The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, David, Akane, Imps

Akane let him leave the room before letting her grin turn feral. She began to giggle, then laugh openly. Letting the brief moment of happiness fade, she sighed. What a man, thinking that because he had power he could best her at her own game. With any luck he would merely pass out due to touching her tail so violently, not be consumed by a desire to touch fluffy tail. She picked up the bottle of sake and stepped out of the canteen, her feet taking her to the bridge on autopilot. Silently she took her place next to Jake, offering him the bottle as he gazed out the main window. He took it, a long swig before handing it back.

"One day, we'll find them won't we? And someone for you?" Akane said softly.
Jake didn't move, keeping his gaze dead ahead. "One day, yeah. I'll find them for you. For now, we fight shadows once more." He deliberately ignored mention of someone to love him. His mind was dwelling on the past and another being of fire.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Canteen: David ,Imps, Teri

Teri, who was previously unnoticed due to her helping with the Imps (as well as getting some more lessons in Infernal), had walked out with a plate containing some roasted beef and an assortment of vegetables to see the pseudo-courtship go down between Rugal and Akane. As all involved parties left, the Cleric put the tray down, her jaw still on the floor as she tried to process the whole scene,

[color=0E59e4]"What did I just see...? And hear for that matter... Sadei, I think that about tears it. Something's really weird about Dad, but I don't know what's causing it...
[small]Does this mean my parents are getting a divorce again?[/small]"

Toyotama stirred in the back of her mind, seeming to rouse as Teri began to eat (a measure to help with the "does not compute" nature of what just happened), [color=0E59E4]"[small][sub]...Yo...[/sub] I taste roast beef..[/small] Sweet! Morning, Kiddo, I'm back! Well, more like the food brought me back. Hey, you're awfully quiet. What's up? ...Kiddo?"[/color]

There was a moment of silence as the Shadow looked through the events Teri had processed while she was sleeping, and then promptly rose to her normal levels of vigor, [color=0E59E4]"BLOODY FUCKING HELL, what the shit happened while I was sleeping?! And what was that Dad said earlier? 'あなた は この 王 に はなします。'[footnote]SOMEBODY took some basic Japanese in college, remember? I took what diabs wrote for the dialogue and gave it more or less a close translation. Literally, it comes back as "You speak to this King." Given the context, I would have added でも (but/however) at the beginning, but it would have been redundant with the English "but" before the bit of Japanese. Really though, that is some super basic vocab to be knowing, so I gave her that one. More complicated/fluent Japanese in the future, not so much.[/footnote] Sadei, why didn't you kick this sad sack into shape and stop what was going on? WHAT THE FUCK?! Kid, gimme access to the rings. NOW. I need to have a talking to with Daddy Dearest."[/color]

Teri didn't think about the entirety of the ramifications that were to be had with allowing that request, seeing as she was quickly distracted by Ella calling her via the rings as well,

"Teri, are you busy tomorrow? When we get back from this last fight, I want to talk to you about something involving replacing Devon's wardrobe with one that DOESN'T encourage bullshit macho headlong charges."

Seeing as Teri had been able to repress her bad feelings for so long in face to face conversation with others, Ella didn't even notice that a thing was wrong when Teri sent her message back, [color=0E59E4]"Ella? What's up now? Calm down and tell me what happened from the start. Er, if you're near the Dawn, I'm in the Canteen? Also, have you seen Garm around? I haven't gotten hide or hair of him since I got back on the Dawn."[/color]

Rising Dawn Hallway: Rugal, Toyotama

Whatever the source of the headache could be, Rugal had realized it was only going to get worse when a voice entered his mind, [color=0E59E4]"Sup, Dad? So... Care to explain to me why you and Akane were essentially making the clothed beast with two backs in the Canteen? Especially after mentioning having a, and I quote: "Loving Family, Good Company, saving the world, what's not to be happy about? Heheheh..." Oh yeah, I saw, and I heard. What little bit of Japanese that stuck from college helped that along too, '王'.[footnote]"King"[/footnote] So, what are you trying to pull?! Mom's mad enough at you as is, and now you're gonna go cheat on her?! THE HELL?!"[/color]

It was odd. The voice that was speaking to Rugal sounded like Teri, talked like Teri, and yet, it wasn't. If words were to explain the tone of the voice properly, it would almost be like if the generally soft spoken Cleric had grown up to be a delinquent instead of, well, herself. Oh, perhaps this was the Shadow his daughter had mentioned before..? But, if she was able to speak with him over the rings, what did that mean for Rugal?

Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm: Slindis, Dimitri

Dimitri gave a small nod over a visual display, [color=3897E0]
"I see no reason for quarrel regarding that, User: Slindis. I shall assign your querys to "Confidential" status, with vocal access required on your part to gain use of your findings. What are the items you require in your search? I can either use my mobile appartus' connection to the User-based web, or the Dawn's archives to gain any sort of information that you seek."

Shadow Realm: Annie, Devon, Ella, Garm, Yu, Deadshot, Doctor, Cadolbolg,

[color=955555]"Good... Follow Deadshot, and he should lead you right to the exit route. If he gets too far ahead, let me know."[/color]

"Pheeeew. It's over..."

Cadolbolg slumped, landing on Devon's shoulder after the fight subsided. Rubbing his little head against Devon's cheek in a gesture of comfort, he added, "You okay? You look like you really got beat up out there. Not to mention it looked like you almost...."

The little turtle-dragon baby kinda hushed up at the thought; not really wanting to entertain the possibility that Devon was almost killed... Twice. Cadolbolg gripped Devon's shoulder a bit tightly, speaking again in a quieter, softer tone, "It looked really bad. Please don't let that happen again. I don't want you to get hurt like that..."

Garm had come by and gave Devon a lick on her hand, [color=365D60]"Agreed. Throwing yourself in front of every blow is not good for staying alive. I know there are many who'd mourn your loss if you passed away, Bard."[/color]

That being said, Garm took the lead (with whoever decided to join him) in the walk to the proper edges of reality...

Outside of the Shadow Realm Annie, Devon, Ella, Garm, Yu, Deadshot, Doctor, Cadolbolg, Mitsuru

After the party made their way outside of the Shadow Zone, Mitsuru gave a small nod of relief, [color=955555]"It's good to see you all in one piece again. The Operatives will bring you back to your ship, and, Mr. Narukami, to the Shadow Operatives Center; so you can rest up before the investigation."[/color]

She gave one look over to the whole party, and the particularly envenomed talk she wanted to have with Annie, the Doctor and Deadshot....Could wait. With a small sigh, she pointed to the three, [color=955555]"Do not think I've forgotten about what started this whole mess. I will speak to you three bright and early in the morning, so get plenty of bedrest. Dismissed. And to the rest of you (the Shadow Operatives), let's square off this area, and get it kept away from public eye. We need to make sure no more civilians find their way in."[/color]

And so, after some driving, the harried party finally found themselves back at the Rising Dawn.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn Hangar: Annie, Devon, Ella, Garm, Yu, Deadshot, Doctor, Cadolbolg,

"Mitsuru, thanks for giving us these cards. It'll help with tomorrow, especially since Devon here's in no condition to fight. Take care~" With that Ella left a somewhat confused Mitsuru as she went on the ship.

After Ella left, Devon did her best to reassure her younger brother of her being okay. After all, she was still kicking, right? [color=00c863]"It'll be okay, Cadol... sometimes people just get unlucky, okay? I'm still alive, and we got those guys out okay without anyone dying... We'll be okay. Maybe you can check on your brother or dad?"[/color] However, even Cadolbolg's young age didn't misguide him: Devon's fighting style wasn't okay. It was like Cadolbolg's brother...sister...sibling was fighting with the strength of a pact partner but none of the durability. And there was one nasty thought that wormed its way in: what if Devon was even more unlucky next time?

Finally, Devon got off of Garm inside the hangar and tried negotiating with the wolf. [color=00c863]"I had to, Garm. I wasn't going to let those fires scorch you, after all. Teri'd kill me... Anyways, Garm, go ahead and head to Teri. We both know she's got to be missing you, and I can walk just fine with Cadol by my side."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Canteen: David ,Imps, Teri

Flagrun (who wasn't too fond of the weak nickname) got the other five imps to whip up the foods to the specifics requested and handed them to David in easy-to-carry little totes. They didn't even smell that spicy - perfect for the younger kids. [small]"Make sure they eat all of the food; we heard about the poor conditions of the shifting divine weapon, and we'd like to avoid her dying or targetting us in any anger."[/small]

Meanwhile, Sadei had an oddly snarky response to Teri's question. [color=b05fe9]"It took you this long to find out? I mean, sure, I had to talk with Tama, but there's definitely something up with him! And what's a divorce?"[/color]

Once she left Mitsuru (Leaving with a rather odd statement, although it was true that this Devon was filled with far more guts than brains), Ella passed on a message to Teri after expositing the two shadow fights and the extremely reckless (and almost Caim-line) actions that had led to Devon nearly dying in each fight; "Garm was with us, and he's looking far better than Devon is. I just got back, so I'll run over to you. Devon's probably not going to charge off on any more attacks, so I think she should be safe for tonight. Just grab your food and take it with you if you're eating and meet up with me by my room. Please? I'll be needing your help for tomorrow."

After that, one of the imps went over to Annie and prodded her to see if she wanted something to eat or drink. It couldn't wait there all day, after all.

Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon

[color=00c863]"See, Cadol, I'm perfectly okay... just a little bit dizzy. Kind of happens after a long night of fighting...[/color] Devon was certainly pretty unsteady on her feet, and for good reason: she'd taken a really big beating that day. And yet she was still walking around the ship? The only person she was fooling was herself, although it looked more like a drunken staggering than anything else.

With all of the focus it took for her to walk steadily and talk to Cadolbolg, though, she forgot the most basic thing about walking: keeping an eye out for other things in the area. This time, the said thing happened to be the large mass of tails turning the corner and cutting her off. The natural reaction would have been to stop and let the other person through, but in this case the stopping only led for her to fall forward due to the dizziness and directly into the mass of heavenly tails.

[color=00c863]"Cadolbolg, I know why you spend so much time in our hair now..."[/color] When Akane felt the impact onto her tails, she was able to quickly see and hear the woman [] that had landed there. She certainly looked like she'd seen better days with all of the just barely healed up injuries, though. What had happened to her?

Rising Dawn: Training Room/Shadow Realm: Slindis, Dimitri

Slindis knew that Dimitri might be one of her only unbiased sources for this and decided to start by asking a simple question, [color=c200]"Rugal went into the combat with his shadow alone, correct? If I could get some kind of recording on what happened in there, that would be fairly insightful."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn Hallway: Rugal, Rugal?, Toyotama

Rugal was slightly annoyed as his hand started to feel numb from Akane's tails, but the Headache was getting worse, even before Toyotama got involved.
"[sub]This is payback for last week?...Isn't it?....[/sub]" He said out-loud as he stopped and looked at his reflection in the mirror.
"....Hey, you had your chance and you blew it. So don't be a sore loser and just let me be...well, Me." He then spoke, as if talking to someone even though it simply seemed like his reflection.
"...So?...You did't want me near Slindis and I figure she was still pissed over that "Fun" with Annie. So I looked elsewhere for a good time..." He added, only for his headache to get worse.
"[sub] that's what that feels like[/sub]...Listen, you might as well get used to it because I think I made it PRETTY clear who is in charge here....Well if you want another round, so fucking be it! And it'll end just the same!"

It was then that Toyotama managed to get though to him on the rings.
...Teri? Is th-
Shut it! Who the fuck are you?" How did you get in here?!....Ah...
His mind raced before he realized what was up.
Rather then explaining himself, he merely slipped off his Ring and put it in his pocket, cursing at how hard it was to get any "Fun" around here.
"Great...Another piece of micromanagement...As for you...
You are going to get out of my damn mind. You need to remember, Teri, Melethia. They don't have powers anymore. But me?...Well...You wouldn't want to get front row seat of that, would you?....
Good...Now you are thin fucking ice, my Pedigree Chum. And I will be under it when it breaks...Now Fuck off."

Rugal then resumed his walk to his room, still shaking his now numb hand to try and get some feeling back into it.

Rising Dawn Hallway/Med Bay: David, Imps, Jenny, Melethia, Cz, Constance

"Cheers. Just the one. Thanks man." David said to the Imps before he made his return to the Medical bay, Food in hand.
Less then a minute later, he was back in the room.
"J, Mel. Thou feast has arrived." He said as he handed Jenny a white takeout back, stopping only to grab his own bottle of soda, not feeling up for eating after drinking so much floor cleaner.
"Thank you. I'll feed it to her the second she wakes up." Jenny said as she handed Melethia her poffin before digging into her own.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Slindis, Dimitri

Unluckily for Slindis, Rugal's obsession with keep his "problem" quiet meant that for the 3 hours he was in the Shadow Realm fighting his Shadow, there was no trace of video or audio, save for him entering and leaving, followed with him more or less skipping down the halls gleefully.

Rising Dawn: Annie, Devon, Ella, Garm, Yu, Deadshot, Doctor, Cadolbolg,

Deadshot couldn't leave the building fast enough, but he paused for a second before he pulled out his Handgun and walked back towards the Shadow Operatives.
"Here, give this back to yer man...And tell him to get his balls checked. Might have pulled something out of place that time..." He said before handing Mitsuru the gun before walking off again.
Once he was back on the Dawn, he pondered where the hell to go.
$5 says they'll kick me back into the brig.
"Your on."
His other-side said as they mentally shook on it before he began looking for a room in the Crew Quarters that wasn't already taken.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Rising Dawn Hallway: Deadshot | Jake | Akane | Devon | Cadolbolg
"Ara ara, and just who might you be? Oh hello little Cadolbolg, who's this friend of yours?" Akane said as she bent down to help up the intruder. "Wait a moment, you smell different and familiar... Like you've been to Hell?"
"She doesn't look like a succubus... Wait a tick... She's an Author... Brimstone and Hellfire, and Imps in the Canteen? Devon, is that you? And why the fuck are you a chick?" Jake put two and two together, even as he swung the girl's arm over his shoulder and steadied her. "C'mon, lets get you to a room..."

Crew Quarters
Once he was back on the Dawn, he pondered where the hell to go.
$5 says they'll kick me back into the brig.
"Your on."
His other-side said as they mentally shook on it before he began looking for a room in the Crew Quarters that wasn't already taken.[/quote]

That was when Jake, Devon, Akane and Cadolbolg came round the corner, spying the man trying to break into a room. "Oi fer fucks sake just ask the AI to unlock the room. Vermillion, Blackhearte, Dmitri, unlock this bloke a room, and see if you can make Akane and my room have a bunk bed or two singles. Cheers!" Jake said as they continued on past.

Akane stopped for a second, then stalked past. "You seem familiar..." she said in passing, her voice low.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011

Rising Dawn Hangar: Annie, Devon, Ella, Garm, Yu, Deadshot, Doctor, Cadolbolg,

Garm's tail kept to a level height at Devon's suggestion, his head turning a few times to before deciding that what Devon said, in the end, was true. The had been worried about his Pup a good portion of the time he was gone, [color=356D60]"...Very well. However, I do suggest you go see one of the medics soooon. You look pretty roughed up."[/color]

And with that, the wolf followed after Ella, in hopes of getting a lead. As for Cadolbolg, he kept holding onto Devon, deep in thought about what Devon said. He didn't want anything bad happening to his adoptive older sibling....
"Maybe Father would know what to do in this situation...", Cadolbolg thought to himself-

Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Ton Ton

-right when himself and Devon crashed into Akane. However, Cadolbolg was far more familiar with the Kitsune, and flapped his little wings to get to eye level with the Kitsune. Giving a happy wave, Cadolbolg croaked out, "I remember you! You're Father and Mother's foxy friend. Hello~!"

And speaking of the devil, Ton Ton and Caim were making their way down the hallway, having wandered about and finding various things to amuse themselves with before the rest of the group got back. Ton Ton was the one to point out the commotion, [color=15650D]"Mister Caim? It looks like Cadolbolg and Devon are back! And is that Akane and Jake..?"[/color]

Caim broke into a smile, and made haste to catch up with Devon and the others,
"Careful, Devon. It's rude to trip on mystical fox women's tails.... Man, you look like you've been through the wringer. Trained yourself out in the simulators, haven't you?"
"Hello, Father!"
It was not too soon for Caim to be tackle-hugged by his turtle-dragony son, almost knocking Ton Ton from his perch in the process; and the recently arrived Jake and Akane could see that Caim's bond with his 'sons' was still well in place, especially in the way the warrior carried the two Cutie Bruisers on himself.

That all being said, it was readily apparent that the tone in the 'voice' of Devon's master was more than enough to acknowledge that some part of Caim's comment was in jest. In fact, Jake noticed there was something almost familial with how Caim acknowledged Devon; kinda like a big brother looking out for his younger sister... It was well off from how Jake remembered being acknowledged when he was under Caim's wing.

After greeting Devon, Caim gave an acknowledging nod to the fox women in question,
"It's good to see you back, Akane, Jake. When did you return?"
Ton Ton gave a similar nod, and wave his lantern happily at the Kitsune and her Author as he gave his greeting, [color=15650D]"Hullo!"[/color]

At Jake's request, however, Vermilion was the one to speak over the intercom: [color=FF5349]
"Access granted. As for your request for another room, there should be adequate furnishings for yourself and Akane further down the hall. Or, if you so desire to have separate rooms? Both can easily be taken care of..."

Rising Dawn Hallway: Rugal, Rugal?, Toyotama

"...Teri? Is th-"
"Shut it! Who the fuck are you? How did you get in here?!....Ah..."

Once Toyotama heard the both voices from inside the rings, she paused with wonder and muttered, [color=0E59E4]"Dad?"[/color] before the ring was removed; leaving the Shadow alone in the space between the rings. Of course, that's when she realized what had happened. Toyotama broke the connection to the rings, darted to a dark corner of Teri's mind and screamed [] (warning, loud Nightmare Fuel) in a mixture between fury and frustration, as she now realized that she knew what she had predicted to be true; and possibly lost the one chance to properly connect with what could have possibly been the Rugal herself and Teri knew so well....

Rising Dawn: Canteen: Imps, Teri

[color=0E59E4]"Okay, Ella, I'll be right there in a - OH DEAR GOD!"[/color]

Teri literally fell out of her seat when Toyotama's screams reached her proper cognitive functions, the pain of the oncoming noise in her mind rendering the Cleric's vision black after she fell. As the noise died away, and her vision returned, a throbbing headache came in the noises wake, Teri weakly reached to her Shadow, who only stated, [color=0E59E4]"Sorry bout the noise, but talk to me after you're done with Ella."[/color] before forcing Teri back to the Ring space. With a shaky sigh, the Cleric forced herself up and put her food into a 'to go' sort of tray, and sent back, [color=0E59e4]"Sorry bout that... Toyotama was acting up about something. I'll be there shortly."[/color]

As she walked, the Cleric could only rub her head with a groan and wonder quietly to herself as to why Toyotama acted up all of a sudden, as well as answer Sadei properly, [color=0E59E4]"Ow....As you asked, Sadei, I kinda got some hints, but I guess Tama was right. I wanted to believe things were A-Okay, even if they weren't... I just want Mom and Dad to get along again, you know? ...That kinda ties into the second one. A divorce is when two married people split up from one another. Think of it like what happened between me and Lucifer, except with a lot more legal work behind it... So, when I mentioned Mum and Dad and one of those... I lost my family once already. I don't want it to ever happen again."[/color]

Ella's Room Teri, Garm, Ella

Teri, even with the headache, finally made her way to Ella's room, and with a knock, found herself welcomed by both Ella, but Garm as well. The large black wolf gave a happy, [color=356D60]"Tear-ri!"[/color] before rubbing his fuzzy head against the Cleric's side, a gesture the Cleric had become well familiar with as a greeting. After settling down, (and Teri getting over the intial excitement of a talking wolf friend) Ella got into the nitty gritty of the ordeal, Garm throwing in his own two cents as well, [color=356D60]"Your friend looked as if Death had attempted to take her several times. Naturally, it's distressing for all..."[/color]

Teri blinked a the sudden influx about the whole ordeal with the robot and the Shadow fights, and took a bite from her meal as she tried to contemplate all this, [color=0E59E4]"So you fought a robot and two Shadows? Wow, no wonder you two look so pooped! Man, and I thought keeping Squishy from near death was bad enough..."[/color]

When Garm's ears perked at the comment, Teri continued, [color=0E59e4]"Constance had a Shadow fight herself. Me, Mum, Cz, Jenny and Dad had to fend her off. When I summoned Squishy to help, she almost boiled him alive. Naturally, myself and those with me put a stop to that. Sadei and several enchanted arrows were involved. That all being said, I understand why Ella's so upset. Nearly losing someone you care about does a number to your system, much less more than once."[/color]

The wolf's ears flattened, and Garm barked in addition, [color=356D60]"Not to mention she's being too reckless! Gelert and myself are built to deflect heavy blows like that; not her! Really, pushing me out of the way of the fires... I'm meant to be a guardian, she is meant to act as support. I do not know what has possessed her so, but in my old pack, reckless youth like that were usually the first to die."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Slindis, Dimitri

As there were no proper visual or audio files, Dimitri sighed, [color=3897E0]
"Apologies, User: Slindis. User: Mr. Bernstein specifically asked I did not take in any audio or visual data from the bout. The only thing I do have is what Thoth, my Persona, was able to gather during the battle. User: Mr. Bernstein and his Persona/Shadow are resistant to Physical based attacks, and weak to Light based attacks. I can give you a few other logs though, of events before this occurrence...?"

That was when Dimitri booted up the logs that followed after [] Annie's [] interrogation []....

"If her Ladyship's statements earlier to User: Mr. Bernstein are to be correct; when she spoke to him in the Med Bay regarding Shadows, then this would be the triggering event, I think...."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Annie

Seeing how it was most likely he was turned down by Akane, Rugal was busy trying to get the feeling back into his hand, running it under an ice cold tap as well as jabbing it with a toothpick.
No More Magic types. Never again... he promised himself as he got a visitor he never could have expected.
".. Rugal... this is Annie. We.. should talk since the Rising Dawn trusts me to walk freely."
...Hm...Here was me thinking this was going to be a boring night...
"...It's open. Come on in."
he said as he dried off his hand while Annie entered.
The Captain's Quarters were a great deal more "Regal" then others, no doubt he went out of his way to make it that way.
"...Well...You wanted to talk...Talk..." He coldly said, not really paying any heed to the one who killed S'zami.
After all, she was just the excuse he needed to take control.

Rising Dawn: Hallway: Deadshot, Jake, Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg

Deadshot sneered when Akane walked past, glaring at her as he remembered her as the Fox he tried to play Duck Hunt with.
"I'm betting it's the Face?..." He joked as he showed off his scars, remembering that he was wearing that David West mask when they last met.
Still, once the door was open, he left the group to their business as he threw off the top of his burnt Maroon Jumpsuit and laid down in bed, the first comfy bed he had been on in months.
ohhhhhhhh yeaahhhhh...Hey, if you do that thing where you kill me, care to do it while I'm sleeping?
"Nah, think we both need to be awake for that."
...You think or you know?....
"Get off my damn case, It's not like there's a handbook for this shit! Just shut up and get some sleep before they drag ya back to your cell."
Fine, Jeez!....Think they fixed our escape tunnel? You know? Though the Septic Tank?
...Freaking A.

The Assassin then yawned as he pulled up the quilt and got some Zs, hoping that Wanderer had FINALLY stopped harassing him in his sleep.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Annie

Rugal merely kept working on his hand while Annie went on about Redemption or something, He wasn't really playing attention.
"Gah, Blasted Kitsune, should make a coat of those damn Tails of yeah, Do as you wish...." He said somewhat absently as his priorities were clearly elsewhere.
"Just know this and this alone: If you ever wrong me again...Well...There are still 999 gallons left on board this ship, Hm?" he taunted, twisting the knife he was seemed to relish in what he did, a coy smile on his face.
"Now run along, I have other concerns bar entertainment..." he added, knowing just what button's to push to make his point clear.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location - Rising Dawn's Captain's Quarters: Rugal, Annie

Oh that's gonna cost her... Rugal thought as Annie grabbed him by the vest after he kicked him in the back, sure, it hurt, but he had worse.
"A lot of faces linger in my mind...You would have to do a lot better then that to make the leader-board." He explained as he gripped her wrist and slowly pulled it off his vest, overpowering her attempts to fight it in a restrained show of strength.
Once he was standing upright, he then added "Now then...The only reason you are still alive is because, as much as I hate to say it, I need these people to pursue my goals. And something about me ripping your tiny head from your puny body seems to upset them. However, Think of your situation, you entered my room under the pretense of offering an olive branch, only to strike me when my back is turned? How will you think they will see that?..."

Annie then realized he was right, if they fought now, Rugal would not only win but get off scot free by claiming she was the aggressor.
"Now then...I'm going to kindly ask you to leave before I smear you all over this room...And stay close to those..."Friends" of yours...This can be a dangerous city to be alone in, specially for a little girl like you...Good day, Annie Leonharte." He concluded before returning to his attempts to regain feeling in his hand, uncaring if she stuck him again.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Medical Bay: David, Melethia, Jenny, Constance, Siz

Melethia quickly took one of the poffins out of the bag and began eating it. It was a bit sweet for her tastes, but otherwise this had to be the most delicious piece of bread she'd ever eaten! The drink helped balance it out as well, making for a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

"David, Jenny, these are fantastic. Why didn't I hear about them before?" The grin on her face was so genuine, so calm... it was almost as if Melethia was a kid for once.

Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Ton Ton

[color=00c863]"I didn't exactly ask for this, Jake... You know, the phrase 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'? Not so true any more. Could we just leave it at that?"[/color] The author staggered as she shifted around uncomfortably, and Caim knew that the curse still had to be rather sensitive to his student. Or was it younger sibling? It was hard to tell nowadays with her.

Heck, the more they looked at Devon's heavily battered and scorched state, it became more amazing was that she was even awake. Of course, Caim had been through worse himself, but the biggest difference between Caim and Devon was that Pact. Had Devon forgotten this and tried taking the front lines? Caim could certainly ask Cadolbolg in a bit without too much difficulty.

Still, she knelt down to shakily pick up the Tonberry with one of her arms and turned to the others.[color=00c863]"I can handle rest a bit later... Just gotta tough this out, you know? I can stay up a bit later, although I do appreciate the help."[/color] Her eyes went back down to Akane's plush tails, and it seemed like she was entranced? No, comforted was the better word when it it came to how the Bard saw the tails. Nothing like Gabrielle's reactions when it came to the tails, but it was clear that Devon had been under a lot recently.

The oddest thing that Akane could feel around the bard was that she must have been under an extremely powerful curse. If this was from hell, then she must have royally pissed off someone with a massive amount of power down there.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Slindis, Dimitri

The skipping was certainly an oddity, but it and the other videos weren't the gamechangers needed to blow this case wide open. [color=c200]"It still doesn't explain the sudden mood shift, even if he did go in the fight alone. It is a bit more dramatic than what would be expected, and most certainly more foolish. If I'm going to get down to the core of this, I need cameras watching him at all times. More importantly, I need them kept under wraps.

Dimitri, is it possible to lock access to this surveillance unless a certain word is spoken? If so, I'd like to use the word 'Ferill' for that codeword."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Ella's Room: Ella, Garm, Teri

[color=b05fe9]"Okay... Now, how will we pass that on to Slindis? This is kind of important, after all... Tama, you okay? I know you're not in a good mood, but I'm here for you..."[/color] Sadei approached the corner of the mind that Tama was hiding in and tried to get close enough to comfort the damaged friend of herself and Teri.

Meanwhile, Ella seemed rather frazzled as she got down to the crux of the issue, "It's basically how Garm's called it out. The worst thing is that if Devon goes, I'm sure my mom will call in the deal and cut her off from heaven and force her to sign the contract. I know it's messed up, but it's how she rolls. Now, I need your help to get Devon out of that mindset of having to lead like she does because it will get her killed.

I mean, she says she won't get killed, but I know her. I know her durability, or lack thereof. ANd honestly? I can't really trust Caim or Angelus to help in the way that I need it. No, I need you. If you and your Shadow can listen, here's the plan to fix this in one fell swoop..."

After a good bit of expositing how she was planning on executing this plan, she turned back to the pair.

" the rubber duck is optional, although it would prove to make this a lot easier. Not as easily as the box of puppies, though, but we don't have the resources for either. It helps us that Ton-Ton's already taking that place. Do the stores sound right?" Ella's distress was genuine, and it said a lot that Ella went to the person that Caim claimed caused the whole mess to help her out.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Slindis, Dimitri

Dimitri gave another nod, and his eyes seemed to zone out [] for a moment as the AI processed the passcode and the new orders added to his programming, [color=3897E0]
".......Complete. Gambit imputed, and voice activated passcode in place. The video recordings will not be avaliable unless you speak the passcode, or further clearance is granted on your part. Surveillance of User: Mr. Bernstein is commencing now."

Rising Dawn: Ella's Room: Ella, Garm, Teri

Toyotama shifted lightly in the dark corner of Teri's mind, and turned to face Sadei. She was clad in the form that appeared when Teri called upon her, and she was working to fix the wounded trident from earlier. Giving a good glare with the helmet, Toyotama kept quiet for a moment before sighing, [color=0E59E4]"Munchkin... I might have known... Look, I'm not feeling too good after I found out what sort of shit just went down.... You saw what happened, right? Dad feeling up on the foxy chick and We got mad. So, Kiddo gave me access to the rings, and I surfed my way to Dad's and-"[/color]

The Shadow paused, it's shoulders shaking, hair wild as it angrily cried out, [color=0E59E4]"That rat bastard, Herucles; you know, Dad's Persona; He jacked Dad's body! Dad's stuck in there! And he sounded so- so confused! Like, he hadn't heard Our voice in years or some shit. I could tell it was the real thing too, by the way he addressed me! He couldn't tell me and Kiddo apart! And I just sat there like a slack jawed yokel while that bastard yanked the ring off. I tried talking to him a couple of times, but it won't go through!"[/color]

She punched the wall in the mind, causing a minor wince on Teri's part, and then slumped, her long ponytail trailing behind, when she finished with, [color=0E59E4]"I might have lost Dad forever to that monster. There's no way in hell That Guy's gonna let Dad talk to Us again."[/color]

Meanwhile, back in the Material Plane, Teri listened intently to Ella's plans, asking a few choice questions where they were needed, and added herself, [color=0E59E4]"I think I got the gist of it. Now, care to tell me why the sudden rush to do all this so fast? No offense Ella, but you seem kinda....Desperate? Like you're racing against a clock or something."[/color]

Garm chuckled faintly, and looked to Ella, [color=356D60]"And you were worried that she wouldn't go along with the plan at all."[/color]

As they discussed some more, Teri made a motion to Sadei, [color=0E59e4]"We could either talk to Mum face to face, or send her stuff over the rings. We got Dimitri on our side, so we can eliminate camera footage if necessary..."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn Hallway/Med Bay: David, Imps, Jenny, Melethia, Cz, Constance

Jenny couldn't help but crack a smile at Melethia's reaction, recalling a time when she recommended this exact Poffin to her.
"You did, just...I don't know how to say it but there is a poffin for everyone, you just need to try them until you find it. But I think you've found yours." She explained as she ran a hand though the Elf's green hair.
"Like finding a decent pint!" David half joked, though his delivery seemed halfheartedly as he took a swig of his soda.
"...errr...something like that..." Jenny murmured as her metaphor seemed broken now.
"...Right, I'll be in the range. Need to clear my head a little. Talk to ya." He said before making his way out of the Med Bay.

*Shakes Magic 8 Ball of Writers Block*


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Ton Ton
Akane returned Cadolbolg's wave and began to smile. Her friends of the crew were still here. Jake couldn't help but smile as well.
"It's nice to be back Caim, Authors and Gods are still at it if my watch tells me... You just kinda disappear into nothing, I can tell you it sucks just waking up as if nothing happened but so much time has passed. Oh hey Ton Ton!"

At Jake's request, however, Vermilion was the one to speak over the intercom: [color=FF5349]
"Access granted. As for your request for another room, there should be adequate furnishings for yourself and Akane further down the hall. Or, if you so desire to have separate rooms? Both can easily be taken care of..."
"Cheers Miss Vermillion, I'll come say G'day to ya up on the bridge later, we'll manage with our current room then thanks!" Jake replied, happy to have the powerful AI still around. As the little group passed on from Deadshot's new room, Akane met Deadshot's sneer with a huff and continued on. There would be time for retribution later, after she figured out why he was on the ship as a seeming ally.

[color=00c863]"I didn't exactly ask for this, Jake... You know, the phrase 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'? Not so true any more. Could we just leave it at that?"[/color] The author staggered as she shifted around uncomfortably, and Caim knew that the curse still had to be rather sensitive to his student. Or was it younger sibling? It was hard to tell nowadays with her. Still, Devon knelt down to shakily pick up the Tonberry with one of her arms and turned to the others.[color=00c863]"I can handle rest a bit later... Just gotta tough this out, you know? I can stay up a bit later, although I do appreciate the help."[/color] Her eyes went back down to Akane's plush tails, and it seemed like she was entranced? No, comforted was the better word when it it came to how the Bard saw the tails. Nothing like Gabrielle's reactions when it came to the tails, but it was clear that Devon had been under a lot recently.

The oddest thing that Akane could feel around the bard was that she must have been under an extremely powerful curse. If this was from hell, then she must have royally pissed off someone with a massive amount of power down there. "I'm sorry Devon, I should have asked Jack to look out for you down in Hell as soon as you returned the first time. But it seems what is done is done..." She said trailing off.

"Y'know what, I'm glad I'm back. I missed you lot. Except Rugal, he seems a little off recently. Someone needs to give us the notes on what the fuck we missed out on and who the crew currently are. I'm still on edge about fighting shadows again though..." Jake questioned Caim.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Rising Dawn​

The greatest of evils is the most moderate of souls. Whose will, and power, could haphazardly sway between two ideologies, but never commit to either. The very nature of darkness is obfuscation. The Heart of Darkness was a simple thing, a fragment of a creature so great that his existence could not be represented in such a simple reality. He transcended good and evil, and was disinterested in the petty squabbles of humans. But the emissary of that great unspeakable beast was much less inactive. The holder of the Black Heart moved every which and way, and at most times, all at once. A shadow. He turned his "head" and looked moodily into the he center of himself, for he was everywhere in the ship at once. Within the walls, the floors. Listening, watching. Always monitoring the living creatures under his jurisdiction. They were insignificant things compared to him, BlackHarte had decided. Even that proxy body he made, Sir Edward, seemed weaker than his true form. His body was now beyond county, innumerable individual units, each capable of sentient cognition, formed his deranged psyche. Always knowing, always thinking, always yearning, and most importantly, always being. A new familiar presence tickled him, a sad love story he remembered, of a fox girl and her knight in shining armor... torn apart by flagrant Gods. Of which one more now resided inside the ship spontaneously. Yes. He remembered. BlackHarte remembered. Even those units that had not been born then remembered.

BlackHarte laughed. He laughed genuinely, and every single particle in his immense form shook with genuine amusement. "They've returned," he said to himself. Watching their every possibility of existence. From video feeds provided by floating individual units in the air, to those units within them from inhalation, or drinking water and wine. He watched, he recorded, he processed. There was no privacy, he knew everything. How everyone looked, how everyone felt. What the contents in their stomach was, and how high their blood sugar was. He knew their body fat, their muscle mass, he knew how much breath they took and the allergens they reacted to. There was no privacy. He was always watching.

The little one however, the small creature that the crew knew as "BlackHarte" was still fast asleep in his terminal. His green eye closed and his small black body rippling with undulatory tumults. You could cal him cute if you really tried. And even he, this small part of the whole, had no idea the extend of BlackHarte's influence and power.

This creature of darkness had wrought even a Fundamental, Chaos Knight, and brought the proud warrior to his knees. This primordial evil had torn asunder countless 'masters' and assimilated their thoughts and knowledge. Carefully predicted and controlled their reactions, their movements, so that he could bridge the gap between worlds or create demented and broken humans. For what though? For fun. BlackHarte wanted to be amused more than anything, and playing with lesser creatures was his favorite past time.

"Jake, Akane... It's been a long time."

BlackHarte stirred his little body awake from its nap and sent him scooting along on the floor, confused and confuddled, looking for two vague memories in his head.

David | Melethia | Jenny | Constance | Siz

Cz stirred in her sleep. There was his face again. His indescribable face. A blackness within darkness, a void within void. The absolute absence of emotion, want, desire, coalesced into a paradoxical star of evil. It didn't want to be understood by human minds, so it wasn't, and its will was undefiable. Cz was crying uncontrollably inhin her dream as the foul creature laughed. At least it seemed to laugh. The noise it made was reminiscent of laughter, but perverted and distorted. Cacophony to human ears, occupying that small range between audible and inaudible. Like two mouths speaking at once, backwards and forwards at the same time. Like to tongues clicking against each other wetly and sloppily and cracking bones and screeching metal. It laughed and quivered in no way a reasonable creature should. It wrapped its body, cold hard soft and wet, onto Cz's skin and brushed past into her innards. Piercing her skin without so much as cutting it. It was inside her, churning her, hurting her, and it didn't do anything at all. It's mere existence hurt Cz's mind.

Siz woke up again gasping. Her little eyes wide open, her arms reaching out toward Jenny. She was screaming again, "Light! Light! Light! Please light!" Instead her little hand found itself a high-nutrient ration, and feeling a corporeal item in her hand, instead of that ethereal eldritch dark, brought her back into reality. Siz blinked, a few residual tears rolled down her feverish cheeks and onto the white sheets.

"Black..." she said slowly, looking at Jenny, "Black heart bad."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn Hallway/Med Bay: David, Imps, Jenny, Melethia, Cz, Constance

Jenny was once again on call to ease Siz back into the realm of the living, embracing her just as Siz saw the small lighting rig Melethia had set up around her cot.
"It's okay...You safe. You never left this bed." She explained, thinking that this was a case of her being afraid of the dark.
She kept a mental note of her talking about Blackharte and swore to ask about it, but her priority now was just calming her down and sorting out her malnutrition.
"It's alright. All that's going to happen is we are going to have something to eat to get your strength up, out here in the light, and then I'll do what I can to make this all better for you."
Slindis was right: Jenny was the Team Mom.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Med Bay | Rising Dawn
David | Melethia | Jenny | Constance | Siz

Sizz stared at Jenny and breathed softly. She tried to calm herself own, compelled to obey the first thing that spoke to her. How weak the human mind is. Cz thought bitterly. She took the ration in her hands and bit down onto it. And suddenly she balked. The flavor was unimaginably intense. And not in a good way. It had a burning bitter saltiness to it with only hints of sweetness. It overwhelmed Siz's virgin tongue and almost immediately the young Peacemaker model spit it out and hurled the ration bar across the room.

"Tase baad! Not good!" she said simply, seemingly forgotten of the terror that had been stalking her just moments ago.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Med Bay: Jenny, Melethia, Cz, Constance

"...Hmmmm..." Jenny thought as she didn't bother trying to force her to eat that ration, seeing how clear Siz disliked it.
Still, the fact that it made her forget about her utter terror was a small blessing.
She then went for Plan B., breaking off a piece of her own Sweet Poffin and handing it to her.
"Perhaps this might be better?..." She asked as she watched Cz's reaction to it.
Deciding to push on the Nightmare issue, she then asked as innocently and non-threateningly as possible "...So are you having bad dreams?...Is there anything you would like to like to tell me?...About the Dark?..."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Yu Narukami, Wanderer/Shawn, Mitsuru, Shadow Operatives, Deadshot, Devon, Ella, Cadolbolg, Garm and Annie.
Location: Shadow Realm, Operation Theatar.
As Annie walked away the Doctor weakly lifted his arm. "No ... I'm perfectly fine, it's not like I just killed myself in a totally different way then you would expect ... plus taking all those weapons head on ... yup ... just sitting here in a file of my blood." The Doctor said as he was not able to fall asleep due to all the pain within him. "(So ... can I have his arm as a souvenir of this experience?)" The familiar voice he killed popped inside his head again. "No ... we are not going to take his arm ... YET!" The Wanderer screamed into the surrounding area even if he was speaking to his mental dark half.

"I ... need to work on this." He kept muttering to himself as he stuck the 49th Stimpak inside his body. "(Hey, I think the holes are starting to close up!)" The dark voice said with glee, "Please ... give me some rest, this isn't Deadpool." He muttered as he looked toward Yu who was ignoring everything the Doctor was saying, he was mostly reflecting upon the battles and experience they had gone through in this place.

A while later after following Deadshot

After coming back to the main opening, the Wanderer could see the organizer of the rescue. After she had told what would go on down and order the three that had 'caused' this mess in the first place, the first thing the Wanderer did was take a military like stance and give a full salute. "Yes, ma'am." He said as he turned around to start walking back to the ship while showing obvious signs of pain, even Mitsuru could see the many holes in his armor and head ... especially with that missing/growing eye in his right socket.

Yu gave a small wave to everyone, giving a small nod to Mitsuru he was taken back to the Shadow Operative Center where he would sleep until he was needed, tonight was a very tiring night.

Home, sweet home.

Getting back to the hanger of the Rising Dawn, the Wanderer smiled as he saw his home with his one single eye.
"Yes, home ... sweet ass home. I can't wait until I can get back to my crap shack-" The Wanderer was talking but suddenly all of his vision was gone, he was blind. "Wait ... why is this happening! Did you do anything!?" The Wanderer whispered to the Shadow lurking in his mind. "(Nuh uh bro ... I'm guessing it was from those bullets I shot into you. Yeah sorry about that.)" he Shadow quickly responded, this made the Doctor pond.

"Nah, it ain't no problem ... but ... ah ... eureka!" The Doctor yelled as he stumbled through the hanger, tripping over multiple things. One even included Puce's fucking air thingy, it probably broke too. "Damn lead poisoning ... " He muttered as he got up and began to walk, having a quick idea he pulled out a dress cane and began to use it as a walking stick. In the corner of the hanger in the workshop was Storm and Alpha working on rebuilding the Spartan armor that was smashed due to Annie, yet they were worried and began to stare at the Wanderer who was wobbling across the hanger with a dress cane. Before he went through the door the Wanderer looked back. "Stop looking at me, I'm blind damn it!" He said before walking.

The one thing that the Wanderer did not know, is that he was walking to the Captain's cabin. Oh wasn't this going to be fun.

Outside the Captain's Quarters: Annie, Wanderer.

Walking along like the blind man he is, the Wanderer decided to rip some of his clothing off to make a blindfold ... to look cooler of course, but this did not work since his eyes bled through and made it pure crimson instead. It had seem that the meds he took were not working as fast as anticipated. "All due to physical and mental stress ... great." He muttered to himself but all of a sudden he took in a large sniff of the air. "Hmm, the noticeable smell of fear ... anger ... and ... a protein shake mixed with alcohol ... the fuck?" He quietly said to himself as he passed by Annie, not noticing her at all.

"Well ... the best cure for fear is to beat the crap out of ... something. I dunno ..." The Wanderer regretted not running back to his place before this happened. Then he came to the door to the Captain's cabin. Feeling the door up he could tell of it's quality. The Wanderer knocked it three times with his cane, little did he know that Rugal was RIGHT behind it. In fact it was the first time the two would meet officially.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Medical Bay: David, Melethia, Jenny, Constance, Siz

"Yeah, try one. I think you'll like it, Siz, and it'll help get your mind off this thing messin' with you. Want me to break off some of it?" Again, David could see some hint of Melethia being a normal kid, and that was hard to see when she wasn't making something just to kill.

Rising Dawn Hallway: Akane, Devon, Cadolbolg, Caim, Ton Ton

[color=00c863]"I understand you, Akane, but that's happened already... I've already had enough of those infernal affairs for a few lifetimes..."[/color] The Bard was being very honest with her statement, and if anything else there was a deep fatigue in her voice. Maybe it was from the fights earlier?

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Slindis, Dimitri

[color=c200]"One last thing: Delete the recording of this message so it's not possible to gain the password through a recording. After all, if I can use this, there's no reason why someone else would be recording this as well."[/color] Cautious as always, Slindis had made sure to cover her tracks here. She thought of passing it on to Teri, but she didn't want to do this until the time was right.

Rising Dawn: Ella's Room: Ella, Garm, Teri

[color=b05fe9]"Who says he'll have to let us contact him? We can use the fact that he doesn't have the rings on to our advantage. We could pass word on, let the others know so that we can move unnoticed when the time comes."[/color] It may sound a bit optimistic, but Sadei was definitely thinking of ideas to help resolve this situation. It wouldn't necessarily mean that they would work, but it was better than doing nothing.

Ella continued to be very straightforward with Teri as she stroked Garm's fur. "Teri, you didn't see those combats. In both of them, she nearly died, and the way she's acting makes it way too clear that she intends to keep acting like that. How many more times will she be lucky? I don't want to have to find that out.I'm glad I can trust you with this, though; we both know that Devon really won't like what'll be happening with this, but it needs to be done."