The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The Good Doctor.
Annie, Deadshot and the Wanderer/Doctor S.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.
The Wanderer was making his way to the brig carrying a nice bag of his instruments.
Instruments to make people sing, instruments to comfort.
Seeing the big red machine called Rugal walk out of the door with empty sounding cans and his own bag of toys.
Clicking his tongue the Wanderer simply said a sentence as he walked away. "A villain till the end." He said towards the large back of the man, but he did not hear the next thing. "That is what is going to get you and the people you love, killed." Wanderer said to himself as he opened the door to the brig.

Witnessing the scene, he could tell what happened. Oil water glittered on the floor and numerous other things our Wanderer did not wish to describe or even think what happened. Yet a image remained in his mind, something he has seen all too much. In the Wastes he sometimes had to torture people for information, he only did it to his enemies and if he did he would usually grant their wishes of dying or mercy. Usually the good Doctor would prefer to just heal and remedy people and if he had to torture them he would prefer to do it mentally.

This was one of the rare times he feels sympathy towards someone who has caused great evil towards civilization and others. The two prisoners could see a man in a Doctor outfit come by with a bag, wearing nice black shades and a weird machine on his right arm. Deadshot knew who this was, but Annie had no idea who this was. Stopping by Deadshot's cell, he grabbed the irritated water and severed head from before and kicked a bottle of something that will make him more then comfortable with what just happened.

"Try to forget what happened here ... for now at least, and keep quiet for a while." Shawn spoke quietly as he moved on to the main attraction of the ship so far, the way she was locked up did remind him of a circus. Opening the cell and placing his bag down besides the door, he examined her with his blue glowing eyes. Confirming what has happened to her, including her self harm the Wanderer began to talk. "Well you must be our newest ... member. I am Doctor S, or Wanderer. Basically I am a man of many titles, maybe one day you might hear my real name ..." Doctor S said but Annie seemed to still be worried.

"And no, I am not here to make you sing. I mean torture is a terrible way to gain information ... honestly I think people like to do it for fun. Sure some people are stupid and still try to get information but ... nah, it should never be the way ... well at least physical torture." The Doctor started to ramble as he gathered his Doctor supplies out and pulled out a water bottle ... which is purified this time around.

Rolling the bottle of water towards her, he nodded. "That is simple clean water, I think you might want to clear your throat now while I do this ... ahh, do not worry about these. I'm simply testing chemicals which comfort people and heal them at the same time." Shawn said but once more confronted distrust with annie. "Hehe, you are not the first subject of this thought ... in fact, I TRIED IT the first time and man ... good stuff ... well I did pass out once but I think I worked that bug out." The Doctor smiled sincerely as he lined up his tools.

"Since I am the good Doctor, it would be nice to gain your permission to do this." The Wanderer asked. Even as a person who preferred to kill 'evil', he still obeyed the rules of the medical industry.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal

After his session with Annie was done, Rugal cleaned himself up before going over the report he would hand over to UNIT when they came to collect both Deadshot and Annie, Deadshot for causing Terrorist Attacks all over the state of San Andreas, Annie for going Godzilla on the City.
Enlisting Dimitri for the Job, he began setting out certain requirements and comments, having the AI help draft them for him.
"-Subject "Annie DotDotDotDotDot [.....]" is deemed an extreme threat...Also, "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" were...utilized...during her stay...So there is that..." he sighed, the AI noticing that he was drinking his usual dose of wine straight from the bottle for once.
That and his usual doze seemed to have increased by 2 whole wine bottles.
"Oh, Write this down next: "Subject should be close to releasing information on her allies and group, as well as their motives...use....Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"..." He said, seeming to hate saying those words all of a sudden as he walked around his room, pacing almost.
"...Viscu-...Dimitri...Is there anything else Mr Richardson at UNIT requires?..." he asked, nearly mistaking the Butler for his former Cartel AI.

Rising Dawn: Hallway: Slindis, Jenny[/b]

"...Gee...Thanks, Slin." Jenny beamed, even when the Drow brought up her rather lightweight tendencies with Booze and the hijinxs that occur.
"Still, I think you do a great job yourself. I mean, if I'm what's keeping us together, then you're what's keeping us alive! Just....Well...I do wish I could return to the old Clinic back in New York, feels like years since I've been there..." She sighed, missing her quiet life a therapist, away from all the madness that usually follows the Rising Dawn.
"Just...A cursed belt?...What, did you hit people who spiked your drink with it or something?"

Rising Dawn: Brig: Deadshot, Annie, Shawn

Deadshot was at first glad she was alive, not because he was getting attached in any way, just for proving that he did have a chance in hell of living though that.
"....Hey, what are you-OHHHH...ohhhhh, Ow...What the hell-...Dude, Why did you-..." He then cringed as Annie attempted to enter her Titan form by biting down on her thumb.
After a minute of chewing on it in an extremely painful fashion, She seemed to break down.
"...Hey, hey. Listen, it's over now. Easy, eaasssyyyy..." He said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, retching slightly from the thick smell of Gasoline.
"I want you to remember this: I'll won't let that happen to you again, you hear me?"

The moment was ruined when Shawn walked in, prompting Deadshot break off the embrace to shout "ohhhhh "Good Cop, Bad Cop" Huh. Well listen to me you fuck shitting prick! FUCK YOUR FRIEND! FUCK UNIT! AND GIVE ME BACK MY PAYCHEC--...What ar-..."
He trailed off as Shawn began to do the "Good" part of "Good Cop", giving Annie a drink to help clear her throat.
"Sure some people are stupid and still try to get information but ... nah, it should never be the way ... well at least physical torture."
"...So that's why I woke up with a Severed Head in my face?..." He snidely said, still sore about how Annie was just treated and the fact that his track record with Shawn wasn't much better.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Teri | That Damn Comic Sans Envelope | Sadei

[color=0E59E4]"Sorry! Hanging up!"[/color]

Teri ended the call quickly after seeing more battle on Tajuh's end, still confused by the turn of events. And that was when Dimitri appeared on the Tablet screen with a small wave, [color=3897E0]
"Greetings Madam. I trust everything is all right, aside from the envelope business? We do have cameras on ship, you know..."
[color=0E59E4]"Yeah, everything's fine. What's the deal?"[/color]
"Oh, just requesting your assistance in aiding The Lone Wanderer with a check up on the persons in the Brig. Need to make sure both are in humane conditions, after all."
[color=0E59E4]"Good point. I'll there right away."[/color]
"Very well, I'll be in the mainframe if you need me."

The screen went black after that, and after Teri mounted her wolf, she continued the mental conversation with Sadei and "Tama",

[color=0E59E4]"たま? What're you talking bout, kid? I'm the Shadow, the True Self? Embodiment of inner darkness and shit? The hell kind of name is Japanese for 'Ball'?"
"You remember our Japanese lessons?"
"Of course I do! I'm you!"
"Points aside, it's a cute enough name. You're typically a little fat goldfish..."

"Aren't we getting a little off topic? Letter, remember? As fancy thing that popped out of fucking nowhere? I really dunno, kid. Seems like the kind of thing Authors do. Lord knows We did that a lot when this all started."
"That's right. It is kinda like a letter from an Author... But who? We don't know any of them being active aside from Devon, and Jake went dark again... Who else would know about Otohime..?"
"You sure you didn't bring it up with the Feathery Asshole?"
"I'm not sure.. Maybe?"

Devon | Angie | Mel

"Will do." Following in Melethia's direction, Angelus kept up the bridal carry of her student, and put him down on the bed before nodding to Melethia,

"You know more about armor than I do, Melethia. I'm afraid you'll have to be the one to do the unequipping... Hang on, Devon, we'll try to get to the bottom of this..."

As Melethia began to take the armor off the poor lad, Angelus went to grab a washcloth to wet and put on Devon's forehead.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that Caim and Cadolbolg were well on their way after Angelus and Melethia; a tad confused about the change in direction....

Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal

Dimitri's avatar appeared on the Terminal and shook his head, [color=3897E0]
"Did you already make the reports regarding what data we've gathered about her? The maneuvering gear she had, and the shape shifting abilities? Ah, we have. Good.... Otherwise, no sir."

There was a pause as Dimitri sorted through the data (as well as had another bottle come in for Rugal to sample), and the AI brought up a very pertinent question,

"I must inquire, how do you expect to break the news to the rest of the crew regarding your methods of choice? After all, there's bound to be someone aside from yourself going to the Brig...Such as Her Ladyship, whom is currently on her way to check up on the Prisoner's conditions. We can't just have them dying on us, now can we?

After all, with S'zami's death partially being on Her Ladyship's hands, or at least blaming herself for it, I would believe her Ladyship would want to keep others in pristine, (or as best applicable) condition. And with my prime directive being to ensure my creator's mental state is intact, I say this kills two birds with one stone, now doesn't it?"

Dimitri allowed that pause to let the implications of his statements hang heavy in the air before porting himself back to the Mainframe, no doubt in preparation for Rugal to destroy the terminal. Couldn't lose all that precious data.

Rising Dawn: David West's Room: David, Ton Ton

Ton Ton did his best to decode what David was saying, and came to the solution, [color=15650D]"So you're saying what he is doing is, well, overdoing it..."
Maybe I should have seeked out someone else aside from Mr. West... I don't know if he's going to take action or not...[/color]

Rising Dawn: Brig: Deadshot, Annie, Shawn, Teri

After a bit of a trot on Garm, Teri made her way into the Brig (and parked her wolf buddy outside), her satchel and spell casting at the ready. However, what she did not expect was the condition of Annie, slumped on the ground, a hauntingly similar picture painted from a time long since passed (even with the addition of Shawn trying to attend to Annie)...

[small]"Ain't nothing gonna stop me. Remember that.
So, Fingers or Toes?"

Teri backed against a wall, a hand covering her mouth in horror at the obvious spectacle as she began to cough dryly, bile wanting desperately to escape her digestive system, the Shadow in her mind being the only semblance of stability when it screamed,

[color=0E59E4]"HOLD STEADY! She needs Our help, not for you to panic!"[/color]

Teri gave a small nod to the disembodied voice in her head and pulled out a trio of water bottles from her bag, taking one to shakily drink for her own. After a few deep gulps, Teri forced herself up and slowly put one of the water bottles through the cell bars to Deadshot, and asked with a wavering voice, [color=0E59E4]"For you... C-c-could you please explain what happened here? Mr. Wanderer, I have a water bottle for her too, here. D-d-dimitri sent me to check in, b-b-but I wasn't expecting t-t-this.... Mr. Wanderer, what can I do to help?"[/color]

Even after handing off the bottle to Wanderer, Deadshot (as well as Annie and Wanderer, if they cared to look) could see Teri physically shaking at the sight of what happened to Annie. Even so, Deadshot could still feel the healing aura wash over himself and Annie, if in a somewhat unstable manner as the Cleric's current physical state. Obviously, she had not come expecting the sight before her. In fact, if any of them looked closely enough, they might have noticed she looked ready to cry (if it wasn't from the coughing). None the less, the Aura was beginning to take away what pain either were feeling the more they stayed basked in it.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Teri | That Damn Comic Sans Envelope | Sadei

Sadei giggled as a figment of her tried shaking Tama's hand in Teri's mind. Was she actually getting along with Teri's Shadow? [color=B05FE9]"You want to be seen as an equal, right? Calling you Shadow isn't gonna help, and you wouldn't slit your own mama's throat for a nickel. I think that's that Deadshot guy's thing.

I don't really know who could have sent it, but that writing's really crisp. They should teach the others here."[/color]

Cz | Jenny | Slindis

Slindis let out an awkward laugh as she tried explaining about the belt she'd once had. [color=c200]"The belt's a long story, but I was only going to let the man reap what he'd sown on so many other women after drugged drinks. I don't really see how I've kepteveryone alive, though. I just did what any of you would have done in the same place if you had the same tools.

I can do what I can to get you back at that clinic, though. Sometimes it's better to do the small things that help everyone, especially because people always forget about them."[/color]

Ella | Constance

Ella saw Caim and Cadolbolg running off somewhere near her, and something told her that she needed to follow them. She wasn't quite sure what the feeling was, exactly, but that same gut had gotten her to Devon and out of hell, then later back into the safe embrace of the Rising Dawn.

Devon | Angie | Mel

Melethia's removal of the man's armor started revealing very odd things. Legs that, although hairy, were a lot slimmer than before for one. These led into slightly flared out hips that segued into a toned stomach that seemed cinched in by a corded belt, but the swellings on the chest led the two there to realize one thing: Devon might be many things, but a man he was no longer.

Of course, Devon's reaction was a relatively calm one considering what heshe was seeing. [color=00ff7f]"Why?! Why did this happen to me?! I was just trying to find out what happened, and I really didn't want to see any more bloodshed... ANd they do this? Angie, is this some kind of joke? Mel, did you slip something into my food?"[/color] It was pretty clear that this shook the man to his core, and an Alter Self spell he tried using fizzled out before it could shift him back. The next few moments that he had, though, were stuck in a shocked silence.

Melethia, though, wasn't really quite sure what to make of all this. After all, she was sure that Devon had been a man all those times she'd seen him... Was the bard just really good at disguises?


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
You got the touch, I have the POOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEER! YEEEEAAH!!!
Annie, Deadshot, Teri and the Wanderer/Doctor S.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.
Looking at Annie, she nodded. Surprised it seemed she was stuck or paralyzed from the Wanderer's position.
"Ah, excuse me for my lack of perception I was focusing on this formula ... it doesn't even have a name. Maybe I should test it more and then find out. The problem is that everyone on this ship is different. I'm mutated from radiation, you have transformation and regenerative powers and others have different powers." He spoke in a knowledgeable way as he picked up the water bottle and walked towards her.

Behind the Doctor was a large tube of clear liquid with sparkling particles within it, the tube was also surrounded by numerous amounts of powders, syringes and a few weird looking fruits. The Doctor knelt down in front of the captive Prisoner and opened her mouth and slowly poured the water in. Stopping before the point where it was too much, he capped the bottle and placed it besides her. "I will leave that there, if this thing works alright on you it will calm your nerves and overcome that paralysis you have there. Heck it might boost that regenerative thing you got going on there." He smiled as he walked back by the tube.

Then the Cleric Teri came in, turning to her he saw shaking and the familiar sight of holding back tears. Wondering about this, he was worried for the cleric and the Prisoner, yet she wanted to help. "Relevance" was the word that came first in the good Doctor's mind. Trying to overcome a past fear maybe, still the Wanderer could see a clear definition of both past and present at this scene. "(It is crazy how many of these people are hurt ... mentally and physically.)" The Wanderer thought as she asked what to do.

"I think he should drink the Whiskey first after what he has seen." The Doctor Wanderer spoke as he looked towards the Whiskey also in Deadshot's cell. "I feel that you have the touch for this stuff, but right now I'm going to try a formula that heals both mentally and physically. It also adjusts to said person I am giving it too. So right now I will appoint you as my assistant seeing as you got the healing touch. Basically I am going to give her the injection and document it. A good task for you is that you should help her if anything goes wrong with it. Sure it is a risk, but it will help her very much" Doctor S said as he began to focus on his captive patent again.

With Deadshot interrupting him, Shawn was annoyed. "Drink your sleeping juice. If we remember, you owe ME payment. I think I deserve something for that task. So right now, just stay quiet, I need silence to heal this fine girl." The Doctor said harshly as he spoke to Deadshot, clearly they know each other well. Yet there was still some sleeping powder in the Whiskey Shawn placed in his cell.

Picking up a small syringe and filled it up with the clear he looked at it very carefully. "Oh and I know you have that regenerative ability, I was the one who shot your head off with that beam thing. Ugh, sorry for that." He nervously said as the liquid in the syringe turned gold with the sparkles still inside. "Ah, so that is your colour. You know how I said that this liquid needs to adjust to the person, well it just did." The Doctor smiled brightly with delight as he came closer with the needle.

"This will sting a little, but it won't leave a mark. So keep calm and breath, I'll promise you to cook one of my specialty dishes after this." Doctor S said with his glowing eyes sparked with not only curiosity but with other unknown elements. Placing himself besides her, he examined her face to make sure she did not have any other variables that might ruin the injection. "You have beautiful eyes. Strange, I find myself relating towards you. New to this world, a lone survivor and someone who has many powers. Yet we both had faced hardships ..." The Wanderer said with honesty before looking away with embarrassment and coughed. "Sorry for that, let me just ... " He spoke while he injected the needle inside Annie's arm.

The gold liquid drained away as it went inside the arm. Pulling it out, the Doctor instantly cleaned the syringe and pulled out a small book. "Okay, I will examine what will happen and document it." Shawn said hoping that his would work.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Hurt feelings.
Annie, Deadshot, Teri and the Wanderer/Doctor S.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.

Listening to what Annie said next made the Doctor madly laugh just like a crazy professor from a cliche horror movie. "Ah haha, trust me if you did not fall down when you did, I would have killed you. As stable as I sound, I am probably the most insane person on this ship. Luckily enough I prefer to stick to being 'good' to say." He smiled as his hands were busy with packing up all of his doctoring equipment near the cell door.

"Also, everyone has a different definition of the word 'warrior'. Mine is about protecting the people who cannot protect themselves. To be the beacon of hope to everyone, but that definition depends on the place where you come from. In my world the world has ended, nations launched weapons at each other and salted the Earth. In other words, we made the apocalypse. It is truly a terrible world, yet I believe I am making it better ... " The Doctor reasoned and responded to another question as he packed the tube of clear liquid away. On the notes he placed down, it seemed to check the boxes and have the prototype name of "Angel Formula".

"Now what will we do with you. Honestly I wanted to help you because you have to serve your punishment, death is the easy end. A true Warrior would take on every consequence and overcome it. That is up to you though, I would love if you gained our trust and became another crew member." Doctor S still smiled, which might make it a little creepy now, although it still emitted a great aura of happiness.

"Now that you have had some water and that I have healed you. I will now return my equipment and then return with a meal for both of you. Although I have not got your name, but you should take it easy since the paralysis is still wearing off and the formula is still working it's magic." The Doctor said as he picked up his bag and started to walk away but placed a hand on Teri's shoulder. "You should keep it together, if you want to help more, grab her some new clothes and wash her down while I grab them a meal." He said to her with confidence and trust.

Opening the door and about to close it, he turned with eyes glowing with anger. "And if I find the angry steroid man ... don't blame me if I disembowel him and use his innards to make a noose to hang him with. It might make a good decoration." The Doctor's coat waved as he left, after stepping out of the room he began to hum a marry tune. It hurt that he did not gain any progress with the captive, he at least wants to become her friend and see her live.

Yet he was glad that his prototype formula worked.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Devon | Angie | Mel | Caim | Cadolbolg

Angelus shook her head with confusion at the sight before her, "I've seen my fair share of mortals, and I think, Melethia, it's safe to say that what has just occurred is a biological impossibility. Humans don't suddenly change sex on the fly.

Okay Devon, your attitude is certainly a good start, but we need to get to the bottom of this... Let's see, we have 3 doctors on hand, two of which know magic.. But who should we ask..?"

"Ask about what?"
Angelus blanched when she realized that Caim was standing in the doorway (Cadolbolg in tow), his blue eyes looking blank in confusion when his mind processed what he was seeing,

"He looks different...In fact, he looks kinda like a gir-"

"Both of you, OUT!"

"Not without an explanation! What's happened here? I'm not a doctor, Angelus, but I know something is seriously off when I see it!"
Angelus locked eyes with Caim, and shook her head, "We're trying to figure that out, alright? No just stay outside for the moment while we investigate. You being here is going to make it worse for Devon. She- He already feels bad enough. Not get! [small]Sorry, Devon.[/small]"

And with that, the warrior and one of his sons were forced out of the door, confusion still painted on their faces. It's not everyday your student's swapped genders and you're forced out of your room.

Teri's Mind | 'Tama' | Sadei

The newly dubbed 'Tama' shook her head laughing while extending her hand to Sadei, [color=0E59E4]"Pffft, 'slit someone's throat for a nickel'? You've been scanning Our head more often, haven't you, kid? "[/color]

Following that, the handshake actually went though, no violence, no screaming matches... The Shadow was beginning to cooperate.

The Rising Dawn's Brig: Wanderer, Teri, Deadshot, Annie

[color=0E59E4]"Angry steroid man? ...Dad did this...?"[/color]

Teri's experssion remained horrified for another moment before she wiped her face with a robe sleeve, getting the 'wet' look of teary eyes away for a brief moment, [color=0E59E4][small]"Right, food and clothes. I can take care of that.."[/small][/color]

Very gingerly, Teri moved to the inside of the cell, having Sadei morph into an arm bracelet again before holding up her hands in a gesture of peace, [color=0E59e4]"I'm not going to hurt you. If anything, I'm gonna do what the Wanderer asked, and try to get you cleaned up, okay? And before you ask how I do this, just assume it's a magic trick."[/color]

She scribbled on her Tablet, and a metal washtub with steaming water appeared. Along with it, handcuffs, a bottle of soap, shampoo and conditioner, a scrub brush and a changing screen to accompany it. The Cleric gave a small flinch from the strain on her Author abilities, but did not stop with the procedure.

Following that, Teri stripped out of her heavy robes and folded them outside the cell, exposing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt [] underneath. Alongside her robes, her gloves and an assortment of other equipment that made her appear to be an RPG character were placed in the pile outside the cell. Once she was done, the only things that remained were bits of jewelry that were previously hidden by her clothes (Lucifer's sizable amulet, the rings), the circlet [] on her brow, and an odd looking belt []. If anything else, she essentially gave the two prisoners a full view of the magical based equipment that she was packing (sans the stuff in her robe's pockets or the satchel's contents), something Teri hoped would help increase their trust of her.

Holding up the handcuffs, Teri explained how she intended this to go down, [color=0E59E4]"Alright, here's how this is gonna work. While I don't agree with these shakles, or with what's happened here, I can't completely trust you either. I'm gonna put up the screen, and undo your shackles so you can ready yourself for this bath. However, if you try to turn into that giant again, I will be forced to restrain you with my magic. So, after that, these will go on your hands and we'll get the bath done. Okay?"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Teri | That Damn Comic Sans Envelope | Sadei

[color=B05FE9]"It was just small things I picked up, really. I just wanted to know what Teri did for fun, you know. I'm guessing she liked Leviathan a bit? Not as much as all of these dragons, though..."[/color] While in there, Sadei tried to act as a comforting presence to Teri while Teri went to bathe Annie.

Ella | Caim | Cadolbolg

"Caim, is there something going on? I heard what was going on from down the hallway... who's that girl sobbing in the room? She sounds like she's really beaten down..." She clearly didn't know what Caim had seen, so Ella had no way of knowing that Devon was the one inside there.

Devon | Angie | Mel

Melethia's removal of the man's armor started revealing very odd things. Legs that, although hairy, were a lot slimmer than before for one. These led into slightly flared out hips that segued into a toned stomach that seemed cinched in by a corded belt, but the swellings on the chest led the two there to realize one thing: Devon might be many things, but a man he was no longer.

Of course, Devon's reaction was a relatively calm one considering what heshe was seeing. [color=00c863]"I don't know... Angelus, I don't know which one could help here... what did I do to earn this?"[/color] Devon went to try and pull up the sheets in the hopes that somehow covering up would remove him from this nightmare. Of course, brushing up along the new chest only brought it home in a soul-crushing way that this was no dream.

Seeing that Devon was at least a bit more coherent, Melethia then went to her bag and pulled out the note that had dropped earlier. Even before Devon opened it, though, the fragrance was horrifyingly familiar. He read the stylized Inferal in a dumbstruck silence, hardly blinking as the gravity of the situation set in.

Since you're reading this note, I can see you've now seen the 'gift' I've given you. Rather nice one, isn't it? I did make it myself, and it's a rather fun one. First, it's not like normal curses: You can't go to either of those women that claim to be healers to remove it.

I'm also guessing that you've thought of using Alter Self to work around it, right? That'd be no fun, so you simply don't have it any more. In case you think of learning it or are the target of any spell that would do the same, the curse will still lock you out of any male form. It's one of my best works yet, and one I spent a lot of time crafting.

In case you for some reason don[t want this to continue until the day you die a withered crone, there's one rather easy solution. Just sign your name and willingly put some blood on this letter, and we can get started with the contract that you can sign to remove the curse. It'll be of my choosing, of course, but any real man would do whatever they could to ensure their Virility.

Yours Infernally, Overlord Ageha.

His eyes kept reading over the note as the events of the past two days washed over him - the zombie attack in Los Santos and the fierce negotiations to ensure Rugal lived, the whole chain of events with the Da Nang Boys including the infiltration of the ship, the huge attack on the military base that could have nearly gotten them all killed, destroying Caim's trust in him beyond that of a student, seeing a carbon copy of his former hometown being nearly destroyed by Annie thanks to his not pinning her down, and finally this insidious move by the Usurper of Hell...

With all of that flashing through Devon's mind, it was no surprise that he broke down into a full sob that could be clearly heard outside of the room.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal

Rugal was in a sort of haze as he started bottle number 3, but when Dimitri brought up the idea that Teri blamed herself for S'zami's death, he perked up a little.
"...No...She needn't blame herself...I shouldn't have invited her on board...I'm the reason she was killed...In fact, you know what? Edit her death record: C.O.D. (Cause of Death): Rugal fucking Bernstein..." He ordered as he laid back in his bed and took another large swig, but when he said his own name he threw the bottle at the wall, breaking it into a dozen pieces.
"...I've fucked up. Extremely, haven't I Dimitri?..." He asked, knowing full well what the answer was.

Rising Dawn: David West's Room: David, Ton Ton

"....*Sigh*..Right, Okay. Yes, Rugal is going something extremely bad, even by our standards. Just get Slindis or Teri to talk to him and he'll stand down and everything will be swell and dandy... I just-*yaaawwwwnnn*-Don't have the energy for this right now..." David said as he wiped his eyes, clearly just wanting to shut off for a hour or 2 after what had happened.

Rising Dawn: Hallway: Jenny, Slindis

"...I see...I think..." Jenny said, wondering what exactly Slindis meant by that.
"Still, I think you made just as big of an impact as I have. I know Teri and Melethia are lucky to have someone like you." She added as the walked.

Rising Dawn: Brig: Deadshot, Shawn, Annie, Teri

Grumbling after Shawn revealed he was being charged out of his Paycheck for the San Andreas gig, Deadshot resigned himself to sitting in the corner of his cell.
He didn't really have much input in Annie's treatment, partly due to not being associated kindly with the other Rising Dawn and Members and partly as the fear of getting water-boarded in a similar fashion had passed.
...Ah...She'll live...Now, back to getting out of here... He thought as Shawn and Teri began to clean her up, putting up a screen in front of his cell that that blocked him out.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Kiln of the First Flame
Time: Immemorial​
Red Mage | Lucieon | Eris | Solaire of Astora | Gwyn, Lord of Cinders

"CRYSTAL SOUL SPEAR!" Crystal light raged across the ashen landscape, tearing apart stone pillars and throwing the fine volcanic soot into the air around the combatants. Gwyn's old broken face stared hard at the Chosen Undead, one of many that had risen to dethrone him. His soul itself was already burnt to cinders and he could feel no need to panic. The spear struck Gwyn through the heart and passed him harmlessly. The old king raised his sword, flaming with the power of fire and leaped toward Lucieon.

A simple straight sword caught the blow from the burnt God and parried it away from Lucieon. From beneath a stark iron full helm, Solaire glowered at Gwyn, "Your quarrel is with me father." Solaire lunged forward and threw Gwyn from his balance and attack with a flurry of strikes from his Sunlight Straight Sword, taking chunks of aether from the God's body.

"FIRA!" A bolt of crimson flame caught Solaire square in the chest and launched him back toward the white fog gate. Red Mage landed nimbly on top of the sword-in-the-bonfire, his staff outstretched at the party. "This is as far as you go Chosen Undead. I will not allow the balance between Light and Dark to be upset in this world."

Lucieon grimaced and ducked away behind a stone pillar, saying nothing. But Eris, cloaked in the soft glow of White, charged at RM, her Dragon Greatsword at her side. Red Mage jumped out of the way when she brought the heavy stone blade crashing into the earth, but was caught unaware by the resulting magical shockwave. Red Mage found himself losing his faint footing on the ashen air and tumbling down into the soot piles.

Eris cracked a smile and pulled her sword out of the earth. If she could speak, no doubt she would have taunted the Mage in Red with vicious jabs.

Now they all stood across each other in a misshapen circle. Solaire and Gwyn stared each other down, flaming swords tight in their grips. Eris and Red Mage were about to clash again and Lucieon had hid himself in a faint corner of the arena, cursing his misluck. There was a sort silence in the action where the ash settled before Solaire, his infinite power forging a lightning bolt of power beyond mortal understanding, struck Gwyn in the heart. then the combatants flew at each other, magic and steel clashing in the Kiln. Lucieon uncorked his Estus and took a long drink, eyeing both Solaire's and Eris' fading health.

Avatar Adventure
Location: Rising Dawn
Time: Night​
Titania | Cz

Cz was walking down the hallway toward the Canteen, pondering on the little thoughts and emotions that had begun to stir in her heart, when the ambient temperature of the hallway dropped by about twenty degrees. Cz fell back toward the side wall and pressed herself closely against the cool metal. Wary of both sides of the hallway. Sure enough, an apparition appeared before long.

"Well well," Titania laughed as she materialized before Cz, "you grew up fast didn't you." She was sly and slight. Her green eyes narrow underneath a mat of well-groomed waist length hair. Her robes fluttered in the slight breeze generated by the temperature control. Titania placed her dainty hands on Cz's robe and brushed the fabric, feeling the warmth of her skin underneath.

Cz on the other hand was perturbed. Her eyes narrowed as Titania pressed herself closer and closer, the cold of the small girl ran across Cz's skin and forced goosebumps to appear on her arms. There was something unsettling about this one. Not particularly in the sense that she was not human, as it was with most other members of the Rising Dawn, but rather that she was incomprehensible to even a Peacemaker. A creature that existed outside of rational logic. "You were the one from earlier." Cz said coolly, recalling the swift kick to the stomach Titania had given her in the Canteen when she had still been in her compact form.

"Oh yes," Titania said, "that was me." The Queen of Fairies moved her hands up along Cz's sides. "No hard feelings right?"

"What do you want," Cz asked only because she could not comprehend the little white haired girl's intentions. Previously she had been aggressive to a fault, and now the subdued physical intimacy seemed completely and utterly confusing. Moreover, unlike Shannon and Jenny, Titania was not warm and soft, but rather cold and hard.

"I have a proposition for you, that's all," Titania said coyly, placing her head underneath Cz's bosom in a 'hug.' "I think even you might find it most agreeable, even as the dumb doll that you are."

BlackHarte | A.I. Vermillion

"I mean no enmity," BlackHarte said softly, his body beginning to shift and churn in the digital space. Almost as if his constituents had begun to bicker among themselves. "For one thing I take. I must given up another thing." His voice was slightly distorted, but still understandable.

BlackHarte turned his attention toward the body relinquished from his grasp and torn out of the floor. "Stupid people," he muttered, referring to Rugal, "why take dead that already. What done have I do this? Must stop his being from being existing this place."

BlackHarte paused and turned toward A.I. Vermillion, "Protect the people by making them not die. We not living. But want live. To live another must die. Enough not biomass. Body new maketh." The mass of nanites gave a sharp cracked laugh, "S-one of D-rkn-ss. It --ne is by b--ng mi-e. M--e mi-e mine! Corrupt by not being pure yes die now what!?"

Again the surface of BlackHarte's body rippled, and the technomorph regained some of his composure. "What was that...?" BlackHarte turned around and looked at the dead body, "What is she dead? Why did I not save her? Why did no one save her? Life is precious. Why. What." BlackHarte paused again, "Who is that? Who are you?"

Sea of Chaos
Location: Outer Worlds
Time: Distorted​
Nessaj | Armageddon

Fire. Fire was everywhere. In the absolute cold darkness, which should have been only punctuated by the faint white light of stars and worlds, fires raged in massive clouds. There was so much anger and chaos in the sea that Nessaj could hardly believe it. He urged Armageddon onward, the rider and steed drove through the fiery clouds toward a distant world. He had been tasked with on goal by the Lord of Nightmares, and that goal clanked heavily in his chest. The Stone of Darkness, forged by misdemeanor in timeless past was smothering the chaotic flames in his heart. Fire that should have presided in Chaos was now leaking into the world of Order and upsetting the realities.

He needed to make it past the stars and into a world that he knew would be a safe place to hide from that which sought the stone. One last time he urged Armageddon faster toward the world before him. A star made of brilliant sapphire blue light.

The (Un)real World
Location: Writer's Beach | Hawaii
Time: October 12, 2013​
Armageddon | Nessaj

The rider slumped against a palm tree, exhausted. His orange flames had nearly completely died out. But he felt at peace. the waved washed against the black sands in a steady rhythm, and the soft calls of the ocean rang through his hollow body. Armageddon was sitting nearby eating some of the lush green grass that grew nearby. Despite the warmth of the Autumn sun, he was cold. As cold as he had ever been.

It was almost too late. Almost too late, when Nessaj saw the wide-brimmed hat bob up and down through the foliage. "Long time since I've heard anything about this place." The distant figured muttered. His voice was boyish. Not quite a man grown, but no longer a child either. Nessaj turned his head and looked at him. Not enough strength in the rider to call out.

"I wonder if anyone left anything here from the last arc."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Hallway: Jenny, Slindis

[color=c200]"I just try to show them how to do things properly, even if some of it does involve rather strenuous training, Tira knows I've had to struggle to get any sort of coordination with Teri, and I've had to work hard with Rugal to get her any kind of endurance. It's a good thing Garm's around to aid her, because otherwise I'd be extremely concerned with havin her in any real fights."[/color] It was odd how she could confide so easily in Jenny, but Jenny felt like a long-lost teammate or sibling of sorts. To be fair, it also helped that they were around the same height - something Slindis was actually glad about, since it didn't mean that she had to crane her neck to look into her eyes.

If anything, the drow was calm in her own way. Bit odd considering what had happened over the past few days, but it looked like she'd seen crazier stuff before and arrived on the other side of it intact.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Doctor Chef Shawn.
Wanderer/Shawn/Doctor S.
Location: Rising Dawn | Roof/Shawn's Sniper Shack.

The wind of the roof still felt like razor blades as the good Doctor and Wanderer, Shawn stepped out of the elevator to the roof. "Annie Leonhardt ... I'll be sure to remember her name." He said and clicked his heels together as he came upon his Shack's entrance. The turrets immediately recorded him as a owner and soon SID his mister handy robot came out and welcomed him back. "It is good to be back, I'm just here to grab some cooking ingredients and drop off my supplies." Shawn said with a smile as he placed his liquid and other science/medical equipment down in his workshop.

Walking outside his self made home with the ingredients, it only took a couple of minutes for the Wanderer to wander into the kitchen. Ignoring the chef imps, he immediately put on a chef apron and hat. Planning the meal he decided to cook noodles and his signature omelette to Annie, for Deadshot he will do Mac n' Cheese and Brahmin Wellington.

Turning on the cooking machines he will use, he prepared his ingredients. Being the complete insane person he is, he went to the radio the imps were playing and smacked it. Soon a song played as he began to cook up the dishes. Yet he did not realize that he cooked for sustenance and not quality. Perfect for the prisoners, although the recipes he was cooking were from the finest places in his home, the Wastelands.

Soon enough the song filled the kitchen, canteen and the halls near the canteen.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: David West's Room: David, Ton Ton

Ton Ton gave David a small nod before hopping off the bed, [color=15650D]"I think I'll do that. Thank you, Mr. David. At the very least, you did help me think this through a little bit..."[/color]

After leaving David's room, however, Ton Ton heard a familiar voice over the intercom: [color=3897E0]
"Your confrontation with User: Slindis will not be necessary, User: Ton Ton. I've already seen to the matter."

Ton Ton was a little confused by the message, but shrugged his shoulders. There wasn't any reason to NOT trust the AI (after all, he was made by his very Writer), and said, [color=15650D]"Uh...Okay. I guess that's the end of that... Is the rude lady okay?"[/color]

"She has been attended to by Her Ladyship and User: The Wanderer. Do not fret."

Ton Ton perked up after that, saying, [color=15650D]"Great! So she will be okay then... Welp, I'm off. Good luck with Bernstein."[/color] before walking off to the Canteen.

"I won't be needing it."

Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal

Dimitri paused, having relayed his message to the Tonberry, and spoke to Rugal, [color=3897E0]
"The C.O.D will be changed sir, on account of the factor of your emotional distress and your current levels of inebriation. That being said, you were not the murderer in question. Subject: Annie Leonheardt is to blame for that.

In regards to your methods of information gathering, yes. You did indeed cause quite a bit of problems. User: Jenny would have been more than sufficient to find the appropriate data necessary for your queries. All of that being said, however, and I will take a leaf out of the metaphorical book of past and Present users in saying this, but is not the fact that you feel something regarding these actions a good sign? The guilt you feel is still a sign that you are able to atone for your actions. At least, I feel that is what Her Ladyship or User: Slindis would say..."

Teri's Mind Sadei | Tama

Tama gave a thumbs up to Sadei's efforts to comfort their shared body, and added, [color=0E59E4]"Yeah, Leviathan was pretty tight, but Bahamut, he was the shit. As for the dragon thing, there's a reason I manifested as one at first... We've loved dragons since We were a child. It's only natural I assumed that form when given a place of power."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Brig: Deadshot, Annie, Teri

Teri looked to the floor when Annie accused the Dawn of being willing to use any sort of means to gather information, and shook her head, [color=0E59E4]"That's not true. At least, not completely. I thought Da- I mean, Rugal, was better than that. As far as I remember, torture is not usually on the list of methods the Dawn employs. It's certainly not something I condone."[/color]

Looking back up again, she held up the cuffs again, [color=0E59E4]"As for helping you, it's simply the right thing to do. As a wise man once said, 'You don't need a reason to help people.' Sure, you've done some really bad things, but I'd want you to go to a prison and atone for your sins, not be brutalized here. I can even say the same for that man in the cell next to you, even though what he's done is wrong too. Now, how about that bath?"[/color]

Ella | Caim | Cadolbolg

Caim scratched the back of his head with an expression of discomfort, and looked away,
"I don't know if you should go in there. It's a bit complicated at the moment. We think a spell went wrong with Devon and it's made him kinda sick. Just let Angelus and Melethia try to sort it out."
Cadolbolg, however, being the honest child he was, turned his head in confusion and let the cat out of the bag, "You mean that thing that turned him into a girl, right? Yeah, it's safe to say Friend Devon's more than a little upset about that."

So much for being discreet.

Devon | Angie | Mel

Angelus hung back a little as Devon vented out her frustrations regarding the last couple of days, not really sure how to comfort the bard. However the sight of the note did bring up a few questions,

"Devon... I know this is stressful for you right now, as well as what you've with me about earlier, but perhaps you could tell us what that note says? I'm afraid myself or Melethia cannot read that language, whatever it is. And if I am to understand correctly, it has to do with your predicament?"

BlackHarte | A.I. Vermillion

Vermilion only looked at BlackHarte with an air of confusion, seeing as the nanite being had suddenly shifted to a moment of nonsensical jabber, and then switched back to sounding dignified and coherent. The process of the change was unsettling, to say the very least. However, Vermilion did what she could to answer all the questions properly (and possibly bring some sense of normalicy back to the conversation),

"I am AI Vermilion, one of several currently on the Rising Dawn. That being in the morgue was under the name S'zami. She was killed by a poison that was not detected until too late... Do you remember who you are, BlackHarte?"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Teri | Tama | Sadei

In an odd way, Sadei was finding it incredibly easy to talk to Tama. Perhaps the contrast helped with this? [color=B05FE9]"Well, you're more than happy to give her her edge, so one of us has to be able to provide her with comfort here. Now that I know more, though, it really makes sense that you did go for a dragon. And what's Leviathan but a dragon of the seas?"[/color]

Ton | Imps

When Ton-Ton entered the Canteen, he could feel the disquieting presence of a Daemon in there, but it felt odd. Was it mixed with something else? It didn't feel too strong, but the fact that there was one there in the first place and he hadn't noticed it before now was reason to worry in itself.

Devon | Angie | Mel

Surprisingly, Melethia went and did her best to help comfort the funny Bard lady. Maybe it was because she'd seen the former man doing his best to help the others, or maybe because it was just kind of sad to see this happening to someone that was such a good friend of Teri and Ella. "We'll help get ya through this, okay? Just get it all out an' we'll start gettin' ready to make the person that did this change ya back."

Devon did her best to get some semblance of coherency so she could at least explain the note to them the best she could. [color=00c863]"I-it has everything to do with it... it's her doing this, and I can't do anything to change it... not unless I want to completely give myself up to her. I can't, I just can't! I don't know what sh-she wants, but the fact that she went this far means it can't be good... what can I do now if Ageha's got me screwed no matter what I choose?"[/color] It was still rather hard to discern the meaning of what Devon was saying, but it would be hard to most anyone to keep their composure when the only way to regain their identity was by making a deal with the devil.

Ella | Caim | Cadolbolg

Ella saw Caim and Cadolbolg running off somewhere near her, and something told her that she needed to follow them. She wasn't quite sure what the feeling was, exactly, but that same gut had gotten her to Devon and out of hell, then later back into the safe embrace of the Rising Dawn.

"Just let them try to sort this out? Screw that! I need to check up on Devon, and to hell with you if you're going to stop me!" It was a bit of a surprise when Ella pulled out her Kama from the Wheel and used it to pry the door open and rushed over to the distraught Devon right when she mentioned Ageha's name.

"You... What... My mom? How could she...? Why would she...?" The Demi-succubus was beginning to tremble, and her quiet voice held a lethal edge to it. Her mood wasn't helped when she read the letter that Ageha had sent, and her body tensed up in anger. How dare she do this to Devon?

Unfortunately, this wasn't helping Devon's state too much and Angelus could see that her pupil was starting to curl up on the bed again.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Dimitri

Rugal just kept blankly staring at the ceiling, the rage that filled him earlier now gone.
"...I don't know...Just...It was strange....It felt like...I just switched off and became...Well..."Me"..." He sighed, the entire torture would just be another day in his former life.
Hell, it'd be his 5pm appointment right before dinner.
"...I would like to be alone...Send that report, Sign it under Mr. West. UNIT still isn't entirely aware I'm running this ship." He ordered as he walked over to the mirror and began glaring at himself.
...So much for changing... He thought as he stared
"Damn fucking straight." His other side answered

He paused for a moment as his reflection seemed to respond to him, a Evil smile on it's face as he held up a glass of wine.
"...Cheers..." It mocked before taking a sip.
It was then Rugal realized that he had just done the same, causing him to freak out and punch the mirror, smashing it in to a dozen pieces.
"....God, I'm losing it..."

Rising Dawn: David West's Room: David, Ton Ton

Shutting the door after Ton Ton left, David then locked it, looking to get some peace or at least not be in the crossfire when everyone went after Rugal for...Well, being Rugal.
He feel face first on the bed before drifting off to sleep, not even bothering to dry himself off after that shower he had

Rising Dawn: Hallway: Jenny, Slindis

"True. Still, She has lots of years left, I'm certain she'll be just fine..." Jeny reassured the Drow, noting she seem a lot less Tense all of a sudden.
Then again, who here was tense around the resident psychiatrist.
[sub]"...God, I'm losing it..."[/sub] They heard Rugal groan a few rooms down right after the loud sound of glass breaking.
"...What was that?...Was that Rugal?"

Rising Dawn: Brig: Deadshot, Shawn, Annie, Teri

"...Yeah, Don't mind me. Just...sitting here..." Deadshot mused as there was most likely some R-rated Girl-on-Girl action going on behind that screen, he was just counting the seconds before he heard someone "Rub my back."
It was then that Annie began to go on about her values and whatnot.
"She might be onto something...Teri, was it?...I mean, I managed to pay off 2 cops to help me kill over 100'000 people because someone else pay paid me to. In the end, it all comes back to money..." He mused, attempting to inject himself into the conversation.
The sound of struggling and splashing as Annie reacted put him on the edge though, prompting him to sit up and attempt to make out what was going on, just in-case it was a situation of "Like Father, like Daughter.".
"...Annie...You okay?...Are you okay, Annie?...Come on, work with me, what happened?" He asked, accidentally quoting Micheal Jackson in the process.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - The Rising Dawn's Brig: Teri, Annie, Deadshot

Deadshot was more relieved then he let on when Annie answered him, returning to his sitting position once she was done.
"...So? Dude was selling a means to kill a Titan. I can't see why the hell someone wouldn't want that...No offense..." He said, recalling that she herself was a Titan.
"Still, you get that everywhere. Get me a large enough Checkbook, I'll buy you a Army Issue Main Battle Tank right from the General himself. Give me extra for a tip and I can even get a pretty red bow on it as well. No one is going to stop a man from buying more weapons then he will realistically ever need...
Least in this country, Gotta love America..."
He added, adding a low chuckle to the end of his statement.
"But yeah, Always lookout for No.1! That Merc-101 right there..."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Dimitri

Dimitri could see that his work was indeed done, considering how Rugal had realized the error of his ways... Hopefully. With a simple,

"It will be done"

The AI made his presence much quieter now, as he returned to his surveillance of the ship.

Ton | Imps

Ton Ton felt himself grow on edge when the Daemon-like presence hit him, and looked around the room with an air of caution. Already as he approached the group of imps, the Tonberry felt on edge, his weapons appearing to him without willing them too. That alone was more than enough to alert Ton Ton that he was close to his query. But where did it lie? Only one way to find out.
[color=15650D]"Daemon, by the power vested in me by my Mistress, I command you to show yourself and not wallow in your cowardice of hiding among the Imps ranks!"[/color]

Devon | Angie | Mel | Ella | Caim | Cadolbolg

Caim and Cadolbolg found themselves being shoved out of the way by an angry succubus, and didn't even try to fight. They knew that she was Devon's beloved, so she had some right to know what was going on with the bard. However, upon seeing Devon curl up in an attempt to defend himself from Ella's rage (even if it wasn't directed towards him at all). However, hearing the parts about Ageha being Ella's mother (as well as Ella being outraged) was more than enough to incriminate the new ruler of hell. Caim felt his hand go to his sword on reflex, anger rising in his breast when he knew someone other than Devon's magic had caused this affliction,

"Where is she? This 'Ageha'? I believe we need to pay her a visit and show her what happens when you mess with one of our own...."
Cadolbolg's tail swished dangerously, almost reflecting his father's attitude when it came to punishing Ageha for messing with one of his better buddies. However, Angelus stepped in again,

"Calm yourselves, all of you. Before we start worrying about finding the guilty party, I think there is a more pertinent matter."

Giving a sharp glance to the now sobbing wreck that was Devon, Angelus drew the covers over Devon in a manner Caim found familiar...It was rather similar to how she had acted around the Cuties when they fell asleep,

"We're going to work through this Devon. However, the first things first. You're absolutely certain that this character is the one responsible? Before we can do anything to reverse this, we need to make a plan, alright?

.....And, is there anything you'd want us to do right this moment? Do you wish to be left alone?"

Teri's Mind | Tama | Sadei

Tama grinned, well, moreso than her "mortal" form would allow, the Glasglow cuts grinning grimly, [color=0E59E4]"Exactly. Leviathan, Bahamut, any sort of dragony being appealed to us. The dragon was a form We always associated with power, so power I took. As for mental stability, seeing as I exist at all, that's probably more your forte.

Huh, this ain't so bad...I almost feel, pleasant...."

Rising Dawn: Brig: Deadshot, Garm, Annie, Teri

[color=0E59E4]"SHIT! I'm so sorry, Annie!"[/color]

When Annie reacted as she did to the water, Teri's swear reverberated in the room, an obvious indicator that the Cleric was distressed by accidentally triggering the Titan Shifter with the water,

[color=0E59E4]"Again, sorry about that. I'll a lot more careful with the water next time..."[/color]

Garm had wandered in at this point at the sound of all the noise, but relaxed when he saw nothing wrong with his pup, and settled by the pile of Teri's things, keeping a close eye on Deadshot and Annie as Teri did her job.

Teri gave a wave to the wolf, and then focused her hands over the water, a silver cross necklace that was wrapped around her wrist acting as a divine focus as the water rose in a small column [], [color=0E59E4]"Just stick your head in that when you need to rinse off."[/color]

After instructing Annie about the column, she paused and thought over what both Deadshot and Annie said and then answered back, [color=0E59E4]"I don't think that people are inherently good or evil. It's a matter of the choices you make to achieve your ends. Even if the both of you have done terrible things, if you have a will and a desire to do good, then you can make yourselves good. I-"[/color]

Teri paused, looking to the ground again as she remembered what she had wrought as an Author, the countless sorrows and burdens given to those she controlled, the lives she had taken with the powers given to her, and the carnage created in the Otohime mech when rage overtook her. Closing her eyes for a moment, the Cleric wiped the moisture threatening to accumulate on them with a spare arm before continuing,

[color=0E59e4]"Lord knows I've killed people too. In horrible ways even, methods that I've long regretted using. But I'm trying to change that now. If the world is so bad, then I have to make myself a force of good in it. If everyone in the world just lies down and accepts the world is so bad, then what's going to change, Annie? Nothing.[/color]

[color=0E59E4]Even if myself and a few others are the ones willing to do good in the world, it's better than nothing at all. And that, to me, is why I feel my God hasn't forsaken me just yet. It's because I try. And I try, and I keep trying! I know I'm going to keep screwing up, but how else will I learn how to do it right the next time? If I just gave up on working to be of use when I first came aboard this ship, I wouldn't be here. If you gave up the first time you tried your military training, you wouldn't have had the skills you have now. If Deadshot...Er... Well, he's good with a gun, right? Even he had to start somewhere with earning his moniker.

And I believe the same of you both trying to be good. If you want to be good, you have to work for it. Maybe the results won't be the same, but if you really regret the crimes you committed, I believe there is hope for you yet.... Do you understand now?"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Teri | Tama | Sadei

Sadei went and handed Tama some tilapia on rice while she continued to talk. In a way, her childish enthusiasm could be infectious. Perhaps the contrast helped with this? [color=B05FE9]"Strength is always nice, but there's something to be said about not having to use it to harm. maybe something to protect others? It's what that Drow Slindis does and did...

Come to think of it, I like the passion you give Teri too. As long as it doesn't go too far, it's invigorating!"[/color]

Ton | Imps

On that rather bold challenge, Ton-Ton found that just about every imp in the Canteen along with a good majority of those in the kitchen popped in to start the assault, and the light scent of perfume that they all had quickly became cloying in such close proximity. If it wasn't for his natural fortitude, he might have become sick to his stomach!

[small]"Don't you get it, little knight? We aren't hiding in the ranks: We've overtaken them. Now die."[/small]

The rather large force spoke in unison as it charged the Tonberry, and a good distance away from the door as well. Ton-Ton's knife would have to cut through nearly four dozen imps without tiring - many of which had made his food and drinks for himself and his family many times.

Needless to say, something had gone very wrong, especially from the confused thoughts he was getting from his buddy Cadolbolg. And his only way to make sense of it would involve a rather fierce fight.

Devon | Angie | Mel | Ella | Caim | Cadolbolg

After a translation of what the note said in a language everyone could understand, Ella tapped her foot and scowled. "Devon knows she's stuck, and for good reason. Would you hand over a blank check to your soul over where the person on the other side has control of all of the terms? Damnit, Ageha! You just couldn't leave well enough alone with us, could you!?"

Surprisingly, Melethia went and did her best to help comfort the funny Bard lady. Maybe it was because she'd seen the former man doing his best to help the others, or maybe because it was just kind of sad to see this happening to someone that was such a good friend of Teri and Ella. "Oh, wow... Dirty move there. If I see her, I'll get this woman right in between the ribs."

Upon Angelus' question, she gave a frightened nod as she did her best to not really touch her new parts in the vain hope that ignoring them would make them go away. [color=00c863]"Yeah...that's her... I know that handwriting and that perfume... I wish I knew what to do, but I don't, okay? I wish I could do something to change this, but I can't do anything about this... Could anyone? And Melethia, why would you be so kind to someone that's caused so much trouble for you?"[/color] ALthough it wasn't a lot, Devon was certainly appreciating Angelus' caring for her and showed it by getting a bit closer to both Angie and Melethia.

"Ya wanna know why? Since you've been here, you've been passed only by my sis in doin' all ya can to help others. Sure, some of it might be silly, but there's no way we'd made it this far without ya. And ya know? I never forgot when ya gave me some of your own blood to keep me alive." With that, Melethia nearly crushed the newly-minted Devon with a rather tight hug. One thing that was rather apparent to both Angelus and Ella, though, was that Devon's old boxers were extremely ill-fitting.

"Redscale, Miss Ella, wanna find Sis? She's gonna need some underclothes that fit: The armor might resize, but it won't be nice against some areas there." She looked over to the two, ready to find Teri.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Teri | Tama | Sadei

Tama accepted the food, and gave a little wave over it, adding some additional meat to the dish, [color=0E59E4]"Thanks munchkin.

But yeah, Passion. Anger. That's where I dwell. It's probably why I like the training Dad gave Us so much. It's what I like doing. I'm up close and personal when it comes to how I deal with shit. But... If fussy britches (Teri) wants to not hurt anyone, and is willing to take the steps to do that; I'll support it. But if someone's trying to kill us, I still think it's a bit silly to not want to fight back. But I'm the violence in Our head, so take me with a grain of salt. And speak of the devil... Oh, this ***** pisses me off. I fucking hate nihilists."

The droplets of blood that dripped from the Glasgow grin grew in number as Sadei could feel the rage growing between Teri and her inner darkness.... Fury fed the Shadow, and Teri was desperately trying to keep herself reigned in.

The Rising Dawn's Brig: Deadshot, Annie, Teri, Garm

Teri was surprised by Annie's cold rejection to her appeal for compassion, and the more she listened to Annie's speech about how humans weren't were jack squat, the more she felt anger rise in her chest, especially with the comparison to dogs being put into play, what with Garm being right there. The Cleric felt an intense desire to slap Annie right now for her words, but knew that would be well beside the point. Instead, she kept her silence as she scribbled on her Tablet to give Annie a change of clothes (to which they did appear on her form, rather than in her arms), make the items in the cell disappear, and reattach the shackles to Annie's arms (which Annie also noticed had a snugger but much softer feeling to). Following that, she left the cell and began to put her magical equipment back on, speaking as she did so,

[color=0E59E4]"I will have to disagree with you, Annie, on several accounts. The first being on my view of you. I would not see you as scum if you did as you said you would. Rather, I would see you as a threat to those around you, which brings me to the second line of thought.

Life is precious. All of it, from the lowest dog,"[/color] she spat that word with a venom that could have emulated what Annie used on her blades, [color=0E59E4]"to the richest billionaire. And frankly, I've noticed that you don't cherish it one bit. The reason I have agonized for what I have done is that I realized what happens when I take a life. Each person who dies by my hand means something to somebody, be it a family member, a neighbor, or a person they say hi to walking down the street. So, I have taken steps to reduce that number. But you? Oh, you great hypocrite![/color]

[color=0e59e4]You try to make me feel bad by saying that my efforts are in vain when I try to do something about the state the world's in and what do you do? What HAVE you done? You've added to that pain. You've added to that suffering. The moment you decided to kill S'zami with your poisoned blade, and when you decided to become a Titan, you added to that problem. You didn't have to do that. You could have kept the conflict between our group and you. Hell, even running to the Desert would have been a better move.[/color]

[color=0E59E4]But what did you do? You ran right into the city. You destroyed homes, killed hundreds of thousands of innocents, and attacked a place not equipped to deal with people with your degree of power. The police, or the fire men, or any other sort of force to defend weren't the problem there, Annie. You were.

I admit, I did try to appeal to your better nature. I hoped that there was something inside you that wanted to be good. I still do, actually. But you also forget one thing, Annie. To be a better person, to be GOOD, you need to take action; not just declare your attempts to be good. The declaration is but the first step. The rest of it is DOING things to help, not just complaining about how bad it is. I never said that I alone could solve any of the problems you listed. I said I was one who was trying to do at least a little bit more good than what was before. So, even if I can't solve all the problems out there, I do make SOMETHING better. And you know what, that's not the only way to do good things. You can do good by fighting against a particular problem you don't agree with, such as starvation or pollution. Even if your voice is small, joined with others, it makes SOMETHING of a difference.[/color]

Teri took a moment to breathe before shaking her head, [color=0E59E4]"Your apathy will lead you to unhappiness, no matter what you do. If all you think you say or do will lead you to nothing, or has no point, why do you even want to live? You certainly put enough effort into keeping yourself alive.... Garm, let's go."[/color]

And with that, the Cleric mounted her wolf, and walked out the Brig, leaving Annie and Deadshot alone in their thoughts. Along the way however, a 'ping' appeared over the rings, and Teri found herself being pulled into another issue of some kind... Something with Devon?

Ton | Imps

Ton took his stance, his knife at the ready, but somewhat unwilling. What had lead to these imps to be possessed by his greatest enemy? Regardless, he knew that once the Daemons took hold like this, it was far to gone to recover the Imps. So, in charged the Tonberry, Knife flashing and Lantern at the ready,

[color=15650D]"I gotta be careful, or else this will end like the time before I was taken from the Mistress. I must be strong! Cadolbolg, can you hear me? I need your help!"[/color]

Sending his call to aid to his Pact Partner, Ton began his beginning sweep to one of the imps, the Daemon Hunting blade cutting down his first opponent like butter on a heated blade. The second to attack received a blade in the eye, the third a whack of the Lantern. However, many more were willing to take their place. This was not going to be easy on Ton Ton's own...

Devon | Caim | Cadolbolg | Angie | Mel | Ella |

"Alright, Devon. Teri'll be here in a few moments.."

Cadolbolg perked up immediately after hearing his pact partner's cry, and vacated from Caim's shoulder without a second thought. Obviously, Ton Ton needed his aid, and what sort of shoddy pact partner would Cadolbolg be if he didn't answer?

Caim was slightly surprised by his son's quick departure, but shrugged, supposing the action to be on part of Ton Ton or some kind of childish vigor. In fact, it may be a good thing that Cadolbolg flew off. Gaining independence wasn't so bad...

However, the peace that was the realm of Caim's thoughts did not last for long, as Teri arrived on wolf back and hopped into the room. However, what the Cleric did not expect was for Devon to be, well, as she was....

[color=0E59E4]"Devon..? My eyes must be deceiving me, because the last time I checked, you weren't a girl..."[/color]

"Master of subtly you are, Cleric."
"Caim, there is a reason she's here, remember? Now, would you kindly sit outside? Teri, we need your help in garment acquisition. Particularly of the kind that women wear.."

Teri blinked a little, and waited to Caim to leave, (and noticed Caim just gave a sort of disinterested snort where Teri was concerned) before scribbling on the Tablet and poofing in a variety of undergarments for Devon to try to her fancy (seeing as no one knew the proper type for the situation. However, with the bath Annie got and all the other things poofed and de poofed, it was readily apparent that Teri was starting to get winded from the efforts. Teri slumped in a chair after doing her work and waved a hand in questioning, [color=0E59E4]"So... How?"[/color]