Teri | Tama | Sadei
Tama accepted the food, and gave a little wave over it, adding some additional meat to the dish, [color=0E59E4]
"Thanks munchkin.
But yeah, Passion. Anger. That's where I dwell. It's probably why I like the training Dad gave Us so much. It's what I like doing. I'm up close and personal when it comes to how I deal with shit. But... If fussy britches (Teri) wants to not hurt anyone, and is willing to take the steps to do that; I'll support it. But if someone's trying to kill us, I still think it's a bit silly to not want to fight back. But I'm the violence in Our head, so take me with a grain of salt. And speak of the devil... Oh, this ***** pisses me off. I fucking hate nihilists."[/color]
The droplets of blood that dripped from the Glasgow grin grew in number as Sadei could feel the rage growing between Teri and her inner darkness.... Fury fed the Shadow, and Teri was desperately trying to keep herself reigned in.
The Rising Dawn's Brig: Deadshot, Annie, Teri, Garm
Teri was surprised by Annie's cold rejection to her appeal for compassion, and the more she listened to Annie's speech about how humans weren't were jack squat, the more she felt anger rise in her chest, especially with the comparison to dogs being put into play, what with Garm being right there. The Cleric felt an intense desire to slap Annie right now for her words, but knew that would be well beside the point. Instead, she kept her silence as she scribbled on her Tablet to give Annie a change of clothes (to which they did appear on her form, rather than in her arms), make the items in the cell disappear, and reattach the shackles to Annie's arms (which Annie also noticed had a snugger but much softer feeling to). Following that, she left the cell and began to put her magical equipment back on, speaking as she did so,
[color=0E59E4]"I will have to disagree with you, Annie, on several accounts. The first being on my view of you. I would not see you as scum if you did as you said you would. Rather, I would see you as a threat to those around you, which brings me to the second line of thought.
Life is precious. All of it, from the lowest
dog,"[/color] she spat that word with a venom that could have emulated what Annie used on her blades, [color=0E59E4]"to the richest billionaire. And frankly, I've noticed that you don't cherish it one bit. The reason I have agonized for what I have done is that I realized what happens when I take a life. Each person who dies by my hand means something to somebody, be it a family member, a neighbor, or a person they say hi to walking down the street. So, I have taken steps to reduce that number. But you? Oh, you great
[color=0e59e4]You try to make me feel bad by saying that my efforts are in vain when I try to do something about the state the world's in and what do you do? What HAVE you done? You've added to that pain. You've added to that suffering. The moment you decided to kill S'zami with your poisoned blade, and when you decided to become a Titan, you added to that problem. You didn't have to do that. You could have kept the conflict between our group and you. Hell, even running to the Desert would have been a better move.[/color]
[color=0E59E4]But what did you do? You ran right into the city. You destroyed homes, killed hundreds of thousands of innocents, and attacked a place not equipped to deal with people with your degree of power. The police, or the fire men, or any other sort of force to defend weren't the problem there, Annie. You were.
I admit, I did try to appeal to your better nature. I hoped that there was something inside you that wanted to be good.
I still do, actually. But you also forget one thing, Annie. To be a better person, to be GOOD, you need to
take action; not just declare your attempts to be good. The declaration is but the first step. The rest of it is DOING things to help, not just complaining about how bad it is. I never said that I alone could solve any of the problems you listed. I said I was one who was trying to do at least a little bit more good than what was before. So, even if I can't solve all the problems out there, I do make SOMETHING better. And you know what, that's not the only way to do good things. You can do good by fighting against a particular problem you don't agree with, such as starvation or pollution. Even if your voice is small, joined with others, it makes SOMETHING of a difference.[/color]
Teri took a moment to breathe before shaking her head, [color=0E59E4]"Your apathy will lead you to unhappiness, no matter what you do. If all you think you say or do will lead you to nothing, or has no point, why do you even want to live? You certainly put enough effort into keeping yourself alive.... Garm, let's go."[/color]
And with that, the Cleric mounted her wolf, and walked out the Brig, leaving Annie and Deadshot alone in their thoughts. Along the way however, a 'ping' appeared over the rings, and Teri found herself being pulled into another issue of some kind... Something with Devon?
Ton | Imps
Ton took his stance, his knife at the ready, but somewhat unwilling. What had lead to these imps to be possessed by his greatest enemy? Regardless, he knew that once the Daemons took hold like this, it was far to gone to recover the Imps. So, in charged the Tonberry, Knife flashing and Lantern at the ready,
"I gotta be careful, or else this will end like the time before I was taken from the Mistress. I must be strong! Cadolbolg, can you hear me? I need your help!"[/color]
Sending his call to aid to his Pact Partner, Ton began his beginning sweep to one of the imps, the Daemon Hunting blade cutting down his first opponent like butter on a heated blade. The second to attack received a blade in the eye, the third a whack of the Lantern. However, many more were willing to take their place. This was not going to be easy on Ton Ton's own...
Devon | Caim | Cadolbolg | Angie | Mel | Ella |
"Alright, Devon. Teri'll be here in a few moments.."
Cadolbolg perked up immediately after hearing his pact partner's cry, and vacated from Caim's shoulder without a second thought. Obviously, Ton Ton needed his aid, and what sort of shoddy pact partner would Cadolbolg be if he didn't answer?
Caim was slightly surprised by his son's quick departure, but shrugged, supposing the action to be on part of Ton Ton or some kind of childish vigor. In fact, it may be a good thing that Cadolbolg flew off. Gaining independence wasn't so bad...
However, the peace that was the realm of Caim's thoughts did not last for long, as Teri arrived on wolf back and hopped into the room. However, what the Cleric did not expect was for Devon to be, well, as she was....
[color=0E59E4]"Devon..? My eyes must be deceiving me, because the last time I checked, you weren't a girl..."[/color]
"Master of subtly you are, Cleric."
"Caim, there is a reason she's here, remember? Now, would you kindly sit outside? Teri, we need your help in garment acquisition. Particularly of the kind that women wear.."
Teri blinked a little, and waited to Caim to leave, (and noticed Caim just gave a sort of disinterested snort where Teri was concerned) before scribbling on the Tablet and poofing in a variety of undergarments for Devon to try to her fancy (seeing as no one knew the proper type for the situation. However, with the bath Annie got and all the other things poofed and de poofed, it was readily apparent that Teri was starting to get winded from the efforts. Teri slumped in a chair after doing her work and waved a hand in questioning, [color=0E59E4]"So... How?"[/color]