The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Slindis's Room: Rugal, Slindis

"Heh, Successes? Melethia will never become some Pawn in some Mad Cult's scheme and will live a long and healthy life. Teri has become a resounding Cleric and has found a new home after losing her own. We mightn't have given them the life they deserved, but we gave them what we could. Someplace to call home, even if it isn't the best one." Rugal added as he laid back on the bed behind her.
"If you only count your failings, That's all you'll ever see."

Rising Dawn: Simulator: David, Melethia

"Awesome! Thank you! The next time I'm at UNIT, I'll snag you some Anti-Matter Bombs! They are bombs that blow up Matter, Great fun to use!" David cooed, glad that this horrible idea of his was actually working.
"Okay, So...Ideas on how to make your mom NOT hate me. We are landing in" *Checks Watch* "About 15 minutes, going to be in the city for a few hours. What do I do/get in order to say "Sorry for being a prick"? Go." He asked, hoping that the daughter of the Drow would have some wonderful idea that would help fix everything.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Canteen | Rising Dawn​
Angelus | Ella | Hadrian | Ton Ton | Cadolbolg | Cz

Cz finished eating the grilled trout and finished the cup of water Elaa gave her in one prolonged breath. With a small dramatic "tink" she dropped the cup onto the floor beside her and stood up, brushing herself up. "Cz want go with," she muttered. Slowly her cognition was returning. Situational awareness was now here again and her inner thoughts finally became coherent. Where am I. She wondered, staring up and taking note of each of the faces looking back at her. Foreign location. Not my realm.

"Cz will go with!" she said happily, masking her actual worry. BlackHarte wrapped himself around her waist into a sort of belt. Metamaterial creature... a proxy? Perhaps. A useful weapon for engaging without activating Divine form anyhow.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon

Caim's hand loosened it's grip from his blade as a look of horror overtook his face as the illusionary Devon's breath grew worse.

"No.... Not again."
But before Caim could signal anyone for help, or do anything else, the flat of a blade struck it self on Caim's head, and the warrior was knocked forward. Shock replacing the horror, Caim looked up to realize that his pupil was not, in fact, dead, but rather living. And he had tricked his master with an illusion that reminded Caim all too well of his previous failures, the death of Furiae being at the top of them. Not even grabbing his fallen blade (which was still piercing the fake Devon), Caim charged forwards and brought a clenched fist into Devon's jaw and then backed away, shaking as he picked up his blade and sheathed it. Turning back to Devon, Caim gave a hard glare and 'said',
"Don't do that trick again. At least, not to me."
Moving away from the bard, Caim made his way to the door to the training room, and said in an uncharacteristically hollow tone (or as best as the PDA conveyed that),
"You're mobility seems to be just fine in that armor. Go rest or something. We're done today."
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg

With the sight of Cz warming up to the crew was more than enough for Ton Ton, as he hopped to his table and continued nibbling his sandwich (Ton Ton being a much slower and cleaner eater than Cadolbolg) as the other attended to Czs needs. After all, the little creature didn't want to smother the new comer, especially with her just barely adjusting to this new realm.

Cadolbolg continued looking at Cz, curious about the small life form. He had seen several young ones, like the ones in the high school, or Melethia, but they were far older than the little one before them. As he contemplated this, Cadolbolg wondered aloud, "Do all humans start this little?"

As for Angelus, her head jerked up in confusion when she felt Caim's current range of emotions; walking out of the Canteen without much warning and in the direction of her pact partner and the Bard.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei

[color=0E59E4]"I'll see what I can do. You lemme know if she starts harassing you behind my back, alright? But I will admit, I wouldn't have gotten this much progression if she didn't push me here. Perhaps we should try listening to her a little more, if in small doses."[/color]

With a whirl of the staff, Teri brought Sadei down on another Hedgehog Pie; a satisfying squeak being emanated from the creature as she continued her line of thought, (and Garm hopped in on the opportunity and tore the critter to bits when Teri wasn't looking) [color=0E59E4]"I wonder how Mum would feel if I told her that? 'Guess what Mom, I had an internal wrestling match that ended up with me training with Sadei! Look what I can do now!' I bet she'd take that real well. Not to mention Dad doesn't even know about her... Unless Mom mentioned something? You think Dad might know some anger management techniques? The Shadow is pretty pissy all the time."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow

As David awaited an answer from the elf, he saw something, or rather someone, down the hall in the corner of his eye.
"...What the-...Shadow?....That you? For the love of- When the hell did you get here?! Don't go telling me you were hiding in the cargo hold this entire fucking time, you Russian prick!" He insulted in a friendly fashion as he walked over to his Russian counterpart.
"Heh, Be just like you to show up after all the damn hard work was done! How the hell ya been?" He asked, wondering what he had been up to since the last time they met.


May the Flames fade...
Mar 19, 2012
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow


"I was not sitting in a box of vodka in the cargo hold no.... ok maybe..." Shadow admitted as he pulled out vodka from seemingly nowhere. He then drank some of its contents before replying to David "I have been... fine... [small]apart from slowly going insane[/small]..."

"Anyways.... what are we up to now? Killing god or demonic being... I always enjoy those.." Shadow asked in a nonchalant manner.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow

"Tch! I was thinking the well was starting to get dry!" David said before yanking the bottle from the Assassin's hand and taking a swig himself.
"Ahhhh...What you need to get through the day...We're actually thinking about going to Las Venturas. It's basically Vegas except....well, nothing, it's just a city that makes its living by Ripping off Vegas!" He explained as he handed the Vodka back.
"Before that though, I tried to become a police officer. Had to deal with a Zombie outbreak on my first day, then we stopped a gang war involving advanced energy weapons and ended the day with us blowing up a US Military base...Kinda tame, actually..." He explained, recalling all the crap he had just been though.

"Managed to catch the bastard behind it for once, though. He's chilling in the brig at the moment and he sure as shit ain't going anywhere!" He said in relation to Deadshot, the villain that arranged for the events he just described.
"I'd think you'd like him, Deadshot is a huge throbbing dick head, just like you!"


May the Flames fade...
Mar 19, 2012
Shadow just looked at David before replying "oh I'm the dick hmm? try to take a look in the mirror some time." He then pulled another vodka bottle out of seemingly nowhere and opened it.

"So why are we going to this knew play and who are we going to kill? Scratch the second question it doesn't matter..." He asked as he took a few gulps of vodka.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow

A little confused as to where he got the second bottle from, David answered "Well...If we can help it, No one. I just want a nice quiet fucking day without some dumb shit happening. Besides, all that was sorted out earlier. When you were on the piss!".
Deciding to keep the bottle he "Borrowed", he then said "Look, if you want to vent, take it out on the bastard in the brig. That prick has it coming, not some Vegas Tourist who looks at you the wrong way, you get me?"


May the Flames fade...
Mar 19, 2012
Rising Dawn: Simulator: David, Melethia, Shadow

Shadow just looked at him for a second. "Wait.... so... NO killing? Shit...." Shadow muttered as he set his bottle on the floor.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow

"Well, maybe that will teach ya to go on a blender when there is work to do!" David teased, knowing full well how hypocritical he was.
Hell, if it wasn't for that interview he had, he would have joined him.
"Hey, Look at this way. There will be bars where we're going. Where there is bars there is bar fights..." He offered, hoping to get him hooked on beating up drunks rather than shooting up a casino.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz

Ella beamed as she picked the small girl's plates up. "You're more than free to! Just be close to me when we touch down so you don't end up getting too lost, and you'll be fine." She whistled and chatted a bit with one of the imps to let it know about their neew young child and things that she might not be allowed to have - basic stuff like no alcohol and all sweets. Something well balanced would be a lot better for her, and the imp agreed as it went back into the kitchen.

As she near-skipped around, she responded to Cadolbolg's question. "THey start out even smaller, even smaller than Ton-Ton!"

Rising Dawn: Slindis' room: Rugal, Slindis

The musing continued as she really thought about the ramifications with Melethia's upbringing. [color=c200]"I wish I could say that for Melethia, but don't you find it odd that the only word I've heard from anyone in Eberron was Kalastryn stating that it had been dest-no, unmade is the better term. By that point, you could technically count it a victory if everyone else on Eberron was part of that cult down to the last newborn Kobold Child..."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow

The green-haired girl got out of the simulator and talked to the two. "Well, you'll probably find lots of gambling and prostitutes on the streets, so that's something to keep in mind. Nothing too bad, but they might have something extra on them."

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon

There was an awkward silence in the room as Devon returned Injustice back to Caim hilt-first. "Okay... I'll leave magic alone when I'm near you." After that, he made his way out of the room and aimlessly wandered around the ship feeling like a wall had been somehow made between him and the man that had become his teacher...

Rising Dawn: Teri's Training Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei, Delicious Hedgehog Pies (Eat that, Sonic!)

The staff casually talked to Teri as more Squeaks formed into a small chorus. "Okay, but just tell her not to overwhelm me... I don't really have anyone else to talk to here. But maybe you can talk to them both?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz

Jenny was happy that the so called "Weapon" was settling in, surely something that small and so human couldn't be a lethal weapon, right?....Right?!
Her train of thought was interrupted as the Engines for the ship switched off as they landed in the middle of the Las Venturas Airport.
"Ahhh...Guess it's time to go then. Come on everyone, Let's hit the town!....I mean, City-CITY!" She corrected herself as she began to make her way off the ship.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David West

"...Yeahhhh...What the kid said..." David mused to Shadow as the ship landed, bringing his focus back to his original goal.
"Crap! We're here! Alright, so as I was saying: Things your mother likes. Cake? Silver?...Punching Bags?..." He asked, praying to the gods of this mad, mad world that she would have some idea of what the hell he could use.

Rising Dawn: Slindis' room: Rugal, Slindis

Rugal froze when he realized his mistake: bringing up Eberron like that.
"...I'm sorry, I- didn't..." He trailed off before the sounds of the ship landing outside the city broke the ice.
"...I guess we arrived...You want to come with us?..." He then asked, hoping that he didn't cause her to shut herself in even more as a result of his words.
I swear, I'm going to kill David for this...

-One last Makeshift map, just for old times sake!

The Red Dot is where the Airship is and the Las Venturas Strip is right next to it.

-You have full reign over the city, including the Casinos, the Tourist areas and other recreational activities you can think of.

-If you choose to Gamble, I will provide decent simulations of the games when possible.

-While you have Full Reign, go apeshit and start killing people, the police will get involved for the usual GTA Hijinx.

-Thanks for taking part in my arc! :D


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz

Ella extended her hand out so Cz (WHo she hoped wasn't a weapon) would be able to keep up as they led her off of the ship. "Tell me if I'm going too fast and I'll slow down for you." After all of the hell that had happened earlier that day, she was glad that she could find some downtime.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David West

Melethia shook her head as she did her best to make sure everything was secured. "I dunno. I never really got to see her all too much back home 'cause of stuff keepin' her busy. Maybe she needs time to cool off?"

Rising Dawn: Slindis' room: Rugal, Slindis

Shegave a lot of time to think it over before responding. [color=c200]"Can I get back to you on that? I just need to have some time to myself here..."[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Caim, Devon, Angelus

Angelus power walked down the halls, homing in on Caim via their pact bond, and came upon master and student with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face, "Well?"

Caim only walked past the red dragon, answering with a hollow,
"It's nothing. I'll be with the children."
before speeding along to Ton Ton and Cadolbolg's location.

With this, the dragon's expression softened only a little with confusion, before turning to Devon and asking, "Well, I haven't gotten a word out of him. Care to tell me why my pact partner is acting like a dog with his tail between his legs?"

Rising Dawn: Canteen: in transit to exit: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Caim

Caim's walk brought him to the main group with the new addition, Cz in tow, and forced himself to smile faintly when Cadolbolg landed on his shoulder (Ton Ton choosing to walk with the rest of the group) and said excitedly, "Father! I found out that human children start out very small! Does that mean you were and all the other members on this ship were small too?"

Caim chuckled at his son's enthusiasm and gave a small nod,
"That they do, little one. All things, regardless of species, start small, and grow as they age. You too will grow, albiet at a slower pace, if what I understand about dragons is true. I cannot speak for all creatures and varying beings here, but if what I understand is true, this applies to all beings with much larger lifespans. Perhaps you could ask them about it? I can only tell you so much."
As he said all this, the more perceptive Tonberry couldn't help but notice something 'off' about Caim's conversation with his son.

[color=15650D]"Is he hiding something?"[/color]

As he wandered along with the group, Ton Ton asked Jenny, [color=15650D]"You seem to have some degree of experience with big cities like this, Ms. Jenny. Do you have any advice about visiting places like this? I've never been to this Las Venturas myself."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Teri's Training Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei, Delicious Hedgehog Pies (Sonic silently weeps for his dead bretherin)

As more Squeaks from the Hedgehog Pies filled the air, Teri thought over the possibility of letting the Shadow have more agency in her mind and finally answered, [color=0E59E4]"You listening in there, Me? I'm willing to make a deal."[/color]

There was silence in the Cleric's mind as she felt the Shadow silently slink from her hiding place, a single word uttered in a confused inflection, [color=0E59E4]"What?"[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"You heard me. I'm willing to make a deal with you. Obviously, repressing you isn't healthy for me. But, you having free reign and bullying Sadei isn't right either. So, I'm proposing a deal to you. I'll let you have more influence on my decision making, as well as a higher frequency in the brain space. In exchange, you need to stop these tantrums of your's."
"Technically, they are our tantrums. I am a part of Our psyche after all. Referring to me as a separate entity is a fruitless task."
"Okay, enough with the pronoun confusion. Anyways, you get more room to move in here, AND you'll stop being as... I dunno, a hardass? Your constant triades about wanton violence and talking shit to me and Sadei need to stop. Also, you have a horrible potty mouth."

The Shadow cackled quietly at that last part and gave a small nod, [color=0E59e4]"I can't guarantee I'll always use the best words, but I'll....Try. Alright? But I'm telling you now, I'm not gonna sugar coat anything you need to hear, Me. I told you before, I'm straight up in what I gotta say to you. I'm the hard truth you gotta accept, you hear?"
"Very well.... Sadei, you have anything you want to put in on this?"[/color]

Of course, in all this mental discussion, the Cleric was blissfully unaware that the ship had landed, and Dimitri cut in, pausing the simulation as he did so,

"Madam? The ship has landed in Las Venturas, and the party is ready to disembark. Will you come along?"

Teri grumbled a little, and shot back, [color=0E59E4]"Las Venturas? Sounds like Vegas and gambling stuff. Blech, not interested. Besides, I was on a roll with Garm here! I'll leave if my company is wanted, Dimitri. Just let em know I'm here if asked for. I've made too much progress to want to quit now.
Now where were we guys?"[/color]

There was only a tutting noise from the AI, and Dimitri said before restarting the simulation, [color=3897E0]
"I will comply with that order, however, an adage does come to mind. 'All work and no play make Jack a dull boy...'"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny

Jenny took a moment to think about her answer, wondering if the cities in Hoenn would count.
"Well...Aside from just common sense, don't get lost, don't start a fight, things like that. Apart from that, No. Just behave as you normally would." She explained as they left the airport towards the bright lights of the strip.
"...Wow....I wish we went here first instead of Los Santos!" She said, quickly soaking in the bright neon lights.
Walking past a stand containing tourist maps, she then said"Alright, we got the Four Dragon's Casino, Caligula's Palace, Come-a-lot, The Camels Toe and The Clowns Pocket...Where to first?"

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David West

"Really? Nothing? Crap..." David groaned as his plan fell apart right in front of his eyes, bringing his hand to his brow as he tried to think.
"...Okay, normally, I would just let this settle, but she doesn't really look like the kind to forgive and forget, you know?...Right, Thanks anyway." He sighed as he went around to plan B.

As Teri went for another round of hedge-beating, the simulation stopped with the same pause symbols hovering over the creatures.
"-WHY CAN'T THEY JUST LABEL THE DAMN BUTTO-...Oh *Ahem* Hey, T. Can I borrow you for 5 minutes? Need some insight into something."

Rising Dawn: Slindis' room: Rugal, Slindis

Rugal lightly nodded and said "Of course. You know where to find me."
He then left the Drow to her own thoughts, closing the door behind him.
"...Right...I'm going to kill David West..." he told himself as he went about doing just that.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz

The Demi-Succubus rolled her eyes and nudged Jenny with her elbow. "The way you talk, it's almost like you think we don't know our way around normal places! Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm ust going to keep an eye on our new little guest here, if that's okay with you. After all, I don't want her to get lost here."

She knelt down as the others went on ahead to be ar eye level with Cz. "Anywhere you want to see there?"

Rising Dawn: Slindis' room: Rugal, Slindis

She was certainly feeling the guilt for dampening the mood as Rugal left the ship and tried to work out the depressed mood she was in. After all, it's hard to be cheery when one was an indirect cause of more deaths via one's inaction than many others in history...

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow

Melethia seemed disappointed that she couldn't help David and spoke up to him. "Well, I think she cares about deeds a lot more than words... would that help?"

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Angelus, Devon

Devon kept it brief as he talked to his magic teacher. "I fucked up big time, and there's no other way to say it. Not much that I can probably do to fix it, either.That's all there is to it."

Rising Dawn: Teri's Training Room: Teri, Garm, Sadei, Delicious Hedgehog Pies (Eat that, Sonic!)

Sadei was in agreement with the terms and communicated back to Teri's Shadow.. "I can work with that. Just... if you wouldn't say it to a small child, don't say it to me. Please?"


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
& Vermilion.
Location: Rising Dawn | Mainframe/ RD Bridge.
Time: Day.
Nodding, Alpha told Vermilion of her most interested system. "
[color=nvayblue]Yes, I wish to see the weapon systems that this ship has. Then I can examine them and take on my new position. Also I do wish to know of their location so I may also examine their physical form as well. As Dimitri said you are the person who knows mostly about that system.[/color]
" Alpha said to the female AI awaiting for the tour to continue. There was the tour but she was thinking of dragging Shawn to the physical weapons afterwards so she may teach him a lesson about patience.

The now drunk Wanderer Shawn.
Location: Rising Dawn | Roof | Da Sniper Nest.
Time: Day or something.
After numerous hours and numerous empty bottles, the now officially drunk Wanderer Shawn was sleep on his couch. The now official Sniper's Nest with the Wasteland look was built. Three metal sheets made a room, another sheet making the roof and there were no doors to add light. There was a fridge holding the Wanderer's consumables and a chest holding most of his other weapons so he would not be over his carrying weight in battle.

Feeling the Ship stop, in amazement the Wanderer was not drunk but carried a giant headache. Sighing for a while Shawn took a couple of Med-X and placed a certain clothing that made him "him" but less armored and ready for combat.

Carrying his Sheriff clothing on his back, the Wanderer began to walk to the Canteen where he needed some food.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Caim, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg

Caim gave a nod to Ella's thoughts on the matter,
"I agree with Ella. If something comes up, we can easily handle it. We just destroyed a giant mechanical tank, did we not? I think the hardest part will be blending in..."
[color=15650D]"Or making sure not to lose our money. I've heard a couple things bout casino's from the Mistress' parents. Very bad about "draining money" I think. Why they have a drain, I've no idea..."[/color]

Cadobolg's tail wagged happily at the thought of visiting this strange new city and said, "You know, I never got to try that sushi stuff with Friend Ella and Friend Devon. I wanna eat that!"

Caim did not allow his expression to change at the reminder of the incident that took place not too long ago, and followed Cadolbolg's thought by patting his head,
"That might have been something Devon and Ella wanted to do alone, little one. However, it is probably very easy to procure some kind of food here."
Ton Ton balked at Cadolbolg's thought about food, [color=15650D]"Didn't you just eat?!"[/color]

The turtle dragon baby only shrugged, "But I like eating... What's wrong with eating more?"

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Angelus, Devon

Angelus rolled her eyes at Devon's statement, and said, "Like that gives me any indication of what happened, Devon. Mortals, [small]and on rare occasions, dragons[/small] make mistakes. That isn't new to me. I swear, there must be an anathema to telling the full truth around here... Come now, just tell me what it was. Caim won't budge an inch to let me see. You're the best resource I have to figure out what's going on."

Rising Dawn: Teri's Training Room: Teri, Garm, David, Melethia, Shadow

The Shadow gave a thought for a moment, and gave a sigh, [color=0E59E4]"....Fine. Still, I've heard some kids use some fucked up language before. Never like kids too terribly much anyways..."[/color]
Teri would have facepalmed at her Shadow, were it not for the simulation in progress, [color=0E59E4]"I think that sort of vernacular is what she was talking about. Oh, what's this?"[/color]

It was at this point that David had paused the situation, and was waiting with Melethia and Shadow outside. With an irritated growl directly channeled from the Shadow, Teri took a deep breath to calm herself before exiting the training room, the smell of smoke following with her exit. Sadei being held casually in one hand, the Cleric was a far cry from her typical appearance; robes mussed and covered in dirt and small bits of ash, and angry bruises coloring what few bits of flesh was exposed from her clothes. Regardless, her wounds were already beginning to heal from the Aura that washed over the group with her arrival. Garm looked less worse for wear, aside from a few bits of singed fur here and there; which was hard to tell anyways on account of most of the wolf having a black coloration. Folding her arms with a curious expression, Teri asked, [color=0E59E4]"So, what's the deal, David? Is someone hurt? From what I heard from Dimitri, most of our group should already be exploring Las Venturas."[/color]

The Irishman shuffled a little before sputtering; "Hey...I kinda-sorta-maybe pissed Slindis off in a manner that I didn't mean to annnndddd...I kinda want to make it up to her so I don't need to watch my back for the rest of my stay here. So...Any ideas on how to do that?"

The Cleric blinked in confusion and continued, [color=0E59E4]"Oh come on, it can't be THAT bad."
"Bet you 5 bucks it's awful."[/color]
"You think I'm a sucker?"

David gave a cough that inadvertently silenced the voices in Teri's mind before saying in a very quiet voice, ""....*AHEM [small]I insulted her parenting skills[/small]"

[color=0E59E4]"I KNEW IT! PAY UP!"[/color]
"Nobody was betting with you..."
Following that exchange, Teri blinked again and shook her head, [color=0E59E4]"That is a doozy... I dunno really. I've never said anything like that too her before. I know it's always been kinda a sore spot, so I never mentioned it very much. Hmn... In my opinion, if you say something you come to regret, you just go an apologize to the person and mean it with showing it in what you do. Like 'I'm gonna quit smoking' and actively working to fix that. Otherwise, I don't know if that's something you can just put a bandaid on and make better. Was there something in particular you planned to do?"[/color]

Location: Rising Dawn | Mainframe/ RD Bridge Alpha and Vermilion

The Red Cloaked AI stood up from her post and led Alpha along the way, to a model version of the Dawn and began pointing at different locations on the model. As she did so, she began listing off all the main forms of defense available on the Rising Dawn, both internally and externally (such as the turrets used when Red Mage inexplicably appeared on ship, hopefully he still wasn't around...)

After her lengthy explanation, Vermilion concluded with, [color=FF5439]
"Do you have any other questions?"

((I actually don't know what's on the ship, so we'll just nod and say I do.))


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny

Jenny merely shrugged as Ella dug into her.
"I was only answering a question. No need to get picky..." She said back as she looked at the map.
"This "Four Dragons" place seems nice, it's just like being in Chinatown again, least from the pictures." She mused as they walked along the brightly lit Strip, taking the slights and-
"...Oh no..." Jenny groaned as a familiar looking rockstar could be seen bobbing along the streets after being kicked out of The Pink Swan Casino.

"-EY! I was only getting to know the girl!" Maccer shouted as another man walked up to him.
"Maccer...That wasn't a groupie. It was a roadie!" Kent Paul corrected him in vain.
"But she had great tits!"
"MAN-TITS! THEY WERE MAN-TITS! GOD! Fucking northerns..." The former's manager sighed, barely got out of Area 69 alive and he was STILL stuck with this hyper sexual manchild.

Clearly not wanting to meet up with that horrible man again, Jenny began walking in the other direction.
"God, just walk away, just walk away..." She pleaded, hoping their group wouldn't run into him again.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David West, Teri

"Mmmm...Just...Crap, I was really hoping I could a bit more then that..." David sighed at he hit another dead end.
"I mean, I was going to say sorry, but that doesn't really help lighten the mood, I mean, she looked pissed! You know?..." He added as he thought about what he could do.
"I dunno, a Gift? A Party? Just something to take her mind off the crap I brought up, get it out of her head, like. I can go in and say sorry any time, but in the end, doesn't fix shit if she's still depressed over it, you know?"

Go Team Wanderer! Shawn and Rusty.
Location: Rising Dawn | Canteen
Time: Day or something.
As Shawn was getting over the tons of money he didn't get, he heard a ruckus coming from the kitchen followed by the sounds of the Chef Imp shouting.
"HEYWHEREAREYOUTAKINGMEYOUCANTDOTHIS-WAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Shouted a familiar scientist as he was thrown out of the kitchen and into one of the tables of the canteen.
"...WELL EXCUSE ME FOR NOT WANTING GHOST PEPPERS IN MY SOUP!" Shouted Rusty as he dusted himself off, being no worse for wear.
On his way out, he recognized the man who took him hostage, I mean, that detail is kinda hard to forget.
"...Oh...Hey, it's the guy who got me fired and put on the Most Wanted List for Treason...Great..." He snarked as he went over to the Wanderer.
"Okay, listen, I helped, I didn't get in your way, Now you need to help me. My Guy, Brock Samson, He got caught up in something so I need to lay low until he sorts it out and can pick me up. Can you help me with that?...
...Are you drunk?..."


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Las Venturas​
Ella | Hadrian | Jenny | Cz | Caim | Ton Ton | Cadolbolg

Cz smiled sweetly and followed Ella closely, "Cz wants a good long drink of water." BlackHarte settled in nicely around her cloth tunic, nesting himself into Cz's biological body. Hydrogen, I need more hydrogen before I can start maintaining my regular form, and from there I can gather my energy to pull my divine form out of phase space. However, she decided that she would first observe the people of this world to decide whether or not they deserved to be purged. Why do I want to kill people? And then she concluded within her own thoughts that it was because it was her Prime Directive to keep humanity from harming itself. It was most efficient for humanity to work together when resources were plentiful and population was small. To that end she shook Ella's hand weakly, "Cz want to see many people. Place with many people."