The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Doctor Chef Shawn. INSANE trigger activated.
Wanderer/Shawn/Doctor S.
Location: Rising Dawn | Main Kitchen.
While the ship was relaxing yet tense due to the latest battle, loud screaming could be heard from the canteen.
Was mostly the phrase used before I giant clash of metal clanged through the halls. In the actual kitchen, the Lone Wanderer was in the middle of cooking when his insane trigger was pulled due to the amount of technology in the room. Right now he wore a deep pan on his head and was throwing multiple knifes at every single thing in the room, apart from his ingredients of course. The Imps in the kitchen were scared as they hid from the chef looking Doctor.

Soon even more crashing was heard as the Wanderer knelt down on the table next to his work station in the kitchen.
"Oh Father, why did you leave me ... TO MAKE DINNER. I don't know how to do this shit!" He yelled in the kitchen and grabbed a almost escaped Imp. "See, this pepper shaker doesn't work." He commented as he almost snapped the neck of a Imp but dropped it in sadness. "FUCK YOU NARRATOR, you don't control me!" Was the words he yelled towards me. *Sigh* This happens quite a lot to this man.

"Stop ... talking, you ass." He muttered as he prepared the ingredients in the meantime Actually managing to set up everything for cooking, he stepped back and searched through his Pip-Boy. Suddenly wearing a welder's mask and wielding a flamethrower (Flamer in Fallout) he began to cook the food with it. Soon enough, the flames started to fill the kitchen. Luckily for the occupants they escaped before the flames reached them.

The Wanderer then began to yell and laugh insanely now!
He said out of control but suddenly the sprinklers turned on and put out both the flames and the flamethrower. Taking his welder's hat off and putting his flamer back where it came from, he looked at the dishes and marveled with sparkles in his eyes. "Hmmm, Perfect'o" He muttered as he plated them up and started to skip to the Brig again.

EDIT for Ton Ton.

Yet, more imps poured out from the kitchen where loud music and yelling came from. It seemed to be on fire and soon it was out. If it wasn't worse enough a weird smiling, Doctor man came out skipping with two plates of weird food. Weirdness and madness was a highlight of this event.

Rising Dawn | Brig

Skipping towards the brig, the Wanderer certainly disturbed many of the ship's crew and possibly AI ... even a women he had never met before but looked prone to a chainsaw or two. Not caring a bit, when he came to the brig once more he coughed and cleared his throat, then suddenly Teri came out, mounted her wolf (Which he just noticed) and left, having his hands full the Wanderer only waved goodbye with a sort of creepy smile. The Wanderer knew something went on in there.

The insane part of him has stopped firing for now. Kicking open the door lightly, the metal clang lightly filled the brig as the Doctor looking Wanderer came in again. "Hello everyone and thing. I have bought dinner for our one lovely prisoner and our very faceless and dirty other prisoner [sub][sub]who I may experiment on later[/sub][/sub] but that does not get in the way of a good dinner!" He yelled in a happy tone as he started to place the meals down, just noticing the dark atmosphere..

Going by Deadshot's cell, he still saw the Whiskey he placed inside still not drank.
Frowning towards Deadshot that he had not drank his totally spiked Whisky, Shawn placed his meal on the ground.
"Okay, after this ... drink your damn sleeping juice grandpa!" He said to the prisoner as he shuffled his tray in.

In case the pictures did not say anything, it was Mac n' Cheese (From the pre-war era) and some Mutant cow wellington.
Moving past the next cell quickly, the Good Doctor came up Annie within a weird feeling. Placing the meal down in worry he retreated back, grabbed a chair and pulled it in front of Annie's cell. "So ... here is your meal. You can do me a favor and tell me how you are feeling and the possibility of what happened."

With the meal, it was clear Annie got the better deal.
It was simple noodles and his very own Wasteland omelette, filled with many kinds of mystery meats.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: David West, Ton Ton, Imps


While Shawn's power ballad would be lauded at any other time, the fact he timed his cooking with the first decent wink of sleep that David had gotten over the last few days quickly resulted in the reverse being true.
".......AHHHHHHHHHRRGGGG!" The Sniper screamed as he pulled himself out of bed wearing only his jeans, Gun Holster and socks and began marching towards the Canteen and the source of that racket.

Kicking though the door, he shouted "RIGHT! WHO THE HELL IS PLAYING STAN BU-...."
In his efforts, he managed to attract every single rouge Imp in the room, seeing how he was a MUCH larger target then Ton Ton.
An extremely awkward en passe ensured as he saw what was going on, only to be broken by-
[sub]"Oh Father, why did you leave me ... TO MAKE DINNER. I don't know how to do this shit!"[/sub]
"...*Sigh*...[sub]God Dammit Wanderer[/sub]..." David cringed before the Imps Resumed their attack.

Thinking fast, he rolled to the side and grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall before throwing at the nearest charging Imp, The Metal canister weighting more then he did.
In the same motion, he pulled his M500 from it's holster before firing at the Red Object, causing it to blow and fill the room with a Blinding white smoke.
Quickly getting swarmed, What followed was something worthy of the song that Shawn was violating in the next room.

[sub]"After all is said and done
You've never walked, you've never run,
You're a winner."[/sub]

"AHHHH! GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" He shouted as 5 of them managed to latch onto him before clawing at him, pulling at his hair and face and generally re-creating the Graveyard scene from Army of Darkness.
Slamming his back to the wall to rid the one on his back, his arm scrambled for the first object he could find: A fork.
Using it to the best of his abilities, He managed to pull one off his face before stabbing it though it's wing and pinning it to the wall, unable to free itself.
This led to one climbing up the back of his head and pounding on his head like a set of bongo drums.

[sub]"You got the moves, you know the streets
Break the rules, take the heat
You're nobody's fool."[/sub]

Trashing from Pain, he did what seemed like a good idea at the time: Picking up a plate and crashing it over his head in order to knock it off his head, you can imagine how well that worked, what with the Imp wisely moving out of the way.
"Owwwwww...[sub]I deserved that[/sub]" He groaned before the offender climbed back on, allowing him to grab hold of him this time.
Struggling with it, He managed to grab it by the horns before shoving it into the Salad bar, attempting to drown it in a vat of Mayonnaise.

[sub]"You're at your best when when the goin' gets rough
You've been put to the test, but it's never enough."[/sub]

This was of course until No.4 managed to nail him in the back with one of the Canteen's folding chairs, WWE Style.
"OWWWWWW! YOU SON OF A-" The Sniper growled as he attempted to take the Chair away from his attacker, each side pulling in an attempt to wrestle control over it.
Smirking, he then let go, causing the Imp to end up striking himself in the face and knocking himself out.
He then pulled out his gun and charged the remaining Imps.

[sub]"You got the touch
You got the power
When all hell's breakin' loose
You'll be riding the eye of the storm"[/sub]

Holding his extremely large gun by the barrel, he began using it as a Blunt Object, slamming the butt of it into the attacking swarm, not having enough of an opening to line up a shot.
While he wasn't as strong as the likes of Rugal or Caim, He was able to hit with enough force to Bat them out of the air and into the walls and tables of the Canteen.
[sub]"You got the heart
You got the motion"[/sub]

This went on until it was just him and the Head Imp remaining, the latter clearly realizing this ambush was going a lot better a few minutes ago.
Still, it was able to get the upper hand, grabbing David's Weapon before attempting to fire it at the Sniper.
"OH SHI-" He managed to get out before his instinct kicked in, prompting up to flip a table and take cover.
The Head Imp fired, though the Recoil and Kickback was enough to give West time to react: Jumping over the Table and Drop-kicking him into the Order Counter, causing to crash into it and leave a sizible dent in the male.
[sub]"You know that when things get too tough
You got the touch."[/sub]

"oohhhhh...Fuck...[sub]My...[sub]Life...[/sub][/sub]" He groaned in pain as he laid in the middle of a competely ruined Canteen, with Imps laying on the floor and walls all around him doing the same.
Shawn then skipped by, too wrapped up in his own madness to really notice the warzone.
"...Ton Ton...[sub]Mind getting me a Club Orange...[sub]No ice?...[sub]and a straw?...[/sub][/sub][/sub]"

Rising Dawn: Brig: Deadshot, Shawn, Annie, Teri

As Shawn arrived, Deadshot poked at the Mac and Cheese he was handed, While he didn't know that the Box Shawn used was over 200 years old, he had a feeling that something was up.
The meat wasn't much better looking, it was like it was from a cow that was born in a Toxic Waste site.
"...I'll pass..." He said, not really trusting whatever cooking skills the Wanderer claimed to have, at this rate, the safest thing to do would just be to maybe start a hunger strike.
"...Yo Annie, I wouldn't touch the food. This guy is...well...Himself." He warned his fellow prisoner, hoping Shawn didn't try something similar with her meal.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Teri | Tama | Sadei

Sadei went and handed Tama some tilapia on rice while she continued to talk. In a way, her childish enthusiasm could be infectious. Perhaps the contrast helped with this? [color=B05FE9]"Okay, Teri, I know you're angry at her, but you did the right thing by just chewing her out. Attacking her would've proved her right... Maybe after a lot of time, she'll learn?"[/color]

Ton | Imps

Thankfully, David and the Wanderer's aid turned what would be a rather grueling fight into a rather quick mop-up scene with broken bodies of imps all around them. it was a shame that the smell of blood didn't quite mask up that damned perfume. However, the fact that the imps had attacked so suddenly was worrying in itself. Who'd sent them to try and kill the tonberry? They were under Devon's control, but the two were so close it was hard to imagine it could be from him.

And then there would be the second issue of how they'd explain that they'd killed so many imps in the first place. After all, Devon seemed to be rather protective of the guys from what they'd seen...

Devon | Angie | Mel | Ella | Caim | Cadolbolg

Teri's arrival and summoning of the various undergarments invoked a rather shaky and downtrodden statement from the girl on the bed. [color=00c863]"...I'm sorry, Caim, but could you please turn around for a bit? I'm already uncomfortable enough as it is having to get dressed like a little child... And try to go easy on Teri, please? She's got good reason to be confused..."[/color] Although she was a girl, the way she spoke made it rather clear that this was Devon.

On Teri's inquiry, Melethia as more than a bit blunt when she spoke out loud to her clearly confused and tired shster. "Devon musta done something to make this Ageha somethin' or other real mad, and somehow slipped her a delayed curse item. Whoever this Ageha is, though, she's strong enough to change a Bard's known spells..."

Ella held Devon in a light embrace and then handed Teri the letter that Devon had gotten. "It's all in there. I know our little Ember (Flagrun) was showing you some INfernal, so it shouldn't be that hard to read at all. If nothing else, Ageha does know how to keep things simple to read." From the way she spat out that last name, it was clear to Teri that there was some rather bad blood between Ella and Ageha now.

Indeed, it was rather easy for Teri to read (albeit with a few stumbling blocks, but the words around those areas made it easy to discern) and the full extent of what had happened was rather apparent. Luckily for Devon, she could get some assistance from Angelus and Ella in finding out how this all fit even if the process as a whole was still rather crushing to her ego.

[color=00c863]"You've got it wrong, Ella... I'm supposed to be helping you out of these; you're not supposed to be helping me in them... Are they supposed to feel this large? It's like I could break my back here."[/color] Even though she tried to laugh, this was probably the lowest any of them had seen Devon. After a bit of hunting, the right size was found, but it was definitely larger than what a man would have..

Slindis | Jenny | Rugal

[color=c200]"And I have worked with more uncoordinated people in my time, so this won't be as bad. It might start with a lot of fatigue-based pain, but she'll be stronger for it in the long-term... That was Rugal, Jenny. Would you like to help me check on him?"[/color] Her relaxed mood went back to that rather stern demeanor that Slindis was famous for, and she made her way to Rugal's room rather quickly.



Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Teri | Tama | Sadei

Tama accepted the rice and fish meal again, taking a few more bites out of the dish before continuing, [color=0E59E4]"Damn straight that ***** needed sorting out! I hate people who talk like that. If life's so fucking worthless, then go off yourself. Well, maybe not, but at least take the 'life is meaningless' bullshit elsewhere. Whoever talks like that is a fucking buzzkill and needs to find something better to do with their lives instead of complaining."[/color]

The Shadow took a couple more bites of her meal, and continued, [color=0E59E4]"Now, as far as setting that woman straight, that's easy. I told you before, kid, it takes a ***** to get shit sometimes. And sometimes I make us rather bitchy."[/color]

Tama paused again when the duo felt another wave of emotions wash over the two of them, and realized what the source was, [color=0E59E4]"Oh...He's involved in all this.... Fasten your seatbelts, munchkin, this won't end pretty."[/color]

Ton | Imps | David | Cadolbolg

Ton Ton looked at the carnage around them, still confused as to why the whole incident had happened at all. However, first things first. He had to check on David. Wandering over to the Irishman's side, Ton Ton shook David a little, [color=15650D]"Mr. West? Mr. West? Are you okay? Please, say something aside from drink ideas!"[/color]

And it right at this part Cadolbolg appeared, looking both confused and relieved that Ton Ton had came out of the battle unscathed, "So much for coming to help... Everything okay, sans the imps?"

Ton nodded slowly, [color=15650D]"I think so. However, I'm a bit worried about Mr. West. Help me prop him up. I'm a little worried though. Those imps were possessed by the Daemons, or something similar to them, when we were fighting them. Something's horribly wrong here."[/color]

Cadolbolg gave a grunt as he helped prop up David against a wall in the Canteen, "Agreed. But why would they be possessed?"

Devon | Angie | Mel | Ella | Caim

Teri read the letter over a few times, and then her jaw dropped when she realized what that last bit of Infernal meant, [color=0E59E4]"...Lord of Hell, Ageha? That can't be right! One second, Devon."[/color]

Fishing out the amulet from underneath her robes, the group saw as the Cleric squeezed the amulet with her eyes closed, and in a flash of light, a familiar (former) Archangel appeared before them. Clad in a fancy looking Italian suit, blonde hair slicked back and eyes as blue as ever; was Lucifer, the Fallen, former Lord of Hell.
The Angel flexed his wings for a moment before sighing, "Teri, you and I have been over this already, I can't associate with you anymore. We're throu- Oh."
Lucifer paused when he realized that there was far more than just the Devil and the Cleric, and his eyes went to the now transmuted bard, "...I see. Care to explain what's going on, Teri?"

That was when Teri shoved the letter in the Devil's face (or as best as a 5'1.5" girl could), [color=0E59E4]"How about you explain THIS? I thought you were supposed to be watching over that place for God? And the next thing I know, some ***** named Ageha has turned Devon into a woman! What the FUCK, Lucifer? This kind of negligence is a new kind of low, even for you."[/color]

Lucifer would have said something, but the color drained from his face when he realized the cat was out of the bag. Wings slumping, the former Prince of Darkness leaned against a wall and explained to the party how Hell had found out about his consorting with a Cleric of the Enemy, and how Ageha had used that to discredit him and throw him off the throne,"And I've been on the run from Hell since, slowly grabbing what bits of power I can manage with the few who will listen. And if Ageha's moving against Devon...Then she's doing it to get back at me. Of course, that Nail in your pocket'd be a hefty prize too, kiddo. Boss knows what she'd do with either you or him. An Author or an artifact. She wins either way."

Of course, the next thing that happen Lucifer did not anticipate. A gloved hand found it's way to Lucifer's jaw; one that was connected to a very angry Caim. Of course, he wasn't the only one. Ella took the chance to bring her own fist to Lucifer's face as well. However, with Damage Reduction and healing properties, the blows didn't last for long on the Angel's immaculate countenance. Still, he looked to the floor as Caim was the first to begin,

"ALL OF THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU AND [b]HER[/b]?! Your inability to keep it in your pants is what lead you to be thrown from your seat of power, and get all of us caught up in the crossfire! Wow... I knew I loathed your arrogant kind already, but this is SO much worse. It's bad enough when you act as you do, but when your affairs bring everyone down with you, I can't help but wonder why people revere your kind so much.

[b]And you.[/b]"
Caim had turned his gaze to Teri, his cold blue eyes locking with hazel, fixing Teri in place with the worst death glare Caim could muster,
"I was beginning to expect better of you, given your efforts around here. But [u][b]no[/b][/u], I realize that you. Can't. Change. No matter what you do, your efforts ruin someone else's life, your want for drama being a core function of your being. [b][u]You[/u][/b] are what I hate most about the Authors, because as much as you preach and pray about changing yourself and making yourself useful; you're just as much dead weight as you used to be. I know right now that if I plunged my blade in your neck, you'd die and take me and the rest of my own with me. And the fact you reveled in what we suffered, makes me question if you set this up on your own."
Teri didn't move from her spot when Caim's words cut through her, the doubts she had experienced being thrown in her face by the man whom she felt she owed the most to. Not only did her actions indirectly lead to Devon's current situation, she knew what Caim said was true. She hadn't changed at all. Shaking, Teri could only blink before her eyes watered, a tiny, [color=0E59E4][small]"I'm sorry."[/small][/color] tumbling out of her mouth as she felt paralyzed by the swordsman's gaze.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Teri | Tama | Sadei

It was a shame that events had led to this standoff, and it was clear that Sadei didn't quite know what to say to help Teri. [color=B05FE9]"Um, it's not worth dwelling on the past? I know you didn't plan this, so don't act like it... It's that Lucifer's fault..."[/color]

Devon | Angie | Mel | Ella | Caim

As the tensions in the room rose to a boiling point, Devon did what had seemed impossible for her a few minutes ago: She stood up and placed herself between Caim and Teri. [color=00c863]"Both of you, stop it! I know this sucks for me, and I'm not sure if it can be fixed. There's one thing I do know, Caim, and it's this: Ageha was the one that wrote that curse. Ageha was the one that stripped me of my only out. Teri only did what she felt was right, but she made a mistake. That's her thing, but I'm not abouot to have the both of you at each other's throats!

Please, just hear me out. This might be what she wants, you know? I don't want to see any of you here get hurt over this, so do me a favor and try to tolerate if not cooperate with each other? I can forgive Teri for her mistake, because we're still human. I just don't want to see all of the people I care about trying to tear each other apart because of one unfortunate thing; work it out for my sake if you've no other reason."[/color] Although she was the second shortest person ther behind Melethia, it still didn't stop Devon from doing her best to help.

"If you want to blame it on someone, look at my ***** of a mom that seems determined to kill all of the joy in my life just because she's a bitter old lady. Now then, would you help me get Devon used to how she'll need to dress for now? I'd like to keep her at least looking decent." Even in her state, Teri could see that Ella was still willing to be close to Devon.


After watching the three leave the room, Melethia looked over to Angelus and tugged her sleeve. "Want me to help massage Mister Caim's back? Just 'cause I usually go to stab someone in those points doesn't mean I can't knead them to let some stress out." Maybe it was a bit forced, but that room needed the enthusiasm that Mel was putting out there.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: David West, Ton Ton, Imps Good!Imps

"...A Rasher and Egg Sanger (Sandwich) would also be nice..." David groaned as Cadolblog and Ton Ton propped him up, The Sniper was all scratched from the Imps claws, but nothing worse then he'd normally get.
"Relax, I'm fine...Just...Was kinda hoping to just get some Zs..." He sighed as he looked at the mayhem he caused, the sounds of several dozen imps groaning filling the room around them.
"Righhhhhhtttttt...We're going to need to clean this up." He said before walking into the kitchen to find something to throw them all into and hopefully get them off the ship before Devon showed up.
Walking over the remains of both the Canteen and Shawn's attempts at cooking, he began to pull out some empty potato sacks until he heard a metal banging nearby.
"Oh now what?..." He sighed as he pulled out his gun before checking one of the freezers where the banging was coming from.
Unlocking it, he was greeted with the slight of 5 imps all tied up, shivering and covered in frost, most likely the few that didn't want to take part in...whatever the hell that Ambush was about.
"...What the Crap- Hey, you guys alright?" He asked as he began to untie them, hoping to get some answers.

Rising Dawn: Brig: Deadshot, Shawn, Annie

"....Eh, to each their own..." Deadshot shrugged, though he wasn't going to touch his food anytime soon, Hell, he'd rather wait until he went to UNIT before he ate.
Speaking of; "So Rads-For-Brains (Shawn), How much longer we going to be here? Last I checked, it was UNIT who was in charge of arresting lairs and thieves like my good self?..." He asked, not wanting to be around here for the next Session to start.

Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Slindis, Jenny

Rugal was standing there for a good minute, his mind trying to process whatever the hell just happened.
He snapped out of it when he heard footsteps nearing his room, which was in a right mess after his minor bender.
As Slindis went to knock, she heard the lock shut right as she neared the door, something was up.
Jenny leaned in and knocked before asking "Excuse me, Rugal?...You alright in there?..."
"Indeed I am, Just still filling out that damn report for UNIT." He answered, using this lifelong honed skill of lying to cover for him as he scrambled to fix up the place, unaware that he still smelt of Gasoline.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
It is actually a Wasteland omelette. XD
Wanderer/Shawn/Doctor S, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.
Not getting any information out of the girl, Shawn sighed but turned to Deadshot after he spoke.
Since he did not eat his food, the Wanderer took this as a personal insult. Not only to his cooking, but to his skills.
When this type of thing happens he usually goes out to demonstrate his skills in a very insanely matter. When the Wanderer turned around, Deadshot could see his big glowing eyes behind his dark lucky shades.

"Why the hell would I know. All I am is a Doctor, scientists and all-round-killer." The good but insane Doctor said in a non-caring way. Wanderer didn't care if this person got taken or not, as long as he is around he could do things to him, which made life more fun on this ship ... apart from the robot building, weapon making and insane events he usually does. Entering Deadshot's cell, he picked up the Whiskey he made especially for Deadshot and looked at him with a very creepy smile, probably bordering on insane.

"Seeing how you are not eating, I cannot allow that. My skills can garuentee at least that this stuff is edible ... and since we all want you to live, especially me, we have three choices." The Doctor said as he placed the Whiskey on the ground to the right side of himself. Then he grabbed the plat of food and placed it in the middle, then he pulled a scalpel out of nowhere and placed it to the left side of himself.

"Now those choices ...
One, you can eat your food ... the easy choice and would cause less hassle to me.
Number two, I can get you drunk and force feed you. Simple yet rough.
And duh daa daaa~, number three. I can put you under, cut through to your stomach and see if I can place all this food within your stomach and patch ya all up. Personally the last one is my favorite, I can both experimate and have fun with you ... it is win-win~!
" The good Doctor cackled with sanity after he spoke.

Looking towards the sharpshooter he leaned in. "So ... what will it be?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
You have chosen...poorly...
Deadshot, Wanderer/Shawn/Doctor S and Annie
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.
Deadshot shot Shawn a confused stare.
"...." ...THESE...are the people who arrested me?...Fuck My Life... He thought as Shawn kept staring at him as if he lost something in his head between now and the last time he was in the brig.
"...You have some SERIOUS emotional issues, don't you?..." He said before glancing down at the 200 year old Mac and Cheese, really not looking forward to putting that gunk in his mouth.
""The doctor wants you to live Deadshot..."
"...Somehow...I...doubt that..."
"I'm going to trust him enough to eat, so it would be best if you did too."
"...O-okay then..." The assassin finally relented as he pulled over his tray, hesitating as he dipped his fingers into it, seeing how he wasn't really given a fork or something.
Still, at Annie's request (And out of hoping it'd get Shawn to stop looking at him like that) he had a mouthful.

His expression soured before he rushed over to the sink to spit it out, retching and coughing as he did.
"UUUUUGGGHGHHHHHHH!.....CHRIST!....HOW DO YOU-.....Uhhhhh, It's like Sour Milk and fucking Dust!" He shouted before looking for a way to get the taste out of his mouth.
As a result, he grabbed the Whiskey and used it to wash down the awful 200 year old Mac and Cheese.
"....oyyyyy...Prison Food can't be this bad..." He sighed, taking a another few gulps of the spiked Whiskey, already feeling a little...strange...
Taking a moment to react, he sniffed the bottle, knowing instantly what Shawn just did before gripping the bars of his cell in anger.
"...Ohhhhh...[sub]you dirty[sub]motherfucking[sub]rambledabble[sub]crazy[sub]person...[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]" He slurred on his slow decent to the floor of his cell, audible snoring quickly filling the air.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: David West, Ton Ton, Imps Good!Imps

THe imps rubbed their wrists and looked relieved that they'd been taken out right then. "If it'd been any longer, we'd have been on a trip back to the big fire, and the ones you had to fight out there were part of the new management. DID take them out, didn't you?" The tallest one looked around for more of the ambushers before finally catching some of the carnage that had happened out there, and the other four imps turned to each other to find out which one would have to tell Devon what had happened here.

Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Slindis, Jenny

Slindis noticed the odd smell and made a small inquiry to Rugal. [color=c200]"After you finish, you need to clean off... you smell of something, although I can't really place what."[/color] Fortunately for Rugal, Slindis wasn't too familiar with Gasoline...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Bad feelings.
Wanderer/Shawn/Doctor S, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.
Feeling of the presence behind him did worry the Wanderer, although that did not remove his smile from his face as he looked at Deadshot. "[sub]Told him to drink his sleeping juice.[/sub]" The Doctor muttered as he laid Deadshot on his bed, clearly not planning to do anything. Turning around he picked up the scalpel his placed on the ground. "I have already hurt him enough, especially since I fucked up his big plans." The Doctor chuckled as he gripped the scalpel till it turned into nothing, that was all to the human or eyes of Annie, he actually placed it within his invisible inventory.

" ... although for his own life, I would have operated on him if he didn't eat. It would be terrible if he died before those people came to pick him up." The Doctor said back to Annie who was directly in front of him and unshackled. In the Wanderer's mind he could always come back at one point to do stuff to Deadshot, but it would be for the better and good of his research. The good point about his experimentations are that he doesn't like to cause pain to the subjects. Sometimes you just can't avoid hurting some people.

Not moving from his position, not showing fear but a smile. A single person could not tell if this smile was out of happiness or insanity, it was probably both. "Now about you being free and all. Honestly I would welcome it if I knew you were not going to steal something or escape. Best thing for you to do is ... well probably that you go back to your cell, stay there and wait until you can prove you are trustworthy. I'm guessing you are just like the rest of us, this isn't your world and it will be some time before you go back ... just like me." The Good Doctor said, not removing his weird smile and looks.

"If I remember, you caused great pain to some of us ... one of them is even in the infirmary laying in a bed whilst their loved one weeps besides them. Saying sorry might help ... " The Doctor said again but his look turned to curiosity and thought.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Second chances.
Wanderer/Shawn/Doctor S, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.
Nodding with Annie, the Doctor did agree with her at some points. "I guess that is true." He said whilst pondering, he remembered that the Slavers of the Mojave or Caesar's Legion as they are commonly known placed bomb collars on the prisoners and slaves. Terrible things, you put them on and once you get out of range it goes off and the wearer is no more. Shaking his head, the Doctor looked up to Annie. "It was nothing ... this just reminded me of a slaving legion I was enemies with back home. They placed collars on their slaves and prisoners, but they would explode if they tried to run. Luckily enough I hate the things and that these people had the good graces to not equip on you." He said with sadness as he remembered many prisoners falling victim to it, even himself was equipped with one when he visited the Brotherhood of Steel in the Mojave.

"Yeah ... they are not comfortable. That Legion makes it more torturous with their methods." The Doctor gave a small smile and scratched his neck as he remembered the feeling of the collar. "But yeah, I'll follow you around ... and not harm will come to Deadshot ... from me at least." Wanderer gave a shrug at everyone else's thoughts. Going outside the cell he fetched a pair of handcuffs and placed them on Annie.

Taking her outside the brig the Doctor was stuck in thought. "Since I am the person I am, I'll give you a tour around the ship. If we find anyone I'll introduce you ... and I will make sure we avoid the big red monster who has taken fake commander status of this vessel. Although I know several people who disagree with him and his position. Me, myself agrees with them." He said to her as they began to walk.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
[HEADING=1]Hey guys, its a new arc, look at that![/HEADING]

Airship Rising Dawn: In the Skies

A single week had passed since the incident in Las Venturas, the sun was high, and the weather was clear for flight on the Airship. All was pristine (give or take the shaky relations beginning between the prisoners and the crewmembers) for the week, and for once, the group felt they could let the air out.... At least, that was too ideal of a thought.

As the crew members did their various tasks on ship, a wave of fatigue washed over them, causing each and every one to (eventually) fall to the floor and slip into unconsciousness. As all this went on, the AIs looked at the proceedings with equal parts shock and confusion,

"Vital signs are looking stable... "
"What on earth caused them all to fall asleep..?"
"Dimitri, that might be the least of our problems... INCOMING SPATIAL DISTORTIONS!"

The Realm Between Realms

A vision of a butterfly fluttering through an impossible landscape [] filled each of the Rising Dawn member's minds, which was obscured by a flash of white light and the sudden relocation of each member, prisoners included to a... place of sorts. They found themselves in what appeared to be a blue void, the only semblance of solid ground being a fenced in dais surrounded by 6 grand pillars that rose to impossible heights. And in the center of this Dais, was a man with a mask, beseeching each and every member, prisoner and otherwise, "Welcome. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Philemon, a dweller between consciousness and unconsciousness. And now, a simple test. Can you state your name?" []

Angelus was first to speak, stepping forward and proudly raising her horned head as she declared, "Angelus, a dragon of a long gone world."

"Caim, former Prince of Careleon."
[color=15650D]"Ton Ton, Guardian of the Mistress and Hunter of Dream Daemons."[/color]
"Cadolbolg, son of Caim and Angelus!"
[color=0E59E4]"Teri Gravel, 8th level Cleric and 1st level Monk of the Christian God."[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Now that Teri's mentioned that monk level, I should put this down.

For that weeklong period of Rest, our party Cleric has been going through extensive training with Slin and Rugal (talked with this to Crim and Diabs, naturally; and we approved WAAAAY back about it); finally pushing her to take her 9th level, it being a level in Monk. Here's what's happened when that happened:

Insert fanfare here []
Teri has become Level 9! This level is taken in monk, bringing Teri to Cleric 8 / Monk 1!
This Monk level brings Teri the following (cause 1st level monks get cool shit):
NOTE: Scores listed do not account for equipment bonuses.

With Extensive combative training from Slindis and Rugal, the following has been made possible:

+1 Dexterity, bringing it from 9 to 10! She is no longer a clumsy idiot!
+1 Constitution, bringing it from 10 to 11! She is gaining a bit of vitality!
+2 Charisma from Devon's Tome, bringing it from 12 to 14! She is learning how to deal better with people!
(Actually, she's had this book for a while, I forgot to write it down....)
+2 Wisdom from Slindis' Tome, bringing it from 16 to 18! She has learned how to be wiser!
+2 to Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves! (making each 8, 4, 9 respectively) Purify the body and the mind, and all that good stuff!

Monks get 4 + Int skill points (In Teri's case, 7)
Teri has put these skill points in the following:
+3 in Ride {Dex} (to which the skill Hide was removed), bringing the skill to +3!
+3 in Tumble {Dex} which brings the skill to +3!
+1 in Concentration (Con) which brings the skill to 12!

Access to Sun Stance and Ocean Stance! These stances can only be used one at a time. Using both would be silly. :p
Adept of Flame: Fire Stance now grants +2 Strength at a cost of -2 Wisdom. While in Sun Stance you gain 'Hit Effect: Gain 1 ki.' and 'Critical Effect: Gain 3 ki.' (effectively lowering cooldowns on Ki based attacks like the Reppuken) Strong, but less accurate and prone to getting hit more often

Adept of Rain: Ocean Stance now grants +2 Wisdom, +2% dodge, and +3 to all Saving Throws at a cost of -2 Strength.
Defensive, and less likely to get hit, but weaker hits.

AC Bonus When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC; essentially using her brains to be able to dodge more often.

Unarmed Strike At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may even make unarmed strikes with her hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply her full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.

Usually a monk's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.
A monk's unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons. At Teri's current level, her unarmed strike is 1d6 damage.

Flurry of Blows:

What it looks like, sans head explosions. Teri's not even close to powerful enough, nor willing to do that.
When using flurry of blows, a monk may attack only with unarmed strikes or with special monk weapons (kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, and siangham). Her attack bonus (Read: Accuracy) is reduced by 2 when using this attack; but it allows for more blows in a shorter amount of time. She may attack with unarmed strikes and special monk weapons interchangeably as desired. She must be standing still and focusing upon one enemy when initiating this attack.


In becoming a monk, Teri gets the choice of a Martial Arts Bonus feat. She (with training on Slindis' part), has learned Zen Archery [], and is now proficient with longbows and Shortbows. This feat allows Teri to remain centered with bows, use her Wisdom score in place of Dexterity to shoot a bow and can use Flurry of Blows while wielding a bow. In this time, Sadei has learned how to transmute herself into a longbow.

As of becoming Level 9 character, Teri gets a feat! She, from bonding closely with Garm, has gained the feat Natural Bond [], which essentially allows Garm to be stronger than ever, and reach his full potential as a Winter Wolf!

(In Wild Cohort [] terms, with natural bond, Garm counts as -9 effective level on the table of animal companion bonuses, due to his type of animal, and 'counts' as 'level 3' on the table, gaining the bonuses from there, and more for when Teri gains levels.)

Winter Wolf

Size/Type: Large Magical Beast (Cold)
Hit Dice: 7d10+21 (57 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+14
Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d8+6 plus 1d6 cold)
Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d8+6 plus 1d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, freezing bite, trip
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, low-light vision, scent, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6, Survival +1*
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Track
Environment: Cold forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-5)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items
Alignment: True Neutral
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)

A winter wolf grows about 8 feet long and stands about 4½ feet at the shoulder. It weighs about 450 pounds.

Winter wolves can speak Common. (Yes, ladies and gents, Garm is gonna start talking at some point. With his Intelligence modifier of 9, he has hit human levels of thinking.)
[color=365D60]"Hello! The color used to illustrate my speech will be '365D60'"[/color]

Winter wolves typically hunt in packs. Their size, cunning, and formidable breath weapon allow them to hunt and kill creatures much larger than themselves. A pack usually circles an opponent, each wolf attacking in turn to exhaust it. If they?re in a hurry, white wolves try to pin their foes.

Breath Weapon (Su)
15-foot cone, once every 1d4 rounds, damage 4d6 cold, Reflex DC 16 half. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Freezing Bite (Su)
A winter wolf deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage every time it bites an opponent, as if its bite were a frost weapon.

Trip (Ex)
A winter wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+8 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the winter wolf.

Winter wolves have a +1 racial bonus on Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks. Winter wolves have a +2 racial bonus on Hide checks. A winter wolf has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.

Weaknesses: As cool as all this monk stuff is, it comes with a rather large caveat. Now that Teri has taken monk levels, she has to worried about being centered.

A Centered state of being is a critical component of the Monk class. Several class-specific benefits are lost while a Monk is not Centered, effectively switching off the Monk's central powers.
-Teri loses her Armor Class Bonus gained from monk levels.
-She cannot use or attain the benefits of any Monk-specific stances.
-Teri cannot use Flurry of blows while uncentered.

The most common way that a monk becomes uncentered is by being encumbered. A monk must not be encumbered in order to keep centered.
Monks cannot wear any armor except robes or outfits in order to keep centered.
Monks cannot use shields.
The kama, shuriken, handwraps and quarterstaff are the only weapons most monks can use without being uncentered. Because of Zen Archery, this allowance is extended to bows.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Airship Rising Dawn: Rugal

In the last week, Rugal became somewhat reclusive, venturing out of his room only at night or to help Teri train, not wanting to talk with any of the crew.
Despite having done it possibly thousands of time in the past, that last bout of torture got him rather shaken up, not to meation that business with the Mirror.
Keeping his door mostly locked during that week and burying himself in both whatever busy work he could coax out of the AIs to take his mind off..."Relapsing".
"-As such, I do believe that our Airship should be covered under your "Insure Anything for a year" Deal....Well, Not my problem you[sub]uhhhhh...[/sub]" he said before he passed out, leaving a rather confused Insurance broker hanging on the other end of the phone.

The Realm Between Realms: Rugal

The second he opened his eyes, he was on edge, figuring instantly that it was some sort of knock out gas or something.
Confronting Philemon he declared "You have 10 seconds to explain yourself before I get...extremely unpleasant."
He was clearly having none of what-ever Philemon had planned.

Airship Rising Dawn: Jenny

The last week was a slow one, so Jenny was doing her best to part ways from the ship and get back to her home.
While she was worried about the State of Rugal, She was unable to get a read on what exactly was going on in his head, And the less said about Devon's situation the better, but she didn't want to get caught up in something before she could get back to New York and to her clinic.
At least there, I can talk Devon though this while the others figure out how to help him...her?...???... She thought, wondering what term she should used for the cursed bard.
She was just checking her LONG over-due bills in her room when she felt...really...[sub]sleepy...[/sub]

The Realm Between Realms: Jenny

"....This is a dream..." she instantly concluded when thought returned to her, having seen enough of them to know.
She looked over to Philemon and answered "...Jenny...Excuse me, but...Couldn't you have contacted us another way? You didn't need to put us to sleep...".
Looks like she wasn't going home after all...

Airship Rising Dawn: David West

The last week was a weird one for David, while nothing had happened, He still was unable to get back to Richardson at UNIT, bet that Senator he brought up was making a much larger racket then the Brigadier put on.
On top of that, he was still adjusting to Devon's new "Problem".
Okay, next time to you meet her...him, just keep eye contact and keep telling yourself she's a dude...HE'S a dude...GAH! WHY THE HELL CAN'T I CATCH A BREAK WITH WOMEN!?! He thought to himself at he did his usual session at the Bar, being painfully reminded of how lucky his love life was since "Breaking up" with Elena.
After all, everyone on this damn ship was spoken for.
"....Whoa....This...[sub]is...[sub][/sub][/sub]" he managed to say as he thought he was having a strange reaction to his drink.
Strange, it was only his 20th shot...

The Realm Between Realms: David West

When he came to, his first thought was Alright, where did I wake up this time?..., being a veteran of many MANY blenders.
His mind was still burly from drink, his mind attempted to fill in the blanks when he found himself in such a strange place with a gentleman asking for his name.
""aaahhhh...Not the Drunk Tank again...David West, Agent of UNIT, Call my CO, send the bill to him...oyyyyy......
....You are the best dressed police officer I've ever seen..." He stated as he slowly began to wake up mentally.

Airship Rising Dawn: Deadshot

While Annie was lucky enough to get some perks such as being allowed out the brig every once in a while, Deadshot wasn't so lucky...
Why does she get to walk around? He's nearly killed more then me! And Directly too! I just set them UP to be killed, not actually stomp on them and shit! he thought as he worked on his 2nd escape attempt.
"Ohhhh...God that smells..." He cringed as he nearly managed to get the toilet in his cell loose enough for him to remove when the cameras weren't looking.
Then he got really...really tired.
"Uhhh...what's up with my hea-....WANDERER! YOU[sub]lowsy[sub]little[sub]prick[sub]faced[sub]prick...[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]" He cursed as he passed out, beleiving Shawn had tampered with his drink again.

The Realm Between Realms: Deadshot

"....Whoa....I don't remember taking Acid..." Deadshot said as he woke up, seeing the others here.
"....Dude....Either I'm outside of my cell or I'm tripping BALLS right now!" He said, figuring that if he could make them out as something other then colored blobs that he must be rather close to them.
Staring at Philemon, He said "Okay....Why aren't you a giant anthropomorphic Uzi? Frankie is usually my spirit guide for these trips...Eh, Deadshot. So...You going to tell me to burn things too?"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Airship Rising Dawn: In the Skies

The week after Devon's change hads resulted in a few things. First, Ella ended up spending a lot more time around Devon as the couple worked together in all of the training, and there were more than a few times where Devon was mistaken for a new member of the ship. It was somewhat easily corrected, even if it did lead to more than a good amount of embarassment a few times. She'd also spent a good deal of time aiding Annie, even if she couldn't really explain what had happened to the prisoner.

The moment that they were called into the realm between realms, though, Ella, Devon, and Ton-Ton were all getting rest from a long day. It hadn't always been like that, but Otherwise Devon was kept awake with the nightmares in her sleep.

Slindis had spent a great deal of time working with Rugal to help Teri train physically, and there was more than a few awkward times to be had when she heard about the cursed form her Author had and how it had came to happen.

As for Melethia? She was busy helping the few remaining imps with some traps being placed around the ship.

The Realm Between Realms

Phil's question prompted the answers from the small group, all of them honest even if they were a bit unsure of what was going on. Slindis had the closest idea thanks ot experiences back home, but they weren't quite like this.

[color=c200]"I'm Slindis, Parent to Melethia and Teri and the last Paladin of Tira Miron."[/color]
"Hiya! I'm Melethia. My mom's right there, Wheathair's my dad, an' Teri's my sis. Whatcha need, Mister Phil?"
"Ella. I don't really want to talk about either of my parents right now, but Devon right here is my lifetime companion. And apparently, I'm also the nesting place for Cadolbolg." Indeed, even in this dream state Philemon could see the turtle-dragon nesting in the demi-succubus' hair.
[color=00c863]"Um, I'm Devon. As Ella just said, we're kind of a thing here. Also, I'm the br-sister to Ton-Ton and Cadolbolg and the student of Caim and Angelus. It's nice to meet you, Philemon..."[/color] The Bard [] was currently holding the Tonberry in her Arms, something she'd started doing during the week after her change.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Rising Dawn
Time: Before​

Cz sat alone in her room, thinking. The air was cool and dry and the soft shade left is faint soft wetness on her pale skin. She ran her hand through her hair and played with the tangles and curls. What am I to do. The little ***** had made a fair point. This group did seem to cause an obscene amount of destruction. Cz sighed and placed her head against the wall. For once she tried something new. She tried to sleep.


Core unit failure. Hard disk error detected 600102 partitions of 13322051 corrupted. disabling tainted units.

BlackHarte stared blankly at A.I. Vermillion. "..." And then he removed himself from the Rising Dawn mainframe, plopping his physical body out in the terminal in the shower of that one room delegated to all of his masters.

Realm between Realms
Location: Aetherial Dias
Time: Distorted​

Cz stared at the man, her eyes were blank. It was strange. Her fingers felt warm and her hair tickled the back of her neck. Her body was so... sensitive suddenly. It felt as if a thousand new sensations were assaulting her. The chill of her silks on her skin and the soft winds of this plane. Suddenly her iris adjusted to the light and the entire area came into before her. The man asked her a question, and Cz felt compelled to answer.

She opened her mouth but no words came out. In fact, her throat was raw and she couldn't really force the air out of her lungs. Then she realized she never took a breath. Slowly she drew the air into her lungs and breathed out, stimulating her vocal chords as she did. The sensation was nearly overpowering and made her body shiver. When she shivered, her robes rubbed against her skin and sent another powerful surge of sensation. Cz felt as if her legs were going to fall out from under her. What am I? Speaking for the first time?

"My name is Cz, Peacemaker. Keeper of humanity."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

and Shawn/Wanderer/Dr. S.
Location: Rising Dawn | Med-bay/Canteen.
Within the medical bay, the couple of Sean and Miku were besides each other. The injured Spartan was resting on one of the bay's beds and the AI vocaloid was besides him, actually sleeping on his lap. Storm was mostly glad about this, he could finally stroke her aqua hair. Smiling each time, both the fatigue of the muscle strain and mystical force made the Spartan lay back and closed his eyes, hoping that he would be back on his feet by the time he wakes up. After all he still needs to repair his armor and still needs to see the new member they captured the two weeks before.

Right now, sleep was most welcome.
[color=nvayblue]I love you[/color].
"I love you."
They both spoke to each other mentally.

The Canteen was bustling as usual, over these two weeks the Wanderer has been close to Annie. Sure he has not been talking much, but he has been keeping track of the girl. Both evaluating her behavior and actions, Shawn smiled at the progress she had been making. Each night he kept his journal up to date about everyone. Although his biggest focus has been more on his own experiments, he had been fascinated with the formula that he tried on the Titan girl. Yet right now he wanted to focus more on his weaponry and robotics.

Suddenly, fatigue had set in by force. Everyone in the Canteen had fallen asleep, fighting this he wanted to document this before he passed out. Scribbling on his notepad, he swore to himself as he fell on the cold table. Luckily enough he had not ordered any food before this.

The three people had actually not been transported to the place as the others.
They simply remained in sleep for now.
It was not their time for this.

Return of the Truth.
Yu Narukami.
Location: Japan, Tokyo | Kirijo Group Building.
The city was busy, midday Tokyo was something to behold when it struck. Many, many people were walking everywhere. "Business as usual." He muttered to himself, Yu Narukami was in a very long Limi to the Kirijo building near central Tokyo. Viewing the city, it had been a hour since he had left his own home which was based in this city too. Yu Narukami himself was a main character for the Inaba incident which happened the year before. Even in Golden Week something big happened in Inaba again ... well the TV world. A fighting tournament was hosted and both Yu and his group of friends got to the bottom of the mystery.

Due to this he had met the Kirijo group, but mostly the Shadow Operatives which was leaded by Mitsuru Kirijo herself.
Yu was invited to the Kirijo building to talk to Mitsuru about a unknown topic, though Yu had listed it down to a couple of topics. Hopefully he will gain information which will lead both him and the investigation team to the person who was the mastermind of the latest mystery. Yet he also wanted to find out more about those guns they held and the information they knew about the Shadows ... maybe even about Mitsuru and their group adventures.

Gazing back outside, Yu was still surprised when he had seen this limo arrive outside his house to take him here.
Suddenly a rather large building was besides the limo. It was the Kirijo building, as huge as the company. "Thank you." Yu said as the driver opened the door and he jumped out. Looking back he still shook his head at he sight of the limo. Looking forward he entered the building and was welcomed with the receptionist who looked at Yu with curiosity but knew who he was. "Narukami-san I presume?" She said with enthusiasm, Yu himself nodded and showed some ID. "Good, Kirijo-san is expecting you. Please take this card and enter the elevator and go to the penthouse floor." The Receptionist and pointed to the elevator to the right.

Bowing, Yu walked into the luxury elevator and pressed the very top button. Not going up he saw a security system where you had to swipe the card to go anywhere. Swiping the card along the machine the elevator buzzed to life and spoke, "Level 10 clearance. Please choose a desintation." It said, Yu pressed the button to the Penthouse immediately. The elevator shot straight u, but Yu was calm as ever. Looking at the beautiful view, Yu played with the security card as if it was one of the arcana or persona cards.

"BLEEP BLOOP, Penthouse floor."

The elevator said as the door opened up to a very nice looking Penthouse. "This is pretty overwhelming." Yu said as he walked forward.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Realm Between Realms - Rising Dawn Crew

The new entity, Philemon, listened quietly as each member of the Dawn listed their names, giving a bemused smile at Cz's proclamation as keeper of mankind and to Rugal's initial indignation. The unpleasant feelings from some were to be expected, but a keeper of humanity? That was a new one. Nevertheless, Philemon had gotten (most) of what he asked for, and began, starting with Jenny's comment, "You are in a realm of unconsciousness, but that does not make this meeting any less real. Rest assured, none of the beings on your ship that were put into this slumber were harmed in any manner. This was but a simple matter of gathering all of you, seeing as with some,"

he indicated to Annie and Deadshot, "Are not exactly being trusted with being able to roam your home as the others, it may have made things difficult. When you awaken, you will find yourselves in the same physical condition you were before."

He paused again, allowing this to sink in before he continued, and opened a palm, exposing several rings similar to those given to the Dawn during the Angel Wars, "The reason I have called you all here is because I am in need of aid, and someone I have met has informed me that the group by the name of the Rising Dawn is the best when it comes to taking care of these sort of things.. Now, that same person has also given me these rings to bequeath to those lacking."
((The communicator rings, for the persons lacking them in the party))

The rings disappeared from Philemon's hand and appeared on the respective members' hands before he continued, "The reason I call for aide is because the world I watch over is in peril, and if it is not stopped, it will spread to other worlds, until all is covered in darkness. Your's too, sooner or later, will become engulfed. Naturally, some of you are going to ask why I have not taken on this problem myself. The answer lies in the fact that I cannot interfere, at least, not directly.

The cause of this issue is from my darker counterpart, Nyarlathotep. Long ago, he and I have come to a disagreement regarding the following question: Will mortals bring themselves to enlightenment, or ultimately revert to darkness and chaos? So, we watched humanity from afar...At least for a time. Nyarlathotep has interfered time and again to shape humanity in his image, but was rebutted by a group of mortals not unlike yourselves and sealed away. However, he has broken free after I am bound to remain outside of the events that will shape this answer, but Nyarlathotep has decided to act outside of the rules yet again, even after two defeats on his part.

However, if you agree to aide me after I ask, which you are not bound to do, does not break that rule. That being said, there is some that I can do. I can bring you to my world, to the place needing your aide, point you in the right direction as to how to combat this threat and grant you the power needed to fight against the Shadows that lurk around...

The entity in the mask paused again, and then nodded like he remembered something,"All of that being said, I know that nothing comes for free. In exchange for your services, once Nyarlatothep has been appropriately dealt with, my power can be focused elsewhere. In this case, to grant each of you a favor. Think of them as wishes, if that aids in clarifying what I will grant you.

Now, are there any questions?"

Kirijo Group Building - Tokyo, Japan

At the end of the lavish room was a familiar face at a desk. Mitsuru Kirijo [], a woman with wine colored hair clad in a dark colored skin tight outfit of sorts (Yu could never put his finger on why she insisted upon such an outfit, but if you're in charge, then one could wear what they want). Seated next to her was a younger girl [] with braided teal hair and gentle expression, Fuuka Yamagishi.

Upon Narukami's arrival, the first gave a curt nod, "Ah, you've finally arrived, Narukami-san. I take it the trip was uneventful? Naturally, I will find it same to presume you're wondering why I've called you here? Fuuka, if you would?"

The younger girl nodded and began, "Hello, Narukami-san. You have not met me before, but perhaps you remember me from that incident during Golden Week, with the TV?"

She gave Yu a small bow, [color=5F8B7F]"My name is Fuuka Yamagishi. I work in the Shadow Operatives under Kirijo-san's command, and I wield a Persona as you do. However, mine is unlike your's. Rather than being combative, it has granted me powers that allow me to sense what others cannot. Where Shadows are, their weakness, and so on. In fact, if I recall, you had a friend who had similar powers?"[/color]

Of course, Fuuka was referring to Rise Kujikawa, one of the members of the Investigation Team, [color=5F8B7F]"Now, I promise I'm not trying to brag, but this power has... Well, it's had me see strange and interesting things. And lately, what I have been seeing has been grave. I have been having dreams about a man in a mask, and he says that in a week's time, we will be meeting some people from another world. Furthermore, he said that you were familiar with this group... What was their name...?"[/color]

She pulled out a notebook and flipped to a page, [color=5F8B7F]"Ah, yes. The Rising Dawn. The man said that you would be familiar with this group, and they will help us with the latest suspected Shadow incursion; as they will be able to wield the Persona as we do. It's the reason you've been asked here, to see if you can help us ease them into helping them understand. Will you help us?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Realm Between Realms - Rising Dawn Crew


Rugal was calmed by the explanation, but there would always be a little anger at forcing them to "Save the world" again.
"So...The Realm you oversee is under threat...guess we can't really say No then..." He sighed, really regretting not being able to get those countermeasures installed on the Airship.
"So Tell me..."Philemon", What exactly is this... Nyar-latho-tep trying to do? While you made it clear that he has ill-intentions, you haven't provided any useful Intel to help us actually stop him. And I for one would prefer to have more to go on then a name I can barely pronounce before I am sent to a unknown realm..." He asked, hoping to a more precise objective.


Jenny shared much of Rugal's disdain for being pulled into another adventure, but she quickly got her head into gear, after all, this WAS an extremely important threat.
But when he refereed to "Shadows", she realized she had heard about them before, Teri, Devon, Even Shaun.
Shadows?...I wonder if he means... she thought, refraining from asking, seeing how she didn't want to bring up "Unpleasant Memories" for some of crew.
It was then she was reminded of that Burn on her arm that Devon gave her...

David West

"Yeah. Over here, David West..." David said as he raised his hand on the prompt of "Any Questions".
"...So...Is it possible to..."Sub in" one of our members?..." He asked, causing everyone to stare at him, thinking that he was wanting to replace one of them.
"Just, Personally, I believe that this is WAY over my head. While you guys are kinda used to this, I'm really more of a "80's Action Dude" sort of guy. President Kidnapped by Ninjas? I got that. But Saving...."Reality" from Assholes from H.P. Lovecraft?...Little out of my league..."
Realizing that he was just digging himself deeper, he finally said "Look, can you honestly say that either The Demonic Businessman (Kazuya) or the Techno Ninja who lives in space (Strider Hiryu) AREN'T better suited for this sort of thing?...
Just saying..."


Deadshot raised his hand, getting Philemon's attention.
"...Oh, um, this isn't directed at you, but I do want to talk about that reward in just a sec. Uh, Question for Devon:...Weren't you a Dude?...Just, I don't know if this is Acid, but I've yet to have a Trip where dudes have tits. I mean, if you were a REALLY fat guy, That'd kinda make sense, but I don't recall you being like that..." The Assassin then asked the Cursed Bard, clearly having never been given the memo about her condition (And why would they have given it to him? He's an Asshole.)
"And Back to Acid-Trip-Guy (Philemon): These "Wishes"...We talking actual "Bend reality as defined" wishes, Like wishing to back in time to win the Lottery or just "Name one thing you really want" wishes, like wishing for few billion dollars? Because if the former, I could REALLY see the quality of my life improving at the end of all this..." He asked, hoping that he could use that wish to get off the hook with UNIT AND the Rising Dawn for his crimes.

Or wish for a gun that shoots Shurikens and Lighting, That would also be pretty cool.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Realm Between Realms - Rising Dawn Crew


Devon was one of the first to speak up with her own inquiry. [color=00c863]"Pardon me, but who will we be working with? I understand if you want us to wait until we get there, but I'd feel a bit more at ease if I knew who we'd be with..."[/color]

After that, though, she had to answer Deadshot's question in a rather stern matter. Unfortunately for her, the effect was lost with her cradling Ton-Ton... [color=00c863]"It's a long story, and one that would need you to pick up a new language to understand. Before you ask, me and Ella are in a very comfortable if small relationship. It won't be expanding any time in the next few decades. Are we clear on that?"[/color]


"Ya mean that stabbing it won't work? That's real odd. From what I've seen, even ghosts die if ya stab 'em enough. Not that hard, really." The talk of the wish had something instantly secured in Melethia's mind, although she wanted to keep it from those there for the time being.


The demi-Succubus put the ring on and quietly marveled in how it would possibly allow easier talks before making a small quip. "I think I know enough about you outsiders to know that wishes aren't always given to the spirit, so I don't know if I can count on that kind of reward. 'Richest man on earth' might just make everyone poorer without increasing funds, for a classic.

I'll help, though, because I don't want to see their faces for a while. Maybe not ever again. Helping here's a good way to get away from them, and it's good enough for me."
The venom that was in her usually playful voice made it readily apparent to Caim, Angelus, and Teri that she was referring to her parents.


Slindis was about to inquire into the people they'd be working with as well as who'd sent the rings, but Annie's rather hard statement reverberated through her; she recognized that tone. That was the tone of someone that hated someone and would stop at nothing less than their death.

[color=c200]"Annie, was it? Would yoou mind explaining what Rugal did for such a fierce response? It's a bit outside what one would expect for being held in a cell alone, especially considering Deadshot's looking more for greed than anything else here."[/color]\