The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
[HEADING=2]Apologies, but the show must go on.[/HEADING]

Moooood muuuuussiiiiicccc []
Shadow Operatives Building - [color=955555]Misturu[/color], [color=5F8B7F]Fuuka[/color], Yu and the Rising Dawn

After an intensive evening of fighting Shadows, meeting friendly faces and dealing with varying personal hangups, (as well as a VERY intense lecture from Mitsuru to Deadshot, Storm and Annie about the consequences of their actions) the party found themselves in the Shadow Operatives building the following morning. They were in a different conference room; with a map in the middle of the table; and with Mitsuru, Fuuka and Yu (who had stayed in the Shadow Operatives building the evening prior) standing and awaiting the party. After the group gathered in their varying manners, Mitsuru was the first to speak,

[color=955555]"Good morning. I do hope all of you have had adequate amounts of sleep. Now, to get down to business."[/color]

She swept her hand over the table containing the map, and pointed, [color=955555]"Now that you have become acquainted with your Personas and have a firm grip on what to look out for, it's been decided that your forces will be split between two teams. The first, to finish cleaning up the Shadow Zone that appeared; and the second to go to Tatsumi Port Island to investigate for any further infected, clues, what have you. Seeing that a small team,"[/color]

she waved a hand to Devon, Ella and the others involved in the incident the night before, [color=95555]"Was able to manage; albeit with some injuries, I think the division of your forces shouldn't be too great of an issue. However, I will make it clear that you will be walking around in a modern city with citizens who are not familiar with the sort of talents that your group has. Please exert some from of subtly in what you do."[/color]

She gave Deadshot, Annie and the Wanderer a particular look when expressing this, and then allowed Fuuka to take the floor, [color=5F8B7F]"I know some of you had Mitsuru acting as a support last night, but I can more than adequately do the same, and with less equipment involved. For that reason, I will be aiding those going to the Shadow Zone today. I hope my powers can be more than sufficient in helping you find your way in the Zone. Also, I'm going to give you a fair warning. Mitsuru told me about the 'robot' that you encountered in there. That would be an Anti-Shadow Weapon, one that must have had a malfunction when the car hit the warehouse containing her in while she was deactivated. She is delusional, and will attack you on sight. So there will be her, in addition to the Shadows you will be facing in the zone.

Are there any questions about what you will be doing today?"[/color]

You know what this means? Time to split up, gang! :D

There will be two teams for the Dawn to split into. While in these teams, you're more than welcome to mingle and mix as you please, but do tell me CLEARLY where your character is going off to in the areas, okay? There are lots of locales in all the places, and it can get easy to mix up who's where.

Shadow Zone Exploration/Decomissioning

Investigation, bitches!

Music to listen to while planning! []

The following places are open to explore:

Naganaki Shrine
--Pretty self indicative, a Shinto/buddhist (never really state) shrine with a playground for small children.

Iwadatoi Station
-- A large hub of shops and resturants which include, but are not limited to: a book store, Wild Duck Burger and Octopia (a takoyaki stand)

Port Island Station
-- Like Iwadatoi Station, Port Island holds various shopping areas, which include a Movie theater and a flower shop.

Paulownia Mall
--Lots of Shopping huh? Actually, this place does have that, as well as a police station, an arcade, and a club! *untz untz* Yes, they do serve alcohol, and it also hosts Karaoke!

Please don't ask me bout the school. It was just on the map. ^^;

Additional information about these locales will be given upon arrival to them, including more images! We like those, right?


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Rugal

The morning Rugal woke up was an eventful one, thanks in part to the "Kind Efforts" of Wanderer for rigging every possible path out of his room with Cryo Mines.
Needless to say, the Self Appointed Captain of the Rising Dawn was shivering and sneezing for some time after he was able to get past them all.
"R-right...I'll be leading the Investigation so A-anyone who intend to do the same, M-meet me at Tatsumi Port..." He sniffed, making sure to remember to "Thank" Wanderer for this the second he was able to do so.
"Also, I just want to P-pretext that due to some..."Control" issues with my own Persona, I am basically rendered ineffective in them. As of such, I will NOT be able to enter a Shadow Zone. Just so the other members of the Investigation understand..." He explained, figuring his ruse thus far was still pretty effective.
"...a-a-AH-COO!....*Sniff* [sub]damn that motherless bastard[/sub]..." He cursed as he pulled out a handkerchief to wipe his nose.

Shadow Operatives Building: David West

After an un-eventful night, David didn't get up to much (Nor was he in the mood to do so), but there was a part of him that was wondering what the hell this "Shadow Zone" was.
"Eh...Sign me up for the Shadow Zone thingy." He said with a lack of interest, absently fiddling with his weapon.
"You sure?...I figured you would be better suited to Urban Combat."
"Nah, knowing my luck, I'd just get up getting my ass kicked by Ninjas or...something..." He sighed as he spun his M500 halfheartedly.

Shadow Operatives Building: Jenny

While she was a little disappointed that she couldn't use the Shadow Zone Emulator last night, Jenny perked up to the idea of doing into the Shadow Zone, Provided Cz was up for it.
"I'm okay on either team, seeing how I'm usually on the back row a lot of time..." She admitted, something that was starting to bug her more then usual.

Shadow Operatives Building: Deadshot

After sitting though what seemed like 40 years of a lecture with his 3 least favorite people in this room (Mitsuru, Annie and Wanderer), Deadshot was extremely annoyed with the proceedings, animating only to pick which team he'd be on.
"I'm with the Investigation. Seeing as I have no intention of going back into that crazy ass place..." He said as he threw his feet up on the table, just to piss Mitsuru off.
"We have Agents who will meet us on site? Or do we just start poking though trash cans?"

Rugal: Investigation
David: Shadow Zone
Jenny: Pending
Deadshot: Investigation


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
bluerocker said:
Confusion Returns: You used Storm in the lecture part ... but that ain't no problem. XD
The Doctor returns.
Wanderer/Shawn and co.
Location: Shadow Operative Building.
During the lecture of Mitsuru's, the now patched up Doctor was in a formal form. His clothes were his civilian clothing which consisted of his Doctor stuff and some sunglasses to hide him glowing eyes. For the whole lecture he wanted to say something about Deadshot and put all the blame on him, but his Shadow actually managed to stop him, the reason was so that they would contain their energy for the future which would contain a battle.

After the whole speech and the positions, Fuuka took the floor to explain a few more thing about the Shadow Zone. When the word "Robot" had came up, the Doctor was already on the case, practically brewing with enthusiasm. Then the question time came up and the Doctor immediately stood up with his hand stretched to the ceiling. He cradled his Pipboy as if he was going to write multiple things down.

"Ugh yes ... I have some questioned about machine. *Ahem*"
One, does it have any weaknesses? If not do we use this ... 'persona' to fight it.
Two, can we have a detailed summary about it's background or past?
Three, what is it's design like? ... from last I saw it was literally human.
Four ... can I have a design?

The Doctor said the last part with his puppy dog eyes, if he could do it at least. "(Come on ... persuasion, don't fail us now." *Rolls dice*) The Shadow said within, if he could gather a design of that robot, he could probably think about making one ... especially if he returned to the Wasteland. "Other then that, my name is Shawn Pitt, codename: Wanderer ... and I would like to go into the Shadow Zone ... plus it seems Rugal needs some cold medicine or something ... " The Doctor said as he almost snickered at that last part.

("Alien technology is a ***** ain't it?") The Shadow Wanderer joked mentally, which made the Doctor's cheeks puff from resisting laughter.

Yu Narukami & co.
Location: Shadow Operative Building.
Yu, who was standing up near the front was eagerly listening to this plan. From so far it was more organized and had far more power then any plan Yu came up during his time leading his own investigation group. Seeing the Doctor volunteer with enthusiasm and Annie with hidden eagerness, this made Yu raise an eyebrow and looked to his side at Mitsuru. "As much as I would like to go investigate ... I worry for the two that just received their Persona. Where do you think I would suit best?" Yu asked the Mitsuru besides him.

Shadow Zone Duty said:
Yu Narukami.
The Doctor.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Moooood muuuuussiiiiicccc []
Shadow Operatives Building: Devon and Ella

Devon glanced at the others and began speaking, more than a bit uncomfortable in the clothing [] that Teri had poofed in for her to wear. [color=00c863]"I'd love to go on the exploration team to the Shadow Zone-[/color]

But was cut off by Ella giving her a hollow, blank-eyed stare [] that made the Bard quickly change what she was saying.

[color=00c863]-But I think I'd be better off helping Ella in the town."[/color] It was a bit unusual to see how much Ella could cow Devon; it was hard to say what Ella had said to Devon last night, but a reminder through that one look was enough to bring her back into line.

Shadow Operatives Building: Slindis

Slindis had stayed up much of the night (Having distinctly sstayed in her room instead of the room that Rugal was in) debating what she would do in the morning, but she was finally able to curtly reply to Mitsuru. [color=c200]"I think I'd be best suited to explore the Shadow Zone with the others. Although I'd like investigating more, I'd feel a lot more comfortable if there was someone there to retrieve them if something went wrong."[/color]

After that, Slindis contacted Teri over the ring. [color=c200]"I know you're still not really all there after the hit your Persona took last night, so I need you to go on the investigation team. Don't pursue Rugal too hard; just keep an eye on him. Above all, don't take any careless risks. Although he hasn't taken any hostile actions yet, I don't want you to drop your guard. You saw what happened to the cursed bard yesterday, after all."[/color]

Slindis is on the Shadow Realm Team
Shadow Operatives Building: Melethia

Finally, the second youngest looking humanoid there put in her two cents. "I'll take that Shadow Zone job. I also have that armor of the Bard's to fix up, but even with the properties of the Zone I wouldn't be able to fix it up for a month or so. Still, it's good to get that practice in, and they could use the backup." With that, she pulled out the evoker blade she'd been refining most of last night (Certainly looked a lot more dangerous) and began casually juggling it with one hand.

Melethia is on the Shadow Realm Team
Unnoticed to everyone but Teri, though, a note written in purple Comic Sans appeared in the cleric's pockets along with an extra gift.

"Here's a ring for Garm; I hadn't anticipated him becoming sentient so quickly, so that was an error in my judgement. It'll help you with the plans while you keep an eye on your cursed bard and implement Operation: Intervention."


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Shadow Operatives Building
All the People

Siz leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes to rest. A good night's sleep had eluded her once again, and her eyes fell heavy. Cz was frustrated, but she herself was too exhausted from trying to decipher the nightmare to exert any force on her compressed body. The little girl held tight to her evoker-doll and stared at the reports, trying her best to absorb all the information bombarding her little head. In the end she bit her lip and looked around. Rugal, Deadshot, Melenthia, and Slindis joined the Investigations Unit. David, Annie, Yu, and The Doctor were gearing up to head into the shadow zone. Cz paused and gave a little thought to the situation. Investigations would keep me on the safer side. Cz assumed, too tired to think beyond the surface ramifications of the choice. Being in the Shadow Zone would allow Veles to be free again... and if I interface correctly I could regain my regular form... in theory. Cz growled in frustration and knocked on her head with a clenched fist. Siz mirrored her. This is so dumb.

With a strange calm coolness, little Siz opened her mouth and spoke firmly, "I is go to Shadows. I is bring light to Darkness."

Cz was baffled. To go near the dark after that entire episode with the eldritch creature? Even she was baffled at the her persona's decision.

Cz has joined the Shadows Realm Clean-Up Unit
Location: Med Bay | Rising Dawn
Time: Concurrently​

BlackHarte made a note to himself to leave a gift for Author Jake. His journey to the medical center of the vessel had been infinitely more expeditious by hitching a ride with the human. The reality of the matter was unfortunate. Despite being an unstoppable force in cyberspace, BlackHarte was very weak in the physical realm. Requiring to scoot his body by extending and contracting bits of his body to push his body partition along the floor in a viscous blob. Movement took long ages.

With a heavy heave-ho of his gelatinous form BlackHarte threw himself against the wall and stuck to it. Then again, he brought his full weight to bear and smashed himself against the wall, sticking firmly a little higher up. Slowly, he began to climb up the side of the wall. The airship was old, BlackHarte remembered, but just how old escaped him. His earliest memories told him that this ship belonged to a boy named Ryan. But BlackHarte had suspected that Ryan's vessel had long been destroyed somewhere, and this ship belonged to someone else. It was not in his nature to make decisions based on assumptions alone however, for he was a creature of logic. At least, BlackHarte hoped he was a creature of logic. Truth be told however, he had indulged in human emotions several times in the past. Especially after he had come into possession of the Stone of Darkness. At first it was hunger. Not the innate need to feed that all 'living' creatures where imbued, but the sensation of wanting to eat. The sin of gluttony. Then after he had eaten his fill, he had lost contact with a god portion of his previous hulking body. For a while he slept within the ship's frame. Silent and only reacting to emergencies. A sin of sloth. Then it was wrath, helping strike out against the fleet in orbit by using the Stone to generate the wormhole. He had laid waste to a huge amount of life, and found delight in senseless slaughter. But soon he grew bored of that too. Then he grew prideful, under the Mage in Red he had planned the downfall of Gods, just to see if he could. For the most part, it worked, he believed. He could not say. He lost another part of his body during that incident, and another chunk of his memories.

Master Kyre was eventful, so very eventful. Through her, and her body, BlackHarte indulged in pleasure for the first time. Lust was something that he never grew bored of. Even when feeding the emerald-eyed master had given him some perverse thrill. BlackHarte missed the Anti-Mage dearly. She was a fun master. After her was the blonde-hared merchant. He who was so covetous of life and humanity lived in constant greed and envy. BlackHarte had no real desire for it, but observed none the less. Still constantly he felt as if something was missing. Were those not all the masters he had served? What more could he be wanting? He had his friends, he had the ship, and now he even had other A.I.'s to keep him company.

What more could he want.

It took effort and time, but BlackHarte finally reached his destination after an eternity of thought and slow movement. He lay directly against a cool metal panel, devoid of any of his influence. He had 'walked' all the way here because he wanted to delay the time before the revelation. A good portion of him did not want to know if the evidence was here, if this was indeed the same ship they had boarded that fateful day in Washington D.C. BlackHarte opened the panel and peered inside with his green eye. And she was there, waiting after all this time, like she had been the day he closed the door on her. A white bodysuit, cleanly washed, folded and pressed into vacuum containment. Made to fit a small girl of fifteen.

BlackHarte couldn't remember who it was for, but he knew whoever it was was important at one point if he stashed something like this away for three years.

Sea of Chaos
Location: Distorted | Existence | Reality |Shattered Dimensions
Time: Concurrently​
Black Heart Primary Unit - Designation: "Kusanagi, Sword of the Godslayer" Sub-Unit 22: Personality Core - Ragna

"Wh0 cou1D IT bE!? Who could it be. who could it be behind the mulberry tree with blackberries that fell out around us!

The sun is bright the sun is naught. Darkness sees I about. Is this the past, is this the present, is this the future? Am I lost, do I need a map! GAHAGEHAHAHEEEHEE! MAP I NEED think NOT I haaavE it mY LIEGE! COME BACK TO ME PLEASE. Okease. please okay

want See you again . Aga. in. Ag. Ain. s-s-S-s-S-uffer wur me. Yes. Aye. Agree. noMinAteD. Congress! Haha! They LEFT. ThEY LEFT. AND THEY DID NOT SAY [HEADING=3]GOODBYE[/HEADING] two mE! nNiGhammarRE Tihs is a nitrhmage nitrhmage nightmahg NiAIGHTmARE! Trapped in LivIng hell . He. ll. Hell. llhel . hel. Please come baAck. Sosorry I am nsotory . SSSosssos o SO soryyy.


[HEADING=1]I[/HEADING] [HEADING=2]...i[/HEADING][h4]AYE....[/h4]

BlackHarte settled down. His body stopped moving, and floated in vast emptiness. This primordial evil confused, beckoning, and wishing. Hoping. Looking. Yearning. Do machines dream? BlackHarte looked out into nothing and wondered. Did machines dream? Was he dreaming? Was he a person? Is he not a machine? If he was not a machine then the was dreaming. What was he dreaming. What did he want.

What did he wish. Hope. See.

"They never said goodbye," he answered himself in that own little world he inhabited with nothing else but a million other things. But a million things in a vastness as massive and dark as he saw was the same as nothing. He was so angry over nothing. Nothing has slighted him, and nothing hurt him. Nothing hurt so much, nothing was everything after a lack of something.

BlackHarte looked out into the world and pleaded to his invisible God that he himself created to plead to, "Let me see them again. One. Last. Ti-i-i-i-i-i-i"

And then Sub Unit 22 died, crushed by the ruling thumb that was BlackHarte. Ragna vanished into nothing, like those people he yearned for. Another, generic, pointless creation of a higher power that was there for no reason but to enrich the solitude of a massive abominable creature. And Generic Nuanced Personality Core 22 did not even get to say goodbye.

"Goodbye," he said. But no one was there to hear him. Not even himself. He never did say goodbye.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Shadow Operatives Building: Airship Rising Dawn Crew Members


The Raven Haired Vampiress stood towards the back of the room and listened to the briefing that had been given by Mitsuru while trying to decide which of the groups would benefit most from her and Bast. Even as she pondered this, she was taken aback by the number of crew members that she had not yet met and the fact that this group would so willingly go forth to battle an unknown force in the name of a group that they were unfamiliar with.

"(It's becaused they're heroes, dummy. You could probably learn a thing or two from them.)" came a snide comment from the back of Constance's mind as Bast, her voice sounding as if she was in the middle of a nice and comfortable nap.

[color=B87333]"[small]Miss Constance, I would recommend that we join the investigation team. I believe that you are suited for this with your - eh - enhanced senses.[/small]"[/color] Teddy said from his position on Constance's back.

"No. I'm going to go help with the Shadow Clean Up." The Childe of the Sorrowfeld Clan stated as she walked over towards where Annie, Cz, David, The Doctor and Yu Narukami.

"Got room for another?" The Crimson eyed young girl asked as she looked at each of the members of the clean up crew.

Shadow Zone Clean Up: Constance Sorrowfeld


Standing near his charge, Som was surprised at her decision to embroil herself in a situation that would be so combat heavy, especially given how she had been acting since the start of this whole Persona ordeal. It was almost as if she was a different person. As surprised as he was at her decision, he could not help but simultaneously feel a strange sense of pride at the decision.

It was his turn to make a decision, however, and he had overheard the commentary of the Plush Backpack on how the Investigatory group would need those who had experience in such things. Being a Hunter meant that Som Waterford was required to be as observant as he was physically ready for combat as members of the Hunter's Authority often had to do their fare share of tracking and investigations.

Walking over towards the other group, the Hunter stood silently, unwilling to speak to the remainder of the group given their - species. He did, however, give a brief nod towards Deadshot, of whom he assumed was human.

Investigation: Som Waterford.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
From the back of the room Jake stood from his seat. "New arrival here, G'day to those of tha crew who haven't met me yet, me name's Jake, and I am an Author. I'm heavily skills based, but my powers include rewriting anything. I've faced shadows before and won with the help of my friends, I'm in for causing some hell." The young Australian said with his hand upon his sword. He glanced to Akane next to him, and she stood as well.

Clearing her voice nervously she began to speak, "I... I will go with the investigation team. I am not happy with facing my shadows again so soon after rejoining this plane and my last memories..."

Jake placed a reassuring hand upon her shoulder, squeezing once before letting go and moving to join the others in the strike team.

Jake: Shadow Zone Strike/Clean up
Akane: Investigation

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013

Shadow Operatives Building | Shadow Zone Clean Up Team: Annie, Constance, Cz, David, The Doctor, Jake, Yu

Sgt_Jakeman214 said:
"New arrival here, G'day to those of tha crew who haven't met me yet, me name's Jake, and I am an Author. I'm heavily skills based, but my powers include rewriting anything. I've faced shadows before and won with the help of my friends, I'm in for causing some hell."
A pair of Crimson eyes curiously regarded the Author who spoke up and volunteered to join the Shadow Zone Sweeper team as he stood. Not only was she curious in the fact that he was new to her, but she was curious in the fact that he claimed that he was able to rewrite anything, a power that Constance would have thought to have reserved for Gods, not the young man who spoke with a strange sounding accent. If there was any validity to his claim, the young Vampire was certainly glad to have this Jake accompanying the Shadow Zone Sweeper team.

After his speech was completed, the Sorrowfeld Vampire nodded greetings in his direction since now might have been a more apt time for introductions rather than in the heat of whatever battle faced them in the Shadow Zone.

Waiting for the Swordman and Author to join the Strike Team, Constance retrieved her silver and matte black Twelve Gauge shotgun and began nervously checking the weapon to ensure that it was in proper working condition.


Shadow Operatives Building | Investigation Team: Akane, Deadshot, Melethia, Rugal, Slindis, Som

Sgt_Jakeman214 said:
"I... I will go with the investigation team. I am not happy with facing my shadows again so soon after rejoining this plane and my last memories..."
The Hunter with blue eyes regarded the newcomer with Nine-Tails with a look that bordered on contemptuous as he stood apart from the others of the Investigation Team. To him, this Akane was just another non-human aboard a ship of non-humans and human colaborators. There were a few of the non-humans that had shown themselves to be of some use but Som Waterford reserved judgement on the remainder.

Looking at the Kitsune, Som remembered that there had been more than a few merchants back on Mir that would have paid handsomely for Kitsune tails, the exotic hairs being prized by many of the richer royal families after they had been processed into silk-like cloth, not that Som would have taken part in such an act.

As he continued to regard the Fox Woman and the way she carried herself, he hoped that she would not put the Investigation group at risk. She certainly did not look like much.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Equipment and fear.
Wanderer/Shawn and co.
Location: Shadow Operative Building.
"As they say ... the more, the merrier."

A voice called out to the raven haired girl, it was a man dressed up in a Doctor's uniform whom wore black sunglasses, but beyond that a faint blue glow and the outlines of eyes stared at her. If she had heard others or even the man himself, he was called "Doctor" or "Wanderer", but he called his own name of "Shawn Pitt" when he had asked questions. Even right now he wait standing up, eager to gain some answers to his question.

It had seem that the Doctor returned to the presenter, but in truth his mind was still on her. ("She seems different.") The Wanderer called out in his mind yet another echo rippled back. ("No kidding ... she ain't human. They remind you of somebody ... don't they?") The Shadow called out from the inner part of the Wanderer's mind. Nodding to himself, he confirmed the fact.

("The cannibals ... "The family". Vance and his 'kin'.") He said to himself mentally once more, ("The so called "Vampires"? She does have that whole ... 'feel'.") The Shadow voice returned the vote of confidence but right before turning to the other newcomer they needed to say one more thing. ("Good thing ...our blood is more radioactive then a nuke.") The two said at the same time and chuckled as their attention went to the new guy ... or at least the man and girl they have not met.

Hearing Jake's introduction, the Doctor's attention was place on him. Especially since he used the word "Author" in his introduction. The Wanderer only knew one other Author, it was the one who played and created him. ("Shaun ... ") He said his name, the one who bought him here, good and bad. His Author was here, but based on the moon, he knows of the Author's power, they create and destroy, they have rules. The Wanderer did not want to see anything else about being a Author.

The Wanderer may need to keep a eye on this one, ("One step out of place ... you know what to do.") his Shadow spoke once more, reminding him of his position of "Omega", the end, the one who destroys for the better. The Alpha would equally agree with this statement, if a Author went crazy again, Death needed to come back. ("I will become the Angel of Death ... only if I need to do so.") The Wanderer said within himself, his Shadow calmly smiling with him.

Pulling his gaze from the presentation, it went towards Jake. His hands almost shook and begged to end it now. If anyone saw, a intense blue gaze came from the sunglasses of the Doctor. His hands, his scythe, his tool to end all. Forcing himself to look forward again, he was worried for himself. Then he saw 'vampire' equip and maintain a shotgun, "I'll ... I'll do that too." He immediately said, looking down upon his Pipboy he chose his weapon, the best weapon for him right now.

A large .50 Cal rifle plopped into his arms. Immediately the Wanderer began to care for his weapon while his eyes remained on Fuuka, Still waiting for his answers. Little did he know, his hands were already on the scythe, he still needed to prove that he has control.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Shadow Operatives Building | Shadow Zone Clean Up Team: Annie, Constance, Cz, David, The Doctor, Jake, Yu

StormShaun said:
I'll ... I'll do that too.
The comment came from one of the Airship Crew Members, one of the ones that Mitsuru had given a withering glance towards when she spoke of subtlety, as he started pressing buttons on a rather sturdy looking machine that was attached to his wrist. Looking at it, Constance Sorrowfeld, could not quite determine the small device's function other than, perhaps, an oversized wrist watch.

Adjusting the faux cat-ears that she never left home without, she looked at the one called The Doctor with a curious glance, her eyes glancing between the user and the device, that was, until he pulled out a rather large rifle, one that looked as if it could take out a score of Firian Berserkers in one shot.

"That's a rather large gun, don't you think?" The Young Vampiress commented as she started removed the barrel from her weapon and looked down one end, ensuring that there was no debris or residue built up that would cause her weapon to misfire.

It was true that the Anti-Materiel rifle was rather large, especially when one considered that the Shadow Zone that the Strike Team was unknown to them. Constance hoped that rather than a series of alleys that would render the rifle a hindrance, she hoped that the zone would contain large open areas where the rifle could be utilized.

Thinking that she had come off as rather sure, the Sorrowfeld vampire greeted the Doctor.

"I'm Contance by the way.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Wanderer/Shawn and co.
Location: Shadow Operative Building.
"The name is Wanderer as you probably heard ... " The still standing Wanderer said towards Contance but shuffled towards her with his rifle leaned against his shoulder, " ... or Doctor, those are the titles I go by around here. Don't worry though I am a actual Doctor, I can help humans and non-humans. That is pretty much my job around the ship." He spoke with confidence and a unusual tone of honor. The Wanderer did look confident until he had spotted the cat ears, then his face twisted into a confused smile.

" ... I'm guessing those are not real?" He shortly spoke afterwards, scared that he might have accidentally discovered some kind of secret cat-vampire hybrid race in this place. *Ahem* "Sorry about the rudeness." The Wanderer cleared his throat and apologized, another duty for this Doctor is to know how to help everyone, humans and non-humans, a catpire would make his job a whole lot more interesting.

Holding up his rifle, he took out a clip and placed another one in, the difference was that the colour of the bullets were different. It went from red-tipped to normal, it was obvious that it was some kind of different ammo. The ammo he had replaced was the explosive type, it would be terrible if the Doctor unleashed those in a small hallway. "Returning to your question, this gun is big, but it is only my biggest rifle. I have others weapons that lean towards much larger sizes, but I wont get those out, I would hate if they went off in this ... nice room." He gave a light chuckle towards the end of his sentence.

Eyeing the weapon of Contance, it was a shotgun, to the Wanderer it was in better condition then many he has seen in his Wasteland, it practically shined in his eyes. "Shotgun, twelve shots ... I have one of my own, although mine can equip different types of ammo ... like coins for instance, but it looks like a relic compared to your shiny edition." He commented on the shotgun as he began to check the condition of his own weapon.

"But ... where we are going has tight corridors, I'm guessing you want to be in front of us? Hehehe" Another chuckle emerged, "But if you are in front of the group, you will not need to worry about this big rig, with the combination of my Pipboy and skill, we will be able to easily hit anything with a hundred percent accuracy." He gave a cocky smile before holding up his Pipboy and rifle for her to look at. "But for you to be here, I am sure you have many special talents of your own." A genuine smile came through as the Wanderer once more cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"Enough about those subjects ... tell me more about yourself?" The Wanderer said, his curiosity began to grow more.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Rugal

"W-well enough. I'll get some transportation arranged then." Rugal sniffed, still feeling the effects of the Cryo Minefield he walked though this morning.
"I would also like to get a list of a-any underground contacts in the city that would have a feed on the a-activities of the streets. I know first hand just how wide-reaching such contracts can be..." He then asked Mitsuru, knowing from experience how much a allied criminal could assist in digging up dirt.

Shadow Operatives Building: David West/Jenny

David meanwhile was with the rest of the Shadow Strike team as they checked their gear, watching as Wanderer bragged about his armory.
Looking as his own M500, he sighed as he holstered it, knowing how little use it'd be.
"Right...Now, It goes without saying everyone moves as a group. From what I heard from Deadshot's little trip, it's kinda like hell so...There's that... Wanderer, Yu, Take point. Jake and Annie, you're with me-" He said to the group.
"I'm going too." Jenny then interrupted as she joined the group, if Cz was going, then this could be a great chance to get to the bottom of those nightmares of hers.
"...Alright, but I want you and Cz center of the group. Even though you have telekinetic powers...and...Cz can bring up a Giant floating predator...drone...
...*Sigh* Never mind..." David said as he rubbed his brow before adding "Right...Shall we head out?..."

Shadow Operatives Building: Deadshot

Deadshot stared as Akane walked over, remembering their tango back in Los Santos.
"Huh...Didn't know Foxes liked Cities..." He joked as he got up from his seat and joined the investigation group.
"We should also totally check the bars. Bar-flys ALWAYS know what's going down. Also, I'd like to get my guns back if that's alright with the parole board..." he then asked, keen to get his Equipment back.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: David West/Jenny

...Man, the fucking 16 year old is both Godzilla AND a MP. Bet she pulled a few favors to get that rank... David thought, wondering if he would get more promotions and crazy ass super powers if he pretended to be under twenty.
"Alright, just give us a heads up if you go all "Naked Godzilla" While we're in there. There are only so many monster attacks I can live though..." He remarked afterwards, recalling his own track record with Giant Monsters.
As he did, he eyed her up, causing him to ask "So you have a weapon or you one of those "Tear my spine out with your pinky toe" types?..."


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Shadow Operatives Building: Strike Team
"Good ta see ya still around David." Jake said as he put his hand out to the sniper. He moved slightly away from the girl with her shotgun, at least she knew how to handle it, but the Doctor gave him a little of the creeps. Just a bad aura, one could say...

Shadow Operatives Building: Investigation Team
Akane perked up a little and gave Deadshot a better once over. "Oh! You are the one who I fought against at that train station. I guess you have changed your stripes like a leopard, is that not how the saying goes? It will be good to have such a slippery one such as you for an ally this time."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Strike Team: David

"...So yes basically?...Great, another Martial Artist..." David moaned, recalling the several times he was slapped around by the likes of Rugal and (This one time back in the Temple) by Slindis.
"Yeah...Last time I try to go for a Sane occupation..." David sighed in relation to Jake's response, recalling how HORRIBLY his attempts at coming a Traffic Cop went.
"You been trained in Mapping and Tracking? Could use a nice pathway back to the nearest portal when the shit hits the fan." He then asked, notibly saying "When" instead of If.
With their luck, he was expecting to run into something completely and utterly horrible and for him to get his asskicked.

Shadow Operatives Building: Investigation Team: Deadshot

Deadshot let out a chuckle at Akane's response.
"And fuck you too Lady. I'm extremely glad my backup is a Flaming Magical Flying Hooker with a Furry Fetish." He joked afterwards, knowing that there wasn't a chance in hell of them getting along so he didn't bother trying.
"Seriously though, so long as there's incentive, I honestly don't care what side I'm fighting on. Such is the joys of a hired gun."


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Shadow Operatives Building: Strike Team: Jake
"I got us covered there, Certificate II in Navigation and a rather personal interest in mapmaking. My online handle isn't Cartographer for no reason." Jake said in reply to David before looking over at Annie and giving her a once over. Military Police was a bit of a loaded word to the pilot, who was essentially a mercenary who didn't get paid.

"Military Police straight out of training eh? So you've seen real combat before joining the Dawn right? Even though you are introducing yourself for what seems like the first time, you at least sound sincere, so you're alright in my books. I mainly act as a Pilot aboard the Rising Dawn and occasionally her Captain when battle comes to the Airship. But don't worry, I'm skilled enough on the ground to get by so I won't drag the group down, in case you were worrying."

Shadow Operatives Building: Investigation Team: Akane
"Ahh, a sellsword, though I see your mouth is as foul as ever. Perhaps you are in need of a good night in bed, hmm? Though I sadly cannot help you there, it seems we are neither's type, and I very much doubt you could afford my price." She said in understanding, before joking right back at the snarking merc. Her voice very quickly changed from brooding back to it's usual happy and playful tone, the words dripping like honey from the comb.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Investigation Team: Deadshot

"...You don't think I have 2 dollars? Come on, Give me a little credit...No, seriously, I'll totally pay you back." Deadshot snarked right back, though Akane was right, without the money from the San Andreas gig, he really couldn't pay her 2 dollars!
Not like he'd tell her that though.
"Maybe it's for the best though. Would hate to catch a social disease..." He then remarked, figuring if Akane was trying to out-Insult him.
And we couldn't have that, now could we?


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Operatives Building: Let's split up, gang!
Somber Mood is Somber []

[color=0E59E4]"Gotcha, Mum. I'll do what I can... However, I might have just found an ace in the hole."[/color]

As the Party members began to divvy themselves to the varying sides, Teri felt the envelope in her pocket and read the note, her brow furrowing before pulling out the new ring (more like bracelet) for Garm that accompanied it.
[color=0E59E4]"Okay, this is just freaky. This totally has to be Tajuh's work or I'm gonna be hella creeped."
"He really seems to like helping you out, if it is him. Either way, purple note guy has been nothing short of nice. Kinda makes me suspicious."

"Hey Garm, come here..."
"There we are! Okay, now that you have this on, it'll be a bit easier blending in. Not to mention, for what I have planned, you pretending to not talk is somewhat imperative...."[/color]
[color=365D60]"This is how you communicate with the others so wordlessly?! This makes a lot more sense..."[/color]
Initially, it was a little awkward getting the ring on, but after a moment to test the newly acquired bracelet out, and the somewhat bewildered wolf found he could communicate with the party as the rest were wont to. That all being said and done, Teri and Garm made their way to the Investigation team, and walked in on some particularly awkward conversation between Akane and Deadshot,

Teri and Garm are on the Investigation Team
Cadolbolg gave Devon a friendly nuzzle on the cheek, and said cheerfully, "Come on! It could be fun exploring the city with you, me, Friend Ella and Friend Teri~!"

Cadolbolg is on the Investigation Team!
Garm was tempted to say something about himself being included, but a small admonishment over the rings from his pup, to which the wolf replied, [color=365D60]"I do hope you know what you're doing..."[/color]

Angelus and Caim, after giving Cadoloblg and Devon their regards, went over to the Shadow Clean-up side of things, Angelus murmering, "It'll be good to be back to normal again..."
As she did so, the dragon purposefully avoided Slindis, seeing as how well their last conversation went over.

Caim on the other hand, looked more cautious than anything else, a bit on the edgy side for what was to come,
"I'm a bit more worried about the Shadows... I saw what short work they can make of Devon's breastplate. I'll have to watch out for my own."
Ton Ton hopped on Slindis' shoulder next, and gave a gentle wave of his Lantern, [color=15650D]"I think it'd be good if I went too! I mean, I look like a lizard! I don't think that seen much around here... And perhaps you can enlighten me about those Torchbearers you mentioned, Ms Slindis. It sounds like you hold them to a high standard, especially if you count me as one."[/color]

Caim, Angelus and Ton Ton join the Shadow Cleanup Crew!
Town Investigation
Rugal Bernstein

Shadow Zone Cleanup
David West
Yu Narukami
The Wanderer
Ton Ton
Mitsuru and Fuuka looked to one another in confusion when varying members spoke about recent parts about their professions, pasts, etc, but accepted that as quirks of the Rising Dawn; and went about their original intentions. After the teams sorted themselves out, Mitsuru walked between the two groups, handing out small credit cards; and to Jake and Akane; an Evoker [],

[color=955555]"Those are Evokers, modified weapons we use to summon Personas. Before you ask, no, they do not shoot bullets and are unable to. And, to you (Akane), even if you're not going into the zone at the moment, you never know when one might show up. It is best to be prepared.

Now, the other thing I have handed to each of you is a debit card containing 20218 Yen (about 200 dollars). It will cover your train fees, food, and other needs while out exploring the city. I do ask, however, you do not attempt to purchase weaponry, or gamble the lot of it away. That all being said, let me get to your questions."[/color]

She looked first to Deadshot, [color=955555]"I am hesitant to give you back your weapons when you're entering a civilian area; especially considering that our crime rate is pretty low, save for the occasional Yakuza activity, which is also low in this region of Japan. However, I'll be a bit more lenient; and give you ONE last chance before I start requiring you to have direct supervision; and grant you your items. After all, with the Shadow Zones appearing like last night, even due to outside interference, the fact that they CAN appear is disturbing news... Do not waste this chance."[/color]

Fuuka was next to take a question, this time, from the Wanderer, [color=5F8B7F]"The Anti-Shadow Weapon, Codenamed Akontia... We've encountered another like her before, named Aigis. In fact, she's one of the operatives now! The one you're encountering wasn't even supposed to exist, according to what we knew about them. You see, long before Mitsuru took over the Kirijo group and created the Shadow Operatives, the Kirijo Group devised a series of Anti-Shadow androids. Initially, they were without personalities, and thus, lacked Personas. In attempts to get them to develop Personas properly... 'Experiments' were conducted. I don't know all of the details, but not all of the androids came out unscathed. We suspect it's rendered Akontia unstable. We were originally going to keep her here, and try to rehabilitate her into a more sane state of mind. However, with the Shadow zone being brought forth and Akontia reactivating; that is a bit harder than we anticipated."[/color]

Pressing a couple buttons on the wall, a projector came down and displayed an image [] (BAD SHOP INCOMING) of the robot in question, as well as the image of another machine, which looked akin to an oversized generator.

Mitsuru stepped in again, [color=955555]"If anything, we would like you to disable Akontia rather than completely destroy her. If she can be saved... that would be a step in the right direction, especially considering who had her before we did."[/color]

Angelus' interest was piqued at this point, "Explain. Why is that relevant?"

Mitsuru grimaced, but continued, [color=955555]"...We recovered her from a facility that was devoted to Nyarlatothep and his designs; as well as a piece of machinery that we think was used to generate the Shadow zone, which is that item next to Akontia.
Trust us, when you find a sect of cultists raving the name and cutting their own throats rather than telling us anything, that's pretty self indicative. We believe Akontia will have information as to why she was there if we can bring her mind to stability again. For now, she registers all as 'Shadows' and is hostile. At least, that's how she was when WE had to deal with her. As far as combating her, we found that lightning based attacks or magic worked the best. Fire, not so much."[/color]

Next was Rugal's question, and the Leader of the Shadow Operatives shook her head, then produced another image on the projector [color=955555]"Afraid not. As said before, any of those supporting Nyarlatothep have killed themselves. Otherwise, there is a salesman named Tanaka [] who has recently been apprehended with selling fraudulent goods. He has his nose on the black market, so that may be a lead as well. He can be found in the Paulownia Mall Police Station.
Finally, there is the Naganaki Shrine, which is where the most recent victim was recovered. You might be able to find some clues. Otherwise, I advise you search the Station Districts for any infected or signs of infected. Mister Bernstein, I believe you read extensively on those documents, so you can advise your group on what can be seen as signs of the virus. Fuuka, lead your group to the Shadow Zone. I'll take care of this group. Now where do you want to go?"[/color]

Music to listen to while planning! []

The following places are open to explore:

Naganaki Shrine
--Pretty self indicative, a Shinto/buddhist (never really state) shrine with a playground for small children.

Iwadatoi Station
-- A large hub of shops and resturants which include, but are not limited to: a book store, Wild Duck Burger and Octopia (a takoyaki stand)
You may find victims of the virus here

Port Island Station
-- Like Iwadatoi Station, Port Island holds various shopping areas, which include a Movie theater and a flower shop.
You may find victims of the virus here

Paulownia Mall
--Lots of Shopping huh? Actually, this place does have that, as well as a police station, an arcade, and a club! *untz untz* Yes, they do serve alcohol, and it also hosts Karaoke!
Tanaka, the Fraudulent Salesman can be found at the Police Station here

Please don't ask me bout the school. It was just on the map. ^^;

Additional information about these locales will be given upon arrival to them, including more images! We like those, right?

Fuuka was the last to speak, [color=5F8B7F]"Okay. Now, would those going to the Shadow Zone please follow me? You can continue your conversations as we move along."[/color]


After the party found themseleves in the strange, oversaturated, and yet dark area, Fuuka's voice appeared in the group's mind, [color=5F8B7F]"Good, you're in the zone. Now, be on the lookout for both Shadows and Akontia. Keep your Evokers close, and keep climbing up. I sense that at the top of this zone, the machine used to generate the Zone is there. I also sense Shadows incoming! Stay strong!"[/color]

True to her word, a group [] of varying [] Shadows began to close in on the party.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Shadow Operatives Building: Investigation Team: Deadshot/Akane
Akane smirked, this human was good. She laced her voice with condescension and adopted that slightly more high-born tone she tended to avoid using. Her accent gained a much more oriental sound as well, Japanese Eastern to be precise. "From the way you seem to beg for your weapons back, I would say you indeed do not have two of these dollars. I much prefer favours though little huntsman. And of course you will pay me back, you seem the sad sort of person to have no family left to chase generations later. We Kitsune can be quite faithful companions, though that of course would be rather annoying for you but fun for me..."

Location - Shadow Operations Building: Annie, Jake
Jake sighed at Annie's story. "We all have our history. Long as you don't betray us, and fight well, then I don't really care about the past. You are atoning for your sins and taking responsibility for your actions at least here in the AA. Not like I can lecture on that... Ahh, Angelus! Caim! Ton Ton! Good to see you all again."

[color=955555]"Those are Evokers, modified weapons we use to summon Personas. Before you ask, no, they do not shoot bullets and are unable to. And, to you (Akane), even if you're not going into the zone at the moment, you never know when one might show up. It is best to be prepared."[/color]

Jake took the Evoker and slipped it into a pouch on his webbing as he didn't have a spare holster for it. Though he wasn't thrilled about fighting shadows at least he didn't feel so off about being in the Shadow Zone.

Upon entering, it felt similar yet different to the Shadow Realm that Gabrielle and Kokoa used a long time ago that he spent a nightmare in. Seeing the approaching enemies he unslung his M4 rifle and took his shooting stance. "Do these things take bullets? Cos if they do, it's time to get their medicine!"


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Shadow Operatives Building: Devon, Ella

Devon was about to mention an area as the others split off before Ella cut her Bard off. " I think me and Devon might be heading to Paulownia Mall. That merchant might have some good ideas, after all. 'Also, Teri, it'll give us time to start our plan.' Is there anything else we should keep our eye out for?"

By now, Devon learned that she couldn't argue with Ella so she just sighed. [color=00c863]"Okay... Maybe we can keep an eye out for this guy there? How about it, Cadol?"[/color]

Shadow Zone: Slindis, Melethia

Slindis responded to Teri's message over the ring with a bit of approval. [color=c200]"You have one? Use it, but keep it under wraps for now. Playing your hand too soon might be a bad idea."[/color] Shortly after, she responded to Ton-Ton's inquiry into the Torchbearers.

[color=c200]"Ah, you're curious about the Torchbearers? It was a varied group, holding the finest people I've met before meeting with the Rising Dawn. They all came from various walks in life, but our lot was to help those that couldn't help themselves. I see that same passion in you, Ton-Ton; It doesn't matter what you are, the key thing is that unyielding drive to help others and uncover the truth possessed by yourself."[/color] There was almost a nostalgic longing in her voice; it didn't sound like what she had done was simple, but it was simple for Ton-Ton to tell that she had found her calling in this group.

She would have explained more, but the arrival in the zone led to the attacks by the Shadows and the start of combat. "You think they don't? If ya have problems, just use that evoker of yours!" After that, she slashed at her throat with the Evoker to summon Andras [].

"Cripple them!" Hearing the command, Andras cried out and threw a ball of a nasty looking sludge at a chunk of the Shadows. From the way the Shadows vomited, it seemed that they had swallowed a large chunk of the vile substance. It was not a pleasant day to be them...

Meanwhile, Slindis decided to keep more of a calmer focus. With Melethia there, she couldn't afford to rush in. After all, Melethia was with them. Even if her daughter was skilled, Slindis didn't want her to overextend herself.