The world wavered before the eyes of the Hunter as he passed through the halls of the behemoth Airship Rising Dawn, assisted to his room by unknown members of the crew, a few groans resonating in Som's memory as he became dead weight from the alcohol.
"Where're we goin'?" The Shaven Headed human asked as the corridors of the Mammoth Airship seemed to be moving under his feet.
[color=B87333]"Oh. We're going to your room. You've made a rather large fool of yourself and it's time for you to save face by hiding it."[/color] Came a recognizable voice beside him.
"Hun'ers n'ver may'k foools of us selves." Som retorted as the door to his slid open with a
[color=B87333]"Then you must not be a Hunter then."[/color] Teddy countered as Som's face hit his pillow. Turning towards the shadow spirits that had carried the Hunter into his room, the Teddy Bear nodded and dismissed them, the Shadow Spirits fading back into the nether from whence they were conceived.
[color=B87333]"[small]I guess I should see how Miss Constance is fairing.[/small]"[/color] The Vampire's Mentor muttered as he started walking towards the ship's exit.
TheMehKingdom said:
"Thou who art undead art chosen ... Cz don't see bad."
The kind words from the Young One took the Raven Haired vampire by surprise as was demonstrated by the widening of Constance's crimson hued eyes, tinged with a bit of guilt caused by the her assumption that Cz was like all the Mirian children she had ever had the displeasure of meeting. Remembering herself after a moment of contemplation, Constance looked at the Young One squarely in the eyes.
"Thank you Cz." The Young woman said as she placed the cat-ears back upon her head and attached the cat-tail back behind her.
Watching as Devon wandered off after leaving a nearly filled plate of food, Constance wondered for a moment if there was something wrong with the peculiar Bard, the only one of the humans that had truly taken the time to make her feel welcome and explain the customs of this world, some of them seeming very backwards to the Faux Cat-Girl.
Thinking about her home and more appropriately her parents, Constance wondered how it was that Cz seemed to be wandering around without her parents. Was it customary in this world to allow their young to venture out into the world at this age?
"So, Cz, where are you parents? I mean, aren't you a little young to be traveling by yourself?" Constance queried as she pulled the place of Pasta Sauces and noodles back towards her.
The downfall of being in the form of a Teddy Bear was that every so often, Teddy would be picked up by a random human adolescent who believed that they should be able to keep him. In what would later be classified as the largest mass hallucination in Las Venturas history, Teddy found that many of these human children needed to be convinced that they did not want to have anything to do with him. The result was scores of terrified children reporting a demon possessed child's toy that threatened to hide under their beds and consume their feet in the middle of the night should they continue the thought of bringing Teddy to their home.
This also resulted in Teddy being forced to take more time than he had wanted to in locating Miss Constance. However as he neared the Four Dragon's buffet, he heard the familiar voice of the Bard speaking in a voice that seemed both angry and hinted with sadness.
bluecrimson said:
"What do you expect when everywhere I look reminds me of my old home?"
Heading towards the sound of the Bard's Voice, Teddy continued to listen to Devon's tirade until it concluded. Turning to head back towards Miss Constance, the Teddy Bear Backpack found himself flying through the air as an unobservant Casino patron kicked the bear. Landing with an [color=B87333]"Oof!"[/color] Teddy looked to see himself laying at the feet of Devon and Angelus.
[color=B87333]"Uh - Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation."[/color] Teddy apologized as he picked himself up and started brushing himself off, realizing that the apology seemed rather hollow since if he did not mean to eavesdrop on the conversation, he could have easily turned away when it became apparent that the conversation was of a personal nature.