The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Everyone Loves Mohammed Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: The Strip | Outside of Casino.
"...Wow...No wonder we can't catch a break. This world is full of Criminals and Villains!" David chucked out of sheer disbelief.
Out of all the cities, out of all the cabs, out of all the times, they managed to get the one with a seasoned getaway driver.
"Yeah! I don't do this for the money, i just do it for the pussy, man. Hell, if one of you were a women, I'd guarantee I'd be hitting that shit up in back at the hideout the second we get there." The Driver boasted as he drove the would be robbers towards the Casino.
"...Well...I guess if you have a Limo..."
"Is not the car my friend, it's the player driving this shit!"

After a rather entertaining drive with Mohammed, he dropped the trio out in front of Caligula's Palace.
"Here's my card. Text me when you need a getaway." He said, giving Shawn his card before he drove off, circling around the block until they were ready to leave.
"Right, ready to rock?" David asked his cohorts as he held his mask in hand, awaiting the next move.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn Medbay: Dean and Rusty Venture, Teri

"Is it Bygolly Gulch!? Oh! Curse that Monster..." Rusty said before Teri set him straight.
"...oh...Great...Dean, what the hell are you doing here?" He then said to his son, who answered "Got fired and beaten up. You?"
"Ohhh, just some stupid Hero came and trashed the joint. I better get my check in the mail, speaking of which..." Rusty answered, showing Teri that despite all that happened, this was another day at the office for them.
Picking though Dean's belongings, he took the few rolls of twenty's he was paid before Shawn got him fired.
"Alright, that's going to Daddy's gambling debts!" Rusty happily said as he pocketed Dean's hard earned money for himself.
"Right, so what side are you on? OSI or Guild?" He then asked Teri as he counted up Dean's money while he watched, saddened at the fact he lost another job because of some unknown element.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: Rugal, Slindis

[color=c200]"A new member on the ship? I'll see her in a bit; just let me finish this page. I'd rather finish this while the down time's here."[/color] She was nearly complete with the page, and if she'd fully written on each page of the notebook up to her midway point, it would take a day to finish whatever she was writing even with reasonable breaks.

Location - Devon's Room: Devon, Angie

He knew the cat was out of the bag, and it would be better to let it out now rather than when it was too late. "Hrm. I has intended to keep it under wraps longer, but the key word in your statement would be was. I don't really know how it happened, but he lost that seat to Ageha. I've talked with a few of the newcomers, and they're apparently coming in because they're not fond of Hell being ruled by a Succubus. And honestly? I see someone with such a talent for influencing others to be far more dangerous. After all, look at what happened on that Cargo Ship. Imagine what would happen with someone that has that talent but with a lot more ability behind that; to me, it brings the old adage of how the greatest battle is the one not fought. Hell, a number of succubi and incubi in key places could do huge damage, and they wouldn't have to lift a finger.

The main reason we haven't seen anything like that yet is because she hasn't secured her position yet."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011

Med-Bay: Teri, Dean, Rusty

Teri's jaw dropped at Rusty's nonchalance towards his son being in a hospital bed and was simply taking money out of the boy's pocket like nothing serious happened. Her hands balled at her sides, shaking as her Shadow begged for her to hit the man upside the head like the idiot deserved. Teri repressed the urge, but felt her blood boil none the less as she shouted,

[color=0E59E4]"What the ever-loving FUCK is wrong with you?! Do you realize how close to death your son was not five minutes ago?! HOW HE WAS BEATEN TO A PULP FOR YOUR SORRY ASS? And you're just going to sit there and act like it's not a big deal? My God, I'm going to start praying a lot more for your son, because he's under some shitty as hell guardianship."[/color]

Taking a step back, the Cleric tried to calm herself, but it wasn't working very well. Still shaking, she turned to Dean, [color=0E59E4]"I'm sorry I raised my voice like that, Dean. Also, please don't grow up to be like this asshat. Just call out if you need me, I need to get some fresh air. Garm, come on. The new patient is obviously alright."[/color]

Following that, Teri stormed out of the Med-Bay, still balking at how uncaring Dean's father was in light of what happened not too long ago as she was followed by her faithful wolf.

Location - Devon's Room: Devon, Angelus

Angelus blinked slowly as she processed this new information, and stood in the room for a solid minute before asking, "So.... What is this going to mean for later on? I highly doubt this won't have repercussions for the rest of the world. Not to mention those Angels have to be losing their minds about a new ruler of Hell..."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Med-Bay: Teri, Dean, Rusty

"...I guess OSI then..." Rusty said before going back to counting Deans money as his son watched, sighing as he did.
"So, Dean. Did you call Brock?"
"Yeah, Still busy."
"Oh for the love of-What the hell is taking him so long!?" Rusty bemoaned as looked around the Medical Bay, noting how much more modern and well equiped it was compared to the one back at the Venture Compound that was still stuck with Tech from the 50s.
"...Huh...Fully stocked...Lots of stuff here...Dean, get me a bag..."

Canteen: Rugal, S'Zami, Melethia, Teri, Garm

After leaving Rusty alone in a room with countless pieces of hi-tech medical equipment and prescription drugs, she went back to the Canteen to see Rugal and Melethia talking with some strange Cat Woman (S'Zami).
"Ahhh...Teri, we were just talking about you. This is S'Zami, we picked her up along the..." He trailed off when she saw she was in a foul mood.
"...Is something the matter?"


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Canteen: Rugal, S'Zami, Melethia, Teri, Garm

"...Is something the matter?"

Teri took a deep breath and tried to calm herself and the Shadow down; but it was not really working as well as she would have liked. With a heavy sigh, she slumped into a chair and went into an explanation about Rusty and Dean in the Med Bay, finishing her venting with, [color=0E59E4]"I know Devon's book said to try to not use violence in situations like that, but the fact that man was so uncaring about Dean almost pushed me over the edge! I'm so angry, I could hit something, especially that man's face! Sure, I'd pray for repentance later, but for the moment, I could almost give into the Shadow and show him what for."[/color]

She buried her face in an arm, extending the other to pet her wolf as she said, [color=0E59E4]"I've no idea how you or Mom do it, Dad. I feel like every fiber of my being is ready to rip something in two and I can barely contain it. How you two manage to keep your composure I've no idea."[/color]

In her current state, Teri didn't realize she let slip about the Shadow, and then perked up when she realized S'Zami was still there and awaiting introduction. Giving a weak wave, Teri continued, [color=0E59E4]"Hello Ma'am. Name's Teri Gravel, Cleric of the Christian God. I work in the Med Bay when I'm not being irritated by my belligerent patients. Sorry you had to hear all that."[/color]

In the meantime, with Teri's hand not petting him, Garm sniffed S'Zami for a moment, and then looked at Rugal, Melethia and Slindis before putting his head back in Teri's lap; seeming okay with the cat-person so long as his pack was.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: Rugal, S'zami, Melethia, Teri, Garm

"Just rough him up a bit. Ya want somethin' that won't bruise? Look around for some oranges an' stuff em' in a sack - they'll still get the point across." For once, Melethia wasn't going with a lethal solution to something like that. It was a bit odd to those that knew her, but perhaps it was a good first step?

Location - Devon's Room: Devon, Angie

"We'll probably be dealing with a sneakier kind of asshole, or those types will be a bit more prominent? It's what comes to mind when I think Ageha, and the top directly influences the bottom there in my opinion." It was a bit oddd to be tossing this all out based on conjecture, but he knew Ageha wasn't the safest woman to be around here. Perhaps in a different universe where she hadn't been saturated in hell's environment, it could have gone better for her, but that might never happen.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Canteen: Rugal, Teri, Melethia, Z'sami

Rugal was rather surprised by what Teri had told him, that screaming man was a dirt-bag to his own son?
What was slightly more confusing for him was talk of this "Shadow", but he was to busy wanting to beat the ever loving shit out of this "Rusty" to follow up on it just now.
"...I see...I think we would do well to show him off the ship, Hm?" He said before Melethia brought up the topic of Oranges in a bag.
"...Huh...Never thought of that...Then again, I usually just used my hands..." He mused as Teri seemed rather pent up after her encounter with Dr. Venture.
"Temper yourself Teri, From what I'm hearing, he'll get what is coming to him...
...Or if you do insist on lashing out at him, why don't I take you to the Training Room and at least show you how to do it right?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Hallway: Jenny, Stranger

Jenny was confused as the Cloaked Figure ran off.
"Blade! Come Back here!" She protested before the Gardevoir took off after the Figure, If that was Blade, why was he here? She thought he was off doing some work for Master Hiryu and the Striders.
"Wait up!" She cried though the halls as she followed whoever the hell that was.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Rugal, Teri, Garm

It was scary how well S'zami hit the nail on the head, if in a roundabout way. Did someone mention the existence of the Authors to this Khajit (And yes, Teri was familiar with the Elder Scrolls games)? Teri decided to focus on speaking on Garm, feeling a little apprehensive as she did so, [color=0E59E4]"You're right. Garm is more than my pet. He's one of my closest friends, and incredibly loyal. He practically goes everywhere with me. As for your other question, what ever gave you that idea...?"[/color]

After she asked that question, her eyes darted to Rugal and Melethia in confusion, clearly looking less comfortable as time passed. Standing up, she nodded to Rugal, and rubbed a finger over a ring, [color=0E59E4]"I think I'll take you up on that offer, Dad. I'd rather lash out in a controlled environment than taking it out on others, even if they are despicable. Dad, what is she talking about with this 'Demi-God' buisness? She doesn't know about what me and Devon are, does she?"[/color]

Location - Devon's Room: Devon, Angelus

Angelus thought more on this news and asked, "So, more internal agents may creep around, but with Lucifer not following us around, perhaps it can do us some good to have him act as the distraction. We've no business in the politics of the upper or lower realms. Or, do you fear that more of them will keep an eye trained upon us? If so, I'll roast them alive."

Her hand clenched after this exhortation; making it very clear to Devon that his master of magic was not keen on external spies. Perhaps the Cuties had more of an effect that she'd be willing to admit...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Rugal, Teri, Garm

Rugal then instantly realized his mistake when Teri asked him.
No, she doesn't. It was merely a term I used to help put her at ease. To say that there is nothing that surprises us and that we welcome all. She was clearly not of this realm and was a long way from. That and what else could you call the likes of Tomoya, Amaya and Dillon? He sent back to her before saying "Well enough, I'll set it up when your done with your introductions."
He felt like he dodged a bullet there, though his expression and demeanor never changed the whole time.

b]Location - Flight Deck: Stranger, Jenny[/b]

Jenny soon lost the figure, cursing herself for doing so.
Dammit Hiryu, why can't you just leave these people alone!? She sighed to herself, no doubt that if that was Blade, he was only here as part of some spying non-sense.

As for the Captain's Quarters, it was an extremely post room with tons of comfortable furnishings, a King Sized Bed, An en suite and a Locked Desk.
There was also pictures of a man in a red suit with what appeared to be a teenage human girl, a younger female elf and a Drow woman who looked in her 20s.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Everyone Loves Mohammed Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: The Strip | Outside of Casino.
Surprised at their driver's sarcastic or enthusiasm, the trio got out of the car.
Shawn decided to pull them to the side of the crowd going into the Casino.
"Okay, Eric and David ... we need to go over the plan once more, but let me just warn you that once we put these masks and helmets on, we call each other by initials. Although I doubt we are in any kind of data-base here ... maybe except you David." Shawn said as he awaited for someone to say the plan again.

Storm/Sean &
Location: Bridge and outside Hallway.
Meanwhile one of his counterparts was about to rob a casino, which he had no idea about even if he had a mind connection with his others. Storm had gotten 'Commands' from the 'Captain' of this ships to navigate a new destination for when we leave here. Rubbing his hands through his hair through annoyance, Storm was swearing intensely as he had no idea what to do. "I'm a bloody soldier, not a damn navigator. Who the hell place HIM in charge anyway, I fucking hate taking orders. It always leads to bad stuff ..." Storm muttered as he looked at the holographic charts.

"[sub]What the fuck, the charts arn't even linked to the actual world ... THEN WHERE THE HELL ARE WE![/sub]" Was the screaming incoming from the bridge, as her lover was absolutely angered by the 'captain' Rugal and the charts to this place. The entity or AI known as Alpha was within her physical body and listening to her music function. She hummed a similar song that she had sung a million times before. After the pair checked the physical ship weapons, they got the order for this. "[sub]Oh I miss Tomoya and that other kid who ran the ship with him ... Dillon was it? Who voted for the guy that was a villain and crucified a past hero![/sub]" The lover's voice boomed.

Pouting for a second, she wished that he would just ask her for help. Unfortunately she knows how stubborn he was. Suddenly a figure moved by her in a fast pace. "
What the ...
" She said as the song was over. Pausing the next song with the console on her shirt, she looked at the corridor the stranger turned at. Pulling up the map on one of her eyes, it was towards the Captain's room. Curiosity occurring, she was about to trail her but the crewmember known as Jenny ran past trying to catch up. Shrugging she followed the two. "
It might be something bad, I don't want anyone to become hurt.
" She said with determination.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Rugal, Teri, Garm

It was scary how well S'zami hit the nail on the head, if in a roundabout way. Did someone mention the existence of the Authors to this Khajit (And yes, Teri was familiar with the Elder Scrolls games)? Teri decided to focus on speaking on Garm, feeling a little apprehensive as she did so, [color=0E59E4]"You're right. Garm is more than my pet. He's one of my closest friends, and incredibly loyal. He practically goes everywhere with me. As for your other question, what ever gave you that idea...?"[/color]

After she asked that question, her eyes darted to Rugal and Melethia in confusion, clearly looking less comfortable as time passed. Standing up, she nodded to Rugal, and rubbed a finger over a ring, [color=0E59E4]"I think I'll take you up on that offer, Dad. I'd rather lash out in a controlled environment than taking it out on others, even if they are despicable. Dad, what is she talking about with this 'Demi-God' buisness? She doesn't know about what me and Devon are, does she?"[/color]

Mel shrugged at the questions of who Rusty is, not really knowing the middle-aged man. "Well, I don't really know who he is, but if my sis has a problem with him, same goes here 'til I see somethin' else about him. Sis, go ahead an' train with Wheathair if ya want. I was gonna see how we could make some wands, but ya do need to learn how to fight proper-like." SHe didn't really know about all of the training Teri had already gone through that day, so she thought her sister was still barely passable in close quarters.

Location - Devon's Room: Devon, Angelus

He started his response off slowly, then quickly got in a flow as he fully explained his concerns. "It's a bit of both. She'll keep a split focus, but let's face it: the people here really aren't prepared for someone good with words. Sure, the majority of them can do superbly in a fight, and anyone that tries a straight-up fight will be hurting. When you have someone manipulating the people here to leave big openings? It'd be a lot easier than you would think to do. Just get a few in the right places and trick key players, and suddenly we're in an indefensible position. For example, what would happen if the people fighting took the forms of old comrades, or illusions were placed that made teammates look like the invaders? Or on a larger scale, what would happen if Ageha manipulated people outside to make us lose all of our support?

That's the kind of thing we're so unprepared for that it isn't even humorous."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
, Stranger and Jenny.
Location: Outside Captain's Room.
Coming up to the Captain's Room, it had it's occupants name labelled below the title of the room. Shrugging in her mind, Alpha had not personal grudge against Rugal, but since she had a direct link to the mind of her Master she does harbor some hatred for the guys. Starting to feeling annoyed about this, Alpha shook her mind of all thoughts of Rugal and returned to her current task of stopping the stranger.

Seeing Jenny by the door peeking in, Alpha tapped her back gently which made her look instantly back but sighed in relief. "
Don't worry, I'll help you.
" She adjusted her voice volume to speak to her.

And now the two readied themselves to go in and find out who is this stranger and why they are here.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Rugal, Teri, Garm, Caim, Cutie Bruisers

Getting Rugal's answer regarding what the newcomer did and did not know put Teri at ease, the Cleric visibly relaxing before she pat Garm's side. As Garm reveled in the lazy praise, Teri answered S'zami and Melethia, [color=0E59E4]"Rusty is the man I've been talking about for the past couple of minutes, and is the source of my anger because of how poorly he treats his son. The less we speak of him, the better.

And I'll follow through on that suggestion Mel. But, I'll happily help you make wands later, if you're still up for it. A wand of Cure Serious could go a long way."[/color]

Following that, she got up and gave the two a light nod of her head before walking with Rugal and Garm down the hall. Teri let out an unintentionally held breath, and (once they were out of earshot) answered back to Rugal, [color=0E59E4]"Well, I'm certainly relieved no one else knows... As for your query, Respectively, a Lightning Archangel of the Lord, Ninja from a high magic setting, and an artificial angel that you unintentionally help make. None of them have divine parentage, seeing as angels are messengers of deities, and are considered Celestial beings. Milton can suck it, he didn't write in the Bible[footnote]In John Milton's work, "Paradise Lost", angels are referred to as Demigods. This is a matter of biblical non!canon Teri is speaking in reference to.[/footnote]. Finally, none of them have ascended to godhood after death, and none of them are worshiped. In short, none of them are demi-gods; by the proper definition. You could say they have the power of demi-gods, but that doesn't make them divine."[/color]

A small, if somewhat smug, grin appeared on the Cleric's face after rebutting Rugal's claim. If anything, the King of Fighters had a daughter who appeared to be reasonably knowledgeable about the definition of mythological terms.


However, not long after Teri, Rugal and Garm departed, a dark haired man with a breastplate, a sheathed blade and two small creatures curled up in his arms. With a small wave from a hand, Caim wandered over to Melthia and S'zami's table and sat, looking happy to allow the little ones to rest in his lap rather than his arms, a mechanical sounding voice shooting from what appeared to be his waist (at least from S'Zami's perspective)

"New arrival I take it?"
Location - Devon's Room: Devon, Angelus

Angelus took this all in quietly and gave a small nod, "You're right. When we were in that temple, Caim was paralyzed at the mere sight of his sister before him. If someone knew how to harness that sort of power, we'd be done for... But that also begs the question of if she'll have reason to watch us. As far as I understood it, your lover, Ella, has cut ties with her mother, has she not? Or you think her so paranoid that she'd watch our moves anyways?"

As she asked these questions, Devon could see concern growing on the dragon's face, plans and ideas already beginning to form in her mind as they discussed the matter.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Rugal, Teri, Garm

Rugal wasn't expecting to be schooled on what a Demi-God was, or how Angels worked, or anything really, but he came up with a good counter point.
"...Hence why I said "Minor" Demi-God during my statement to S'Zami?..."
Not dwelling on the fact he was just school'd in a hard way, Rugal and Teri soon reached the Training Room.
"Now then, While your Mother favors Calm in battle, and rather wisely I might add, I find that sometimes, Aggressive Anger can be just as powerful if applied correctly. Rage does several things to the human body, it promotes physical performance in certain situations, increases the amount of abuse that the body can withstand and even offers an small increase in basic human strength." He explained as he began setting the room up and took off his jacket.

"Right, now, before we get underway, I think you'll need do some venting..." He said before he stood in the middle of the room.
"Now then...Attack me..." He ordered, letting himself be used as a punching bag.

Hallway: Jenny, Alpha

After finally catching up to the Stranger, Jenny watched from outside the room as he/she ransacked Rugal's Room.
...What the hell is it looking for? She asked, now certain that it wasn't Blade she ran into.
She thought about calling the others, but figured they were still back on the strip so she opted to just watch as the figure picked up some sort of relic from Rugal's Des-
Don't worry, I'll help you.
Jenny nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt someone tap on her back before she realized who it was.
"...Alright, on 3...1...2...3!" She counted down before the pair of them bust into the room as the Stranger was in awe of the Nail.
"Stop right there! Who Are you!? Who Sent you!?" She demanded, ready to unleash a Psychic Beat-down on whomever this was.

What's the Plan? Shawn, Eric and David.
Location: The Strip | Outside of Casino.
"Right, Phase 1 is for me to pretend to be some big shot Gambler, get their attention while Eric rigs the Cameras. We get footage of them ripping me off, Then we meet up in a Room upstairs that you'll be booking. Then we start Phase 2." David explained as he hid his M500 and walked in, acting as much of a rich boy prat as he could.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
, Stranger and Jenny.
Location: Outside Captain's Room.
As the two jumped into the room, it seemed that Jenny was on physical beat down duty. Alpha herself could take and give a beating, she is strong enough to send Storm through the ceiling when she gets real angry at him, still she had a lower strength stat then him. Being at the pack of the group, she readied not only for physical combat but thanks to the other AI she had control of the ship's weaponry.

For this situation she armed the indoor turrets of the shipped and made a target out of this stranger, she also sent a Alert to the other two AI hoping that they will send an alarm out through the ship. Alpha was determined to capture this person.

Phase 1 commence. S, E and D.
Location: The Strip | Outside of Casino.
Shawn nodded with the plan, it seemed he got one of the more easier parts in this phase. "Got it, but when I'm booking our low class room you guys should keep and eye on me. I'll be giving you signals on what room number we have. After that, you guys finish up and meet up at the room where we will go over phase two and I'll give you guys a little bit more special equipment." He smiled as he turned to the Casino.

"After all this is over, we should take the Dawn out of here. We will be over that mobster's group connections. Remember people use initials to talk to another, and if someone could grab some earphones or communicators it would be great." He said as they separated and started to walk into the casino. It way time for them to pull off their first heist.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Caim, Cutie Bruisers

Caim stretched his arms for a moment, and then resumed fussing over the two cat-sized (HA!) creatures in his lap, both of which S'zami could see in better clarity now that they weren't bundled up in his arms. The first was a small green, lizard-like creature [] in a miniature brown robe, the hood pulled up over beady, unblinking, yellow eyes. The second looked like a cross between an alligator snapping turtle and a dragon, little wings sprouting from the creature's thick shell and a small set of horns from it's brown. Curled around the turtle-dragon mixture was it's distinctly metallic tail, shining like a knife and yet moving as easily as flesh or bone. However, unlike the dragons of Skyrim, this creature bore six limbs instead of four.

After a moment to make sure the kids weren't going to fall off, Caim looked back up,
"Caim is my name. The two in my lap are my sons, but their meal from earilier has put them to sleep for the moment. They're friendly enough though."
Indicating a finger, he pointed, first to Ton Ton and then Cadolbolg, giving their names as he did so, but was interrupted by a voice over the intercom: which shouted to all members aboard the Dawn,

"Intruder alert! An unidentified being of presumably human origin has been spotted and is on sight at the Captain's Quarters of the ship! I repeat, there is an intruder in the Captain's Quarters! Please be on alert for additional intruders, or be ready should this one choose to attempt an escape!"

Naturally, this meant that the Cutie Bruisers in Caim's lap were now wide awake and kinda grumpy from the noise, Cadolbolg being the first to complain, "What was all that? Why's it so loud?"
[color=15650D]"Dunno, but it can't be good..."[/color]

Training Room: Rugal, Teri, Garm

Teri snorted at the first point, snickering, [color=0E59E4]"Still doesn't make them Demi-gods, no matter how many minors you attach to them. But whatevs-"[/color]

She paused after Rugal readied himself and gave the order to do her worst to him. Looking down at her own two hands and Sadei for a moment, Teri began to hear the familiar, hard-edged voice in the back of her mind, [color=0E59E4]"What are you doing sitting there and gawking at our hands? You know our attacks can't hurt Dad."
"I dunno. He doesn't look like he's gonna fight back. It's just weird to me, is all."
"Oh geez. He's probably gonna block our attacks, dumbass. But, perhaps you could let me take reign for a few? If he wants aggression, you know I'm the one to ask..."
"...Okay. Just don't go overboard."
"Pfft. You worry too much. It's not like we could kill him. Now, stop holding me back and lemme out!"

From what Rugal could see, Teri seemed to zone out after looking at her hands and then took a deep breath, her shoulders dropped and the grip on her staff tightened. When she looked up again, the King could see something....different in Teri's eyes. Aggression, certainly, but not the barely controlled fury from the Canteen. No, when this aspect of the Cleric charged, letting a yell of unintelligible rage pour out as she brought the quarterstaff on his shoulder, Rugal could see that whatever had placed the "control" earlier was no longer there. Gone was the fear of harming, and in it's place, something distinctly unfamiliar wore the skin of his daughter; and it was readying a strike to the back of his legs.

I now have a mental image of Shadow!Teri piloting the normal Teri like a mech. XD

Also, dunno if the AI's alerts will pause training or not. It was sent to everyone after all....


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Captain's Quarters: Jenny, Alpha, Stranger

Jenny was clearly not prepared for what the hell happened, coughing and sputtering as the Figure managed to get past her.
"COUGHCOUGH-HYE-Dammit..." She cursed, unable to do much against the Stranger's escape attempt.
"Get the others. I'm going to try and keep up with her. Go!" She ordered the AI as she ran after the intruder, really regretting not being as fit as the other members of the Rising Dawn as she did.

Training Room: Rugal, Teri, Garm

Strange...Seems different...Eh, C'est la vie... Rugal thought as Teri began to strike him with the Quarterstaff.
Visual of what ended up happening.
"...Really!? That's all?! Come on! Let the Hatred Flow though you!" He said, spurring her on before Dimitri raised the alarm.
"What?! Oh...CURSE THIS DAMN SHIP!" He swore at the news.
".....I DIDN'T SAY STOP!" He then barked at Teri as he pulled out his PDA and tried to get a lock on the Intruder and what he/she stole, all while Teri kept attacking him with the Quarter staff.

Phase 1 commence. S, E and D.
Location: The Strip | Outside of Casino.
D. quickly hit the Blackjack tables in a manner befitting the role he was playing.
"Alright Kid, Time to see if daddy's making Layoffs!" He boasted as a CEO as he instantly raised to 100'000 on Casino Credit, making a big win in the process as he did his best to stir up the joint.
He glanced at W. (Wanderer) as he got the room, making a note of his actions to describe the number.
"Now then, Let's ruin the Economy again!"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Stranger, Jenny, Slindis

"Khyber-taken... S'zami, don't worry! It won't fully heal it up, but it'll staunch it." She pulled out a small flask of a reddish liquid and handed it to S'zami before pulling out her longbow, loosing a few arrows at the fleeing figure. If they didn't connect, she'd have to try going for a better angle to hopefully corral the figure into some of her 'treats' that she'd prepared on the ship a while ago.


The alert had placed SLindis on high alert, leading her to focus and use her ki to Fade from normal sight as she tried to find where the figure had went. She was definitely brought fully into focus as the arrow her daughter had fired barely grazed her and left a drop of blood on the ground. [color=c200]I'll have to heal that up in a moment, but right now I need to get the drop on this person, whoever they are.[/color]

Location - Devon's Room: Devon, Angelus

He followed up with a rather curt response. "Oh, she most likely would keep an eye on us. We're one of the more potent groups here, and she'd be a fool not to-

What the hell?"
The alert going off in the ship definitely drew his attention, ending the awkward topic of the specifics of him meeting Ageha rather swiftly.