Some Mood Music []
Shadow Operative Building Training Rooms:
Room 7: Slindis, Angelus, Ton Ton
Angelus gave an impressed nod to Slindis' Persona coming forth and single handedly taking out the Shadow without a second thought,
"Interesting... Now, how to activate this piece of machinery..."
She looked down at the dagger with a distasteful expression,
"Do I really have to use this thing to use my powers? How greatly the other dragons would laugh, to know I, Angelus, have been brought so low...."
With a sigh of irritation, Angelus held the dagger to her breast, and took a deep breath as she pantomimed plunging it into her ribcage, as she had seen Caim's sister do so long ago. With a sound of tinkling glass, a....Creature [], appeared, veiny skin and an enormous mouth to match, swallowing the next Shadow in one gulp as whispered words entered the dragon's mind,
"I am thou, and thou art I.
From the flames of thy soul, I arise.
I am Tiamat of the Empress Arcana, Ummu-Hubur who formed all things.
Smite the weak with my strength!"
After the Persona disappeared, Angelus was left stunned as Ton Ton lept from her shoulder, the collar around his neck activating as a new Persona appeared: A knight [] bearing a goblet and a knife. The new Persona held the Goblet aloft as it's rays blasted away the next Shadow that dared attack the group, a gentle voice sounding faintly in it's owner's mind,
"I am thou, and thou art I.
From the Light in your soul, I rise.
I am Galahad of the Star Arcana, Knight of the Round Table.
May our light outshine the darkness."[/color]
Ton Ton looked to the two young women, almost as if searching for a form of approval as he said, [color=15650D]"That was certainly new!"[/color]
Angelus simply blinked in astonishment and muttered,
Room 3: Rugal, Caim
Caim stared in surprise to see what Rugal's Persona looked like, clearly not expecting some kind of sadistic clawed beast to climb from the sea of Rugal's soul. Of course, that meant that it was Caim's turn to try it out. As the next Shadow approached, another SWAT looking fellow, Caim looked down to the dagger [] in his hands and balked when he realized how exact it looked to the one Furiae used to end her own life with. How the hell would Philemon had known about that?
Either way, the Shadow was advancing, and Caim aimed the knife at his neck, closing his eyes as he 'swiped' it, and a flurry of black feathers appeared as Caim's Persona was summoned. A great bird-like being [] bearing a sword appeared, and with a sweep of it, it sent a trio of fireballs at the Shadow, incinerating it instantly (and not in a manner unlike what Caim had seen with his own blade) as a deep voice reverberated in his mind,
"I am thou, and thou art I.
From the darkness in your soul I arise.
I am Cael of the Tower Arcana, Ruler of 30 Demonic Legions.
May my sword and fire bring ruin to those before you."
Caim looked to the Dagger and stowed it away. Like Rugal, he wasn't liking the idea of using that infernal replica too often, Persona or not.
"I'll be happy when we leave this place."
Room 4: Annie, Deadshot, Ella, Cadolbolg
After Annie, Deadshot and Ella got a chance to practice using their Personas, Cadolbolg knew that it was his turn. He wasn't quite sure how his new collar was going to help him out, but it had to do something, right? Leaping from Ella's back, Cadolbolg flew forward as the sound of tinkling filled the air, and a new Persona rose. A dragon [] with scales resembling armor appeared, bearing twin blades, and roaring a challenge to the newcomer. It was easily the size of Gaea, in fact, it made Cadolbolg look even smaller by comparison. Whirling the twin blades, one now covered in fire and the other in lightning, the beast brought down both on the Shadow as it was hit with a double dosage of pain and promptly disintegrated. After that, a calm voice, not unlike what Cadolbolg likened to his friend, Devon, entered his mind,
"I am thou, thou art I.
From the storm in your soul I come forth.
I am Lei Zhenzei of the Sun Arcana, son of the Storm Dragon.
May my tempests aide your family in their time of need!"
After the dragon faded away, Cadolbolg nestled back in Ella's hair,
"I think that's what's supposed to happen, right?"
Room 1: David, Devon, Dimitri, Garm, Teri, Yu
As more Shadows began to pour into the room, Dimitri found that the driver installed into his home space was beginning to work, and a little monkey with a book [] appeared. Handing Dimitri the book, the monkey stated in a matter of fact voice to Dimitri,
"Thou art I, and I am thou.
From the sea of your soul I arise.
I am Thoth of the Lovers Arcana, Lord of Knowledge.
Use my book to tear a path through the sea of ignorance."[/color]
Once given the book, Dimitri realized he could see all going on in the room; the locations of each Persona user and Shadow that was to come, and called out, [color=3879E0]
"There is more to come, prepare yourselves!"
That was when Teri decided to start to put the Evoker to her head, when a familiar voice entered her mind and an apparition of herself appeared. Still bearing the Glasgow grin, the Shadow folded her arms, [color=0E59E4]
"You don't need that. We both know that. Come on now, summon me, dammit! I wanna bust some heads, and sitting around in your lazy ass brain isn't gonna get that done."[/color]
The Shadow then disappeared, and formed into a Tarot Card, causing a grin to appear on the Cleric's face, [color=0E59E4]"Priestess, huh? Hey Sadei, turn into a arm bracelet, if you'd be so kind? I'm gonna practice my stances."[/color]
After waiting a moment for her staff to reform and stowing her on an arm, Teri assumed the aggressive Stance Rugal taught her and brought a punch to the card, shattering it and causing a blue mist and a tall woman [] to appear:
"I'm you, and you're me.
From your pansy ass I'm busting in.
I am Toyotama-hime of the Priestess Arcana, Daughter of the Sea,
all shall love me and despair!"
"You totally stole that last line from Lord of the Rings."
[small]"Shut up."[/small][/color]
Following that, the Persona skewered the nearest Shadow with her Trident, causing the Shadow to disappear in a puff of black smoke. However, this left Toyotama-hime exposed to another that had laid in wait. That was when Garm leaped in, the collar activating as a voice called out (and definitely from the wolf himself), [color=365D60]"PEERSOOOOONA!"[/color]
I am thou, Thou art I.
From the sea of your soul I rise.
I am Gelert of the Death Arcana, Faithful hound of Llywelyn.
Use my Strength to protect those you hold dear."[/color]
A suit of frosted, canine shaped armor appeared [], not bearing any wielder inside it. Blood, or at least what looked like blood, dripped from it's "jaw" covering and large shards of ice floated around the sentient armor's body. The armor leaped in front of Toyotama-hime and took the brunt of the damage, following up the attack with the shards of ice stabbing into the Shadow. Once the Shadow dissipated, Garm turned and continued speaking, [color=365D60]"Is anyoone hurt! I'm not sure if saliva is better than healing magic, but it's worth a shot, right!"[/color]
It sounded as if he was trying to ask a question, yet where the normal human pitch would raise for the asking it sounded as if it ended in an exclamation. At the very least, the words were correct; putting Garm a few steps ahead of most wolves.
After 43 minutes of Failure
When David's Shadow began to manifest, Teri took her stance and called out to David, [color=0E59E4]"Careful, David! What's gonna come out of that pool will say some really nasty stuff, and it's gonna hurt like hell, but you gotta accept it as a part of yourself!"[/color]
Garm took a similar attacking stance and asked in an unintentional deadpan, obviously still trying to work out the kinks in tone, [color=365D60]"This woon't be pretty... Be oon yoour guard, Tear-ri."[/color]
Jenny, Fuuka
As Jenny stood outside a training room, Fuuka walked to the Gardevior and asked quietly, [color=5F8B7F]"I think your abilities are rather like my own. Is that why you haven't went into one of the rooms yet? Mitsuru can accompany you if you'd like."[/color]