Indeed, picking up the animated Teddy Bear was one of the most dire of infractions that the Drunken Gardevoir could have perpetrated upon Teddy under most circumstances. Under normal circumstances, Jenny would have found herself under attack in any number brutal manners or assaulted by words meant to incite fear. The fact that she was a Crew Member of the Rising Dawn and the fact that she was inebriated was what saved her from a fate quite possibly worse than death.Diablo1099 said:"D'AWWWWWWW-*HIC* A Teddiursa!"
Holding the Bear in a vice like grip, Jenny might have been able to understand every other word that Teddy managed to sputter.
[color=B87333]"Ahem! - Madame - if - unhand - beg - you [footnote][color=B87333]"Ahem! Madame Jenny if you would please unhand me, I beg of you!"[/color][/footnote]"[/color] Teddy screamed out into the night for all to hear as he attempted to produce something that would be of help, all manners of less than lethal weapons falling onto the floor from cans of pepper spray to stun guns.