The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Realm Between Realms - Rising Dawn Crew


After hearing what Annie had to describe about what had happened, Slindis thought it all through before leveling an icy glare at Rugal. Seeing how Rugal had known Slindis to be someone that usually had superb self-control, the level of fury in that one look spoke volumes in itself. [color=c200]"Rugal, I know what you're going to say. That there was some mitigating circumstances that forced your hand, that you just had no other choice than to follow through with that atrocity is, right? That placing her into the brig just wasn't enough and that you had to mete a drawn out justice with your hands, right? There's only one small thing that you forgot.[/color]

[color=c200]That one fact is, you don't find out about people when they're in hardship. No, you find out about who they are when they have a position of power over someone else! And take a good hard look at what you did. It's the exact same thing that you did to the Preacher a few months ago! Holding someone for safekeeping is one thing, Bernstein. Torture's an entirely different behemoth, and I want to let you know that you are on thin ice that happens to be melting. [/color]

[color=c200]The fact that neither Caim nor Ton had the will to stand up to you encouraged it, which in itself is horrifying! Honestly, do you need someone watching yourself at every moment?! And Caim, don't you get starrted on me about how near-death allowed it. You think that you were even the thirtieth person that I've had to save like that? I can count on one hand the number of people that stood impassively as their combatant was tortured! For how hard my world was, we knew that holding someone was enough in itself.[/color]

[color=c200]Ton-Ton, if it weren't for Rugal, I'd have to say that you're the one I'm most disappointed in. I thought that we were kindred souls in a way, doing what we can to protect those around us. And yet you didn't say a word when they proceeded with the waterboarding..."[/color] After that, she ore a small strip off her clothing and wrapped it around Annie's thumb to staunch the bleeding, clearly very furious at what had happened.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Realm Between Realms - Rising Dawn Crew

Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg

Angelus merely looked at Caim with an air of shock. She knew that her pact partner could be brutal in his kills, but that was simply it; death. To prolong the pain of another was simply unlike the man she had found herself growing closer to, "...It has not been a long time since you have surprised me, Caim. And you had Ton Ton watch, if I understand this correctly? What in the devil were you thinking?!"

Caim took a step back from Angelus, and then pointed at the Paladin and Annie to acknowledge the both of them,
"I wasn't there for whatever Rugal did. Yes, I did allow what came to be, to be, but that did [u]not[/u] mean I sat there and watched the whole proceedings. Although it's dirty business, sometimes information can be drawn out in less than savory matters, particularly who sent her after us. Who knows, maybe more giants can hide in human form to come after our group.

Now, as far as my son goes, Paladin, he was very much against what has been done; but I took him away from it all the same. What was he going to do to Bernstein, poke him? I trust his strength, but I was not going to let himself get killed over it."
It was about this point that Ton Ton looked to the floor, obviously feeling the shame when Slindis (as well as everyone else) explained that what Dimitri had said before wasn't quite true... Or that Ton Ton himself was negligent, [color=15650D]"I was afraid to stand up to Rugal Bernstein, ma'am, for I thought it'd cause a schism like the one happening now. That being said, after speaking with Mr. West on what to do with that in mind, I was about to seek you to stop it, before AI Dimitri informed me that the situation was under wraps. Obviously, I should have checked on the situation anyways.

To Miss Annie, you have my humblest apologies for my negligence. Ms. Slindis is right. I should have checked anyway, even if I was told otherwise. I know it won't take away the pain you have suffered, but do know that I did not mean you any malice whatsoever. What has happened is wrong, and I am incredibly sorry for not helping you. Even if you have done wrong, no one deserves that."[/color]

Cadolbolg, Garm, Teri

Cadolbolg only buried himself in Ella's hair, clearly distressed by all the adults fighting among each other. He wasn't quite sure what a waterboarding was, but it certainly didn't sound pleasant, especially if his father was involved.

[color=0E59E4]"I can't believe this..."
"That FUCKER! He was distracting us this whole time from the truth... Dunno bout that ***** threatening to off him though. Look kiddo, you're going to have to take a side eventually, and it ain't gonna end well if this shit keeps up."

Teri only shook her head in shock as the truth was laid bare. She really wanted to believe that her father wasn't involved with the torture session, but this all the more incriminating. Furthermore, the fact that Annie looked like one of Brusier's victims was all the more horrifying. On top of that, the training had left Teri too tired to think about talking to either Slindis or Rugal, which was all the worse for it. One hand buried in Garm's fur, a familiar gesture of comfort for Teri, the Cleric kept her gaze well away from Rugal's as shit began to get very real-


Or it would have, were it not for the man in the mask speaking very firmly, "Enough. That will be enough. I understand you all have your personal issues with one another, but do understand that when I say this threat will spread to other worlds if not quelled, it will indeed spread. You will need to put aside your differences for a brief time if it is to be stopped.

Now, as far as your questions and comments go-"

He began with Rugal, "Nyarlathotep has begun a process that is forcing humans to revert to a form of being called a Shadow. A few of you are quite familiar with them, but to the rest of you, a Shadow is the negative emotions of a human given form. They can take a variety of appearances and shapes, and are bestial in nature; but at their core they are the same. Now, while the Shadows can normally be quelled by a small group, Nyarlatothep has found a way to make their number grow exponentially via the civilians in my world.

I have called upon mortals in my world to fight against Nyralatothep before, but those forces are scattered in taking down similar situations Nyarlatothep has placed elsewhere. Thus, I have called upon you. I am not familiar with the exact methods Nyarlatothep is using, but you will have help in identifying the beginnings of this problem, as well as signs to look for in those being targetted by Nyarlatothep's designs. If you choose to come, there will be two young women, Mitsuru Kirijo and Fuuka Yamagishi,

He waved a hand and a pair of full length projections not unlike Devon's illusions appeared, each in the semblance of a young woman, the first with wine red hair [] and a white fur coat, and the second with teal hair [] that was braided to the side and a gentle smile.

"Who can give you more information on what Nyarlatothep has done to the Mortal Realm."

He then turned to David West with that same mysterious smile (or as much as the mask would allow), "I was given 'The Rising Dawn' to call upon. You are a part of it, are you not? They are not, as far as I can see. Take heart, David West, there is much to be had in one as persistent as your's.[footnote]Helloooo, wordplay.[/footnote]"

And that's when the topic of the reward at the end of the tunnel came up. This Philemon DID expect, as he turned to Deadshot, Annie and Ella respectively, "I cannot turn back the hands of time, nor can I change another's fate. The last time I did that, someone precious to her friends was erased from their memories, effectively killing her, even if her life was restored[footnote]A reference to Persona 2: Innocent Sin's ending.[/footnote]"

Teri flinched faintly when hearing that, a fact Philemon did notice before continuing, finishing to Deadshot before turning to Annie, "I can however, grant you a possession of your choice, if that is what you desire. The money, for example, could be yours if that is what you asked.

As for you, I merely offered the favor as a further incentive to aid in saving my world. As you can see with some, it is an effective offer. That being said, I cannot go through with what you ask of me. To bring harm against another mortal would be against what I am. I am a being in search of the goodness in humanity. If I were to aid you in ill will against another, even if he has wronged you, would be detrimental to that cause, would it not?"

He then turned to Ella, "I would not employ such tactics in giving these favors. If this task is completed to fruition, then I would be more than happy to grant your wishes with your intent behind them. The tactics you speak of are more on par with Nyarlatothep's designs..."

And finally, he turned to Melethia, "If there is no other questions, that will be my second point to make. All of you, tell me this.... []"
(Click the big red button, not play all)

"With your Personas, you will be able to harm the Shadows that confront you. Any weapon in your possession, from teeth to swords to guns, will affect them. That is the power I can grant you to fight the oncoming darkness. Do you understand now?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Realm Between Realms - Rising Dawn Crew


Rugal stood still and silent, looking down and away from their, as he took the entire brunt of everyone's (Justified) anger and wrath.
In allowing his anger to take root like that, in that one moment of weakness following the death of a woman he barely knew, he felt he had managed to destroy everything he had gained, his family, the trust of the ship, and judging by...whatever was going on in his mind, his sanity wasn't long behind.
"...What?...Not even going to try and say "I'm Sorry?"..."Sorry I enjoyed teaching that ***** a lesson?"...Well come on! Aren't you a changed man?..."
"...I'm so-OOF!" He attempted to say before he was slapped across the face by an unseen hand.
He then realized it wasn't Slindis, but rather Jenny, someone who was competely unaware that this had even occurred for the most part and a former victim of such torture.
"Don't. Even. Speak. To Me." the "Team Mom" of the Rising Dawn spat in a EXTREMELY out of character manner, if you even remotely managed to piss Jenny off, you KNOW you've fucked up.
"...I'm starting to think we've over stayed our welcome...Wouldn't you agree?..."

Even with Philemon managing to break up the scene, he remained nearly motionless, clenching his fists even as his question was answered.

David West

"...Whoa, J..." David said after Jenny's sudden outburst, it was a first for him.
He also shyed away from the group meeting as his name was mentioned, suddenly feeling that his explanation to Ton Ton mightn't have been the best.
While he knew Torture was used as a means of interrogation, he didn't know Rugal was going it for kicks.
Getting back to Philemon's Q&A session, he merely mumbled "...Awesometastic..." at the notion he wasn't going to be allowed to have someone else take his place.
Great...Fate of the entire Universe and all I got is a gun and a bad hair dye job...


Rugal's crime reminded her so much of her former tormentor, Jenny just had to act in anger, using her psychic powers for a rarely done offensive action, slapping him across the face as hard as she could.
"Don't. Even. Speak. To Me." she spat before Philemon stepped in to calm everyone and get them back on track.
She listened to the part about "Shadows", realizing that whomever this Nyralatothep was, his plan was already affecting both Teri and Devon.
"Understood. I'm not letting that thing get to our realm..."


...So recap: Guy who busted me is a chick now (Devon), Annie's torturer is getting chewed out, The Rising Dawn is in disarray and after this job, I'll have enough money to buy my way out of whatever UNIT decides to charge me with...
...I'll take this as a win...
Deadshot smugly thought as he watched the "Heroes" fight, feeling certain that he could get off the hook for the San Andreas gig now.
He then turned to Annie, while she was the focus of this entire argument, she seemed to have been forgotten as the rest of the crew turned on their "Leader".
Wrapping an arm around his fellow prisoner, he said "You did good. I have a feeling you won't need my help taking him down...[sub]Just know this, just because you can't wish for it doesn't mean it can't happen[/sub]..."
In his near future, Deadshot could see Freedom, Wealth and the legend of being the man to Kill Rugal Bernstein.
(Even if Annie did it, he would take the credit)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Realm Between Realms - Rising Dawn Crew


"Okay. How about we get there, eh? Stuff to do, Personas to try out..." For her part, Melethia went over to Rugal and held his arm. At least he has someone in his family that wasn't mad at him, right?


Cadolbolg found himself being comforted by his soft hair cushion (Ella) as he did his best to hide more in the soft, fluffy hair."Easy, Cadolbolg... It's okay now. Your sisters won't let that happen again, okay? Come on, I'll hold you while we're taken to those two..."

Looks like she'd learned a bit of comforting others over the past week thanks to Devon's problems...


After getting her statement in and hearing out Caim and Ton-Ton, she finished with one brief statement. [color=c200]"Caim, I can not agree with that at all, but we have to go on. And Ton-Ton, we have to set better examples, okay? It's not easy, but it's better than hoping that someone else will."[/color]

She hardly glanced at Rugal before turning to Phil. [color=c200]"Straightforward, since I assume they will explain it. Are there any caveats to this? I already feel some things that are much harder to access compared to normal."[/color]


As they got ready to leave, Devon held Ton-Ton closer and noticed that the armor wasn't blocking anything. Heck, she could feel the slight trembling as Ton-Ton was apologizing. It was almost like it wasn't there! [color=00c863]"Ton-Ton, it looks like we both messed up, huh? At least you can forgive me for what almost happened with the imps..."[/color]

She was more than eager to get away from Deadshot and Annie, deciding that now was an excellent time to apologize to David [color=00c863]"Speaking of that, thanks for saving Ton-Ton last week, David. I'm really sorry I couldn't get to you before now... Here, let me touch you up."[/color]

Only this time, there was no prestidigation... Had Ageha taken out all of her magic? Slindis' talk was a strong argument for something else happening, though, so she'd have to wait it out.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo and Fuuka Yamagishi.
Location: Personaverse | Japan, Tokyo | Kirijo Group Building | Penthouse.
Bowing to the two, Yu Narukami was intrigued that the two Shadow Operatives provided him. Smiling lightly he already knew his answer. "Of course I will help, but as you have seen I am only a natural user. I cannot teach them to use ... those things." Yu eyed the evokers that the two still had on them. Yu himself was more interested with what they went through and what other mysteries this world holds, though one important task to him is finding more information about the person who was the master mind of the P4 Tournament.

Yet right now this was about a man with a mask, that world he travelled to once and that crew obtaining Personas. Yet when he remembers anything to do with that group, he feels a pain around his neck, as if he was being strangled out of life itself. Touching his neck, Yu nodded to the two woman in front of him. "You got my support in this. I will help both you and the crew." Yu said with determined of a great leader, possibly reminding the two of that blue haired boy that made himself a seal to protect everyone.

"Before this event happens, it would be nice to catch up on both my Persona and weapon skills." He said to them, the thoughts of training reminded him of the adventures he had witnessed both this year and the year before. Right now he needed to focus on training back to his standard, he also wanted to see if he could summon his Persona outside of the TV, apparently it was possible.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Realm Between Realms - Rising Dawn Crew


Melethia could feel the tension in her father's arm as she held it, clearly this was affecting him.
But Rugal eased when he realized that she didn't seem to be mad at him, even looking down and giving an small forced smile to her.
Unluckily, Jenny had enough anger towards the captain for the both of them as she took Melethia's hand and pulled her away.
"Come on Melethia." She said, not wanting the elf around that man.

David West

"I...don't think you need to do that..." David said, preferring to have Prestidigation cast on him when he actually needed it.
He got his wish as the pair of them noticed that nothing seemed to be happening as Devon attempted to cast the spell.
"...Huh?...Is it not working?..." He mused, feeling a noticeable lack of that tingly cleaning magic.


"[sub]That-ta girl, That-ta girl[/sub]..." Deadshot chuckled to Annie, keen to get some payback on the group that managed to arrest him.
"Just keep friendly with the others though, don't want a war on 2 fronts." He added, knowing how Annie had bonded with members of the crew already


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
The Realm Between Realms, Philemon & The Rising Dawn Crew

Philemon perked up slightly at Devon's attempt at magic, and spoke up again, "Ah, the bard brings up a second point I must bring forth. Whilst you are in this world, you will find that whatever strange powers you posess, be they magical, supernatural, Divine, etc; you will be unable to use; save for in the realms of Shadows. It is not any fault on any of you, rather, it is simply the laws of this world bringing you to it's standards. I do recall a conversation with an Arceus regarding this property in encountering you before.

That being said, your powers are not lost. Rather, it is more that they are placed in a different portion of yourselves. When you are in the Shadow Realms, your Personas will be able to roam outside of your bodies, and it is in them your supernatural abilities lie. Do keep that in mind when traversing between the realms of mortals and the realms of Shadows.

He opened his arms wide after this, and a swarm of gold and blue butterflies filled the air, obscuring the vision of the Dawn's crew as the mask man's voice reverberated in the air, "And now is the time! I grant you the power I spoke of before! Awaken Personas of the Rising Dawn, and bring an end to Nyarlatothep's darkness. I bid you good luck on your endeavors; I will be watching and awaiting your timely success!"

The butterflies continued their dance, eventually obscuring the crew's vision to white light as they were brought back to the realm of consciousness....

The Rising Dawn - AI Vermilion and AI Dimitri

Vermilion grimaced as she assumed flight controls, the distortions beginning to cover the Dawn being too much (seeing as they never bought the upgrades to prevent such an incident), and shouted, [color=FF5349]
"We're being pulled in, brace for dimension warp!"

Dimitri, on the other hand, seeing that the warping issue was something that couldn't be stopped, brought himself into his home Tablet and cut on the Mental link between said tablet and Teri, [color=3897E0]
"I'll be getting to the bottom of this, Vermilion. We cannot enter a new realm until these users awaken! We'll be caught unawares otherwise!"

"Understood. I'll do what I can to reduce damages. Initiating procedures in case of a crash. Closing windows, checking airlocks...."

As his red counterpart Dimitri did what he could to attempt to home in on His Ladyship's condition, and paused when a new file began to enter...
"Thoth.exe? Requires EVOKER driver? What on earth...?"

However, not much more could be said as the displays were filled with a bright light, and the Dawn was no longer in the Realm of Avatar Adventures.

Airship Rising Dawn - The rest of the Party

When the group awoke, they found the Dawn as they had left it (Vermilion already rolling up the windows after the warp finished), save that the skyline outside looked distinctly different than what they saw moments ago. Urban Japan was a totally different beast that the American city they were nearby moments ago...

Over the intercom, Vermilion spoke up, [color=FF5349]
"Incoming transmission to the Dawn, patching through."

[color=5F8B7F]"Greetings. My name is Fuuka Yamagishi. This is the Rising Dawn, correct? I was told by an entity by the name of Philemon that you would be arriving here on this day. Could you please come out of your ship to speak with us? I am in company of Mitsuru Kirijo and Yu Narukami, if those names are familiar to you, and we mean you no harm. In fact, we're here to help explain the situation that's happened here."[/color]

Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo and Fuuka Yamagishi.
Location: Personaverse - 1 Week prior to the Dawn's arrival | Japan, Tokyo | Kirijo Group Building | Penthouse.

Mitsuru and Fuuka let out sighs of relief to know that Yu Narukami had decided to aid in their endeavor, and Mitsuru spoke next, "As Fuuka said before, we have one week before they arrive. According to what we've gathered, it will be near the Shadow Operative Headquarters on Tatsumi Port Island. We'll be sure to inform them of everything when the time comes. We've even been given instructions from this Philemon on what kind of Evokers we will need, and we've been working non-stop since...

That was when the Kirijo heiress gave a mischievous smile and asked, Now, for that training...?"
If what Yu remembered correctly, this was going to hurt.

1 Week Later - Persona Verse Time | Shadow Operative Building, Airstrip | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo and Fuuka Yamagishi

The trio stood at the airstrip, waiting quietly for the foretold events to happen, Fuuka bearing a laptop and a transportable radio system in order to contact the group once they arrived. From what Narukami understood, Fuuka had been given very specific instructions regarding the arrival of the Dawn, but that didn't belay the nervousness of the group. This sort of event was incredibly unorthodox manner for the Shadow Operatives.

However, that did not last long as the massive Airship appeared in the Airstrip, a pair of golden and blue butterflies heralding the arrival of the ship before disintegrating into dust. That was when Fuuka took to the radio and the laptop, typing some stuff into the computer before speaking into a microphone, [color=5F8B7F]"Greetings. My name is Fuuka Yamagishi. This is the Rising Dawn, correct? I was told by an entity by the name of Philemon that you would be arriving here on this day. Could you please come out of your ship to speak with us? I am in company of Mitsuru Kirijo and Yu Narukami, if those names are familiar to you, and we mean you no harm. In fact, we're here to help explain the situation that's happened here."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal

Rugal awoke right back where he was, face down on a bunch of Insurance Documents.
"...uhhhhh....what did...huh?..." He mumbled as he realized he was back on the Rising Dawn.
"...It was a dream...Does this mean that-"
"No. Highly Unlikely, don't even lie to yourself." his inner voice was kind enough to point out, making the Former Crimelord realize that now everyone know about what happened with Annie.
"ohhhhh God why?...." He groaned as he buried his face in his hands, knowing for a fact that he would most likely get lynched if he so much as left his room.

David West

"zzzzzzzzzzzz-*Snort* mmmmmm....ehhhhh?..." David groaned as Philemon kept his word and left David exactly where he was.
"...Huh...must have passed out..." He mumbled, thinking that what just happened was some sort of Dream or something (Which it was)
"Ohhhhh...Never chase Vodka with Rum..." He said as he picked himself up and began his usual routine when it came to passing out at bar, forgetting that he was part of a effort to save the universe, least until he finished his hangover cure.


Jenny awoke in a fright, the transition between Dream and Reality was always a little jarring for her.
Still, she knew what she had to do and began making her way out of her room and went about finding the others, Bumping into David West on the way.
"Uhhhh...J, I just had the weirdest dream..." He began, causing the Gradevoir to instantly roll her eyes, this happened EVERY time something strange like that happened.
"Just shut up and meet me outside..." she said, using a rather rude Tone that she wasn't really known for.


"[sub]Frankie......pass us the bong....I wanna hit that shit...[/sub]...Shit?..." Deadshot slurred as he woke up back where he was left off, dismantling the toilet in his cell in a bid to escape Shawshank Redemption style.
Only thing was, when he passed out, he was standing over an open sewer pipe so when he did drift off-

He cursed loudly as he found himself covered you want me to spell it out?
While he knew of the events of his "Acid Trip", that was secondary objective at the moment as his first involved a bath.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

1 Week Later - Persona Verse Time | Shadow Operative Building, Airstrip | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo, Fuuka Yamagishi and others

Devon yawned, realizing she was still holding a snoozing Ton-Ton in her arms when the communication came through with a name she'd only heard in games... [color=00c863]"The others here are still sleeping from what I can see, Miss Yamagishi, but I can get down to the bay area pretty easily. Am I right in guessing we're at Tatsumi Port Island? I'll at least try to wake up some of the others on my way..."[/color] After finishing that, she nudged Ella awake and held back a small chuckle at the nest that had been made in the Succubus' hair.

The light prodding caused Ella to wake up, and she easily scooped Cadolbolg out of her hair. "Cadol, I thought I asked you to not sleep in my hair like that again? It's a lucky thing that I know how to get this untangled so easily." It took a few once overs with the brush, but she touched up her hair as they made the rather short trip from the dancing hall down to the exit of the ship and waved hellos to those that were waiting for them.

[color=00c863]"It's nice to meet you, and the others should be off the ship soon..."[/color]


Melethia sighed as she got a feel for the gems she'd been working. Sure, she could try to do more to enchant them, but she still needed the small catalyst to get it to work. If she couldn't get that normally, then she'd have to find out a way to get that open to her. "Forget what the others said. They won't stop me from bein' around Wheathair."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Melethia

For several more minutes, Rugal gazed blankly at his desk as the people Philemon talked about began hailing the ship.
"...Well?...Aren't you going to save the world again?...."
"...Really?...Huh, I thought you called yourself a hero these days?..."
"...Well, Alright, be that way. I'll be right here when you get your priorities right..." his other-side taunted before seemingly shutting up, leaving him alone for now...
A series of knocks at his door failed to animate him from his trance of sorts, but the tell-tell sounds of the panel on the lock being opened followed by some hot wiring quickly got this attention as the door opened.
"...Did you keep the locking mechanism intact this time?..." He asked Melethia as she walked in, hoping he wouldn't have to replace his door lock.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - The Rising Dawn's Hallway: Annie

For the most part, Annie didn't seem to bump into anyone from the Rising Dawn, though she did notice that the Airship was in a competely different location (It was no longer flying for one).
In her search, she did hear some "Interesting" Comments coming from the brig.
"ARGH! Why is there only one roll of paper?!" shouted a familiar voice as she heard the sound of someone kicking metal.

Inside the brig, after getting knocked out and landing in his un-finished escape tunnel, Deadshot began trying to break off the small sink in his cell in order to access the water pipe contained in it, both to wash himself off and hopefully clear the waste pipe a little.
While Andy Dufresne crawled though nearly 500 yards of shit, Deadshot would at least like to get rid of SOME of it.
"Come on! Break you piece of shit!" He ironically said as he managed to break it off, revealing a pipe that was shooting water upwards.
"That's the one!" He rejoiced as he began to clean himself off with his makeshift shower right as Annie walked in...


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Melethia

"Nah, kept it intact. Just did a bit of tweaking on it that would only hit someone breaking in my style." She casually strolled into the room showing once again that she didn't really care about what had been done by Rugal. As a matter of cact, she seemed to have a bit of apathy towards it - something that was hard to see until she pulled out the gems that she'd received from S'zami.

"Wheathair, a drop of your blood will be worth a gallon of hers if she tries anything. We know she relies on her transdforming to do most anything. There's no magic involved in what I do, and we both know that."

...perhaps it wasn't the best praise that Melethia was so with Rugal...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Melethia

"Oh her, you're little protege. Almost forgot about her..."

"...Melethia, come here." Rugal said before picking her up and sitting him down on his lap.
"...I know you would. But I'm asking you to not...You know...I wasn't always a-...No...I'm not good man. I was Never a good man..." He admitted, not really sure just how much she knew about his past dealings.
"...Before...Before I came here, I was-...I was one of the worst human beings on the planet. I sold weapons, To Armies, to Warlords and "Kin-Slayers", to anyone who ever wanted to harm others. Why?...Because I wanted power and a Merchant can kill more then any soldier could. Even to this day, the name Rugal Bernstein stands for the worst humanity has to offer..."
"That's not what you were saying back then..."

"Then...One day...I met you, You're mother and your sister. I realized that...That...There was something other is being..."Me". And from that day forth, I swore off my old ways, To spreading death and misery, to seeking the death of others who opposed me, To finding joy in the suffering of others."
"Oh come on, Those things were fun! I get you wanted to bed that sweet ass, but you didn't need to have to take all the fun out of your life!"

Cringing slightly at his other-side's words, he continued:
"Now...What Annie did was terrible, that much is certain and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But what *I* did? I used our...Friend's (S'zami) death as an excuse to break the vow I had pledged against my old ways. That is my sin and she has very right in the world to bare ill against me. Does that mean what she did was wrong? Yes. But what I did to her was no better. And more importantly, I think we can both agree that it's not what S'zami would have wanted..." He explained as he picked up the gems that belonged to the woman.
"...And it's not what your mother and sister would have wanted...It's not what any of us would have wanted."

Placing both of his hands on her shoulders, ensuring she was paying attention for this next part.
"I know you would do anything for me, just as I would for you. But...sometimes, I worry for you. That you might become what I have tried...and reform. It's a lot easier to get into that life then it is to get out. So Promise me, that even when I am gone, by age or by battle, that you will NOT become what I am. That you won't become what I try to fight against, what We fight against. Annie mightn't be a good woman, but I had no right to treat her that way."

"Do you understand me?..."

"Jesus H. Christ, look what you've let us become? From the De-Facto ruler of the underworld. To a disappointing father..." his other-side crooned as sweat began to bead on the side of Rugal's head.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - The Rising Dawn's Brig: Annie, Deadshot

Deadshot froze when someone finally walked in on him trying to wash himself off.
Once the shock of the situation had passed, he gave an honest answer as he resumed cleaning.
"...Abandonment Issues, Substance abuse, getting the right side of my face blown off, the poverty that comes with being a Mercenary without a pay check...You know, usual shit..." He said rather matter of fact manner as he managed to get most of it off his face before bending the pipe towards the sewer pipe he would end up going .
"Besides, You seem to have forgotten, what with all the perks and not-actually-being-in-a-small-metal-cell-for-the-past-week, is that they are just holding us until even BIGGER assholes pick us up. Didn't you ever hear the word "UNIT" get thrown around once or twice, between the meals that aren't made of total 200 year old crap?" He added, showing that while Annie was getting to know the rest of the crew, Deadshot was rotting down here and getting increasingly bitter for it.

"But, While it's not pretty, I'm pretty certain that if I get to the Septic tank, I can undo a few panels and get off this flying madhouse. I mean, unless you happen to have a key-"
Right as Deadshot said that, Annie unlocked his cell, holding her nose as she did, leaving the Assassin with a confused look on his face.
".................You had....a Key...This whole time?...." He said with a look that said both:

"I am going to make mad passionate love to you right now."

as well as



Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - The Rising Dawn's Brig: Annie, Deadshot

"...Huh...Gee, I-er....Thanks..." He merely said as she explained what happened when Shawn drugged him the first time around, his recollection being blurry at best.
He seemed a little confused about just why she stuck her neck out for him, but he wasn't going to complain.
While he wasn't AS bad as he was before his attempt at showering, he still wanted to take a proper one as he edged over towards the exit of the brig.
"Feel free to leave... but...If this crew took me down when I was a 14 meter class titan... what are the chances of you escaping here? As I recall... you broke your leg leaping off the airship. If you really seek freedom, you might want to just bid by the crew's regulations and show you're trustworthy."
"Well, Sorry to break it you ya, but even if they hang onto you, I don't think I'm going to make it past the auditions. See, you wrecked one city while I attempted to wreck 3, which in most numeral systems is a larger number. While my attempts at making a mess weren't very successful, the fact of the matter is while you Godzilla'd the shit out of Las Venturas, I was basically attempting to wreck The Entire Region." He said as he peered into the hallway looking for any witnesses or cameras.

"On top of that, unlike you, I'm a massive nonredeemable **** who enjoyed that shit a lot more then he should have. Hell, second I get out of here, I'll most likely take up another job and end up in a situation like this one by the end of the month. But such is life, Eh? Get rich or die trying."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Promises are promises.
Doctor S, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.
[HEADING=1]"YES, you are correct! But I never said I wasn't going to have fun with him!!!"[/HEADING]

A loud voice came through the brig's door as it slammed open. Of course it was the Doctor himself, dressed in his elite riot armor that Deadshot knew all too much about. Stomping in with big metal boots a long hose dragged in behind him. "Geez, I could smell that from all the way out there." He commented on the smell before turning to Deadshot with said fire hose. "I thought it was going to be something to do with you." The Doctor rubbed some salt in the poop wounds before throwing in a bar of soap at Deadshot.

Opening his Pip-Boy radio the Doctor contacted the AI of the ship. "Hey this is brig, we need a septic system shut down and possibly a repair crew?" He asked the radio, soon enough the waste stopped flowing and a few robots flew in behind the Wanderer and started to patch up the toilet and clean the waste, they were wearing a raincoat. Smiling, the Wanderer could do what he wanted now. "You might want to strip." The voice in the riot helmet commanded him as he unleashed the cold waters of the fire upon the captured assassin.

"Having fun yet? I heard from some people that you guys were contacted during that ... 'sleep'. Seems you guys are needed for something, but I wans't ... it looks like me and my pals are staying and looking after this hunk of metal." He said towards Annie as the hose sprayed inside the cell, it also drowned out a lot of sound from Deadshot.

"I would hate it you didn't look good when you meet these people!" He yelled over the water.

One week later.
Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo and Fuuka Yamagishi.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, Airstrip | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
Standing on the airstrip next to the two ladies only made him nervous, Yu Narukami only could think about what could happen. Every party involved in this is probably nervous, yet Yu still wore his calm and normal face it would be quite expressionless to many people. "Giving them time is a wise thing, coming to our world would be startling to them ... especially if they are going to receive Personas." Yu said to the two as he was reminded of the time in Inaba he spent before, the pain all of his friends went through to gain their Personas, yet both natural users and evoker users go through some kind of pain to use the power of a Persona.

Yu was taught many things during his 'training' at the Kirijo building. Evokers, you practically had to shoot yourself to summon your Persona, that would be a hard feat for many people. Yet curiosity was something lingering in the gray haired young adult's mind, what has happened to this group ever since the time he went to their universe. The three waited until everyone who was needed was out of the ship.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Melethia

Melethia spoke rather bluntly as Rugal tried to guide her. "Way I look at it, you have to hit back against those that go after you or family. If you want to do something, just do it and make it quick. Give them a clean end. Might not be popular all the time, but it's better than flip-flopping around. Now the people on the ship? I'm gonna stick close to them. If they're not with the ship and try something? I'll strike back so there isn't a third attack. Simple as that.

Now, ya may not have done the best stuff in the past, but one thing that would be good from there is decisiveness. It's hard to see."

Unfortunately, it seemed that she was just as stubborn as her mother... Still, there was some hope. And it seemed that she wouldn't let anyone take her away from Rugal.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Doctor S, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.
"Wait, Wait, WAIT-" Deadshot protested before getting blasted with the high pressure hose by Doctor S, knocking him back into the cell he had worked so hard to get out of.
Drowned out was the part when the Assassin's skull smashed against the water pipe before getting pressed against the wall by the sheer amount of water, going limp not long afterwards.
"I would hate it you didn't look good when you meet these people!" The "Good" Doctor shouted over the water.
He then noticed that Deadshot was really, well, Moving and that once the brown was washed off him, there was a worrying shade of crimson flowing into the run-off, coming from his head...

Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Melethia

"...Young and Malleable, always a good combination..."
Rugal seemed to zone out again as his message seemed to be lost on Melethia.
"...Alright, just-...Run along. I need to prepare to meet Philemon's people. [sub]Among other things[/sub]..." He then said, before letting Melethia down off his lap and rubbing his forehead as if he had a massive head-ache.
"Come on, a few modifications, the right programming, you could have yourself one helluva a Weapons Designer!"
"[sub]shut up[/sub]." Melethia could heard him barely say under his breath.

Outside the Rising Dawn: David West/Jenny

Not long after Devon, Ella and the Bruisers met up with the Welcoming Committee, Jenny could be seen dragging a half asleep David off the ship.
"Come on! Come on! GOD! Why are you always like this?!" the Normally friendly therapist kept pestering at West as they touched ground.
"Well, Sorry I didn't plan for some shit like this happening! I mean, HOW do you plan for this sort of shit happening?" He protested as he saw Yu and the other two.
"...Whoa, Yu!"
"...What about me?"
"No- YU! As in that guy! Didn't think I'd see him again." David explained as he walked over to the group.
"Sup, Yu? Last time I saw ya, I think it was it just before the...errr, The Angel War, Correct?" He said as he went to shake the man's hand while Jenny went to the others.
"Right, there is no time to waste, I've encountered Shadows before in my own Realm, I'd rather not again. So tell me, What will do have us do?"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
One week later.
Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo, Jenny, [color=00c863]Devon[/color], Ella David West, and Fuuka Yamagishi.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, Airstrip | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan

Yu found the shorter Blond haired woman [] holding Ton-Ton approaching to greet him. [color=00c863]"I never thought I'd see any of you in person, I have to say... Word of what you three managed to do spread around if someone wanted to hear about it. Let me be the first to say that I'm glad to be working with you..."[/color] She walked over to the high school student and gave a light wave, still a little bit weirded out that she was meeting with what she remembered to be a video game character.

Ella was in agreement with Jenny and continued the Gardevoir's talk with Fuuka. "I have to agree with Jenny: the one I fought was a rather nasty one, and it was a miracle we managed to hold out before Devon could defeat him. What's our next course of action here?" It was clear from how she placed Fuuka in between herself and Mitsuru that she was a bit uncomfortable around the heiress.

Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Melethia

Melethia shrugged as she went to gather some new clothes for her dad. "Still, if ya want it, I'll hold to it. Just don't expect me to not reap any harm done to you unto those that did it, okay? Now lemme see if I can help you get ready." For better or for worse, she was more devoted than a good chunk out of his former employees, and not out of any fear. Perhaps he could use that to help shape her?