.
"I-in fact, I was just suggesting that we go to this place called "The Four Dragons". You know, after that battle back in the army base, we figured we could use a break. You know?" She added as he handed Som the leaflet she was reading and pointed to the Casino.
"Unless anyone would like to go someplace else..."
Actually, it kinda is[footnote]In this Canon, Las Venturas is a Rip Off of the actual Las Vegas, like how New Vegas was a Rip Off of the Old Vegas[/footnote] Shawn and Kent Paul.
Location: Caligula's Palace (Main Floor), The Strip
Time: No.
Shawn soon reached the main gambling floor of the Casino, passing by a number of disappointed losers that lost all their money at the tables.
It was MUCH nicer than even the Lucky 38, seeing how it was clean and had actual people in it rather then those robots of Mr. Houses.
In their place though was no lack of Mafia-looking types, staring at him because Dude in Leather Trench Coat with a jetpack.
They seemed a bit on edge around him, but no worse than anything the Omertas, the Chairmen or even the White Glove Society were, their job WAS to keep the peace around here.

The Tables had the usual games, Slots, Roulette, Blackjack and some strange machines that played another card game (Video Poker).
If he was lucky, he could easily make a killing...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Aperture Hovercraft: Forest outside Manor Rugal: Adel, Dani

A few hours later, the Hovercraft finally reached it's destination, parking on a ridge not far from the Manor itself.
Stepping out, Adel was quick to leave the ship behind as he rushed over the edge of the ridge to view his target.

" I've longed for this day. Dani, bring me all the Intel you have on the Manor. Guard routines, security measures, Layout, EVERYTHING!" The Son of Bernstien demanded, growing FAR more animated and manic what with being so near to the former site of "The Dillon Foundation Maximum Security Prison for Serial Sex Offenders"

(See, Dillon bought the place during Rugal's "Dead" period and turned it into a prison for sometime to rub salt in the wound. It closed down due to the high cost and someone pointing out how messed up it was that sex offenders got housed in a freaking Manor!)

Despite everything, the place was completely deserted and left to rot, though it was rather clear that Adel didn't seem to know that.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Off ship: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Som, Constance

Ella treated Som's scornful request with the same dignity that she was given. "Well, unlike some 'humans', we can't live always looking for new windmills to tilt our lances at." It would be so much easier if she could just smack him into place, but that would put her at the same level of those angels she'd seen on her last trip away from the entire group.

er response to Constance's 'revelation' was rather calm, all things considered. "I think if this ship kicked off all nonhumans, it would be a pretty sad one. I'm still not too sure about how it works here, but I can't remember any crusades against nonhumans here. Just try to be careful around people that don't know, okay? It'll take you far."

Rising Dawn: Slindis' room: Slindis

Her arrival in the library area was rather disappointing to the Drow: All she saw there was a few small tablets with no physical books. [color=c200]"So much for reading. Would there be any bookstores in this city? It's worth a check, and I wouldn't have to go in any of those fool's dens."[/color] She spent a few minutes to get ready then used Shadow Fade to become invisible as she began walking off the ship. [color=c200]Rugal's consideration is nice, but I really need the time alone right now.[/color]

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri, Rugal

With the brewing tensions starting to heat up, Melethia spoke up. "WHy don't we just all cool off for a sec and start plannin' this out? We gotta keep an eye on each other, an' I'm not about to have us all attackin' each other outside of drills." It probably lost a good bit of the impact considering she was one of the core reasons behind David's words, but she wasn't aware of that.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Las Venturas, Outskirts: Slindis

A quick walk later, Interludes with an unknown scientist getting into a fist fight with one of his hallucinations over a bottle of Constipation Medication in the canteen with a few Imps taking bets, and Slindis was out of the airport.
Opting to move away from the strip and all the Casinos, she made her way towards the suburbs of the city.
Her quest for a bookshop went off without much of a hitch and she came across one called Black Books.
The air of it was like the old black market stores back in her Home Realm.
And of Wine for some reason.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Off ship: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Som, Constance, Caim, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg

Caim paused at Som and Ella's comments, and realized that Som's scorn laid with all of the non-human members of the Dawn, which in turn, would include his sons and his comrades of the Dawn. The mute turned to give Som a good hard glare, and wandered to Jenny and Constance, Cadolbolg still sitting on his other shoulder as he 'spoke',
"As Jenny already said, we care not who joins, so long as you don't actively try to kill us and don't try to do the very things we attempt to prevent, such as breaking the world in two or running an evil Empire. And seeing as you've already gave your word to the contrary, I see no reason for concern.

Now Jenny, are there places these two
(Ton Ton and Cadolbolg)
could run amok in without issue? I'd hate to not include them from the fun. As far as I remember, gambling houses typically were more adult oriented..."
Cadolbolg puffed up his chest, "I won't cause any trouble for our friends, Father!", which only elicted a smile and a scratch behind the ears from his father.

As for Ton Ton, he wandered to Constance's side and gently patted her leg with a paw to get her attention, blank yellow eyes on an expressionless face gazing upwards as he said, [color=15650D]"I understand your fears. In another world, my kind are considered horrible monsters too. As for our group, from what I've seen, your actions build your merit here."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Angelus, Devon

Angelus quirked an eyebrow, and sighed, figuring this was the best she could wrangle out of the bard, "Whatever it was, it seems you're better at your illusions than you thought, Devon. Now, you two can't avoid each other forever, seeing as you ARE his student, [small]and occasionally mine as well[/small]. For the time being, just let him cool off, and we'll see if you two can work it off without me stepping in. Alright? Now, with that tabled for the moment, anything else I can do for you before I go and join the rest exploring this strange city?"

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri, Rugal

Teri jumped in with Melethia, hoping the backing force of herself and Melthia could help cool down her father's temper, [color=0E59E4]"Mel's right. David DID come to us to make it up to Mom, and of his own volition. He admitted that he was a great idiot and he wants to do right by her to make up for it. The least we can do is hunker down and get working together on it, right? And with you here, Dad, it might make some of our ideas a little easier to execute.

Now, what we're going for is to run a miniature spa of sorts to help Mum chill out. Now, Dad, you've partaken in rich people stuff on multiple occasions. You know what they usually do in spas? All I know is like a face mask and a couple stuff you see in movies..."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
The Strip: Las Venturas: Caim, Ella, Hadrian, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny

Jenny thought about this for a moment before she answered "Should do. I don't think they'll mind. Hell, if they have the same attitude to us as they did in Chinatown, I don't think it'll be an issue in the slightest.".
Picking up Cz in her arms, the pokemon then said "Besides, they refer to themselves as resorts and I'm certain that other people brought in their children before." Before making her way towards the Four Dragons, leaving everyone else to do what they pleased.

Edit: (Visual for the Four Dragons Interior: Enterance Casino Floor)

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri, Rugal

"Yeah, Come on, Ivan Drago. Peace?" David pleaded, going as far as to offer his hand for a shake.
"....Fine, I accept." Rugal answered as he shook David's hand.
David's face turned into one of sheer agony as his hand was squeezed by the much stronger German, a silent scream escaping his mouth until Rugal let go.
"[sub].....OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW![/sub]" he winced under his breath as Rugal said "It's mostly a case of what don't they do. It all depends on where you do and what laws are in effect..."
"Little....too much information...Just recommendations...Please?..." David groaned as he cracked his wrist a little, gritting his teeth as he snapped his hand bones back into place.
"I'd mostly go with a bath with scented candles and incense, followed with a nice meal. Add in praise, lots and lots of praise, Nothing better then massaging the Ego. Lord knows she needs it. Nothing we can't handle."


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: The Strip | Las Venturas
Caim | Ella | Hadrian | Ton Ton | Cadolbolg | Cz | Jenny | Constance | Som

Cz stared at Constance with large unfettered eyes, before giving a peppy, "Okay." It was not much of a gesture, but she tried to reassure the Cat-kin Vampire of her friendliness. But in the end, anything she did was ought to be written off as the misunderstandings of a five year old.

And then Jenny picked up Cz and started talking something about the man being one to bad-touch women, and Cz acted as if she had no idea what the pokemon was talking about. In fact, Cz just idled silently in Jenny's arms, waiting for something interesting to happen. It is my place to observe. She reminded herself. I do not,I should not intervene unless it seems necessary.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Constance, Som, Caim

Ella poked Cz in the nose teasingly as she went over to the Werewolf's side and elbowed him. "Well, What are your plans for here? I'd be asking that Bard if he actually wanted to bother with a sushi bar, but of course he's nowhere to be found." She was clearly a bit annoyed that Devon's first choice on a break was to go and train some more instead of spending a bit of time with her, but perhaps she would find a way to remind him that she has needs as well.

Las Venturas, Outskirts: Slindis

The paladin held back a small cringe at the scent of wine as she opened the doors and looked at the books along the shelves with a bit of confusion. [color=c200]"Why would one want to read about any number of grey shades? And what wizard in their right mind would leave a spellbook for sale? Not to mention books of brewing potions around... Still, if they have those, perhap... A Death Note? Really? That sounds so absurd it wouldn't have a place in the Twelve."[/color] About the only thing she could find was a few leather-bound journals (They'd claimed to be made of human skin, but a quick examination had told her otherwise) and went to the counter.

[color=c200]"Excuse me, but could you find me the shopkeep?"[/color] She looked at the rather new trainee at the store, not too sure what to make of them.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri

Melethia seemed a bit lost at the unstated messages but grasped onto the obvious ones. "Maybe we can keep it a bit lower profile than that? It seems like a lot... What do you think, sis?"

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Angelus, Devon

Devon shook his head then responded to Angie. "I'll keep that in mind, but enjoy the city. I'll meet up with you and Ella later here, so don't worry too much." He looked around the ship and heard the sounds of one of the people (definitely one of the new ones, considering he'd never seen anyone use this room) stirring and knocked on the closed door.

"You want to head out in the city? It's a bit different than most places, but we've earned a vacation after that last fight."

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
The Strip: Las Venturas: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Constance, Som, Caim

Hadrian regarded the succubus and let out a frustrated huff. [color=BF750B]"Well, I'm thinking of finding some new clothes. The ones I'm wearing right now aren't exactly in the best condition at the moment."[/color] He said, pulling at the collar of his suit. This resulted in the people passing behind the group getting a glimpse at the armor that the Guardian wore beneath his suit. Some of the people just went along minding their own business, albeit at a faster pace than normal, while others gossiped and laughed at the man. Why they were laughing, Hadrian did not know, but what he did know was that it was getting on his nerves.

He took a moment to compose himself, and continued his answer. [color=BF750B]"...Then I'll find a place to relax. Might try to see if they have any decent bars around here. I doubt it though."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Las Venturas, "Black Books": Slindis, Bernard Black

The Trainee brought her over to a man licking what a appeared to be a Poplicle made from a bottle of wine, the fact that he was resting on his laurels mean he was most likely the owner.
"Boss, got a customer here who wants to talk to you."
"...Yeah, and?"
"...Well...She asked for you."
"So? I paid you so I wouldn't have to deal with them! Idiot...Go on, Shoo! Shoo!" He said to his trainee before addressing the Drow.
"...Yes?...You going to buy something?"

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
"Well, unlike some 'humans', we can't live always looking for new windmills to tilt our lances at."
bluerocker said:
"As Jenny already said, we care not who joins, so long as you don't actively try to kill us and don't try to do the very things we attempt to prevent, such as breaking the world in two or running an evil Empire. And seeing as you've already gave your word to the contrary, I see no reason for concern.
The Hunter stood there with eyes as cold as a Frost Troll's heart, biting back the venomous retorts that were perched on his lips, already prepared to pounce upon those who had thought to speak to him in such a manner. Even as his upbringing told him that these "Heroes" were nothing of the sort, a voice that had long been repressed reminded Som that he was in their world and that the actions that he was witnessing was part of their society.

It also did help the situation that the Hunter had never been told the stories of Don Quixote's adventures.

Standing apart from the gather crew members, the Red Haired Hunter decided that his energy was better spent ensuring that his "companion" did not attempt an escape.

Upon entering the Four Dragons Casino, Constance was nearly overwhelmed by the lights and the noises that came from everywhere around her. The cheers of gamblers winning mingled with the groans of those who were losing mingled with the beeps and clatters of the slot machines which mingled with clinking of chips being stacked in the cash cages. It took some time, but the Raven Haired Vampirette finally became used to the noise.

Turning to see who was around her, she wondered what she should do until she saw a sigh that displayed the words "Show Girls!!!"

"What's that?" Constance asked as she began walking towards the sign.


In the City of Las Venturas, everyone who walks the infamous Strip dreams of winning big against the Casino. A few lucky people are able to do so and will come back another time and lose more than what they previously won. Even if there are a few lucky people at any given time, it is only a matter of time before luck comes back on the side of the Casinos.

Then there are those who make their own luck when hitting the Las Venturas Casinos. The treatment of those is generally much more harsh:

Henchman# 1: "Boss, we've been working him for hours. I don't think he's gonna crack."

Boss: "Di'jah use da hammer on 'is kneecaps?"

Henchman# 2: "I-I don't think he has kneecaps!"

Boss: "What do you mean he doesn't have kneecaps!"

Henchman# 2: "Boss, he's a Teddy Bear."

[color=B87333]"Z'at all you got you? I've met toddlers tougher than you lot!"[/color] Teddy screamed from the corner where he had been tied to a chair. [color=B87333]"Tell you what. If you let me to now, I swear I won't chew off your faces!"[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Off ship: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Constance, Som, Caim

Caim liked the idea of the treatment they received in China Town, and followed after Jenny with Cadolbolg in tow (seeing as he trusted Ton Ton on his own far more than the turtle dragon baby). Cadolbolg's tail wagged in excitement as they looked around the casino and pointed at a slot machine, "Father, what's that thing?! It looks like a money dispenser!"

Ton Ton, on the other hand, found himself as entranced with the newness of the Casino, and lept on Constance's shoulder, [color=15650D]"I dunno, but it sounds kinda cool. I hope you don't mind if I accompany you. I was giving Mr. Caim some time alone with his son."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri

Teri shot an annoyed glance at Rugal before taking David's hand and gave a small chant, her Aura and a Cure Light Wounds spell working to help with the pain as she answered back,

[color=0E59e4]"Actually, all of those things we can scrounge up real easy. Lavender and chamomile scented candles and sandalwood incense should do the trick, and Mel, if you know any particular dish Mum likes, now would be the time to bring it up. One second...."[/color]

After waiting another moment to fix up David's hand and examining it properly, Teri pulled up her tablet and scribbled a little on the Tablet before the aforementioned items appeared on the floor around their feet. Sweat shown on her brow after the items appeared, but she gave a smile, [color=0E59E4]"You think we need any more?"[/color]

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Angelus, Devon

Angelus gave a small nod, "I'll let them and her know. Take it easy today, Devon. We are relaxing after a battle, after all."

With a turn, the dragon began wandering to the the Casino with the rest of the group, homing in on Ton Ton and Cadolbolg's signal as she walked away.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Four Dragons: Caim, Ella, Hadrian, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny

Once she was in, Jenny made her way towards the bar counter with Cz and asked "Um, Excuse me. Do you have facilities for Children here?"
"Yeah, should be a play area in the ba-..." The Bartender started before he took one look at Jenny.
"...What the hell are you?" He bluntly asked as he looked at the Pokemon.
"*Ahem* Do you have such facilities or not?" She asked, not really wanting to have to explain herself at this point in time.
"...Er...Yeah, Got a sort of the lifts..." He answered, pointing them in the right direction.
"Thank you!" The Gardevoir then said before making her way over with Cz.

If you want to set something up, be my guest. Be more exciting than having Jenny watch Cz play in a ballpool ^^;

On the main casino floor, Cadolbolg watched as a man stuck the machine in anger after getting 2 oranges and a Number 7 on the machine.
He left in anger at missing out so much, leaving behind a few of his coins in the process...

Meanwhile, with Constance and Ton Ton, they soon found out as they entered the theater as several elderly men seemed to be rather excited to be there.
They watched as they got seated and served drinks before the lights began to dim and the curtains folded back.
What happened next? Well the curtains began to unfold as the announcer began to speak in chinese, going on about pleasure and excitement and what not.
As they watched, they were seen by one of the chaperons who exclaimed "Hey! You don't belong in here!" before moving to Escort them out, his face much like people who attacked the both of them in the past.

Casino Backroom: Teddy

"...Alright then...Talk me though this again..." The Head Honcho sighed over the phone to his men.
"...You found a Teddy Bear...Counting Cards...Correct?"
"Yes, Ain't what what I said?"
"...Are you on something? Drugs? Hooch? Social Disease? Who is that fucked in the head to think that a FUCKING TEDDY BEAR can play cards?! *Sigh* Look, shoot the bastard if it makes you feel any better, then get your ass to a Clinic before I fire it!" The Boss shouted before he hung up, leaving his goons to shrug as they pulled out their pieces on the Teddy.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Teri, Rugal

"Hm. You know what I just realized, Melethia. If you are ever running short on materials, you can always ask your sister." Rugal cheerily said as he picked up the Spa equipment.
"Alright, David, set these up while I get our guest of honor. I'll come up with some ruse to get her here" He said before dumping the relaxation products into his arms, enjoying watching the man responsible for this mess struggle to not drop anyway.
"Yeah-Okay...I got this..." He groaned as the Sniper went into the Simulator room with the products.

*Shakes Magic 8 Ball of Writers Block*


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Constance, Som, Caim

The succubus nearly choked on her laughter at the mention of there not being any good bars in the area. "Are you kidding me? Although this is a poor man's Las Vegas, I can bet you they went all out on the bars here. I mean, that's how you get fools to give up their money easily! C'mon, We'll find you a good drink and something to cover up that armor to boot."

Las Venturas, "Black Books": Slindis, Bernard Black

She spoke up a bit to hopefully have the man paying attention. [color=c200]"I know this may sound odd, but would you have healing ungents in stock? If not, some notebooks which are actually leather rather than cheap cowhide trying to pass off as human skin would be appreciated, along with some writing supplies. I can certainly pay you well, so I hope that would be good reason to get some assistance."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri

The elf did her best to hold back a laugh but still let out a giggle as she thought of Teri actually bringing in the materials. "You want me to knock her out? Wheathair, I got the stuff I did because it's hard to find and make. Summoning that might be waay too much for her."


Rugal went back to Slindis' room to find that Slindis had already exited the room. THe bedding had been fixed, but there was little notification of where she had gone to...

Rising Dawn: Outside David A's Room: Angelus, Devon

Devon wrote a note on a conveniently placed piece of paper listing what was going on and slipped it under the budding psychic's door before heading out. "I wonder if the talk wa true about the city..." The sights of the weak Las Venturas Strip almost reminded Devon of his old home, but it couldn't hold a candle to the real thing in his eyes. After all, where was the Fremont Street Experience [] for one? At least then Ton-TOn ad Cadolbolg would have had something really cool to see.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Children's Area | Four Dragons | Las Venturas
Cz | Jenny

Cz wrested herself from Jenny's grip and landed on the ground. BlackHarte jiggled around Cz's waist from the impact of the landing. "我不要在這裡呆太久。" Cz turned around and looked up at Jenny, her wide innocent eyes narrowed into something that looked unnatural on her small frame. She cleared her throat and pulled her sleeves up. Reset language settings to English, set auto-translate off. "Jenny, I think we should pay a visit to our other friends. I don't want you to miss out of anything for me."

She cleared her throat and started walking back toward the main group of her own volition.

There's no need for me to pretend int he presence of a telepath. She'll find me out sooner or later. "Jenny, come. Let us go. And please do keep silent of this." Cz gave the Pokemon a small smile and a quick look. Her eyes had a strange yellow tinge to them for the briefest seconds.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
As Constance meandered towards the red padded plush double doors that marked the entrance to the "Show Girls!!!" auditorium, she was surprised by the appearance of the small green lizard-like creature named Ton Ton as he hopped onto her shoulder. Looking at the Tonberry, the Raven Haired vampire was near instantaneously enamored by his cuteness.

bluerocker said:
[color=15650D]"I dunno, but it sounds kinda cool. I hope you don't mind if I accompany you. I was giving Mr. Caim some time alone with his son."[/color]
"I really don't mind at all. I'm happy to have the company!" Constance responded stopping briefly to look at a few brightly colored advertisements about Las Venturas being for families. The more the Raven Haired vampire looked past the bright colors, neon signs and gauche attractions, the more she could see that all that was a facade for something much less wholesome.

Opening the door to "Show Girls!!!," The Cat-Eared Vampirette was given near instant confirmation of her suspicions when her wide eyes focused upon what was occurring on the stage at the time.

"What's-What's-What's-" The girl stammered over and over again, her mind unable to understand just what was happening.

What was happening was a mistake on the part of the Four Dragons Casino in that the employee in charge of signage for the Casino's events had forgotten to update the Auditorium's signage to warn visitors of the true horror that awaited those foolish enough to enter the venue.

Ke$ha: "Hi e'ryb'dy I'mzoooo dr'nk!"


Boss: "'Ey! What the hell is everyone?"

The backroom of the Casino's terrifying silence was the Boss' only response when he called out for any of his henchmen to assist him with that week's groceries. That was the first sign that there was something amiss. The second sign that the boss received was when one of his henchmen finally revealed himself from behind a retired bar counter.

Henchmen #1: [color=B87333]"Hey bitc-I mean-boss!"[/color]

Boss: "What were you about to call me?"

Henchmen #1: [color=B87333]"Nothing at all, coc-I mean-commandant"[/color]

Boss: "You sound different Sal. Are you feeling oka-"

It was at that point that the Boss noticed the blood on the floor and the fact that his Henchman's lips were not moving when he spoke, those being signs three and four.

Teddy, realizing that the jig was up pulled the Henchman's Face mask, or facial skin mask, off of his face and grinned like a feral animal at the Casino's boss before running at him ready to pounce.



Suddenly, Ton Ton found himself on the ground, having fallen the distance from Constance's shoulder to the floor. Constance, Som and Teddy had disappeared once again.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Constance, Som, Caim

Hadrian nodded at Ella with a smirk. [color=BF750B]"Sure, but I'm still uncertain about the quality of the drinks they serve me here."[/color] The wolfman doubted that he'd encounter a bar in this universe that had angel blood in stock, but he supposed it wouldn't hurt to try, despite the extremely high chance that he'll get disappointed. His suit shouldn't be so much trouble. After all, it's already filled with patches. What's one more? [color=BF750B]"Where do you suppose we start?[/color]