The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Shawn & David.
Location: Police controlled Plane wreck.
Rolling his eyes at David's 'comments'. Shawn said his final commands before the 'Robot' activated, "Tighten suit mold, reactivate suit, lockdown override code 1788, activate eye ports, voice modulator max power and activate body function." Shawn said and soon an activation came from the sound. Now he had to act like a damn robot for David West. The group gathered around the 'robot' as it activated.

Suddenly the 'robot' raised it's back to look at the crowd around it. "
" A booming mecha voice announced as the suit got up and looked at everyone, then looked upon David.

" The 'robot' Shawn said as he started to follow David to the ship.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Okay, the name made me lol XD
Shawn & David.
Location: Police controlled Plane wreck.
David was clearly corpsing as Shawn followed him away from the crash site.
"Like I said, older model. Don't worry about it, just worry about getting that mess cleaned up. We have units from UNIT inbound. Later~!" He said as he walked the "Robot" away from the crash site.
Once they were out of view, he pulled out his gun and struck Shawn's helmet with it.
"What. The SHIT, Man?! I leave you alone for a few hours and you and your new friend do THIS?! God, if it wasn't for the fact you were Rising Dawn, I'd have left ya....
And I'm closer to 50% to 75% percent Alcohol and I'm not American!" He corrected the Wanderer as he walked him into the hanger of the ship.

"What the hell where you doing anyway?"


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
. Shawn & David.
Location: Rising Dawn.
The 'robotic' Shawn was still walking awkwardly and like a robot, he occasionally provided the "
BEEP BOOP ************
" along the way. Once they reached the Rising Dawn, Shawn was suddenly struck with gun. "Ow, the fuck!?" He yelped in pain as he decided to remove the armor in favor for his Doctor outfit which he usually wears on the outside or in casual situations.

"He isn't a friend ... he kidnapped me. Now I have to live up to my word and heal that bloody Dealer and allow him to do whatever to him and then I get my hands on him." Shawn said but David was silent until the Wanderer had to fill him on everything. "Well ... I Kinda jumped out of the Rising Dawn due to that crazy maniac Doctor we picked up back at the Prison, I went to a Casino ... found out it was ran by corrupt mobsters who cheated me and ... then I pretty much planned to rob them. After that I went to a Blackjack table, got screwed over, got lucky, the dealer got beaten up, I was about to save him when that new guy came in, then I killed most of the people there and fell tired for a while ... but that did guy save me somehow and that Dealer. So ... that is it." Shawn awkwardly said to David and rubbed his head.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
"Kidnapped my ass," said Eric, coming out of nowhere. "Dealers almost dead, too. Should probably do something about that. Also, who are you?" The two men turned to look at him. "I'm Eric, by the way," he said, finishing wiping the blood off his hands and extending it to David. "And it's good to see you alive, man," he said to wanderer, shaking David's hand and patting wanderer on the back. "How did you survive that? Wait, sorry, dealer. Come this way."

He led the two to the corridor that he'd left the dealer in. "This thing have a med bay or something? Do you guys have bio-liquid?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
. Shawn, Eric & David.
Location: Rising Dawn.
"...Well, I just spent 2 hours setting up a Day Spa so I guess I'm not in any position to judge...
But I will anyway. THE FUCK!?" David shouted at the Wanderer before Eric brought up the more important matter of the Dealer.
"Right, get him to the Medical wing. We MIGHT have bio liquid, keeping track of the meds ain't really my job, but we have Auto Docs and other Medical shit. Come on." He explained before picking up the wounded dealer and bringing him to said Medical bay.
"Christ, I just wanted to go gambling during our stay here..."

((Short post is short))


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Doctor Shawn returns. Shawn, Eric & David.
Location: Rising Dawn.
The three went quickly to the medical wing, "Okay, lay him down on there. I know these auto docs get most of the work done, but I'll be hear to see everything over ... trust me, these things can go wrong, and when I mean "Wrong" I mean it can cut out your vocal cords on accident." Shawn chuckled a bit as he remembered the times he had with the Auto Doc, from repairing his body to getting most of his important organs removed and locked in jars. Actually the reality is that he hated those moments.

The Wanderer was wearing his casual clothes that mostly consisted of a Doctors coat with the Followers patch on it, a few other pieces of clothing and his lucky shades. "Don't worry, I'm a Doctor." Shawn smiled as he started to apply some of his own medicine to the Dealer so he may recover quickly. "Okay, after he gets healed you can do what you want with him ... but I still want to ask him about the Casino for my future heist." Shawn said as everyone looked at him like he was stupid.

"Okay, I knew that one went wrong but I just needed more planning. Plus I'll give some money to this guy here so he can pay off his debts and have a 'payment' ... okay, okay, a bribe." Shawn admitted as he saw the Auto Doc do its thing. The Wanderer also looked at Eric to answer his question, "As for you, you did point a gun at me that time ... and how i survived. Well basically my body is mutated, right? With that and some very heavy armor I obtained from my world, it was pretty much the safest thing I could wear. Though I did suffer a few minor burns." Shawn said as he revealed a few parts of his arm which were covered by multiple things, from scabs to weird flesh like bark.

"One thing you guys should know, is that radiation is a thing you don't want to mess with." Shawn stated as he injected himself with a Stimpak.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn Simulator: Slindis, Rugal, Teri, Melethia

With David's plan going without a hitch and the little family leaving Teri saw a message icon appear on her screen, and found a report from Dimitri that there was a new patient, David West, and the Lone Wanderer taking up medical practice in the Med Bay. With a sigh, the Cleric climbed atop her fuzzy wolf friend and sped down the hall to the Medbay, and see if she could provide some assistance as well; giving a wave to her family before taking off.

Rising Dawn: Medbay: Eric, The Lone Wanderer, David, Teri

Parking Garm right outside the door, (and dusting herself off), Teri walked in and began examining David and Shawn, seeing as Eric was already under the Auto-Doc, and while dropping bits of healing magic, asked, [color=0E59E4]"So, care to explain to me what the hell happened to the three of you? I didn't find out you were here till Dimitri messaged me..."[/color]

Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon, Constance

Cadolbolg looked a little irritated by the prospect, but after a 'look' from Caim, (who mouthed "Share") he conceded, and moved to the side, mumbling something about how it was his food.


Before Devon dropped his spell, he was interrupted by Angelus wandering in, and the dragon quirking an eyebrow, "Care to explain why you walked off like that? You've been acting funny since we've gotten here. If you were any less subtle, I'd think Cadolbolg would have noticed. Caim's too wrapped up in himself to notice and Ton Ton's being the most sociable of the four of you. Not to speak foul of the little one, but he is far shyer than the rest. My point being, it's... Off. Care to explain what's going on?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Got's some Explaining to do... Shawn, Eric, Teri & David.
Location: Rising Dawn Medbay.
"..Okay, how about...I dunno, not robbing a Casino?" David suggested to the Wanderer as he tended to the Dealer, who was having the worst day of this life right now.
"I mean, even if the guys running it are total pricks, robbing them ain't going to solve anything. In our world, we have this thing called "Insurance" that compensates them for when they get robbed or attacked like this. If you want to hit the Mob's wallet, you'll need to do more then just steal from their vault." He explained, hoping to talk him out of breaking the law like this.
Sure, in most cases they were above the law, but that was when the situation called for it, not when they just felt like robbing someone because they felt like it.

Even if the target was morally questionable, Least that's how he saw it.
[color=0E59E4]"So, care to explain to me what the hell happened to the three of you? I didn't find out you were here till Dimitri messaged me..."[/color]
"Gah, crap...Wanderer here tried to rob a Casino, New guy Eric here wants to talk to that dude there." He explained to the Teri as he pointed to the Dealer that Shawn had just tended to.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn Simulator: Slindis, Rugal, Teri, Melethia

She certainly seemed unused to the events that had happened, but Slindis did make sure to thank every one of them before heading off to her room to do some writing.

Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon, Constance

Ella smiled and begin digging in, making sure to pass off some food to Cadolbolg every so often. After all, he did seem disappointed that he couldn't have any. "Thank you soooo much~! It saved a lot of time, so it was really nice of you."


He hastily dismissed the magic of the spell and responded. "What do you expect when everywhere I look reminds me of my old home? It's a bastardization of it in every sense of the word, but every single sight is just cutting way too deep in places I never knew I had. Hell, I half expect to be able to catch a single bus and be within walking distance of my old home, only to realize that can never happen again. Am I supposed to go out and bother everyone having a good time?"


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Doctor Shawn diagnoses a robbery. Shawn, Teri, Eric & David.
Location: Rising Dawn.
"Ah, a healer I see. Good thing too, healing magic will help this fella quite a bit." The Doctor looking Wanderer turned around with a box of mentats in hand, flicking one into his mouth and chewed the body of his reacted. The flesh looking bark around Shawn's lightly burned areas started to fade away, showing new skin like a baby. "And yes I did try to rob a casino ... well I WAS going to but that failed due to me eating some bullets." He sighed as he examined the patent once more.

"Hmm, heavy beatings are still recovering and it seems his mental state is quite loaded due to my ... actions it seems." He awkwardly said as he hooked a bag of blood to the guy but turned around to Teri. "Also the name is Wanderer, I helped with that last battle with Deadshot. Although in this state you can call me Doctor S, I'm keeping a low sense of profile for now." He hummed as the mentats started to get to him.

"Ah, maybe a planned heist would be better." He quietly said under his breath.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Buffet | Four Dragons | Las Venturas
Ella | Hadrian | Jenny | Cz | Cutie Bruisers | Caim | Angelus | Constance

Cz sat quietly, observing Constance with a sullen mood. Mayhaps I have said too much in my inquiry. She bit her lip and looked around. The table was still rather devoid of the other members of the group, but the kindly lady from before had taken to her dinner before the other two girls at the table.

"Milady has misstepped," BlackHarte chuckled from his 'vantage point' around Cz's small waist.

The Peacekeeper frowned and finished her cup of water. It was not my intention, trust me.

"Perhaps milady should return to the ship so that we may prepare for our next venture into the world."


BlackHarte laughed, "Forgive me, I forget myself sometimes. I have had many masters over the years."

[sub]"You must better remember your place when in my company..."[/sub] Cz said under her breath, barely audible in the noisy restaurant.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
The world wavered before the eyes of the Hunter as he passed through the halls of the behemoth Airship Rising Dawn, assisted to his room by unknown members of the crew, a few groans resonating in Som's memory as he became dead weight from the alcohol.

"Where're we goin'?" The Shaven Headed human asked as the corridors of the Mammoth Airship seemed to be moving under his feet.

[color=B87333]"Oh. We're going to your room. You've made a rather large fool of yourself and it's time for you to save face by hiding it."[/color] Came a recognizable voice beside him.

"Hun'ers n'ver may'k foools of us selves." Som retorted as the door to his slid open with a *SWISH*.

[color=B87333]"Then you must not be a Hunter then."[/color] Teddy countered as Som's face hit his pillow. Turning towards the shadow spirits that had carried the Hunter into his room, the Teddy Bear nodded and dismissed them, the Shadow Spirits fading back into the nether from whence they were conceived.

[color=B87333]"[small]I guess I should see how Miss Constance is fairing.[/small]"[/color] The Vampire's Mentor muttered as he started walking towards the ship's exit.


TheMehKingdom said:
"Thou who art undead art chosen ... Cz don't see bad."
The kind words from the Young One took the Raven Haired vampire by surprise as was demonstrated by the widening of Constance's crimson hued eyes, tinged with a bit of guilt caused by the her assumption that Cz was like all the Mirian children she had ever had the displeasure of meeting. Remembering herself after a moment of contemplation, Constance looked at the Young One squarely in the eyes.

"Thank you Cz." The Young woman said as she placed the cat-ears back upon her head and attached the cat-tail back behind her.

Watching as Devon wandered off after leaving a nearly filled plate of food, Constance wondered for a moment if there was something wrong with the peculiar Bard, the only one of the humans that had truly taken the time to make her feel welcome and explain the customs of this world, some of them seeming very backwards to the Faux Cat-Girl.

Thinking about her home and more appropriately her parents, Constance wondered how it was that Cz seemed to be wandering around without her parents. Was it customary in this world to allow their young to venture out into the world at this age?

"So, Cz, where are you parents? I mean, aren't you a little young to be traveling by yourself?" Constance queried as she pulled the place of Pasta Sauces and noodles back towards her.


The downfall of being in the form of a Teddy Bear was that every so often, Teddy would be picked up by a random human adolescent who believed that they should be able to keep him. In what would later be classified as the largest mass hallucination in Las Venturas history, Teddy found that many of these human children needed to be convinced that they did not want to have anything to do with him. The result was scores of terrified children reporting a demon possessed child's toy that threatened to hide under their beds and consume their feet in the middle of the night should they continue the thought of bringing Teddy to their home.

This also resulted in Teddy being forced to take more time than he had wanted to in locating Miss Constance. However as he neared the Four Dragon's buffet, he heard the familiar voice of the Bard speaking in a voice that seemed both angry and hinted with sadness.

bluecrimson said:
"What do you expect when everywhere I look reminds me of my old home?"
Heading towards the sound of the Bard's Voice, Teddy continued to listen to Devon's tirade until it concluded. Turning to head back towards Miss Constance, the Teddy Bear Backpack found himself flying through the air as an unobservant Casino patron kicked the bear. Landing with an [color=B87333]"Oof!"[/color] Teddy looked to see himself laying at the feet of Devon and Angelus.

[color=B87333]"Uh - Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation."[/color] Teddy apologized as he picked himself up and started brushing himself off, realizing that the apology seemed rather hollow since if he did not mean to eavesdrop on the conversation, he could have easily turned away when it became apparent that the conversation was of a personal nature.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon

Jenny stayed with the others for the most part, but there was a little fact that she managed to keep from the others...
"oooyyyy....I thi-*Hic*-ink I should call it a night..." She said as she got up from her seat, slightly shakily as she pocketed a empty Sake glass in a vain attempt to hide the fact she was boozing on the side.
"I-I'll meet you all up on the boat....Ship....Heheh..." She said as she tried to have a graceful exit, wobbling as she went out the door to the Strip.
Despite this, basically everyone in the room could tell she was hammered.

Dr. West, Paging in. Shawn, Teri, Eric & David.
Location: Rising Dawn.
"Dude, we are NOT robbing a Casino. Got it!?" David yelled at Shawn, trying to get the message though his head that he didn't want any part of this plan.
"Look, you want to turn yourself into an international criminal, that's on you. Me? I'm not entirely content with my current situation, but robbing people I never met won't really fix that." He said right as the dealer began to come to.
"uhhhhhh.......wh-where am I?......who's talking?...." He groaned in pain as he began to regain consciousness.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Trying to be someone else 101. Shawn, Teri, Eric & David.
Location: Rising Dawn.
"Who said anything about "We?", I was going to do it and then donate all the money to charity ... and possibly some to this fella here. The point is that the Casino is ran by Mobsters who cheat innocents out of their money, so I can't let that go by and the only way is to rob them ... maybe blow up the place as well." Shawn's plan began to get bigger and bigger by the second, hopefully he will not think to take down the head of the organisation next.

"[sub][sub]I wander if I can kill the leader.[/sub][/sub]".
Nope, too late.

As the Dealer came around, Shawn pulled a curtain so it would block the Dealer's view of the airship so it would not freak him out. "Hey buddy, you are finally coming around. You sustained a nasty beating, heck I could tell you even have mental damage from that. The authorities said they found you on the curb bleeding out, and they bought you here. Now don't move, we don't know if you have broken bones yet but we are getting to that. So get comfortable, you will be healthy in no time." Shawn imitated a different American voice to his own, his eyes also hid behind the shades so that he may no be found out.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon

Ella passed a small glass of water over to Constance as she shared her food with Cadolbolg, although she had had a bit more than her fair share of the food. "She is pretty young, but we cna help keep an eye on her. There's far too many messed up types in this City of Vices to let her out alone, and there are some things that I doubt many would smile on."


He sighed as he sat down on the (rather hot) sidewalk and talked to the talking teddy bear. "You already heard all of it, so it's no real use freaking out about it. In any case, I'm still ready to be done with this town before we get caught up in some huge chase scene. If you're looking for Constance, though, she's probably getting a bite to eat inside."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
House loses Shawn, Teri, Eric & David.
Location: Rising Dawn.
Rolling his eyes at Shawn's continued instance to re-create Oceans 11, David then turned to Eric.
"So...What's your story? Chosen one? Weapon-X Reject? Government Agent? Random Super-powered Douche?" He asked the new member of the Rising Dawn (He would say no, but once you are on board, that stops being an answer) as Shawn spoke with the Dealer.
"uhhhhhh....I just want to go home and master-URK!" The Dealer groaned as he tried to move, quickly realizing how much that fucking hurt.

((Shakes Magic 8 Ball of Writers block))


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Buffet | Four Dragons | Las Venturas
Time: Dinner​
Ella | Hadrian | Jenny | Cz | Cutie Bruisers | Caim | Angelus | Constance

For a moment it seemed as if Cz was lost for words. She bit her lower lip slightly and looked around. "Is milady without words to hid her true self?" BlackHarte gave a soft laugh and tightened around Cz's waist. Do not forget yourself! Cz replied angrily.

After a brief pause she regained her composure and looked warily around her, "Cz is waiting for someone," it was the sad truth. She was waiting for someone that would never come for her. Someone she was sure had moved on. "It's all I seem to do these days." At the time a million processes assaulted her, almost overwhelming. A regret, a stroke of sorrow in her soft beating heart. There was the briefest flash of the emotions across her face. Shannon, I am sorry. Truly.

When she caught her slip it was too late.

"Too human milady," BlackHarte chided, "you should have listened to me."

Cz cast a quick glance at both Ella and Constance, trying to make sure they didn't perceive anything off about her last statement. Sometimes little things can be overlooked, let this be one of those times.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Receiving the glass of water from the Demi-Succubus, Constance nodded her head in thanks before looking at the water with a cautious and wary eye. Picking up a drinking straw, the Young Vampire used the drinking implement as an improvised dropper as she dipped the plastic cylinder into the crystal clear water and placed a finger over the opening, using the vacuum that it created to withdraw a small sample of water from the glass.

"(I hope this doesn't hurt too much.)" The Sorrowfeld vampire thought to herself before placing a single drop of water on an extended finger.

Unexpectedly, there was no sizzling nor surge of energy caused by a sudden discharge of her magical energies. Sighing in relief, Constance placed the drinking straw back in the glass and took a small sip of the water before continuing to sample to pasta concoction that she had created.

"(These lobster insects aren't all that bad.)" The Young Vampire thought to herself before mentally adding "(They almost taste like-)"

TheMehKingdom said:
"It's all I seem to do these days."
The thought was brought to a sudden stop by the strange burst of proper speech coming from Young One, Cz, causing Constance to not only discard the thought but caused her eyes to widen slightly in surprise. Looking at Ella to see if the Demi-Succubus had noticed Cz's spontaneous increase in intelligible speech, the Cat-Eared Vampire saw that if Ella had noticed, she made no sign of it.

bluecrimson said:
"She is pretty young, but we cna help keep an eye on her. There's far too many messed up types in this City of Vices to let her out alone, and there are some things that I doubt many would smile on."
Nodding in agreement, Constance made a note to bring this topic up in conversation should she find herself alone with the Little One.

"I think that while we're here, we should definitely keep an eye on Cz." Constance said in a friendly tone.


bluecrimson said:
"You already heard all of it, so it's no real use freaking out about it. In any case, I'm still ready to be done with this town before we get caught up in some huge chase scene. If you're looking for Constance, though, she's probably getting a bite to eat inside."
The being shaped like a backpack shaped like a Teddy Bear did not move to reunite himself with his protege and owner, instead Teddy stood there waiting to see if the Bard, Devon, would continue expressing his frustrations regarding the town of Las Venturas being reminiscent of his home. With no continuation forthcoming, the Teddy Bear assumed a calm voice and addressed the bard.

[color=B87333]"I assume by your tone of voice that you're unable to return to your home, which is unfortunate, but if I might humbly suggest that perhaps you are overlooking the notion that despite your view of this place being a perversion of your home, as long as you long to return to your home, there will always something that triggers a memory of home. This might be a sight, a sound or a smell but the truly the point of the matter is that rather than focusing on the differences between your home and this place, perhaps, you should focus on the similarities. Perhaps that would make you feel more at ease."[/color] The Teddy Bear advised and would have added more were it not for the sudden appearance of the drunken gardevoir.

Diablo1099 said:
"oooyyyy....I thi-*Hic*-ink I should call it a night..."
[color=B87333]"Can no one on this Crew handle their alcohol?"[/color] Teddy asked as he watched Jenny's form fade into the bright lights of Las Venturas, silently wishing that he had palms for which he could use to facepalm.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The House is dead *Cough* "Yeah I made sure of that.". Shawn, Teri, Eric & David.
Location: Rising Dawn.
"No, no, nod ... you must not go back. You will probably be killed. You should actually consider yourself lucky that you survived all of this. Now go to sleep and let us get you better." He shook his head furiously before pulling out a needle from the operating table beside him. Taking a sedative in a needle, he put it inside the IV beside the bed. Sighing, the Wanderer turned back and opened the curtain before closing behind him.

"Okay, now that guy is asleep. We can either fully treat him on here or do a "Dump and rush" at a local hospital, although I cannot guarantee his safety then." Shawn admitted as he started to wash his hands. "Honestly I would like to just make those guys pay. They deserve it after cheating me and beating that guy." He pointed back to the curtain. Taking off his shades for a second to rub them down, he revealed his bright blue, glowing eyes. "You wouldn't believe some of the things I see ... heck some are real, some are illusion, but now I can tell them apart pretty well." The Wanderer felt a hidden rage inside of him, filled of jealousy of this world and how it did not go through the pain of the apocalypse and the aftermyth. The good side came out again, it was his aim to make any world a better place for anybody.

"Ugh, I need to think for a while. You can find me at my Sniper Shack on the roof." Shawn spat out before he left the Medical Bay and in a couple of minutes he was already on his couch/bed. He smirked as he drifted to sleep, this house wasn't as great as some of his hideouts, but he felt comfort around him. Even though the shack was made out of tin metal, lit by candles and had a modern blurred glass door. The inside was different, it was one room but it was like a studio. It was filled with the necessities but decorated by multiple weird things that are from Shawn's world.

"I ... really should make some more ... ammo." He grumbled as he finally drifted off.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Captain's Quarters: Rugal

After they finished up in the Simulator and put all the stuff away, Rugal quickly made his way back to his Quarters to change back into his trademark Red Suit.
Checking the Time and seeing that the night was still young, he decided to maybe spend an hour or two at the slots.
He knew most of the cons used by the pros to rig games so it should be a rather lucrative endeavor.
Pulling out his PDA, he said to the on board AIs "Rugal here, if anyone is questioning my whereabouts, I'll be hitting the town. Keep the Prisoner on Lock-down. Thank you." before he began making his way off-board.

RIP House Shawn, Teri, Eric & David.
Location: Rising Dawn.
While his thoughts on robbing random people didn't change, sitting down and actually looking at the dealer DID change how David saw this "Legit" Business men and that maybe Shawn was onto something.
"......Hey Kid. Why did they do this to you?" He asked the Dealer, getting an answer in the form of "He...was going to blow the Operation..."
"What Operation?"
"The fucking rigging you prick..." The Student Dealer cursed, hating every second of this.
"......Fuck it, I wasn't doing anything anyway. Teri, Tend to him. I got a Heist to Plan." He said before seeking out the Wanderer and Melethia.
While he would like to avoid having her help hands on, He was going to borrow some Acid off her for the locks.

The Strip: Jenny, Teddy, Devon

The Dazed Drunk was confused when she heard Teddy talk.
"Wah?...Wh-Who said that?...Hoeelo? (Hello?)" She asked as she wobbled around, not bothering to look down.
When Devon saw her stumbling, it suddenly seemed more like home: What's Las Vegas without Drunk Tourists?
When she did finally see Teddy, she did the one thing that could piss him off the most.
"D'AWWWWWWW-*HIC* A Teddiursa!" She cooed before going to pick him up.