The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz

As soon as she heard Maccer's voice, Ella immediately tried guiding the young girl away from him. "Just out luck..."

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow

Melethia tried thinking about things, then finally stopped. "I dunno, You have much, sis?" It was clear that Melethia didn't have many good ideas here...

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Angelus, Devon

Devon kept it brief as he talked to his magic teacher. "Used one of my spells to give an opening for an attack... Let's leave it at that."

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Om : Garden of Knowledge said:
Tel'pa, known to others as Constance Sorrowfeld, looked into the device known as an Auto-Scry while she sat alone, trapped in the middle of the the Garden of Knowledge. As soon as her mind had integrated into the one called Tel'pa, the network that all Omians were connected to detected the shift in her neural map and had alerted those around Tel'pa to the change. It had been decided by unanimous decision that Tel'pa should be quarantined until the cause of the neural shift could be determined. Is was due to this decision that Constance found herself trapped in the Garden and bored out of her mind.

She had already used the Auto-Scry to look at the Capitol City of the Underworld, or as the Overworldians called it Fir. Haven Rock was a hub of activity with the war with Middleworld, or as the Overworldians called it Mir, as Firian warrior mages rode the Column to the surface to reinforce the forces that were already laying siege to the Capitol, Tiran.

Constance had also used the Auto-Scry to look at each of the Thirty One Columns that supported the Shell, One Column to a Kingdom (save the Kingdom of Santum which was supported by the Kingdoms around it), with a total of 32 Kingdoms. She counted each of the hexagons that created the nearly spherical surface of the shell, one thousand and twenty four hexagons going East and West by one thousand and twenty four hexagons going North and South [footnote]Each Hex is 32 Kilometers from the Midpoint of one side to the Midpoint of the Opposite side.[/footnote].

On this, the fourth day of her isolation and the siege of Tiran, the members of Overworld, or Om as it was called, held a meeting. The meeting did not take place in any civic plaza or grand meeting room, it took place where ever the Omian in question was standing as the actual meeting took place over a grand network that connected the minds of all Omians together as one.

Fis: "This Convergence has been called to discuss the recent events that have transpired on Mir. The Mirian Emperor known as Kale 'Firebrand' Sodenheim has requested our assistance in breaking the siege of the Mirian Capitol City of Tiran. He reminds us 'Overworldian Jellies' that it is the Mirians that control the raw materials that are shipped to Om. Until he receives aid, he states that he shall be suspending shipments indefinitely."

There was a tremor that surged over the network as other Omians assimilated the knowledge that Ambassador Fis had brought forth. Some members were concerned with the threat to cease the shipment of raw materials while others were clearly angered by the insult that Emperor Firebrand that thrown towards the Omians.

The Omian people were not neither the strongest nor the more durable of the races that populated Fir, Mir and Om. Life in low gravity had made their bones brittle when compared to those of the other races. Their flesh, which had adapted to accommodate the occasional traversal of vacuum was soft and pliable. This had given rise to the racial slur "Jellies" as the flesh of some Omians had become transparent and resembled Fruit Preserves.

From the time that Constance had spent with the Omians, she had seen that the normal Omian was tall and slender with large eyes that contained a double set of eyelids, one that blocked out harmful Ultraviolet light from the Sun. Though they were fragile due to the environment in which they lived, the armored suits that they wore made them far stronger and resilient than even the largest of the Firians.

Tel'pa: "I have a suggestion. Why don't we help the Firians?"

Fis: "Tel'pa. You know that because of the anomalous neural patterns that we detected that you have had your right to speak in the Convergence suspended."

Tel'pa: "Whatever. But it doesn't mean that what I'm saying doesn't make any less sense. If we help the Firians, we won't ever be at the mercy of the Mirians. We won't have to bend to the Emperor's will ever again."

There was another tremor within the network, with many of the Omians siding with Tel'pa's idea. If they sided with the Firians, they would be able to setup a government that would be more willing to work with the Omians rather than made demands and threats. It was at that point that there was a call to vote.

Fis: "Very well. It has been decided that we shall make entreaties to the Firian Commander to break through the defenses of the Mirian Capitol of Tiran. In return for our aid, we shall demand that the next Mirian government that is placed into power shall never be put into a position where they can threaten the Om."

The tremor that had been pulsing within the Omian neural network crescendoed into the mental equivalent of applause at the decision, one that Tel'pa felt uncharacteristically proud of for her role in it. As the Convergence ended, Tel'pa sat in the middle of the Garden, wondering what had caused her to act so -

It started with a bit of ash that was carried into Las Venturas by the smallest of breezes. The piece of ash meandered slowly and leisurely between the buildings until it neared a group of crew members that belonged to the Airship that had been christened the Rising Dawn at which point it was joined by flakes of ash. Soon, two discreet piles of ash gathered near the group that consisted of Cadolbolg, Caim, Cz, Ella, Hadrian, Jenny and Ton Ton and ignited in a burst of energy that illuminated the streets and blinded those foolish enough to look into the bright conflagration of energy.

And suddenly, it was over. The light that had been caused by the return of Constance and Som into the world died, the only trace of its passing were the two figures that were left laying on the concrete sidewalk near the crew members.

Constance was the first to move as she burst into a coughing fit, her lungs filling with the air that contained the pollutants created by Las Venturas while the remainder of her body attempted to remember how to eliminate said pollutants from the Vampire's body.

Som's awakening was less dramatic as the Hunter simply opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. Though he recognized that he was back among the crew members of the Rising Dawn, he did not recognize his surroundings nor did he remember how he came to be at that location.

"Where are we?" He asked no one in particular, trying to shake off the dream that he had experienced while he slumbered. Internally, he swore that he would never drink as much again for how else could he be at that location with no memory as to how he had arrived.

"-" Constance remained laying next to Som as she grumbled while attempting to fight off the panic that threatened to overtake her at the fact that she found herself on the ground, in pain and her last memory being her trying some sort of strange cuisine. As the pain subsided, she found herself able to look around, the light of the city no longer causing her head to feel as if it had been split open by an ax.

Seeing a familiar face nearby, she thought that perhaps she had a very bad reaction to the 'Sushi' that she had tried and perhaps the crew members were there to help them.

"El-Ella? N-No offense, but I don't think sushi is for me."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Las Venturas: The Strip: Angelus, Ella, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny, Som, Constance, MACCER, Kent Paul

Jenny was confused to say the least at Som and Constance's sudden return, seeing how they literally just "Beamed" right in front of them.
"....What kind of Sushi did you eat!?" She exclaimed before helping the Catgirl up.
"-ey!? Wot the hell was that!?"
"....urrrrrhhhhhh...." She then sighed as the moronic musician known as Maccer spotted them.
"'ecking 'ell! Didn't think I'd see you twats again!" The musician said as he looked at Constance.
"...Is that a Costume?..." He asked before his manager walked over and said "Maccer, for the love of god, leave these people alone! Didn't you learn anything back in the Desert!?"
The Pokemon meanwhile just began edging away from the brits, knowing how "Grabby" Maccer was.
"'Ere. This is like that gig in Tokyo! With the Girls in Costumes...Only they had huge tits, not like this one."
"Maccer...ohhh....Really sorry, kid's like a special needs, can't contain himself sometimes..."
"...So I've noticed..."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
& Vermilion.
Location: Rising Dawn | Mainframe/ RD Bridge.
Time: Day.
The visualized AI shook it's head at Vermilion's question.
[color=nvayblue]No, that I good for now. I'm going to go around checking out these systems with a certain 'violator' I know.[/color]
Alpha grinned widely, processing what she would do to Sean.
[color=nvayblue]Now you must excuse me, I must go back to my physical body. Once more, thank you for showing me around and telling me so much. Tell Dimitri thank you too.[/color]
The computerized voice said and bowed to the red hooded AI before she faded back to her physical body.

Moving her existence back to her physical body, Alpha looked onto the ground and saw a certain white haired punk staring at the ceiling thinking about his life and how he went wrong with his previous mistake. Staying silent even after the AI appeared. Picking the Spartan up by the head, Alpha started to walk and examine the Rising Dawn's weapon systems. Storm was dragged in tow still in pain.

Team drunk Wanderer Shawn and Rusty.
Location: Rising Dawn | Roof | Canteen.
Time: Day or something.
The Wanderer's face told all. Due to the many mutations inside his body, Shawn could not linger in the "Drunk" state of mind for long. Even if he drinks many bottles, he will only have the alcohol inside his body for a hour or two before the chemicals and radiation inside his bodies eliminate it. Still even if he was mostly sober, The Wanderer still had the after effects, such as a giant headache and bloodshot eyes.

" ... No." Shawn simply said as he looked around and found the kitchen. Even if it was his first time coming here, he went into the kitchen and came out with a plate of steak and eggs. Funny thing is that he wasn't even afraid of the Imps in there. Inside his mind Shawn was excited for his fresh steak and eggs made from REAL eggs and cow meat. In the world where he was from, Shawn did not even know that chickens were real until he read about them in a book. Now about Cow meat ... he had something similar.

Even if he was excited, his face only could be described as something from a depressing action movie where the main character was always frowning. "Now what you were talking about?" He said whilst shoveling some bacon into his mouth.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Finally found a link to a site where I can watch that show :D If your interested ,Shawn and Rusty.
Location: Rising Dawn | | Canteen.
Time: Day or something.
"...About me staying here until my Bodyguard finishes whatever the hell he's doing and takes me back to the Venture Compound!" Rusty answered before pulling out a box of those pills of his he always took.
"It shouldn't be more then a few...a few....Oh no..." He stammered as he slowly began to look around for his diet pills.
"...Oh Crap, Oh Crap! Oh, this isn't good..." He began to panic as he looked under the table on the ground.
"...Did you drop something?"
"JUST SHUT UP AND HELP ME LOOK FOR THEM!" He snapped as he began to crawl on the floor looking for his pills.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Diablo1099 said:
"....What kind of Sushi did you eat!?"
The Cat-Eared little Vampire-Girl could only shrug in response to the Gardevoir's question before answering.

"I really haven't got a clue what kind of Sushi those imps gave me. All I know is one moment I was in the Canteen talking to Ella and the next moment I was here, laying on the ground." The Raven Haired Princess stated in her most matter of fact voice. Brushing bits of debris and detritus from her black clothing, Constance paused before glancing over to her Hunter "Companion" who appeared to be in state of confusion equal to hers.

"I did not eat the Sushi." Som said bluntly, knowing without a shadow of a doubt what the vampiric idiot was about to ask him.

"Oh." Constance said looking a bit crestfallen, until the entrance of the two "gentlemen."

Som did not pay attention to the prattling around him, instead, he regarded his brightly lit surroundings. Were it not for the appearance of the Rising Dawn crew members nearby, he would have thought that he and his captive had been transported to the Southern most landmass of Middleworld, to an island known as Coveting Cove.

As being as far away from the Middleworld capitol of Santum as any place could be, Coveting Cove was known for two things. The first was the large amount of gambling and other activities that were frowned upon in polite society. The second item that Coveting Cove was known for was that it was the home port for many pirate operations. As such, Coveting Cove was not known as the most hospitable area nor the safest. This was the exact reason why Som found himself on edge when the two miscreants approached the group.

Constance, however could only stare blankly at Musician and his Manager as she attempted to decipher what it was they were saying, the fact that she was getting rather hungry did not aid her in her task.

[color=B87333]"A drink Miss Constance?"[/color] Teddy said from behind Constance, sensing that his owner was getting a bit peckish and knowing that if the hunger lasted any longer, the two prattlers would become two pop-top blood donors in a matter of seconds.

"Please." Constance responded, reaching back to receive one of the juice boxes filled with blood, sucking on the straw until the box was nearly flat.

While she was busy consuming her blood box, the one known as Maccer approached the Vampire and started pointing at her.

"...Is that a Costume?..."
"'Ere. This is like that gig in Tokyo! With the Girls in Costumes...Only they had huge tits, not like this one."

If Maccer had intended to evoke a reaction from Constance, the reaction that he received was most likely not the one that he was expecting as the Sorrowfeld Vampire's face turned bright crimson as did Maccer's when a mouthful of blood was spat upon it.

"Wh-what?!?!" Constance managed to sputter as she dropped the blood box and folded her arms across her chest.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Las Venturas: The Strip: Angelus, Ella, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny, Som, Constance, MACCER, Kent Paul

Maccer reeled back when he got a faceful of blood.
"AWWWW YA TWAT! GOD, FUCKING HELL! IT'S ALL OVER ME FUCKING FACE!" He shouted in his thick Manchester accent as he wiped his eyes while Kent Paul and Jenny looked on.
"...Okay, I'm just going know, Disassociate myself with our friend here."
"...You go and do that..." Jenny said as Kent made the smart move and began to walk away before he ended up in the same grave Maccer was going to be put into.
"AHHH! Christ, it's like a dozen fucking cherries all going off at once! I didn't even get it out yet!" He stated as he managed to clear his vision.
"Who the FUCK do you think you are!? Flinging your fucking smashed cherries at people you dirty langer, ya!"

This is an actual post that I wrote.
I kid you not.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Diablo1099 said:
"Who the FUCK do you think you are!? Flinging your fucking smashed cherries at people you dirty langer, ya!"
It seemed that an impasse was brewing in Las Venturas. In one corner there was Constance heroically attempting to decipher the words that had been slung from the blood covered lips of Maccer. In the other corner was Maccer of Manchester heroically attempting to cling onto what shred of dignity remained belonging to the possibly inebriated or possibly insane musician. Som had no time for such antics nor did he have the patience as he slowly positioned himself behind the receiver of the bloody facial.

"Friend, I believe your time here has come to an end." The Hunter stated as he reached for a weapon that would make short work of the pedantic pustule of a human being.

"Wa-Wait Som!" The crimson faced Vampire managed to stammer, regaining her faculties after the initial shock of the Mouthy Manchesterian.

"What now?"

"He-He doesn't mean to be rude, I don't think." The Ruby Lipped Vampirette responded as she mentally asked Teddy to give her a handkerchief before returning her gaze to Maccer.

[DOMINATE]"I'm sorry, Mister Maccer. I didn't mean to spit the 'cherries' in your face. If you could find it in your heart of forgive me, I'd be more than willing to pay for your clothing to be cleaned." The Vampire said sweetly, her gaze locking onto Maccer and refusing to release him, knowing that if she failed, Som would be all to happy to "cleanse" the streets of this particular "vermin."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Blast Off To Titan said:
[DOMINATE]"I'm sorry, Mister Maccer. I didn't mean to spit the 'cherries' in your face. If you could find it in your heart of forgive me, I'd be more than willing to pay for your clothing to be cleaned."
Las Venturas: The Strip: Angelus, Ella, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny, Som, Constance, MACCER, Kent Paul

Maccer took on a dead look on his face and merely said "....okay....", fully under the effects of Dominate.
Good call there, Constance, I was just about to slam his skull into the sidewalk and watch his tiny brain flow out! Jenny mentally "Sent" to the catgirl as Maccer stood there, awaiting orders.
"...This mind control?...didn't think Vampires had that..." she mused as she awaited what would happen next, glad that the Musician hadn't tried to cup a feel like he did last time...


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Las Venturas: The Strip: Caim, Ella, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny, Som, Constance, MACCER, Kent Paul

The mute gave a nonchalant blink, and re-adjusted his shoulder, as Cadolbolg was sitting on it, and said,
"Well, with that nuisance out of the way, shall we be on our's I'd rather not keep the kids 'round him more than we need to."
With that, the former prince took a step around the DOMINATED and began to wander to on ahead, but paused for the rest of the group to follow.

As for Ton Ton, he was perplexed at Maccer's sudden turn for the stiff, and poked the man's side with a free paw, curious if he'd do anything in response. When nothing happened, he shrugged and added in with Jenny, [color=15650D]"I'm in the same boat you are. Only thing I know about vampires is that they drink blood."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri

Teri thought hard for a moment, one hand petting Garm's fur as she mulled over the possibilities, [color=0E59E4]"You are right, David. Mum doesn't seem to relax very much. Maybe that's exactly what we need to do for her. Like a personal spa or something. I mean, we don't have to all turn into masseuses, but maybe we could try to do something nice? I remember doing a sort of facial cleaning thing with some Girl Scouts when I was younger; and we could always google more ideas, right?"[/color]

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Angelus, Devon

Angelus quirked an eyebrow, Devon's constant attention to beating around the bush piquing her curiosity even more, "You know how much of a fruitless effort it is going to be trying to hide this, Devon. I share minds with Caim, remember? If what happened was truly so terrible, it'll be better for you to tell me now than for me to find out later. You'd want to amend whatever happened, correct? Then let me help."

She paused for a moment, her voice taking a softer tone, "Caim's well-being is important to me too, Devon."

Rising Dawn | Mainframe/ RD Bridge Vermilion, Alpha

Vermilion gave a small bow as Alpha left the mainframe, and then made her way back to the main control panel, draping her arms over the Butler from behind before whispering, [color=FF5349]
"Alphas's returned to her mobile terminal in the physical world, and most of the users have exited this ship. I think this warrents some time to ourselves, does it not?"

With a small chuckle, Dimitri looked up from his controls, a sly smile on his face, [color=3897E0]
"Well, as you said, [u]most[/u] of them have left. There is still a chance our services will be required. Until then, however..."

Standing up from his seat, Dimitri extended a hand to his counterpart, [color=3897E0]
"Care to dance?"

As if he needed to ask.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Anger makes more anger ,Shawn and Rusty.
Location: Rising Dawn | | Canteen.
Time: Day or something.
This guy was only annoying the Wanderer more and more, it almost made him wander why the hell he saved this guy's ass in the first place. In the Wanderer's mind he still saved him, he didn't get him fired or put on some dumb list, he just simply saved him from a life of being destroyed by an accidentaly building lose due to Shawn. "Don't shout ... right now, or I'll have to do something really bad. To you. Mostly bodily harm. Maybe death." Shawn couldn't make up his mind right now so he got onto his knees and started to look for the pills.

"Why the hell do you need these things anyway? This floor must be at least 0.1 percent fucking dirty, yet you still want to take them. I never get you humans." Shawn said in a way that he distance himself from the human race he was born into. In the mind of Shawn, he thinks that he is "The next step of humanity" in one way.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri

David thought about the whole "Spa" idea and while it could work, like with all his plans thus far, there was a flaw.
"While I know how good a Spa can be, just I don't think your da-da would be a fan of me giving Slindis a Massage. There are 2 very different meanings to that word and I think I know what one would come to mind..." He mused as he considered the numerous wounds he would obtain from a very angry Rugal.
"Still...Lack of a better idea...Unless she likes chocolate..."

Painful Memories ,Shawn and Rusty.
Location: Rising Dawn | Canteen.
Time: Day or something.
"I just need them to shut my memories up! OKAY!?!" Rusty stammered as he kept looking for his diet pills, holding his head in a pained expression as he did, looking more like a mental patient than anything else.

What he saw

"You aren't going to find them, you used them all during that escape." Boomed an extremely manly voice.
"Well don't you fucking know it-Oh come on!" The former Child Adventurer groaned as he was faced with the last person he wanted to meet: His father, Jonas Venture.
He was Strong, Clever, Handsome and 12 feet tall for some unknown reason.
"...Dad...Please, can we not do thi-"
"OH SHUT UP! I'm not having this conversation with a 12ft tall hallucination again!" He snarked to his mental demon and he looked for a pill to take.
"Hey, you're the one having the crazy trip. Not my fault that your daddy issues means I can barely fit into most of the rooms you have episodes in." The hallucination sighed as it sat on the ground, doing his best to fit inside the canteen.
"Look, I'm out in public! Can we do this later?."
"Oh, that's your answer to everything, put it on the long figure and be amazed when something goes wrong! Christ above, how the hell you got to be your father's son, I'll never know."
"Look, I know you aren't real and are just a figment of my damaged psyche, so if you wouldn't mind doing me a favour and-"

What everyone else saw

"-SHUT UP WHILE I FIND MY PILLS!" Dr. Venture screamed into thin air as he kept arguing with himself(?) in plain sight of both the Imps and Shawn.
"...Oh La-dee-fucking-la! It's not my fault that he was crazy enough to let a 10 year old go a space station it was still being made, now is it?!" he raved in his desperate display as he began looking for any way to shut up the voices.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz

Ella laughed at Constance'[s statement after Maccer left them to be. "They made that sushi with some kind of extra-spicy horseradish sauce, so it packed one hell of a kick... now where's that Bard at?"

Rising Dawn: Slindis' room: Rugal, Slindis

After the majority of those on board had left, Slindis got up to try to find something to do, or find something to read.

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow

She whistled as she overheard the talking. "Well, whatever it is, I bet it's going to be exciting!"

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Angelus, Devon

He pondered departing from the ship. "Used the wrong illusion, but that look on his face... I don't think I'll see it again in my life. During the one time he lowered the magic restriction, too."


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: The Strip | Las Venturas​
Angelus | Ella | Ton Ton | Cadolbolg | Cz | Jenny | Som | Constance | MACCER | Kent Paul

Though Ella tried to hide the scene from Cz, the Peacekeeper poked her head out from behind Ella's legs and observed the scene quietly.

How vulgar. Cz most nearly stuck her tongue out in abhorrent disgust. She had a steep dislike of vulgar gentlemen like that musician who had in essence, sexually harassed a girl in the younger marriage age range. Though off-putting, vulgarity was not one of the things that Cz had been conditioned to pin as a "sin." It is a good thing I am not in my regular form as of yet. I do not think I could stop myself from dissolving him if he touched me.

She paused a while, making sure that Ella was watching her before darting out into plain sight. "Cz want know what wrong with man," she said pointing at Maccer, who had been pacified by some obscure vampire power. If there are others in this world with Divine Power... then this is a dangerous place indeed. BlackHarte warbled softly from his position as her tunic belt, giving no advice, but rather making a jape only synthetics could understand.

Cz cast a sidelong glance at Constance. She was short, thin and fair. Most definitely not a human by any stretch of the definition, what with her cat ears, fangs, and tendency to feast on human blood. Although Cz could not derive her chromosome set up by visual analysis alone, she reasoned that the Raven Haired lolita was close enough to human as to interbreed. That was enough for her to be considered part of the human race, Cz supposed despite her incongruencies, and so the Peacekeeper started to watch Constance's actions closely as well, if only out of the corner of her wide faux-innocent eyes.

"It is a good test of personality if you grab her breasts and gauge her reaction," BlackHarte suggested, "at least, that's what Lady Kurumu said once."

Kurumu? Cz transmitted back to BlackHarte. A Japanese name, feminine. I suppose that she was some sort of succubus that you had an affiliation with in the past? BlackHarte responded with a simple "yes" signal. A simple deduction based on the residue left in the Canteen. this world was filled with broken absolutes it seemed, and the only constant that Cz could find was it's absolute random abnormality. A world of aberrants, how fitting for me.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri

The Cleric made an irritated noise in the back of her throat before taking another breath to calm herself. It wouldn't do to channel her Shadow every time she got mad (even if it did feed off of negative emotions), and said, [color=0E59E4]"I suppose you didn't catch the part about everyone not being a masseuse. I was mainly thinking things like they do in spas, like mud baths and little fish that clean the dead skin off your feet. Hell, I bet we could convert one of these training rooms to do just that! After all, they seem to have the ability to summon all sorts of stuff to suit our needs. And, if worst comes to worse, you ARE talking to a walking Walmart [sub]with restrictions[/sub]. I could scrounge up a good deal of the supplies with little effort if we really needed them.

And, if you're that bent on making her something to eat, we can easily bring up a recipe and make something. I had to cook at home before, so this shouldn't be too hard, right?"[/color]

It was a rare moment for Teri to be able to talk of all these mundane plans so openly. Were it not for the giant wolf, the elfin adoptive sibling, the super soldier, and the equipment she was wearing, the Cleric could have mistaken the situation for a normal one back home.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Shadow, Teri

"...Oh yeah, Forgot about that...Guess that saves me a trip. Heheh." David laughed awkwardly, Hoping he didn't dig himself another hole to climb out of.
"Alright, just one last thing. Lets just propose that she hates that...Then what?..." He then asked, knowing how Mud Baths weren't for everyone.
"What about a film of you getting brutally beaten to some entertaining music?"
"...Nah, you need some decent equipment in order to fil-....Ah crap..." The Sniper then groaned as he realized Rugal was now standing right behind him.
"...David." The German said as David looked behind him.
"...Rugal. Sooooo....ummm how is sh-"
"She'll live, though your "Insightful" comments were enough to unearth a lot of old pain...Hope you are proud of yourself..." Rugal interrupted as he walked over to his daughters.
"...Well...I'm trying to fix that part...[sub]And ummm...yeah...[/sub]....Think a Spa would work?"
"It'd better, for your sake..."

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
A wave of both relief and satisfaction washed over the Faux Cat-Girl as what could have been a tragic situation was dispelled without the prerequisite of violence and/or bloodshed appeared to surround the Raven-Haired vampire's existence. Satisfied in the knowledge that the vile man called Maccer would be of no further trouble, Constance reached bad to her living backpack and produced two one ounce gold coins, each one stamped on one side with a bow and a quiver of arrows while the other side was bore the face of High Warden Taggart, current leader of the Hunter's Authority.

[DOMINATE]"Here's payment for your clothing, as promised. Now why don't we please just forget that this ever happened alright?" The Cat-Eared clad Vampire suggested as she handed the gold coins to the Musician. This event might have been the turning point in the young vampire's opinion in regards to her existence were it not for the mutters she heard passing the lips of the Rising Dawn's crew members.

Diablo1099 said:
"...This mind control?...didn't think Vampires had that..."
bluerocker said:
[color=15650D]"I'm in the same boat you are. Only thing I know about vampires is that they drink blood."[/color]
TheMehKingdom said:
"Cz want know what wrong with man,"
The realization that Constance Sorrowfeld had revealed her true nature to those around her did not come until it was much too late. There would be no other possible explanation than the conclusion that those around her had come to as to why the juice boxes that Constance drank from were filled with body temperature blood nor was there any other possible explanation as to why the Sorrowfeld Vampire was able to get the Perverted Musician to submit to her suggestions through sheer force of will. If there was anything that needed to be said in regards to her status as a "blood-sucker," it started with an apology.

"I-I'm sorry that I hid the fact that I was a vampire from many of you." The Raven Haired girl started as she absently toyed with a lock of blue streaked hair, her eyes locked on the black asphalt at her feet.

"It's something that's I've always had to do from where I come from, since --- well --- since non-humans like me aren't very accepted by humans. Most humans kill people like me when they find out what we truly are." It was at that point that she gestured towards the silent Hunter that stood apart from the group, acknowledging the fact that she knew that were it not for the knowledge that she carried in regards to the identity of those responsible for the destruction of her home, Som would have severed her head from her body the moment he laid eyes upon her.

The girl went on to explain humans blamed those like her for Middleworld's defeat during the Hydrowar, aptly named since water was the reason for the conflict, and how those unlucky enough to have been snared by the Hunter's Authority were ultimately rounded up into large forced labor camps where they were never heard from again. Those who spoke up against this inhumane treatment were branded collaborators and treated similarly to those that they sought to protect.

"So, I-I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. I promise you, though, that I won't do anything to harm any of you."

Standing in front of the group, the vampire waited for someone to speak.


As Constance made her admissions to the gather group of heroes, a member of the group slipped away unnoticed, the draw of the Las Venturas Lights proved to be too much of a draw to Teddy to ignore. It was not to say that Constance did not notice that there was no longer a plush Teddy Bear back pack attached to her back, Teddy had made sure to leave an inanimate doppelganger in his stead.

In his younger years, Teddy had proven to be a frequent visitor of Coveting Cove with its free flowing drink and freer flowing gambling. If there was one ability that made winning a breeze, it was the ability to produce cards and loaded dice from the plush folds of his belly.

And so it was that Teddy sidled up to a Craps table at one of the local casinos, a smile on his innocent looking visage.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Angelus, Ella, Hadrian, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Cz, Jenny

"You were persecuted back in your world? Awwww, poor thing..." Jenny said as Maccer went about his business, leaving the group largely unmolested (Literally).
"Well, don't you worry. You came to our aid back against that machine without so much as asking what we were even doing! Don't worry, we are very welcoming to any and all." She reassured the cat girl, giving her a comforting smile as the Musician left their presence.
Turning to Cz, She then answered "What's wrong with that man?...He....Doesn't respect personal space?" in a somewhat confused tone, clearly tip toeing around explaining to the 5 year old how sexual harrassment worked.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Master at the quick escape. Shawn and Rusty.
Location: Rising Dawn | Canteen.
Time: Day or something.
Seeing how the good Doctor was out of his mind at the moment, Shawn simply did not want to bother anymore.
Getting up very slowly, he dashed off at the speed of a figurative bullet and cleared through a door to the outside railings of the Rising Dawn. Using his quick analyse skills he jumped off the ship and activated his new best friend, his jetpack. Soon enough the Wanderer was zipping and zooming around the skies.

Wandering what to do next he landed on the ground, the surrounding crowd surprised at the landing man. Thinking that this new environment looked a lot like New Vegas, the Wanderer went to go find a evil casino to rob. From the main group in the canteen's eyes it simply looked like a crazy and drunk man were talking which resulted in one jumping out of the ship.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Getting the last word in with Rusty.
Location: Rising Dawn | Canteen.
Time: A Venture Time
"....GET OUT OF THE MOMMY PLACE!" Rusty shouted as Shawn made his exit, leaving the poor doctor alone to fight his inner demons without his much needed diet pills as all the Imps looked on.

Viva Las Venturas! Shawn and Kent Paul.
Location: Outside Caligula's Palace, The Strip
"Tsh, needed to find an new act anyway. After that last gig got me locked up in some military hellhole..." Kent Paul sighed to himself as he walked along the strip, just after leaving Maccer to fend for himself against the other members of the Rising Dawn.
"God, I miss the '80s...And Vice City...I wonder if Tommy is still around..." He mused to himself...

Right as Shawn arrived, wearing a jetpack and that sheriff's duster, right beside.
"OH SHIT! THEY FOUND ME! AHHHH!" He screamed as he made a mad dash away from the Wanderer as he stood outside The Largest Casino in town.
Before he was able to so much as say hello, Kent was already in the door of the joint, pushing aside tourists as he ran inside.