The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Storm and everyone else Vs Female Titan.
Location: Las Venturas.
After being punted like a American Football, the Spartan went far into the air. "AHHHH BLUUR is what he screamed.
The worst part for Storm was that he lost the air in his lungs, his lunch and the possibility of a few ribs.
The HUD was covered in a rather large mess, where the Spartan could not see anything but could feel the momentum of a fall. "Ahhh aaahhhh" Was the yell he emit as he started to fall, he came back to his normal, non-military voice.

Yet he was still able to remain in-charge. "Alpha ... activate boosters, to ... help me avoid this fall, hehe." He spoke with pain, a concerned voice spoke to him but the pain did not allow him to her his partner. The jet boosters activate but only in stutters. Whilst falling, this did not help him but did manage to slow him dark as he hit the ground ... hard. Seeing how the suit could stand a fall from the atmosphere, but not high temperatures, the fall did not damage Storm any further, but the suit started to crack more.

Yet Storm's endurance and stamina were at a end, and he did not have any emotion to carry on.
When the Gate came down and the Titan tried to escape, the chunks killed many people.
The Spartan could see this as he knelt up and removed his helmet.
He did not know how to feel about this.
Anger, terrified, defeat ... many other emotions overcame him.

The three guys who can actually do something. Wanderer, David and Eric.
Location: Casino rooftop.
After the Titan bought down the gates, the three on top of the Casino looked in amazement.
"Well ... that didn't do much." The Wanderer remarked as he looked at the many bodies further ahead of them. "Okay ... I think she escaped, but I'm gonna try anyway, I don't like when the escape." Shawn said as he pulled out a rather big gun.

"Since the Spartan got block by dat crystal stuff, I'm just gonna aim for the best spot. The head ..." He said and aimed towards the running Titan which was blocked by a big cloud of dust, possibly blood rain. Although thanks to the RobCo Pipboy-3000's VATS mode, he could see an outline. Adjusting his fire according to wind, cannon power and possible civilian casualty, the Wanderer flicked the trigger and then a rather large orange beam exploded out of the cannon and aimed towards the Titan's head.

Moving a couple of inches back, the Wanderer hoped that the best ammo for that gun could do something.
"Other then that, I think we should go back to the ship right now ... or grab the money quickly and then leave. We can't do anything about that thing now." Shawn muttered coldly as he took the gun from David.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
The slumber that had peacefully overtaken Constance Sorrowfeld was shattered quite abruptly by a massive rocking of the ship caused by what felt like a large explosive blast, which was soon followed up by the not so massive rocking of the Sorrowfeld Vampire's bed as Teddy struggled to wake the sleeping young woman.

[color=B87333]"Miss Sorrowfeld! It's time to wake up! There is something amiss on this ship!"[/color] Teddy's raised voice pierced through sleep's view causing Constance to wake, albeit still quite groggily from her rest.

Stretching and yawning, the Young Vampire whose head devoid of the cat ears that usually graced it blinked a few times attempting to ascertain just what was occurring on the ship.

"Wha-what's going on Teddy? I was having the strangest dream-" Constance started to say as the door to her quarters abruptly opened, revealing her traveling companion and former captor, Som.

"Some fool detonated an explosive aboard the ship." Som said as he strode in uninvited, his weapons in hand and armor showing that he had already outfitted himself for battle, there was just one thing that he needed returned to him.

"I need my amulet, there is no telling what has caused the explosion nor what we will be facing." Som continued, holding out his hand, ready to retrieve the amulet whether Constance did so voluntarily or involuntarily. It did not take a genius to know that Som was correct, therefore Constance judged it to be in everyone's best interest that the Hunter's amulet be returned to the rightful owner.

"Finish preparing yourself, even if you are a non-hu - inexperienced in battle, it appears that everyone will be needed."

Nodding at Som and amazed that he had insinuated her inferiority through her inexperience rather than the fact that she was not a human, Constance grabbed her equipment and got dressed. Looking at the viewing screen located inside the room, Constance watched as the battle outside the Airship unfolded.

"How in the world are we going to destroy that thing?" The Young Vampire asked as she watched the seemingly invincible Titan run through a crowd of humans, crushing them underfoot as she fled the scene.

"Same way the Hunter's Authority would: Discover its weakness and using it to our advantage." The Hunter said as he prepared a variety of compounds that would aid them in stopping the beast outside before handing the vials to the Vampire.

"What're these?" Constance asked as she picked up a vial filled with a black mass that appeared to be inert.

"That is dehydrated black ooze. The others are the explosive compound that you have used previously as well as a glue compound that is able to stop one of the reputed unstoppable Midian Juggernauts dead in its tracks." The Hunter said as he and the Vampire walked towards the nearest exit.

Exiting the ship and heading for the Tarmac, Constance drew a fair amount of energy from the blood that she consumed and she was off after the titan wish vials in hand.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Las Venturas Rooftops: Rugal, Deadshot, Slindis

Rugal could only watch as the Titan lashed out in all directions before the Tesla Cannon to the head managed to at least subdue her and cause her to crash into the ground.
Keen to make the most of this, he dropped from the side of the building he was on, digging his hand into the side of the building as he fell to manage his decent.
Once back on the ground, He began to sprint towards ground zero to finish it off before it could get back up.

As he did, A horn honked behind him as Deadshot pulled up in a car as Slindis rode nearby on Lupito.
"Get in. I'm not waiting around for your slow German ass!" The assassin said, slowing down only to let him in before burning rubber though the ruined streets like only the best stunt drivers could.
Hell, even the Dire Wolf had a hard time pulling off the corners and turns he did!

Casino Rooftop: David, Shawn, Eric

After reeling from the massive tackle, David realized that the building he was standing on was about to fall as Shawn managed to blow the Titan's face off.
"WANDERER! FORGET THE MONEY! THIS WHOLE FUCKING BUILDING IS GOING DOWN!" He shouted as the roof they were on began to fracture under their feet.
"Crap, Crap, Crap, CRAP-CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!" He screamed as he lost his balance and began falling from the building.

In a act of desperation, he grabbed the first thing he could get his hands on, a Water spout barely hanging onto the building and did what every hot blooded Action Hero type would do if stuck in a Gozilla movie hanging on for dear life on a building about to collapse: Get mad as hell.
FUCK YOU!" He shouted as he unloaded his M500 into the ribs of the downed Titan as he dangled off the side of the now ruined casino resort.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Laz Venturas Streets: Jenny, Teri, Deadshot, Slindis, Devon, Ella, Anyone else I might have missed

Teri did what she could to help any wounded refugees out; her aura being deployed at full blast while herself and Garm ran after the other party members. Of course, that was before she saw Angelus (seeing that Caim was a speck at this point) being thrown off towards the Rising Dawn,

[color=0E59E4]"God Almighty...."[/color]

However, this wasn't going to help get the refugees any safer, the Cleric was forced to tear her eyes away and continue herding work, as well as praying that the others fighting the Titan were alright...

Location - Las Venturas: Female Titan, David, Spartan, Angelus, Melethia, Caim, Cutie Bruisers, Cz

Angelus was sailing through the air with how hard the Female Titan threw her after Caim was systematically vivisected by the Titan's teeth and dropped in another direction. In any moment, the Rising Dawn was going to going to get well acquainted with her already bruised and broken self. However, the sting of Caim's pain forced the dragon to open her wings and tilt them, bringing her flight path away from the airship.

Caim was dying. She could feel it in her bones as her human counterpart hit the concrete; the pain lacing itself through her every wing beat. She had to hurry, or else he'd be gone for good, and by extension, herself.

With an extremely pained wingover, Angelus did what she could to home in on her fading pact partner, silently hoping against hope that she'd reach the mute in time.

"...Hold on.... Caim... I'm coming.. for you...."

Meanwhile, in the skies right above the Titan, Cadolbolg gaped in horror as his parents had, what appeared to be, systematically slaughtered by the Titan,

"Mother, Father! [small]No....[/small]"

That was right when Ton Ton landed on the turtle-dragon baby's back, and jerked Cadolbolg's head in Angelus' direction, [color=15650D]"Cadolbolg! You gotta hold it together! Look, you're Mom's still alive, if kinda shaky. She'll get help, don't you worry! For now we need to take care of that beast before she hurts anyone else. I need you to keep out of her range, and when I say so, bring me by her neck. According to the Spartan, that's her weak spot! Come on, we can do this!"[/color]

After that bit of encouragement, Cadolbolg noticed his Pact Partner's Lantern began to gather a familiar looking blackish energy, the energy in question flowing to his Knife. Ah, that plan again. With a small nod, the turtle-dragon baby forced himself to look away from the wreckage that was his mother and kept levitating above the Female Titan's reach, 'sending' to his pact partner,

"Give me the word when you're ready, Ton Ton!"


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Las Venturas Airspace
Time: Twilight​
Cz | BlackHarte

High in the sky above the scene Cz drifted by idly, her massive frame blocking out what was left of the orange sunlight. "Milady is tempestuous," BlackHarte observed. Cz replied quickly and calmly, the full power of her internal processes unleashed in her metal body. "Silence."

Light gathered in the focal gems on Cz's chassis and then leapt out toward the downed Titan again, tearing into the Titan's hard flesh. Yet, in a slight oversight the beam weapon refracted from the crystallized skin on Annie's neck, lancing back and striking her fleshy body. The blasts caught the muscles on her shoulders and tore them into the air, and the more forceful primary blast crushed her Titan bones to dust. After a few seconds, the earth around the Titan ionized and exploded a second time, throwing clouds of dust and burnt dirt into the air around the Titan.

Cz drifted closer, only five hundred feet or so from the distraught earth. She said calmly and bluntly, "Cease. You are outmatched."


She did not wait for the dust to settle or the rest of the crew to gather their wits. Another pair of beam artillery struck the Titan's body, pinning it down and preventing it from regenerating in the dust.

"Yet, they are truly remarkable aren't they? These people."

"Inhuman." Cz answered matter-of-factly, "They do not need any protection."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Las Venturas Streets: Jenny, Teri, Deadshot, Slindis, Devon, Ella, Anyone else I might have missed

During her herding of the people away from the various people away from the Titan as it fell, Slindis saw Caim and Angelus falling from the sky - from here, she could see that Caim was badly injured and in desperate need of aid. With that, she went and lifted Teri by the collar as Lupito darted around the Debris. [color=c200]"Teri, focus! I've seen that kind of bite before: it's going to need a lot of aid to seal up."[/color] A quick message was sent to Angelus for the two to meet up north of the Titan so they could heal Caim, and almost too quickly SLindis was placing blazing white hands on Caim to get as much healing as she could through him.

Slindis is out of Lay on Hands uses due to the massive wave of healing sent through Caim's system to keep him alive.
[color=c200]"Teri, I need you to work with me to keep the healing going until Caim wakes up so we can be sure that he's living."[/color] The Paladin was horribly frustrated that her supply of backup healing wands had been destroyed so long ago, because a spare one or two would come in handy right about now...


THe barrage from Cz helped to pin the Titan doen, but Devon thought he could see something gleaming on the Behemoth's neeck. Was that some kind of crystal on its neck? "Ella, I'm heading in to get this done while it's down. COuld yoou please get Melethia? I swear I'll make this up to you!" THe demi-succubus grumbled, but stretched her wings and dive-bombed to catch the young elf while Devonsprinted over to the neck, breathed in, and let loose one booming Shout []

[HEADING=1]"Enough!"[/HEADING] It was a good thing that the man's furious voice was solely directed at the Titan, since the one word seemed to reverberate through the chaotic scene.

Location - Las Venturas: Female Titan, David, Spartan, Angelus, Melethia, Caim, Cutie Bruisers, Cz

Now, one would think that being thrown from a behemoth that was forty feet tall would be dangerous to almost anyone. Even for a member of the Rising Dawn, it usually would be something avoided. One thing one wouldn't expect is to see the green-haired elven girl gently floating [] down like she was tubing down a lazy river with a frown on her face. I got so close too...

It didn't help that she was picked out of the air by Ella to get her out of the way of one of the stray shots of Cz's Barrage, leaving the young girl cradled like the bride after a wedding.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Laz Venturas: Angelus, Caim, Jenny, Teri, Deadshot, Slindis, Devon, Ella, Anyone else I might have missed

Teri gave a choke at the sudden jerk upward, and then gasped at the sight of her (former) childhood hero; covered in gore and breathing shallowly, [color=0E59E4]"Oh my god....Okay, I'm getting right too it... Hold on, Caim!"[/color]

Holding her hands over the wounded warrior, Teri closed her eyes in concentration as a blue light began surround the Cleric's hands, and she began to pump Caim full of as much Positive Energy as her power would allow- Aura, Spells, the works.

Teri, using a Good aligned Cleric's affinity for Positive Energy, has converted the slot for Divine Power into Cure Critical Wounds. She also expends her uses of all of her spell slots in order to cast Mending, Cure Light, Moderate, and Serious wounds. Furthermore, Teri expends her daily usage of the Feat Healing Devotion [], which gives Caim Fast Healing +1 (think like Regen) for a minute. If Teri wishes to use this feat again, she will need to start burning turn attempts.

Times till next spells can be cast: 

4th: 12 seconds
3rd: 36 seconds
2nd: 18 seconds
1st: 24 seconds
0:  24 seconds
Teri fell backwards on her rump after dumping that much healing magic into someone, breathing hard as the efforts from all the spells and feat use tired her out. However, it certainly had the desired effect, as Caim sat up from his dance with Death, looking confused (to say the least) until his eyes hit Slindis and Teri. Even, to his surprise, his armor looked as if it had been fixed to a degree. Flexing his hands, he asked,
"What happened? I thought for sure I was a goner... Angelus! Where is she?!"
Speaking of, the dragon in question could feel a weight lift from her shoulders when she felt Caim return to consciousness, and tried her best to drift down towards where Slindis, Caim and Teri had converged without falling out of the sky. But with her wounds, that certainly wasn't easy.

Las Venturas: Female Titan, David, Spartan, Melethia, Cutie Bruisers, Cz

Cadolbolg's head jerked up when he realized he felt his Father's presence return to the realm of the concious, and shouted to Ton Ton: "Father's alive! You were right!"

Ton Ton gave a small grunt in reply, still focusing upon charging the knife, until Cadolbolg heard his Pact Partner's voice in his mind, [color=15650D]"Bring me down. I'm ready.!"[/color]

"One second... Some crazy robot thing is shooting at it.... And- NOW!"

Cadobolg tucked his wings in and dropped into a dive, Ton Ton holding onto dear life before the two reached the neck, to which the Tonberry lept and brought the now bespelled blade downwards, shouting,
[color=15650D]"This is for all the people you've hurt! [HEADING=3]CHEF'S KNIFE!"[/HEADING][/color] as his trusty Daemon Hunting Blade found itself in the flesh of the Titan's neck; a resounding "DOINK" filling the air upon contact.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Location: Las Venturas.
Everything unfolded around the Spartan, yet he was able to get up on his tired legs.
His helmet was crack all over, even some of the glass had fell out. His leg and arm plating was cracked and missing, yet the body armor was the worst of all, it was cracked just like a window pane. Internal damage was the topic in his mind at the moment, as he was sure he had many ribs crack and internal bleeding running through.

Yet even if he could not hear, he still approached the giant. Not with his energy sword, that was had run out of power just like the helmet HUD. The family katana Sutomu or Storm in English. Approaching the giant, he could see one known as TonTon attack it, yet he still approached with silence yet with a dark aura.

In his eyes he could see no one except the Titan.

Abandon Ship! Wanderer, David and Eric.
Location: A now ruined and falling Casino rooftop.
Seeing the laser hit, Wander fist pumped. "Fuck yeah! Take that ya *****!" He yelled at the Titan as the building started to fall. "You kidding me?" Shawn remarked as he fell off the roof and was heading towards certain doom. Luckily enough he prepared for this and equipped his jetpack which immediately turned on and saved the mutant from a pancake like death.

Flying around for a while, Shawn flew up to David and decided to help him. "Need a hand?" He smiled as his clothing turned to his Elite Riot Armor. In his other hand was the Tesla cannon as well, holding a machine of that caliber in a single hand would tell wonders about his experience with weapon or strength.

After saving David, he planned to check up on his Spartan brother and then try to take that thing down.
Then a booming shout was heard. "We should end this thing ... too bad we couldn't get any money. Least they will have to spend the money on rebuilding this place." The Wanderer laughed.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
6 |0-level spells per day
4 + 1 |1st Level + 1 of Either Domain per day-1st Level Domain Spell
3 + 1 |2nd Level + 1 of Either Domain Per day - 2nd Level Domain Spell
3 + 1 |3rd Level + 1 of Either Domain Per day - 3rd Level Domain Spell
1 + 0 |4th Level + 1 of Either Domain per day - 4th Level Domain Spells

0 Level Spells
Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.

First Level Spells
Domain Spell: Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5)
Command: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round (6 seconds).
Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance.
Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
Shield of Faith: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus.
Shivering Touch, Lesser: Touch deals 1d6 Dex damage

2nd Level Spells
Domain Spell: Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision.
Augury M F: Learns whether an action will be good or bad.
Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +10).
Conjure Ice Beast 2: Hippogriff, Dire Badger, Medium Monstrous Spider, Medium Monstrous Scorpion, or Crocodile. Also, this spell allows for 1d3 (1d6 cut in half) for any creatures from Conjure Ice Beast 1.
Thin Air: Causes creatures to suffer from sever altitude sickness.

3rd Level Spells
Domain Spell: Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened. (30 seconds per caster level)
Remove Blindness/Deafness: Cures normal or magical conditions.
Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage, more against undead.
Shivering Touch: Touch deals 3d6 Dexterity damage; robbing them of mobility. Depending upon how well this is rolled, it can paralyze.

4th Level Spell
Domain Spell: Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).

Additonal note: Teri can use a Reppuken [] (a ground bound projectile) from level 1 and higher, and costs 12 seconds of recharge after it's use.

Caim's Sword 13:02

Crimson Hood 5:35

Fheng's Glaive 9:40

Guardian's Sorrow 10:40

Hymir's Finger 16:20

Ozymandias's Might 8:49

Slaughterism 9:49

Swordsmasher 15:35

Windsinger 3:45



The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Location: Las Venturas.
Coming to the girl who had finally fallen, the anger remained inside the Spartan. First inspecting the zone, the body of the giant before had disappeared leaving the girl behind. Yet a shield protected her, the Spartan's focus remained on the girl and her tears. Knowing that he can not harm her, the Spartan grunted. "I will not harm you, but you will be subjected to our justice. Judgement will be upon you ... but I only wonder why you did this, why did you want the object?" Storm said in not a angry tone, but a mix of annoyance and coldness.

Trying to figure how to pick her up, Storm decided to carry the protective field surrounding her. A red flash is all that Storm saw as he started to carry her back to the ship, with an expressionless tone and a all too damaged body and armor. "The thing you have to learn is accept the consequences of your actions that you have committed today. You have killed too many to be let off." He said to her quietly as he walked past his comrades and to the ship.

[color=darkgreen]Storm-178 reporting in, target has been captured. Returning to the Dawn.[/color]
" Is all he said, he was some how still deaf in the ear and his internal bleeding still harmed him. Yet even if all the pain was there, it would not stop him from walking back. One thing lingered back in his mind, is to apologize to his lover and partner for letting her worry much. Yet he still continued.

A couple of minutes he stepped onto the ramp of the ship's hanger. Simply he placed her on the ramp before passing out right next to her, blood started to drip out of the cracks of the harmed armored suit. There was not a crack in the armor, but the flesh of his body and stomach had been ripped open by the kick of the Titan. It seemed that blood was trying to escape out of every opening of his body.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Too late. Constance and Som were too late to assist in the capture of the Monolithic Creature that had appeared in their midst, though in truth it suited the Cat-Eared Vampire just fine. In truth, the capture of the Titan was reminiscent of the great purges that the Hunter's Authority had orchestrated for many years after the Mirian Defeat at the end of the Great Hydrowar.

"Pah. Magic." Som said before spitting on the ground in reaction to the decay of the monster and the revelation of the human that was underneath.

Watching as the mechanically suited Spartan brought the captive up the ramp into the Airship's hanger, Constance smelled a familiar if not odd smell.

"Blood?" The Cat-Eared Vampirette muttered as her keen eyes noted the blood that seeped out of the cracks of the Spartan's armor. It was blood but yet there was something artificial smelling about the crimson blood.

"Hey, you, mechanical man! Are you okay?" Constance asked as she hurried towards the wounded armored hulk.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Titan Crater
Time: Twilight​
Wanderer | David | Devon | Annie | Cutie Bruisers | Angelus | Melethia | Teri | Rugal | Spartan | Cz

"Reform!" Cz muttered within her "pilot" cabin. Instantly the Peacemaker unit evaporated into a cloud of prismatic light, drifting high into the sky as a thousand twinkling stars in the twilight air. Cz dropped down and landed with the rest of the group. Her loose fitting tunic had grown form fitting, and BlackHarte made his home around her bare waist. The robes were beige white and very light, swaying with great force in even the slightest of breezes.

Her hair swayed softly in the same wind. Deep raven and thick. Her eyes were thing razors, a deep cynical gaze that stared into the soul of a person. She shifted her weight to her right and began to walk toward the others, her arms crossed beneath an ample bosom.

"So what was this entire ruckus about anyhow," Cz asked to no one in particular, not exactly expecting an answer after the excitement. She glared at the being inside the wreckage. A human. Cz smirked. Ironic.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Storm, Constance and Som.
Location: Hanger | Rising Dawn | Las Venturas.
Opening a single eye almost made him use all of his strength. The eye was not normal though, even it was blood red with red tears seeping out of them. "Just hanging here ... bleed out, nnhg." He moaned with pain as he tried to get up but with failure. "My body can regenerate both blood ... and body ... Although right now, this state won't allow me to fully regenerate due to the blood loss. So I am stuck here bleeding out for an hour until I get help." He smirked, once more blood dripped from the mouth before he leaned to the side to cough some up.

"As a superhuman ... or artificial enhanced human, you would not want to drink me. Do me a favor and don't do that." He joked towards the vampire but looked upwards. "Oh yeah, don't allow her to get up. She needs to pay for ... all of this." The Spartan said as he looked upon the destroyed city. Another figure quickly ran up to the three, well more like the figure on the ground bleeding out.

I told you to take care, [b]STUPID![/b]
" Was the first thing the female said to the Spartan as she slid across the ground and caressed him tightly. "Please Miku ... it hurts." Storm said with pain as the clothing of the physical AI got covered in crimson. Suddenly letting go she pouted, "
I thought you were going to die, you did not respond at all.
" She harshly said to him, but the Spartan used the last of his strength to give her a hug which surprised her.

"Don't worry, I'm here now ... stupid." He chuckled before he looked to his weapons on the side. "Do me a favor too ... don't leave me. I'm just going to sleep ..." He said before closing his red eyes. The Spartan wasn't dead but decided to sleep, hoping that he would wake up in the infirmary. Alpha, the AI looked to the two and then the Titan host. "
I'm guessing you guys just got here ... that person there is someone we can't let escape.
" Alpha said whilst lifting up Storm's head onto her lap.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Storm, Annie, Teri, Cz, Constance, Som, Garm

After the battle ended, Angelus was healed and Caim was back on his feet, Teri saw the Spartan and what was left of Annie wander back towards the Dawn; and... Felt the urge to go as too. Not to mention Storm looked like he was on his last legs.

[color=0E59E4]"Oh dear... Better go get him, Garm. Looks like he won't last long."[/color]

Hopping onto Garm, Teri followed after Storm and found Constance and Som gathered around him and Annie, who was essentially leaning against the wall after her ordeal as the Titan. Not paying attention to the tugging feeling in her gut, Teri attended to Storm in the same manner as she had to Caim: By pumping him as full of healing magic as she could manage, as well as attaching the Regen effect that had been placed on Caim earlier. Even after that, the group gathered could feel the effects of Teri's healing Aura as she looked over Storm.

Turn attempts remaining: 2  Undead,  [s]2[/s] 1 Fire
Giving Constance, Som, a very upset looking Alpha, and Cz the A-Okay about Storm's condition being in the green again, Teri found her attention being pulled back to Annie. With a look of confusion at the Titan Shifter, Teri saw the Nail in her hand and tentatively reached for it. With no difficulty, she had plucked the item from Annie's hands and turned it over in her own, her gaze transfixed as she looked it over,

[color=0E59E4]"Oh my god...So this is what she was after all this time... But why?"[/color]

Of course, Teri hadn't noticed that Annie had any sort of field about her. The Nail was an item of the Lord, her God. Why should she display any difficulty in holding it, when the Lord was her patron?

Wanderer, David, Devon, Cutie Bruisers, Angelus, Melethia, Rugal

With Angelus on the brighter side of health again, she found herself being given a tackle hug by Cadolbolg, who clung desperately to his mother's nose while expressing his relief about not losing her to the big mean Titan monster-thing. Caim could only give a faint smile and a nod of thanks to Slindis while the rest milled about in their own ways.

As for Ton Ton, he arrived from the wreckage of Annie's Titan form, little lantern still bobbing along. Finding Devon again, the Tonberry hopped on his familiar perch and leaned against the Bard, [color=15650D]"I'm glad that's over. Man, poor Cadolbolg... I got a good glimpse at his emotions for a minute when he thought Caim and Angelus were lost... It was not pretty. Mr. Devon, are you faring well yourself? You look rather tired..."[/color]

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
TheMehKingdom said:
"So what was this entire ruckus about anyhow,"
Som glanced over at the being that had shifted from an alien piece Aerial Artillery to the Raven Haired woman that appeared nothing like the childlike alter-ego that he had briefly met and shrugged.

"I have not the faintest of ideas." He stated as he watched the woman from inside the Monstrous Shell being escorted towards the ship, Constance being one of the escorts, before explaining his position, "I was awoken from my sleep by an explosion and emerged from the ship to witness the end of the battle. It appears that the creature was a danger to the ship and the city, what more reason would there be to end that creature."

As he spoke, his tone took a slightly envious tone towards those who had been able to engage in the battle as Som would have loved more than anything to test his mettle against that of the Titan's. He estimated that it, the Titan, would have put up a fair challenge to a squad of Hunters, who would have taken an acceptable number of casualties before subduing the monster.

Looking back at Cz, his head tweaked to the size questioningly.

"What are you?"


StormShaun said:
"As a superhuman ... or artificial enhanced human, you would not want to drink me. Do me a favor and don't do that."
Constance did not need to be asked twice in that regard as the scent of the artificial components within his blood repelled any hunger that she might have had. It was, however, good to know that beneath the metal exterior, the being known as Storm was flesh and blood of some sort.

"Don't worry. I fed already today but you'll never know what'll happen once I run out of blood and you're the only one there." She quipped with a smile, her fangs sheathed as to not make the wounded warrior any more nervous than he might have been.

As the Ship's Medic, Teri, tended to the wounded crew member, Constance followed through with Storm's order and asked Teddy for a set of manacles and leg irons that would be able to bound the woman should she awaken and feel the urge to continue what had just been finished.

bluerocker said:
[color=0E59E4]"Oh my god...So this is what she was after all this time... But why?"[/color]
The exclamation by Teri drew the Sorrowfeld Vampire's attention as she regarded the Nail that the Medic/Cleric now held in her hands.

"I don't know but obviously it's something really important." Constance before adding "Best to hide it away from the woman once she wakes up. Who knows what she'll do once she discovers it's missing."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Las Venturas: Wanderer, David, Devon, Female Titan, Cutie Bruisers, Angelus, Melethia, Teri, Rugal, Spartan, Cz

Slindis gave an rather casual wave that let Caim know this had been far from the first time she'd had to heal someone that was nearly dead and did a quick check around. Before long she ran into the new Cz and rather quickly deduced that the woman was close to, if not the same, as Cz: Being around Melethia for so long had given her a bit of insight into the mentality. [color=c200]"We had someone assault the ship for some magical artifact and attack the city. We naturally responded to stop it as quickly as we could. You arrived right at the end of it, I'm guessing.

In case we haven't met before, I'm Slindis. Pleasure to meet you, miss...?"[/color] She extended her hand for a greeting, not at all intimidated in the size difference.

Ella did her part and ensured that Melethia arrived on the ship safely near Som, and Melethia went over to Angie's side right afterwards. "Looks like we managed this alright, huh? Could have gone a lot worse." Melethia wasn't really taking the people in the buildings in account there when she made this statement, though.

Finally, Devon walked with Ton-Ton towards the area where Annie had been taken. "Mind's a bit frayed, but otherwise I'm holding up okay. Right now, though, it's probably best if we leave Caim, Angie, and Cadolbolg alone so they can vent it all out. Would you like to help me with this book I've been reading while we check on the person we got out of that symbiote?" Although the Tonberry was nearly knocked off his perch, he could see the book that Devon was reading had lots of things that he could explain a lot better the next training session.

The talk might be stopped when they happened on the unconscious Annie, though. It almost seemed like she could wake up at any moment.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Rising Dawn
Time: Dusk​
Teri | Constance | Som | Slindis | Cz | BlackHarte

Cz turned to Som, her face wore an expression as if to say she was exasperated, but not quite so. BlackHarte squirmed around her waist, but Cz caught him quickly in her left hand and crushed his body, sending ripples through his black form. Quietly BlackHarte returns to his role as little more than a belt. After a few moments Cz answered Som, "I am Designation C - Z. Peacemaker and overseer of Japan." Cz paused for a moment, "My friends called me Siz." She turned and walked away from Som, her raven hair flowing dramatically behind her.

It was only a few moments after that did Slindis catch Cz's attention. Non-humans everywhere. She thought casually. Cz placed her hand gently on Slindis' and lowered the Drow elf's hand. "I apologize, but I do not think we have met before." A simple lie. "My designation is C-Z. People have taken to calling me Cz." She turned to look back at the people still milling around the hanger, "Why was an artifact of such power kept in such a poorly guarded vessel? It was given to be attacked given the nature of mankind, such petty creatures."

"You don't believe that milady," BlackHarte said.

BlackHarte Partition | Rising Dawn Proprietary System: A.I. Vermillion

The ship was cold. Life had been absent from it. Not organic life, but aetherial life. A meta-physical existence that would otherwise be fueling the walls of the ship with such vibrancy and emotion was empty. BlackHarte felt saddened.

Around the dead Khajit small black tentacles bubbled from the metal hull of the ship and wrapped around the body. Deconstructing the flesh into it's base compounds and absorbing it into the ship.

Unfortunately, some proteins were very hard for BlackHarte to construct, and the little he had to facilitate advanced cell construction had been used up feeding that little nymph cannibal of a master he used to serve. Slowly but surely the corpse was no more, and even the stench of poison and decay was picked out of the air.

All things that lived must die, and yet still, BlackHarte felt saddened.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
[color=nvayblue]AI Alpha[/color]
, Teri, Constance, Som, Slindis, Cz and BlackHarte.
Location: Hanger (Ramp) | Rising Dawn | Las Venturas.
Thanks to the help of the Cleric Teri, the healing magic easily repaired everything. The giant stomach cut, the internal bleeding, the deafness, bleeding eyes, the ribs, everything was in the right place and where it should be. Yet even if the Spartan opened his eyes, he could just feel the stiffness of his muscles and the lack of energy through out his body. Getting up he was immediately hugged by his partner, stumbling a bit Alpha started to support him. "I heard that." He looked at the vampire with a smile and looked towards Annie and nodded to her with courtesy.

"Thanks for the help Do- ... Teri. Even if it takes a lot to kill me there was still a chance for my death. Still, thank you. Right now I think a trip to the medbay for some rest would be good ... you know, before we deal with her." He nodded to Teri as the two began to walk to the medical bay. Alpha herself bowed to the Doctor, "
Thank you.
" She said quietly as the two started to leave.

They also gave a quickly nod to everyone else coming back on board, even to the girl who called herself "CZ".
In a matter of minutes, the two were in the medical bay. Storm stripped off all his armor, suit skin and placed it all in a bag for repairs at a later time. Right now, he wanted to just be in a bed, resting beside his beloved.

Got so far, to lose it all.Dr. Shawn/Wanderer and Deadshot.
Location: Las Venturas.
After the whole ordeal was over Shawn was mostly on scavenging for survivors and providing medical attention to anyone who needed it. Thanks to his homemade drugs and medical equipment, both him and his patents survived pretty superbly. Yet the thoughts of the fallen were left in his mind, even after all the thanks. Not knowing how most of this happened, he was just glad that he survived and made sure this thing was stopped. Although it was annoying that they did not rob the Casino, yet it was destroyed and that was good enough for the Wanderer.

Leaving the Casino with a sack full of questionable items ... probably money from the Vault which Shawn got into after healing and Doctoring many people. "Well ... I think this will do. For both my payment and for a fund to go towards this disaster. Heck I may set it up myself!" He hummed as walked the streets with either a lot of money, gold, information or all of it. About to sing a merry tune, he saw one person who stood out from everyone. It was Deadshot. Growling inside his mind, Shawn sneaked up to him to give him a paralyzing palm and stick him somewhere.
Could be the organisation David was talking about ... it could be a river with weights attached ... or a rocket. His imagination went wild with the possibilities.

If it was anything, Deadshot could be related to this.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
TheMehKingdom said:
"I am Designation C - Z. Peacemaker and overseer of Japan."
Watching the "woman" leave to greet the Drow, Som could not help but make a mental quip regarding "her" status as a Peacemaker.

"(A bit well armed for a Peacemaker are we not?)" The Hunter thought to himself before leaving the area so that the others could deal with the unconscious witch that had caused so much destruction and the death of one of the newer crew members of the Airship. It was quite apparent that the Airship's crew had either been lax when it came to security or they had no clue as to how to properly secure their vessel against intrusion, especially in light of recent events.

"(They even welcomed me aboard the ship without hesitation.)" Som muttered internally as he turned down the corridor and headed towards the Airship's Mess Hall, otherwise known as the Canteen by the majority of the crew. It had been quite some time since Som had eaten and the Hunter was feeling quite famished, or rather he would have felt hungry had he not seen the things that were in charge of the kitchen.

The things resembled young Firians from Som and Constance's world, only they did not communicate outside of the occasional hand signal, chirp or squeal.

Turning to exit the Mess, the Hunter was stopped by a *GRUMBLE!* that came from his stomach, which was devoid of anything save stomach acid. It appeared that Som Waterford had no choice in the matter, he would have to accept whatever the Imps cooked.

"Beefsteak, rare, plain. Vegetables, steamed, plain." The Hunter ordered as he settled at one of the tables near a window that looked out over the Tarmac battlefield.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Outside the Brig: Rugal, S'Zami

After the close call and Annie was secured by Storm, Rugal returned tiredly to the Canteen, needing a stiff drink after realizing that "Worthless Relic" in his room was the reason this all happened.
I was wondering what that damn thing was... He thought, recalling the piece of the True Cross he found in Dillon's (The Former Captain of the Rising Dawn) Room as he moved into it.
Still, the worst was over, most of the population was saved and they just bagged another criminal to give to UNIT when they came to pick up Deadshot.
All in all, a good da-

"...Z'Sami?..." He paused as he saw the body of the Khajiit slumped against the side of the wall as BlackHarte just began dissolving her.
"Z'Sami!? Get the hell off her!" He shouted as he pull the mass off her body, thinking that BlackHarte was attacking her and unaware that she was already dead.
"Z'Sami! Z'Sami, are you-......S'Zami?...." He paused as the realization began to set in: She was dead, though not by BlackHarte's hand.
"....But.....How?...." He asked rhetorically before he saw the clearly infected wound and the black fluid seeping though it.
"...Poison..." He sighed defeatedly, slumping against the wall on the opposite side of the hall.

"...I'm sorry...I didn't get you home..." He said to her remains, realizing that she might have still been alive if he just left her be on the Strip instead of bringing her here.
Striking the wall behind him in Anger and leaving a large dent in it as a result, He then picked up the corpse and brought it to the Morgue, shooting a Glare at BlackHarte for trying to "Clean up" as he did.
That was another death that Annie would have to answer for and he was going to get an Answer, by any means.