The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
"Constance, there's a bit of difference, I would think. We would have only needed to pay for our heading in. It's kind of how a buffet works, and I know I would have had enough for us to eat. Don't control the waitress when they come back to clean up when we finish. I know it may not matter to you, but they live or die based on their tips if it's anything like what I know, and the one up there's already going to be having some hell for missing all of us.

Enough of all that, though. No cutting, let's not throw around any elbows, and let's get something to eat!"
The Faux Cat Girl did not need to be told twice when it came to sampling new cuisines. Even though the Vampire did not need food to survive, nor did she receive any nourishment for eating it, she was still quite interested in the different flavors that each morsel contained. Grabbing a plate, Constance went over to the line that had queued for the section marked Italian, which was at this point very long due to the "Build your own Pasta" Bar being open.

Tapping her food impatiently, the Vampirette stood as one by one, each of the customers were served by the overworked chefs. Both time and the queue marched forth slowly and even though Constance had an eternity to live, she did not have an eternity to wait.

[BLOOD MAGIC - CELERITY] It might have been considered cutting if any human were to see her or notice the fact that the Cat-Eared young girl had hopping behind the Pasta Bar to create her own plate of pasta which included some sort of red sauce, a green sauce and a white sauce, all of which smelled delicious. The plate also included something called Italian sausage, clams, some sort of insect called a lobster and red chili flakes.

Looking behind her to make sure that no one had noticed, she smiled to herself as the people still in the queue continued to move forward, not giving her a second glace.

Sitting at a table, she noticed that she was the first to finish gathering her meal.

bluecrimson said:
"Even so, I don't think I've known a man that got so wasted after 5 drinks... Must be some strong stuff. And is that backpack really ordering a drink?"
Teddy noticed that he was being observed by the Succubus with what appeared to be a look of disbelief as he flagged down the barkeep for another drink.

[color=B87333]"Excuse me, miss, but have you ever been told it's not polite to stare?"[/color] Teddy said to the Ella before ordering a glass of red wine, depositing a gold coin on the counter for payment.

[color=B87333]"As for Som, I would've thought with as much as he drinks, he would have built up a much better tolerance at this point."[/color]

"What're yoo guysh talkin' 'bout. Ahm fine!" The Hunter stated as he knocked back his sixth shot of tequila.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
So the dealer had been cheating his client. Eric smirked, drew his pistol. Now all he had to do was find out where the money had been stashed and he was on the home stretch.

He kicked out the vent and dropped into the room, shooting out the lights and rolling to the side. A muzzle flashed, illumitaing the room for a brief moment and peppering the wall next to Eric's head with bullets. He dove for the other side of the room.

"Drop your guns or you're all dead," he said. All it would take was a second. He would activate his ocular augmentation's night vision and pop the two goons before barreling down on the pit boss. He had no idea what to do about the newcomer. From the looks of things, he wasn't one for sneaking around, possibly more braun than brains. He couldn't be sure, though, and underestimating someone was a dangerous thing to do. From the looks of it, though, he was no friend of the three men in the room.

"This is your only warning. You can't see me, but I sure as hell can see you," he bluffed. He had to wait to the last second to activate his night vision or he'd be an easy target.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Buffet | Four Dragons | Las Venturas
Time: Dinner​
Ella | Hadrian | Jenny | Cz | Cutie Bruisers | Caim | Angelus | Devon

Cz sat idly at the table and didn't make a move toward the food. At this point she was lacking in appetite, more off put by BlackHarte's biting comments than hungry. She sat there at the table until all the others broke off to find their foods, and she sat there while the waitstaff cast strange looks at her. Cz looked like an abandoned child were it not for her air of severe dignity, and in fact, a small level of that Divine Imperative causing the waitstaff to feel uneasy around her.

Eventually Constance the vampire cat came back to the table with a plate full of pasta and pasta-accessories. She looked dim-witted, and mayhaps she was so, but Cz couldn't feel correct judging someone based on her appearance alone. Going against the advice-protests of BlackHarte, Cz opened her mouth and spoke.

"What is you?" she asked sweetly, picking up a cup in front of her with both hands and bringing it to her lips. Cz took a long drink while staring at Constance, "You is strange. Not like friends."

"Of course she is different milady, she is an aberration born of fetishes," BlackHarte answered teasingly.

I asked not you. Cz growled back, acting as if she were only clearing her throat.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon, Constance

After much betting was to be had, and the mute was left with two coins, a distinct rumbling filled the air, causing Cadolbolg to smile sheepishly, "Father... As much fun as all these games are, I'm kinda hungry."

The former Prince gave a nod and the two wandered off towards the food areas; stopping when they reached the table where a good chunk of the party was relaxing at and gave a wave, Cadolbolg fluttering over next to Ton Ton; "Hello, Friend Ton Ton! Have you been having fun?"

Ton Ton waved a hand for Cadolbolg when he appeared, [color=15650D]"Things seem to be going well enough. Ms. Sorrowfield disappeared on me, but I think it may have been a spell going haywire. Aside from that, and Ms. Cz needing a nap; we seem to be doing well.[/color]

As he spoke of Cz, the young girl (at least, she appeared that way to most), made her mentions of Constance, and Ton Ton spoke up, [color=15650D][sub]Oh speaking of...[/sub] Ms. Cz, that's one of the newer members of our group, Ms. Sorrowfield. She was with us when we entered this establishment. She also helped us fight off a big robot."[/color]

Cadolbolg made a happy noise, and tucked into his meal, Caim watching from the sidelines with a smile. However, upon Devon's return, Caim had to force himself to appear calm, his stone face taking place as the incident in the training room remained fresh in his mind. This sudden shift did not go unnoticed by Angelus however, as she was connected to Caim's mind as he was to her's. As the images flashed in her mind, Angelus made another mental note that she needed the two men to properly reconcile with one another. However, she'd keep up her cool appearance as well when she answered back to Devon, "Very well, Devon. However, I do ask you do not refer to me as 'Angie' again."

Rising Dawn: Simulator: Melethia, David, Teri, Slindis

The work in the kitchens wasn't very hard for Teri when she had prepared the curry and the sundae earlier; the main difficulty being in understanding the Imps, but she had to admit that the process as a whole was indeed a fun one. Standing beside Rugal (Garm once again confined to the entrance) she whispered back, [small][color=0E59E4]"I think he'll do alright, so long as he doesn't get too nervous. Then again, he gets nervous often... oh drat, now I'm worried."[/color][/small]

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
TheMehKingdom said:
"What is you? You is strange. Not like friends."
The little one's voice drew Constance's attention away from the piled plate of pasta concoction and towards the voice's source. It had not occurred to the Young Vampire until that moment but Cz reminded the Sorrowfeld Vampire of her younger sister when she was that age, as sharp and direct as one of her father's straight razors. Smiling at the juvenile's seemingly innocent facade, Constance regarded the little one with a slight air of amusement.

"I'm Constance, Constance Sorrowfeld." She responded, leaving out her familial lineage as well as her title, "What do you mean by strange?"

The question was rather straight forward since strange was a relative term in comparison to the remainder of the crew members of the Rising Dawn. Was the vampire strange due to the fact that Constance was from this world or was it the fact that she wore cat ears despite the fact that she was a vampire? Continuing to smile, Constance waited patiently for a response, not touching her pasta concoction whilst waiting for the little one to formulate another question.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Buffet | Four Dragons | Las Venturas
Time: Dinner​
Ella | Hadrian | Jenny | Cz | Cutie Bruisers | Caim | Angelus | Devon | Constance

Cz's mood darkened. Even though it was part of her ruse, she still hated being talked down to. However, she persisted, but as she opened her mouth her logic process came unto an impasse. She couldn't express her thoughts in a manner a five year old could and still be understood. She had to either clarify the question or risk being exposed.

"Milady is being indecisive," BlackHarte chided half-seriously.

In the end Cz made up her mind and voiced her concern, "You is unhuman." She said flatly. Her words were carefully chosen to be grammatically endearing as well as unsuspicious. After all, any child could string words together and make sentences that seemed coherent. However the observation that Constance was not human would have been much harder for a five year old to pinpoint. Nevertheless Cz gave Constance a wanting look. Eyeing her ears, fangs and tail suspiciously. Do I judge this one as human? Or do I judge this one as an aberration?

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
TheMehKingdom said:
"You is unhuman."
Even with the way in which the observation was phrased and the tone that was used, the Sorrowfeld Vampire could not keep herself from slightly flinching at the little one's observation whilst a much larger emotional cringe occurred within her mind. Various thoughts wormed their way to the surface of Constance's mind as she wondered how it was that she was going to respond to Cz's observation.

"(They teach them to differentiate between us so young.)" The Young Vampire thought to herself, remembering the emphasis that had been placed between human and non-humans in her world. The question was a reminder of the World's social inequities.

It took a eternally long handful of seconds for the Raven Haired Faux Cat Girl Vampire to shake off her initial reaction to Cz's observation before responding, her tone having lost some of the amusement that it had previously contained.

"Because I'm not a human." Constance said in a hushed tone, removing the cat ears and the tail and placing them across her lap, revealing that the Vampire was just that, a vampire.

"I'm a vampire." She added as she pushed her untouched plate of food away from her.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon

Jenny watched as Constance and Cz interacted, stepping in with a comment just in case they were getting off on the wrong foot.
"Don't worry Cz, Constance is our friend and while she mightn't be considered "Human", I don't believe that should be any cause for alarm. I mean, Look at me!" She said, looking the least human out of the lot of them.

There should be more there, but there isn't, damn writers block.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The Lone and only. Shawn.
Location: Caligula's Palace (Main Floor), The Strip
Time: Death's arrival.
The lights turned out, a clear smile was plastered on the Wanderer's face. The only thing was that Shawn was confused by this unknown person. By his talk it reminded him of the cops he met in this world and yet the tone said "Order" inside his mind. Taking caution on his side, he marked this unknown as "Neutral" in his mind. The Wanderer would not take that man down, but instead he focused his attention to the three enemies and his friend the dealer.

[Night person activated]

The perk was activated and the room glowed green just like night vision in Shawn's eyes. The bad thing about this was the mutation located in his eyes made them glow bright blue. This did not matter as Shawn moved very fast with his bloody razor in hand. The first person who aimed at him fired directly into his direction, the Wanderer cannot avoid the bullets but he can avoid the bullet's path. One bullet passed through his left ear, his teeth gripped his lips due to pain but it did not stop the destination of the blade.

The throat.

In a second, Shawn had cut the first Mobster open. The fountain of blood squirted out in a short spray covering Shawn's suit. "Ugh ... messy." He sighed but focused onto the next guard who had started to fire at the Wanderer, this got three bullets inside his stomach. Throwing up a tiny bit of blood, Shawn began to curse at the fact he did not equip his armor instead of saving the dealer, but he threw that thought away as he made a piercing motion.

[Bloody Mess Activated.]

Was the next and probably worst perk activated. Not wanting to do this, the fist of the Wanderer shot threw the gun and through the next mobster's body. The worst part was that the body exploded, covering that part of the room and Shawn in blood and a few body parts. Snickering for a second he turned to the Mob Boss. "You can cheat me, but you cannot cheat death!"

[Terrifying Presence activated]

After that, Shawn fell down the wall, both tired and hurt.
The worst part is that his suit and razor were bloody.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Not so Lone Shawn and Eric.
Location: Caligula's Palace Staff Rooms, The Strip
Time: Death's arrival.
The Pit Boss watched as his two best men were cut down right after the lights went out.
Shawn's display, as well as his [Terrifying Presence], caused him to soil himself before attempting to flee...
Eric winced as he tripped and bashed his head off the side of a table, he wasn't dead but he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
The Dealer meanwhile was in a similar state, the pair of goons doing a right number on his body before Shawn showed up.
With Shawn wounded and the Pit Boss down, Eric's target seemed ripe for the picking...


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Eric scanned the dealer, getting a readout of his vitals. He was in pretty bad shape, but he didn't need a readout to see that. He walked over to the man lying on the floor, coughing up blood. He was only small, so he lifted him up and slung him over his right shoulder. Next, he looked to the man who now lay slumped against the wall.

As far as Eric could tell he hadn't been a target. Why else would he issue threats while another combatant - probably the most competent out of himself and the pit boss - had still been standing. The only answer he could think of that made any sense was that the blue-eyed man didn't mean him harm. That made him a friend.

Had he been in his hometown of Collottia, and had he been someone else, he would have simply slipped his knife into the weakened man's throat and take his gear. Morality often gave way to survival instinct like that.

He was, however, himself. He couldn't, in good conscience, leave a friend to die.

But would he die?

He was competent and he was tired, but he couldn't be dying, could he?

The readout showed 3 rounds to his stomach. Eric sighed.

He walked over to the man and lifted him with his cybernetic arm.

"Come on," he grunted, slinging him over the other shoulder. We're getting out of here.

He walked to the door and looked around. While the pit boss had had mob connections, this was still a business. The employees hd no idea of the shady dealings that went on behind closed doors. They stood and stared at Eric when he emerged from the room holding two limp figures moments after gunshots had gone off. He stared back.


The casino employees and patrons alike started to scream and run for the doors, pushing and shoving to get out of the building. Eric, however, went in the opposite direction. Around a corner, down a corridor and through some dark rooms to a door. He burst out into an alleyway and made a right, bolting for the street. He had no idea where he was going to go or even how he was going to treat the men. He needed a miracle.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Wanted Level: 3 Star Shawn and Eric.
Location: The Strip
Time: Fucked if I know
While Eric's attempts to stir up a panic worked a treat on the in-house security (Including the Mob Members watching the floor), it in turn would make things harder once he was out of the building.
When half a Casino building calls 9/11, you know some shit is going down.
Once he was out of the building, he could already hear the sirens blaring as the police, and SWAT, were on route to the Casino.

Luckily for him, there was a nearby Van at the end of the alley with a man inside selling hot-dogs before the hoards of panicking people showed up.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Eric saw the van at the end of the alley. The hotdog vendor hadn't seem him yet.

He ran to the van and threw the two men inside it. He scanned the vendor to find the keys, pocketed them and threw him to the ground, fishing a wad of cash out of his pocket and throwing on top of the man before screeching off down the street. He drove as fast as he dared, desperate to get away but wary of the police cars whizzing past.

Where would he take them? They both needed medical attention, but they couldn't go to a hospital. One of them had been shot up, the other still had things that Eric wanted to know. Putting them in a hospital would cause all kinds of complications for him. Complications he didn't need.

As it was, thing's had gone badly. Get in, get the info, get out. That was the plan, but here he was with two bloody, semi-conscious people in the back of a stolen hotdog van.

He needed to think of something.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Wanted Level: "Where the fuck am I?!" Shawn and Eric.
Location: The Strip
Time: You darn should, I like knowing what time it is!
The eyes of Shawn fully opened to a weird sight and to a really weird smell. Looking around he grunted at the pain in his chest, quickly injecting himself with a Stimpak he had a sighed of relief as the inner repair began. "Arg, the fuck!?" He said as he suddenly spotted the bloody Dealer. Sighing once more he slammed a Stimpak in his chest and rolled over. "Stay down." He said quietly to him as he looked to their local driver.

"Who the hell are you!? Where the hell am i!? AND WHY AM I NOT ROBBING A CASINO?!!!" The Wanderer gained his full senses and yelled at his weird looking driver. Then weird sirens did not only go off in his head, but out of the unknown vehicle. Looking outside he could easily see multiple police cars and a helicopter. "Are you shitting me buddy?" He said as his eyesight from looking outside went to the giant wiener on top. "Okay ... [sub]okay[/sub] ... [sub][sub]okay[/sub][/sub]"

Gasping for air and calmness, the anger washed away. "Okay ... who are you, where are we and what are we doing?" Shawn's gaze went back to the unknown driver who was the unknown guy back in the casino. "Ah, damn it. I should of planned more." He muttered before looking through his weapons to 'stop' these cops.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
"If you go for a weapon we're screwed," Eric said without taking his eyes off the road. "And careful with those meds, man. You still have three balls of lead in you that're gonna need to come out before we can think about getting you back on your feet.
"What do you mean, we're screwed?" asked the wanderer, taking in this newcomer with narrowed eyes.
"I mean that we seem to be out of the deep end. Unknown vehicle, unknown guys. You pull a gun on someone and all of a sudden this run-of-the-mill hotdog van becomes the subject of a high-speed police chase. That means cameras, and I don't like cameras." Eric took a sharp left and continued down a side-street. "Right now I don't know who you are, but I'm operating on the assumption that you're not going to be any trouble. If that changes then remember who's driving."

Eric continued down the street before coming to a stop. "The hell ?"
"Pull over, please sir. This is a regular security checkpoint. Somebody called in a bomb threat at the local casino. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure, but we're going to need to search your vehicle."
"Sure," Eric said. "The body's in the back," he laughed. The officer laughed, too.
"This won't take a minute," the cop said.
"No, it won't," Eric said. "It'll take much less."

Eric punched the accelerator and barrelled through the checkpoint. The cars exploded outwards from their positions blocking the road as the van barrelled through.
"Grab a gun," he sighed. But you point it at me and I'll damn well kill us both."
Shawn grinned. Eric sighed. The dealer in the back kinda made a muffled screaming sound which was more annoying than helpful.
So much for plan B.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Wanted Level: Lasers WTF!? Shawn and Eric.
Location: Some highway.
Time: Pew, pew, pew!
Looking at the Dealer, Shawn pushed him into the very back of the van to allow himself some space. "You don't shut up, I'm going to take a piece of your brain and I know how that feels like!" Shawn yelled at him as he opened up both side windows and saw the van take route to a rather large highway. "You better guide this thing good!" Shawn said to the driver as he walked up behind him and spoke in a harsh tone.

"I've survived aliens, radiation, bullets to the head, kidnapping and much, MUCH more. I'm a mutant with enhancement implants everywhere on my body. I should easily survive a crash." A devilish smirk emerged onto his face, the next thing Eric saw was the stranger dropping three red covered bullets onto the dashboard of the car.

"Man, we should of just knocked that guy out and dragged him in." Shawn said as he fiddled with the machine mounted onto his wrist. "Now you said "Grab a gun", to me that means any gun." Shawn said as he equipped his multiple items. "What do you mean?" Eric said as he turned quickly and suddenly saw Shawn holing a weird looking Tommy Gun and wearing weird armor.

"I'm not from around here." Wanderer said as he began to shoot the cars behind him.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Enhancement implants, Eric thought. Low-profile Aug. This was going to be interesting.

He scanned the man again, this time looking for cybernetic/mutated technology. He picked up quite a few and made a note of where they were ? if he needed to fight this strange outsider he would go for the most important ones first.
"Where can we go to get this man medical help?" he asked the now strangely-amoured man as he jerked the wheel, steering the car into oncoming traffic.
"Watch it," The wanderer shouted, steadying himself on the side of the van.
"You bloody watch it! I'm a good driver!" Eric retorted, swerving to avoid a truck. "And you're welcome!"
"For what?"
"Hauling your ass out of that casino! You'd be taking the rap for everything that'd happened back there had I left you."
The wanderer peppered a cop car with rounds, windshield exploding inwards and showering the officers with glass. Eric swerved and rammed the cop car, rolling it and causing another 2 cars to crash and stack up on it.
"Where the hell are we going?!" Eric shouted again.

StormShaun said:
never thought I'd see the day where you arm yourself against police


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Buffet | Four Dragons | Las Venturas
Time: Dinner​
Ella | Hadrian | Jenny | Cz | Cutie Bruisers | Caim | Angelus | Devon | Constance

Cz stared at Constance for a long while and closed her eyes. "Thou who art undead art chosen," Cz whispered, "friend told Cz this." The small Peacekeeper had her mind drifting to the blonde haired youth who rescued her from the dark of death. Humans have been unkind to this one.

"An apt observation milady," BlackHarte piped fro around Cz's waist. Cz gaved the belt a quick squeeze with her small hands and elicited a small yelp of 'pain' from the technomorph.

Cz's eyes softened and she went back to her cup to take a few drinks. "Cz know you not bad, unhuman." She gave Constance a small smile, "Cz don't see bad." Not human... persecuted and therefore not human.

"Is that a black eye toward humanity?" BlackHarte laughed.



No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon, Constance

"Understood, Madame Angelus." Although the message aimed at Devon was meant with the best of intentions, Devon took Angie's suggestion that the two would be pupil and student, not friends. And if that was how it was going to be, then he'd have to deal with that. The more he looked at at it, the more he wanted the hell out of this hollow misrepresentation of his hometown.

Cz's snippy attitude towards Constance just furthered that feeling of being an outsider among those there. "If nobody else minds, I'm feeling full already. I'll see you back on the ship." The plates that Devon had piled food onto all still had a lot of food on them, making the statement feel rather odd to anyone that took a moment to focus on it.

Rising Dawn: On the Las Venturas Streets: Ella, Hadrian, Som, Teddy

Ella chuckled at the amusing scene of Teddy fussing at her before she half laughed out a response. "I'm sorry, it's just hard to imagine a stuffed animal going for drinks. Plus, wouldn't you think someone as 'hard boiled' as that Som would've gotten a better liver?" She took a few breaths to compose herself before playfully calling out to the bartender for a Vodka on the rocks.

Rising Dawn Simulator: Slindis, David, Rugal, Teri, Melethia

Slindis definitely felt a bit awkward: After all, she'd meant to head back and just do a bit of writing to unwind. She'd never intended for any kind of celebration or party of any kind! [color=c200]"Now, while I certainly appreciate this, I..."[/color] One quick glance at the others there told her that she wouldn't just simply walk away from this impromptu apology.

[color=c200]"No, this really isn't necessary... Can I please go?"[/color] Slindis' somewhat shaky inquiry was met with Melethia moving to block the door, stating in no uncertain terms that Slindis was going to be forced to relax here.

[color=c200]"What have I gotten myself into here?"[/color]