The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011

Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Stranger, Jenny, Slindis

Caim sprung to the attack, drawing his blade from it's sheath and 'sending' to the Cuties as he tore after the Stranger, "Ton Ton, Cadolbolg! Ready yourselves and use your speed to distract that son of a *****!"

"Come on, Friend Ton Ton! Let's earn our dinner from earlier!"
[color=15650D]"Got it!"[/color]

The small Tonberry hopped on the turtle-dragon baby's back, and the Cuties sped off after the stranger, Cadolbolg opening his mouth to begin shooting lightning bolts at the obviously metal bearing attacker. Ton Ton, in the meantime, summoned his Lantern and Knife from whatever place it rested when he slumbered, and readied himself for some punishment. Perhaps this assailant had some Karma on his/her conscious that he could exploit....

Devon's Room: Devon, Angelus

Hearing Caim and the Cuties communicate over pact voices, Angelus' head jerked to the door, her concerns further increased by the Alert and Devon's interjection. Allowing one hand to alight, she opened the door and said in a hurried tone, "We'd best not tarry. If the AIs are riled up, this can't spell good for us. Prepare yourself, Devon."

Training Room: Rugal, Teri

Teri was snapped out of her Shadow-fueled high when the alarm went off, pausing only for the briefest of moments until Rugal shouted for her to continue. The Shadow chided in again, [color=0E59E4]"Look at that. Not even a scratch on the brute. And you were worried! So, can I play for real now? Your restraint bores me, even if I'm allowed. Besides, there's so much we can work with~! For example, we could pretend that Bruiser's there instead... Or maybe Lucifer? You're still pissed about what he did, right? At least, that's what your feelings are telling me.."
"The less we talk about either, the better."
"Okay, so we're sticking to Lucifer. Bruiser's essentially neutered anyways; living or not. Come on, me, imagine our asshole ex and let him have it!"
"Or Dean's horrible father..."
"I don't care who it is. Just pick one and KICK. THEIR. ASS!"
"Okay, gimme a sec.. Uh...."

First to take Rugal's place in her mind's eye was the aforementioned ex-boyfriend, with a smug grin and arms opened expectantly, almost as if expecting the Cleric to run into them without a second thought. Feeling a pang of pain in her chest from the mirage, Teri allowed it to become a mechanically augmented Machoke, and then the ignorant doctor from before; each causing equal amounts of ire in the young girl's heart. The trio then began to shift from one to another, and it was precisely what was needed. After shifting to that loose stance and bringing her quarterstaff down again, the rage far more palatable than the last strike, and Rugal might have started feeling something. Or was that just a mosquito?


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
Alpha actually is inside a physical/synthetic body at the moment. :p
and Jenny.
Location: Outside Captain's Room.
Nodding to Jenny, the AI started to run at a normal human running pace. Little did anyone know, she was contacting the other AI. "
Everyone, that intruder has a relic and it seemed to be a very important relic judging by the reports my database came up with. If we have the permission to do this, we [b]need[/b] to lockdown every single way in and out of this ship. Alpha out.
" She said over the Rising Dawn's AI network.

Running through the ship Alpha began to contact everyone, but her partner, master and lover was right outside the Bridge and near the corridor when suddenly the alarm went off. Then suddenly the intruder went by with a gush of steam trailing.
The Spartan pulled out his energy knife (A knife version of the energy sword) since his other weapons were in the hanger.
Breathing in slowly he walked out into the corridor and backed up to the nearest wall facing down the corridor. "Now lets see if this person can beat the fastest spartan alive."

The Spartan spoke as he heel launched off the back of the wall.
But first a bit of information.

Normal Spartans can go up to speeds of 55 km/h or 34.2 mph and exceed this.
John-117 himself has gone 105 km/h or 65.2 mph and exceeded this.
Now for being the fastest Spartan alive and owning the name of "Storm", he was able to run at 180 km/h or 111.847 mph with his power armor on. Yet he is able to exceed this just like the others, but when we take in the fact he is not inside his armor and that without that weight he is able to produce unknown km/s or mph, even the Scientists on the Blackhawke could record.

Luckily enough, the Spartan could control his speed and due to the variables of the angled hallways and other crew mates he decide to stick to a speed of 80, judging by the last look at the intruder he or she was using a machine to go at speeds of 50 or 40. Smiling, he decided to run after this person and soon shortly passed a couple of blurs and one furry blur.

The goal in terms of ability was to go faster then not just the speed of sounds, but the speed of light.
A very hard speed to attain.

Phase 1. W, E and D.
Location: The Strip | Outside of Casino.
Smiling naturally with the mission in mind, Wanderer walked up to the counter for the hotel part of the casino.
It seemed that they allowed him to use the VIP lane due to his suit and smile, maybe his lucky shades also had a effect too. Getting focused he walked up to the counter and gave a couple of bills of the Pre-War money, easily worth a luxury single room. "That should be enough to grab a room ... for someone of my caliber." He smiled to the receptionist who blushed at his charisma.

"If I can get your number later, maybe we can go get a drink." He said to her but got a innocent giggle in return. "Here is your room key, please go up the elevator to the left and go up to the top floor." She said and slide the keys with a piece of paper with a number of it. "Thank you, I'll give you a call later doll." He said as he turned around looked at the key number and gave the signal.

Then he went into the elevator and went up to the room. Surprisingly the room was well fit for a rich person.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Canteen: Devon, Angelus, S'zami

He nodded as he mentally gathered himself. "If I could find out where this person ran to, it would make it a lot quicker... [Anyone get a bead on where the intruder went? I'm going to try and head them off if I can, unless there's been any injuries that need patching up first.[/i]" THe second part of the Bard's thoughts were sent over to the people that had the rings, but his attention was drawn from a message by Melethia indicating there was someone injured in the Canteen.

"Angelus, you go on ahead. I'll meet up with you in a moment, but other things need to be done." With that, he made his wat to the canteen and saw the injured Khajit.

"Hmn, this is definitely a new one... Still, a bit of patching up should have you able to function. Did you see what way this intruder went?" Although the lack of sound seemed to confirm that he was wearing no armor, S'zami could swear that she felt the cold touch of metal instead of a regular human's skin on her injury and the familiar rush of healing magics heading to seal up the wound.

Devon casts Cure Serious Wounds to patch S'zami up! Because of the energy poured into it, though, it will be a good 30 seconds before he can use another level 3 spell.
"Are you able to move? I know you've lost a decent chunk of blood, but me and the imps can help you get to the medbay if you need it." He gave S'zami a chance to recuperate as he called out the imps in a guttural language, and the quickness in their response confirmed that they saw him as their boss.

Hallway from Canteen: Mel, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Stranger, Jenny, Slindis

Mel went up to the ceiling vents and began to crawl her way through the cramped metal highway in an attempt to get the drop on this person. After all, not many expected something from above and she still could get a good lead on where they'd fled through that blood trail. Before long, she'd made her way to one of the vent openings in the Cargo hold and made a quick glance around to see if she could glimpse this intruder from her viewpoint. Damned boxes are getting in the way... it's hard to get a clear LOS on the backstabber with all this.

And Slindis? Although she wasn't quite as fast as the two zipping around at 50+ miles per hour, it seems that having a strong training in moving unencumbered led to some sprinting speeds that allowed her to close the distance at a good clip. The extra boon from being invisible only added to the surprise factor when she slipped into the hall leading to the cargo bay.

[color=c200]"I'll have to be a bit more quiet here, but this is difficult terrain for the either of us here. If I can use this moving unseen to my advantage, it might help us get an edge. Until I confirm, I'll keep in contact with the rest of you this way instead of breaking my cover."[/color] This message was mainly intended for Storm's purposes, but it was sent around for all those in the pursuit (Bar Alpha, although Slindis was confident that Storm could contact her.)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Stranger, Jenny, Slindis

By the time Jenny reached the others, she had felt like she had just ran a Marathon trying to keep up with that Stranger.
Her sides were in agony and her legs were weak as she finally entered the canteen.
"*Pant Pant* Wait....Up...." She groaned before going "To hell with this!" and reassigning herself to helping the situation here.

Training Room: Rugal, Teri

As Teri kept trying to knock the shite of him, Rugal was tracking the Stranger's position, along with the positions of everyone else on his PDA.
"Attention all, This is Rugal. I've granted myself access to the Lock-down Protocols. I'm going to try and drive the target towards the Brig. Keep your pursuit up. Over." He sent over the rings as he remotely began to trigger blast doors around the ship, Blocking off several paths to the Stranger before it could take them.
"Right...Teri, Follow me. You don't need to stop attacking, but you WILL need to keep up!" He ordered to the Cleric before joining the chase.
While his skin was red from getting hit by the staff, it had no effect on him.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Stranger, Jenny, Slindis, Angelus, Devon

As Devon attend to S'zami, Angelus was already running after Caim, the Cuties, (and unknowingly Slindis and Melethia), a flame alight in one hand as she charged down the hall. It wasn't long before she caught up with Caim and the rest of the pursuers. Caim was scanning the Cargo Bay's area with little success. A small light bobbed in the room, that being the Cutie Bruisers fluttering around the room; Ton Ton holding out his pale blue lantern to get a better view on things as Cadolbolg attempted to smell out the intruder.

Upon arrival, the dragon gave a curt nod to Caim, and reverted to the Rings to communicate mentally among the party, "I can smell their blood.... They won't be missing long..."
"Your son already took that thought to mind. I don't know if his sense of smell is as keen as your's. Care to aid him?"
"First things first. Sound off, who's in the Cargo Bay? Relay your positions now; so you're not confused for the perpetrator."

As she said so, Angelus kept the flame that dance in her hand at the ready, lest the intruder show his/herself again.

Training Room: Rugal, Teri

Giving a nod to her father, Teri mounted up on Garm, and took off after Rugal after having decided to lay off the beating with the quarterstaff. At this point, it seemed moot to continue the abuse; especially since other things were occupying the teacher. As they continued on, the Shadow retreated quietly back into Teri's mind,

[color=0E59e4]"Don't even say it. I know what you're thinking."
"That we can continue practice when we see the enemy in question?"
"Oh. Huh, you're being...really nice. Oi, Munchkin! Explain!"
"Hey, be nice when you speak to her!"

As this mental battle went about, Rugal started to recieve data from Dimitri and Vermilion, showing the would be assailant entering the cargo bay via footage from the Dawn's cameras.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Storm |
and Jenny.
Location: Cargo Bay.
After the Intruder escaped him personally, he still spotted said person enter the large cargo bay. This was one room that took up much space on this level of the ship, if was considered a maze of what could be here. Some people would even considering to call this "Boxed Hell". Being the soldier he is, Storm-1788 carried on his mission to track this person down but decided to go at a stealthier speed. Tightening his grip on his Energy Knife, he pressed the communicator on his modded phone and spoke back to Slindis.

"Understood, you're the ace in the hole on this one. Just remember that we need to be very careful of this person, they seem to be skilled but injured. Note, they were also carrying an object, take caution of that too since they nabbed that from the Captain's room. Storm out." He said and hanged up before walking into the maze, being the person he is, grabbing the ledge of a cargo box he was able to access the high route just in case.

Alpha, Jenny and everyone else in the canteen

Walking into the canteen, Alpha sat down near Jenny. Not only was she tired from running here since she was not used to physical activity with this body, but she figured she would be better as a support personal rather then combat. "
[color=nvayblue]Don't worry, mostly everyone is one them. I have also told Dimtri and Vermilion to lockdown this ship so that they cannot leave. We just have to hope that they don't have their own ace up their sleeves. Other then that I am here to coordinate my plans from here.[/color]
" She smiled as he remembered to find out if there were any turrets or weapons in the Cargo Bay.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Canteen: Alpha, Jenny, S'zami, Devon

Jenny merely flopped over into a chair, letting out a few groans of exhaustion in response.

Location - Cargo Bay: Spartan, Teri, Caim, Angelus, Melethia, Slindis, Cutie Bruisers, Rugal

"That's right you little bastard..." Rugal cooed with Glee as he had the Stranger right where he wanted Him/her.
"Rugal to all points: Target is located in the Brig. Repeat, We've managed to push it back into the Brig, everyone meet up there. Over." He sent over the rings as he dashed over to the crowd gathering outside it.
"I want one team to go in and flush him out, I want the other to prevent an escape attempt, from getting back into the halls or just blasting out of the ship. Suspect is considered armed and highly dangerous until it's proven otherwise. Stay Sharp People!" He ordered as he made his way outside of the Brig.

Location - Brig: Stranger, Deadshot

The Stranger found him/herself inside the brig, starting to realize the downsides of locking yourself in a prison.
"...-hey-HEYHEYHEY! BUDDY! OVER HERE!" shouted a man in a maroon jumpsuit with a Badly scarred face who was shackled to a wall inside a cell.
"Dude, Open me up and I'm all yours man. Kill shit? I can do. Rob some shit? I can do. Gay shit?....I MOSTLY can do...COME ON MAN!" He begged as the Stranger thought about his/her next move.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: Alpha, Jenny, S'zami, Devon

Devon placed that hand on S'zami's shoulder again. Once again the hard, smooth texture of metal firmly pressed on the newcomer in what was meant to be an assuring manner. "It's all about managing what's going on the best we can. So, you're theorizing that this person focuses on mobility for their maneuvers? That's definitely something to notice, and I'll pass that on."

He let out a quick whistle to call in some of the imps, and he talked to them in that hard to place language again. In response, some of them went to take care of Jenny while the others went off to a few key areas of the ship. "Hmn. Alpha, was it? Do you or Dimitri have information on some straights or curved hallways that lead from the brig area into a somewhat clear path that would look like an exit? If you can find any, we'll have to make sure they're lightly defended except for the very exit."

He gave the AI some time to check that scenario as he called out to Rugal over the rings. "Rugal, You know about giving your enemy a false sense of security, right? You've been on this ship and its halls quite a few times, so guide them to a false exit. If Slindis can head to that exit along with Melethia, we'll catch them right off guard.

To keep it short, we'll build them a golden bridge so we don't have to deal with a trapped animal. Keep me up to date if anything changes.
This would be a gamble, but he was banking on the fact that this intruder didn't know about the capabilities of all those on board.

Location - Cargo Bay: Stranger, Spartan, Teri, Caim, Angelus, Melethia, Slindis, Cutie Bruisers

Melethia sounded off that she was in the vents and began relocating to the Brig through the vents again, finally settling on an vent right outside the door. If the person came out again, Mel was ready to fire a few arrows at the intruder.

As for SLindis? She was getting ready to try and flank the intruder in any way that she could. [color=c200]"Rugal, I'm aiming at a different attack angle. I know all too well that someone's most dangerous when cornered, and take note that I'm still invisible here. DOn't forget, we still have that man from the military base in there as well."[/color]

Location Training Room: Teri, The Shadow, Sadei

Sadei finally spoke up after the training. [color=B05FE9]"Well, you're not going off and shouting at everyone for once, so it's actually easy to work with you. I mean, I know there's old memories of that in here with zealots that just shouted about those 'damn dirty shifters'. not anyone I think she'd want to work with. Isn't it about focusing on one goal?"[/color]


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Alpha, Jenny, S'zami and Devon.
Location: Canteen.
Noting the presence of the new furry crew member, Alpha quickly got up and bought back a big glass of water for Jenny, afterwards she sat down and listened to Devon. "
[color=nvayblue]Noted, I'll connect to the mainframe and relay that message. I'm sure a plan made by the three of us would be better then one made by just me.[/color]
" She said to Devon but quickly turned to S'zami. "
[color=nvayblue]My name is Alpha, I a AI for the ship but mainly the partner of the Spartan or superhuman known as Storm-1788. It is nice to meet you, I will gladly get to know you after this problem is over.[/color]
" Alpha bowed as one of her eyes started to glow.

AI Mainframe.

[color=nvayblue]I don't know if any of you guys heard that, but UA Devon came up with a good plan, he said that we should round this intruder to a lightly defended corridor so we would be able to capture both them and the object. Of course we will not leave the exit open but I think the combination of all three of us will be able to make this plan work. It would be rather nice if they surrendered.[/color]
" Alpha said to her two co-workers within the mainframe of this ship. Surely there will be many ways this plan can go.

Storm & Intrusion stopper group 01.
Location: Cargo Bay, heading outside of the Brig.
Being the one to see the target enter the ship's Brig, the Spartan immediately followed them but only came to a closed door. Seeing Rugal come first, he gave him a wave. "Target has locked themselves in the room, prediction, something bad is going to happen. Course of action, I could punch the door open if you gave me a minute but that would lead the target to be in a "Cornered situation" in which they might use everything in them to escape. Personal suggestion, we need a plan." He said in a quiet voice to Rugal as Storm approached him.

"Also ... I'm sure prisoner DS is in there. That ... is not good." He muttered, they needed a plan. Soon and hopefully, the AI will make a plan.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
AI Mainframe

Dimitri and Vermilion were already typing away on their various terminals when Alpha arrived, Vermilion being the one to vocalize their intent, [color=FF5349]
"We would have offered our aid with the turrets sooner, but there was the small matter of flesh and bullets not acting kindly together..."

Dimitri spoke up after that, [color=3897E0]
"Not that the Users really need it. However, yes, Ms. Alpha, we've been keeping an eye on the proceedings. We have access to the cameras, after all. As for your request, there is an empty terminal over here you can use to aid in isolating the desired hallway."

Once Alpha got to a terminal and began computations, the duo found that their work became much faster (no doubt on the fact that another digital head made things a bit easier)....

Location - Canteen: Alpha, Jenny, S'zami, Devon

Not one minute after Devon made his request, Dimitri chimed in over the intercom, [color=3897E0]
"We are currently isolating the best possibility for such a hallway close to your location."

"Please give us a few more seconds; this ship is rather large.... Ah, here we are. Ms. Alpha's processing has aided us along wonderfully. The coordinates are being forward to those possessing items such as PDAs or computers at this very moment."

To those who had access to computers/PDAs/Etc, a map appeared, with the desired pathway glowing brightly on the display.

"I trust this is up to code? 

As for your question, User: S'zami, the phrase AI refers to 'Artificial Intelligence', or a program that can think or act similar to a human being. Well, I suppose myself and Vermilion defy that definition by the process of our creation, but that's a special set of circum-"

"Magic. Our Creators used magic that allowed us to act outside of an AI's usual line of programming. Now, we need to return to our surveillance. Call upon us if needed."

After that cut away, Vermilion gave Dimitri an exasperated sigh, knowing she just averted the crisis of spilling the beans about Authors. Even if the Butler possessed the capability of being able to lie, he was far from being able to do it skillfully. And in this realm, at least as far as the Red Cloaked AI was concerned, honesty did not always equate to the best policy.

Location - Cargo Bay: Stranger, Spartan, Teri, Caim, Angelus, Melethia, Slindis, Cutie Bruisers

Caim and Angelus split up at this point, Caim to the flush team, and Angelus to immobilization. Caim was far more suited to the close quarters stuff, and as such, was also followed by the Cuties. The pair's combined speed and power would suit to scare the intruder out as well, if the measure was called for. Angelus simply took to hiding behind a box and keeping her flames at the ready; all of the little family waiting for the next move.

As Teri followed Rugal, she allowed her healing Aura to unfold again, and began healing the bumps that were made in her wake. Perhaps with more training, she could do something properly, and learn how to control her strikes from there... Regardless, she readied a different spell (Shivering Touch) in one hand as she followed Rugal to the Brig, tapping her ring with the unenchanted hand, [color=0E59E4]"I have an immobilization spell prepared should either of them try to break out. However, it'll only hit one at a time. Where should I position myself and Garm?"[/color]

As she gave this report, the mental conversation continued, [color=0E59E4]"Do you get it now, Me? If you behave, you're allowed more freedoms. Understood?"
"...Kinda like when we were fighting the Hedgehog Pies and you said I could put in my own two cents?"
"Exactly. Now, start being nice to Sadei!"
"Can we do more Rage Training? It's fun..."
"Depends on what Dad says. Now, how're you holding up, Sadei? You've been awfully quiet lately. You doing okay?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Cargo Bay: Spartan, Teri, Caim, Angelus, Melethia, Slindis, Cutie Bruisers, Rugal

"Just hold position. If/when they break out, hit the fast one. Deadshot won't be much of an issue, least not without a mile or 2 between him and us." Rugal said to Teri as everyone took their positions.
"Slindis, just be careful. There is bound to be a crossfire when they try to escape, Watch for Friendly Fire. Over." He then sent to the Drow before Storm chipped in.
"I really think you are giving him too much credit. He has no weapons and no special skills. Hell, even David could beat him in a fight." He said to the Spartan before moving out from his position and standing outside of the Brig.

Going a last minute check and nodding to the others he then said "Attention, This is Rugal Bernstein of the Rising Dawn. Let's make this easy on both of us. All I want to do is Talk. We have no Ill-Intentions, I'd just like to know why you are here and what did you take. Hell, if it's something minor, I'll even let you go!"
If the Stranger was listening, Rugal would sound entirely genuine, that's because he was a master at lying.

Location - Brig: Stranger, Deadshot

Deadshot rubbed his hands with glee at the fact that he was released.
"Right...First things first..." he said before he ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind him.
"Ohhhhh....Muuucch Bettterrr...." The Stranger heard the assassin groan before he washed his hands and walked out....

Now holding a brick of Plastic Explosive.
"Man, I've been holding that in for AGES." He said with a smirk as he began planting some explosives on the wall, tapping on it to find the weaker sections.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Sorry this is late X_X S, E and D.
Location: Room 101 | Caligula's Palace Casino.
An Hour or 2 later, David showed up, his suit a little dirtier and missing his shirt, having been robbed at the tables and the shirt torn off his back.
"...You know what, W? (Wanderer) You had the right idea, These guys are ASSHOLES!" He sighed as he walked over and helped himself to the Minibar, knowing full well he wasn't going to be the one paying for it.
"Still, Eric should have gotten some good footage. I swear, I like to consider myself good at Blackjack, but DAMN, If I was a real CEO, I'd be in the gutter right now until the government bailed me out!" He exclaimed as they waited for Eric to arrive.
"So, what's next?"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Brig: Stranger, Deadshot, Spartan, Melethia, Teri, Rugal, Caim, Angelus, Cutie Bruisers

Melethia lied in wait for the ambush, but she was getting a strong feeling that she should check the other side of the door. After all, I'd never let myself get grabbed without backup options... With that, she made her way up to the seiling so she could get a better look inside the brig.

Slindis, though, sent back a single message. [color=c200]"Confirmed."[/color]

Location - Canteen: S'zami, Alpha, Jenny, Devon

"The aid is much appreciated, and it gives me a good idea. in case of an escape, we could try channeling them this way through Murphy's Imps. In that case, lock down these paths here, here, here, here, and here." Although it still provided a path, there were many blind corners one would have to go through in it. The Imps were setting up along that way with some gear of their own, including some of their homemade spice bombs or paintball guns filled with balls of their strongest peppers.

After that was arranged, he murmured to himself as the plan formed out. "Well, they still seem to rely solely on their agility to give their strikes more kick. Pretty good idea. Unfortunately, agility is only as good as the terrain that you can us it in."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Alpha, Dimitri and Vermilion.
Location: AI Mainframe.
In according to Devon's information, Alpha relayed the information quickly back to Dimitri and Vermilion in the AI Mainframe, so it would quicken the information processes so they may build the plan with speed. "
[color=nvayblue]Honestly I was trying to disable her or his movement by shooting the arms or legs of the intruder. Killing her would be a success but not a very good one, then we could lose a source of information and why would they want said object they are carrying.[/color]
" Alpha said but made her wander back to her other question. "
But why would such a powerful item be within the ship?
" She said in confusion before working back on the plan.

Canteen: Alpha, Jenny, S'zami, Devon

[color=nvayblue]As what those two said, but I'm a little different as you can see. I have acquired a body to say, but I do not know where I gained it from. It is on of the questions that I do not have the answer too, also I was invented with this nature. Other then that, hopefully all of us have helped you in your understanding of us.
[/color]" She said to S'zami before turning to silence as she went back to work in the Mainframe.

Storm & Intrusion stopper group 01.
Location: Cargo Bay, heading outside of the Brig.
Nodding with Rugal, he agreed with his statement. "Judging by the information you are giving me I will accept that justification. Although we must always take the steps for anything, because if there is anything I have learnt, it is that anything can happen in this universe. Unit 1788 taking cover and prep-ing for assault, my primary target will mostly be on the fast target." Storm said in a more cold but military voice.

Storm then stepped to the side of the door and gripped his knife in a position that it can easily move forward. "Also we should trust the AI on this one and go with their plan. Capturing the target will be easier if they are at the end of a hallway. But we must consider the "Trapped animal" instinct that we all have." The expression on his face turned to worry.

No problem. S, E and D.
Location: Room 101 | Caligula's Palace Casino.
"We wait for Eric and confirm that he has got the footage, then we stay in here and confirm our plan for the robbery, once we have done that we will put our disguises on and rob the join and then phone the limo in for extraction. Hopefully we will pull it off, and don't worry about the cameras near here, I have already 'disabled' them." W smiled as he then pulled out a couple of extra weapons and laid them on the table. "I have multiple explosive weapons here that we may use." W said as he marveled at the weapons he has place. (Look at the Vault wiki for more, although he hasn't placed a Fatman down cause that is too much. XD)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Devon, Alpha, Jenny

Jenny had finally caught her breath at this point as the others discussed tactics and what not.
"Okay....Okay...What were we talking about?" She asked, the lack of Oxygen not doing much for her understanding of the situation.
"Oh...I don't think we met yet. *Ahem* My name is Jenny, I'm a Gardevoir and I'm from another Realm. Might I ask what you are, Ms...S'zami was it?" She then asked as she watched the feed of the Brig.

Location - Brig: Melethia, Stranger, Deadshot, Caim, Spartan, Cutie Bruisers, Teri, Rugal, Angelus

Deadshot nodded to the Stranger's request.
"Gotcha, just know the second we get out there, it's every man for himself, got it?" He said as he got to planting his bombs on the outside wall, away from the entrance.
"...My Name is Deadshot by the way. Pleasure to be working with ya." The Assassin then introduced himself before he motioned for the Stranger to take cover.
"FIRE UP ME HOLE!" He shouted at he set them off.

The *BOOM* that occured on the other side of the door more then concerned Rugal.
"...AI'S! What the hell happened in there?! Dammit! Everyone, Move!" He ordered as the shit seemed to hit the fan, kicking down the door and bracing himself for an attack.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Alpha, Dimitri and Vermilion.
Location: AI Mainframe.
As the wall was blown, the plan that they three AI and Devon made were put into action.
[color=nvayblue]Okay the plan is now active, I repeat the plan is now active. Placing turret priority on warning mode. This will only shoot near the target so they will flee to another direction, also naming and separating friendlies. Now we just need to isolate other routes so they will go to where we want them.[/color]
" Alpha said to the other AI and people on communicators.

Looking at their point of view of the ship, Alpha was worried about the contents of the brig itself. After a quick scanning she needed to confirm something. "
[color=nvayblue]Warning, I cannot detect Prisoner DS in the brig. I need someone to crosscheck that fact, we need to confirm if we have two targets or one. If that is true, we may have to place the weapon suspect on him. I'd hate to imagine where he got that from.[/color]
" Alpha shutters as she looks at the rest of her AI comrades. If there was anyone she should be confident in, it was her other AI partners ... but especially her own partner.

Storm & Intrusion stopper group 01.
Location: Outside of the Brig.
The explosion was ignited and a loud boom was heard by everyone. "Damn it." Storm muttered as Rugal kicked in the door and took a combat position. Seeing the backup besides him, Storm took the opportunity. "I'm going in, they might be escaping!" Storm said as he took the risk and jumped into the room with a lack of vision, yet he still went forward with speed until he knocked something over or have vision to confirm where the targets are.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Mainframe - Alpha, Dimitri, Vermilion

Dimtiri's hands flew across his terminal as he began locking down alternate pathways, [color=3897E0]
"Initiating Lockdown. Creating desired pathway. "

"Scanning Brig.....Prisoner DS, Stranger and plastic-based explosives detected. Initiating Turrets. Systems coded to prevent friendly fire. However, I cannot prevent anyone from jumping in front of one mid-fire."

Location - Cargo Bay: Stranger, Spartan, Teri, Caim, Angelus, Melethia, Slindis, Cutie Bruisers

At Rugal's exclamation, Dimitri took over the intercom: [color=3897E0]
"It appears that some plastic explosives have been in use... Where they come from, all of us should think less of."

"Perhaps a cavity search for next prisoner would be in good order? I shall add that to the prisoner-protocols."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Jenny, Alpha, Devon

He gave Dimitri and S'zami a brief but grateful nod. "I appreciate it, but that change that Alpha just warned about might change the strategy slightly. Not a lot, but they will have to harass the both of them with rounds of their own, not to mention that Slindis is still waiting at the end to finish the ploy.

Location - Brig: Spartan, Rugal, Slindis Stranger, Caim, Deadshot, Angelus, Teri, Melethia, Cutie Bruisers

After the explosion, Melethia traveled through the vents to try and head the two off with the help of a few imps carrying Hand Crossbows. "Just get me as close as ya can, an' I'll help light 'em up" With that, they were able to rather quickly move through and got the girl near the door where she could get more than a few good shots in. She knew that those two wouldn't quite be in the clear even after opening that door, but they would be rather close to where her mom was.

And speaking of Slindis, she kept her focus up and got ready to fight back. With her steady maintaining of the invisibility, she was ready to completely catch the two off guard and unleash a flurry of attacks on the two. Yes, she was going to show the two what would happen if her small alone time was interrupted by someone attacking her home.

When the Stranger got through the door, they were immediately caught off guard by what had to be some of the hardest attacks they'd probably felt. Deadshot was first in line to view this barrage, and it was safe to say seeing the Drow fade in like the Predator was alarming to say the least.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Jenny, Alpha, Devon

"Well, where I come from, there are many different creatures called "Pokemon" that cover the entire land, sea, sky, you name it. I'm a kind of Pokemon that is known for psychic powers." Jenny boasted slightly, showing off as she floated over a bottle of water into her hand.
"I'm sorry that this is your first experience of life with the Rising Dawn. I promise, It's not always like this." She flat out lied to the Resident of Skyrim.

Location - Brig: Melethia, Stranger, Deadshot, Caim, Spartan, Cutie Bruisers, Teri, Rugal, Angelus

"HEY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING YOU IDIOT!?" Deadshot shouted after the Stranger as he/she ran back into the hallway instead of out the hole he just blew in the brig's wall, leading outside.
I mean, why would he want to blast though a wall leading TOWARDS the people that wanted to kill him?
All concern for his new friend's well-being went out the window when Rugal came in in time for the Stranger to zoom past him, only to get beaten up by some thing that looked like a smaller version of the Predator.
The flying arrows helped him make up his mind on his next move.

"...Oh shit....ummm...Uh, See you around, Asswipes! HAHAHAHAHAHAH-" He mocked crew before he jumped out of the airship.
Then realized on the way down the downside of jumping out of the airship that big.
"-WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-*CRACK!*....[sub]ow[/sub]..." The assassin groaned as he fell a good height and ended up breaking something on the tarmac of the Airstrip.

With Deadshot more or less taken care of, Rugal then turned his attention to the Stranger as Slindis lay blow after blow on him/her.
Once she was done, he said "Good work. Now then...Shall we talk now or do you wish to go another round?", getting into a "Good Cop/Bad Cop" routine.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Location - Canteen: S'zami, Jenny, Alpha, Devon

Devon was contacted by the others about the plan working as well as Deadshot's attempt at fleeing. "It took us way too long to get him in the first place. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be right back." After that statement, he popped out of the room...

Location - Airstrip: Devon, Deadshot

And onto the tarmac of the airstrip to see the badly injured Deadshot. "Well, it seems like you just want to keep trying to kill yourself. Count yourself lucky that we were able to pick you up before a plane touched down, Deadshot. There's more than a few others that would have simply left you here, considering what you did in Los Santos." With that, he dragged the man over to the side of the airstrip while he waited for his energies to head back to him for the return teleport.