The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Diablo1099 said:
"D'AWWWWWWW-*HIC* A Teddiursa!"
Indeed, picking up the animated Teddy Bear was one of the most dire of infractions that the Drunken Gardevoir could have perpetrated upon Teddy under most circumstances. Under normal circumstances, Jenny would have found herself under attack in any number brutal manners or assaulted by words meant to incite fear. The fact that she was a Crew Member of the Rising Dawn and the fact that she was inebriated was what saved her from a fate quite possibly worse than death.

Holding the Bear in a vice like grip, Jenny might have been able to understand every other word that Teddy managed to sputter.

[color=B87333]"Ahem! - Madame - if - unhand - beg - you [footnote][color=B87333]"Ahem! Madame Jenny if you would please unhand me, I beg of you!"[/color][/footnote]"[/color] Teddy screamed out into the night for all to hear as he attempted to produce something that would be of help, all manners of less than lethal weapons falling onto the floor from cans of pepper spray to stun guns.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon

She doesn't like water? That's weird: I thought it was only running bodies of water that hurt vampires. Then again, it'd be hard to think that succubi could be with men and not drain their souls. She gave a brief nod of affirmation to Constance's statement while cleaning up her area; something that was made much harder by the mess Cadolbolg had made while eating. "I've got no problem helping you keep an eye on Cz. After all, she does look smart underneath that cute exterior. Wouldn't you agree?"


Jenny's drunken assault struck home in another way, which served to make it worse in a way he didn't really think could happen. Still, he was able to put on a good enough poker face to call out to the inebriated Gardevoir. "Yes, he is a cute Teddiursa. Do you want his mama Ursaring to get mad when you're hugging him so tight? They're known for there strength for a good reason, you know..."

Las Venturas Strip: Melethia, S'zami

After having left a few potent vials of acid for David West on the ship, Melethia went out and looked at the city from a different part of the Strip. It was definitely flashy, but she could feel the rougher undercurrent to it. What she didn't expect to see there, though, was the oddly slender woman? Or was it just a really skinny man? In any case, the person stuck out as much as Melethia did with that hood on in this heat.

"Magus, it's probably not a good idea for ya to be out there like that. Unless you got a Wall Of Force readied, gettin' hit by one of those might be too much for ya." The young green-haired elf made her way over to this mystery person, hoping to catch their attention. Well, if they hadn't already heard her approaching prior to this point.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
"I've got no problem helping you keep an eye on Cz. After all, she does look smart underneath that cute exterior. Wouldn't you agree?"
"She sure does." The Raven Haired vampire responded as she reached into her pockets and produced five gold coins, the entirety of her money on hand. Looking at the remainder of the mess on the table, Constance hoped that the tip that Devon had mentioned would be enough.

"I hope that they don't get too offended that this is all I could tip them." She added, oblivious to the fact that the five one ounce coins were worth over Six Thousand Dollars in Las Venturas at the current price of gold.

Waiting for the other to finish getting ready to leave, Constance felt a pang of hunger.

"Teddy? Could I have a juice box please?" The hungry vampire asked the inanimate Teddy Doppelganger.

"Teddy?" Constance asked when she received no response from her backpack, feeling her hunger steadily growing and gnawing at her. It did not help that the Restaurant was filled with patrons, a buffet for a bloodsucker.


bluecrimson said:
"Yes, he is a cute Teddiursa. Do you want his mama Ursaring to get mad when you're hugging him so tight? They're known for there strength for a good reason, you know..."

Teddy's rear end hit the cement pavement along with a bottle of weedkiller that the Bear Backpack had contemplated using on the Gardevoir.

[color=B87333]"Thank you, Devon. I am indebted to you."[/color] Teddy said as he backed away from the swaying Jenny.

[color=B87333]"If you would indulge me for a moment, why is it that you cannot return home? Should your dimensional doors not allow you to return?"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon

Now that it seemed all arranged for now, Ella placed a hand on Ella's shoulder. "How about we get out of here and find you a real bite to eat? You'd draw a lot of attention getting some of your food here, so if you can hold off for a bit while we find that backpack of yours, we should be fine."


The Bard kept it fairly brief as he answered the plush backpack. "Well, it's simple: there is no home to go back to now. Don't know how it works, but looks like there never was one in the first place. Do I need to elaborate on why seeing a facsimile of it is twisting the stake in the heart?"

Las Venturas Strip: Melethia, S'zami

Now this was interesting. A race she'd never seen before? In any case, she seemed nice enough, and she certainly looked nice enough as well. "Hiya! I'm Melethia, but most people call me Mel. Pretty good ears you have there, but not many of them are around. Think it's just me an' my mom, although she's on the ship doin' somethin'."

Although she seemed kind enough, the faint sound of cloth brushing up against a chestplate could be heard from the girl. Whoever her mom was, she must have put a lot into making sure her daughter was safe.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Buffet | Four Dragons | Las Venturas
Time: Dinner​
Ella | Hadrian | Jenny | Cz | Cutie Bruisers | Caim | Angelus | Constance

Cz stared at Constance and recognized the sudden surprise in her expression. Almost instantly Cz withdrew by sliding down in her chair, almost as if she had been caught stealing cookies. "Cz smart?" Cz said meekly, "Cz not think so."

"A fraile attempt milady," BlackHarte's voice was biting in Cz's mind.

But when Constance started acting funny, Cz sat up and started eyeing her intently. To protect humans is still my directive is it not? Resolved then, if Constance did anything funny, then it was grounds to shrug off her compacted form.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - The Strip: S'zami, Melethia

Melethia was certainly impressed with the ears - after all, she had meant the hearing when she'd made her statement, but seeing theis woman in person certainly helped things. "If ya have all that fur, why would ya wear those robes? I'd think they get way too hot in a place like this, an' they're a bit too dark to be used in bouncin' the light back... I'm new here too, but maybe we can find somethin' together? I'd like to see what kinda materials they have here too." The young elf certainly seemed to be taking a shine to this Khajit and kept a sharp watch for anyone trying to stir up anything with her new friend.

"What kinda stuff do ya sell, by the way? Could be interestin' and I will trade off cash or somethin' that ya'd like to wear."

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
bluecrimson said:
"How about we get out of here and find you a real bite to eat? You'd draw a lot of attention getting some of your food here, so if you can hold off for a bit while we find that backpack of yours, we should be fine."
Constance nodded, though she was unsure if she could really hold off for too long, she would try not to make a scene by dining on the buffet's clientele.

"The sooner the better." The Raven Haired vampire added as she continued to wait for everyone else to finish up with their meals and cleaning up their plates and platters.

A child began to wail nearby, causing the Sorrowfeld Vampire to look in that direction and see a bright red stream of blood pouring from the child's nose. It appeared that the young one's thin mucus membranes did not have an affinity for the dryness of the desert air. The sight caused Constance to lick his lips and her fangs to extend from their sheaths in her gums.

TheMehKingdom said:
"Cz smart? Cz not think so."
The admission of Cz's caused Constance to remember herself and where she was before she went into a frenzy. Steeling herself, she looked as cheery as she could, aware that if the child was trying to hide her own intellect, there was bound to be something else that she was hiding.

"I'm sure that's not the case Cz." Constance said before looking at Ella, hoping that the Demi-Succubus said that it was time for them to go.


bluecrimson said:
"Well, it's simple: there is no home to go back to now. Don't know how it works, but looks like there never was one in the first place. Do I need to elaborate on why seeing a facsimile of it is twisting the stake in the heart?"
[color=B87333]"I understand."[/color] The Bear said as he slowly nodded in response to the Bard's admission.

[color=B87333]"However, how can you exist if your home never existed? It is simple logic. This can only mean that there is something that's hidden it from you and does not allow you to perceive your home. I'll have to think about this. I mean no disrespect when I say that it's an interesting conundrum."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
The Strip: Jenny, Teddy, Devon

The intoxicated Jenny was quick to buy into Devon's idea and let Teddy go before she actually did him some harm.
"Oh, I'm-*hic* Sorry. Just...wooooo....sake-....Sa-kke. Sake." She helplessly giggled, the mere act of saying the name of her drink causing her to lose whatever shred of dignity she had left.
"Woooooo boy...god, the lights here are so pretty..." She slurred as she wandered off again like so many other drunks before her.

The Strip: Rugal

A brief walk later and Rugal was in the middle of the worlds largest copyright infringement.
It felt nice to return to the Glamor and Swindling of Wealth after so long getting caught up the madness of the Rising Dawn.
Right of the bat, he hit the slots of the nearest casino and got to work.
Model 4243 Slot Machine? Oh those poor fools... He smirked as he checked for witnesses before inputting a coded series of actions (Shake the Lever, Tap the top light, etc).
Less than a minute later, All the Machine was capable of doing was paying out, to the point that it couldn't even even payout for a single cherry by the time he was done.
They should have phased these out YEARS ago... He thought as he left with a large bag of Silver Dollars and went over to the next one, Spotting Melethia and some...Furry thing (S'Zami) nearby.
...What the hell is that?... He thought as he went over to say hi.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
'Hi,' Eric said, pulling back the curtain and striding into the room. 'You've got some explaining to do.'

The dealer looked up at the aug, obviously surprised.

'Where am I?'
'You're in a load of trouble,' Eric replied, taking off his sunglasses for effect. 'I work for a very rich man. A man who used to frequent your casino, spend some time at the tables, flirting with the girls. Now, as it would happen, he went to one table one night.' Eric pointed at the dealer. 'Your table. You robbed this guy.
'Now, I'm not saying that this guy was smart. Far from it, actually. He kept playing, and he lost a substantial amount of cash.
'He's a rich man, so he doesn't care about the money. In fact-' Eric flicked out his knife. '-he asked me to do away with you.' At this, the dealer went wide-eyed.
'However,' he continued, producing an apple and starting to cut it up. 'I don't really want to do that. Way I see it, you could die at the hands of a merc or you could just tell me where the money is. I can take it back to this guy and I can try to convince him to call this hit off. I need you to help me, though.' He handed a slice of the apple to the dealer.

later said:
'David,' he said, approaching the man from behind. David turned to see him. 'Sorry I was unresponsive when you were talking to me earlier. I was occupied.' He tapped his mechanical eye. 'We're all over the news.'
David smiled. 'Hi there.'
'You asked me what my story was,' Eric said. 'Thank you for helping me back there. You really did well.
'I'm ex-military. Blown up on duty and had both legs, my right arm and my right eye replaced with cybernetic ones. I also have a few implants here and there, weapons built in, that kind of thing.
'I signed up to a defence contractor. AugSec ? now defunct ? paid for my cybernetics and in return i headed up a squad of operatives for their aug only private army. Something went wrong and ? let's just say that I'm not in any position to go home.'


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

The New House moved in. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
As David and Eric ascended either the local elevator of stairs to the rooftop, when they had finally set foot on the metal roofing they could feel the harsh wind that is felt up here. The roof itself had not been renovated much, the only two notable icons on there was a balcony made into the ship itself and is probably something that was built into it when the ship was made, for what reason, nobody knows, most likely for relaxation. The balcony also had a empty drinks container, a BBQ and a fridge, although David has the sense that a pool might be in the area too.

The other icon he could spot was the biggest one of all, it was a corner of the roof covered in sandbags which indicated the premises of The Wanderer's property. The sandbags themselves were stack pretty largely and surrounded a pretty large one story metal shack. The shack did not take up all of the area though, the empty spaces outside had multiple metal parts scattered around surrounding half built Protectrons.

The biggest thing actually in the 'yard' of the metal shack was a rather large metal head of something. Suddenly it began to spurt out random lines of a very American sense, "Catastrophic... system... failure... Initiating core shutdown as per emergency initiative 2682209... I die, so that democracy may... live..." the head said and began to say more lines before another robot came up to it and smacked it a few times as the eyes of the giant head shut down. "Oh shut up will you!" It yelled before taking note of the visitors to the shack.

"Oh hi there ... I am the Servant Identification Robot, but you may call me SID. Now please tell me why you are here?" SID said in a very kind and polite manner, although the automated turrets above the doorway to the shack locked onto the two just in case. The metal shack itself was nothing ordinary, sure it was pretty much four metal sheets with a future looking entrance, but the roof had five satellite dishes on it.



Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
House-Warming. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
"...So you were a Bionic Commando? Cool. Just wish we'd stop letting corporations have armies. Now, I know this Japanese guy called Kazuya, His Private Army is bigger than the Japanese Army. Now, it's a sound lad and all that and he helps us out whenever we are in the region, but still..." David said as he stopped by a room labelled "Melethia" and came out with a bunch of Vials with some brown fluid in them.
"Few party favours from a friend of mine, she makes good shit. Melts people's faces right off!" He boasted about the Elf's skills with chemistry before the finally reached Shawn's Sniper Nest.

"....What the fuck?..." He mused before he even saw the robots or anything, just the idea that the Wanderer was crazy enough to build a "House" of sorts on the roof of a Airship despite all the issues with Wind Pressure and Oxygen at higher altitudes.
"...I wish this was the weirdest thing I ever saw..." he said before the robot SID showed up.
"...Ummm...Wow, Is that one of the old Waiter Robots from the Canteen?...*Ahem* Sorry, Uhhh...Just want to Talk to the Wanderer. I was doing some thinking and...MAYBE he might have been onto something with that Casino Business...
Tell him I have Acid."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Warning: Dangerous Materials. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
The robot turned around and then turned around once more to David. "Currently the master is tending to creating some ammo." SID said in a very nice tone once again. "I do imagine that it will require a delicate touch since he is handling both explosive material and the most radioactive source he has on him ... his blood." SID warned the two as the approached the metal shack. "You may enter, but you may want to knock first." He said as the turrets treated the two as friends and shut off.

SID wandered off again and began to clean up the parts in the yard as the two entered the metal shack. Inside the shack was basically one giant room but split off into sections. One part was a kitchen, one was a bay devoted to medicine and science, another was a tech station with computer and radios, another was the weapons bay in which Shawn was in and finally was the middle of the room where a nice couch sat with a blanket and multiple Nuka Cola bottles surrounding it.

Shawn was currently holding a Mini Nuke very steadily and holding a syringe full of a colour changing substance which is his blood. Finally finishing off the Mini-nuke he threw it into the pile of Mini-Nukes besides the Gun-loading bench. "Hello you two, like the look of my place." He said whilst pointing to many of the Wasteland decorations around the place.


"Also SID told me that one of you mentioned acid?" He wandered as he walked towards the two.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
'Believe me, I didn't sign up by choice. The place I come from is pretty much run by corporations. I've killed so many people, and for what? So my boss could give himself a bigger bonus at the end of the year. I hated myself,' Eric said to David on the way up to the shack.

Eric walked in behind David, chuckling to himself.
'Hey man, I can make ammo for you, you know? It's kinda my thing. Also, I know where to get some really great pot from.'
David and the wanderer looked at him.
'Ooooh,' he said. 'You mean like acid acid. Yeah, no, that's not what I was thinking at all. I need to just quickly cancel something I-'
'Blaze it up, bitches,' SID said, coming into the shack holding the biggest bag of weed anyone present had seen and shooting jets of fire from his flamethrower. 'I'm SID, the stupid idiot dick.'
Eric quickly plugged a cord into his head, then into SID before SID returned to normal and exited. Everyone was quiet for a moment.
"What the fu-"
'so, guys, I hear you were planning on robbing the casino. I'm quite good at hacking things so maybe I could join you ? [sub]sorry about that[/sub]'


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
I was going to Rob a Casino, but then I got High... Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
"...I miss working for the EU..." David sighed after that outburst was finished and SID was back to normal.
"Look, Wanderer. I was thinking about those guys you were on about and I realized something."
"And that was?" Shawn asked as he checked his machine was working properly.
"That I'm in." He said as he pulled out his Vial of acid.
"This is Melethia's stash right here. I've seen this shit liquify people into bloody pools. It should be more than enough to get past whatever vault they have." He said as he held it out for everyone to look at.
"BUT! I have a list of demands.
1. All the Money goes back to the people they robbed.
2. We find hardcore proof that they were rigging the joint.
3. We do this nice and quiet, the second the police are tipped off, I'm out. I can't afford to be seen breaking the law like this.

Those are my terms. Yes or no?"


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Eric smiled. Before him was a golden opportunity to do some good. He'd been honing his hacking skills ever since he'd been augmented. He was good.

'No,' Eric said, garnering a surprised look from David. 'We try to do this quietly. I'll shut down the alarm systems and hack into the police network. I'll monitor it and do everything I can to stop them from coming in before we want them. But the second that innocent lives are put at risk I'm acting.
'As for the money going back, I'm fine with that. They'll probably just gamble it away again, but hey. It's rightfully theirs. And as for hardcore proof ?' Eric tapped his head and grinned. His right eye flashed just for an instant. 'Need a camera?
'Now if you'll excuse me, I have to see a robot about some weed. Be right back.'


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Dream Sequence. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
Facepalming Shawn pulled out his gun and yelled a simple thing before firing, "What the fu-!" He could only say as he shot the pile of Mini-nukes which sent the ship Heaven-bound. In fact, this was SO stupid that the world collapsed on itself, even the Seven Archangels were sighing as it happened. "What the fuck happened!" The infamous Lightning Archangel busted in yelling. "Yeah ... someone almost made the world into some shitty comedy about friends smoking drugs. We stopped that before it was too late." Michael said as the seven of them authorized a reverse of some kind.

Soon enough the world was rebuilt but they removed that whole 'moment'.

After the 'Dream Sequence'.

A small spinning top in the background of the metal shack fell over just as Eric said, "Need a camera?". Shawn was walking around doing many things but could still talk. "Well, honestly we could just give it to charity. It would go to a better place in my opinion ... as E over there said, they will just gamble it away to another mob family. So we should consider that, as for hard evidence. Well I have mental evidence, don't know if that counts or not. As for that last request, sure ... why not? Although you could wear a mask or a disguise." Shawn wandered as he pulled out his Elite Riot Helmet from nowhere.

"This will probably work."



No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Four Dragons: Ella, Hadrian, Jenny, Cz, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Angelus, Devon

The demi-succubus caught on quickly to Constance's plight and cleared her throat. "Okay, it's time to go. Let's let Caim here spend some more time with the boys while we go off to do some other private stuff. Like first off: you two could use some new clothes~!" It may seem a bit contrived, but she wanted to get Constance out of there and possibly with Teddy before she got too thirsty. Well, there was that and the Blood Bank if it got too bad, and she was sure Constance could charm someone there to get a drink without killing them.

"Besides, Cz, you'll grow up to be much smarter than you are now. Snarter than half of the men I've seen, that's for sure~: She made sure to lightly yet firmly hold Cz's hand as they made their way out so nobody could get lost.


He seemed a good deal more worn down as he recounted the circumstances in further detail. "Oh, there was no contradiction there. It's like what's currently happening to you and Constance, except I've gone to the vacant lots where I lived for a good ten years, and I knew houses were there before. Didn't check before I had magic, but if someone were hiding it from me, it would be an extensive con job." Before too much happened, he made his way to trying to keep an eye on Jenny.

Las Venturas Strip: Melethia, S'zami, Rugal

She looked the trinkets over and seemed a bit disappointed. Was this all this Khajit woman had? "I know ya like what ya got there, but it's not really interestin' to me. Some of those necklaces could be enchanted with some more defenses like your clothes, but otherwise it doesn't help me too much... Now, I don't have any of these septims, but I can pay ya for showin' me with some gold coins."

The rifling through her bag was stopped by Rugal's appearance and she waved to him. "Hiya Wheathair! This is Khajit, an' she's a pretty nice lady!"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
A plan comes together. Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: Rising Dawn roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.
"...Deal, but keep it local so the people in the city get benefit from it." David mandated as he took the helmet from Shawn and examined it.
"Now then, unless there is anything else..." He started as he put the Riot Helmet on and hit the lights on the lens.
"...We got a Casino to rob..." He said, using the voice changer to put on a deeper version of his own voice.
Granted, maybe it was overkill, but UNIT not getting wind of this would make his next staff meeting a lot less awkward.
"So, do we have a plan? Anything at all?" He asked the Wanderer as he fiddled with a few discarded shell casings.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
[color=006566]"..."[/color] [color=006566]Goenitz[/color] and the Arch Angels
Location: Angel Situation Room
Among the mighty Arch-Angels was Leopold Goenitz, Master of the Heavenly Wind, seeming extremely irritable and annoyed.
[color=006566]"...Brothers and Sisters...Mind If I just..."Re-count" the minutes for this Meeting?..."[/color] He said as he stood up at the table, fixing his outfit a little as he did.
[color=006566]"...We just...rebuilt...the world...because someone, Nay, a Machine, had made a comment about materials that Human "Drugs"...And that was enough to warrant all of us being here?..."[/color] He asked, clearly not impressed by this situation.
[color=006566]"...Am I the only one seeing the issue here?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Las Venturas Strip: Melethia, S'zami, Rugal

When Rugal took a look at S'zami, "Lady" was the very last word that came to mind.
"...I...See..." He said as he stared at the Khajit, clearly wondering what the hell she was supposed to be.
Her cat like features reminded him more of his pet panther then anything remotely human, no doubt either some experiment or a creature from another realm.
"Rugal Bernstein. Pleasure to meet you. ...I take it you've met my daughter, Miss Khjit?" He asked, slightly wierded out by the fact he was even talking to...whatever she was.