Canteen: S'zami, Mel, Cutie Bruisers, Caim, Stranger, Jenny, Slindis
Caim sprung to the attack, drawing his blade from it's sheath and 'sending' to the Cuties as he tore after the Stranger, "Ton Ton, Cadolbolg! Ready yourselves and use your speed to distract that son of a *****!"
"Come on, Friend Ton Ton! Let's earn our dinner from earlier!"
[color=15650D]"Got it!"[/color]
The small Tonberry hopped on the turtle-dragon baby's back, and the Cuties sped off after the stranger, Cadolbolg opening his mouth to begin shooting lightning bolts at the obviously metal bearing attacker. Ton Ton, in the meantime, summoned his Lantern and Knife from whatever place it rested when he slumbered, and readied himself for some punishment. Perhaps this assailant had some Karma on his/her conscious that he could exploit....
Devon's Room: Devon, Angelus
Hearing Caim and the Cuties communicate over pact voices, Angelus' head jerked to the door, her concerns further increased by the Alert and Devon's interjection. Allowing one hand to alight, she opened the door and said in a hurried tone, "We'd best not tarry. If the AIs are riled up, this can't spell good for us. Prepare yourself, Devon."
Training Room: Rugal, Teri
Teri was snapped out of her Shadow-fueled high when the alarm went off, pausing only for the briefest of moments until Rugal shouted for her to continue. The Shadow chided in again, [color=0E59E4]"Look at that. Not even a scratch on the brute. And you were worried! So, can I play for real now? Your restraint bores me, even if I'm allowed. Besides, there's so much we can work with~! For example, we could pretend that Bruiser's there instead... Or maybe Lucifer? You're still pissed about what he did, right? At least, that's what your feelings are telling me.."
"The less we talk about either, the better."
"Okay, so we're sticking to Lucifer. Bruiser's essentially neutered anyways; living or not. Come on, me, imagine our asshole ex and let him have it!"
"Or Dean's horrible father..."
"I don't care who it is. Just pick one and KICK. THEIR. ASS!"
"Okay, gimme a sec.. Uh...."[/color]
First to take Rugal's place in her mind's eye was the aforementioned ex-boyfriend, with a smug grin and arms opened expectantly, almost as if expecting the Cleric to run into them without a second thought. Feeling a pang of pain in her chest from the mirage, Teri allowed it to become a mechanically augmented Machoke, and then the ignorant doctor from before; each causing equal amounts of ire in the young girl's heart. The trio then began to shift from one to another, and it was precisely what was needed. After shifting to that loose stance and bringing her quarterstaff down again, the rage far more palatable than the last strike, and Rugal might have started feeling something. Or was that just a mosquito?