Location - Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Rugal, Teri, Garm, Caim, Cutie Bruisers
Getting Rugal's answer regarding what the newcomer did and did not know put Teri at ease, the Cleric visibly relaxing before she pat Garm's side. As Garm reveled in the lazy praise, Teri answered S'zami and Melethia, [color=0E59E4]"Rusty is the man I've been talking about for the past couple of minutes, and is the source of my anger because of how poorly he treats his son. The less we speak of him, the better.
And I'll follow through on that suggestion Mel. But, I'll happily help you make wands later, if you're still up for it. A wand of Cure Serious could go a long way."[/color]
Following that, she got up and gave the two a light nod of her head before walking with Rugal and Garm down the hall. Teri let out an unintentionally held breath, and (once they were out of earshot) answered back to Rugal, [color=0E59E4]"Well, I'm certainly relieved no one else knows... As for your query, Respectively, a Lightning Archangel of the Lord, Ninja from a high magic setting, and an artificial angel that you unintentionally help make. None of them have divine parentage, seeing as angels are
messengers of deities, and are considered Celestial beings. Milton can suck it, he didn't write in the Bible[footnote]In John Milton's work, "Paradise Lost", angels are referred to as Demigods. This is a matter of biblical non!canon Teri is speaking in reference to.[/footnote]. Finally, none of them have ascended to godhood after death, and none of them are worshiped. In short, none of them are demi-gods; by the proper definition. You could say they have the power of demi-gods, but that doesn't make them divine."[/color]
A small, if somewhat smug, grin appeared on the Cleric's face after rebutting Rugal's claim. If anything, the King of Fighters had a daughter who appeared to be reasonably knowledgeable about the definition of mythological terms.
However, not long after Teri, Rugal and Garm departed, a dark haired man with a breastplate, a sheathed blade and two small creatures curled up in his arms. With a small wave from a hand, Caim wandered over to Melthia and S'zami's table and sat, looking happy to allow the little ones to rest in his lap rather than his arms, a mechanical sounding voice shooting from what appeared to be his waist (at least from S'Zami's perspective)
Location - Devon's Room: Devon, Angelus
Angelus took this all in quietly and gave a small nod,
"You're right. When we were in that temple, Caim was paralyzed at the mere sight of his sister before him. If someone knew how to harness that sort of power, we'd be done for... But that also begs the question of if she'll have reason to watch us. As far as I understood it, your lover, Ella, has cut ties with her mother, has she not? Or you think her so paranoid that she'd watch our moves anyways?"
As she asked these questions, Devon could see concern growing on the dragon's face, plans and ideas already beginning to form in her mind as they discussed the matter.