The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Melethia

"Get your coffee? Your reports for the day?"
"Thank you, But I also want you to be able to say "You are going too far." or "You shouldn't do that." Sometimes, stopping someone from doing something foolish can be a lot better then defending their actions." Rugal explained as he took the spare suit she handed him.
"...I just don't know what I can do to make it up to you mother and sister..." He sighed as he quickly got changed into a fresh suit.
"Now then...I guess we better be off..."
"Yes, we better. There is Profit and Conflict to be had!"

The more Melethia looked at him, the more distracted and sometimes distressed he seemed.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Training Room: Teri, Slindis, Garm

Slindis was the first out of herself and her student to rise, and noticed that she had dodged the arrow Teri had shot even while falling asleep. With a shake of her head, she tapped her student's shoulder to rouse the trainee archer as Fuuka's announcement rang in the air, [color=c200]"Wake up. We are to meet Philemon's aides. They've already established contact with us."[/color]

Following that, the Paladin brushed herself off, and waited quietly as Teri collected the arrows that she could, requivered them and followed her mother with Garm in tow.

Dimitri pipped up from Teri's tablet as they walked, sounding rather relieved as he spoke, [color=3879E0]
"Ah, you're all awake! That's good. We were beginning to worry..."

[color=0E59e4]"It's probably a side effect of the world warping... Like the partial loss of our powers... I can still feel God working through me, so no worries, right?"[/color]

As Teri walked with Slindis, she looked down to her bow, which was now fixed in that form, it seemed. No matter how much Teri tried to convince Sadei to change, it wasn't happening, [color=0E59E4]"Looks like you're stuck like this for a while, Sadei. It's okay, we need the practice anyways... I remember Mitsuru and Fuuka... I wonder how they've been? Which reminds me, THAT'S the reason you took Chihiro's form in my mind, isn't it? You saw my memories with the Persona games..."[/color]
The Shadow's prescence shivered in Teri's mind as well, commenting, [color=0E59D4]"So this means I'm gonna be a Persona... Shadows do that in the games, right? Does this mean I'm not gonna be me anymore? Wonder what I'll become..."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Caim and Angelus' quarters

The Pact duo arose from their bed, looking equally parts confused and embarrassed. Just when they were about to have that talk that they had been meaning to had, some jerk with a mask had to screw all that up. Add on the realization of the torture to Angelus (who had been kept in the dark about it) and it made for less that romantic lighting. Angelus only shook her head at Caim before turning and leaving, the warrior mutely following after to get to the newest quest (and hopefully go home).

Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo, Jenny, [color=00c863]Devon[/color], Ella David West, Fuuka Yamagishi, [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color], [color=365D60]Garm[/color], [color=c200]Slindis[/color], Caim, Angelus, [color=15650D]Cutie[/color] Bruisers.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, Airstrip | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan

As more Rising Dawn members greeted the trio, Fuuka gave a nod to Ella and Jenny, [color=5F8B7F]"We'll go over the complete details of the mission once the rest of your group shows up, so we can tell all of you what's going on completely. Philemon probably didn't say too much, but I believe that's because he was afraid that hard to pronounce adversary of his would have been listening... Oh my, that's a big dog you have there! It explains why we had a couple collars made..."[/color]

As for Ella's distinct discomfort to her appearance, the Heiress raised an eyebrow and asked, [color=955555]"Is something wrong? You seem to be avoiding me at every turn..."[/color]

Angelus took it upon herself to stand near Devon in an attempt to be something of a calming presence for the transfigured Bard. Only a week had passed since Devon's transformation, and the dragoness was to be certain that her student would be alright in the new world.

Teri too was struck by the fact that some of the video game characters she remembered playing with were in fact right before her, and kept it quiet, save for when Fuuka brought up Garm. Patting the wolf on the head, Teri only smiled at Fuuka in an attempt to ease the Seer's fears as the wolf only continued his gentle panting.

Ton Ton gave a wave to Narukami as well, [color=15650d]"I remember seeing you briefly, when we fought a bunch of enormous monsters. I don't recall us meeting properly though. My name is Ton Ton. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."[/color]

Caim found himself drawn to Narukami as well, and gave a wave,
"You speak the truth, Ton Ton. He was with us when we warded off those large beasts from our world. I remember you distinctly when we fought that beast of shadow... Your's and my lightning magic allowed it to be kept at bay, if I do recall."
Cadolbolg, as he was resting in Ella's hair, gave a wave to Mitsuru, "Hello~!" to which the Kirijo heir gave a small wave and smile back. If anything, the turtle/dragon baby was rather cute...


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Training Room: Teri, Slindis, Garm

Sadei seemed a bit disappointed that she couldn't change back, but otherwise kept her upbeat tone as she talked to Teri.[color=b05fe9]"Yeah, I think so. It's still really confusing to me, though, and I hope we can get this done with fast enough. You'll be fine though, Tama. Just looking a bit different~!"[/color]

Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo, Jenny, [color=00c863]Devon[/color], Ella David West, Fuuka Yamagishi, [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color], [color=365D60]Garm[/color], [color=c200]Slindis[/color], Caim, Angelus, [color=15650D]Cutie[/color] Bruisers.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, Airstrip | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan

Ella nodded and brushed off herself and Devon before calmly responding "Okay, Fuuka. That won't be too hard to do, although it's odd how you needed us to help here. I thought you'd have someone else here that could help."

After that, she then sighed and began to explain her discomfort as best she could. "It's not you, it's just you're reminding me of someone that I'd not want to see so soon... or ever, really. I'm sure you're more pleasant than she is, that's for sure."

It was clear that Angelus standing nearby was helping her student a bit more with the confidence issues. Then again, it'd taken a while for her student to really even start heading out of her room, so it was some form of progress.

Before too long, SLindis and Teri were out there only to see Melethia alongside Rugal. [color=c200]"Let's get down to what needs to be done, shall we?"[/color] It was rather clear that Slindis wasn't too happy with Melethia staying near Rugal, but the young girl wasn't budging.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Trololololololol ...
Doctor S, Annie and Deadshot.
Location: Rising Dawn | Brig.
Seeing the water turn red, the Doctor shrugged as he turned off the water to the hose. "Haha, but both know that is wrong. You could easily get those cuffs off and we both know that ... and, you can turn into a giant." He Wanderer said as he opened the flooded cell of Deadshot. The repairs to the toilet had already finished, now with a more unbreakable plating. "Now you start walking out there because ... if you are called, you are called. When that happens, it seems that you will get pulled into it no matter what. Like me ... I get weird radio signals all the time and I somehow always follow them." The armored Doctor hummed as he pulled out a Stimpak and injected Deadshot. "He should be up and running soon ... I'll carry him out I guess. Follow us." He said as he picked up Deadshot and left the brig.

A few minutes later, the Wanderer came to the large group. "Well, here is one guy you need. Now I'll be over there since I am not involved in this ... at all~" He said whilst pointing to the side. The good Doctor walked outside the group and began to examine the scene. He could already tell that everyone gathered around three strangers.

Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo and Fuuka Yamagishi.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, Airstrip | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
Waving casually to everyone, Yu Narukami's memories were not triggered by this. Bowing shortly afterwards, Yu looked confused. "Sorry, but I do not remember any of these events, I have the feeling that they are true but the memory from your world I remember is being choked almost to death by a dark figure ... other then that I do not remember much." His face still looked calm and neutral as he admitted the truth from his mouth.

Yet Yu saw an armored figure approach the group, he became cautioned because it also carried a body. Coming to the group he dropped the person on the ground who groaned with either pain or embarrassment. The figure moved to the side, Yu simply shrugged at this as he awaited for everyone else. "I believe we should be introduced to each other, my name Yu Narukami. Here I am the person who will teach a group of people about natural users." Yu said as he was reminded about his mission and why he was here.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Airstrip

Cz held her head, the world was spinning around her and the harsh thump of her heart pounded pain into her skull. What's going on? She thought to herself. Her mind was sluggish, and the processes seem to run slower as well, and only two or three processes seem to be running concurrently. As she stepped out onto the landing strip, the cool ocean breeze cut through her robes and into her flesh, sending chills deeper than anything she had before felt. Cz gasped. It hurts. Everything's raw. What the hell.

In the midst of all the stimuli, Cz recognized the ocean here. This was Japan. She had spent the better part of eight hundred years floating around guarding this place from within aetherspace. Cz looked up and gave a deep glare to all the people gathered before her on the landing strip. She counted off; Jenny, Devon, Ella David West, Teri, Garm, Slindis, Caim, Angelus, Ton Ton, Cadobolg. Then she turned her eyes toward the three strangers and lifted a finger to point at Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo and Fuuka Yamagishi in turn. "Who are you, and what have you done to me and all the people in this place."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo and Fuuka Yamagishi and the Rising Dawn.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, Airstrip | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
Fuuka blinked in confusion, her brow furrowed when she asked, [color=5F8B7F]"That's strange... Philemon spoke with all of you, didn't he?"[/color]

Ton Ton gave a nod, [color=15650D]"Yeah, tall guy. Wears a mask and likes butterflies. He gave the intel about what was going on, Cz. I do recall when he asked you your name, you called yourself a 'guardian of humanity'?"[/color]

Mitsuru spoke up after that, [color=955555]"None of use have done anything to you. If anything, it was Philemon who brought you here and... Well, I don't know all of the details, but I know he was able to grant all of you Personas. Which brings us to why you've been called by him at all. Now that all of you are here, please follow me. Narukami-san, you can explain your form of Persona use in a moment."[/color]

Mitsuru lead the group inside the building close to the airstrip and into a lavish conference room, lined with chairs and several pitchers of ice water. After waiting for everyone to seat themselves as they wished, Mitsuru, Fuuka and Yu went to the front of the room, where a projector screen was. It was then that Mitsuru began speaking again,

[color=955555]"Greetings. As you probably know by now, I am Mitsuru Kirijo, and I lead a group of people called the Shadow Operatives, an offshoot of my corporation, the Kirijo group. The Shadow Operatives work to keep the beings known as Shadows under control, so they don't leak too far into our world. As Philemon has probably explained, Shadows are the offshoots of humanity, the embodiment of negative emotions. So, so long as humans exist, so do Shadows. However, this does not mean that their activity cannot be monitored and kept under control for a time.

That all being said, we've had a recent problem with them. Unlike the Shadows we're used to dealing with, there is a new source of their growth. We suspect that this Nyarlatothep has gained the means to synthesize a virus that has forced human beings to revert to this form of being, rather than the collective forms we are used to dealing with. As you can imagine, if this spreads beyond this town, which has been quarantined at the current time, the results could be catastrophic. As far as we have been able to gather, there is a 100% mortality rate. Anyone infected will become a Shadow. We've only been able to find those with the advanced forms of the disease, and they turned shortly after."[/color]

She made a small sigh and held up a clicker for the projection, [color=955555]"I will warn you now, what you're about to see is fairly graphic, but it should help you identify one of the infected if possible."[/color]

Mitsuru closed her eyes as she pressed the button, and images began to flash upon the screen. What they group saw on the screen was nothing short of grotesque. From what could bee seen, there were several men, women and even a select few children shown laying in hospital beds or clawing at the glass walls of containment areas as their sickness was readily apparent. Black spheres where eyes should have been, pale degenerating flesh that exposed bone in some instances, hair long gone from having fallen out of it's roots, teeth and nails missing and only leaving stumps where it once was... It was hard to call the subjects human at all.

After getting rid of the slideshow of the grotesque, Mitsuru took charge again, [color=955555]"As I've said, this is the most advanced stage of the virus. What we've been trying to do is isolate where this virus is being released, as well as try to find those in the earlier stages of the virus. The Shadow Operatives have found that those in the latest stages have an aversion to light, and were found bundled in several layers of clothing well beyond what would be necessary for this weather. Their eyes are unusually dilated, or somehow blackened as well, so do check for that if you find someone suspicious.

Fuuka, I'll get the Evokers. You explain the next section."[/color]

[color=5F8B7F]"Of course. Hello, my name is Fuuka Yamagishi, another Shadow Operative, as well as a Persona wielder, like Mitsuru."[/color]

Fuuka took center stage as Misturu began to pass around to the party (Mainly) what appeared to be guns. However, with some, the objects were different. Caim, Melethia, and Angelus were given daggers of varying shapes, a collar for Garm and the Cuties, Slindis a bladed glove, and Teri was given a gun alongside a miniature USB drive?

[color=95555][small]"Someone named Dimitri is supposed to get that, from what I'm told.."[/small][/color]

As Teri began to gingerly put the USB into the tablet, Fuuka began her portion of the explanation,

[color=5F8B7F]"Now, while we do say this is a virus, I think two things can be deduced. One, that the virus is not biological in nature, seeing the final product is a Shadow. The second, is that Persona users are immune to this virus. I think that this is most likely because we've already become part of Philemon's 'side', so Nyarlatothep can't touch us with it.

Now, what needs to be done to solve this problem is that we need to find where the virus is being made, and stop production. In order to do that, we need to find a few living sufferers of this disease, and investigate from there. We also suspect that the areas the virus are being spread from are zones where the Shadows are able to roam about. If you should find such a zone, you will need to go in and find the source of it's creation and eradicate it. That's where your Personas will come in to aide you. And in order to call them to help you, we've lent you is called an Evoker."[/color]

She held up a similar gun and pressed it to the side of her head, [color=5F8B7F]"By using a device shaped like a gun, or in some cases, with collars or knives etc, it invokes a fear response, and the Persona is able to come forth. At least, we suspect that to be the case with most of you. We don't know how many of you are or will become Natural Users like Narukami-san, who can summon his Persona with the force of his will instead of needing an Evoker.

We've also provided several training rooms that will enable you to practice using your Personas before going out into the field. And that, Narukami-san, is how you can train the current Natural Users in that form of summoning. But before all that, is there any questions?"[/color]

Tldr of it all, to recap:

There's a virus turning people into Shadows.
You need to find where this virus is being released and where it's being made.
Also, finding a victim of this disease and bringing them to the Shadow Operatives building will probably help you along with that.

What the Shadow Operatives know about the Symptoms of the disease:

In the final stages (before becoming a Shadow) the following has been noted,
-Completely black eyes
-pale, atrophying skin
-Animalistic like aggression
-An aversion to light
-missing hair/nails/teeth

Other things of note
-the victims were bundled up in heavier clothes than would be needed in the season
-The eyes of slightly earlier stages were grossly dilated.
-Persona Users are immune.

There will be training rooms to aid in using Personas. That also means they can be temporary spots to use your characters' powers (via Persona).


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operative Building, Conference Room: Rugal

Listening quietly to the Operative's explanation, Rugal picked up his Evoker, unknowingly judging the craftsmanship of this weapon.
"Pffffff...Ruger Mk. III semi-automatic pistol, Doesn't have anything on one of ours..."
Wincing from his headache, he pocketed his one before saying "Give us the file of the last Infected you've found. Name, age, Routine, Address, anything we can use to find out how he or she came into contact with this virus so we can follow the trail from there. Unless you already have a lead..."
"~Ohhhhhh, ~Unless you already have a lead~ Tsh! Man, look at you, Captain Picard and his merry men and women."
"[sub]Shut your mouth, before I shut it for you![/sub]" He could be barely heard saying to himself.(?)

Shadow Operative Building, Conference Room: David West/Jenny

David was the most uneasy when he was handed his Evoker, examining it a distrusting look on his face.
"...You're SURE these things work?...Sorry to sound paranoid, but I'm in the business of blowing people's heads off with guns so I'm a little uncomfortable with doing the same to my own..." He asked as he meticulously checked out his, the device feeling more like a toy gun then anything he was used to.
As David asked, Jenny just kept looking over the pictures of the infected, showing a drive that was mostly absent for most of her stay on the Rising Dawn, as well as a temper.
"She said invokes fear, it's supposed to make you feel like that. [sub]Dunce[/sub]." She explained, thinking David didn't pay attention during the Lecture, like always.
"Hey, I just know what I don't like pointed at my head, alright?...Sheesh, J. Lighten up..." The Sniper protested as he slid his evoker away from himself on the table.
"...So what was that about "Natural User"? Sounds like some classy "Chosen one" Bullshit..."
Jenny merely sighed annoyingly before saying "If we counter any Infected, should we report them to your people or put them out of their misery?"

Shadow Operative Building, Conference Room: Deadshot

All the while, Deadshot was Loudly Munching on a packet of crisps he picked up at the Vending Machine on the way up, pocketing a company pen or 6 when no one was looking.
"Hm {question for the red-head} (Mitsuru Kirijo) {...ummm...Are we operating within local laws or is it a "M.I.B." thing where we can kick the shit of anyone and you'll people will make it so it never happened?}" He asked with his mouth pull of potato crisps.
*Gulp* "No, But seriously, how Public is this operation? I mean, those were some pretty fucked up looking victims, can't keep something like that under wraps for long. I'd like to know if we need to keep a low profile or not." He then asked before stuffing his face again, his chewing visible though the part of his face that was missing.
"{...Wait, did you guys want one?...Cheese and Onion...}" He said before offering a few of his crisps.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building, Conference Room: Devon, Angelus, Ella, Annie, Bruisers

[color=00c863]"Um, I'm still not really comfortable with pointing a gun to my head... I'm not that desperate, but if we have to...[/color] SHe glanced over at Angelus and then down at the gun (Which was on the handily-provided hip holster) nervously. Sure, they said it didn't have any bullets, but who's to say that people couldn't swap it out for a real gun? She didn't want to be sent to Ageha at all!

Meanwhile, Ella approached Annie with a kind enough greeting. "Would you mind helping me and Devon? I'd ask someone else, but Devon's already having a hard enough time getting used to her body, never mind puling the trigger and 'shooting' herself."

Shadow Operative Building, Conference Room: Slindis, Jenny

After taking a good number of notes on the condition of those affected, SLindis gave an affirmative nod. [color=c200]"It's eerie how you got something that works so well, but I doubt there's no way to cure it once infected. I'll have to try something first, but if it works I might be able to stem the tide a bit or keep it away from key people in your group if I bring my Persona out."[/color] The Drow seemed somewhat confident as she looked the notes over while she let Teri find out what it was she planned on doing, and responded to Jenny's rather straightforward question

[color=c200]"I'd like to give my idea a try first, because if we can save some it's less we have to kill."[/color] For many others it would have sounded naively optimistic, but Slindis was trying to keep the idea that they could help some of the infected in the people's minds.

Shadow Operative Building, Conference Room to Shadow Room: Melethia

Melethia had heard enough about the talk and shrugged before bluntly calling out to Mitsuru. "Look, just point me to one of those training rooms. If they can do what I think they can do, I'll need them for what I'll do for my Evoker. After all, if I have to use this, I'm gonna make it a real weapon." With that, she went off to a room and took a good long look at the Evoker.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Yu Narukami, Mitsuru Kirijo and Fuuka Yamagishi and the Rising Dawn crew.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, conference room | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan
Nodding to everything, Yu knew about this all already seeing how he was here a week before training and learning from the Shadow Operatives. Seeing how this group is new to Personas and their world, he was thinking that they will have a hard time not only accepting Persona knowledge but training with Personas and using them. The knowledge that was on the top of his mind was about Nyarlatothep and evokers. The Evokers force the Persona out whilst the natural user learns to control and accept their shadow which becomes a Persona.

Yu was a special case in all of this, he held the power of the wild card and the Arcana of the Fool. Under normal circumstances he would be able to summon multiple Persona, but that was when he gained the social bonds and other Arcana of his friends. Without them he only had his trust initial persona Izanagi, even then his own Persona had become an ultimate persona at one time, back then when they faced their final enemy.

His other friends could upgrade their Persona as their bond with Yu increased. It reminded him of the time with his once friend but now lover Chie, her Persona was upgraded when their bond was at maximum. Maybe with these people he could form bonds and gain their Arcana's to help with this ordeal. Making a fist, he misses them dearly, he still has their Arcana but as said before they are useless to him.

Coughing to attract attention to himself, Yu began to talk. "Basically, Evokers force the Persona within you out. Little do you know that everyone in here has a Shadow within them. To people who have the talent of becoming a natural user like myself, that Shadow is talking to you right now and making you uncertain about yourself ... probably talking about things you don't like but are true. If that is happening, at one point it will try to control and kill you, but instead you will have to face your hardships and try to accept it. If not ... you have to fight it." Yu said to everyone as he opened his palm and focused all his will into it. Yu learned that at veteran Persona user doesn't need special needs and can summon it at will, but being in places such as the Midnight Channel or Dark hour can help newbies. Another bit of information he learned is that a evoker user can summon their persona naturally at one point, but he doesn't know since he has never seen it himself.

A blue light filled the room suddenly, upon focusing the light everyone could see a single card hovering above the hand. Soon other cards started to circle Yu. "These are Arcana, the one I hold is mine ... it is the one of "The Fool", I also hold "The World" arcana but that is something else. All of you have a arcana and a persona belonging to one of them." He said to them. Shortly he began to talk about all of the Arcana.

Hanged Man
The World

"These are all the arcana, now I will show you what is a Persona." Yu said with a slight smile as the cards around him faded into nothing, crushing the card with his hand. Yu was covered with blue flames which turned into a rather large figure right behind him.

The figure wore a black long coat with red trimmings and other dark clothing beneath it.
It's feet were blades and it's fingers were long and sharp looking.
The most notable things about this large figure was the large weapon it held and the white mask with yellow eyes hiding behind it. "This is Izanagi, my Persona."

The large figure soon disappeared which left it's master still calm and expressionless. "Now the people who have already fought their shadow ... and people who think they have a shadow, should follow me. Learning how to use the Persona should be simple, but controlling your Shadow is the hard part." Yu said whilst standing by the exit to the training rooms.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Shadow Operative Building | Conferance Room
Rising Dawn Crew and Associates

Cz looked skeptically at the presentees, and even more so when they presented her with the 'evoker.' To her it just looked like a primitive projectile weapon, easily classified with flintlocks and other low grade weaponry that was lost to archives of human history. Or likely, as the high council would have deemed, to prevent humans from using these weapons to inflict terror and death upon one another.

"These are suppose to summon 'powers' forth from us?" Cz asked with an air of annoyance. She picked up the evoker and placed it upon her temple as she had seen the others model. "And these powers are to serve us in eradicating some sort of alien disease crafted by a creature of darkness?" As far as Cz knew, that 'darkness' seemed an awful lot like her own 'proxy' ability. To destroy a human and reform it into an amorphous devouring substance that carried the will of a Peacemaker. Could this Nyarlathotep be a Peacemaker of old?

Cz pulled the trigger, her eyes unflinching from the presenters before tossing the evoker back at them. "I have many doubts about this operation. But firstly I suppose you would have to get me another type of 'evoker." Cz rubbed her eyes, she was tired all of a sudden, "Something for someone that has no reason to fear dying."

She sighed and closed her eyes to rest them for a moment. The salt air has agitated her. What a pain it is. She laughed silently to herself. Almost as if I was human.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Operative Building, Conference Room

The two young women began to answer back forth for the party, taking the questions like champs as they came their way, Mitsuru starting with Rugal's question,

"Give us the file of the last Infected you've found. Name, age, Routine, Address, anything we can use to find out how he or she came into contact with this virus so we can follow the trail from there. Unless you already have a lead..."

[color=955555]"We can get those documents ASAP. For now, we're going to be proceeding to the training rooms, so you and your party can be prepared for what is to come. If you have the energy afterwards, you're more than welcome to peruse them as you need to."[/color]

"...So what was that about "Natural User"? Sounds like some classy "Chosen one" Bullshit..."
Jenny merely sighed annoyingly before saying "If we counter any Infected, should we report them to your people or put them out of their misery?"

Fuuka smiled and gestured to Yuu, [color=5F8B7F]"As Narukami-san has explained and demonstrated, a Natural user is someone who doesn't require an Evoker to call their Persona. However... The process is difficult. Dealing with one's Shadow is very dangerous. Which reminds me, Narukami-san, how do you suspect these people will know if they have Shadows to deal with or not?"[/color]

That was when Fuuka realized she hadn't answered Jenny properly, [color=5F8B7F]"As for your question, if you feel that you can bring them here, than do so. The more we can learn about this disease, the better. Otherwise, if you think they're too far gone, bring them their peace. It would be better to die with what little humanity they had left than to become a Shadow completely."[/color]

*Gulp* "No, But seriously, how Public is this operation? I mean, those were some pretty fucked up looking victims, can't keep something like that under wraps for long. I'd like to know if we need to keep a low profile or not." He then asked before stuffing his face again, his chewing visible though the part of his face that was missing.

[color=955555]"It would be best if you kept a low profile, or as much as possible. Japan has some very strict gun control laws, and we skirt by as is. If too much trouble arises, just drop my name and you should be alright. However, I would prefer that your group work within the law."[/color]

".. Why did you, or the man who calls himself Philemon- want the Rising Dawn to take part in this mission of yours? If you could really, truly reach out to other worlds, there is bound to be a infamous number of alternative people you've could of.. selected to.."

Fuuka shook her head, [color=5F8B7F]"We didn't have any choice about you coming here. As far as what Philemon told us, someone else recommended your group to him. Who that was, we've no idea. We've just had to make due with the force we were getting, even if they were from another world. With our usual forces scattered taking care of other Shadow related incidents, we can take all the help we can get."[/color]

After taking a good number of notes on the condition of those affected, Slindis gave an affirmative nod. [color=c200]"It's eerie how you got something that works so well, but I doubt there's no way to cure it once infected. I'll have to try something first, but if it works I might be able to stem the tide a bit or keep it away from key people in your group if I bring my Persona out."[/color]
[color=c200]"I'd like to give my idea a try first, because if we can save some it's less we have to kill."[/color]

Mitsuru shrugged, [color=955555]"We've tried the healing magic from out Personae before, but it didn't seem to do anything aside from calming the infected down. If you think your magic could do better, than you're more than welcome to try. However, the last subject we had has perished. I'm afraid you will not be able to test your theory until either of us finds another patient."[/color]

Melethia had heard enough about the talk and shrugged before bluntly calling out to Mitsuru. "Look, just point me to one of those training rooms. If they can do what I think they can do, I'll need them for what I'll do for my Evoker. After all, if I have to use this, I'm gonna make it a real weapon." With that, she went off to a room and took a good long look at the Evoker.

Mitsuru gave a nod at Melethia's acknowledgement with a faint smile and added, [color=955555]"Don't you have a sense for timing? We're just about to go do that."[/color]

"Now the people who have already fought their shadow ... and people who think they have a shadow, should follow me. Learning how to use the Persona should be simple, but controlling your Shadow is the hard part."

Teri sat up after that comment from Yu and gave Devon a nod, [color=0E59E4]"Well, I think that means us, Devon. Mr. Narukami, I do hope you don't mind if my friend Garm comes along too. Him and I are particularly close. The name is Teri, by the way. Teri Gravel.[/color]
The wolf only gave Yu a single look to indicate he had no intentions of leaving his Pup and Friend behind. As Teri and Garm drew closer, Dimitri chimed in, [color=3897E0]
"I think it is only fair I introduce myself as well, User: Yu Narukami. I am Dimitri, an AI in the service of Teri Gravel: 8th level Cleric and 1st level Monk of the Christian God. I will be accompanying her Ladyship wherever she may roam. I do hope I can be of assistance on this endeavor."
As Teri talked with Yu, the Shadow shifted anxiously in her mind, not liking the idea of Envoking the more it was talked about,[color=0E59E4]Well, better get her ready, Sadei. Looks like we're going to be using our Personas soon..."
"Can we get this over with quick? I don't like where all this is going..."[/color]

"I have many doubts about this operation. But firstly I suppose you would have to get me another type of 'evoker." Cz rubbed her eyes, she was tired all of a sudden, "Something for someone that has no reason to fear dying."

Fuuka blinked for a moment, and then made a small gasp, [color=5F8B7F]"Oh right! My mistake, that wasn't the Evoker for you. It must have been one of the spares.. Mitsuru-san, could you please get that Other one to her?"[/color]

[color=955555]"It's alright, Fuuka. We're bound to make a mistake or too. And here you are."[/color] Mitsuru had walked to a compartment of sorts, grabbed a realistic looking doll with shiny black hair and handed it to Cz, [color=955555]"Highly unorthodox, but whatever Philemon commissioned for the specialty Evokers, we weren't going to object. He'd understand your groups needs for these moreso than we would. Now, to the training rooms everyone?"[/color]

Shadow Operative Building, Training Rooms

As the party milled in, Mitsuru spread an open arm and explained, [color=955555]"These are the state of the art training rooms that we have mentioned before. In these rooms, we can open a temporary portal to the Shadow realms, and allow Shadow Operatives to train in fighting against Shadows in a monitored environment. Now, we have 8 rooms to choose from. These seven smaller rooms, and this one large room. Pick whatever rooms you'd like among yourselves. Once you do so, the doors will close and lock behind you. This is to enable that the Shadows won't leak through into the rest of our world. Narukami will be instructing the current natural users in one room; but for the rest of you, when the Shadows arrive, ready your Evoker,"[/color]

She pointed the gun to her head, [color=955555]"And set it off in the manner befitting the form your Evoker has taken. So long as it simulates harming you in some way, the process should work and the Persona will be unleashed to aide you. This process will be tiring at first, but that's why we're here. We will be here to watch every step of your learning process, so don't be afraid to call upon us if you need to. Best of luck to you all."[/color]

Feel free to auto yourselves to the training rooms.

Assume 6-7 smaller rooms and a rather large room that can hold the entire party (really freaking big). How Mitsuru will explain is that the rooms lock you in before initiating, so choose where you want to go wisely.

So far, we have

Room 1:
Yu Narukami

Room 2:

Choose where you want to go accordingly, make up a shadow to attack, show off your Persona. Play nice kiddies!


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building, Conference Room

Slindis gave an affirmatory nod before making her way to one of the rooms, having got the instructions. It was a bit odd, though; unless she was supposed to throttle herself with the glove, it wasn't the best option available. Unless it implied... But how in Khyber would Philemon have known that? He'd said he was merely told who they were by someone else. [color=c200]"You can begin at any time."[/color]


It was clear that Devon was very hesitant to let Ton-Ton go, but she eventually set the tonberry down to the ground and followed after Teri and Narukami. [color=00c863]"How exactly are we supposed to have the Personas come out if we're Natural users?"[/color]

[color=00c863]"Exactly the way you think they're supposed to come out, Double Dipshit. Just give me a name so we can get on with this and get closer to getting that Queen ***** back for this, preferably without becoming her ***** in the process."[/color]

Tama also found herself being reassured by Sadei. [color=b05fe9]"You'll only look a bit different. Think of it like a different haircut, except this one allows you to keep Teri alive."[/color]


Melethia went off to the nearest unoccupied room and immediately began working on the rather dull Evoker.Ugh... why's it got to be like a Kinslayer's blade? Odds are I can't ask for another one, so I'd better make this one count... At least this weapon was of high enough quality to actually work with, despite how dull the blade looked. She'd have to start somewhere, though.

Better start with the base enhancement for it before going to anything else. After all, there could be something else that pops up here in the meantime, and I don't want to add the fire to it yet. Thanks to how she worked, she was getting a bit of tunnel vision thanks to all of the focus she needed to get this blade right. She knew there was definitely a risk with the area. It didn't mean that much when the alternative was hamstringing her offense.


Ella called over to Annie, wanting to ensure that the woman would have a bit more than just herself and possibly Deadshot in the room. "Looks like we'll be finding out together, then. Did they really have to make it Silver, though? When I see the smartass that suggested that, I'm going to punch them in the kidneys."


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location:Conference Room | Shadow Operatives​
Cz and the Presenters

Cz picked up the doll and gave it a look over. The skin felt warm and soft in her hand, and the hair was light and airy, yet had a very real weight to it. The face... the face resembled a small girl she once knew with a thick mob of unkempt hair and big innocent doe-eyes that looked up to everyone.

And before she knew it, she had been herded into a training room with Melenthia.

How did... she looked back and saw one of the Presenters wishing them luck. Had I really been so taken by this doll as not to notice? Moreover, what was a shadow, and how was this little doll suppose to evoke anything from her? All these things seemed so foreign and unexplained.

That is until the session started and she tightened her grip on the doll. The little thing had a heartbeat and a breath. Cz came to a grim thought, "It's alive...?" The Peacemaker bit her lip and waited for whatever shadow that would come to appear.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Yu Narukami, [color=00c863]Devon[/color], [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color] and Garm.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, shadow room 1 | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan

Yu nodded as they walked towards the Shadow training rooms. "Nice to meet you all. You can bring him, in this situation the more friends the better." Yu said as he was reminded of the times he encountered the first personal Shadow of his BFF Yosuke. "Apparently almost anyone can have an arcana, I met a fox who had one once ... so I wouldn't be surprised if this guy was called to." He said as he slowed down to pet Garm, slowly and cautiously.

"And I am guessing that the voice is coming from a piece of technology ... nice to meet you too Dimitri." He said in his usual polite tone as he moved to the front again. The corridor was long but the group was almost there. "You gain a persona after you accept your shadow ... if you have done that you should be able to summon it, just be reminded that your shadow will always be there and it can go out of control again. If so ... just keep accepting it. If the shadow does go out of control, we will have to fight it." said the high school boy.

Coming to another corridor full of doors, with windows looking into the chambers, Yu stopped at the chamber marked "One". Having a communicator hooked up on his jacket, Yu called the control room. "Open chamber one for the natural users, lock it after we get inside." He asked and soon the chamber was opened. The group quickly went inside, the room was pretty natural looking, pretty big too. Although when the training begins it will take a whole other form, with fog and different surroundings. "Okay are we all ready ... being prepared is important." He turned around to the three behind him, Yu himself was still calm and deadpan yet he pulled out a two handed sword from his coat ... how can that be possible?

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Mir | Ruins of Sorrowfeld Manor | Constance's and Som's Hideout said:

In the pre-sunset afternoon, the gleam of Som Waterford's Blade clashing against the matte black finish of Constance Sorrowfeld's shotgun might have made an interesting contrast were inclined towards such thought as Teddy was. Sitting on a charred and cracked parapet that lay in ruins next to the area where the Hunter and the Vampire fought. To the Teddy Bear philosopher and backpack, the weapons gave a rather Mirian-Centric view of humans and non-humans. Pondering this line of thought, Teddy concluded that it was all a matter of perspective. Humans viewed themselves as children of light and non-humans and the children of darkness and vice versa. It was through the observation of his Owner and her Captor fighting that Teddy has decided that both sides were incorrect and just plain stupid.

Another clash of arms brought Teddy's attention back to the skirmish that was occurring before him as Som rolled forward, his blade lashing out and extending into a bladed whip that wrapped itself around Constance's shotgun. With one quick motion, the firearm was sent flying into the air, leaving the Cat Eared Vampire helpless, at least that's how it used to be.

Celerity Channeling the blood within her veins, Constance's movements became faster, her limbs a blur as she unleashed blow after blow towards the Hunter who was put on the defensive as he tried to dodge and block the lightning fast punches and kicks as he worked a vial loose from his vest and shattered it on the ground at the ultra quick Vampire's feet.

In a matter of seconds, Constance found herself being slowed down by a series of vines that had sprouted from the ground and wrapped themselves around her ankles and wrist until she was rendered defenseless and unable to move.

"Do you yield?" Som asked simply, his blade pointed at Constance, who nodded in response.

"Better. You did much better today." The Hunter commented as their sparring session came to a close, "But you still have a long way to go if we are to avenge your family."

"No. It's not just about my family anymore." The Raven Haired Little Vampire commented as she ripped the vines from the ground and from her body.


Practice Room #2


And thus was the sound of Constance and Som's return to the AA Realm as the two of them appeared in the middle of the Training Room that container Melethia and Cz.

"Ugh. What happened?" The Black Haired Blood Sucker asked as she picked herself up off the ground and looked around at her new surroundings once again.

"I am not sure but it appears that we have been shifted around the Airship once again." Som stated as he looked at the chronometer located inside the training room, a chronometer that noted that they had been gone for some time.

"H-Hey! What in the Hell is this?" Constance asked as she picked up a set of cat ears off of the ground, ones that did not belong to her.

"Perhaps someone is trying to mimic your fashion sense." The Hunter said coldly as he tried to shake the sense of uneasiness that wormed its way through his body. His mind trying to determine where he had gone.

Looking around the room, the two noticed Melethia and Cz standing there, most likely wondering where they had come from.

"Oh. It is you again." Som said towards Cz.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Training Room #3: Rugal

Taking the chance to try out his new powers, Rugal booked a Training room for himself (Unless someone else joined in) and waited for them to spawn in some easy opponents, just to get things moving.
Settling on the "SWAT Unit #321" Template, He then pulled out his Evoker and fiddled with it until the enemies came in.
"Alright...Here goes..." He said, not really used to the idea of Shooting yourself in the head to summon something.
Just as he pressed it to his head, the SWAT came in, yelling at him to put down the gun.
...I really hope I just attack them instead...


Aside from feeling the kick of a gun against his head, he didn't...feel any different as the SWAT went to disarm him.
Suddenly, a Large Claw shot out of the ground in front of them, seemingly tearing at reality as it craved a gash large enough for it's owner to crawl out of.
Rugal, Meet your Persona: Hercules.
"...What the hell..." He said as a massive 10 foot being with huge claws climbed out of the Gash it made before letting out a brutal roar that fazed even Rugal.
Needless to say, this had a mixed reaction from the SWAT, some members peppering it with bullets to no effect while one just ran towards the exit and began hammering on the door.
In a single swipe, Hercules managed to vaporize half of the unit, his claws shredding them into a fine pink mist before slowly advancing on the remaining half like something out of a horror show.

All the while, Rugal looked at the towering monstrosity and then to his Evoker.
He then silently holstered it and vowed to limit using it as much as possible as he watched the carnage.

Training Room #1: David West

"...I'm REALLY hoping you didn't pull that from where I think you did..." David West cringed, remembering that talk he had with Shawn and the Bloody Combat Knife.
"Right, Summon...Here we go........
Annnnnny moment now..." He began saying at he stared intently at the ground in front of him.
"............Isn't there a phrase for this:....Klaatu......barada....[sub]Barada[/sub]..."
[/color] Dimitri keyed in, having seen that film while he was on Stand By once.
"Thank you. Klaatu! Barada! Nikto!"
This display was starting to get sad now.

*43 Straight Minutes later*

"KALLTU! BARADA! NIKTO!" David shouted in the corner of the room as everyone else actually, you know, did stuff.
"OH COME ON! WHAT CAN A DOG DO THAT I CAN'T!?...Oh yeah...*Sigh*..." He said, finally giving up as he watched the teenagers flawlessly summon Shadows and Persona's, rubbing more salt into the wound that once again the "Badass Military Type" was getting outclassed by Magic Teenagers who actually went to college.
"...Awesometastic..." He moped as he watched, unaware that this very action was being the catalyst he needed as a dark pool slowly opened behind him...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Training Room #4: Deadshot

"WOOOOOOOOOOO! YEAH! I STILL WISH YOU HAD SKIN THOUGH!" Deadshot shouted the second Gaea faded from their realm.
"Man, I wonder what my one looks like!" He said, pushing Annie aside as the next Shadow was sent in before rushing them in a manner much like before.
"Alright! Lets do this!" He said before dramatically spinning the Evoker in his hand before shooting the bottom of his jaw.
The second he pulled the trigger, a dark silhouette appeared on the floor before a Man in a Suit with a Strange Blood Stained Mask began to form from it, right in the middle of adjusting his tie no less.
He was competely expressionless as he glanced over his shoulder at the incoming Shadow as it raced towards him.

The second it lunged at him though, the man moved extremely fast as he turned around and pulled a platinum gun from his jacket and effortlessly capped the Shadow in the dead, killing it's momentum and leaving it laying dead at his feet.
"Whoa...Nic-EHA!?" The Assassin said before his Persona flash-stepped in front of him and brought up his gun to his scarred face.
"...Call me [Null]...And only call me when it's important..." [Null] merely said before disappearing, leaving a somewhat shaken Deadshot in his wake.
"....Okay....Uhhh...My turn is over!" He said as he attempted to shrug off the fact that even his Persona seemed to want to kill him!


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operative Building, Conference Room

After a moment, Slindis saw a Shadow pop up out of the ground. It wasn't too large, but the way it shambled around reminded her a bit of some of the more incorporeal undead.

[color=c200]"Here's hoping this Evoker works. If not, I'll have to go to the old standby of hitting it until it falls."[/color] With that, she breathed out before slashing at her left sleeve with her right hand, causing a cloud of smoke to fill the room. At the same time, a young yet confident voice flowed into Slinis' mind

[color=c200]"I am thou, and thou art I
I spring forth from the well of your soul
I am the Martyred Champion, Joanne! []"[/color]

The fog then faded away to show the persona that was the same height as Slindis leap in with the staff and impale the shadow with her staff, causing it to vanish in a burst of light.


THe SHadow let out a tired and annoyed sigh as it talked to Devon. [color=00c863]"If you're going to want my help here, you'll have to give me a name. Not 'hey, you' or 'that one prick in my head', got it? I just want to get this over with so we can get to things that actually need us instead of playing pattycake with Four Eyes and that one ditz that couldn't even get to first base with The Devil."[/color]

[color=00c863]"How about Mengde?"[/color] The response was met with a card popping up and the Shadow grunting.

[color=00c863]"That's adequate."[/color]With that, she stabbed the card with her shortsword as a rushing wind popped in the room.

[color=00c863]"Look, they can't hear this, so let's make it clear. We're the same, I come from your soul, call me the Hero of Chaos or Mengde. Do I need to repeat myself?"[/color] The man [] that popped up was just under the height of Yu, yet he seemed to radiate an Aura of confidence.


Melethia immediately greeted the pair as she worked in the broaded refining steps to the enchantment for her item."Nothing too much. I was just busy touching up this... NO. Not now. Let me finish making this before you pop, you damn shades."To punctuate that statement, she had stabbed through a Shadow that was trying to attack the pair and caused it to dissipate.

"Do you three need any help with the area?" It seems that she'd gotten used to Som Constance's vanishing by this point, and she was waiting to see what Cz would do.


"Deadshot, you're a very lonely man, aren't you? Oh well, at least you didn't have the brilliant idea of an Evoker that's made of Silver being handed out to me. ALthough I do have to agree with youo; Annie's Evoking was rather brilliant! Now, let's see if this works." The disdain she felt for the gun was rather clear as she pulled it out and unhesitatingly pulled it while pointing at her heart.

"I am thou, and thou are I
I come from the soul that you've established for yourself
I am the Champion of War and Love
I am Ishtar!"

Annie's Persona was then met with a rather beautiful horned woman [] pointing one of her fingers and looksing a bolt of electricity at one of the Shadows that were popping up.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

43 minutes of FAIL.
Yu Narukami, [color=00c863]Devon[/color], [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color], David and Garm.
Location: Personaverse | Shadow Operative Building, shadow room 1 | Tatsumi Port Island, Japan

Examining the room and field, Yu nodded at David who came in and started to try and summon his Persona, Yu just about witnessed failure similar to his best friend Yosuke but yet it still became worse after. Yu knew what was going on, David has not fought his Shadow yet and it would be summoned within this environment and conditions. Seeing David go depressed and a dark pool opened behind him, soon the Shadow of David will come to meet him.

Next thing the Narukami saw was a Persona summon by a girl who he heard was called "Devon" by others. Cocking his head at the confusing name, but most of his concentration was on the dark pool that was behind David. "David-san you might want to look behind yourself ... slowly." He called out to the former cop and probably eldest of the group. Looking to Devon, Teri and Garm, Yu called out to them. "You guys should prepare yourselves!" He motioned towards the pool.

"David, you are about to confront your Shadow. No matter what it says, accept it! If you fail at that, do not worry. We are behind you." Yu said from the other side of the room and brandished his two handed katana and readied his will for anything. After they will win, Yu will place some normal Shadow enemies in here to practice with.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Some Mood Music []

Shadow Operative Building Training Rooms:

Room 7: Slindis, Angelus, Ton Ton

Angelus gave an impressed nod to Slindis' Persona coming forth and single handedly taking out the Shadow without a second thought, "Interesting... Now, how to activate this piece of machinery..."

She looked down at the dagger with a distasteful expression, "Do I really have to use this thing to use my powers? How greatly the other dragons would laugh, to know I, Angelus, have been brought so low...."

With a sigh of irritation, Angelus held the dagger to her breast, and took a deep breath as she pantomimed plunging it into her ribcage, as she had seen Caim's sister do so long ago. With a sound of tinkling glass, a....Creature [], appeared, veiny skin and an enormous mouth to match, swallowing the next Shadow in one gulp as whispered words entered the dragon's mind,

"I am thou, and thou art I.
From the flames of thy soul, I arise.
I am Tiamat of the Empress Arcana, Ummu-Hubur who formed all things.
Smite the weak with my strength!"

After the Persona disappeared, Angelus was left stunned as Ton Ton lept from her shoulder, the collar around his neck activating as a new Persona appeared: A knight [] bearing a goblet and a knife. The new Persona held the Goblet aloft as it's rays blasted away the next Shadow that dared attack the group, a gentle voice sounding faintly in it's owner's mind,

[color=15650D]"I am thou, and thou art I.
From the Light in your soul, I rise.
I am Galahad of the Star Arcana, Knight of the Round Table.
May our light outshine the darkness."

Ton Ton looked to the two young women, almost as if searching for a form of approval as he said, [color=15650D]"That was certainly new!"[/color]

Angelus simply blinked in astonishment and muttered, "Indeed...."


Room 3: Rugal, Caim

Caim stared in surprise to see what Rugal's Persona looked like, clearly not expecting some kind of sadistic clawed beast to climb from the sea of Rugal's soul. Of course, that meant that it was Caim's turn to try it out. As the next Shadow approached, another SWAT looking fellow, Caim looked down to the dagger [] in his hands and balked when he realized how exact it looked to the one Furiae used to end her own life with. How the hell would Philemon had known about that?

Either way, the Shadow was advancing, and Caim aimed the knife at his neck, closing his eyes as he 'swiped' it, and a flurry of black feathers appeared as Caim's Persona was summoned. A great bird-like being [] bearing a sword appeared, and with a sweep of it, it sent a trio of fireballs at the Shadow, incinerating it instantly (and not in a manner unlike what Caim had seen with his own blade) as a deep voice reverberated in his mind,

"I am thou, and thou art I.
From the darkness in your soul I arise.
I am Cael of the Tower Arcana, Ruler of 30 Demonic Legions.
May my sword and fire bring ruin to those before you."

Caim looked to the Dagger and stowed it away. Like Rugal, he wasn't liking the idea of using that infernal replica too often, Persona or not.

"I'll be happy when we leave this place."

Room 4: Annie, Deadshot, Ella, Cadolbolg

After Annie, Deadshot and Ella got a chance to practice using their Personas, Cadolbolg knew that it was his turn. He wasn't quite sure how his new collar was going to help him out, but it had to do something, right? Leaping from Ella's back, Cadolbolg flew forward as the sound of tinkling filled the air, and a new Persona rose. A dragon [] with scales resembling armor appeared, bearing twin blades, and roaring a challenge to the newcomer. It was easily the size of Gaea, in fact, it made Cadolbolg look even smaller by comparison. Whirling the twin blades, one now covered in fire and the other in lightning, the beast brought down both on the Shadow as it was hit with a double dosage of pain and promptly disintegrated. After that, a calm voice, not unlike what Cadolbolg likened to his friend, Devon, entered his mind,

"I am thou, thou art I.
From the storm in your soul I come forth.
I am Lei Zhenzei of the Sun Arcana, son of the Storm Dragon.
May my tempests aide your family in their time of need!"

After the dragon faded away, Cadolbolg nestled back in Ella's hair, "I think that's what's supposed to happen, right?"


Room 1: David, Devon, Dimitri, Garm, Teri, Yu

As more Shadows began to pour into the room, Dimitri found that the driver installed into his home space was beginning to work, and a little monkey with a book [] appeared. Handing Dimitri the book, the monkey stated in a matter of fact voice to Dimitri,
[color=3897E0]"Thou art I, and I am thou.
From the sea of your soul I arise.
I am Thoth of the Lovers Arcana, Lord of Knowledge.
Use my book to tear a path through the sea of ignorance."

Once given the book, Dimitri realized he could see all going on in the room; the locations of each Persona user and Shadow that was to come, and called out, [color=3879E0]
"There is more to come, prepare yourselves!"

That was when Teri decided to start to put the Evoker to her head, when a familiar voice entered her mind and an apparition of herself appeared. Still bearing the Glasgow grin, the Shadow folded her arms, [color=0E59E4]"You don't need that. We both know that. Come on now, summon me, dammit! I wanna bust some heads, and sitting around in your lazy ass brain isn't gonna get that done."[/color]

The Shadow then disappeared, and formed into a Tarot Card, causing a grin to appear on the Cleric's face, [color=0E59E4]"Priestess, huh? Hey Sadei, turn into a arm bracelet, if you'd be so kind? I'm gonna practice my stances."[/color]

After waiting a moment for her staff to reform and stowing her on an arm, Teri assumed the aggressive Stance Rugal taught her and brought a punch to the card, shattering it and causing a blue mist and a tall woman [] to appear:

[color=0E59E4]"I'm you, and you're me.
From your pansy ass I'm busting in.
I am Toyotama-hime of the Priestess Arcana, Daughter of the Sea,
all shall love me and despair!"

"You totally stole that last line from Lord of the Rings."
[small]"Shut up."[/small]

Following that, the Persona skewered the nearest Shadow with her Trident, causing the Shadow to disappear in a puff of black smoke. However, this left Toyotama-hime exposed to another that had laid in wait. That was when Garm leaped in, the collar activating as a voice called out (and definitely from the wolf himself), [color=365D60]"PEERSOOOOONA!"[/color]

[color=365D60]"I am thou, Thou art I.
From the sea of your soul I rise.
I am Gelert of the Death Arcana, Faithful hound of Llywelyn.
Use my Strength to protect those you hold dear."

A suit of frosted, canine shaped armor appeared [], not bearing any wielder inside it. Blood, or at least what looked like blood, dripped from it's "jaw" covering and large shards of ice floated around the sentient armor's body. The armor leaped in front of Toyotama-hime and took the brunt of the damage, following up the attack with the shards of ice stabbing into the Shadow. Once the Shadow dissipated, Garm turned and continued speaking, [color=365D60]"Is anyoone hurt! I'm not sure if saliva is better than healing magic, but it's worth a shot, right!"[/color]
It sounded as if he was trying to ask a question, yet where the normal human pitch would raise for the asking it sounded as if it ended in an exclamation. At the very least, the words were correct; putting Garm a few steps ahead of most wolves.

After 43 minutes of Failure

When David's Shadow began to manifest, Teri took her stance and called out to David, [color=0E59E4]"Careful, David! What's gonna come out of that pool will say some really nasty stuff, and it's gonna hurt like hell, but you gotta accept it as a part of yourself!"[/color]

Garm took a similar attacking stance and asked in an unintentional deadpan, obviously still trying to work out the kinks in tone, [color=365D60]"This woon't be pretty... Be oon yoour guard, Tear-ri."[/color]


Jenny, Fuuka

As Jenny stood outside a training room, Fuuka walked to the Gardevior and asked quietly, [color=5F8B7F]"I think your abilities are rather like my own. Is that why you haven't went into one of the rooms yet? Mitsuru can accompany you if you'd like."[/color]