The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn Simulator: Slindis, David, Rugal, Teri, Melethia

David was on shaky ground right now, if she didn't like this idea, then he'd be back at square one.
The fact that Rugal was watching and was crushing a Massage Stone into a fine dust with his hand didn't really help either.
"...Well, I'm not really in a position to force you, literally or figuratively. Just trying to make it up to ya. Still, Up to you." He said as he Motioned to Rugal and Teri, trying to sell her on the idea so that this wasn't all for nothing.

Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon, Constance

Jenny was glad that Cz and Constance were getting along, after the former opened up to her about her mission, she wanted to keep an eye on her and what she and others did around her.
Still, that was enough for her and she went about to dig into her own meal as Devon went for the door.
"Oh?...Alright then. We'll meet you back at the ship, okay?" She said after him.

Once he was outside, Devon saw a sight that was so common in San Andreas that he was surprised he didn't see one already.
A Police chase.

Just some good old boys... Shawn and Eric.
Location: The Strip
Time: Wouldn't change if they could...
As the duo bickered, the sound of a Helicopter flying overhead filled the air as they raced from the police.
"THIS IS THE LVPD! STOP AND SURRENDER OR WE WILL KILL YOU!" The Pilot on it barked out as a Sniper revealed himself and attempted to blow out the criminal's tires.
On top of this, there was an incoming roadblock coming up, compete with tire shredders, as well as half a dozen police cars right on their ass.
Either they were going to need a good plan and face or they would have to fight off the police hoards.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The bad driver/passenger. Shawn and Eric.
Location: The Road to nowhere.
Time: "I change if I want!"
"No actually, I was just regenerating my body, if I was about to die I would have exploded ... quite literally as well. Now just give me a second, and don't worry about the kid ... I gave him a Stim, his body should be repairing itself too." The Wanderer said as he picked out his next favorite weapon. The Tesla Cannon was pulled out of nowhere just like the rest of Shawn's weapons, armor and etc. Instantly aiming it at the helicopter and firing. Soon the helicopter was a wreck, literally as well. "How about you can go fuck yourselves!" He screamed back but noticed that one tire was popped which made the duo veer to the right.

"Okay now that is out of the way." He smiled but frowned inside his helmet as he saw multiple armored SWAT/NOOSE/Whatever vans. "Give me one more second." He said as he placed his weapon back inside of his inventory. The mind of Shawn was going crazy right now but he knew what to do. Quickly going back to the dealer, he grabbed his keycard just like the guards of the boss and activated his crazy plan.

"What do you mean?" Eric said but silence returned but suddenly a police car to the side was driving faster then the others and only because of one reason. The crazy SOB Shawn was latched onto the room with a pistol in hand, he was pointing to the cops. "Get the fuck out or a make sure your a bloody mess!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "Screw you!" The passenger of the police car returned before leaning out to shoot Shawn, luckily enough the Wanderer kicked the hand of the cop and broke it against the door.

The worst part is that Shawn opened the door and threw the cop out, "Bon Voyage asshole ... well I think that is what those people said." Shawn mimicked some French guys he met in the Wastes, they got buried too. The cop rolled along the road, luckily the other cars missed him or stopped for him. The driver was shocked scared and has his gun out too. "You might want to follow your partner." He pointed his Ranger pistol at the driver, he had crawled over the roof.

Soon the driver jumped too, afraid of getting hurt. From Eric's point he then saw the stranger get into the cop car and started to drive alongside Eric's hotdog van, but he held a weird looking object (Pulse Grenade) as he was driving.

[Good karma]
"... what?"


New member
Jul 7, 2011
"Woah," Eric laughed as he turned on the cruise control. He grabbed the dealer, punched a hole in the side of the van and jumped out, landng on the Wanderer's car and denting the roof. He opened the door and threw the dealer in before pulling out his rifle and turning on the cop cars.

He opened fire.

Bullet holes exploded across 2 windscreens, sending the cars out of control. He turned his attention on the van, blasting the wheels and sending it skidding out of control. The helicopter that the crazy man driving the car has blasted came down on the bridge, exploding in a ball of fire. Eric ducked just in time to dodge one of the rotor arms as it went spinning over the top of the car. 20 minutes ago he'd been paying off guards and sneaking through vents, trying to execute the mission without a problem.

Now he was on top of a stolen police cruiser firing into pursuing cars and dodging exploding vehicles. This raised another issue, though. The newcomer was shooting at police. Perhaps he wasn't as friendly as Eric had first assumed. Back when he had been driving, any issues that may have arisen could easily have been dealt with by pushing him out of the door and driving off with the dealer. Now, though, the shoe was on the other foot. And that foot was in some weird-ass armour and pushing down on the accellerator. Terrific ?

He squeezed the trigger, sending what ammo he had left in the gun at the remaining cars. More helicopters came out of nowhere.

"This is how you do it," he muttered, collapsing his rifle and holstering it before drawing his pistol and, leaving an even bigger dent in the stolen cruiser, leapt into the air straight at the helicopter. He punched through the floor of the bird with his cybernetic arm and grapped the pilot's leg. Then, he pulled. And he fell.

He grabben onto the landing rail of the chopper just in time, holding on as it spun out of control. His power was running low, so he wouldn't be doing that again for a while. He pulled himself into the bird and ran to the controls. He hoped they were similar to the ships he'd used to fly.

He just managed to pull out of the spin and come alongside the stolen cruiser before pulling up and continuing his along above it. He really had no idea what he was doing, but there was a stick coming out of the controls so he'd just grabbed it and hoped for the best. It seemed that was becoming a regular thing today.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
Going to sleep, have a good time with GTA. :D
Backup requested. Shawn and Eric.
Location: The Road to somewhere else.
Time: Escape.
Looking at the helicopter above him, Shawn rolled his eyes. "Showoff, I could of done that." He huffed as he suddenly made a turn out of the highway and onto the road out of the city. Worrying about his driving skills later, the Wanderer started a radio frequency to the Rising Dawn. "This is Lone Wanderer, requesting RD intel on how to get out of this situation. We have civilian police on our tail and a bleeding human, emergency services required. I repeat ..." Shawn repeated the message once more before he started to focus on driving and began to drop pulse grenades behind him.

"The military base ... will that work? Do they have some kind of machine to get out of here?" Shawn said to himself, of course he had a way to get out thanks to the jetpack, but he had two people with him. One bleeding out on his back seat and another who he has no idea about apart from that he likes to showoff. "Crap!"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn Simulator: Slindis, David, Rugal, Teri, Melethia

After looking at Melethia and Teri's eager faces, she sighed in defeat. [color=c200]"Oh, alright... I'll stay, David..."[/color] It looks like their efforts weren't useless!

Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon, Constance

He watched the chase in dismay. With all of those police, he'd be hard-pressed to make it back to the ship without getting caught up in it somehow.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Eric heard the transmission come over through his speaker implant. From the sounds of it the man who couldn't go five minutes without a costume change was planning on skipping out of him with the dealer. He couldn't let that happen.

"Oi," he said, his voice coming in over the cruiser's radio. "You aren't going anywhere with my cargo. I was the one who ended up dragging both of you out of there. The dealer comes with me until I have what I need." He was adamant that the newcomer wasn't going anywhere with the dealer. He was still a neutral party, so Eric didn't have any qualms about killing him if he had to. He lowered the helicopter down closer to the car and jumped onto the roof before swinging dwn into the back seat with the dealer and reloading his rifle. "He's mine until I have what I came for."

He glanced over his shoulder to see the cars coming in from some way back. They weren't close enough to be much of a threat at the moment, so he turned his attention back to the waderer. The driver could feel Eric's eyes boring into the back of his head. He had taken the seat directly behind him, maybe becase he couldn't be bothered moving the dealer, but probably because it provided him a good angle to attack from. The wanderer wondered where the strange Aug's rifle was pointing right now.

"I'm Eric, by the way."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn Simulator: Slindis, David, Rugal, Teri, Melethia

David let out a sigh of relief, as did everyone else involved in the planning of her forced vacation.
"Alright, No need to worry about something strange happening while you have your soak/rub/Happy Ending/whatever." The Sniper said, making the timing of what happened next spot on.
"This is Lone Wanderer, requesting RD intel on how to get out of this situation. We have civilian police on our tail and a bleeding human, emergency services required. I repeat ..."
[color=c0000]"...What was tha-"[/color]
"NOTHING! NOTHING! just....Do Spa Shit. back in a few." He said, shoving the drow towards Rugal and Teri before dashing out of the simulator before she would take what she heard into account.
Fucking Wanderer... He thought before pulling out his ring and asking "West here, What the hell is going on over there? I kinda need to know that in order".

He didn't need to finish as he passed by the TV in the Canteen and the Police Chase on the news.
"...Oh no fucking way...SHIT! Get to the airport and Crash that ************ into the Airstrip. Let yourself get caught and I'll sort this shit out." He sent over to the duo before running out the ship, thinking of how much of a dumb plan this was.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Plan Z activated. Shawn and Eric.
Location: Road to airport.
Time: Crash and burn.
"Are you serious, shiiiiiiit. Fine, fine, but I do have to be honest and say thanks for helping us. By us I mean all three of us. Me, a bloody card Dealer essential to my robbery of a casino and one guy pointing a guy at me in the back. So yeah, once we do get arrested please prioritize the rescue of these two instead of myself, I'll hide my Pipboy and escape. Wanderer out." Shawn said as he focused on driving once again, but he switched his direction and went onto the road towards the Airport.

Feeling the gun still on him, he sighed. "Okay, you heard that ... Eric. We need to get arrested to get this heat off us. But just allow those guys to help you and that little red guy there to escape, then we can cooperate and talk everything out without shooting." Shawn said in a genuine tone. "Also if you did shoot me, not only it would not kill me, I will literally explode as I said before ... that won't kill me as well. If you want to know how I explode, I come from the world with a active post-apocalypse and I am full of the good radiation. Don't worry, it won't seep out of my body." He laughed.

"And before we crash suddenly you may want to cushion that guy there ... plus, the name is Wanderer so far. I have many other titles but that is my first and original one." Shawn said as he decided to trust this stranger a bit. The Cruiser suddenly crashed through the security checkpoint and clipped the guard's leg. "Whoops ... I'm a bit new to this driving. Well the good thing is that they will see me as the worst guy here." He joked as he saw a ramp and a jumbo plane and standby.

"So are we ready or do I need to drive around this circle for a bit?"


Shawn also began to plan a way to only use a stealth boy to hide his Pip-Boy, but the only way he can do that is either when they crash or in the cop car.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
"No way am I getting arrested, man. I have people looking for me." Eric said, looking around. Plus, I'm kinda half machine, so there's that ?"

The police were closing in on them from behind and somewhere an alarm was blazing.

"Before I let you talk me into a situation in which I could be killed, I want some answers. Who are you? Who are you talking to? And where do you think you're going? From what I've seen you're a cop killing maniac who probably just crossed the line into terrorism. We get arrested here our faces will be plastered on every television and law enforcement agency in the country. Maybe even the world.

"Now, I'm not saying that you're a bad guy. Far from it, actually. You may be a little delusional what with thinking you cant die and stealing an actual car while it is chasing us, but I'd like to avoid jumping to conclusions. All I'm saying is that there is no way we're getting out of this mess without some serious, long-lasting consequences. That's as long as the men and women of law enforcement who just saw 20 of their brothers in arms get gunned down, thrown out of choppers and and otherwise blown to pieces don't just decide to shoot us on sight. How many do you think there are out there? 20? 30? 50? Can you honestly tall me that after all we've done, all of them will decide to hold their fire, hold their nerves, and try to take a crazy armoured up mutant and helo-jacking cyborg into custody with nothing more than police-issue sidearms?

"Then, on top of that, the mob will be after us too! All it'll take is our faces being published for a couple of minutes before the cops, the swat, the mob and a couple of mega-corporations with an orbital cannon know where to find us. Even if we can get out of here, everyong in the world will know what we look like.

"Bearing this in mind, you expect me to allow myself to be taken into custody on some invisible voice's say so? I don't think so, buddy. Wanderer. Whatever your name is. What's more, I'm not going to leave you here unsupervised. I, as the one who pulled you out of that casino, am responsible for you. I'm kinda trying to change, so I guess we're in this together." Eric sighed. "And we just killed so many people. You can't expect me to have done that for nothing.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Plan Z.0 activated. Shawn and Eric.
Location: Airport runway strip.
Time: Crash and burn alone.
Sighing, Shawn swung the wheel and started his circle around the airport strip. It seems his more flamboyant plan and flipped and he has to make a few changes to it to suit this guy. Thinking for a while he decided to do the best thing for these two guys. Clearing his throat he talked.

"My name is Wanderer and I work for ... well with "The Rising Dawn Group", that is the only identity you will get from me. The person I am talking to is David West, a team mate and loyal member as well. I'm going to crash into that jumbo jet one way or another and lastly ... it takes a lot to injure me and I have never died ... well that once does count, but basically I have the skills, power and materials to live forever." Shawn said as he used one hand to get out two Stealth Boys from his invisible inventory.

"Okay the deal I'm going to offer you comes with my trust. I have two items here called "Stealth Boys" they basically turn you invisible for a little while before running out of juice, this stuff is from my apocalyptic world where I NEVER give people my tech. So you take these, attach them to both of you and skedaddle out of her as I crash into that jet. After that I get arrested and take the hear. Then you take this frequency and go get help from my pal David and the crew. This is my final offer since we cannot do anything else which will not result in more death." A serious voice emerged from Shawn this time around, he did not want to kill the law enforcement of this place anymore

"Clock is ticking and I'm sure that Dealer might die if you don't get him to our Doctor. Both physical and mental stress will result in a black death." He said as he also gave Eric the Frequency for the Rising Dawn.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
"Good luck," Eric said as he applied the stealth boys and rolled out of the car.

The cruiser sped off as Eric rolled to his feet and bolted for the terminal, finding the side door and getting in. The room he was in now was lined with shelves and on those shelves were alien bits of technology he'd never seen before, perhaps parts for something or other. Maybe scrap metal. He didn't have time to look.

He propped the dealer against the wall and tuned into the frquency The Wanderer had givem him. "Rising Dawn, this is Eric, private eye. Come in, Rising Dawn."

David West's voice came over his radio implant. "This is David of the Rising Dawn. Eric, where's Wanderer?"

"He's tied up with law enforcement at the moment," Eric said.

"I noticed."

"I have an injured civilian here and I need an evac ASAP. As soon as he's out of danger we need to go and get Wanderer. Something tells me Las Venturas's finest aren't going to be too happy with what we've pulled tonight.



The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Death attempt #2. Shawn and Eric.
Location: Airport runway strip.
Time: Crash and burn alone.
Giving a thumbs up after Eric wished him good luck, Shawn looked as the two people rolled out of the car with a cloak on them. After swerving to close the passenger door again, the Wanderer thought how he was going to tell them how two bodies suddenly disappeared. "Great, I can just feel the beatings." Shawn clicked his tongue in annoyance. Quickly switching on the radio he found a song he could find comfort in, it also reminded him of his past when his Father died.

Chucking out the last pulse grenade in his hand, the Wanderer placed the foot against the metal and laughed insanely. "I always wandered what this would feel like!" The face behind the mask smiled as the car turned around in a U shape, the cops behind him were currently out of action due to the grenade. The car began to speed out of control as it came speeding to the ramp. "Follow me into this!" He yelled as the car ascended the ramp to it's own Heaven.

By the time the car was in mid-air, Shawn breathed in with a large gasp. "(Please don't kill me yet God.)" He silently prayed as the car suddenly entered the plane. The only thing they did not see was Shawn injecting a large amount of Med-X and held a unpinned Grenade.

"Just so I'll be a pain to get out. Activating lockdown." He smiled as the explosion was almost ignited but a rather large and clunky armor appeared out of nowhere and wrapped over him as the explosion consumed his body.

Even if it was the heaviest armor in his inventory, the large explosion knocked him out. The very least he will not be burned alive or killed due to life support. Even the police probably cannot bust him out of there when it is in lockdown mode. By the time the man was knocked out, the abandoned plane had exploded and the explosion was a darn big one.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Flashback said:
3 Years ago
The man emerged from the alley, a dark figure silhouetted agaunst the bright neon of the lower-class Red Zone. The cold night air blew against his face as he wrapped his coat around him and turned to head up the street.

Eric felt the bulk that was his AT-9mm strapped to his side, loaded with hollowpoint. Messy, but effective. His coat was cut wide to conceal the gun, keep the observers on the street from seing and panicking. Not that many people would panick, though ? the majority of people on this street corner were probably stoned out of their mind. He stopped under an "XXX" sign, bright red in the blackness of night and giving off a warm glow that belied the nature of the place.

It had started to rain, and people gathered in alleys under umbrellas and huddled around flaming barrels, having most likely spent their money on crack or meth, the demand for which was always high. The Mob and the Yakuza peddled both around these parts, dealers being amongst the only sober denizens of the metaphorical ? and for all he knew, literal ? hole that was the Red Zone.

The Red Zone. Essentially the biggest red-light district you'd ever seen, erected ? no pun intended ? to meet the demands of the area. A slum in a previous life, the people who made their home here had much to forget, and problems always looked smaller through the bottom of a glass. Smaller still, obscured by the world's favourite murky brown liquid or concealed behind a veil of rising smoke from a junkie's crack pipe. A real 'pleasure' centre.

But Eric was here on business.

Eric said:
Present day
"Don't you die on me," Eric snarled through clenched teeth, trying to stop the dealer's bleeding. Much of the blood had dried, but scans showed that the majority of physical damage had been done internally. What's more, he'd taken quite a clobbering to the head. The information Eric needed may no longer be there. So why was he still here?

He stayed on the same frequency, the one Wanderer had given him in te cruiser and the one that the cruiser's radio had been tuned into when Eric had taken the dealer and gotten him to safety. "Wanderer, are you still there?" No reply. "Wanderer, this is Eric. Do you read me?"

He looked over his shoulder at the door. It was still open, but the majority of noise had subsided. The sirens still blared as if they were calling to their fallen bothers. Calls that would forever go unreturned. Because of them.

He moved to the door, still invisible, and looked out. What he saw stunned him.

One of the cruisers had punched through a jumbo-jet. Was it Wanderer's? None of the other cruisers were moving in a way that suggested they were running, so he had to assume that?

The jumbo jet exploded, the resulting shockwave throwing Eric back into the room. The ground shook and cracked plaster fell from the ceiling and onto Eric as a fine dust. The aug scrambled to his feet and went back to the door.

A few of the cruisers had been too close to the jet and had been flipped onto their sides. A quick scan revealed people moving inside the cars, so at least they were ok. As an AugSec operative, Eric had been fitted out with military-grade ArmaTech Prosthetics, so he was able to see through light cover. Into a car, behind a sheet of wood. Not through walls or anything, which was unfortunate as that was what the majority of people hid behind when he ran engineer protection. It was also unfortunate because he couldn't see the wanderer through the wreckage of the jumbo jet.

He looked again over his shoulder to the dealer whose invisible body was outlined by the ocular augmentations. He was slipping. Where was David? And how was he going to evac them with all the police presence?

"David, Wanderer, please, come in."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Sorry this is taking so long Shawn and Eric.
Location: Road to airport.
Shaun, Stop adding Time to these headers.
"Alright, Alright, I'm working on it!"
Racing against time as he was most likely sending Shaun and his new BFF Eric to their deaths, David went to his quarters on the ship and began to pull out his entire wardrobe looking for something.
"Come on, come on, come o-A-AH!!" He cried in joy as he found his old "European Anti Terror Task Force" Badge (From when that was still even a thing).
Bringing up his Communicator ring, he said to the duo "Okay, here's the plan. You crash your shit, give yourselves in, I waltz over as some International G-Man to take you away from the local PD, then we get the fuck out of dodge before the actual G-men show up. It's a fuck retarded plan, but I'm the dumbest son of a ***** to ever make shit like this work. So bare with-"

The Sound of a distant explosion was understandably worrying to the Sniper as he turned on the news to find out what had happened, seeing a smoking wreck of a Hot Dog Van being surrounded by LVPD.
"It was just Wanderer, Me and the Dealer got out." Eric said, though it was unlikely that Shawn would live through something like that (Least as far as David knew).
"...Right, Eric. Bring him to the Airship parked on by the Western Hangers, I'll leave the Ramp open. You try anything funny, I'll know. West out." He explained as he began to run towards ground zero, hoping that the Wanderer was still alive.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Flashback said:
3 years ago
Eric entered the bar and looked around for the table. It didn't take him long to find it ? it was the one in the back, the one with a well-dressed man in it. Everyone else was relatively shabby looking.

He sauntered up to the table and sat down.

"Eric," said the man, grinning when he saw him. "Would you like a drink?"

Eric ignored the question. "You told me this was a recovery job."

"Yes, well ?"

"No, not 'yes, well.' Simple recovery job. Get in, retrieve the data and leave. Nobody had to get hurt."

"I never said that nobody had to be hurt."

"You never told me they did. I want double."


"If you don't like it, I'll just sell the program to someone else. Your program."

"So ? you did get the program?" asked the man. Eric sighed and dumped the data chip on the table.

"Next time you want a civilian dead, tell me first."

Present day said:
Eric ran, the civilian draped over his arm once more. The Western hangers weren't far from where he was, and with his cybernetic legs he would make it faster than an average person.

Sirens still blared in the distance, getting fainter by the second as he ran. He couldn't just leave the wanderer back there. He'd done enough bad stuff in his old life. He was different now. He liked to think he was, anyway. 3 years ago he would have left the wanderer in the casino, but he hadn't. The sirens still blared.

Was this any different? Out of the frying pan and into a literal fire. If he left him now he might as well have just left him in the casino. At the same time, though, he had a civilian to look after. The aug had no idea why he was trying to help these people. Maybe years of fending for himself in such a harsh environment as the Red Zone had left him hardened, maybe survival was still a driving factor for him. All he knew now was that he'd seemed to grow a conscience. Any earlier that this and it probably would've gotten him killed.

Eric got to the Wester hangars and flicked to his mode of vision that allowed him to see through light cover.

"Oh, wow ?"

He raced inside the hanger and onto the ship. Placing the dealer down, he removed his own stealth boy and pocketed it. The dealer was safe. There had to be a way he could help the wanderer.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn Simulator: Slindis, David, Rugal, Teri, Melethia

Teri relaxed faintly when she saw Slindis give the okay for the spa treatment, and took the initiative after David left the room. With her hand in a sweeping gesture the Cleric began with, [color=0E59E4]"If you would be so kind and make your way to this tub here, Ma'am, we can begin your treatment for this fine day."[/color]

As Slin was lead over to the tub, the Cleric concentrated and snapped her fingers, conjuring the plate with the curry into her hand; a lid over the meal until Slin sat herself down. Placing the tray on the tub's rim (it was large enough to easily fit without worry of it falling in); Teri removed the lid and said in the same pseudo grandiose tone, [color=0E59E4]"For today's meal, I have prepared a red vegetable curry on basmati. I do hope it's too your liking."[/color]

Backing away, Teri left the next portion of the spa away from home for Rugal to take the lead to.

Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon, Constance

Angelus sighed, knowing full well that her part-time pupil was torn up about something, and with a silent look over to the group, got up and followed after him. If it wasn't this incident with Caim, then something was afoot, and the dragon wasn't going to stand for it, especially in light of Caim dragging his feet to make up.

Cadolbolg only shrugged at Devon's departure and started digging into the food Devon brought for them, some of the more serious implications of what was going on flying over his head.

As for Ton Ton, he watched the exchange between Constance and Cz with curiosity, and then spoke up, pass wandering towards a fortune cookie before asking in a friendly tone, [color=15650D]"So, do you remember anything before showing up on the Rising Dawn, Ms. Cz?"[/color]

Noting his negligence in properly getting to know newer arrivals on the airship, Ton Ton was beginning to try to make amends in that regard, and be friendlier as a whole. The Mistress would have approved of that line of thought.

Caim, on the other hand, hung back and simply watched the exchanges between the members of the party, still feeling distracted by earlier events.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn Simulator: Slindis, David, Rugal, Teri, Melethia

Slindis began to relax somewhat here, although she still wasn't too comfortable with the impromptu relaxation that was being placed on her lap. With all of the effort the others had put into it, though, she couldn't just turn them down...

[color=c200]"Thank you for the food..."[/color] She tried some of it, only to find it a bit less spicy than she was used to...

Melethia just kept an eye on it all and waited to see if there was something she could do to help the scene.

Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon, Constance

Ella called a taxicab back so Som, Hadrian and Teddy could get back to the ship without too much of a hassle and then sidled over next to Cadolbolg. "Mind if I share some with you, Cadolbolg?"

As Angelus waled outside, she was greeted to Devon getting ready to cast a Dimension Door spell that would get him past this wild chase and over to the ship. "So much for a simple fucking break, huh? Here I was hoping for something calming, and it's been nothing but with a whole bunch of stupid things piling up."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn Simulator: Slindis, Rugal, Teri, Melethia

After the meal was had, Rugal went about the Spa Treatment, Glad that David had the foresight to take care of that "Wanderer" business.
"I apologize for the sudden plans, But after he realized the full context of his words...Well, This was only way to get him to calm down outside of...Well, Killing him." He sorta lied, though it wasn't far from the truth in the slightest.
"Still, no harm done. To you or him. Now, just sit back and Relax. If I was going to attack, I'd be wearing my other suit." He casually joked before getting under way, motioning for Melethia to lock the door...

Some Time Later

After using every exotic treatment he could think of, the family left the Simulator deck, Rugal silently thanking David for coming up with this scheme.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
Just a slight mistake, the two actually jumped onto a police cruiser, so the hot dog van is long gone. :p
The Wanderer cannot wander for now. Shawn.
Location: In a plane wreck | Inside Heavy Tesla armor (Lockdown mode).
Fine, but I like knowing what the time is in the world.
The blinking of a red light awoke the Wander, several blinks managed to make his environment fully focused. Although there was not much to see, he was inside his Tesla armor he jacked from the Enclave Remnants after killing all of them in their base. It was a bad thing to do, but he had to do it since he needed to finish off the Enclave so they may never harm the Wastes of his America again. Plus there was that and the fact that they killed his Father.

The armor itself was lying on a flat surface and Shawn knew this by the pressure and such. Luckily enough, when in lockdown mode the armor adjusts itself so that Shawn may get a little space, though he cannot move his anything. The whole suit cannot be penetrated by human hands and light machinery which will make it a ***** to open for the police. The eye ports for the helmet were closed, but saying a simple command allow him to see everything.

He was surrounded by people, mostly highly armored police and a few Doctors, Scientists and etc that would respond to something like a guy in a weird suit. "Sir, I'm afraid we cannot even penetrate the suit by any means." Someone said to a lead Officer. Quickly shutting the eye ports off with another command, Shawn sighed and hoped for the best. Least the Dealer and Eric got out of here, but now he worries for David. Even if he gets into a scruff, it would take some time for Shawn to manually activate the suit once more.

The environment itself was different. There were a few small fires but the fire crew were already on it, the suit itself was surrounded by the plane's wreckage. The plus side to this is that Shawn did not become hurt apart from light burns.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
"...Shit, I need a Can opener..." Shawn.
Location: In a plane wreck | Inside Heavy Tesla armor (Lockdown mode).
Fine, but I like knowing what the time is in the world.
"Alright...Get the horn over tot he Fire Department, Get some Jaws of Life in here, might be able to rip it open..." The commanding officer of the disaster zone said as they looked on at the Wanderer's Tesla armor.
"That won't be necessary." David West interrupted as he casually walked past police tapes and protesting officers.
"Agent David West, UNIT. I'll take it from here." He quickly said, flashing his badge in the COs face quick enough for him to not actually get a good look.
"That isn't an Armor Suit. That...." He paused for dramatic effect while he pulled something out of his ass.
"...Is a ROBOT!" He then finished as he climbed over the rubble and stood over Shawn in his armor.

"Yeah...Chinese Junker. They were going to mass produce it at one point, they don't do quality, they do quantity. I mean, look at this shit! It's like they made a man out of metal and covered him in Christmas lights!" He said to the onlookers, insulting Shawn's choice in Armor in the process.
"...Then why is it here then?"
"...Well...umm...Why...wouldn't you go to Las Venturas?! But don't worry, let me just reprogram the...Thought Matrix and I'll get him home and out of your hair. Don't worry about the mess, The Check is in the Mail." He said before reaching behind Shawn's Helmet and tapping on it while making "Boop-Beep" noises with this mouth in an attempt to "Re-Program" the "Robot".
"....Any moment now...[sub]Come on, you stupid prick[/sub]..." He said to the Wanderer, asking him to get up and follow him to the Ship.