Diablo1099 said:
"....What kind of Sushi did you eat!?"
The Cat-Eared little Vampire-Girl could only shrug in response to the Gardevoir's question before answering.
"I really haven't got a clue what kind of Sushi those imps gave me. All I know is one moment I was in the Canteen talking to Ella and the next moment I was here, laying on the ground." The Raven Haired Princess stated in her most matter of fact voice. Brushing bits of debris and detritus from her black clothing, Constance paused before glancing over to her Hunter "Companion" who appeared to be in state of confusion equal to hers.
"I did not eat the Sushi." Som said bluntly, knowing without a shadow of a doubt what the vampiric idiot was about to ask him.
"Oh." Constance said looking a bit crestfallen, until the entrance of the two "gentlemen."
Som did not pay attention to the prattling around him, instead, he regarded his brightly lit surroundings. Were it not for the appearance of the Rising Dawn crew members nearby, he would have thought that he and his captive had been transported to the Southern most landmass of Middleworld, to an island known as Coveting Cove.
As being as far away from the Middleworld capitol of Santum as any place could be, Coveting Cove was known for two things. The first was the large amount of gambling and other activities that were frowned upon in polite society. The second item that Coveting Cove was known for was that it was the home port for many pirate operations. As such, Coveting Cove was not known as the most hospitable area nor the safest. This was the exact reason why Som found himself on edge when the two miscreants approached the group.
Constance, however could only stare blankly at Musician and his Manager as she attempted to decipher what it was they were saying, the fact that she was getting rather hungry did not aid her in her task.
[color=B87333]"A drink Miss Constance?"[/color] Teddy said from behind Constance, sensing that his owner was getting a bit peckish and knowing that if the hunger lasted any longer, the two prattlers would become two pop-top blood donors in a matter of seconds.
"Please." Constance responded, reaching back to receive one of the juice boxes filled with blood, sucking on the straw until the box was nearly flat.
While she was busy consuming her blood box, the one known as Maccer approached the Vampire and started pointing at her.
"...Is that a Costume?..."
"'Ere. This is like that gig in Tokyo! With the Girls in Costumes...Only they had huge tits, not like this one."
If Maccer had intended to evoke a reaction from Constance, the reaction that he received was most likely not the one that he was expecting as the Sorrowfeld Vampire's face turned bright crimson as did Maccer's when a mouthful of blood was spat upon it.
"Wh-what?!?!" Constance managed to sputter as she dropped the blood box and folded her arms across her chest.