Rising Dawn: Canteen: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Caim, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg
Caim gave a nod to Ella's thoughts on the matter,
"I agree with Ella. If something comes up, we can easily handle it. We just destroyed a giant mechanical tank, did we not? I think the hardest part will be blending in..."
[color=15650D]"Or making sure not to lose our money. I've heard a couple things bout casino's from the Mistress' parents. Very bad about "draining money" I think. Why they have a drain, I've no idea..."[/color]
Cadobolg's tail wagged happily at the thought of visiting this strange new city and said,
"You know, I never got to try that sushi stuff with Friend Ella and Friend Devon. I wanna eat that!"
Caim did not allow his expression to change at the reminder of the incident that took place not too long ago, and followed Cadolbolg's thought by patting his head,
"That might have been something Devon and Ella wanted to do alone, little one. However, it is probably very easy to procure some kind of food here."
Ton Ton balked at Cadolbolg's thought about food, [color=15650D]"Didn't you just eat?!"[/color]
The turtle dragon baby only shrugged,
"But I like eating... What's wrong with eating more?"
Rising Dawn: Training Room: Angelus, Devon
Angelus rolled her eyes at Devon's statement, and said,
"Like that gives me any indication of what happened, Devon. Mortals, [small]and on rare occasions, dragons[/small] make mistakes. That isn't new to me. I swear, there must be an anathema to telling the full truth around here... Come now, just tell me what it was. Caim won't budge an inch to let me see. You're the best resource I have to figure out what's going on."
Rising Dawn: Teri's Training Room: Teri, Garm, David, Melethia, Shadow
The Shadow gave a thought for a moment, and gave a sigh, [color=0E59E4]
"....Fine. Still, I've heard some kids use some fucked up language before. Never like kids too terribly much anyways..."[/color]
Teri would have facepalmed at her Shadow, were it not for the simulation in progress, [color=0E59E4]
"I think that sort of vernacular is what she was talking about. Oh, what's this?"[/color]
It was at this point that David had paused the situation, and was waiting with Melethia and Shadow outside. With an irritated growl directly channeled from the Shadow, Teri took a deep breath to calm herself before exiting the training room, the smell of smoke following with her exit. Sadei being held casually in one hand, the Cleric was a far cry from her typical appearance; robes mussed and covered in dirt and small bits of ash, and angry bruises coloring what few bits of flesh was exposed from her clothes. Regardless, her wounds were already beginning to heal from the Aura that washed over the group with her arrival. Garm looked less worse for wear, aside from a few bits of singed fur here and there; which was hard to tell anyways on account of most of the wolf having a black coloration. Folding her arms with a curious expression, Teri asked, [color=0E59E4]"So, what's the deal, David? Is someone hurt? From what I heard from Dimitri, most of our group should already be exploring Las Venturas."[/color]
The Irishman shuffled a little before sputtering; "Hey...I kinda-sorta-maybe pissed Slindis off in a manner that I didn't mean to annnndddd...I kinda want to make it up to her so I don't need to watch my back for the rest of my stay here. So...Any ideas on how to do that?"
The Cleric blinked in confusion and continued, [color=0E59E4]"Oh come on, it can't be THAT bad."
"Bet you 5 bucks it's awful."[/color]
"You think I'm a sucker?"
David gave a cough that inadvertently silenced the voices in Teri's mind before saying in a very quiet voice, ""....*AHEM [small]I insulted her parenting skills[/small]"
"I KNEW IT! PAY UP!"[/color]
"Nobody was betting with you..."
Following that exchange, Teri blinked again and shook her head, [color=0E59E4]"That is a doozy... I dunno really. I've never said anything like that too her before. I know it's always been kinda a sore spot, so I never mentioned it very much. Hmn... In my opinion, if you say something you come to regret, you just go an apologize to the person and mean it with showing it in what you do. Like 'I'm gonna quit smoking' and actively working to fix that. Otherwise, I don't know if that's something you can just put a bandaid on and make better. Was there something in particular you planned to do?"[/color]
Location: Rising Dawn | Mainframe/ RD Bridge Alpha and Vermilion
The Red Cloaked AI stood up from her post and led Alpha along the way, to a model version of the Dawn and began pointing at different locations on the model. As she did so, she began listing off all the main forms of defense available on the Rising Dawn, both internally and externally (such as the turrets used when Red Mage inexplicably appeared on ship, hopefully he still wasn't around...)
After her lengthy explanation, Vermilion concluded with, [color=FF5439]
"Do you have any other questions?"
((I actually don't know what's on the ship, so we'll just nod and say I do.))