Las Venturas Rooftops: Rugal
After sprinting though the screaming crowds of fleeing Gamblers, Rugal managed to make good on his goal and got to a higher vantage point.
He watched as the Titan sparred with the Dragon and...Whatever the hell Cz just turned into.
"...I'm reasonably certain that wasn't there a few hours ago..." He said to himself as he refocused on the Titan.
"Right...Get it's attention..." He said as he cracked his knuckles and began to
channel his Ki.
Once he felt he had enough built up, he said "I have no idea what the hell you wanted, But you sure as shit ain't leaving with it."
And with that, he began firing large
"KAISER WAVE!"'s towards the Titan's back, each fireball around the size of a car and packing a lot more punch then the bog standard Cannon Ball would.
Las Venturas Rooftop: David West, Shawn
David merely stared at Shawn when he suggested robbing the place anyway with that Titan around.
"...The Sheer. Fucking. Audacity..." He said speechlessly to the Wanderer as that massive ***** kept stomping around the city.
"Keep an eye on her, I'll be right back." He ordered with a hint of disgust in his voice.
"What? We were going to rob them anyway?" He said before David returned with one of the Wanderer's
Anti-Material Rifles.
"I know, just fucking priorities man, you know what I mean? Hand me some .50 MG rounds." He the requested as he set up on the building and trained his sights.
"You got RPG's, right? Get one and start shooting. No Mini-Nukes. We got too many people out there for us to just start carpet bombing with Nuclear Weapons, even if they are small ones."
Once he got his ammo, He smirked as he aimed right for her eye.
"Now you see me-"
"-Now you don't." He taunted as he hammered an Anti-Tank round into Annie's eyeball.
Regeneration or not, that had to hurt.
Laz Venturas Streets: Jenny, Teri, Deadshot, Slindis, Devon, Ella, Anyone else I might have missed
Jenny was in awe odd what Cz had wroth, a silent prayer going out to whomever was watching this realm that she'd remain on the side of good, not really wanting to fight against something that big.
As the battle raged one, she Mentally sent directions to the hoards of fleeing Civilians on what parts of the city were safe and what weren't.
Meanwhile, fresh from taking at Shopping Trolley to the Airship's armory, Deadshot was now sporting a much more
Armored look as he re-equipped his Wrist Guns.
"Alright, Time to get to work. I'm going to try and get some shots in from the ground, but if you can get me to a vantage point, I'll be able to do a lot better and, if we're lucky, we close enough for my Tazers to hit. If can work on a Dragon, then it'll at least stun Bride-Zilla. And if anyone sees the Wanderer, Tell him I expect my paycheck back after this over!"
He then walked over to the nearest parked car and smashed the window before hot-wiring it and driving onto the scene.