Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon
"Look, more shinies!"
Caim looked over the payout listing and counted out the 5 coins in his hand,
"It seems that the more we put up to bet, the more that will come out. I bet we'd get more if we used more.... You want to try more than 1?"
The turtle-dragon baby looked it over, and picked up one coin for himself,
"I want to keep one. But let's try two?"
The mute gave a small shrug, and put two coins in the machine and let Cadolbolg pull the lever again; curious about this strange light machine. If anything, it was entertaining to Cadolbolg, and that much was what made Caim enjoy the exercise. As the slot machine began to spin, Caim wondered quietly what purpose these coins held in the casino. Why did people put so much value on them, if at all?
As soon as Ton Ton saw Devon and Angelus, the Tonberry hopped on Devon's shoulder and said, [color=15650D]"Me and Ms. Constance wandered in here cause we were just exploring. Then she disappeared, and this guy told us we weren't allowed. I wasn't aware of an age restriction, or that I was causing any trouble... Sorry."[/color]
Angelus gave the worker a nod,
"As the little one says, this was obviously a misunderstanding. We'll be taking him out of your hair now. Devon, Ton Ton?"
After leading the two out of the "adult entertainment" area, Angelus gave an exasperated sigh,
"Next time we go to a place like this, do try to be a bit more careful, hmn? I thought there was a bit more trouble than a simple mixup, given what I was gleaning from your pact signal..."
Ton Ton shrunk against Devon's side, clearly embarrassed to have caused so much trouble with the place he just wandered into.
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri
When David wandered back in, Teri gave a small nod to Melethia's answer, and answered the both, [color=0E59E4]"Dad hasn't grabbed Mum yet, and we're still trying to pick out a dish to make for Mum. The only real lead I have so far is she likes hot foods,
maybe. So, with that in mind, I think we should make something good and simple, but somewhat spicy, and have a desert to finish it off."[/color]
She began pacing round the room, thinking of spicy foods off of the top of her head, [color=0E59E4]"Hmn... Spicy foods... Well, there's chili? No, too every day... There's also curry. That can be made to be indulgent, depending upon what you put in it. AHA!"[/color]
Clapping her hands together, the Cleric spun around and said in an excited tone, [color=0E59E4]"That's it! We can make her a nice curry and rice dish, and then cool off the heat with an indulgent ice cream desert, like a sundae! Milk is really helpful to take the edge off of spicy stuff; so it's perfect! [small]...Right?[/small]"[/color]
She sat there, waiting for her friend's responses with a tiny hint of impatience. It had been forever since Teri had been able to stretch her cooking muscles, but it was fairly obvious to David, Shadow and Melethia that she was looking forward to the exercise, as mundane as it was. In fact, this was probably the most excited either had seen the Cleric, up to this point.